organintiom in the area are off to a flying start with fund. raising events. The monthly euehred held by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fairbank Legion, Branch 75, will be starting next week. The date is Thursday. September 20, at 8 pan. sharp at the Legion Hail, Ramsden Rodd, just west of Dufferin Street. The prizes will be cash. Training sessions for volunteers will start this month and those interested should contact Mrs. Trelaven at the Mental Health York Council. 487- 31; ’ envy-5r. '. _ +++ _ Our dee st s m th to Mrs. Joy‘s: 0315;} Sand family on the death of their beloved husband and father. Ronald, on Tuesday, August 28, at Toronto Western Hospital. Funeral service was held at St. Hihia's Anglican Church, Friday, August 31, with interment in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery. +++ Saturday, November IO, is the date set for the annual fall bazaar at St. Hilda's Anglican Church, Dufferin Street at Vaughan Road. We do hope you will mark your calendars and plan to attend. The bazaar is a parish effort and anyone wishing to help by donating their time or talent, please call the church office at 787- 7911. The secretary is at the office in the afternoons. +++ Our deepest sympathy is extended to James Davies and children, of Dynevor Road, on the loss of their beloved wife and mother, Doris Mary. Mrs. Davies was killed in an auto ac- cident while on vacation in Quebec City on Saturday, September I. The York Mental Health Council requires volunteers to staff a new day centre for people suffering from psychiatric disorder. Volunteers for the centre, located at 1651 Keele Street, in the York Multi-Service Centre. will socialize with clients, providing an in- formal atmosphere. The day centre will also offer craft programs. The Mental Health York Council and Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital have teamed to create the centre. According to Gladys Trelaven, co-ordinator of the project. clients will be referred from Lakeshore and the Borough of York. Funeral services were held at Brown Brothers Funeral Chapel on Wed- nesday September 5. followed by cremation. The thoughts and prayers of all your friends and neigbors are with you during this most trying time. +++ Our deepest sympathy alsc to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke, formerly of Dufferin Street, on the loss of their loved daughter Vickie Sim. Mrs. Sim was killed in ar auto accident on Sunday. September 2 at Collingwood. Ontario. She leaves her parents, sister Shirley and two brothers, Kenneth and Help needed Funeral service was held at Flynn’s ‘Funeral Home. Weston Road, Thursday. September 6 with interment at Sanctuary Park Cemetery. +++ Greetings and best wishes to Mr. George Mitchell, of Gloucester Grove, who is now at St. John's Con- valescent Hospital. Willowdale. We are so pleased to hear you are coming along so well. Keep up the good work and you will be home before you know it. We are happy for you both and wish you every hair piness. I don't know how the girls in Fairbank ever let you get away, Mike, but Sharon is a charming young lady and we know she will make you a good wife. +++ _ Our deepest sympathy to Leslie R. Davis and sons Jeffrey and Gary on the loss of their beloved wife and mother, Jessie on Wed- nesday, August 29. Les and Jessie and the boys lived on Greenbrook Drive for many years before moving to the west toast to Victoria, B.C., and had just recently returned to Toronto. +++ One of our best known and popular young gentlemen in the area has become engaged to be married. Our congratulations and best wishes to Mike Bunker, of Rochdale Road. and his fiancee Sharon Cranstoun, of Scarborough. Both Les and Jessie were active workers with Nor- thwestern General Hospital. Les on the board of director's for many years and Jessie with the ladies' auxiliary. It was through Jessie's leadership that the library cart service was started. A private family service was held from the Willowdale chapel of Jerrett's Funeral Home Friday, August 31. +++ Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Bessey Ward and family on the loss of their beloved husband and father, Thomas W. Mr. Ward was a veteran of W.W. 2 R.C.C.S. first corps. Second D.R. and a member of the Swansea Royal Canadian Legion. lilll0EliEEIl Children 0 . learn what ""A‘ MINI - tkool. they live. " " A cums PLACE . A rroalwr dar turn Munro 5m- Making g... Into - 224-5341 New Evening Child Care Program Ages 2-5 years ruth rusaeii/ 653-7439 A rreatlvo dav care centre for babies, ladd- lers. preschool and kindergarten children We serve Inlants and children from four weeks to sux years old In a twelve month all day program as Sheppard Fi (ttt Bayview" 2224573 tt Tuxedo (our! tMarkham at "it . “I â€Mun-m Roll tat Ellesmere) {ll-3|] 555 Brimorlol m Mun-III! . 48-17]! ms Jane Street In Lawrence) 203-.†MO [)1on Road Mt lull-nu) . 20-70! m Diu- Read lat “put†. 846aNI . Ill-It ture Branch 46. He passed away suddenly on Wednesday. September 5. The .Warti's lived for many years on Redhill Avenue and had recently moved Into an apartment in Weston. Mrs. Ward askediflwould saya most sincerethankyou to their many friends and neighbors for all the kind. ness shown to them during their recent loss. The family is most grateful to everyone and wish to say a special word of thanks to the members of the Swansea Legion and to Ward's Funeral Director's in Weston. .+++ There are a great many bazaars and things being planned in the area at this time of year by the churches and organizations. It would, be of great help if you would kindly call me at the above number in order that we might announce the events for you. This column is a service provided for .the residents of Fairbank, so please keep me informed. +++ Someone was saying the other day about how old some of the men are beginning to look in the area. Keep up a good front Boys. for you know what they say: It's a shame when a woman reaches the age that men consider her charmless and it is a worse shame when a man reaches the age where women consider him' har- mless. +++ Greetings and best wishes to Augusto Zomparelli. of 16 Miranda Avenue. Augusto underwent orthopedic surgery in the Sick Children's Hospital last week to correct a spinal deficiency. He will be in a cast for some weeks, but the family are hoping that he will be allowed to go home. a Factory to customer . Custom quality paints I Wholesale prices 0 Choice of 1.500 colours a Money-back guarantee o Drive-m sen/Ice Open Satuvaay AM. 3775 Dundas Wes! Ast. .20 yrs. 7675182 By popular request. the Italian language Training for Adults mm is being offered again by Humber offered again by Humber Italian Community. some knowledge ot the College. This course is of ProgramA, Basic Italian 1anguage,tqtealradittieet,or particular benefit and in- Instruction, isaimedatthoae haveeompiehdPttrtAotthe terest to staff in agencies. who have no background. program. _ sgtr9r9r9r9r9r9r9r9r9r9r9r9rntr9rir9r9r9r9rntrotr twswswswsaoooooorwswswi) Centre teaches Italian edicational institutions when base oiteration is in an Italian Community. Program A, Basic Italian Instruction, is aimed at then who have no background. orarnietioey mul- _and The man. name-y. mm: ., 1hF4t'trt o Itatiin Instruction. ts suitable for than who have