And this has never beea more apparent than at last Monday‘s council chambers where the mood of the crowd dictated not only the removal of an apartment complex from the Boreagzh of York‘s efficial plan but perhaps the future of mayoers. contrellers and aldermen as well. They‘re no longer needed. They don‘t make Page 6â€"The Times, Ttrurwies. Sept 2. EC television equipped with feed back equipment to 2 ceantral cellection point. Thea when an isee is at stake the debaters pro and con tell the people by means of the tube the advantages or disadvantages of the proposal. In this way we could eliminate the forever salaries of elected officialk and most of the high expense of sovernments. We would also have the will of the people carried to the nth degree. themseives decide the imsue through 2 yea or nay selector switch on the TV that feeds back to the callection point fer a tabulation of the voie. It would then be up to federal. provincial or municipal autborities and department bheads to carry out the will of the people by setting up the ma--'-g-â€"llbebhckdul‘ï¬ktie dehate carried an and would remain off the ar untid the vate was Casl. Those noi c2sting vole an an m<pe could be penslized by no havies regelar programmms reâ€"ame on their <ets unii <ech time as <As they caxs a vaie aor (B: presenied 2 soml cnough re2<on for nesiectinmg to do <a. The equipment caould be set up so that 2 voie ruald Rkeve to be c2s fw each and every peratoas unind all vwies were c2ast or the vaibd res<or â€" Rke 2 confixt of mmteret â€" in accepted. Thes ue‘d have the tree wall «i the people 2nd naxi the wonis of <cattered croop YXark commcd may have appezsed the Warrea Park Rateparers utA Mongd:rws meomppental But the lopâ€"2ded ta1 lhmed of Woesionn‘s apaertâ€" ment uid come baeck to bauant «ie swekers m next Yyear‘s muxkagei eletmoas Published ot 1705 Weston Rood Weston each Tharsday by Principel Publshing. a drvsison of Buriingron Prinimng Co {i¢ biupbpished 1890 Incorporoimnng the Westpm County of York Huuii. the Times aond Guide. Tolephone 14¢1â€"5711 Neqr in Adagrce in Comats Otfe: Goorrimes $# DD Future s_hock How to deo 2away with these figure heads* It‘s simple. Into each and every bhousehoid goes a cable fed Aveme. ext?: hes» s tbene maie T c egete tï¬ Re bumlldine wul ie compnee is ZEeser tuboess apreemect brecwees fe TTC and Tt ow ir Ir pomn o steâ€"ir tarauyr zim a Fei & rears age Mart Dems Te Gant Roat Cmm tew almny complierte soure fte »r t ate w fie nc Creek Cl &e uts are aill imat and fie Wecedenr wrt = rearuy 2 tomst Cutecur Teshr 2s now compier< fre Irs Ares i fte new Mowct Denms Pubilr tm a Sz treâ€"ue On acomt @& ie busmessmer hef pme in Niaager wifkt fo Wounr Â¥Wesint Pubre denertment is preparing a roport on Doms Besresner‘s is Eysnt rate cumgiiums at the intersection of Denison Road ‘ O vears apr ang Jeme Steet pabce chief Art Wobster told the V 1 toottilion. President and Publ Bil Buie, orapgig toroe ai watims ace uwthn the bhoseboid They buy vates. Secont Cam t Regeranqr umt ~S6E s Stpme Doinesm; $5.00 tw Yor QAuie: Do High and dry Weston won‘t let bugs bite noitnt Doimeres $° DD *o: f f"‘“" v \,M. # f _/:&\\ /\K-\,\ ‘ x 4 0 “1@/{ (}\ > '! * Eg‘,/‘ mt ‘@A tx@ ' f>= N Y £ “{)@ N * 7A NT 5 * Bs ~RABR+#* a y P A 0 B_*"*â€" ';}C\T‘:)f.\’, ’\‘, 4 4 XLZ m CR 7 At) \\/Bï¬? *3 t §b . â€" ï¬ m /r}Q ~ % \ l , l .'.-77 {Vï¬_ Pavsit ) / ( » Q MA& | O o /_ *T C 3iz ~â€" nsm >} 2 | Te 522 @ ~/_ (® eA '/-"V:‘-â€"'}“g,_ _ 1 . ‘ / h 4 i P . I r z> _ a o Guess who was spending bolidays with her? A friend & hers Pzat Potter. who was interested in writing. I ted e bel chetting with them and came away happy aems setsoed. and as mech in love with life as a squirrel whose acgrt ured stomech had just been filled with I had no desire to go beck to the city to live â€" I love Cegrgiar Rey. especialiy on a wild. windy day when Tae weves are wirte ftopped. blue. green things that tes: endiessiy azr the shore and the clouds are white Ba: I mss me uns w my country living: the sommuuim aof wriker < meetinges. the fellowship of others whase urge to etite Linds them together in a satisfying Thedet dragged and the longing. unspoken, yet very real draggec alomg with it Then I heard of a friend whp had carne i the beech for holidays â€" a radiant, vie Ctrmuan Alter supper I felt very definitely that I shouwuld rit hber and take hber a jar of jam and some mupac wil be commdered by Mount Dennis property ment has agreed to also make a report on the in memet & & resol® «t arformaton submitted at this tersection and traffic situation At a regular meeting of woeek‘s meetme »mlegim that the TTC in the the safety committee of Maffat‘s Limited whase plant apreemerft assyred temportaton for Roselands and is located on Dennisan Road at Jane Street. the 53 t Â¥ark. as wel as Mowunt Dennis and Weston. T. members voted to ask Narth York and Westan to put Crowapt told the meeting be bad a copy of the original traffic officers at the intersection or else put lights requrt on winct the people voted. The T.T.C. he said. thore f haf mt wet served two of the districts for which tanspmmr souot was io be provided and he believed that 10 years m' . I lt the a tus purt the agreement could be invalidated The high and dry pasition of Weston won . hugs bite, according to Frank Lowthiar, building ® years ago inspector of the town. He tald council by letter last Wesint Pubre demertment is preparing a roport on Wodnesday that there is no catse for alarm with tra‘x cum@irims a Te intersection of Denison Road reégards to teormites in the Town of Weston. He agreed ang Jeme Stest paboe ctaef Art Wobstoer told the with a hylaw of the City of Taranta outlining steps Tames amo Gande tas week He stated that North Vork which oan be takeon to reduce the scourge of termites in areemstuip amd Y ark onunty also share the responsibility the area, but sard he had never rua into a termite i# fre mfiersertior and the North Vork police depart probletn in sleven yrears as inspectar. anf Jdeme Stest paboe ctaef Art Wobstor told the Tames amo Gande ts week Ne stated that North York fromstip and t ark comunty also share the responstbility i# *re rfiersertiur and the North Vork police depart It was a clowcy dey and I could not suppress the wowberrouey riey call ir CRUDE 04 Everlasting love delicious, tender, spring maple curlings. Was it a coincidence thatpl should have had that longing for fellowship with others of similar interests fulfilles? I think not Our God is an intimate God who knows every longing and need or our hearts. I have no difficulty in believing Him to be such: it is just plain logic. How could a Person who loves each individual enough to endure what He endured on Calvary on their behalf be any thing else but concerned with that individual‘s minutest detail of living® A beautiful picture of God‘s loving cancern is shown in His reaction to King David‘s sin when be unlawfully took Bath â€" sheba to wife. God said to David: "And I gave thee thy master‘s house and thy master‘s wives into thy basom. and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah: and if that had been too little I would have given thee such and such." 11 Samuel 12:8. What is our problem, our need? Let us not think that our way is hid from the Lord but let us have that childlike faith that believes in His loving cancern for us for He has loved us with an everlasting love. ment has agreed to also make a report on the in tersection and traffic situation At a regular meeting of the safety committee of Moffat‘s Limited whase plant c an he 53 is located on Dennison Road at Jane Street. the members voted to ask Narth York and Weston to I;‘“B‘ traffic officers at the intersection or else put lig theore ;