_~On Wednesday, work was started on the Dufferin street sewer The cost of the laying of a twelveâ€"inch sewer on this street is being borne by the town, thefEagle estate and Mr. D. Rowntree jointly. MKethodist Church Epworth Leagu: will meet on Tuesday eveniag,, at 8 o‘clock, the special feature being. an address by Mr. Alfred Briggs, of Toronto, on ‘Systematic Giviug." The Weston Choral Society has been launched successfully. The attendance at the Thursday evening recitals are growing, now that music lovers are beâ€" ginning toappreciate the fact that we have in our midst a popular musical organisation,. A horse belonging to Mr Garnet Myslop, dropped on Mainâ€"street on Tue:day, and being unable to g et up i\ti had ta Jeâ€"sir¢d.â€" ,“%Aï¬\thp is very unlucky with his horses ; I The Presbyterians will ho!ld a jubilee next week to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the congregation here. Spocial services will be hold on Sundays Nov. 15th and 22nd. Mrs. Jaques, of Weston, spent Thankegiving at Dowrsview, with her daughter, Mrs. F. Scott. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Fo:syth, of Guelph, retui ned home after spending the holiday with their daughter, Mrs Allan G. Peirson, Church street. |_ A sale of work under the auspices of the St. John‘s Church W A., will be held on Wednesday evening, Decem ber 16th, i1 the Sundayâ€"school house Mr. ana Mrs. Owens, of Georgetown visited at Mr. D. Rowntree‘s, Jr., during Thanksgiving holidays. For Infants and Childrsn, The Kind You Have Alweys Bought Bears the en mstames" Signatrre of M’Z% ;W ‘Q‘d’\h&_m and Tamily, Oof Toronto, spent Monday at Mr. D. Rowntree‘s, Jr. Plumbers are at work in the Eagle House installing an upâ€"toâ€"date saniâ€" tary equipment. ~â€"Miss . Barker, was visiting friends in Brantford, on Thanksgiving. â€" _ Miss Fay Cruickshank gave a party to her friends on Wednesday evening. #esesesscecee2e00t00e000220200e04 Mr. W. Shiells, spent the holiday in Brantford. + #esecsceseccecee0e0e800e 00 / P wEsTON CAST ORIA Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price, $1.00 per year THE TIMES AND CQUIDE ~rafton, a visitor from the 'isiï¬hg ~riends in Weston, Weston, Ont., Friday Nov. 13th, 1908 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO 3 and family, Mrs. Nancy Orr, mother of Mr James Orr, of the 6th Con. ~nt+Fork. died at her son‘s residemes on Saturâ€" day morning, _th (th inst, at the tipe apy Of 87 years. She was born at Carncastle, Co. Antrim, Ireland, and lived there until about seventeen years ago, when she moved to this country and took up her residence with Mr. James Orr, her eldest son. Her husband died in Ireland twentyâ€" nine years ago. She had eleven children, James, John, Thamas and Rachael, all of whom live in Canada. and Mrs P bles and Mrs Boston of Belfast, Treland. The others died in Iroland. Mrs. O r was a memâ€" ber of the Presbyterian Chuâ€"ch at Carneastle Ireland, and was a most amiable and patient woman. _ It was a delight to meet her even though ber affliction of deafness made it difficult to converse with herâ€" Sho §njoyed good health up till a couple Of years ago, when her great age t;nade her very feeble and she slowly declined in strength until a slight stroke brought her life to a close a dition t> these speakers, Miss L. Campbell of Brampton, will read a paper on ‘‘The Ideal Home *‘ At the evening meeting, which will be joined in by the Women‘s Institute, a capi tal mus:cal programmé wi‘l be given. Fhe me nbers of the Weston Women‘s Institute will als> provide a supper. which will be served at the close of the afternoon m«e in# The West York Farmers‘ Institute will meet in Weston, on Saturday the 28th inst. T4 the afternoon the speakers will be Dr. fA. G.â€" Reed, Georgetcwn, Mr Calnan, Allisonville, and others; in the evening, in adâ€" On Friday last, the death occurred of Miss Amanda J. Griffith, afer a lengthy illness. The deceased was in her sixtyâ€"seventh year at the time of her death. Sne was the only surviving daughter of the 1ate Joseph Griffith, and leaves four brothers to mourn her loss, Abraham John, James, Joseph and William. _ She was a constant atâ€" tendant at St. Philip‘s Church, Etobiâ€" coke, and her funeral took place on Monday afternoon, at that church There was a large gathering. of ‘r ends and rel tives of the deceased. The service was condncted by the Revy Beverley Smith. _ The congregation that attended the Dedication services at the Baptist Church, on Sunday, taxed thke capacity of the new building to the utmost. The splendid programme of special sermons and â€"music thatâ€" had been arranged was carried through without a hitch.. The members of the Baptist Church in Weston have a building of their own, in which to hold their services and can be copyr= tulated on the_great nr~z‘e5S they have mad&fg the Short time they haveJveen organized in this town. We understand that the organiâ€" zation of winter sports in the town has fallen into the hands of a number of young and erergetic citizens, who intend to provide great things. The fair building has been leased for a skating rinmk, while a large hockey rink will be constructed outside the building. / â€"This is a splendid situation for a rink and the coming season should see it weil patronised. The A.Y.P.A. had a very interesâ€" ting address from their Patron, Rev. J. Hughesâ€"Jones on ‘"The Prayer Book and its use and Advantage," last Tuesday evening. _ The next regular meeting of the A. Y.P.A. will be a literary ovening and Miss Brain will give a paper on Dickens. Attention is drawn to an advertisement appearing elsewhere in this issue, anâ€" nouncing the sale by auction, of the house, lot and furniture belonging to Mr. W. Griffith, on Maria Street. The sale which will be conducted by Mr. H. Russell will take place on Friday Nov. 20th, at 1 p.m. 753 if pald in Advance WESTON, ONT 5 \ ‘‘Bridget, how did it happen that r Nov. 17â€"Credit sale of farm stock, when we caime in/last night after the >imp1ements and furniture, the proâ€" theatre, there was a policeman in perty of W. H. McBride, Elmbank, at the kitchen?"‘ 1Lot 2, 5th Line EHast Toronto Townâ€"| "Shure, mum, Oi don‘t know; but ship. Sale to Commence at 1 o‘clo:k Oi think the thayater didn‘t last as D m., gharp. long as usual!" E.. RUSSELL‘S AUCTION SALES The committee who w.s responsible for this pleasant evening cons sted of Messrs. J. J. Little, W. Herson, W. H. Robinson, Jas. Paudrell, Ed. Minnis, Richard Caunning and W. G. Carter. After the entertainment the ladies served supper and altogether a deligh ful evening was spent. These took part in the programme Miss Hostey, Mrs. James, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Kuight, Messrs Cecil Anderson, Jos. Ryder, Wm. James, Rev. Wallace, Thompson, W. G. Carter, Hallie, Fred James, E. Anderson and the Men‘s Own Orchestra. ‘trict needs a hall for pulilé gatherings and functions. D putyâ€"Reeves Watson and Nelson were welcome guests, W. A. Robinson, president of the association, presided. The Earlscourt Ratepayers‘ Associaâ€" tion spent Thanksgiving Day in a social mauner by giving a complimentary entertainment and luncheon. About two kundred of the ratepayers attended, but many could not gain admission, an incident which alone shows that the dis Frank never looks thirsty, sinceo he discovered the Brook in Toronto. Mr. Andrew Scott journeyed to Brad ferd on Monday, to inspect the new bridge, which is being erected thero. We don‘t think Willis M. will fnd a leir in Muskoka, like the one he has in Humbervale. Services will be held on Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. as usual. Don‘t be so bashful Will, when you go a good thing, stay with it, it is only a uice walk from Weston. The anniversary of the little Sunday School proved a great success. Miss Mackenzie, of St. Catharines, w. s the guest of Mr. Frank Canning, over Sunday. â€"a sut| / Mr.â€" and Mt»=.â€"â€" i. Fle&her spent Tho«ssgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Taylor, of Toronto, spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. Leggett. Mr. Martin Seeley spent Thanksgiving in Midhurst. & Mr. and Mrs. Stonespent Thanksgiving with her parents in Midknrst. GUNNS‘, Limited, wish to advise ’farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, ‘West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday eath week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. j Mrs. John Scott entertained a number of hor firiends at an old time quilting bee on Friday. Miss Ella Johnston spent the holiday with friends in Ripley.. HUMBERVALE EARLSCOURT In loving memory of Perrott Hayden | Holley, who died November llth,, 1907, aged 21 yeas and 7 months. , The flowers we placed upon his grave May wither and decay, { But the love of him that sleeps beneath | Will never fade away. | Glasses repaired and refitted few days ago, when she passed peaceâ€" fully away on Saturday morning last Miss Emma Scott has returned home. Guaranteed to be free from poisonous drugs, and also guaranteed to have No Adulteration It is a TONIC and BUILDER. Sold only byâ€"â€" florse Tonic Powder Druggist and Graduate Optician Silver Gloss W. J. INGCH, IN MEMORLIAM â€"Young Friends, ‘ ent from anvUding cast? || â€"Stuw siimnply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form, which idestroys the germ life that causes oppressed breathing, Nasal Catarrh, |Throat Irritation and Lung Troubles. It brings to these ~suffering organs \the balsam laden air they would get in the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. \The air that stamps out Bronchial troubles. | ‘"If possible, seal your‘ lips in silence when the storm is rising; shut up your anger in your own bosom, and, ‘like fire that wants air and vent, it will soon expire. Angry words often prove _ a fan to the spark. The subjection of our temper to the control of religion is a thing that must be done.‘" The prince of entertainers, Marshal P. Wilder says: Hyomei is easy to use, and swift to cure. It insures against coughs ard colds. It gives you pure air and kills the germ of disease. It helps the voice. ing cured some one else but will it reach your own particular case. If its cold in the head, Catarrh, Bronâ€" chitis, Pneumonia, Croup or any afâ€" fection of the breathing organs, W. J. Inch, says yes, and will reâ€" fund the money if it fails. No other preparation for the same purpose can successfully do this, because the Hyomei system of treatment is »difé;‘-l ent from anvthing aler Also Agent for reliaole Nurs=ry stock all at lowest possible rates Hyomei, complete outfit, $1.00. Royal, Norwich Union, and North British and Mercantile. NONâ€"TARIFE. York, Merchants, Traders, Standard Fire and Life Insurance Co‘s (ra4 y TsEr â€" of Hargains . Large stock for Fall Trade just arrived. These monuments and are of the best foreign and eastorn granites. To be sold sible this fall. Call and inspect my stock. 1 zU Feot We are now prepared to Iet our cus. of %argaiï¬s tomers haye the greatest bargains in Fancey. China and Glassware that were ever offered in any store in Canada. Our buge stock must be cleared to make room for new winter goods, Come and View QOrr Bargains. BALDWIN‘S BCOOK STORE It‘s not a question of Hyomei hayâ€" That is what Hyomei will do in all forms of Catarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organs. Ww mtte onen cnmernemcmenenerâ€"mrrmeraness 120 Feot E. J; MUSSON A group of monuments erected at one time at Riverside Cemetery, Weston Kaiser, Shuttleworth, Burgess. Scott and Falmer. Taylor at St. Philip‘s Churchyard. A& E; 8 m _ j : * s n 5 I & ; . n on ie En a <â€"a sace 5 s §A ‘aclce~ hn ty Ee e mo SS Paas BC s ag § g d t ] o Ch h & t B 9e > M : To SE S fe se APCA C Ne oo $ & o @abb ae 8 8 R ho as 2e a &7 h io 8 # © \%a B 6 s nes se a 2 & o o o 5 t 6 3 S & 6 i5 e A iB 18 te ce ie i (€ l MR to DP o0 13 Shein Ne m °C °C o is i o CA [ Bs o BE B 5 8 8 o 6 o o wed o + s J To 2 ma tS e 2 18 We i 5o C MeesBl o P Bs m s B 6 To Râ€"gy 2 * o m E bin se n N = se i a 59 59 o m9 A Reetp C t A Crsm i 8 m i e & o s 3 5 m mo td BB â€"7 EB is t5 Wws C d oo Ed 6 6 @56 a o to & ho es M. G WARDELL, 188â€"190 Dundas St 1836 _ THE BANK OF _ 1903 Agent for the following "show Mc° Proof. mey be opened with $1.00 or more. & Interest paid 4 times a year 56 Branches. Over $50,000,000 Assets, If you live at a distance from town, why not do your banking with our nearest Branch by Mail. Ask our Local Manager to explain the system to you. : EXCELSIOR LIFE China and Glassware â€"â€"AND â€" TARIFE M O N U M E N T «aateror ic ar Cmm arren on esn emerenmancnrmermensncnreemenmectemmnemamenmencn s WESTON BRANCG SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Z2 wen. We rerommmontenner comsemmmer nc 26 Dundas St. E. wWEST TORONTO Work First elass. Moderate charges EGpeqpdeqeqqqeaqqqqeqedeesgr SE WING_ MACHINE Heaps & Co‘y Hladre Iutterford: These menuments are all choice in design Eo rnaain: 35 1 . 1 oys, Candies MRS. J. FINNIGAN, Prop., . Main St., Opp. Church St., WESTON Ice Cream and Refreshments Ice Cream Bricks 20c RIVERSIDE WAITING RQOM Graining, Sign Writing, Etc. and P. 0. T QOUNT DENNIS. call in and get our prices Lessons G ven Free Embroide:y a Specialty. Toere are advantages in buying near home. Mrs. E. Mungovan, TOROXTE COLLEGE or music & Pemb:zoke St , Toron.o %: WEDNESDAY & 34 [URDA Y Joseph St, WESTON Singer Sewing Machine Office Teacher of Vocal Culture MONDAY‘s & THURSDAY‘s 105 Dundas St. E. wWEST TORONTO PAINTERS and PAPERâ€"HANGERS, Before Buying a (Mars. T. SmttHBoxr) . E, West ToJonto Manaeager as low in price as pos Pictere Post Cards EASLE BLOCK, WESTON, ONT. J. T. LOCKE J, K. MeEW E.] Licensed Auctioneer for th of York, Peel and Sin West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and i rent. TORONTO Weston Agent, es A Real Estateâ€"and_lnv BlG CITHS RFALTY & AGEH(Y] TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MU SIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTIONI Mrs. Marie S. McGill, C Write for calendar Musical Directre ‘Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. § W : CoULTER. v y Honor Graduateâ€"Ontsrio Veterinary CGollesse *‘ AU diseases of Cattle and EHorses Treated Scientifically. ‘\‘ Calls by mail or phone promplly Organist Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip‘s Church, Etobicokef Teacher of Piano and Organ. 31 Macdonell Ave., TORONTO. 4Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. > Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1082 Eesidence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 HAROLD J.. PA RTRIDG B T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, HOLLISS & WILSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toro w.â€"P. Bul, K.C. | _ Buccessor to Dr. G ’N. W. Cor. of Keele a { over Molson‘s Bank ‘Bell, Jet. 55. 40 SErPH Na4sgsox, t. em Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. . Money to Loan on Real E,(state. Continental Life Building, @or. E and Richmond Sts., Togkonto. Residence,â€"WESTON, C HA s . H_. P ORTER, ‘ Barrister, Solicitor, _ Notary Public. . L Money to loan in large and small amounts. Officesâ€"36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday, s Head office, College & Y Officeâ€"13 Dundas Street, to Bank of B/N. A: Office, Phone Stark 188. . House DR. w;. T. WELkdG A ho City and Fa Property For‘ DPR .â€"W ~ J . CHARLT_oN;Ji‘g Physician, Surgeon, etc. “?ï¬ Officeâ€"Cor. North Station and%"&‘i‘}];;:g; Streets, Weston, Ont. AS Office Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a.m:; 6 to 8. p. ; Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. g JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S WESTON H.â€"F. SEETONY _ Surgeon Dentist J%:; Room Letter Iâ€"West Entra;iï¬Ã©j Confederation Life Building,â€"â€" Ontario Land Surveyor Over D. Rowntree & Sons DR VErV â€"L.OC N sds ~P2, HACKETT, & Dentist . ESTARLISHED 186 attended. WESTON, ONT G. ARTHUR ADAMS Dentist Kee}e and Dundas Stx WEST T TORONTO, ONT SH A V ER wWESTON, ONT . S. Martin, West Toroï¬â€˜ Stark 1 Fred Holliss G.] H. Gray North 1291 Toronto.