Times & Guide (1909), 4 Dec 1908, p. 3

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F --rr.,E BANK OF j DOVERCOURT. r"p" TORON To! From our owrarrespondent. Hot Air and Hot Water I Furnaces. The best makes at the lowest prices. You’ll be' needmg lone, this winter. Call and get our .gstimates on What-About The best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. KEYS tte BULL CAPITAL PAID UP Juss'vE - - The Clothes we make combine Elegance, Fit ad Quality'. Just V _ Arrived Ill Instruments Sterilised l T Deposits reéeived in Savings Department of $1.00 and up- wards, 'and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, in St,,., - Weston, Ont. 3E. 2.5 " " '55-) hat Furnace Tobacco Pouches and Pipes iseptk Barber Shop R. WADSWORTH our, New Winter; Suitings .TORONTO BRANCH FARLEY’S ESTABLISHED th and Wellington Streets. WESTON MANAGF R tN LABEL Moderate. NLY In we lINS DAILY T RATES OR DELAYS. G. M. FRASER, . R. Agent, WESTON. 'O Canada 1855. $4,000,000.00 $4,500,000.00 T8Wrgglj' The Companion Court, Loch Lomond, Wo. 842, Independent Order of Forest- lers, held a very successful box social. [concert and dance last Thursday evening iin the Dovercourt Hall. The chair was [occupied by Bro. Alex. Stewart, High ‘Treasurer, and the part of auctioneer de- jvolved Upon Bro. Geo. A. Mitchell, Sup- lerigtggdent of Field Work. The boxes wl‘ieriT'jivere many and varied brought goothorieeis, the box belonging to Mrs. Campbell bringing the highest price, and was secured by Bro. Cowan after a stiff fight against Bro. Fred McBrien, the price being 81.40. The concert was a huge success and the artists were of a high-class order. After the boxes were disposed of and the concert programme gone through, the young people indulged ina very nice Cinderella dance. The evening was enjoyed by all and rumors are now abroad of another box social in J anuary, 1909. Nothing cures so quickly as the healing Pine essences in Catarrhozone. It fills the breathing organs with a healing. soothing vapor that relieves irritation at once. Ordinary colds are cured in ten minutes. Absolutely sure for Catarrh, and in throat trouble it works like a charm. Catarrhnzone is a permanent cure for bronchitis and throat trouble. Not an experiment-not a temporary telief-- but a cure that's guaranteed. Get “Cat- arrhozoae" to day. Me. and $1 00 gizes. Myles boy asks who was the motorman seen in Dovercourt last Sunday eating molasses candy and carrying a bunch of celery under his arm. T Fire broke out in a large frame house near the corner of Main and Derby Ave. belonging to Mr. Cooper. The family were away from home at the time. Within a very short time about 200 men were on the spot; but the flames had: made such headway that the building and contents were totally destroyed be- fore anything could be done. The roof is nearly completed on the new Presbyterian Church, comer of Delaware Ave. and Davenport Road. Ont can reach the street cars these days without fear of losing one's rubbers or having to be hauled out with a rope since the frost has set in, By the time this is printed the Dover- court Orangemen will have elected their officers for the coming year. The choice of Grand Master falls this year on the genial Geo. Swanton. Owing to the illness of the Rev. A. Hart, Rev. Mr. Vesey will occupy the pulpit of St. Mary's church on Sunday morning, and St. Edmund’s church in the evenings until Mr. Hart is better. The Dovereourt oidfellows are talking about having another box social. A most successful and interesting lee- ture was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Vesey, of St. Edmund's Anglican church, Dovercourt. This is the last of Mr. Vesey’s lectures for the year. The sub- ject being "The First South African War." Avery successful entertainment and sale of work was given by the Womens' Guild of St. Edmundls Church in the Shuday School Hall, corner of Dover- court and Davenport Roads, on Thurs- day, from 4 until 10 p.m. A most en- joyable evening was spent. Many are the meetings which have been held in Earlscourt, but Monday night's meeting re annexation which was held in the Dufforin street school, took the cake, every seat in the large school room being taken and many were stand- ing before the meeting commenced. Mr. W. A, Robinson, President of the Rate, payers Association. ably presided. A resolution was adopted and will be sub- mitted to the Board of Control, strongly favoring the taking in of the remaining portion of School Section No. 13 from 200 feet north of St. Clair avenue. Mr. Geo. Ryan has opened a fish shop on Main street. T Repeat 1t--Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Has to on account of tsorts-bat they can be cured in twenty-four hours thh Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Use no other but "Patnam's," EARLSCOURT _ From our own Correspondent. SHE WEARS LARGE BOOTS, FOR A BAD COLD. 'r Gt. Britain Patent. No. 17 881, to Ben- tu, B. Sills, Belleville, Out , tor it Truss." French Patent No. 380,207, to John McNeil, Reserve Mines. C) B for “Spike.” Belgian Patent No, 209,015, to L. Rupp Brooklyn, N.Y. for "Fleshing Maehina" Belgian Patent No. 209,229, to Francis Duffy, Kingston, Ont. for "Steam Trap 7’ Rheumatism, as every one knows, is a. symptom of deranged kidneys. It is a. condition produced by the failure of the kidneys to properly filter or strain from the blood the uric acid and other matter, which. if not eradicated, either in the urine or through the skin pores, remains inlthe blood, decomposes and forms about th joints and muscles, causing the un- to d suffering and deformity of rheu' matlsm. Zion Methodist Churoh-rA supper and social gathering of the teachers and scholars will be held in the school room of the above church' on “Tuesday, Dee. 29th, when the Sunday School prizes will be distributed. The pastor, Rev. C. W. Follett, wdl occupy the chair. An en- joyable evening is expected. “A certain man' made a great supper and bade mani."--Luke xiv. 16, 17. The following foreign patents have been xecently secured by' Canadian in- ventors through the agency of Messrs, Marion & Marion, Patent Attorneys, Montreal, Canada, and Washington, D. Any information on the subject will be supplied free of charge by applying to the above named firm. Spanish Patent N). 43.454, to Jean me. Girard, St. Aime, (Richelieu), P.Q., for " Steam Valve." _ Pat-jo, I mane the bread baked lasht wake is stale." Few people here know that you can cure that dread American disease, Rheu- matism, With just common, every-day drugs found In any drug store. The pre- scription is so simple that any one can prepare it at home at small cost. It is made up as follows: Get from any stood prescription pharmacy Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mik by shaking in a bottle and take in teaspoon- ful doses after each meal and at bedtime These are all simple ingredients, making an absolutely harmless home remedy at little east, . Mexican Patent No 7,475, to Cnmles L. Culver, Olalla, \Vash. U. S., for-- "Method of treating ores"--- Yarmouth Lodge, S. o, E., will nom- inate and elect oifieers on Dec, 1st. "The Inventor’s Adviser " a book on patents, will be sent to any address upon request, It is the old Anglo-Saxon name for Daruiraff and It's a good one. If you have dandruff you have itch dirt and the little microbes that are part and parcel of dandruff are working persistently night and day and sooner or later will reach the very life of your hair and destroy its vitality. Milre-'%ay, Pat, Oi've a new joke for ye. Phwat’s the difference bechune a loaf of bread baked lasht wake and--. Pat (jir1terupting) “Och, be- gorra, that's stale." Mike-Do ye mane to say that's a stale joke. This prescription is said to be a splendid healing, cleansing and invigorating tonic to the kidneys. and gives almost im. mediate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary troubles and backache. Repeat ie--Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. BEACON DALE. A Pleasant Surprism--About tweniy- five of the young people of Zion Metho- dist Church gave a surprise party to Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Follett last week. Games, singing and refreshments made a pleasant and enjoyable evening. ,, V Then ysu’ll be bald-Bald to stay-for not even the wonderful rejuvenating pro- perties in Parisian Sage can grow hair after the hair bulb or root ls dead, Par isian Sage cures Dandruff W. J. Inch the druggist, sells it--reeommends it and guarantees it; only 50 cents a. large bottle and your money back if it fails to cure Dandruff, Falling Hair and Itching of the Scalp. Zion Methodist Church.-On Sunday, Nov. 29th, the Sunday School opened session. Mrs. Savage of the Y. W. C. T. U. gave an excellent address on temper- ance to the children in she church. The Rev. C. W. Follett presiding. The Bracondale Library Board will meet; at the School House on Friday evening next at 8.15. WHAT IS ITCH DIRT? From our own Correspondent PATENT REPORT SAID TO BE FINE Sr. iv. - Hazel Delworth, Edna Canning, Alfred Jones, Leslie Leggett Fred Taylor. Pt. i.--Willie Warren, George Beott Rosy Taylor. Jr. iv.-Ahsrtie Tiffin, Harry Robin- son, Walter Canming, Harold Nutall, Erson Wardlaw, Lilian Pearson, Paulina Pearson. Sr. 'ii.--teeil Delworth,Oliver King dom, Eva Crane, Robert Rowat, Jessie Masters. Br. ii.-Walter Scott, Ivy LaRose, Frank Kingdom, Willie LaRose, Edley Creighton. Jr. Pt. ii.--Albert Taylor, Victoria Creighton, Douglas Rowat, Jessie Tiffin. le following is the report at B.S. No". 5, Etobicoke; tor the month of November. Jr. ii.-Minnie Pearson, Willie Pearson, Ruth Jones, Emerson Lave: Thomas Masters. GUNN'S', Limited, wish to advis farmers that they prefer deliveries 0 live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tor select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. ST. JOHN'S (ANGLICAN) CHURCH A sale ofwork will be held in St. John's 'Schoolhouse, on Wednesday evening, Dee. 16th, under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary. Fancy and, ueful articles, all kinds of groceries will be for sale. Light re- freshments free. Good programme. Admission 10 cents. Proceeds to be applied on the mortgageldebt. On Thursday evening. December 10 Rev. Charles Shortt, formerly of Woodbridge and Toronto, now a missionary in Japan, will give an account of his work in the foreign field, at the regular service at 8 o'eloelr, in St. John's Church. The Sunday School Xmas enter- tainment will be held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, December 29th, at 8 p.m. Robert Clarke, of Toronto, with his family of block- heads, will take part in the pro- gramme. Choruses, carols, motion songs, ete, Santa Claus will be pre- sent, Admission Me, Children 150. Sunday School scholars free. is "r1i-"rt,t "in" * No other medicine for woman’s ills has any such professional end! tsement as Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescrip tir ms received. In the un- qualified rmommm ‘deon of each of its several ingredients by scores of leading medi- cal men of all the schools ot practice. Is such an er1dorsementtnot worthy of your consideration ? Da Van Think tlaLs work? A booklet of ingredients. with numerous authorative professional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. of Br. W‘érce's lavérite Eirfifiiasflmhfimejlfifirs L21: or, damn open your mouth like a. young 1rd a i gulp down whatever food or medi- ine mzsktm offered you? Wdimr an intelligent thinking woman. in need oiiN) ‘f from weakness, nervousness. pain and _s?j,i.cl, ing, then it means much to you that the-933316 (Meg and true tpgait meQLuC' uLazug;.sc.igysa=irgP_ossrTritbr, sold by The formula ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro- Rcription will bear the most critical examine tion of mgdical experts, for it contains no alcohol. oafé6Ttesroctrvful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters hrto it that is not highly recommended by the most aa. "'Pd and leading medical teachers and author- ities of their several schools ot practice. T_hgse authorities Egommend the inmedigms 5:751:33: tit tly Yr * $7 The makers of Dr. Pierco’s Favorite Pre- scriyn i: n, tor the cure of weak, nervous. run- down, over-worked, debilitated. pain-racked xvonwu. knowing this medicine to be made up of inymdionx‘s, evm'y cnc of which has the strongest, possible indiorsurner1t of the leading and nan/ma authorities of the several schmls of practice, art per ferethsr willing, and ir; mm, are only too glad to print, as they do, me tcwrnula, or list of ingrediunts, ot which it is composed. in plain English. on every borrcle-wrapccr. North Bound. South Bound. 8.33 a m. x 9.47 a.m. x 10 05 mm. 11.18 a..m.X 5.13 p.m.x 2.00 p.m. 6,21 p.m.x 6.06 p.m.x 10.42 p.m. 7.45 p.m.x x Stops at Weston. , Do not run on Sundays. Going West. Going East. 7.20 a.m. f x 7.20 a.m. x 8.58 a.m. x 9.47 a.m. f x 1.22 p.m. , IL 11.16 3.111. , 4.05 p.m. t x 11.58 a.m. , x 438 p.m.+ 7.20 p.m. x 7.20 p.m. f E 9.33 p.m. f X 11.21 p.m. x SIS. NO. 5, ETOBICOKE. I)',;,)),,;,' u! (Km) JY Local Time Tables. ns-ac-Kurs-EC-aiu-beside-u' Eold _ tff for the (‘15:: c,f scdirirrfs" IFS: TihTrjDFirdreFi; f x 7. x 9., , IL 11. t x 11. + 7. f E 9., x C. P. R. For Yaurseai ll PFdisTeFfi7tT7n fbi. this" EavigédT Eighth om-s-'"--'--";'--'" f YOUR COURSE S _ IN. SHORTHAND BUSINESS will bring you best results if taken at our old established and thoroughly reliable school. Winter Term begins Jan. 4th, Catalogue free. British American Business College, Y. M. C. A. Build- ( iug, Toronto. , .s,e-sV'%rsi%s-w'Ne's-rV'V" tf""""""'""", t THE MAIN g l THING - 3 Horses. _ 17 Jerseys, (register, d pure bred). 3 Registered Jersey Bu lg, 11 grade Cows, 1 Registered Boar. Several sleighs and wagons. Sets of harness, and various valuable farm implements One Delaval Cream Separator, capacity 6001bs. The undersigned have received instruc- tions to sell by Public Auction, at Capt. Critchley's Farm. on the West half of Lot Five, Concession Four, Township of York (near Weston), on Tues"ay, tho 15th day of December at 12 o'eloek noon, the fol- lowing valmpble articles :-- _ In connection with our present large establishment. Special attention will be, paid to LADIES TAILORING, and for this purpose we have en- gaged the services of "t Mr. John Addison, a competent hand and ex. pert on Ladies work, of Registered and Pure Bred Jersey Cattle, Grade Cattle, Farm Stock and Implements. Terms of sac-An bur-chases of 810 and over must be secured by approved notes. All notes must be pay able in ten months, five per cent off allowed for cash. MCEWEN & SAIGON, A FULL LINE OF CLOTH IN STOCK LADIES' OWN MATERIAL MADE UP Mr. Roger Banks of Toronto, spent Sunday with his friend, Kenneth Meharg tii----', Miss M. Culham spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Miss Bella McLaddeor of Toronto, spentaiew days with her mother and sister Tc the Ladies I Mr. A. Muir and family have returned from Catskill, ELY. They intend living here in the old homestead. Mr. Jack Winrow gave a supper to his many friends at the Albion Wednesday night. J ack intends going home to Old England. _ Josh Billings, the quaint ll , u l philoseroher whose max- ims are full of homely wisdom. once said: "The . longer I live the more I Ti, believe agood set of bow- Lr e15 are worth more than I V a good Bet ot brains." Et, fitgg King makes good bows s. 2509nts,at 68.1- 320 era or by mail. S. C. Wells & Co., Toronto. ttll?,,?,?),' iiii',i)aiii'i)ii,z'i,iis'ir THISTLETOWN A. M. GABEL, CREDIT SALE The young person just start, ing out in life usually thinks that the maid thing is to get a position. That is where the young person makes amistake. The main thing is to for a position. It is easy to get a position after you are ready. When that time comes, the posi- tion will look for you, To fill along felt Want we have - - -apisisred lp ti-'-'- LADIES' ThILORING DEPARTMENT The Sterling Business College 80 DUNDAS STREET W., WEST TORONTO We help you get ready We help you get perfectly ready We help you get perfectly competent in the shortest possible time TAILOR AND MENS' FURNISHER 75 Dundas Street, West, Ae, 'rfEz5t'iT,tTctPt'f,aa GET READY WEST TORONTO of West Toronto Wesjortp.nd Vicinity Auction ears Weston and Maple. Why Nut iltit In Vaughan Township, part Lots 17 and 18, cor cession 7; Log House and Stable; 16 acres of land. Apply to Mrs. E. Hopcroft, Dominion House, Woodbridge, or E. Hoperoft, on the premises. 2t. All Academicul and many Technical Sub jects provided for. Write tor catalogue. State work prorated. The Shaw Correspondence School 395 Ron go Street, Toronto " Apply to Dominion House, - WOODBRIDGE. 2n. HOME STUDY COURSES WAN TED-Offers of plots, from half an acre to ten acres, in or near to Weston. Address "Advertiser" at the offiee of this paper with full de- scription and lowest price for cash O’Flynn, (reading a death notiee)-: "Poot" Jim! It says he left .3wa and two children." Mrs. O'INynn- "thh, ye might know thot! He was too mean to iver take them anywhere wid him." SAH%M.A1r--whole Ir part tune; ____.~~.~“-.1 . FF A‘vlv IPd RNA U IllluU, a liberal terms; outfit free. We have mmething now to offer. Write an once. Established 1857. 500 ac sin nursely stock. The Thomas ',1i'iik"iiii1Ld & Son Co, Limited, Opens for Winter Term on Jan. 4th Bead it from cover 10 cover. It is very in, teresting and attractive. /jiil EL.I.IOTT MAD 111va nun-v This is the college that is known from one end of Canada to the other f r its high-class work. On: GRADUATES ALWAYS is,eeeyyccte,sy,lttsmany students in excellent posith -.- M _ W. J. ELLIOT, Principal. 1298 Cor. Yonge and Alexander, House and Lot FOR SALE. c ar . On John St; p 0H. Russell, Weston. This paper is read by intel- ligent business men, and a Want Ad. in our classified columns will reach them. You may be alright, but if you are in the wrong position you are like a square peg in a round hole. You want a po- sition where you fit. A SQUARE PEG in a Round Hole MRS. E, HOPCROFT, FOR S ALE. 'wo Heifers, GET OUR CATALOGUE TORONTO, ONT. Oowrvghkl um " a I locum

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