Times & Guide (1909), 25 Dec 1908, p. 4

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[-s CASTOR IA .- News was received in town last -- week of the death of --Mr. Jack Me- Carthy who tor many years kept a - barber shop in this town at the stand T now occupied by Mr. Farley. Mr l McCarthy went to California for the \sake of his health about three years »~..ago and died at Los Angeles on Nov. V W At the armourics on Saturday 7 night M last, Nelson Boylen running V 'updtsr? the colors of Governor Gcner- _ als Body Guards won the military mile Championship of Canada. There were 26 starters picked frgm the best "'tegiments of Canada. The track was . 9 laps to the mile and was completed in f4 min and 52 sec, a new record. C" tiiile old record was made by Silby of .‘the Grenadiers at Haolans Point two tyears ago in 4 min and 56 sec. In [that race Boylen was fourth. _ ' Lc_'fs' The new Champion is a former: Estonian and a member ot the Wes-,' a! n squadron ol the G. G B. G. Hey fprobably owes his victory to the; hard tack and fatigue drills of iENiagara Camp. all. Qn_Tuesday evening Dee. 29th at 8. 'ti'eioelr the Baptist Sunday School rwi11.ho1d,thtiV annual Xmas. tree and entertainment. A good programme including lantern Views, and recita- tidns, and singing has beer/prepared. Admission free. Ar plate will be placed _ at the door ii any wish to contribute. Repeat "itcrsj1irdii'rdGa will always cure my coughs and colds. St. Phillips Church, Etobicoke, will hold divine service on Xmas. morn- ing at 10 o'eloelr. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Members of all Churches are cordially invited to at- tend. Rev. F. J. Lynch of Wyekliffe College will officiate. _ The ladies of the Presbyterian Church are making arrangements with Knox Cellege Glee Club tor a concert early in the New Year? Watch for particulars. Master Harry Cousins is spending his holidays at his Uncles Mr. F. Cousins Pine Grove. _ Repeat it-Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Miss Elsie Cousins is spending her holidays with her aunt Mrs. Laurie Drillia. end . For Infants and Children. The Kind Ta Havga Always Bough? f----- g WESTON § c-----' Bears the Signatr‘re of Mr. G. Macfarlane of Brantford was guest of Mr. M. Lyons last week Telephone No. 26 [ordial welcome is eitended to Subscription Ma, $100 per year THE TIMES AND GUIDE Weston, Ont., Friday Dee. 25th, 1908 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION IS . E. WHINTON, Proprietor ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY "Wow!" he exclaimed, suddenly flinging the tube from Mm, "It's a wonder some one would't inrirrt wafer proof records tor thim dom German songs. Mr. Casey, under the impression that the perfuming machine was a phonograph, dropped a cent in the slot and placed his ear to the tube. 1'91; the girls and women who suffer 1With What, they think is "Female (Tstt:mb1e'" would look to their kidneys they’ll soon find the source of their fillâ€"health. The kidneys are closely allied with the female organs, and if lthe vitality of the kidney is interfer- Eed with; great suffering occurs. There is no better medicine than Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills,-they stimulate- and ( strengthen the kidneys, assist other) organs to do Nature’s work, cleanse; the system and thereby maintain per-I feet health. Great benefit and certain l cure is guaranteed for all women who g use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. " l GUNNS’, Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. ~Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. DEATH _ MALLABY--At his late residence, 241 Vappin-airenue, Toronto, on Sunday Dee. 20th, 1908, William C. Mallaby, agef 58 years. theral from his late residence on Tuesday, Dee. 22nd. to Prospect Cemetery. LeuLWeraiedic- tors so well spoken by Mr. H. Hamil- ton was omitted. and Miss Madeleine Evans an accomplished and graceful ‘cellist, was a notable addition to the programme. Miss Lyons being a sym pathetic aecompan1st. During the prognss of the concert, Miss Hawkins, the teacher of Modems was called to the platform and little Jennie McGilli, vray presented, her with a beautiful bouquet on lehalt' ot the pupils, Miss Hawkins received a perfect ovation, which was a coreial tribute to Miss Hawkins qualities as a, teacher. i a quartette with a whistling chorus. A duet by Misses Irwin and Lyons re- ceived a well-mer.ted encore, while a little action chorus by twelve girls was very prottily arranged and well carried F. Hamilton as Grszziano, P. Rundle [as 2lerrissa, and Roy Lindsay as Lo- renzo, while Bert Hart made, an in- comparable old Gobbo, with R. Conl- ter who filled the bill as his son. The mock council and deputation was cleverly given by R, Stewarb,G. Camp- bell, R. Armstrong, G, Hamiltonl G. Cohwhoud, May Irvine and others. The several choruses, glees and quar- tettes were also carefully practiced and well done, especially pretty being THE AILMENTS OF WOMEN Another big success was added this week to the series of successful annual concerts held by the pupils of the High School. By giving the concert on two evenings the excessive over- crowding noticeable on Lormer occa- sions was avoided. “An excellent pro- 'gramme was given, including many _ notable features. A remarkably pro. ( mlsing lot of dramatic talent was dis- ) played by those taking part in the various sketches and plays. An am- bitious effort that of giving four scenes from "The Merchant of Venice" was crowned with a deserved success. The characters were admirably taken and the whole performance showed the results of constant and painstaking rehearsal. The star parts were excel- lently filled by H. Wardlaw as Shylock, Mary McLellan as Portia. I. Gram as Antonio, and Dora Vaialstyne as Jessiov. The minor parts were equally well filled by W, Hutty as Bassanio,! l The A. Y. P. Church will not hol Tuesday next week Thursday at 10. p. the Watch-Night Church. a A. Y. P. A. of St. John’s wig; 1ffic1ee,1rL-ge 11lCTtilio,tf N . . . 1g s 10 --1 r1 e ner es-e ery g "h will not hold their meeting on Iseems wrong. You’re getting worse. lay next week as usual but on (Stop it to-day, end your misery by ;day at 10. p.m. on account ofIbuilding up with Ferrozone. It's a Watch-Night Service in the (food tonie--supplies nutriment and h building material-give weak organs . + and exhausted nerves the strength . . they ,require. With Ferrozone you eat other big success was added this more, digest more, get fatter. Vitality to the series of sueeessfulannual courses through your veins, the feel- “uh. L‘AIJ I.-. a.C, - ., a .. L.“ . mt 7531f paid in Advance WESTON, ONT facilities b The present trouble has risen through the action of Mr. W. Pears formerly Secretary Treasurer of the Board, who on - the expiration of his term of offiee r refused to surrender the bo'oks and other , documents belonging to the School L S:ction. 1 Chairman Bayliss informed This Times that as repeated applications for the return of the books had failed the Board had been forced to take legal action and 1 the matter had been before the County Judge. Jung Winchester appointed ia, Friday to hear the case in Chambers but . owing to the 110r1-appearartctt of Mr. Pears the matter was postponed for three weeks, to give the Board an opportunity [ of havmg an independent audit made of i the books which had been surrenderedl to the Board's lawyei, the day before the l enquiry. Whatever may be its connection , with the investigation ordered, a deter-i mined etfort is being made to prevent the , rc-election of J. Bayliss as school trustee. C /t Bayliss term expires with this year , and Ed. Flanagan has announced himself l (ii' a candidate for the l acnnt trusteeship. [The election takes place on the 3thh and ‘ (MrruBayliss informed your' correspondent Fc, he intends co stand for ie election, , Relying on his record tinting hie tutu) or ioth'ce to place him at the llcud of the poll. , Ownlg to the large 'vrtiux- of population i in this district in the p451; few years the demand for increased school 'r-tcc-wal. i' a*ion will all for thither enlargement of 1 the present bulidnu and My. Biyhas F, informed your correspondent tint if t elected he intendr. that every Child in E the district shall be L'lelJi‘Kl to attend tm huul and receive a At a recent meeting of the citizens, the Board asked for 81500 to complete the equipment and was granted 82000, out of this 8600 is still in the hands of the board. The action of the School Board in call- !ing in Judge Winchester to investigate the conduct of officers in the section has ‘been the general topic of conversation here during the past week. With a view of finding the cause of the trouble your correspondent interviewed the chairman of the Board, Mr. J. Bayliss, yesterday, Mr. Bayliss represents the progressive party among the ratepayers who desire to see their school accommodation keep pace with the young needs of the district. He has been a member of the board for ‘over three years during which time the present large and commodious building has seen put upand theme?“ Nears ago the maximum attepiaruse 1l of scholars was forty, while two hundred {children are now in constant attendance, and the list of applications for admission numbers nearly as many again. A l peculiar feature of the situation is that the school tax rate is decreasing, notwith- standing all the improvements made this year, the rate was two points lower as compared with last year's rate. The cost of the new school was 88000 and a staff of four teachers was engaged. i the res The ratepayers meeting called for:Fri- day last was not a success. chairman Flanagan and the other three present who constituted the audience decided to adjourn sine die. Miss L. Ward was a guest of Mrs Lewis this week. Repeat it---Shi1oh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Myss Lily Lewis is visiting with Mrs. Radford, Toronto. ing of youth predominates, vim, strength and health return for good. Nothing rejuvenates and restores so quickly and permanently as Ferro- zone. You‘ll try it to-day, 50e.at all dealers. SOUS) noting the accom an Mount Dennis. xl thus denying to the chi of the ratepayers the educal to which ihey are enabled. YOU FEEL BLUE AS INDIGO. 33rd would feat: Byers the educational nudatlun IO this 16311 element L10 n :_ Mix some and give it a trial. It ,certainly comes highly recommended. ‘It is the prescription of an eminent _authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by 'it. 1 A druggist here at home, Fhen asked, stated that he could either supply the ingredients or nail: the pre- scription for our readers, also recom- mends it as harmless. _ Mix some and certainly comes ' It is ttfe prescrz authority, whose is said. was esta] I The above is considered as the most (eertain prescription ever written to relieve Baclraehe, Kidney Trouble, fWeak Bladder and all forms of Uri- nary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues 30f the Kidneys, enabling them to filter {and strain the uric acid and other Waste matter from the blood which icauses Rheumatism. I Some persons who suffer with the iamietions may not feel inclined to, place much eonfidenee in this simplel mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effeeted without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. _ Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-halt ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Get from any prescription pharma It the following: To have his favorite corn stepped on. Don't have CO1u1s,--c11re them with Putnam's Corn Extractor. Takes 24 hours-no pain-costs a quarter. Try "Putnam's." The election of. the council is ap- parenely an assured fact, and with the re-election of Reeve George S. Henry the return of the long-deferred honors attached to the wardenship of York County is generally conceded. It was stated by Secretary Turner {of the Chester Ratepayers' Assoeia- ( tion a few nights ago that the inac- tion of the council had driven them into seeking annexation. The council recognize the inevitable trend of events and have acted accordingly. I With Erraeondaltr, Wyehwood, Nor- lway, Todmorden and Chester making ‘overtures for alliance with the city, ‘the York Township Council have wise- ly remained from spending much money in the districts named. _ Reeve George S. \Henry, Deputy Reeves John Watson, Robert Barker, Jerry Nelson and Councillor J. W. Jackson have done good services dur- ing the year, and while the suburban qruetaciets chargwthe council with ne- glect, the rural districts have in the main been well served. From all appearances at the present, time, the members of the York ToWn- ship Council will be again returned by acolamation. _ Also Agent for relianle Nurs my stock all at lowest possible rates TARIFF. Royal, Noiwich Union, and North British and Mercantile. .NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Traders, Standard " --AND a l Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's BALDWIN’S BOOK STORE that you could wish to see. SpeeiaUines of Toys Goods, Books, Pictures, Cards, Calendars, Chi Glassware at lowest prices Lfor CHRISTMAS c, WESTON BRANCH, MAKES A SAINT SWEAR GOOD HOME RECIPE Why GO Further? . J. MUSSON YORK TOWNSHIP We have the biggest and cheapest as XMAS G I F'TS . “NunJ um nu cu DULU- pany. The best Reserve Fund for a family is a snug sum of money in a strong Bank, Begin your Savings Account now in the Bank of British North America. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and Interest added Every Six Months. EXCELSIOR LIFE who suffer with the not feel inclined to denet in this simple e who have tried it may be obtain, Messrs. df Frank McDonald Newly renovated and specially adapt ed for the reception of XMAS, AFTERNOON AND EVENING Work First-class. Moderate charges 105 Dundas/St. E. WEST" TORONTO and P. O. BOUNT DENNIS. WW$WWW§E Weston I Heaps & Co'y @eemag Corner iihii,pr, fiatheflord i' THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO Toys, Dolls, Picture Books Cards and Calenders. ..Xmas Novelties.. Ladies and Children, 10 Cents Season Tickets Chinaware Graining, Sign Writing, Etc. BANE ALBION HOTEL TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, P6mbroke St , Toronto. . Ladies and Children Mrs. WE MON DA Y’S & THURSDAY' (MRS T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture q - _ -- - " It; ... " m, " - a: " t ‘ ' M Rt " M" IN - " lt' ' _ IN" ' ' ' DRIVING PARTIES 'EDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St., WESTON N. J. McEwen, Manager, Calendars, dr/iii-aid, CHRISTMAS GIVING. PAINTERS and , PAPER-HANGERS. Church and Main Sts., WESTON Rlverside Waiting imx suitable for n emer beautiful line of I fair Rink (SEWING MACHINE assortment of /igiit, (WHERE and Stationery? 00 presen ts. innigan nts $1.50 Proprietor tee*ettog EAGLE BLOCK, WESTON, ONT. Room, s, Fancy , quarter ,' It)? of ll: THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and houses to rent. Real "tatt-ell., Investment; Mi (HHS mm 8 WM fl). Ihild Weston Agent, Insure in the York Fire Dec Write tor' calends 'Phone Jet. 79 r drop th card‘té Head oiiiad,Vsi"Biisriir%it, oronto. V - -v..-uu, v.6. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College AU diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Beientifiea11y. Callsby mailngphone promptly Cash, Mutual and Stock. ' Full Government Deposit Fgr Rates apply lo, E.VJ.VMVUSSON, WESTON. Suite 514 i H. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1082 r" Residence, 401 Huron Bt., Phone TORONTO, ONT. NM” Nryrtm uablé _cal lin and get our prices Mrs. E, Mungiovtih, Dund Head offiee, Coueze & Yonge Sts TORONTO. 12 Keele St. N Til ere are advan ta TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION JOSEPH NASON, LL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Continental Life Building, Cor. and Richmond Sts., Toront Money to 10.51915 largo and small amounts. offiees--36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. over Molson’s BénE Bell, Jet. 55. Successor to Dr. G N. W. Cor. of Keele m Singer Sewing Machine/ Office -. P. Bun, KC Physician, Surgeon, etc. Oitiee-cor. North Station and Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours---8 to 10 amu; 6 to Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, HOLLIsfy & WILSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. its su," Temple Bldg.,, Toro ANDERSON & GR. Barristers, Solicitors, ete JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S WESTON, CHAS a: L Anderson H . F . S E F T 0 N ' Surgeon Dentist Room Letter J-West Entrance Confederation Life Building, Ontario Land Suaveyor nk Over D. Rowntree & Before Buying a Mrs -Au H rs. Marie S. McGill, calendar Musical Directress A S . H . P O R T E R Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. " at%iiiisd. WESTON, ONT . G, ARTHUR ADAMS Dentist alf nea ODS . McEWEN, Piano and Organ. It Methodist Church Church, Etobicoke. Keele gnd Dundas Sus, 7. H A C K E Tn? Dentist W EST TORONTO n16 . CHARLTON n WEST TORONTO A. J. BARKER ARTRIDGE West Toronto) ecialty m buying Tee TORONTO, ONT. & GRAY, WESTON, ONT . S. Martin, 11g, Cor. Bay ., Toronto. Fred Holliss West Toro: ONT TORONTO 3-. Phone North 1291 I very «old in )voper- ; 6 to 8p.m. . H. Gray Sons,' Toronto, M05 John

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