Times & Guide (1909), 25 Dec 1908, p. 5

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Cs-ks-re-"'. I, --_. TORONTO BRANCH 'Yau"y be needing one. _thig winter Gall and get our estlmatgspga jWhat About Western Canada Hot Air and Hot \‘ber Furnaces. The-best makes at the lowest prime That F umaae FAST TRAINS DAILY LOWEST RATES f NO CHANGES GREEEAYS. ilk it over with 6. M. FRAEER,\ q toavrsur..PArtrUP - $4‘000,000.00 "v,-'-' Amsam - - tu,50W000.o0 KEYS ;& BULL. The Clothes we make tiombine Elegance, Fit and Quality. "En The bestrbrands of Cigars, Tobaeeos . and Cigarettes. _ ONLY THROUGH LINE Main Street Weston HARDWARE MERCHANTS TORON TO 2‘15. as an Emmi: Barber 5110]) 435' Jill instruments Sterilised . P, IRWIN, Our New Winter Suitings Prices Moderate. :Deposits- received in Savings : :Deparbment of $31.00 and up- wards, [and interest allowed thereotrat Current Rates. CTI,, WADSWORTH list rrived St., Tobacco Pouches and Pipes [or Church and Wellington Streets. UNION LABEL THE BA NK OF c. P. R. Agent, WESTON. FARLEY"S glad-ANN :3 a: H. 9. 'e) 5 :3" iiiilgrli, WESTON ESTABLISEED 1855. TO -auufhG'7'R Weston, Ont, ! "Oi will save ye a thousand dol- Jars," said an Irishman to an old gentleman, "it ye don't stand in yer own light." I "How?" l "Ye hare a daughter, and ye in- fend to give her ten thousand as a marriage portion?" “I do." . _ "8ir, Oi will take her with nine thousand." Biddy here an taties . ,, Mr jove! Biddy Doyle (the master's son.)~“Yez on bein' a masher. do] l Mr. Taylor says: “some years ago} while on a hunting trip in Northern Canada, I contracted a severe cold lthat settled in my head and firla11y _afteeted my throat. It rapidly_deve1- lloped into ,0atarrh and caused a miser- l lable throat weakness. My headl {would become clogged during thei, lnight and there was a catarrhall (dropping from the nose into the’ ithroat. Many days I had been un-l fable to 'breathe other than through] {my mouth, and the constant hawking gand spitting was almost unbearable. EI had been treated by the best throat (specialists here and in New York, but nothing benefitted my condition. I (obtained Hyomei at W., J, Inch and r {soon found relief, the throat dropping 1' :ceased and my head began to clear, I I toontinued with Hyonici for six weaves) fand after that time I was well inj .every detail. There has been no re-' (turn of the trouble since, and I feel grateful in speaking well of Hyomei, f as it cured me when all else failed." _ I Without taking a drop of medicine into the stomach, J, H. Taylor,54 lBond Street, Toronto, tells how the [distressing troubles of Catarrh were overcome by simply inhaling Hyomei Jain It's the history of ten of thou- lsands simi'ar cases on record, prov-l iing that Hyomei can be depended, lupon to cure Catarrh, Bronchitis, Thoughts, Colds and Group. It has no, gequal for any distress of the breath- I Ling 'organs. l l, At the Presbyterian Church, Daven- I~por,t Tttad on Wednesday evening last (there was given a cinematograph entertainment of 7000 feet of films, by Mr, Redpath for the .amUssement of the shildpem, This .ePTtti,s1suytf' , was without" daubt the 1"th of its Kind Ci; given in 1rovercous'"d some 9f the 'puns tyosung as high as $212, The" pigtures were most amusing and in- f "ktrvty.. _ I l Stl Edmunds, Anglican (Church Pravenpott Itll. Services 1itt St. Ed- ;munds Church on Christmas day, at ‘11. a.m. followed by communion and Especial Christmas music. .The vicar gRev. E. A. Visey will preach. aue, Glad to see Mr. Tom Frice has started business for himself, he is selling the tiust butter and mesh eggs at rernarlrabJey low prices. Drop him a card he will call on you, his address is 417 Westmoce1artd Ave- I H, Taylor, 54 Bond Bt., Toronto, Breathed Hyomei and Cured a Long, Standing Case of Chronic Catarrh That .Defyed All Other Remedies Also Toronto and New York f4ruaz,isaqtc,+a, I The Adult Bible Clésslof'St. Ed- 'm'unds Anglican Church will give a bye concert in the school hall, on Ha'li28it and Mth. Oo not miss 'this jehanee fora good atight'srentertain, lment. 3 It 'isprobab1ethatrMr. S. A-Perpy will he re-elected to the position ot Chief Ranger of Court Craigielea tot. Election takes place next Monday evening. Dovercourt is a blaze of lights all this week, eadh and every store is {vying :with.each other ‘to see who will [have the best display of Christmas [:Decoraltions, ‘etc. It is with regret \that 'We announce lthe ileath of ' Mr. Arthur Cook's in- ftamt daughter. The" Ttev, Dr. Abra- :Iham _offieiated at Prospect Cemetery. On New Years Eve a watch night service will be at midnight douowed by Holy Communion. On Wednesday evening Dec. 30th. An entertainment and Christmas tree will be given to the children of St. Edmunds Anglican Church. Repeat Cit--Shiloh's Cure will a1w"ays Ware my coughs and colds. _, DOVERCOURT. YOU CAN CURE CATABRII r Doyle (the cook to, her 's son.)~“Yez proide yersilf L’ a masher, don’t yez?” Goldii1gfu-"gas, I dn. haw We are pleased to see our old trieM 1r. Alf House back again in Dover- W van a short vacation. From our own Correspondent. Doy1e-vmsin lind a hand help me mash these per- and New York Specialists "as, I do, haw I Ferrozone is a morishing tonic that strengthens, fattens, builds up, re- stores weak sickly people to health. It you feel poorly, let Ferrozone help you get well, 50e. per box or six boxes tor $2.50, at all dealers. "h'erro2rone" ---it was a fortunate choice because I improved at once. I gained weight, enjoyed my meals, got a better color, forgot my nervous fears. The way Ferrozone built me up is surprising-it made a new man of me and now L look’good for twenty years to come.” } “Until three years ago I was the Picture of health-then I became? [what people call Neurastheaie, Ti. {grew sleepless, Worried, lacked will, {experienced fears and felt always in power, felt great physical fatigue,l danger of something unknown. All the time I grew thinner and weaken] felt so nervous that I felt the endi must be near. No medicine helped, each -Otle seemed a new disappoints}, ment, Then my doctor suggested! (A strong man almost died, grew _ thin, weak and nervous. Don':; forget Qmith’s during your shopping at Christmas, he has a iilre selection of Christmas fluits, groceries, chpice meats, turkeys, geese, chickens and vegetables. I At this season of the year it is par- "ieularly gratifying to Mr. Hopkins many customers that he is again able to shoulder their many grocery trow. bles, and Willi make their dollar go 'at fur as two in any ubher more Ili, choice (hnietmvs tse'estion of film, etc, is Worth 10 'ir1rsrr, into. l Your Christmas shopping will not be complete unless you lay a visit to McCormiok's cash groeery store 0n Delaware avenue, he has a first o’ass selection of everything necessary for the home, bought specially for the Christmas trade. A REMARKABLE RECOVE Talking about Christmas gifts, well, )Iadies you should 'just take a walk down to the comer of Dovercourt lroad and Vauhorne streets and see the displavt of articles that Air. summer- feldt, the druggist, has on view, such as toilet and manicure sets, perfumes, wind, cigars and many other useful art‘cles that go to make an aeeeptablel Chxistmas gift. I Say boys, how does this weather suit yo1rfor sleighing. '. Fine tth." You ought to go-down to Membrey's and see his stock of bobsleighs, he has got a whole-car load of them, but that is not all he has got in his big store, he has got a stock of groceries, choice _ teas importedfrom Japan, and a, stock of hardware that can't be beat Visi- tors to the store will ,find a splendid assortment ofgoods suitable for Xmas gifts Get your haircut. Why give your- self a long walk to get a trim, when there is a high class barber right in our midst. Mr. Rights; a font gain-t1; ment of cigars, tobaceos, pipes and razors of the highest grade that wtll make a useful Christmas present. td Christmas is coming, the goose is gettingfat tt is a very old saying, and to visit Mr. Clayton‘s store this week Dovercourt residents will have the pleasure of seeing the finest display ever showtrin this district, as you look around the store your eyes rest upon 15 head ot cattle, 500 geese, 800 tur- keys, with numberless chickens and ducks, The cleanliness of this store is perfeetmnd you can rely on the goods Charley Clayton sells over his counter. Santa Claus is in Dovercourt, and is sc2ler't"/,""'e'2 at present domiciled with Mr, Cowan trance eandidab on Main street, where he keeps his ton on behalf 0 stock ‘of Christmas presents, a, few of Short addres; the things he has are mits, gloves, Bull and others caps, sucks stockings, underwear, in fact everything in the elovhingrlrre.) .3... Don't for et to a a visit hi I store. g p y to t sf --, The Irn On coming off' the Dovercourt cars one itramaaed at the brilliancy of the street, it reminds one of a well-lighted pleasure resort as you come sailing to. wards it in a ferry, hilt on getting right on to the Mam street, people wonder why they went to the city to do their Christmas shopping, when there is such an assortment of goods in our stores equal to any you can find infthe big establishments in the city. l LOST HIS NERVE. not only as an evidence of good faith, but to furnish the funds as weil, and to see our shops on Main street par- ticularly. Why Q; Because Christmas comes but once a year, and when' it comes it 'brings good cheer! oh, does it? Besides, Jet us add, the women want their husbands along, An awful fate awaits husbands who The closing exercises of the publie accompany their mates on Christmas sehool brought out a crowded house, shopping expeditions. who enjoyed a varied and excellent Why 3;; Because Christmas comes programme provided by the pupils, but once a year, and wheii it comes it under the training of Principal Me- brings good cheer! iiiinon and his assistant. Miss Pol- .ru, r ..n n .. 7 - ._- 06% h Y.- Waghorne, (Merchant) - Wilmington. 16 is a norishing tonic that IS, fattens, builds up, re- CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN DOVERCOURT. to come l We deny that our community is in {want as has been reported by some of [the city papers. I That some hardship has resulted by gthe partial closing down of the Can- ‘ada Foundry and other works was 'inevitable, is but in common’with [other suburbs. Many visitors were present amongst whom we noticed First Deputy Reeve, BrouJohn Watson, J. W. Finder, W. Pidgteon and several others. Earlscourt L.O.L. No 2045 elected their officers for the ensuing year. W. G. Carter, W. M.; Geo. Miles, J). M.; Wm. Eilyers, Chap.; Jag. Ransbury, Ree. Ste.; Thos. McNang- ton, Fin. Sec., Robert M. Comb, Heron, Thos. Clarke, M. Healey, Treas.; Walter Colby, D.C.; W. A4 Robt. Filyers and Alex. Wood Com- mittee. 511313111 x 2_00 6.21 p.m.X 6.06 10.42 pun. T 45 x Stops at Weston. f Do not run on Sundays. , “Yis mum." "Then why don't you door?" "Shure mum, I don't be anybody to call on me. I somebody to see yoursilf.“ ' 'Bridget, did bell?" The "Golden Medical Discovery" has a Bpeeifie curative eilect upon all mucous surfaces and hence cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid while using the "Diseovery ” as a constitutional rem- edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov- ery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic" organs will be plain to you it you will read a b%Jr.let of extracts from the writ- Ingspt eyris1Tturyy1ieralututhorities, err dorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It is mailed free on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives-all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pieree's medicines from which it will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, triple-refined gl ycerine being used instead. Dr. Pieree's great thopsian4rpage illus- trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent tree, pyper-boynd, for 31 one. cent stamps, or elotlf-bonnd for 50 stamps _ _ , we: Dr. Pierce as above. EARLSCOURT 10 05 sagnd and erQng orifice.' fm f ctor Pierce’s 601ng Medical Discovery, an 'on y.i.pt.:yit young? f in Llc,r2ru.wyi.,t, vulngr- awe 'ripgts.cGolden Median Discovery” cures "weak stomach," indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and im- pure blood and other diseases of the or- gans of digestion and nutrition. 11 l, J. Nelson, deputy reeve of York Township, then made the presentation of the medal,to Valentine Campbell, the winner, she not only having won the medal, but also first general J7ro- fieieney scholarship at West Toronto, and also the scholarship for reading and composition. Books were pre- sented to each of the successful en- trance candidates by Trustee A.. Clay- ton on behalf of the school board, Short addresses were made by Dr.. The blow which knocked oat Corbett was a revelation to the prize fighters. From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the Jaw, the temple or the jugular vein, Stomach punches were thrown in to worry and weary the fig,hter, but if a, seirmtifie man had told one of the old fighters that the most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he'd have" laughed at him tor an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing ho eqto t e public a parallel feet; that th s _ makis the most vulnerable organ out of he prim ring am well as in it. We protect ur h a , throats, feet and lungs, but the t'lli we are utterly indiffer- ent to, until dise c, finds the solar plexus and knocks us out. New goursgogmch I Thomas Elliott, the veteran secret- ary of the school board, occupied the chair. He reviewed the record of the school under Principal McKinnon, and congratulated the village that the highest honors at West Toronto en- trance examination had been won by one of its _pupils also winning the silver medal given by York Township Council. . 7.20 a icing orrh Bound 33 a. m. x 05 a.m. 22 p 05 p 38 p 20 p. 21p Local Time Tables m m tn m The Knock-out Blow, m m _ m LAMBTON West, don't You go to the , don't be expecting on me. It must be you hear the door f) 11 Ennth Bound 9.47 an)». x 1.18 a.m.x 2_00 p.110. 6.06 p.m.x T45 p.m.x ( The disappointed Trauma of poor iCatarrh remedies should ,read the {statement of J. R. Smith, of Lake ‘Stream, NB. In Catarrhozone 'he f e _ _ found an absolute care and‘says: (“Last winter my little girl of eight, caught cold which lodged in her ears {in the form of Catarrh. 'She became isick and deaf and nothing helped. By [inhaling Catarrhozone, gshe got relief {and gradually tller"discharge went laway. She was" tured perfectly of 3Catarrh. Personally I can recom- lmend Catarrhozone for coughs and !throat irritation; its a wonderful Imedicine.” Sold everywhere, Me. and $1.00. All lovers of music in our com- I munity have an excellent opportunity I of developing that talent as a music; class has been organized, under they effieient leadership of R. Phillips. ' i The mission study class had its closing meeting on Friday evening. A Very pleasant and profitable ev'ening was spent at the home of B. J. Boake. Our enterprising friends around here are Always in the lead. A. G. Gould- ing and B. J. Boake made a purchase of some fine Holstein cattle this week [ Miss Mary Ellen Robb of Fairbank and Mr. Arnold Swan of Dovercourt were married at the Methodist Parson- age on Tuesday Dee. 22. Miss Leila Boake hast r after an extended visit harines and Buffalo. Repeat it--Shi1oh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. David Sibbery, from visiting his aunt, Mrs. A FULL LINE OF CLOTH IN. STOCK LADIES” OWN MATERIAL MADE UP In connection with our present large establishment. Special attention will be paid to LADIES TAILORING, and for this purpose we have err. Waged the services of Mr, John Addison, a competent hand and ex. pert on Ladies Work. DOWN SVIEW , The Sterling . Business College , ' 80 DUNDAS STREET W., ' WEST TORONTO A i 1tl---i,,i To the Ladies I PROVED BEYOND DOUBT EQMQQWMQQQQ §THE MAIN g Giii"sc From our WAIT». MENS' Flux. 75 Dundas Street, West, LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT of West Toronto Weston and Vicinity To fill a long felt want we have opened up a The young person just start. ing out in life tasuaiiy thinks that the main thing is to get a, position. That is where the young person makes amistake. The main thing is to for a position. It is easy to get a position after you are ready. When that time comes, the posi- tion will look for you, We help you get ready We help you get perfectly ready We help you get perfectly competent in the shortest possible time WEST TORONTO GET READY Boake hast returned home own Correspondent New York, is Sibbery. to St. Cat- GUNN’S', Limited, Wish to advis- farmers that they prefer deliveries ty' live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays amrin any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, LO to 220 pounds. a. , - e. f t "s"4"rr'sFre"ss'ssrrsssrrooiT i' {YMZPM ' Opens for 'l his is the Orre. cud of it""'""""'"'"'"""'"--";?. I' Winter Sessmn a. All Academicul and jects provided for. Wri work preferred. HOME STUDY COURSES Apply to H. Rugéélim weston To Ltw-8 roomed brick .hcuse, Stable and Orchard. On John St. Auhh. a, wx h mW -___ W. Bowman -a $61; ci Ridgevice, Ont. -etl v. ”w - liberal terms; outfit fro have something now to offer. as once. Established 1857 acres in nursery stock. The C SAre.?l_AN:--svhose WANTED-offers of plots, from half an acre to ten acres, in or near to Weston. Address "Advertiser" at the office of this paper with full de- scription and lowest price for cash HOUSE Tom; " ,__vu.uu, hull!» bitirn4,-o'i:i't water, nearly one acre of , good orchard. Apply to WI., J. Bourke. Weston. tioneer for Counties of York and Peel and City of Toronto ; also dealer in Real Estate. Several good farms and desirable village properties,vfoe sale at reasonable prices. i,fjjiik at residence, John St., Weston. t" HENRY RUSSELL,_ Licensed Aue J. K. MCFWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcne. Dealer in Real Estate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Office, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. The 2 ' - pup, sable and whitefAH; information will be appreciated by the owner Mrs. T. L, Motfat. Phone No 10. "-----------.- $1.00 1lyNP--L,ost., .Collie dog O I'rrAdji77rjiiRiC=,c7,T,,-ir,, C Mills. TO RENT---aiFi W CHILDREN’S Dressés and plain sew- ing of all kinds done by Mrs. E.. Smith, George St., Westqn. Opens January 4(h in all depart- ments of the CENTRAL BUSL NESS COLLEGE, Yonge and Ch H_ _ ___ J [V - “FAD nwrmrt , Shaw Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street, Toronto Winter Term on Jan. 4H college (Int is known ron and many Technical Sub Write for catalogue. State le or part tune; outfit free We The Thomie, to, Limited, Y 'tUN a» 'ire-u/ant- Write 500 ll (25600.

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