"Hit Where did you get them trousers? asked an Irishman of a man who happened to be passing with a pair ot remarkably short trousers on. "I got them where they crew. was the indignant reply. “Then. by my conscience" said Paddy, "rou'vs pulled them a year to. not!" . ' ..-A. W Gsneter-"Loolr here, my man what under heaven are you ringing the bell at botiends of the car tom†O. Raftertr--"Yure and Oi want Both inds of the car to stop." Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To Geo. Sainsbury Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Coal and Wood D. SANDERS, We have them, lots of them and at the most popular prices ""-urrriil,),, “~- T ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. What is Better fora Christmas Gift Millers and Dealers in Gram and Feeds of all Kind, Ch & W. Wadsworth PLUMBING, A Specialty RESIDENCE Estimates given on all kind. of work Manufacturers of "Tnree Lion Brand" Graham and W, “.85. Whole-wheat. Flours. Fancy Dishes. FURNITURE JAS. GARDHOUSE OF ALL KINDS. WESTKCN. WESTON MILLS DEALER IN (ESTABLISBED 1828. MAIN Sr., \< _ I m - - V " ‘ , 4' , r " " gram le . r. . = - . M - ’. tea TN x EEE w'mHHrriorurulttmrrrim MI 2?. Fat EM M . _, ' - we tee b 'ripd _ Wi as a: w: - Bl M' at A: "e., 5r BI gr'2% by: .2- a " f.» . Rt ist " ‘. " " , W, u, a ,4 - t Mi a F ge 'ee if: in" ‘ . E " I " s e MI "til, " " " '1‘ :1," lg It . IX ql , 'd IE mit ' " q alil " . - IE 1 - 5" i ', tr " - frmti , t 2-,. -- p, BR' - - E "5 ta " ‘7, .2 = " I RM ME' A: "O - .9. '* ' ' T, ' .., aim u " - * e e 3": " q " - Reed and Rattan Furniture. lrWP, , Il , - I "I. . I R ï¬gs? 1] - w, z, _ - w, hl, MI ' MI " s) - " BI , Bh' " The minister, mistaking his intention, asked. "Young man are you seeking salva- tion?" A young man and his lady-love attend- ed a protracted meeting which was being held in _the village church. Arriving late they found the church filled, but a gentleman arose and gave the lady his seat while the young man was ushered far away to a seat in another mart of the building. The service grew warm and impressive. "Will those who want our prayers please stand , I? said the preacher. At this jmcture the young man thoughtit was getting late and he would get his sweetheart and go home, but not just knowing where she sat he rose to Ins feet and looked over the audience. To which the young man responded. bb At preseist I am seeking Sal Jackson '." What it Costs, and the Results. The (I(ird yen Have The Kennedy School, Adelaide Street East TORONTO. For Infants and Children. 10 DUNDAS STREET, EAST, THE OKNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Any graduate will earn from 8500 to 81000 a year. We tind the position. Send for our booklets.-- They tell the whole story. A Kennedy School education does nut lost muolr-8l() 'a mom h (less tot cash on longer terms.) WEST TORONTO eNo.1 "Well, Bridgit, if I engage you I shall want you to stay at home whenever I wish to go out." "Well, ma'am I hive no objection.†said Brridgit, "Providing you wil' do the same when I wish to go out:" "Hey, there!" Yelled the indignant citizen, dodging quicvly bqekward "You dropped a brick just now that came Within an ace of hitting me on the head!" “Kape it!" Shouted the workman on the twelfth story of an unfinished Sky scraper. "We've got plenty more ov' em! Baptist Church. Public Worship at 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 3 o'clock p m. Rev. Walter Daniels, B.A., of Rvd Dyer Alberta will Iron-h morning and awning. Mr. Dmiels is the Eastern representative of North-West and B. C. missions, A prominent local druggist states that binge the celebrated plcscrlponn of a dlit'inguished specialist has be- come more or less known it is inter- fering with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or ad. vertised kidney pills. The prescriip- trcr, uhich f,rst apparel in a lead- ng health journal,is reproduced here, jun exactly as originally written _ Fluid Extract Cascara....... V2 oz. Carriana Compound ........ I oz. Syrup barsaparilla .......... 6 oz. Any good druggist can dispense this, or, evea better, a person can buy the items separately and mix them at home by shaking them well together in_a bottle. _ It is stated that the ingredients being vegetable, are harmless and simple. It has a gentle and natural action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a perfectly healthy condition. , A rhetchant well known in public affairs states that this recipe cured his rheumatism. Save the prescrip- tion. Directions. One teaspo each meal and at bedtime 0liiil lliiW] WITH PM†1pjjlfJ'l)!fli An Old-fashioned, Home-Made Mix- ture which Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles. l Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector adian Pictorial" (fifteen cents; pub- } 4. lished by the Pictorial Publishing Co, I St. John's (Catholic) Church. 142 St. Peter St, Montreal) deserves On Sunday next. Mass will be cele. s3peeial mention. Its unique and very brated at 10H5 a 111. Priest in charge. charming cover appeals at once to Rev. Father Gallagher. everyone, and its contents, from the + bright Christmas Stories and wealth _ St. John's (Anglican) Church. of Christmas pictures to the Sweet) 11 a. m. Martins and Sermon. Old English Carols, words and music i :9 pE'(tTenyittpL,mo,, complete, are full Of Christmas spirit. _ p.m Wham†K , Yet even the Christ 1 Celebration of Holy Communion, t th tt "N mas plumber, true first, Sunday of the month atll a.m, 0 e mo Ir. T', by iews ot tle third Sundéy at b' mm. "Canadian Pictorial" shows some J HuahmrJones. M.A. Rector. splendid pictures dealing with the (D + stirring events of the month the . , rid over. The "Canadian Pictor- Presbyterian Church ,r?,r, . . On Sunday next, services will be ial has won tor Itself an enviable had at 11 mm. and 7 p m ; Sunday- place among Canadian Publications, School at 3 p.m. for its exquisite Photogravures and The Rev. R M. Hamilton pastor, fine workmanship throughout stands fe unexcelled and is wonderful value for Methodist; Church the money. /One Dollar a year, in- Public Worship at 11 mm. and 7 elt1ding all special numbers.) The pm. Sunday-School and A: nit [libie New Feature "Unknoitrn Old Favorit- Class at 2.45 p m. es" is meeting with hearty apprecia- Rev. W. A. Potter, Pastor tion. This gives words and music l complete each month of one or more Baptist: Church. of the old favorites'that mo/st people Public Worship at 11 a m. and 7 think they know and know they love, p.m. Sunday School, 3 o'cloek p m. yet that only a few can follow right . . hrough. A rollicking and spirited Rev. Walter Daniels, B.A., of er t . . . Deer Alberta will pron-h morning and old Et1glisl1 ballad will appear Ill the! evenizlg. Mr. Dmiels is the Eastern January Issue. Short stories have; representative of North-West and B. C. recently been added, the numerous] missions departments "are well sustained and[ "t 7 I Slosxt Pastor further improvements are contemplat- .'. u. . , . ed for the coming year 1909. Three selected back numbers as samples l - ---o . will be supplied from offiee of Publi- _ ' cation for ten cents in stamps.) 0liiil liiiililll. 1lllllll Liberal clubbing offers are an-)" I A nounced. l St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 a. m. Martins and Sermon. 3 p. m. Sunday School 7 p.m Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first, Sunday of the month atll a.m, third Sunday at 8 mm. Divine service next Sunday at 3 Among the Christmas Numbers o'clock p m. that have come to hand, the "Carr Wraps dear Mr. Santa Claus won't mind because there's two; C I hope he'll see Jes' how it la 'n' how it wouldn’t do 3 T6 hang jes' one, 'caute one, you know, is chi so v0? small 5T To hold tho things I've asked him for; it wouldn't ho d 'mn am " Isn't ’cauu Pm greedy that We hung up two to-nlght. ", er it's ’causolf Santa found but onorho mlttht--ho really might l, ' , Jes' fill up that an' quite forget how little It will hold. ' SM! 0. please, dear Mr. tank Glam, don't think Pm very his, w CHURCH SERVICE. The Christ mas Stockings St. Philip's One teaspoonful after Search over the whole globe and you’ll not find the equal of Nerviline. An aching tooth it relieves at once. Fill. the cavity with batting dipped in Nerrviline and rub the gums with Ner- viline also. If the face is swollen and sore, bathe with Nerviline and then bind on a hot flannel. This can't fail because Nerviline kills the pain out- right. Just as good for earache, neuralgia or stiff neck. A 25c. bottle oi Nerviline cures the aches of the whole family. Try it. '; RIGHVIEW. We hope to provide a good enter- tainment, and give everybody a good time. Practice was held on Tuesday and Thursday evening. _ Our tea social and concert is to be held in the Basement and Church on Tuesday Dec. 29th. Miss Gladys Johnston was visiting Miss Gladys Lattose. A, taffy pull was given to the scholars ot" the sch-001 on Tuesday afternoon by their teacher. 1 New Year Miss Annie Newlove is home again from Toronto. ’ Repeat it-E1hiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. The "Pictorial" clubbed with The Times and Guide for only $1.75. Merry Xmas TO CURE TOOTHACHE A POPULAR HOLIDAY NUMBER _ to all, and a happy Int: wueu all ELEV lGLLGu- A all-LA Dvuuu‘ and well and feel grateful to Mi-o-nal GONN'B', Limited, Wish to atttritm tor my present health. tarmerg that they prefer deliveries of It's the known results obtained by live hogs at their Packing House, Milo-na that places it tar and away West Toronto, on Wednesdays and above all other remedies and eonfirms 'Fridays, and in any case, not earlier W. J. Inch in offering to refund the ithan Tuesday, or later than Friday money if Mi-o-na fails to cure stom- had! week. Highest prieeir paid tor ach trouble. 50 cents a box. Relief I select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 in tweaty-tour hours. ito 220 pounds. J It's Statements Like That of H. Hey- Vman, Kingston, Ont.', That is Mak- _ ing Mi-o-na World Famous ( For Obstinate Stomach l Complaints. . ‘ Mr. H. Heyman, 132 Colborne Street, Kingston, Ont., says: "Mi-o-na is worth its weight in gold as a remedy to quickly cure long-standing cases of dyspepsia. For years I had suffered with my stomach and could find no cure nor relief. I could not eat anything, as it, would sour and form gas on my stomach that had .a pressure on the heart. Heavy pains would come around my sides and pit of my stomach. I was unable to sleep for this and there was nothing to relieve my miserable condition. I was weak and languid and would feel as tired in the morning as on going to bed and perspiration would break out all over my body. I would be so weak from vomiting that I would fall to my knees. My head would ache and spells of dizziness would leave me unable to see. Doctors had termed the trouble gastritis, but failed to benefit me. I tried Mi-o-na, which I procured at W. J. Inch on advice of a friend, which has cured me when all else failed. I am sound and well and feel grateful to Mi-o-na tor my present health. _ , WWWWW J g gtEgii5iil,,i?,,ti " ' - 'A3KWE i2',rW%) _ _ twvggussg i% s: V A: ' “x? f,% gtx5rgt?7f23aTJSB. l if, ' C 'fa4t' Ci,i,Efeyf,ift")'.iiiifii/ W. 13:1,, _ 1 ' a. ma ,1. w 2-;,'r “7mm. 1 ï¬~§Wï¬M Eigl , ' . Egg, "37’ t'isidiithe 1 A 3’ avkï¬fsiï¬ï¬aflmï¬wflihi ----------, No B Dundas St., Nest We Sell the Best , and Parest Drags NT THE covihsa-ttmcus, STARTLING STATEMENT HOWELL dl With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES -: _,r)'l,'it.ii 3:7’13» Jkiifg', g'wi’isia'sf; 2vr- 'ii?,.? â€ï¬gmga r,r1itti),',fsfi,) :flij" - If ASW. , 15"" 1iiitlBr """"'"'"""""------ ti-t Eg%¢â€"=1&:§;9f“fr g ' _i.isf1ifiaic,i,',iiiii m 'l, _ wi-,,?,,)?',',,'?,;,") I OTHER GENERAL USES FOR COLD DUST Made by THE N. K. FRIRBANK COMPANY. in the washing powder t"itsld-it has no substitute'. 'iia, must either use "s, or something inferior-there is no middle ground Gale! Bust Washing Powder lt. gem liMNrr magmas hard water salt and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison 30M Bust gtttaoim aiiuno, Buy GOLD DUST and you buy the Jest. DRUGGISTs, Scrubbing floors, washing clothes and dishes, cleaning wood- work, oil cloth, silverware and tinware, polishing brass work, cleansing bath room, pipes, etc.. and making. the finest soft soap. q Observation Dining Parlor Cars oil trains one and BIX between Parry Sound and Toronto. F6r through tickets apply to nearest Ticket Agent. N9. 1 Tororlto..-.-....., 9.00 tum. Richmond 1r11l.............v.... 9.57 a..m. Mount Albert...... ...... ....(.10.42 mm. Beuverton PWPV T . . . . . . . .....;.11.30 tum. Brecbin '...F'.m___s.m..._r._ ......11.47 mm. wasttago.-..-.......c12S9 an. Parry Sound 'wtf.......... mr.em. 2.33 p.111. rudbury, Mon. Wed. Fri. . 8.40 pan. arrv Sound.., Washago ...... Brechin e.......... Beaverton ..N.t. Mount Albert _ Rlchmond Hill Toronto........... Sudbury, Tues. and Thurs lk A 8tttm1'day--. """. '. Montreal, P. Q-Makers of FAIRY SOAP; EFFECTIVE NOV. 30th, 1908, SOUTHBOUND No.2 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS NORTHBOUND lime Uk WEST TORONTO WIN (CONDENSED) , .5.00 mm. ..7.11 21.01. â€.7251 mm. . 8.12 mm. â€3.55 mm. . 9.38 mm. 10.30 a.m. "M tha Gout DUST TWFNS do ','llu'll'dr' if) No. 5 5.00 p.111. 5 54 pm. 6.35 p.m. 7.25 p.m. 7.42 Dart. 8.17 p.m. 10.30 pan. No. 6'“! 5.00 a..m. 4.00 pan. 12.00noon 2.13 D.m. 2.48 p.m. 2.13 Fm. 3.54 Fm. 4.35 p.m. 5.30 pan.