Farm and Gardeners Sleighs â€" VOL. XIX Yea se th § Mg@eus@@mg@ew@@@@@e@%@@@@@e@@e@w@@, $ French Bonâ€"Sons, 1 10, 11t & $1.00 §§ M’A‘[N STO 5 * 5 C LIVERY in CONNECGTION Cutters and LigAt 3161; 1 Speighti aad Wilk:in:on {Sleighs RModpocgopeseqpeccecevecqereqgrosaeccosospersreceyrpk o a m y Cutters a1s Sleighas Intending purchasers of Cutters or Sleighs should cal! and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere My goods are the boest and the prices are right. SGRNER MAIX & HUUMBEN SIYO,â€" o a : 9 h + 5BP ~. .â€" Canada‘s o Best contains a1*§icl>e§~ of interest for the tarmer, poultryman, _ > gardener and the housewife. We will send them to any address in Canada pasesecegevscese0s0e0ee0ec0200e00 0002402004400 +90100 040 #0 04. & he TIMES and GUIDE. YAÂ¥ WESTON HKOUSE TRIMMINGS! DOQRS, WINDOW SASHES,.: MOULBINGS, CASINGSS, Erce. LOVE AND DZSTECTIIVE STORIES Ageat Fo:r 2 _ * MeLAUGHLIN AND TUDHOPE L. A. LE M A |F E. [ 00â€" 1AF raickshaal The nicest and most useful farm wagon on the road. Is made at home, fully guaranteed, and ‘eosts no more than others. Fitted with our Standard Spring if required. The Family Herald and Star Those famous Baltim»rse Oysters 3 Ten Uents a Stew. umberside Waitinge Room ~wWasT TORONTO seeseee2ece2e0402000 002000008004 0000 000 004 Ma Stoves and Ranges Craieokshan!s One Year For $1.75 ch The Times and Guide contains al!l the news of the district l handle the Best Makes wWES T ON, ONT : H. COUSINS See my complete lines of new every week â€"â€"ORDER FROMâ€"â€" ALWAYS IN STOCK â€"~â€"â€"â€" Aipsomater cess BB sgoot Eis embgrc Ensm 9 <geg e & on x s T9 io esy P *4 e C $ m# esoss E4s ied > “\, > C s & ; N No NoX m uo a it f c s mj& tm <<m ts es ko 58 C% & & > 3 & %: s 4 ems vontegs ae s ESS o Ca> § 21 5w ied NS S Fsd ts + e poanenmy cere Fi yet . iez i 62 S in UR B ow Fous New resrom e g & 5 2z e aske * v °& s Y is 5s 5m eccr G oa 9 Fae t paa wyise o 3 C Mss T ,_:;_;r. x O O 3 o Te Ao We s C & t B < R acs S S & â€" Get ow &A € “ s ~ C &3 Ns 2 e 5 3 iess \ia>. EL â€"30e 2 Ceami ES eR TS 9P s Focke pdtiterci % ts ar es % a e & pa cemcals P wlb â€"hes E s so 48 a, B 5_ BL iss 3e F3 s â€™ï¬ e 5 a & 6s Mess 29 "<a ffemiink‘n he 24 8e $ > o. o5 e ’ Pas. se Eie RS xo t\ AJ is wea o Ves S ied cHâ€"merfies oc S e eA d es i Â¥3 hSE wea Sk B 1? Ew TaBu ~[5., 3 css a se V won â€" tEA & y ies A ic es ds es :‘5‘1"‘ »_ gy is x Es re. Sae e e Ne J ~M0 rmrccl teuct [ <98 g< 8e fos Ces &2 s ie mt 7 stig pives ; “ 4254 Ca) es us ts w is > eleeeP y «in t"l-“:&?":v ptosan e otape A Call Solicited wESTON, ONT. ight Sleighs k Wagon 15, 50, 15¢ & $1.00 a Oysters _ sTORIES $ 7g Roomnm % (§ y a ytt. § wWESTON, ONT. Prices Right MHRgTANX ONT our ow n make, wWESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY t5, 1909. 6 | The step taken ty the Hon,.â€"Dr.Pyne Ontario‘s Minister of Education, in ordering the reterition of the superfluâ€" ous and noiâ€"sounidinz U in a number of words fro a which custom nas disâ€" missed it, is a getmgmde step.â€" We are not advocates of the advanced reâ€" forn}s in spellixï¬?g advocated by the devotees of pho’%lel;ics, but we are of the opinion thatg\vhere popular usage has once arrived at a reform in spelling it is unwise to st§p back. The changes in language all spring from popular usage. Colloqu‘ia]isms are first used by the man o '\ the street, ard ouly when they hage becomme a fanriliar sound in the f_%lrs of the people are they adopted into literature and given an abiding placg in the langnage. Mad oo @lok ko k sn k The Toronto / Worl1" on Wednesâ€" day preached aé length to the politrâ€" cians at large and to the Ontario Oppo sition in ‘narl:idglar. The memb r for South York is?;?evideut!y inviting the remark that heé alone could save from dbesseesceecscececece2ccce0e0ee 2/ reâ€"actionary @nservn,tives. tha desti nies of the péi,mle af Onbario Evi dently the prwfé)iership of Outario looks better thana the leadership of a patty of one atb Ottaim. Geecceceecscecccccccc00*®*®< _ The, Niagara Fé‘lls treaty that has been conciuded nebween the Dominion government and §bhe United States is calling forth direfï¬ï¬‚ shrieks of treachâ€" ery from the orgagjs opporsedl to public ownership. _ It is indeed hard to find any grounds on véhich this treaty can be invested. The United States govâ€" ernment evinced httle regard for the conservation of the beauty of the Amâ€" erican falls, Whige their owu power magnates were utilising them for the development of éower and if is only after they have ;’ailed to obtai-zle'?;’tv,he p}"ohibftion of thg‘; export of Caurdiwa produced power that this cry has been raised and with ui coâ€"operation of the Dominioz govenï¬menb Uncle Sam h s attained the same end that woul i bave beea reached by%establishing such a probibition . Iti}looks very much as though the Canacf}-iau governinent has been gold brickeé’l in their deal with Uncile Sam and lgï¬t is this Province alone that staudé to bear the loss Niagara power is an asset of equal value to Oatario as her northern silver fields and to limit the developmen . of this power is an ui justifiable interferâ€" ence with the rights of the Province to ‘control her own natural resources. The Annual Meéeting of the River: ‘in {he side Cemetery Company will be held,; y in the Council Chamber of the Town ’ the Hall, Weston, on Wednesday, Ja.nua,ry! o w 28th, 1909, at 8 o‘clock p ‘m,., for the ‘ caso election of officâ€"rs and other business8. | becans ©‘The Black Plague of the Twenticth Century," on Tuesday, January 26th, at eight o‘clock p.m., ‘n the Baptist Church, Weston. Men only admitted Teachers of young men are specially invited. The First Avenue Male Quartette will take part. Mr. J. Wallis, principal of Queen Alexandra school, Toronto, will deliver a lescture, under the auspices of the Baptist Young Men‘s Bible Class, on NQTES and COMMENTS 1 " Hiat Justitia, Ruat Cocelum." )1 NOTICE. NOTICE Jas. R.. DExNIs, lth TesIaent There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the folâ€" lowing advice . will be higshly appreâ€" ciated by those who sgffgr the accounts Get from any gogd pharmacy oneâ€" half ounce Fluid E‘:;trar,t Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Co;ï¬ï¬ound S ilitcntarns.s rilla. "Shak€ /these andâ€" take in | £Easpor each meal and at D plenty of good wal "*Uasreiaimed tnar une‘e 5.56 tims of this dread and tortut ease who will fail to find read in this â€" simple homeâ€"made and in most cases a pelmament cure is the result : This simple rebipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the eliminaâ€" tive tissues of the Kidneys so that they'cgn â€"filter and strain from the blood ‘and system the poisons, a ids and waste maf;ter, which cause. not only Rheuxï¬a-tism, but numerous othâ€" er diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy andâ€" active, or who ‘sufâ€" fers from any urinary trouble whatâ€" ever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery= and ~ guffering after while. S Our bhome druggist say he. will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readetrs ask them. They say that happiness is found only in the dictionary; but it seems. to us that an honest young man, marMiâ€" ed to a healthy, happy, truly Christâ€" ian girl, who loves. her home, comes just about â€"as nean human happiness as ever mortal geté and such a man will not be so ungréte_ful as to swear, get drunk, or do a cruel or mean act. % Don‘t give your boy a knife unless he will first promise not to swap. Swapping leads to theating, and that is bad for the boy and worse for him when he grows up.. me A green Erishm employer to take funezal, and upo to his * boss,"" °P ay vye in all PUBLIC LIBRARY MEEIING is *‘ bOss ©That‘s a e of placi A 4 ay me that tdau doliars you owe Ir _ Mulroonest said an attorney \ ‘or phwat?" E MAKFTT YOURSELEF )r the opiniog you had of me." ith,. Oi nivef had. any opinion en U wers arpolinted to audit of 1998 2 HC J B U ound S boatrmice,. are a new blend 0 1ese â€" iaving a pe S KsSU hat aspog S e\:Q a h 5 t Di vat * matw theve 5.6 § ad and tortul Fey Fr Tor o il to find read e : il to fin es w as ‘egbnon homeâ€"made R ~:%Dm'r)\péms pos 3 \ ; o 18 vill 20 if that‘s the ve_toâ€" swin is by his a Jewish is report the vay over WS ; The regular mnngrhly meeting of the ‘Women‘s Christiag Temperance Union } was held on Monday at the hoine of the president, Mrs. H. $, Irwin with a good ’ attendance of meiibers,. Mrs. E. F. 1 Irwin acted as secretary in the absence | of! Miss. McTean. fter the devotional l exercises, plaos fer ghe annual W C.T,U. | concert were Jiscuss%d and‘it was decided | to hold it early in February, the date to ] be fixed later. _A committee was appointâ€" ed to undertake rhé: drills illustrating l the department of ten:aperance work, and another was to secure a reader for the } evening and look afreié the music. _ To KEEP BLANTS FROM ’ EREEZING. i _ Jessie Smith, Nova Scota. _ I have found a mway to keep flowers perfectly secure, | and no danger of |their freezing on the coldest night. ~I have two boxe one for my géeranâ€" jums and othéy flowers like them, and one for my cplla lilies, tuberoses, and. anything . @ happen to. have beâ€" \longing to the $Hly family. These \boxes are about; two feet high with ‘a lid fastened q with hinges, . and they are large ei?)ugh to hold all my flowers. I linegthese boxes with a |dozen or more? thjcknesses of newsâ€" ‘paper. Then on cold nights I take "my geraniums fl‘;E;)m the windows and set the pots in jone of them, leaving ‘room in the cent,STe of the box for _a lighted lamp. Ij then close the lid ‘and in the morning they are as sweet ‘and smiling as if they had slept in a bed of down. wEST YORK IIBERAL ASSOCIA: FION. The Annual ,“\‘Iéeting will be held on Saturday, Febru%ry 20th, in the Town Hall, Weston. _ A banquet will be held in the evening atB o‘cloek, and no. effort will ba spared to |make this one of â€"the most enjoyable ev"pnbs of the season. It is hoped that Mrs. May Thornoury of London may be abe to be present at the she ‘will probably be in Toronto at the time. on\ W.C.T.U. business. ; : It‘s but a short time since the first box of Booth‘s Kidney Pills came to Weston. What a work this stranger has ac complished. Dozens of â€" residents benefited and cured of lame, weak and aching backs, â€" urinary. «and kidney troubles. It is remarkablew the reaâ€" son for it is Booth‘s \Kidney Pills are a new blend of vegétable ingredâ€" aving a peculiar action. on the fesue {that brings quick help. h. Longstaf, of Weston, gProcuring Booth‘s the store of W. J. ud Opcdeand, w used Pey.compiaint that had M ‘or months. The kidney i ~was "mphormal, . I"had flitting, snarp »Sips deross my shoulders and breast, iz%y spells and many times when ari®ng from a chair, a severe pain wouldxcatch and render me helpâ€" less for the time being. Several reméedies were used but no relief given until I treated with Booth‘s Kidney Pills and they have practically cured me, and I hereby recommend and enâ€" dorse their use." Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Boothâ€" Co., Limited, Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. Of course, 1 ap‘:gl always careful . . toâ€" have plenty of ofl in the lamp to burn all night. In the centre of the box where I keep mi calla lilies, L leave room for three or four hot bricks and on them I set a bucket of warm watâ€" er shut the lid, and they will not freeze. A calla (F;:pes not object at all if <I put a hot bgick under each pot. Indeed, they seem to like it very much, and amply: reward me for my care. 3 You may think ?;;this is a great deal of trouble, _ but it is a labor of, love for me. L have padded the top side of the lids of those boxes, and quilled a dark maroonâ€"folored curtain _ all atound them. Then during the day, while my. flowers, are enjoying. the sunshine in the windows, the boxes are placed acrosg the corners, and instead of being unsightly, they are an ornament to the room.~ GUNN‘S‘,~ Limited,_wish to. advise farmers that tnsy prefer aeriveries of live hogs at their Packing House, West Toronto, on /V;V/g{inesdays and Fridays, and in any ‘# not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs.â€" Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. There is general surprise at the Great Number of Persons in Weston, who praise Booth‘s Kidney Pills Aimost Sensatopal w : .’pâ€i me ol % â€"â€â€˜ ze R POWI? for the FARM Weefoofor{orfooforfarcfarfrefer$re$20fandacfacfacf1efc0farfrede INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS AND CONTENTS WITH US. LQ Aj 57 Victoria St. 1 ORONTO ULARS. 3 TD YALTER zand Cheapest i OTICE is hereby given to all poerâ€" sons baving @laims against the estate of Thomas Rull, late of the Vilâ€" lage of Weston, gfjtleman, deceased, who died on Febrgary 221nd, 1906, to send before Janugry 25th,, 1909, to Joseph Nason, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitor for Emergon Bull, M.D., Adâ€" ministrator of his iestate, a statement of their claim with particulars and proof thereof, andithereafter the Adâ€" ministrator will digtribute the estaty and will u9t be ligble therefor t person of whose claim he has no notified. LoOTICE TOXCREDITORS Sefpop o pip o Apeppip o p uo N SaALEL Z RIT E, . TELEPHONE OR H| P S \ \ !;/(\/E\\\ Th T; Phone 20, WESTON, ONT 3 ESsT RATES AND SEST PANIES, JX]| TELEPHONE MAIN 1967 1025 diff FOR FULLâ€" PARTIGâ€" | ESTABLISHED 1862 CANAOIN iA 5e LONGSTAFF, Weston fou! ~Eom 2 'a;w;é.(“fl,. w . hB a as C [OR = id Quide, 3 amous Gnda U ROYT