Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 5 Feb 1909, p. 4

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The next dance ot the Sky Farm Social Club will be held on Tuesday ~thc 16th inst. Repeat it-Shiloh':: Cure will always {are my coughs and colds. Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price, $1.00 per year Miss Mary For'syth of Toronto spent Sunday last at "Bunny Brae." High School Inspentor, J. A Hous~ ton M.A. spent two days Ictst WEE invstitvauheuraiic, 1%: n. . -----f " Mi. and Mrs. J. Smith spent Mon- day and Tuesday with relations at King City.. Inch’s Cure-av-Gold, breaks up n. cold and his Lang Balsam cures a. cold. The bankers of the town are challenging any four merchants, bona fide proprietors, for fun, money or marbles, )he latter preferred. ton on Tuesday. _ Mrs. Joseph Bywater of Toronto was Visiting her daughter Mrs.‘W. J. Fielding on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. T. Hill had a very successful tea on Thursday afternoon. About forty guests were. present. - Mr. ‘Ray Forsyth of Toronto, and Mr. C)lifford Jewell, visited last week at "Sunny Brae." The C. O. C. F. lodge intend hold- ing their annual at home on or about the 10th of February. - WESTON? f Islington has il,llrlll!llt,8il!lrsri'i'tf/ss:", tame on .n rth Station Street and intends taking up his residence there. M The Canadian Order of Chosen Ftiends meet in the Oddfe11ows Hall. Thi, first Wednesday in each month, Mrs. Ellerby, Maria St. Recorder. The T pworth League meeting in the ! Weston methodist church on Tuesday ' evening next promises to be one of unusual. Raw. T. H. Langford Ba. I Will address the meeting;, subject “China. and her teeming millions," a Very pleasant and profitable evening is anticipated. A hearty welcome ex- tended to all Coming events at the rink include a carnival on Thursday evening next and a big hockey night and carnival given by the hockey team on the Thursday fol- lowing. . The regular meeting of thes Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday next Feb. 9, in Dutterin Hall, at 3 pm. Dr. Hackebt will give a call; on the care of the teeth. Mrs. Farrand, District President will be present, music, pro- vided. . Mr. J. K. McEwen sustained a heavy loss on Monday by the burning ot the house on his farm at'Nobleton. The building was a brick one valued at $3500 and was totally destroyed together with most of the contents. t,rr.' MeEmin's loss is partly covered by insurance. Repeat it--Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. A grand concert will be given in the Town Hall oo, Thursday. Febuary 25 in _a.id of the funds of the Town Band. A Splendid programme of vocal and instrumental music will be interSper ed with selections by the band. For further particulars see DOSLeIS. For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea (lar? Alwayg Eaughi Bears the Signatrre of Mr. James Gardhouse was in Bramp- CASy'r'C)fiR IA THE TIMES AND GUEDE Weston, Ont., Friday Feb. 5th, 1909 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor iia'i,nas,iff: .i'.ii'i5:i,'Jei] ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO All ladies interested in their physi- cal development are cordially invited to attend an illustrated Thursday, February 11th, at 8 o'clock in the evening, by MISS COLLAR, of Toronto. The leading business men of the town have agreed to close their stores at half past six in the evening, commencing next Monday. Among the private bills which will have to be considered by the Legisla- ture during the coming season is one promoted by the Toronto Suburban Ra,,lway Company granting an ex- tension of time tor the construction of their line and also asking permiss- ion to operate electric cars on Sury FREE TO LADIES There was a full meeting of the High School Board2on Wedneseay $53; when Mr. J. K. McEwen waémelected chairman for the teaming year. The newly appointed members of the board this year are Mr.iAlf. Goulding for the County Council. G. W. Trerral, for Weston Town Council and the ReiirJ. Hughes-Jones for the Public School Board. [ A Jretitisyrtrr12riririnister ot J tIN- ice playing for the release of Tom Wm and Robert Young who were Eentenced by Judge Winchesjtgr to sir Unths imprisonment" tot- assault n25 beefrcireu1ated-in the town this week“ and has been entensively signed. At a Meeting of the Board of the Methodist Church on Thursday evening, the Rev. W. A, Potter announced that he had received a, call fnm Aylmer which he had decided to accept should it he sustained by confer-mes. The memb- 613 of the Board 1n accepting his lesig- nation expressed their regret at Mr, Potter's, departure. _ The funeral of Mrs. A. G, Denis Tavh r, who died on Tuesdayin Ot tawa, took plaee Thursiay afternoon from the 1 o'eloek Grand Trunk train to the burial ground of the Denisna family on St. John's Road The funeral was attended by many old friend; and l'6Y- latives. Her hushmd, A. G. D. Taylor, boya. Aftersome time hat Men giveh up to the departments of fianclise the meeting closed. Tho Lest drillpraetiee will beheld at the home of Mrs. H. E Irwin on Saturday afternoon at four o'eloek _ LS o., House of Co Hmong. Ottawa, - and her son. Frank Tan lor, of Toronto were the chef mourners. At the Grand Carnival we heard the judges being crirized for their decision on the prize f‘rr the best lady and gent skater, We would now call the ' critics attention to the fact that the gentleman who recei':.d 1he prize went to Wood. bridge Tuesday and captured first prize there for the best lady and gent skater with a much larger crowdyand more competitions from other towns. We guess the judges at Weston must have had good reasons for their decision. The home of Mr. Douglas McLellan, last" Wednesday night, was the scene of one of the most enjoyable sleighing parties of the season. Two sleigh loads of young people from Weston who accepted the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. McLellan, had a merry ride to that place. After spending a few hours in playing games, eta, the party partook of an Oyster Supper. In the early morning the party broke up and returned home in high spirits, and owing, to the sociaiblity of the host and hostess, everyone felt that the time had been well spent. Mrs. T. McLellan and Mrs. J. Cruickshank chaperoued the party. _ The regular monthly meeting of the local W. C: T. U. was leld on Monday afternoon at the home of, Mrs fl E Irwin. After short devotional evreveicss the minutes of the last meeting were read, the business arising from it being connected With the concert wlueh is to be given on Thursday Fub. 18, In the tuwn hall Grand musical talent, has bee" Secured including Miss Mona Mill- man who sung so ac entabiv last year and Mr. Fall. There will also be other singers ard an eloeutiorijt whose names will he announced Jamr. The driH< ay given in the Sitting Room of the ll be st rati CENTRAL HOTEL HEALTH TALK [parka by lit 7561f paid in Advance 90 ac ephablv last year :There will also be other 1loeutiorsvizt whose names WESTON, ONT ST. JOHN'S (ANGLICAN) CHURCH On Sunday morning next at St. John's Anghean Church. a solid oak pulpit erected in loving memory of the late Mildred Verral will be dedicated. Last Monday, several members of St. John's A. Y. P. A. spent a very pleasant evening with St. Mark's Branch, West Toronto, and had the most exciting time ot the season. An Tuesday evening /Feb. 9th) the rector will give the third of his services of addresses on "The Prayer Book Sys- tem of Divine Worship-The Seasons of the Church” all members are re- quested to be present. ' The services on Sunday last, were memorial services to the late Dr. Sweat. man Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of Canada. FORM I. R. Armstrong. Pt E. Barton. . . . .. H. Best........ K. Campbell. . .. N. Colhoun. . . . V. Coulter. . . . .. H. Coulter. . . . . [ A. Delanv. . . T . G. Deaeoff. . . . . G. Farr........ W. Gardhouse. . E. Gardhouse. . B. Hutchinson . . Geo. Jackson. . . C. Jackson. . . . . L. Lauder. . . . .. S. Lenehan . . vu C. Locke . (ii-tlr/r-fi-tici";; T. McLellan. . . Madie McLellan F. Nuttall .. . .. FORM IL u. Campbell E. Parsons...... G. Ramsay...... W, Rowntree.... F. Rowntree.... I. Rlley..t..... P. Smithson“ --- R. Stewart..... A, Stong./...... E. Smith....... 0. Shaw........ J. Torrance..... U. Walker...... R. Coulter. . . . . J. Gram....... F.0ruickshank ., E. Calhoun... . 1.il.(julham.). .. J. Dcluuy.... . E. Gouldmg. .. G. Hamilton. . . F. Hamilton, . . G. Haddon. . . .. M. Icvine. . .. W. Jackson . E. Kmgdon.. U. Mm stu'. . J. McLellan. M. Mame. . . G. Matias. . .. N. Juhuauuu . I. McVean. .. M. Moore. . .. G. Musson. . . L. Robertson L. Rowntree. E. Scott. . . .. A. Spmerville ‘I. Vanalstyne ‘B. Verral. ' .. If you want to keep him In Shane, neVer let him sufter pain. Rub on "Nervilir1e"--it is noted tor curing strains, swellings and stiffness and sore muscles. For internal use in curing cramps and colic, Nervilinty is a perfect marvel. In every good training stable you’ll find Nerviline because itkeeps horses in trim and reduces the veterinary bill. Farmers stockmeu and all horse owners should buy Nervilir1e and prove how ir1va1u- able it is. Good for man or beast. 25c. per. bottle at all dealers. HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. For the month of January. FORM III. '.Alg. A, Adamson. .14 T. Bull.......90 J. Craven, .. . .41 I. Fairbairn . . .79 S. Gowan.. .100 E Goulding.. .42 W. Hutty. .. . .82 E. Irwin. . . . ..27 R. Hewgill. . .27 G. Lyons... ..61 W McC"uteheol,39 E. Pearen .. . .83 It. Lindsay. . . .22 B. Rodwell. . .51 P. Rundfe. . . \69 D, Vanalstyne 68 H. Wardlaw ..59 M Wallace. . . H111 HAVE YOU A HORSE? ng-v.... yell....... m........ :A'.g. Cleo. Ln 25 50 77 7O 58 28 46 78 97 78 " 61 95 53 52 51 40 39 54 58 til 31 88 61 83 31 60 68 62 51 90 34 74 42 17 90 27 78 56 27 41 86 86 65 27 79 48 48 61 38 Lat. His. Ph. Ch 52 20 65 fi7 " 53 71 75 73 72 75 72 Arith. 86 27 93 35 86 58 13 27 79 64 37 56 54 71 73 40 til 27 59 75 79 50 20 10 17 53 53 20 77 8t 20 46 59 42 60 40 72 75 47 50 88 79 44 60 50 31 38 tu, 56 45 61 53 82 58 84 80 77 58 73 77 65 ti8 48 70 93 76 til 87 91 36 48 41 18 64 77 7O 85 6O 89 59 90 35 61 58 60 56 83 85 3O 65 Hist. 43 40 60 20 51 63 31 75 40 92 70% 30 76 51 18 58 ti2 84 50 40 31 75 47 61 7O 80 95 32 M) 82 48 42 39 71 24 63 67 57 84 80 72 70 95 76 M) as i'to 7f 65 ble, so 58 72 WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's WESTON PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT TARIFF. Royal, Norwich Union, and North British and Mercantile. NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Traders, Standard. --AND _--. Also Agent for reliable Nulsury stock all at lowest, possible rates Form Form Form Form Form Form Totals 26t 4481 224 2 Attendance, Weston Public School for Jan. 1909. _ Following, based upon regular at- tendance and general profieieney, i the standing of the first six pupils in their respective classes for the month. Names are arranged in order of merit:--- Keep the bowels im, good condition. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause an increased ttow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. Yr. sir.--Willie Rodwell, Irene Camp bell, Edna Johnson, Clarke Farr, George Simpson, Marjorie Keys. _ Jr. iv.--John Charboseau, Ah): Bar- ton, Clarice Paekham, Alpha Harvey, Marjorie Wardlaw, Ethel Weller and Hum. Allan (equal.) Ill, , ' * 'm ” tl 5BE& i 'tt i qt . " , 's , " -, " Sl . " ' ' I .~ " _ = _ R MP u " _ .-. " m H Uh” ‘ " ,» be L', . ., a a. .4 - s v; . - - r m P. MTN" H - _ m a " tFN' rr - ram ' " " > - - ‘ i; V ll ' iENR - MI I . = M " a. :61 b" " " , " El , 1. ,s " I , h ig " a M, a IM a g u.- 3. A 4. - " B8 R 14 u " tt air'. If . a + TN2 d . z, " g. as. " " w l 3‘ _"" u; A: 'iM Syiat1 a: . _ A “a, qt G " .a. I " RRS . y p r. " Mt . is N - ' A , as») :1, M .. " a. BV . - .. _ "a CN - . . M ' " h" Ci' a. g: r: E M R Rt ' 1lf ix . .. - a: a. x a; T Di ' PJ q E .1 a w = . . - 'd 3 lit é Sr. iil -hralml McKenzie, Marjnrie Goulding. Leslie Gardhouse. Wil 19 Arn- oid. Stanley Chapman, Ella Lindsay. Jr. ili,--Gladys Armstrong, Lila Hes- lop, Dorothy Brown, Gordon Mattison, Laura Muie, Fred Cr11iekshank. Fir ii.--Nrilfrrd Pearen, May Draper, 1fitcsfiel Fraser, Arthur Hill, Bruce Pol- curl, Charles Robison. Jr, ii -Madeline Tattle. Lioz.el Irwin, Lillian Pollard, Harry Westphal, Ken- "sch Madgetb, Frank Arnold. Sr, Pt, ir -Alma Lumen Arthur Teale, Norman Mackay, Teddne Wilby, Erma t’arker. Vera Campbell. " GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. Cure them wiiputnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. Fifty years success is a guarantee of its merit. Beware of substitutes. Sr. Pt. i-Beatrioe Arnold, Beta Calhoun A'ma Best, Jack Bull, Frances tioffat and Lorne Mallaby (equal) Anme Wallis Jr. Pt, IL-A/ma Chapman. Clarlssa. Verral, Edna Woods, Helen Barker, Dorothy Lyons, Hobcrt Campbell. E. J. MUSSON "A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing. Then fever, with great prostration." If this should be your experience, send for your doctor. You may have pneumonia! If your doctor cannot come at once, give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him exactly what you have. done. Then do as he says. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J.C.Aver Co.,Louaell,Mass. Jr. Pt, L-Marion Alexander, Edcth “attire l, Lily Morell, Leonard Draper, sls1e, Moore, Harriett Weller. It May Be Pneumonia 1836 THE BANK OF l909 73 Years in Business.' For the Month of January, HAVE YOU UGLY WARTS? Account can be opened with $1.00 and added to at your convenience. 1 56 2 37 3 37 4 37 5 48 6 46 You will be surprised to see how the balance mounts up with Interest added. 'EXCELSIOR LIFE Taking Care ti of Money 632 695 689 557 674 834 46 35 34 33 34 42 Capital and Reserve Over 87,000,000 Examine our stock ofaSTATIONERY, BOOKS, PICTURE CARDS,-taNtTf CHINA. lk illlflllSll)t WAITING R00" WHILE WAITING . ' Candies t Soft Drinks, Tobacco t Cigars iittijrt (itar)riiii" Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON is our business. Your account is welcome whether it is large or small, A Savings nwvméwww Work First-class. Moderate charges. Heaps & Coty Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of had McDonald Mth )3. Nh 4 » . f IW. P Aim " u 5". kil .1 g 2 liit . - " " " if 4 . BE may be Graining, Sign Writing, Etc. THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO N. J. MeEwen, Manager. WEST TORONTO and P. o. MOUNT DENNIS. "i(h'ii)lm) _ COLLEGE {OF “MUSE, Pembroke St , Toronto. Weston fair Rink CONTINUOUS MUSIC TWO RINKS (VI-RS T . SMITHBONF.) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SAI URDAY, Joseph St., WESTON ALBION _ HOTEL M ONDAY’S & THURSDAY’S > Admission, 15Pisrots Ladies and Children, 10 ( Seam be obtained from the proprietors,} . Messe. K. and A. Cruickshak. i, The man who sits 1pwn-ttr lfortune, teams that 1 Gentlemen, $2.00. I T creature went around the otl Ladies and Children, $1.50 [with a more masterful mu. PAINTERS and PAPER-HANGERS, DRIVING PARTIES COV ERED AND O PEN MRS. J. FINNIGAN, 105 Dundas St. E ickets 10 Cents Pronrietar DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. Offiee--Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours-8 to 10 amt; 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. DR. G. ARTHUR ADAMS, Dentist Successor to Dr. G. S. Martin, N. W. Cor. of Keele and Dundas Sta. over Molson's Bank, West Town Bell, Jet. 55. Stark/j Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. Cmieetr--36 A. J. Anderson G. H. Gray 1 ANDERSON & GRAY. Continental Lite Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. Organist" Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke. fl. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor, ett. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law V Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1083 Residence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE 12 Keele St. N., 31 Macdonell Ave T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite F14, Temple Bldg., Toronto. W. P. Bull, K.C. G. W. COULTER, V. S. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College AU diseases ot Cattle and Horses Treated aeientifieally. Calls by mail or phone promptly attended. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and houses to rent. ", _ TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie S. McGill, _ Write tor calendar Musical Directress 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. i The man who sits dpwn/teimt tor ifortune, toopattrgirds that the fiekle {creature went around the other way Real Estate and investments 1m: YORK with INSURANCE COMPAN? Toronto, Insure in the York Firs Weston A gen t, SEWING MACHINE 26 Dundas JOSEPH NASON tlt (HHS mm 5 AGING (i). limited H . F . S E F T O N ' Surgeon Dentist Room Letter J-West Entrance Confederation Life Building, CHAS. H. PORTER For Bates apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, , drop award to Head Otfiee, 167 Bay street, Head office, College & Yonge Sts . TORONTO. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. call in. and get our prices Over D. Rowntree & Soul, Teacher of Piano and Organ. Mrs There are advantages in buying near home. ' tr-AN Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. Barristers, Solicitors, ete . J. T. HACKETT, Dentist Singer JOHN J. DALTON,- D.T.S. WESTON, Ontario Land Surveyor, Lessons G Embroidery J. K. McEWEN, Cash, Mutuul and Stock. Full Government Deposit Before Buying a WESTON, ONT. E, Mungovan, wing Machine Office t, E WEST TORONT(b TORONTO, ONT. WE ST TORONTO wen Free. a Specialty. WESTON, om! A. J. BARKER Fred Holliss TORONTO. a, Phone North 1291 ONT.

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