I ' w. 4 0. 29's; Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To Millers and Dealers in Gram and Feeds of all Kmds Coulter Avenue, ORDERS DELIVEITED DAILY . We are offering the balance of our Christmas Stock at l "1rifs':,'is,'itifi'i a still greater discount than at Christmas . Geo. Sainsbury Coal and Wood Furniture and Dishes First-Class work done. Good refer- ences. Pumps supplied. All work guaranteed. Ch & W. Wadsworth Carpenter and Contractor WM. T. WATTS, Contractor for Well Digging, PLUMBING, A Specialty RESIDENCE Estimates Manutheturers of"Tnree Lion Brandy Graham and . SANDERS, 10%;]? “new: Ontario Pump Co. JAS. GARDHOUSE mates g,iven on all kind, of work We do not want to carry the goods over and they must go. OF ALL KIN DS. EARLSCOURT. WEgTON ‘MiLLS WESTON. DEALER IN LAST CHANCE (ESTABLISHED 1828. WESTON MAIN ST. , slergybeat _.EL' a, CASTLE-SUTTON-on Thursday Dee. 31 at Trinity Church, Toronto by the Rev. W. F. Wilson D. D., May, daughter ot Mi. Henry Button of Woodbridge to Wesley 0. Castle ot DAWSON-ht iWr'smu on Monday Feb.1the wife of R, Dawson Esq of twins, boys, Weston . TIBBLE--ht Mount Dennis on Sun- day, January 31st the infant son of Mr. ud Mrs. Geo. Tibble. "i"""""-'.?' um. u“, “w -__ -. at home. This information will be of 06:16th to our readers and IS woelt keeping. .3 distinguished London physician “in; the course of a recent lecture r stomach and liver troubles, gives u; tiaiiowing advice:- “be moderate in the use of heavy, ."tt foods. Do not eat hurriedly, c.d thoroughly masticate the food. _ mur habits are sedentary, take a ;--derate amount of exercise before thing and immediately upon aris- IC. Do not use strong cathartic H's, many of which are advertised as we cures, but in reality do injury y weakening the system. If you ml it necessary to use any laxative, tick to the old-fashioned vegetable ity1RIre, viz. :-- Enid Extract Cascara....... % oz. jump Rhubarb me...-....... I oz. c,rri:cco Cornpound ........ I oz. Isinpound Syrup Sarsnparilla 5 oz. Take one .teaspoonful after meals cd, at bedtime. This acts in a gentle, natural way, ml is free' from the weakening Frets of strong purgatives, The ingredients can be bought ,epnrately, and anyone fan mix that: HQ How to Cure Stomach and LEV-3r Troubles. DUNDAS STREET, EAST, VEST TORONTO we: 'i',i'rv',ij,,i'li/l, Wh MARRIAGE DEATHS . BIB, NH Telephone Nn, . 1 If you could fmd a simple vegetable remedy for keeping all organs tseaithy and strong-would/ you use it? lzlost pills are harsh, clause pairr, and sick stomach. Dr. F1amilton's Pills are difierent-they regulate and cleanse the system so gentle, act so silently you scarcely realize you’ve taken medicine. You are elear1sed--appeei)e aaprovess-eo%: cleeers-sreep -ia-; -rusy--. stored. Every man, women and child is helped by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try a Me. box. Results so Surprising That They to Mi-o-na the One Depend- _ uommog 9.1V snorau'em megs able Stomach Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Pillow of North Street, Gananoque, Ont., says: Mi-o-na is worth its weight in gold for quickly and permanently cur ng dyspepsia. I became so :bad that I was unable to leave my bed. There was a constant burning in my stomach, I would belch up gas every few minutes and could eat but Very little, as the food would quickly ferment and make gas that caused a serious depression of the heart. Perspiration would break out all over my body, I would become so weak that I could not stir and would often fall on the floor in a helpless state. The pains in my stomach were terrible. I could find no position in ‘Which to sit or lie W thout suffering, and I was so nervous that the least noise affected me. Headaches were constant. I would become dizzy and Repeat it--i1oh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Mr and Mrs, Baxner took in the carnival an Woodbridge on Tuesday. spots would appear before my eyes. I had no ambition to get around and everything seemed to tire me. The first box of Mi-o-na gave me more re- lief than anything I had previously tried. The second box of Mi-o-na cured me. I am well and strong and I have not had an hour’s suffering since. I will alwayes feel grateful to Mi-o-na for the cure given me and glad to recommend." - M, â€dang“. " tr, W. Kingdom of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Farr and Miss Mable Farr of Weston, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Farr. Pra: er mevtiugs are being held every Ehursday mghu Mr Fld. Licteris h .118 six weeks iv Sr. Mien» l on s: e him looking so well 5.0.“ w .Wv.__,, In the face of such evidence it is easy to understand why W. J. inch feels assured in saying to you, money back if Mi-o-na fails to relieve either trivial or serious stomach trouble. Repeat it-Bhiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Inch will test your eyes and guarantee t is work, .faw days ui’h his sist '1‘ Usimr ':i'i'ii' Mount Dennis. The infant son I f Mr and Mrs, Geo. Tibbu, succumhei on Sunday to an at- uuk 1-1' pm u'nuuu. â€A; ' Inch. druggist and rafractionist, he had 4i); Jsartrekrrerier,ee in testing eyes. Methodist Church Public Worship at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday-School and Acult Bible Class at 2,45 pm. ' On Sunday next, services will be held at 11 mm. and 7 pm ; e"yunday- Sehool a; 3 p-m. St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 a. m. Mattins and Sermon. 3 p. m. Sunday School 7 p.m Eveusong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month atll a.m, third Sunday at 8 a m. "The date of tbs bahd eorcert has been It red Lo Mo [day the 2‘2..r1 inst. For Divine service next Sunday at 3 o'elock p.m. On Sunday next, Mass will be cele- brated at 10 30 a m Priest in charge. Rev Father Player o.s B. THES?LETOWN Selool Reer had “yer for next week tt. Baptisr Church. Public Worship at 11 a m. and 7 m. Sunday-School, 3 o'eloek p m. J. L. Sloat, Pastor. The Rev. R. M Hamilton pastor. St Johh'sCatholic) Church. QUESTION FOR EVERY READER. L115 AN OPEN LETTER Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector J. flu,g,hes-.rmes. M.A. Rector. CHURCH SERVICE. Presbyterian Church see' pl" tars Rev. W. A.sPotter, Pastor St. Philip's f TVi HEM" spendlng Husdtal. Glay M r .r 5p I Thva Get a large 50-eent case.of Papers Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking to-day and by tomor- row you will actually brag about your healthy, strong Stomach, for you then can eat anything and every- thing you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of impurity and Gas that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away without the use of laxatives or any other as- sistance. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown Where this effec- tive remedy is used. Diapepsin really ach. It digests your meals when your does all the work of a healthy stom- stomach ean't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, Nausea, Ia- digestion (lite a lump of lead in stomach), Biliousness, Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indi- gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin after eating. GUNN'B', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries ot live hogs at their Packing House, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays, and in any case, not earner than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for seleci hogs Weights ---e â€ed IRO to 220 pounds. At 5 W) the [new iug 't jmnn d wit! e banquet hall, wherea sumptuous repust, awaited them. - Tho eel trirm rf vffieers rtisuste" as bumâ€: Irv, Hugh Vlwfgnmery, P G V1; Bro Wm. U. Cook. D P G.U; B10. Um. Wm l) Nzlxuuok, P GS t f Bro J Mallyon. P. G. Trrriee; Bros. A. Clew low and c, Women, auri1oors. The newly elect“! tffie.ers uern iLSLall-sd b: Aid. VVVm G. Teal, P P (rhr We are sorry to re} l Tefferson is remvering Miss Francis Olil Sp Brian's. Mr, and Mrs, WW I the for ners brmher wr, Mr. under comm? The meehmg for business was opened at, 3 30 and cr de tials fr.1n 35 delegates were read and accepted The finaceial statement and audxnara’ report 5 1m. ed the socienv t.) he in a. verv hearty cumu- tion, shpuing a very s tticfaetorv in uIPM' in lot-h C yi 'al a. d n em â€ship Basiness was resumed an 630, when tie accuulnsf r 1908 and estimates for 1909 were discussed and passed, Owing; to theinentreucyMthe weather . nday evening no service was held in the Methodist church. The trustees of our school have pro- vided the Leachers with a new desk and chair and char necessaries. A number of our young people attended . r. , A Pruvi dial Grand M Ls'er Bro Edwards resonievl on behalf somehv. ' A number of our young people attended the anniversary services on Sunday and also the fowl supper on Tuesday evening at Ebenezer Baptist Church. The path in the flats being snowed over, Elmer had to drive on his usual trips but as he was “afraid to go home in the dark," he planned to have his sister to accompany him on the return trio from Bellevue. The question is, how did she get to Beilevue? . Alderman Bro Wm G. Veal, P P G., M., In a very suitable speech. welcomed the ofEcers and brethren to West. Toronto on behalf of Loyal Canada Lodge of which he l as been fiaanci l secretary for nearly 19 years. The Ontario district of the Indepen- dent Order of the Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, held thvir 21st annual meeting in Canada lodge room. on Saturday. V¢¢§§MWWXM l \\ l PSYCHINE IS the greatest strength restorer and system builder known to “\£}E\\\t\m\ science, and should be used for Coryrha, Colds, Weak Lungs, Loss of Appetite N' s v TT,! 'Cu,,-,,,-:,-.,,-,,,., mess etc All druggists and Mii M PaiiiE3EFr 2iiii3iiniiriiriiir:N =Tt.-t5FtseRrtTTT,eee y .2 m Tem , 3" © M, MFC" M. ‘ . 5d ,»L-_\.-'_:;: :4“. a“ the __ 1iTi'1ie1i, 5'35““ , $2: is E E stores sell PSYCHINE, 500 Il lilly PRONUUNCED Si-KEEN:: A Sid P n ls a! sir K; (“I II . ess? it , mtttr%ElBf Iiithrg - - th ETS' " gil' " Mai; this Trrl Cr2, _ I) I- A. ,Smw‘m. Lind $1 bottle. DR. T. A, SLO $43-2y‘ï¬'qw‘5~$5ï¬$M§E€A4VIE5:5}: Lritd a" art/credit,,,,),',::?,:."'-'-"' 'Jue1is (CUM mmmv TORONTO THF mum n: Tnult"Crnrtui:itiTu “m a new; o' CE Yb; ‘1; r. M. V West Toronto. RD', t'. Mark D, ' the doctors alescing. ffaiUNd EVEEW Dass ‘WSOL care Mr spent ort tha slowly for mus are George I who h ot' some Mr. S. J New, of 151 Baldwi I Srl. Toronto say Harold'st ouble to when he had the nieas'esf he never really recovered. E0 ne of th: beer: li, but with months of suffering he m I III/IAN couglI,bropc_itis, and then mreumoni that Sm f the weather was held in day M r ll as visiting li one LS been Mme Shine) of the at 55V " At this point we tried PSYCHINE, and human lips ca ss' Eaii' not describe the change that took Trace. No words can expés iii'i_ii"ii, the thankfulness of his mother and myself when We’saw the iii))', rr?, crisis was over, and realized that our boy was fig ting his way lil back l0 life and health. PSYCHINE had mastered that which all the doctor's prescriptions had failed to check. Day by day Harold grew stronger, and all through the winter, although continually out of doors, he failed to take cold, and he out on flesh very quickly. By the spring my son was completely cured, and de- ve;oped into a strong, sturdy ltd." Jack tne Is _'i,i'i"iii',ii'rs?ii, 1tttr"isi! No 8 Dundas St., Nest We , Sell the Best f and Parest, Drugs AT THE LOWEST PRICES I _-.. - " f at g "; m " M mrs “a . RtNht (tt .lsrm CIM) . a qimEig ' = ' ' * s (a rc... ' 2 “1% f" t ' V DUST gym; . - b , ' 31%;“; Wmffgg- . giM8%tN5 B2gBlEWitt Nth-J . . . - IItI 'ilE% " ' Liam Ill, V 47% ii: , ' _ _ a" UK' \ a w-e"'" 'lr aialrt Bl) “ Y.T..' " . $68i? - Ees , 2% , I FA P. t - A - ~ m.p-g..: , 3%; re-,. . Cf " "Month after month went by that we shall not soon forget; months of sleepless nigiris, fearful coughs, waalrening night sweats, left my boy a mere shadow. He had no appetite, and my heart ached to see how he was wasting away. He spent one whole summer at the Lakeside Home for Sick Children, and came home greatly improved, but the cold winds of October took him off his feet again. The doctor advised me to send him to Nuskoka, but heavy doctor's bills had depleted my financial resources, and such a step seemed out of the question." " A...L.:,. -A:~....M -_.:AJ nnxlnrnmrw , , .- HOWELL... & With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES Tt ar1d-PERFUMES, we challenge comparison _-_ in the washing powdtr field-it has no substitute. You must either use . OTHER GENERAL USES FOR COLD DUST or something inferior-there is no middle ground. Buy GOLD DUST and you buy the best. Geld Dust Washing Powder Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Montreal, P. a.-Malasrs of FAIRY SOAP. \ tttth GOLD DUST makes hard water can lisa 1lllhaitM wands Alone as“ DRUGGISTS, Scrubbing f.109rs,..washintr clothes and dishes, cleaning 700* work, .oil cloth, silverwpré and tinware, polishing brass work. cleans-mg bath room. Dunes. etc... and making the finest soft scan. m P, 13 21,6 g Qfi memo Says: " I can trace my son " Azicas'es the years ago, from whim N, IIa. system builder known to medical ph/SI‘J ns" attended him, mm contracted whooping WEST TORONTO “the (gOLltt mm?" ngis db yaw. warts" , Weari-