"rt' Etna Dorw1do-Meadoxxre race last b ay we-totice Messrs W. Shiell's E. Reaman and ; . McEwen, Billy ,Longboat was un 1e to be present. Mr. A. M. Gabi will open next (Week at the Eag Block, an "up-to- Bate store for gent's furnishings, ready-made clo ing and custom tailoring. " The members y the Womens In- stitute are as d to meet at the Council room sgurday evening at 8 p.111. to complet§ arrangements tor the At Home. i The bus to Eme'y on Thursday yvening took a go load of young gpeople up to the b 7 aar. The Rev. R. . Hamilton has ap- plied to the coutts for lease, to; ap- peal from the decision of otticial Referee Cameron n the case of Long- staff Vs. Hamilt n. _ Telephone No. 26 Mrs. J. F. Hi and her daughter Miss Carrie Hill will return on Wed- nesday from ntreaf where they have been spend g the winter with Mrs. W. C. Ridd 1. Is it a matter ot pride to be pale as a 1ily,--eertaiNy not. What every woman want strength. color, vigor. Buoyant: 1eyl health are the right of every syn, and these she need not lack if \i-ni‘dy uses Ferro- zope. it gives app 9Ji'i' tiyeates_stret1- gth, enriches blood, 1i8 vigor to the nerves, color to tax cheeks and brightness to the eyes. ' errozone‘ is It once convertible into health, beauty and strength. There, is power in 1Nrrozoroe,---try K it, and" know what you have missed, 50c. at all dealers. gi-------' Subscription Price, $1.00 per year Mr. Tomi1ffith has returned from {Cobalt The Bedstead mpany started to yshipthis week. - Mr. Arthur Sha' Grand Jury. The Rev. W. d confined to his be grippe. Miss Emma Meliae of Toronto is WiSiting her cousi Miss Bessie Hill this week. Wmu‘s~~~w Miss Irene Ma Fits entertained a number of young iends on Monday evening. Repeat it-Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Mr. B. Smuck Wt on Wednesday for a visit to fri ds at Ham lton and Brantford. Tor Infants and Children. Th Kind You Have Always Boaght Bears the Signature of [ch sells Com ound Syrup of ophosphites (F How’s) tor $1.00 tar $1.50. Mee " Salve 15 cents. js. G, M. Frager North Static}! ing must be 'ear, the Weston s are discuss ng Lacrosse a1- y, in fact we h. r the team has SHE IS WHITE AS A GHOST Le Rev. Dr CASTOR EA ff Tillie Shagw North Station leaves to-day? to spend a few is“ visiting frietlds in Brampton Gifi' Lk re eive this month will be at ho e as usual on the Friday and S turday in April. a. o. H. Dixob of Dresden and Frank Ogle/Hi of Toronto were .ng with Mrs. "t, aake last week. Teat it--shiloh's Cure will always last my coughs and colds. '23:: i College, wilt) pre .al service this §(Fri( Le Methodist Church. a' Visiting trittids in Br the neighbouring vicinity picked THE TIF§§§EE§ AND GUHDEEE WESTON t, ar Ba ton who was con- . bed ith an iigi'gavf,erlry.rc, Weston, Ont., Friday Mar. frh, 1909 ADVIF'IISIFC RATES ON APPLICATION Gandier, Principal of Willi preach at the thisiwriday) evening lik n, ant At “fly ll rs,j,aiH,te od, 1ihlh W to I 1e eyesq; I IS A. E. W'HINTON, Proprietor .Potter has been with an attack of is serving on the ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO F UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY of 'tttHit/As last (pirrT, \WL‘L‘V, relict _ as To (o. L., “E“a’t'“ her residence on Main Street. The 'D deceased Was sixtsitive years of age lin at the time of h death which oe- M curred just one we after that of her sister, Miss Anne rley. The funeral took place on Mo "day, service being lc held at the Cat V lie Church here, H Father Player, 'imciating,. From‘ Weston the remargs were taken to m St. Miehael's, Tor ‘to. The deetastd, is survived by twi daughters, Annie 3R and May and one (if, George. ‘1'] On Friday the sttrft ot the Bank of B. N. A. ran a rad) of one-third of a mile, this being ll single lap of the speeding track on 'PY-Fair,: Grounds. The track was notbl' in excellent shape and Mr. W. Mitghell had an easy victory over his fFRonent.!.i,,t who fell fell on the roadside. The winner made good time. geyond a, few cuts, bruises and spraigs the other com- petitons manageq; to survive, al- though Mrteheltr was the only one to last the whole dfstance. The race was for cigars or; chewing gum, we forget which. é Sir Andrew Eiaser, Lieutenant- Governor of Beingal, is coming to Canada to anew? the National Mis- sionary Congress,tpMareh 31st to April 4th. upon the ira6tatiori of the Can- adian Council, alfly seconded by Mr. John R. Mott, wto is in England do- uuuu u. Auuhv, ,. v w u. __°_, __ - ing special workiin connection with the colleges. SiriAndrew was Mode- rator of the Eresbyterian General Assembly of India last year, and is one of the mostdzealoUS workers in that country. His son-in-law, Rev. J. H. Oldham 01f Edinburgh, is the Secretary of the Sommittee in charge of the Wortd's Cdiiference of Missions ‘to be held in Eduiburgh, June, 1910. Europe is now in its grasp, and in a short time America will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive measures. Build up a suhmisNtiyvigor by Ferrozone, and inhale cahcit"trhlverqe three times each day. Noth ' destroys the grippe germ like Qatar itzdiyr'; It cures the cold, breaks up tli teiret, relieves the headache and dest j’y§,évery vestige of catarrh and sore throat. For Bronchitis, Grippe and winter ills Catarrhozone is best. Sold by all dealers Me. and $1.00. ~The supplement ry meetings oi the West York Far yrs' and Women’s Institutes will b held at Kleinburg on Friday, Mare 12. The following speakers will ad s the meeting:-- John Gardl1ousel Highfield A. C. Hallman of Bresla' , and Miss Susie Campbell of Bram on. The meet- ings will begin at two and eight o’clock p.m. l Captain and Mrg. T. Critchley re- turned to Park F m on Tuesday. Mr. Thomas Gr from the firm 1 order to be abl interests) the 116 business will be e, W. Griffith Jr. The sale of Mr.? Aitchinson's farm stock and imple ents at Lambton Mills on Thursd ia was a world beater. The horsd were sold as high as $225 and tsdmilk cows at $80 apiece, J. K. Metwen was the auc- tioneer. ii Reeve Bull and @ouncillors Bull and Pearson were the 1011157 members pre- sent at the 00111131 meeting on Tues- day evening and i, view of the fact that there are ‘several important matters for discus __,ion it Was decided to adjourn until Jiday next. The Women's Institute At Home will be held in thE Town Hall Tues- day evening Mardi 9th. Programme to commence at 8 4m. sharp. Members are asked to eome?iwearing something in the Way of a ba%1ge which shall re- present the name ,“Of a place. Each member has the p§ivilege of inviting a friend. Please)) provide refresh- ments. 3; A union Commu Presbyterian and tions will be held Church at 11 a.m. Rev. W. A. Potter Rev. R. Haddow dress to the co Union Thanksgivir} held in the Meth p.m. The Rev. R. be the preacher. Repeat it-Bhiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. WEST YORK ARMERS' AND WOMEN'S NSTITUTE. GRIPPE COMING AGAIN J? 7 55 if paid in Advance bith is withdrawing t Griffith Bros. in to look after his rth. The store and rried on by Mr. F. tticiating. From s were taken to ato. The deceased _ daughters, Annie 3n, George. Lion service of the gethodist ccmgrega- fn the Presbyterian on Sunday. / The ral preach and the twill give an ad- 'pmunieanes. The E services will be dist Church at 7. M. Hamilton will ESTON, ONT . [our'", 43‘er -t'rcec"u'"'. - 'yre-,l,s, co m .iMabei It jyremsrvaier ' Reuben Teale, Eusten isorcdm,Marioui, Gould; ling and Lulu Robisin, (equal), George .Moody, Leslie Gardhouse. l Jr. ii.--Graee Wood, Harry West- phal, Madeline Tottle, Kenneth Mad- ‘gett, Lillian Pollard, Tom Lindsay. (, Br. Pt. ii.-Erma Parker, Arthur iTeale, Alma Laver, Viola Notre, Nor- "nan Mackay, Teddy Wifby. Jr. iii.-Mariot1 Haddow, Lila Hes- lop, Laura Milne, Dorothy Brown, Howard Stewart, Fred Cruickshank, Sr. ii.--MitcheU Fraser, Charles Robinson, Wilfrid Pearen, Jean Robinson, wnma Pearen, Bella Hill. Jr. ii.--Graee Wood, Harry West- phal, Madeline Tottle, Kenneth Mad- lips. Jr. Pt. ii.--Alma Chap-man, Bert Charboneau, Dorothy Lyons, Gordon Moody, Helen Barker, Clarence. Phil- Jr. Pt. i.---Mariop Alexander, Mal- colm McRae, Leotard Draper, Har- riqtt We'ler, Berlty Gordon,-Ettgerie Robison. [a d" Jr. Pt. i. (BO-tNorman Bradford, Pereyl Pearce, tte, Moffat, Pearl Kollberg, Gladys Fraser, Regrie Cowan. l Br. Pt. i.-Celia Westphal, Clara Taylor, Marguerite Johnson, J ack Bull, Willie Coulter, Gordon Webster. The following is om the Winnipeg Daily Free Press oi Thursday last: A quiet but pretty adding took place at 8.30 last eveni g at the home of Mrs. Geo. Stubbi gs, 63 Lily street, when her nephew, V r. Jas. H. Leigh- ton, of this city, on of Mr and Mrs. R. H. Leighton, got Prescott, Ont., was united in mirriage to Miss Irene Viola Hughes, 'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hug'es, of Oakville, Ont. The ceremony as performed in the drawing raom , ich was banked with ‘palms and i1jisi:; Rev. H. Hull, of ,MacDougall M 'hodist church, Winni< peg, pesormeipt. the ceremony. The ibride entered tthe drawing room on ithe arm of p. J. D. Stubbings, Morden, Man , to the strains oi (iii1121'i'rir'; wgdding march played by (Miss Lottie étubbings. The bride's gdress was erelirn point d'esprit,. over [silk with apgllique and satin trim- mings. After 81e ceremony a dainty lunch was serisd. On y the immedi- ate friends weée present, those from a distance being Mr, and Mrs. J. D. 'Stubbings, Bremen, Mm, Mrs. Bastedo, Battleford. Frass., Miss J. Fairfield, Oakviue. Ont The many Dear Sir Stubbings, hirden, Mam, Mrs.) ytlrr..-"Co..y Bastedo, Battlegnd. Sass., Miss J.‘ fit2epgoei; Fairfield-, oakvitP, Ont This: many Sleeve because presents were beiiutiivy. and costly. _bor1e in it? Will you allow me through your columns to expressirny sincere thanks to the many frien who came to my assistance in th severe losses I sustained by fire.) I wish to thank most, sincerely all hose friends whose names appear on e list of subscrib- ers and whose efic) ts and assistance have enabled me rebuild my barn and stables. C lTotals 248 32133 200 2 Following, basedi upon regular at- 1tyttt and general proficiency in} ,the standing of the first six pupils in} ltheir respective classes for the month. i [Names are arrajYred in order of: merit. (, I ‘ Br. iv.-Irerle Caynpbe11, Willie Rod-; ‘Well, Lee Bull,§: Clarence Coulter,; (Clarke Farr, Alma; Mercer. " Jr. iv.-,-Marioiiss Wirdlsw, J ohx:J Charboneau,.W 11 gaddow, Alex. Be.5s-e WESTON PUBLIC $CH00L REPORT Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 Form 6 ton, Alpha 11sy.rsv,eit.ar"ce" Weller. For the Month? of February. LEIGHTON--lHUGHEB. CARD OF THANKS -gsrt Yours SincerelY. 39 37 42 57 38 To The " " a 2%? bt 'dl cri)o 583 FRANK LISTER. 'ditor. 38 29 33 30 33 37 Cobalt’s output tor 1908 amounts to a grand total of§25,463 tons. This means an increase]; of more than 10,- 000 over 1907. , Cobalt mines §ent to smelters in 1907 14,851.34 ands in 1908 25,463.08 tons. The inereajed tonnage will be exceeded probabfy by the increased silver production.; - Fnesday afternornl 1Elizabeth Jeffrey; ' [John Reaman, inl Any table showing the production of Cobalt mines tit tonnage only does not give an absolutely fair index of the mines' standinig. . - ':, GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise [farmers that they prefer dbliveries of ilive hogs at their packing house, iWest Toronto, on Wednesdays and Iridays and in any case, not earlier lthan Tuesday, or later than Friday leach week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 Ito 220 pounds. La Rose produéiéd 4,715.18 tons, Pf almost one-fiith of the eamp'srtrirtput. This mine williglso. mike" a grand showing in silvelf: production. [ Thirty-two miaiis shipped during the year. _'i:) Red Rock auditT Green-Meehan have uisappeared, temiorarily at any rate, and the shipmeilt from the Casey mine will not be: seriously considered until more deve1ipment is done. La Rose, Nipisising, O'Brien, Mac- Kinley-Darragh, Kerr Lake and Tem- iskaming & H'Liidson Bay shipped regularly and didUnot tai. to appear as shippers in eacé and every month. Tem.skam,ina, Trittihewey, Congagas and City of 00b9,? mines made ship- ments in eleven 0 the twelve months just elapsed. g The rich silverivalues of the Tem- iskaming, Kerr take and Crown Re- serve must not ï¬e forgotten, nor the fact that Cof4agas, Buffalo and Cobalt Central' shipped nothing but high grade ore nd concentrates. The last-named, ho ver, makes nothing like as good a s‘owing as the others named. , WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARIFF. Royal, Norwich Union, and North British and Mercantile. Also Agent for reliaolu Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates NON-TARIFF. f York, Merchants, Traders, Saaadand. .s I I E; . s, q mE . kP I E ,,;.; pr ' - Eh Rre, 'lit' - 3:2; " , c, "wi' - , p, , . " ' r, . Mg " g tl A " N?HSY It'tN :3 '" F. =12 Sun - - '.a E c T, , mW. & q J X, m. I 'll a M. " 1" 'S ' R' S) .;. , tg a: _tt Fr 2 at ' 1:53.; " g: s i?.?, I 3: s as I: , " 2-. a s: L5© E?, " a = th" " ' Bi P, x . 2.. , K I ila " ' n: Al Rim " 2. x: RE ili? " q Iii I thb't v t"i ©,?, " .e y M L $4il El I K ' T 'ry, M 2-. if " r, . le M ' , Lt s y: INK' ii! ' s: Ee ' ‘3: 1-3 I SN " , a. t '5 , g, Mtii9 I 5.15.3 u: y, Fig iN FEB' . I = ' " '., , © L R' , E fl SE , tr . - ~ _ ' .. . '» m gig e. 4 WM 'al . Wag» q ' DETHS. REAMAN-At oodbr E. J. MUSSON The E9octor's First Ctuestion "How are your bowels?" This is generally the first ques- tion the doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish liver means. He knows what a long list of distressing com- plaints result from constipation. He knows that headaches, bilious attacks, indigestion, impure blood, and general debility are often promptly relieved by a good liver pill. We wish you would talk with your own doctor about this subject. Ask him at the same time if he approves of Ayer's Pills. Do as he says. TTCAiFrR5ir'C"LTiLih,7vriG". 1836 THE BANK OF I909 73 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve over87,()00,000. ---_ B ki offered to Farmers, Cat. Every an mg tlemen, Miners and Accommodation Lumbermen. _.___._____.. Sales Notes handled on most favorable terms. Cheeks on any Bank cashed.' Money advanced to reliable men at reasonable rates. Money sent to any point by Money Order, Draft or Telegraph Transfer. Lajcepj EXCELSIOR LIFE E --AND - 'oodbridge, on Wed- , March 3, 1909, widow of the late her 62nd year. nan laugh in his carries his funny in 1908. "mp AstoILishfd OUTPUT Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of Frank McDonald may be obtained from the proprietors, Messrs. K. and A. Cruickshak. Skating Examine our stock of STATIONERY, BOOKS, PICTURE CARDS, FANCY CHINA. We RIVERSIDE WAITING MON EQQQWQQQQQQQQQE WHILE WAITING f ' ' Candies t Soft Drinks, Tobacco d Cigars Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON §Nadame (i_iiihirstri('i THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO Weston Fair Rink TWO RINKS CONTINUOUS MUSIC ALBION HOTEL Admission, 15 Cents. Ladies and Children, 10 Cents. Season Tickets N. J. McEwen, Manager. - (Mas, T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of ‘fooal Culture Ladis, and Children, $1.50 COV ERED AND O PEN DRIVING PARTIES MRS. J. FINNIGAN, Gentlemen, $2.00. Proprietor Licensed Auctioneer tor the Counties of York, Peel and Bimeoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and houses to rent. Singer Sewing Machine Mitt 26 Dundas St. E WEST TORONTO Physician, Surgeon, etc. oftiee--Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. C)ffiee Hours-8 to 10 a.rru; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. SEWING MACHINE DR. G. ARTHUR ADAMS","'" Dentist Successor to Dr. G. S. Martin, N. W. Cor. ot Keele and Dundas Sts., over Molson's Bank, West Tortya , Bell, Jet. 55. 812% CHAS. H. PORTER, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. C)ifiees--36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. Continental Life Building, Cor. Bar', and Richmond Sts.. Toronto. A. J. Anderson Residence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 12 Keele St. N., WEST TORONTO H. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law . Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 108-2 1i'Amovrr-ir--. PARTRIDGE Organist Weai - Methodist 01111 St. Philip Church, Etobieoy W. P. Bull, K.C. DR. W. J. CHARLTON T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto. North Bound. South Bound. 8.33 a m. x o 9.47 a.m. x o 10.05 a.m. 0 11.18 a.m. X 1 5.13 pm. x o 2.00 pun. o 6.33 p.m. x o 6.06p.m. x'; 10.42 pm. 0 7 45 p.m. x x Stops at Weston. o Do not stop on Sundays. _ JOSEPH NASON, LL.B. call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidery a Specialty. There are advantages in buyin near home. Mrs. E, Mungovan, Surgeon Dentist Room Letter J-West Entrance Confederation Life Building, Going West. 7.20 3.111. 0 x 8.59 a.m. IL 1.22 p.m. o x 4.06 p.m. o X 4 38 p.m. o 7.23 p.m. o x 11.25 p.m. x ANDERSON & GRAY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Teacher of Piano auto; Over D. Rowntree & Sons, Barristers, Solicitors, ete. H. F. SEFTON. . J. T. HACKETT, Local Time Tables, Before Buying a o x 11. o X 12. o 7. o X 9. x C. P. R, Dentist b. Going East. x 7.20 a.m. x 9.47 a.m. o x x 11.25 a.m. o x 12.11 p.m. o x 7.23 p..m x X 9.33 p.m.).,x// TORONTO, ONT. Methodist Church WESTON, ONT. J. Fred Holliss G. H. Gray "