Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 12 Mar 1909, p. 1

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i'",; Jtitiicksihank Wagon g, ¥_:~"Light Wagons _ and Buggies ‘3‘ li:),,,),) and WOOD VOL. XIX f ;.atggtey4yebee-yeeeeeeageaeettesbeebeebstteip, l French E3carn-E3cornss, M,l)(),%lttl,()() t if? "I'11 bet that young girl's parents keep three hired girls and a. cook." "What makes, you think so?" '"Bhe says sh; just loves housework ind could live in the kitchen." Green made." (“What was it?" 1"m advised our travelling man to trimtmp work for a while and travel 2or his health." Farm and Gardanem Sleighs MAIN ST. - - \' " LIVERY in CONNECTION "That was Sipe Ageht For, _ l f . T MfiéfiéffiflLlN CAND ' 1jr,ttolsti' 'r",,-, T 1 _ A" _ Humberside NA/aa Ming Room E _ WEST TORO)sri'O _ g iii-is-ss-isnt-ar-its-ss-ist-isis-s-i/ii',", A ---- -----', Ssreight We itrOl.V:c") The nicest and most useful farm wagon on" the road. Is made at home, fully guaranteed, and costs no more than others. Fitted with our Standard Spring if required. LUMBER, 1. A TH, SHINGLES ANID C GEDAFG POSTS. ®§§k§§$§§® _Main St., - " A. LEMAIRE bad break Sand and Gravel. WESTON, ONT. H. COUSINS - _ ,. - - . ' . " -. " “a .. MNrBmF58IE8, . - Fa" _ M . - .,. T6F ' . . . -. A m n _ _ . - t .5 ’ -..:.- . MrrtMi" "Bm e " T M a '71.“..- _. - erteBME2e =, '=tEraihEa WMEN v A: #2419". 5NrigM ---.‘- w. _. . - l MlBME 7 Emwq5e an "r - - " ..w- " . = " M! . 2:54 - ' .é a .45.: » smr 5&- -.-..- » «a... 'V A... 's=ittiMaER " EN Jr er ' IA NI . .-._» ::.. A " q h' ”..”..- . may.” - " - . . a! n 45.» ' a. r bl M... s PM. . - " , " Jaw} " am ..‘21 'li' " Tm ‘ mg ' , R - mr " - u : A% x ttm C q " - s. s " 1 MN ..“. r 3:4 - is " " " . T" " ll - 'r, I, tX " _ " [ _ a; Bitt _ F, wr. :n , " _ .17}? " " 'hid '" a, tit " " qgg bb E _ . ait - . '. . }. = Mtg M ' ' » 37...... W, ts' " an. . " - " an. . m, BM, - . - , . . pg. " I, T - . . "' rigs-umnrz- " . ' " " I; t,%1 P, I' tM “15.? Ng :13... " a 15iM . " " " x - w.» Kil EW8 im Bee liitl .- era a: .9 ' ' = MEBr ' 9 at IE '" r . ta = - ' s %R5titt mu. Ai% " "dgll = FM - " a»; Mi . 22 a x: " a " " - EM . a. TG w: - T, u. T' _ It ' A al? Mai: MM V - . . Eu; ~ ~ - " “n P .w ' . - 4 " " " l " ' - " - - ' - Wa" . Teri ' e a“. M. " V. ‘ - v " - _ " * Ls " tg "d Tr . " .34 - F a. " _ qt it: _ 'l . r, .5 351.: B? , [ "it , . i , IE . a " " " a?“ " . . 1; Mmrm my, . BiNs cr , trai& trm RiIBE . WR m 2 "r - . . YM" x... 11m= _ - BN. 'tate qgtgFt w - . . . Fl " m '2: . Ei. ’--s . "* " . Mrrrt .‘Lz. ' . - " - ' - ~:..-~v - g1IMEiiEMI - . Mil. R . . .v " K85. - . u? ' " '.. I .tttliR IligiliM ik .<< N Rt" - - - a}? - q5MMit " EIN' " t Bi8rNlt , 1- MgiEiMN . 'til Doetorl GUNNB', Limited, wish to advise [farmers that they prefer deliveries ot nan to live hogs at their packing house, travel West Toronto, on Wednesdays hand Fridays and. in any case, not eérlier )arents than Tuesday, or later than Friday ak." each week. Highest prices paid for sework select hogs. Weights preferred; 160 to 220 pounds, l THE and Wilkinson Piows ts', A Call Solicited i'at)stilijli, Q (siii)sititliiiia'i) WESTON, ONT, WESTON, ONT. Prices Right our own make, as are some of our more fortunate fellow townsmen, to pay livery hire whenever they /wish to drive, say to Thistletown or Mount Dennis, , Our remarks last w'tsgk on the Sun- day car questiqn Jyyajrrrrnet with dis approval in oerj'sifit'i'ti?riirsers, on Sun- day last a public expression was' given to this disapproval by a, gentleman Whose opinion we respect, while de ploring his attitude on this question We would point out that we are sup- porting this sirrxice on behalf of thos situated like ouréelves who are unable, i The opposition to Sunday cars was :organized on Monday evening at a meeting of the local branch " the Lord's Day Alliance Petitions against such a service are being circulated in the towu for signature. The question is one’which must be 'of‘t to individual judgment, we will not reca'itulate here the arguments in fsvor of a fiatr day car service. From the utterances of Sir James Whitney, it seems most probable that the government intends to introduce during the present session a. measure which shall provide Muni- ttipayties with the power of submitting i this matter to a vote of the people l This is decidedly the best method at1 dealing with this vexed question and will put an end to the present system of petitioning and cross-petitioning the legislature. , ""'trf' FIFO "Ill "'? aluunlcu all” at” bl) Wherein-the fragrant-weed I've lit, led “gt-he Board with his observations: With grief my eyes are almost wet, av, . I I laud; with the result of a careful ana'y. ( lie quit. sis tf samples of water taken from the l f . r . -------o----- [river at this point. Dr Hall. Cf; Chiittham, in moving that the Board; RHEUMATISM RECIPE. approve of the plans presented by the) --.-r-.-. town, mentioned the case of his own; A . well-known authority on Rheu- town which derives its water supply;matlsm gives the followmg valuahle f h . Th: Th ' :though simple and harmless, prescrlp- I pp t e river ames. “e water ls‘tion, which any {one can easily pre- subjected to the same process as that (pare at home: g _ lproposed for Weston and the result is' Fluid Extract) Dandelion, one-half 2, . . . ounce; Competing Kargon, one ounce; £13qu), of pure water supernr mlCompound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three quplity to that obtained by Toronto ounces. cl I frdm Lake Ontario. We think thatl Mix by, shaki,ng wall in a bottle, and . . . . jake a teaspdot1iut after each meal with the endorsation or their plans by land at bedtime the Provincial Board of Health, the} He states tpatrthe ingredients can Council can afford to discount the nb-jbe Obttilmed from any good Draficrip- . " . , , ' . 1 _ . tion p armaetfrt small cost, an ,be- Jections that are being raised to taking ing of Vegetable extraction, are ham- water from the river, by anumher " less to take‘ii person»: who must "ifis,ts,tt'1)1:1'/ti This please, t mixture,.it taken reg- riot, quite so well informed as the ularly for a {few days, IS said to over- 'f . . . (come almost any case of Rheumatism. members of the Board on the subject. (The hair: an}? awnllinp“ if 911v dirrirr. Whenever the ratépaYers of any municipality undertaké‘xtor manage a public utility" it Hialeah that they must do so in just fag clean cut and business-lice a manifer as the shale- holders of a pnivatb «Company or a Corporation would.:' They must do their osirn management. The Munici- pal management miist recognize the mandates of the ratepayers, must carry out their Wishes, and must limit itself strictly? by those wishes. It was recognition,' of this tact that led the Mayor off- Gait to refuse to sign a contract which was not in ac- cordance with terms authorized by the ratepayers, and in his refusal he was fully endorsed; by the Courts and by all common Sense, thinking, Peo- ple. It has become history that the provincial authorities might endeavor to invest themselves with power to authorize more) than ratepayers authorized by mien votes, but it is fortunately not 'tyet history that statutory power to do so has been taken. It is to, be very sincerely hoped that it may never be, for if it is, the Municipal Management of public utilities will receive a death blow. : WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 12; l909. SF------' a com ¢~“‘~\sw“‘~“ss~m NOTES and COM 46 Fiat J astitia, Ruat Cp"trlatn." MEWS Qué. Fire alarm apparatus. 116,951-Mdssrs. Stedworthy & Mrs. Pajenaude, Longueil, Que. Vafiuum cleaner pump. 117,011---AIdtsrie o. Lavoie, St-Henri, Mot1treal, Que. Hydraulic motor. 117,()30-Anigde O. Rousseau, St Epmem de Tring, Que. Auto- matic fire alarm. _ ' 117,042--ireipy Patonine, Quebec, P. Q. Aeetlylene gas generator. 11s,u8--ra'i'i1i11e Nos. _'l:'i' 116,842--(2eirge J. Bolton, Montreal, Qui, Ticket Cases. . 116,868-Jptjn D. Ouellette, Montreal, Quii. Glove fastening. 116,876-Arltpew M. Shillington, David song Bask. Hanger., ' " The following Canadian patent have ‘been recently granted to local in- ventors through the agency of Messrs. MARION &,) MARION, Patent Attor- neys, Montreal, Canada, and Washing- ton, D.C. f,) Any iniorp1atiot1 on the subject Will I be supp1iedifree of charge by applying 1 to the abotis named firm: t_----"- I Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to. This measrtifrt mixture,-if taken reg- ularly for a (jew days, is said to over- come almost (i,bmy case of Rheumatism. The pain and? swelling, it any, dimirr ishes with eaiph close, until permanent results are obtained, and without in- juring the stiirziach. While there are many so-ea11t Rheumatism remedies, patent mediciges, etc.,) some of which do give re1iet,1r,few really give perma- nent results, aiftVjkfe above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. He states tpat/the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip- tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be- ing of Vegetablé extraction, are harm- less to take. ' Fluid Extratt/Dar1de1ion, one-half ounce; Compouu Kargon, one ounce; Compound 'io/it Sqrsaparilla, three ounces. i: / A Well-known authority on Rheu- matism gives the following valuable though simple and harmless, prescrip- tion, which any {one can easily pre- pare at home: g _ The flowers we"placed upon his grave May wither aim. decay But the love vv 'of him that sleeps beneath C:, Will never fade away. [ ' Two Tittrte, babe§ sat knee, ‘H‘ i . “H "-r _ 'm But which was Marian, which Mattie? How could she tell, she would like to know, _ They were just alike from head to toe, Twins they were, one could plainly see, ' But which was Marian, which Marie) Four little blue eyes, two heads of 0 Father thy gentle voice is hushed Thy warm true heart is still T And on thy pale and graceful face Is resting depth's cold chill » Thy hands ate clasped upon thy breast V . We have kissed thy marble brow And in our aching hearts we know We have no father now gold, e 7 Sweet baby sisters, just one year old "But who can tell," says the puzzled mother, "Which is the one, or which the CASTATORy-In Loving Memory of Captain Tom Wallace is not con- George Castator who died March 10, tent to play at Ottawa the role of 1908. ' V "some mute inglorious Milton." His 1 3 voice is heard in the chamber where 0 Father thy gentle voice is hushed his father so often declaimed. The Thy warm true heart is still T ,discussion on the vote of supply, for And on thy pale and graceful face {the Trent canal fbrougnt a string] of Is resting depth's cold chill V Iquestions from the member for: centre , 3f _ r" ' ,York concerning the work Onl‘fthe Thy hands ate clasped upon thy éNewmarket Canal which is tiiipMyl brtatt .k' .' tin the lump sum of $1,000,000 asked We have kisstld thy marble brow ltor by Mr. Graham for this work. And in our aching hearts we know We quote the following from Hansard We have no father now dated Marcu 2 - 0 -' The flowers we’placed upon his grave Mr. WALLACE askedte: r, , May wither and. decay 1. How much money was spent on' But the 1ove%t him that sleeps the Newmarket river panel on the beneath C:, lHolland river, before March, 31, Will never fade away. 0 . 1908? PATENT REPORT WHICH I S WHICH? IN MEMORIAM Richard, Montreal Wife and Family on Inqjcher’s April 1 --Extensive credit sale of farm l rt. is pqsitg’ely' the poet delightful, stock and implements the property Jied,iici'/trtifltr .hair (Ire-35mg on the AlbisrrCarey Lot 13 Con. 4 Albion, 3m“ _ 713 not Sticky or greasy , ' , (and will make the coarsest hair soft, near Palgrave. tlustrous and luxuriant. Get a 500. All Bales will start sharp at [bottle from W. J. Inch and watch 1 o'eloe1r Further sales to be an- ‘how rapid its action. Giroux Mtg., nounced later. Makers, Fort Erie, Ont. . {I March 23---Exter1sive credit sale of itarm stock and implements the pro- ;perty of Albert O'Donnell Lot 10, ',Con. 8 Toronto Gore. March Mr-Extensive credit sale of farm stock and implements the pro- perty oi Charles E. Death at. Lot 6, Con. 6 Toronto Township. April 1 --Extensive credit sale of farm stock and implements the property of Albert Carey, Lot 13, Con. 4, Albion, near Palgrave. March M-Extensive credit sale of farm stock and implements trad ' re- gistered Shorthorn cattle the pro- perty of Mr. G. Jardine, Lot 24 Com 8, Tecumseth, near Bond Head. Bhrch 25-Extenaive credit sale of fapmstcek my} Implements fthe property of Ta; A. Kerr, Lat 17, Cum. l, Tecum- seth, near Schomberg. March M-Extensive credit sale of registered Shorthorn cattle the pro- perty of Chas. E . Porter, Lot M, Con. 12 King. March 19-Exttmsive credit sale of farm stock and implements and good doing horses the property oi James Wt? Lang-Got: rmmtmsetli. March 17--ExUnsive credit sale of farm stock and ignplements and short- horn cattle thei'property of William Fleming, Con. li) Vaughan, near Eld- ers Mills. 'i Marclu1rrExt,ensive credit sale of farm stoiW"iiii'ir'; irttpNrmuttss FV the pro- perty of John '. Hanna Lot's"; Con. 5 East Toronto iTownship near Elm- bank. t March 18~Ext§ensive credit sale of farm stock and {fimplements the pro- nertv of Ambrose McCabe, Lot 17, Con. 6, Adjala. '-: _ When you wake up with headache (and taste in _ "e mouth, something to settle the '1s1t,l5eat1g1, is needed. That dull, heavy Iaeling must be lifted, and appetite just be created. Get a tumbler it water, some sugar, and then pourjéin a stiff dose of Nerviline. You’ll feel; tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline finvigorates, braces, tones?, puts vim)end snap into your move- ments. You’ll be fitted for a hard day's work by taking Nerviline--noth- ing; better. Large bottle, 25c. every- where. A 5, The,,,Phrk Construetiap Commit? for secgion 2. The Laktyf5tsld Cement Company for cement. Tftt Hamilton Bridge Company for bridgesr Section I, is not under contract. 2. How much ~m0ney was spent in April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November' arid December, 1908? 3. What contracts were let since the 3lst Mareh, 1908‘? 4. Were tenders asked for? 5. Who were the contractors? ' -Hon.,GEO. P. GRAHAM (Minister of Railways atid.ianals)r; I. $31,444.26 ' 2. April....., ... ... .p, ... ...$ 440 06" May...... ._. ...... .., ......:.. 10,330 M ' Jdrfe/c....-.- i"rp.N...." wc....."....-- 121168 72 July... ...... ...... ... /........ 10,0f3 Sg, August...... ... .........'...... 10,952,501 Septcjgper“. ...- .-. ... ,.. 26,986 50 October/C'...' -,.'..rr-.v.. _...... 43,218 48" November......... ..r..e..r.r".... 22,145 73 December......., ..r....err..... 20,548 40 3. Contract section 2, with John Riley 12th February _1"J08, and assign- ed to the York Coisstruetion Company I Limited, on the 3rd April, 1908,| $852,0()0.,50. Contract with the Lakefield Cement Company on the 7th July, 1908, for 5,000 barrels cement at $2, $10,000, less $2,000 for empty sacks returned value of contract, $8,000. Contract, with the Hamilton Bridge Company on the 10th October, 1908, for three bridges as follows:-- . Greenlane......;§. ......... .....$ 6,482 00 Yonge street... ... .e.,... ... 5,655 Oi) 2nd Con. Road...... ... ... ... 5,655 00 J. K. MCEWEN’S SALES. CAPT. TOM AT OTTAWA. HAVE YOU STOMA CH TROUBLE? I The Council met on Monday evening; i after an adjournment from last Tnies- lday. The business of the evening Was 1the opening of tenders for coal and Ithe awarding of contracts tor the oi 'sar's supply. A very large number; ro- ‘of tenders were received and after a m. I great deal of arithmetic, simple and m- ‘compound, it was decided to accept ithe tenders of Mr. James Gardhouse of land, Mr. L. A. Lemaire, the two :t- . . Lm ’dealers to supply equal quantities of [d- ‘coal at $4.00 per ton for threp-quarter Jump and $3.05 per ton for slack. The of 'Council having arrived at that stage [ro- of their career when their bank bat- Ill. ance is nil, a by-law to authorise the (borrowing of $5,000 from the Barir"l'h of British North America was passed. od (rn view of the proposal to take " water from the River Humber for the town, a petition will be sent to the of‘Provincial Board of Health asking 0- them to set aside a Certain area 2, Lnorth of the proposed intake, to be preserved from contamination under [certain penalties. Accounts amount- ot I'ing to $129.00 were passed, including a: |$60.00 for the Public Library Board. I If you Wantjyolir children to grow pp with strong siturdy and vigorous 1hair, teach them to use Parisian Sage, ‘the world rtrhosted Hair Tonic. Parisian, Ijrgeyjs guaranteed by W. J. Inch to; cure dandruff and stop falling hair [in two weeks. It grows new hair quickly in cases where the hair is "thignin'g out." 57 Victoria St. TORONTO Improved Farm Property: KEEP IT CLEAN AND FREE FROM DISEASE BY USING _ PARISIAN SAGE. "-,tiiicir_i,,"rrj/i"r,, ‘ Fi ( trs:', =-SNIdFts: ' "' ()()liriiii vie: "fiit WEN WESTON . T. mama“; :6, L gmgw “m (iWtiuur) WW With half the labor, and at half the cost of otiter Soap, Sunlight does the, whole. washing in halt stile tim’e: yet 'without,,ghiarinit the most tysriCiie fabric. , Use it-the Sunlight way. Foliow the directions. TELEPHONE MAIN Money to Loan ESTABLISHED 1862 COUNCIL MEETING 1967 NO. 18 a? _

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