GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer (Deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West, Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. Mr, Aitchison of Lambton has "pur. chased Mr. W. T. Scott’s house nn Main Street and will take up his residence 'there at the beginning of next month. The Woman's Union of the Presby- terian church will hold an Easter sale of work and supper in the Town Hall on the afternoon and evening of April 6th. Useful and seasonable articles will be offered for sale and the supper will be up to the usual high standard provided by the ladies of the l resbyterian Church. A short programme will be given, partie- ulars to be announced later. The cricketers are organising for the coming season. A meeting will be held in the immediate future, date to be announced 1ater. Dr. J. G. Brown Secretary of Foreign Mission will preach at the morning ser- vice in the Baptist Church on Sunday. The pastor will preach at the usual even- ing service. _ Assessor Dennis starts out next week on his work which will be much lighten- ed if people will have their papers in readiness in order to verlfy the measure- ments of their lots. Itepiat it-Shiloh's Cure will always Joure my coughs and colds. . Mr. and Mrs, Tuomas Marsh and their two sons of Portland, England arrived in town this Week and are visitmg friends here. The Weston Womens' Institute visited the Lambton Institute on Wednesday. The programme was provided by Mrs. J. H. Taylor, Mrs. Coon, Mrs. W. Long- ataff, Miss MeVearrand Miss Sosnow- sky. Mr. G. M. Lyons is beginning to get the material in place for the new store which he will build on Main Street this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dixon were in Toronto on Tuesday attending the wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- cock. -Mri/arre pleased t? "abe able to report that the condition of Mr. John Sosnow- sky is verrmuch improved. Mr. W. J. Smithson "hid" 'tHe'ims- fortunate to fall Tuesday morning breaking, a rib. Mrs. E. T. Musson will not receive on the 3rd Friday but on“ the 1st Thursday sind-Friday of each month; T Don't; forget the carnival tornighe Sixteen prizes, good judges, good music, good ice. The Weston contingent at the Rich. View oyster supper on, Tuesday was large and representative. Repeat it--Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. Mrs. McRae of Toronto is visiting friends in town this week. Miss Taylor of Lorne Park is visiting relations in town. Me. John Lenehau Sr. is able to be up again after his recent accident. Jr, Mr. F. Sykes wais visiting friends in Weston over Sunday. Mr, L. A. Lemaird left on Wednesday for New York. Miss Armes is visiting Mrs. Masters on King Street. Mrs. H. Cousins is with her mother. gs-------" C_ASTOR IA 'i-iiraRiiTi Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price, $1.00 per year How many more for fourteen Roy? THE "rlWililiiS AND GUEDE hr Infants and Children. /2Y Weston, Ont., Friday Mar. 12th, 1909 lay Always Bought ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY visiting at Orillia ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO DO YOU GET BILIOUS? This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They stir up the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give appetite and sound digestion, if ion feel drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. 1fatrrilton's Pills will help you at orgee,-talrer1 at night you’re well by morning. Don't be afraid of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, they are miH---don't gripe or, nauseate. They just "eure"-that's all. The annual At Home of the Weston Women's Institutelon Tuesday evening wasagreat succesfs. The Town Hall was tilled by the; members and thier friends and a very _'good programme ful. lowed by an exd llent supper and a social hour made life affair a most enjoy- able one, Mi s Partridge, Miss Perry, Mr. Partridge and MriCamphell, all of To- ronto variously dish-(wed their talents as quartette singers, '," instrumentalists and soloists. Miss B in; Irwin and Genevieve Lyons sang two pretty duets and Mr. Harry Rhodes gavé two of his excellent comic songs. A'farce entitled “The wrong Box" was pigiyed hy Miss o. Con- ron and Mr. J Farr as the ardent young lovers, Mrs. S. H. éHill and Mr. Charles Grubbe as the rich and consequential aunt and uncle, Miss Itipra Duncan and Mr. F. Phillips were the amiable mother and her irritable spouse and Miss Stuart and Mr. Mae Lyons; were respectively a dainty ar d effecttve maid and doltish man-servant. With such a caste the farce was excellently played and caused much amusement., Mr. J. H. Taylor offienated as Chairman. Following, the supper a geographical contest was in- dulgedin, the prizes for which fell to Miss Jean Bull ant. Miss L. Lyons. Tuesday morning March 21st will be the Woman's missionary society's ser- vice in the Methodist Church, Weston. Mr. Kilborn a returned missionary from Chent'u, China will be the speak- er and will appear in Native costume. The doctor has spent about 12 years of her life in China and will no doubt be an interesting speaker, she has had ample opportunity for finding out the privation and hardships of a truly devoted missionary. She expects to return after a few years rest to her husband who is now laboring in China. W.. J. Coulter had one of the most successful sales that have ever been held in that part of the country, his herd of cows averaged over 850 per head, and his brood sows ran up nearly $40 each; all the horses sold Ft satisfactcry prices, in fact everything went off at top figures and was all settled up to gilt edged customers. Mr. Russell. the old reliable auctioneer. welded the hammer and he has the eonfidenee of the buyers as they know when he knocks down an article it is always right. Sharon Choir and their intimate friends made a jolly? sleigh load Mon- day night they wire entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Parker Maria St. After spending the evening in singing music and games they re- turned irrthe "Wee sma' hours" giv- ing three cheers for their Hostess. the circumstances. Dr. Hodgetts of the Provincial Board of Health was in town on Tuesday and accompanied by the Reeve surveyed the river at; the spot where it is proposed to build the pumping station. He express- ed himself as being thoroughly sat with the plans of Mr. Chipman alttl p,azuiderssd 1 t ' _ L' _ Mr. O'Neil of the Adams Furniture Company, Toronto, has bought a few of Mr. James W. Tyrre11's lots. These are at the north end of Grattan Street near Mr. Barker's residence, and overlooking the whole village. We understand that the price paid Was $1,000.00. A meetmg of the Local Branch of the Lord's Day alliance was held in the Methodist Church basement on Monday evening, It was decided that petitions against tho proposed Sunday Street cars should be circulated and presented to the Legislature. The epidemic of measles that has been visiting the town shows signs of abetting. A number of the cases have been accom- panied with pneumonia and have been very severe although there have been no deaths from this cause. The sidewalks on Tuesday presented insuperabledifficulties to the pedestrians, being covered with a thick coating of ice. The school children however found their advantage in the fact and made good time on their skates. Weston musicians were present in full force at Mr. Bruce Metcalfe’s re- cital in Nordheimer's Hall last Saturday, Among the local critics present was the Rev. R. M. Hamil- ton. The approach of spring finds our on er- jetie implement dealer, Mr. H. Cousins in the full flood of business. This week he gave the Bissau Harrow Co. of Elora an order for twenty-five disc harrows. 7531f paid in Advance WESTON, ONT Frr. Cecil Bruce §Metcalfe, on Saturday ‘afternoon in ue Nordheimer Hall, they the youthéplayed a programme ‘of difficult Work§ in a most poetic and brilliant fashiorg. Beginning with the sonata op. .p8,ihs Beethoven (first movement), he golloWed by a charm- ing Periormar1eiiot Chopin's Bereeuse, and a brilliant}; rendition oi Mosz- kowski's Spanish Caprice. In his Be- cond group, consisting of Behubert's Impromptu 1115B. flat, op. 142; a gavotte by Sgambati, etude op. 10, No. 3, and the“noble Scherzo, op.31, the latter twogby Chopin, he again demonstrated his splendid command of the instrument in the production of beautiful tone, an artistic style, and a freedom 'of restraint which en- abled him to reveal his splendid ac- complishments in a manner quite ex- hilarating. His last group, a eduple of Chopin stud,ies, a highly interest- ing Barcarole, by the Canadian com- poser, Clarence Lucas, and the) Se- cond Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt, brought his programme to a brilliant conclusion, the (rhapsody being an ex- hibition of technical velocity and achievement generally quite remark- able. The young man will surely have a future. ( Height of viggi: is; past-nature's power slowing tliytifvitality ebbing iaway, Tdury1et'deepliasing. Stop the progress of dee y, {one up the weak- ened nerve cengres‘, impart vigor to ithe tiring body'fAsrepare for the crisis. Best means iop8rebuildir1g is found in ji'errozoLd,. it"brightens up the whole being, _ imparts power, strength, ‘vigor. Old age iSPushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is re- lstored, vigor, vim and new life estate llished. You’ll try Ferrozone, 50e, at lall dealers. We clip the following appreciation of Mr. Metcalfe the gifted young organist at the Presbyterian Church here irom the Tpronto Mail of Mon- day. Mr. W. O.§§Forsyth again show- ed his superb pe,ilagogiea1 gifts in the excellent pianoiplaying of his pupil. i favor p '-'tmWetussiiy,ctle (plans, . man asked' Dr. Him of Chat- Tlip a motion to that eflect, In oing so, Dr. Hall gave the, Board some linformation concerning the water supply in Chatha'n which is derived from the River Thames and is obtained and filter- ed in a similar manner to that proposed for Weston. The water thus obtained, said the doctor, is thoroughly satisfactory and fit for all domestic uses, being of a superior quality to that obtained by To- ronto from Lake Ontario. The Board having given its assent to the plans pre- sented for the town, the Committee ask- ed them to make an order setting aside a certain area north of the town which shall be free from contamination. The Board made the order asked for which provides heavy penalties for any person knowingly contaminating the river north of the town. Reeve R. J. Bull, Councillor J. Bull and Mr. J. H. Taylor appeared on Wed- nesday before the Provincial Board of Health and presented the plans drawn up by Engineer Chipman for the pro- posed water works system. Chairman sheard carefully examinedr the plans and proposals and the satisfactory report given by the Board’s analyst on the samples of water taken from the Humb- er. Dr. Sheard puta number of ques- ti'ons concerning the vroposals and thor. oughly acquainted himself with every detail. Having expressed himself in the village wrapped in peaceful slumber, no doubt the sleep of the just. After considerable energy being disposed of by the promoters Enamely, Reg Hill and Red Rowntree'/the key of the Orange Hall was found:where the young people indulged in athletic sports andvaudeville productions of various characters. The special feature of the evening was a marathon race with a number of entries but only Pat McEwen to finish, when (his profuse bow to the ladies won all hearts. The musicians were very cap- able artists, producing with effect the melodious strains of a wi Hot Time in the [ Old Town," and "Sally in our Alley. Prof. Rogers conducted with his hat-on instead fa bat,on. After touching the light fantastic for (St minutes a delicious lunch was partaken of at the Irkerman House when the young people embarked on the return trip, which was not void of incidents, arriving in Weston in the wee small hours, happy to again roll into their little cots and enjoy happy renunie- cencos. this A number of Joung people of the village accompanied by ,chapemns, satis- factory to the most discreet mothers wended their way to Woodbridge on Wednesday evening the 10th inst, in Geo. Gordon's gt, pleasure Van, a most commodiuus vehicle. On arriving in Woodbridge aliout 8.30. instead of a royal recepeionphe young people found irg. The troupe landed home @1557: Thursday. The Weston Dramatic Club gave a Vary successful performance in Wood. bridge on Wednesday evening. Finley did some clever stunts and Riley gave a classic exhibition of step dancing. The lmnd conducted by Pat rendered some difhcult numbers" in excellent style. Mac and Doe were the soloists of the even CLEVER YOUNG PIANI ST 57-62 THE CRITRCAL AGE. l The member for Dauphin, Mr. Glen (Campbell, M.P., introduced as a van- ‘quisher of the "prairie wolf Burrows," was given rousing Ieheers. He assert- ‘ed that the Libelgal defeat in Mani- Jtoba wasn't due to: improper lists, as alleged by the Premier, but because ,of the revolt against Siftonism. Not unfrequently caused by cheap acid corn salve. j Be pate and use Pt1tnam's Cornr’ygtractor. Purely vegetable 11arpr1eskju1d always cures. Insist on "Putnam's." J. W. Madden, M.P., a brilliant young Nova Scotiap, said that until 1896 he had been strongly Liberal in views, believing that a tree trade policy would greatly benefit the coal industry of Nova Seotia, but that on perceiving the absolute abandonment of that policy by the Liberal Govern- ment he had changed his alliance. He believed that but fgr the many thou- sands of foreign immigrants who had been instructed hose to vote before en- tering Canada, the Conservatives would be in power. ' I Mr. Meehan, of Portage la Prairie, said that the Liberal party, which had promised prohibition as it ex- isted in Maine, and protection as in England, had in reality given p110- tection as in Maine and prohibition as in England. As to the Govern- ment retrenching, it was doing so by cutting out $8,000,000 which was to have been expended on public works in constituencies if "hey voted Liber- al, but which had gone Conservative. He declared that, the country was paying $600,000 to ‘keep Hon. Mr. Aylesworth at Ottawa, this amount being the estimated cost of a useless canal. In reply to joedlar queries as to how the Government hoped to get water for the North York Canal, the speaker said he had been unable to get any information from Hon. Mr. Graham. The estimates for the canal were included with;those of the Trent Valley Canal, although there was no connection between the system. Capt. Wallace received a great ova- tion when he rose to speak. He ad- mitted that the general result in On- tario had disappointed expectations, but took pleasure in the fact that Centre York had been a bright spot. It was true a protest had been enter- ed, but he was not afraid of it, as the Conservatives had run a straight, clean election. As a matter of fact, the protest had only been entered as a matter of form. Chalpman of 1)istrietsr--searbes2', Thos. Jackson, Markham; A. Pringle, Richmond Hill; H. A. Nicholls, Etobi- coke; Dr. E. Bult, Woodbridge; Amos Maynard, Weston? W. Wilby. in, were among those present at the annual Yneeting pt the Centre York Conservatives Association at the Labor Temple, Taronto on Saturday. Officers were chosen as below, Mr. Alex. McGowan, 'M.P., receiving the nominations. _ C i vice-President-Ars Thomas, of Markham. Secretary-Treasurer-Ed. W. Brown, of Wopdbridge. ' Prisident--Dr. Robinson, Kleinburg (rt-elected.) Capt. Tom Walface, M.P., Arthur Meehan, M.P., Portage Ja Prairie; J. W. Madden, M.P.,‘Gapé Btrifton, N.S., and Glen Campbey, M.P., for Dauph- NON-TARIFF. , York, Merchants, Traders, Standard. Fire and Life Insurance Col TARIFF, Royal, Norwich Union, and British and Mercantile, Also Agent for relianlu Nursery stock all at liswert possible rates Why try ifiTCiirii'iir, that thing, fdr youi old reliable family laxative-Ayer's Pills? No sense in running fran one doctor to another! Select the best one, then ihbd Ify him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thind, fssf your cough. Carefully, deliber- ately select the btsii_t,truglr'medicinii, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your d _ ext/"about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for 1throat and lung tr hies. ‘gs'old for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in ifgi' f,it1,.t,,.iss,lkiiiiiijiiiii.'-, if ENTRE YORK JroRrEs MEET Gama E9oct'iii'i---oris One I I - - , ' . wa- w: . " " 'a', a; ll * 5.173% , =2. _ I ' " " © gl tt t Bt N . . Fg 3., . R g. I, rrdhW. M? a ' " Th r: Fi E th g. ' B " ' , , , M Elif , t; lh& it ' E ve , , st& _ w , , . w , tet- r) ' - e ME a r. Ili * " %t £33; _ . . "p" , . ’ r ' 73 Years In Business. t Canxtal and Reserve Ovnv v mm Ann A CASE OF POISONING . J. MUSSON 1836 Agent for the following: -i,.TC-7rT'"."C7""'n ( offered to Farmers, Cat- Every Bankgiag ii'i',sisr1r,,2pen, Miners and Accommodation ur (1it'rilbermen. - -u. -1-.. - .Sales Notes handled on most tavorabd my: a.†Cheeks on any Bank cashed. Alone} ytNaneed to reliable men at reasonable rates,,": EXCELSIOR LIFE --AND --. THE BANK OF [909 North your constipation? Wily not stick to the good 'ills? Ask your doctor if he approves this advice. All the latest French Models. Mourning Orders a Specialty. Everything at moderate prices. is extended to the ladies of Weston and Vicinity to visit the Show Rooms of the WEST = = TORONTO. Misses Harshaw, Frank McDonald torkhgt1tie" Newly renovated and specially adapt ed for the reception of Papital and Reserve Over st" i)tit,ir, gmmmg rileapp & Co'y Corner Church and Main Ses., WESTON lk flllllllfli)t WAITING IIOOII Candies t Soft Drinks, Tobacco & Cigars Examine our Examine our stock of STATIONERY, BOOKS, PICTURE CARDS, FANCY CHINA. WHILE WAITING . ' Graining, sihlyv,ritmg, Etc ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO ', M1jtmrth'-it'i's St. E. ' 'r, WEST TORONTO aufirue,o. mOUNT DENNIS. An Invitation TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, t - Pembroke 2Prrttasa--sts; 3% WEDNESDAY &;SATURDAY1 Joseph St,, WESTON 11mm (RIM Teacher of Vocal Culture MONDAY’S & THURSDAY’S Du ndas Street West DRIVING PARTIES PAIN RS and PAPE 'ri, KNGERS, (Mes T. SMITHBONE) MRS. J. FINNIGAN SPRING '. A let Co. , Lowell, Mars, a, Ioderate charges 87, 000, 000 Miritto.? Singer Sewing Machine ()itigg 26 Dundas St. E WEST TORONTO Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate tor sale and houses to rent. SEWING MACHINE TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie B. McGill, _ Write tor calendar Musical Direetrestr, 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Organist Weston Methodist Chum St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke. Teacher of Piano and Organ. 31 Macdonell Ave., TORONT HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE - .7- 'vyuLuAv, v.0. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Seientifieallr Calls by mail or phone promptly T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, HQLLISS & WILSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toro _ H. HOWARD SHAVER, I Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Ofticts, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1082 Residence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 19.91 w. P. Bull, K.0 North Bound. South 8.33 a.m. x o 9.47 a 10.05 a.m. 0 11.18 a 5.13 p.m. xo 2.09; 6.33 p.m. x o 6.06r 10.42 pm. 0 7 45; x Stops at Weston. o Do not stop on Sundays. 12 Keele St. N JOSEPH NASON, LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Continental Life Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. Money to loan-yin large and small amounts. , C)fiices--36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. over Molson's Bin; Bell, Jet. 55. Successor to Dr. N. W. qu. of Keele DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. Otriee-Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours--8 to 10 amu; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. . . J. Anderson call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embmidecy a Specialty. There are advantages in buying near home. Mrs. E, Mungovan, Going West 7.20 a.n1. o 1 8.59 a.m. x 1.22 pm. 0 1 4.06 p.m. o , 4 38 p.m. o 7.23 p.m. o 3 11.25 p.m. x ANDERSON & GRAY CHAS JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S WESTON, H . F . S E F T o N . Surgeon Dentist Room Letter J-West Entrance Confederation Life Building. Barristers, Solicitors, ete Local Time Tables, Ontario Land Surveyor, Over D. Rowntree & Before Buying a A H . H . P O R T E R Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. _ attended. WESTON, ONT est. Going East. o x 7.20 a.m. x x 9.47 3.111. 0 K o x 11.25 a.m. o 0 x 12.11 p.m.‘o x o 7.23 p.m. X o x 9.33 p.m. o X . ARTHUR ADAMS Dentist .McEWEN, , . H A cariiih, T Dentist South Bound. 9.47 a.m. x o 11.18 a.m. x I 2.09 p.m. o 6.06 p.m. Xt 7 45 p.m. x WEST TORONTO West Toronto. ife Building, TORONTO, ONT G. S. Martin, and Dundas f?ts., Jr, West Toronto. Stark 105 WESTON, ONT Fred Holliss TORONTO, -.-_ ONT. G. H. Gray ;., Phone North 1291 Sons, Toronto. Church,