Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 26 Mar 1909, p. 2

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R---.--'-'" Never Allow Instrument to Stand Close Against a Wall. The dusting and polishing of the piano, whether it be a, new and valuable baby grand, or the hum- ble and more cozy upright, should never be left to the maid, but should be done by the daughter of the house herself. It should be alone with a. fine cheese cloth or linen cloth, or, better still, with an 15 lfill: handkerchief. hThere‘ shou d e neither seam BSU-' em in the dust cloth, sway _ or hardness ttnd, A P I A - piano polish. :2 " Cloudy spots are best removed by pouring a few drops of henzine on the dust cloth, and then rubbing lightly and in the same direction till they disappear. The carved legs should be dusted with a soft brush, as should also the rack and other ornamental trimmings. The piano should nev-er stand close against a wall ; if practicable even the upright should stand fully out in the room. The direct rays of the sun upon it, dampness and drafts all should be cggefully avoid- Toronto "Truth" says: We had no idea how easy and convenient it was to shop in England, until we made a, trial of it recently with that old and reliable firm of Wal- pole Brothers, (established in 1766), 89 and 90 New Bond Street, London W. They also have shops at 108 and 110 High St., Kensing- ton W., 6 Onslow Place, South Kensington and 182 Sloane Street, Hyde Park, End. London, England. In 44 Bedford St., Belfast, and 8, 9 and 10 Suffolk St., Dublin, Ire- land, they also have large retail stores. In Waringtown, County Down, and at 2 and 4 Clarence St., Belfast, Ireland, their great factories are situated, which sup- ply their enormous retail trade. They manufacture Irish table da- mask, household and family linens, cambric handkerchiefs, quilts and counterpanes, blankets and flaw. nels, carriage and travelling rugs, muslin and lace curtains, ladies' and infants' hosiery of every de, scription. This firm has the high- est reputation for honorable deal- ing, and any person wishing to purchase any of their goods, may do so by correspondence, and may rely absolutely on their representa- tions regarding the quality as well as the prices of their products. Tho rattle of pans and dishes in the kitchen sounds better than clas- sical mum to a hungry man. The facilities afforded by the par- cel post and express company ar- rangements between England and Canada, render: it perfectly safe and easy to order directly from this house. A catalogue will be mailed to any address on request to the New Bond St. shop, London, England. A spring medicine is an actual necessity to most people. Nature demands it as an aid in carrying off the impurities that have Cyl- mulated in tho blood during the In- door life of winter months. But unfortunately thousands of people who recognize the necessity for a spring medicine do not know what is best to take and dose themselves with harsh, griping purgatives. This is a, serious mistake. Ask any doctor and he will tell you that the use of purgative medicine weakens the system but does not cure dis- ease. In the spring the system needs building up-pl-tive-ss can- not do this; they weaken you still more. The blood should be made rich, red and pure-oo purgative can do this. What is needed in the spring is a tonic, and the best tonic medical science has yet dis- covered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pils. Every dose of this medicine actu- ally makes new, rich blood. This new blood strengthens every or- tran, every nerve, and every part of the body. This is why they cure headaches and backaches, rheuma- tism and neuralgia, and a. host of other troubles that come from poor watery blood. That is why men and women who take Dr. Wililams' Pink Pills eat well, sleep well, and feel bright, active and strong. if you need a. medicine this spring try this great reviving tonic, and see the new life, new health and new strength it will put into you. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a, box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. To restore the whiteness of the keys wasly lightly and most care- fully, so no moisture gets into the instrument or between the keys, with a teaspoonful of hydro super oxide dissolved in a, pint of water. ed. The piano should be entirely opened once a month and examined for moths, which are apt to estab- lish themselves inside tht felting and 05 ruin the instrument. USING i'ijll(ih1'l1ES INJURES TIE HEALTH In the Spring 3. Tonic is Needed- But; Not Harsh. Drastic Medicines. CARE OF THE PIANO. EN GLISH SHOPPING. ' When babies are restless, sleep- less and cross it is the surest pos- sible sign that they are not well. Well babies sleep soundly and wake up brightly. Sleeplessness is gen- erally due to some ailment of the stomach or bowels, or cutting teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets will put the little one right and give it sound, natural sleep. Mrs. Jos. Goneil, St. Evariste, Que., says: “I have found Baby's Own Tablets a splendid medicine Hor constipation and stomach baubles. I gig ' to my little, The a . lively and oral me ealers Er by Chi' lThe Dr. Williams' Meoieine Co., lBrockville, Ont. Peanuts only thrive in a warm climate. The plant requires a limey, sandy loam, and yields from two bushels of pods planted an acre as much as 40 or 50 bushels of pods and two tons of straw. The seed is planted about one inch deep in rows from 28 to 36 inches apart, and from 12 to 16 inches in the row, when danger of late spring frosts are passed. After planting and during the growing period of the crop the soil is kept loose and open and free from weeds. The crop is harvested before frost in the fall, the plant being loosened by means of a, special plow, then taken up and put into shocks. After drying from 15 to 20 days the pods are picked. It is well-known, too, to Britain's Intelligence department that there are several men of British nation- ality dwelling on the other side of the northern frontiers of India amongst the warlike border tribes- men. Some of these are deserters from the British army, and would meet with short shrift if they were cagght. Luey-"The wretch! And so he has befen proposing to both of us!” Jenny-'Ut seems so.” " wish we could think of some fearful way to punish- him." "I have an idea." "What is it 2” "You marry him, dear." These Pills Cure Rheumatism.-- To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a, trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to directions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their benefieial effects. Others are civilian adventurers, ex-civil servants and the like. But they are soldiers ot fortune, ready and eager to fight upon occasion, even against their own country- men; and for the most part they pake a pretty good thing out of it. "Because," replied the promin- ent altlzen, "it lil now a. good town, bar none." - tTevertheless, there are still plums to be picked up here and there. Sergt. Baldock, for example, has just been appointed cavalry in- structor to the army of Mulai Ha- iid, the new Emperor of Morocco. SLEEPLESS LITFLE BABIES IM SLGKLY BABIES This means that he exchanges his "non-corn.'s" chevrons for an offioer's epaulettes; while his form- er pay of a few shillings a day is increased to sbmething like 87,500 a year, with "allowances." And this delectable little billet; has be- come his, curious}; enough, because he fought so gallaritly at Marak- esh for Abd-el-Aziz, the old Emper- or, whom Mulai Elahd defeated and deposed. - _ In the same way the Chinese Gov- ernment took into its service during the great Taiping uprising quite a, number of Europeans who had pre- viously waned against them on the side of the rebels. Some of these were men of low origin-run- away sailors and the like-yet they frequently rose to high rank, and such as survived retired with their fortunes made for life. "8inee it went dry," announced the prominent citizen, with pride in his voice, "our town is unex- celled." Old Calling Has Not Altogether Lost Its Followers. The palmy days of the typical soldier of fortune are popularly supposed. to have_passed away. 'Wow do you make that out?” asked the casual visitor, who had seen better towns. Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy tinaneial load? Is your pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women-d have been discouragied, too; but learned how to cure myself. want to relieve gour bur- dens. Pa not end tho pain an stop the doctor's b ll? I can do this tor you and will}! you will gssiFt PYh ._ " " a», .. ,-_ ....- _.__-_- ___-‘ All " need do is to the for a tree box 0 the remedy which has been placed tn my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you-it has done so tor others. It so. I shall be happy and you will be cured for flo (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held conn- dentially. Write to-day for my free tree t- ucnt. MRS. F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. A Woman's Sympathy BOW PEANUTS ARE RAISED SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. PUNISHMENT. ALL GONE. l Alfred Station, Ont., Mar. 297 (Speeial).-After being laid off work for four months by kidney; disease and rheumatism. from) ,which he had been a, sufferer for; ifive years, Abraham Garand, a, 'section man on the railway hero, (fi back at work again and he gives ali the credit for his cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. 5 “I am forty-one years old," Mr. lGarand said, when asked about his cure. "And have been section} man here for ten years. For five! years I suffered from kidney dis-) ease and rheumatism, also sciatica" in my right hip, which descended to my feet. For four months I could not work. Reading of cures by}. Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to try) athem. I used nine boxes in a,ll and, ito-day I am advising all who suf~i (Her from rheumatism to use Dodd’si iKidney Pills." i Though the newspapers at St. Petersburg have heard nothing of it, Schmidt was granted a, private audience of the Czar. Schmidt was extremely proud, and despite his immense age he bore himself with martial air. He was introduced into the Czar's study, and his Majesty re- ceived the veteran with extreme kindness. Schmidt answered sev- eral questions, but finally, over- _sIlytleyidet' (ttppt-i/tde?"" down and burs . o tears. The Czar made the old soldier some valuable presents, and pre- sented him to the Czarewitch and to one of theliUle grand duchesses. Abraham Garand's Rheum- atism cured by Bodd's Kidney Pill. Czar Kindly Greets a Veteran of 120 Years. Probably the oldest soldier in the world, Andrei Nikolaievitsch Schmidt, who is aged 120 and fought in the Russian army during the Napoleonic wars, recently ar- rived in St. Petersburg with the ob- ject of seeipg the Czar. He Es Back At Work Again Rheumatism and sciatica, are caused by diseased kidneys failing to strain the uric acid out of the blood. Cure the Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and they will strain tho uric acid out of the blood. Then you ean't have rheu- Trial is Ir1expensive.---To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the digestive system, a trial of Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed. should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this ex- cellent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certainly be traced to their use where other pills have proved in- effective. He suffered for Flva years and was Four Months of! work, but Budd's Kldney Pills Cured Hlm. "After this Gppiness," old Schmidt declared, "I can die in peace." -- More public clocks are displayed in New York than in London and Paris combined. taAe, bui, ft shade better. "It an empty barrel weighs ten pounds, what can you f111 it with to make it weigh seven pounds f" "Have to give it up." "Fill it full of holes." strain blood. matism. "To-morrow," said five-year-old Sydney, proudly, to his teacher, "is my birthday." "Why," she leplied, "it is mine, too." The boy could not make it out, and, after a, brief silence, he txclaimed: "Bow did you get so much big- ger'n me I" Nearly two thousand memorials to Bismarck have been erected in Germany. Repeat. it:- “5111! oh'a Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." nSEEaliia, ete., nothing is bet Davis Lawrence Company, urn on at the kind you have aiway: had. "ht/l,' & ' Minthol Plaitor, For rheumatism; neuralgia, eta, howling is Pftter. Mada only h WORLD 'S OLD EST SOLDIER. Other people may have g.ood ISSUE NO. 18--09. course yours is a Mrs. Frederick Bryant, of 169) Railway Avenue, Stratford, Onb.,: Isays:--"I scalded my foot while preparing supper. Next day the 'skin came off and my foot was in; in serious condition. I could not wear my shoe and had to lay up “for nine weeks. During this time " used dozens of selves, but none did any good, in fact the wound} developed into a, running sore. I, ]got, no rest day or night from the' ;pain. At this point a supply of‘ J3swrw'A1ls, was obtained and a few ',iLpprusa,iistiicptsU,jsuritijjp,a,e-rf-r,g I fin soothing the pain and lrritati , l French soldiers in their late Mo- lroccan campaiTn exercised great (self-control, despite the awful tests put upon it by the cruel practices or' the Moors. Of the scene after zone battle a writer says: "As the 1 chasseurs swept over the ground for ‘the third time, they, indeed, saw Ssights which made them little in- lclined to grant the quarter prayed lfor by the wretches on whom they I were spurring. Naked lay all their (fallen comrades; one poor fellow had had his eyes gauged out; the lblood was streaming from their sockets; he was still alive. Another had been disasrnboweled; a third was found with bound hands beside a. fire, his head charred to a, cin- der." Spent Dollars in Pain, but Zam- Buk Cured myr. Following we give the testimony of a, lady who if she had known of Zam-Buk earlier would have been saved nine weeks of agony: FIENDISH CRUELTY OF MOORE There is nothing to equal Zam- Buk as a, family balm, Its uses are so wide. It has been proved a sure cure for eczema, ring-worm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, bad leg, suppurat- ing wounds, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, cold cracks, and all skin in- juries and diseases, Rubbed well into the part affected it cures rheu- matism, sciatica, neuralgia, etc. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. per box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. NEGLEC'I‘ED SCALD CAUSED MONTHS OF AGONY. - A small supply proved suffieient to heal the scald, although I had spent dollars in other famedies. New skin has now formed nicely over the operl sole. Bank Clerk--"; will have to be identified, ma/am." Lady Cus- torner-"My friend here will idem tify me." Bank Clerk----"' I don't know her." Lady Customer .--"Oh, well, I'll introduce you." Wi‘iZaJIii-‘BuAk is the most wonder- ful and effective. remedy I have used, and I advise others to use it." Repeat ltr-tShilo!" cure my coughs and c Teacher---jhat did the Indian children play with?” Bright Pupil --t'With their warwhoops." "A Grand Medicine" is the en- comium often passed on Bickle’s Anti-Consumptivo Syrup, and when the results from its use are consid- cred, as borne out by many per- sons who have employed it in stop- ping coughs and eradicating colds, it is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once. First Passenger-iron me, but would you mind lending me your spectacles a moment?" Sec- ond pessengtr-"With pleasure, sir." First Passenger~“Thanks; awfully. And now, as you can no longer read your newspaper, would you kindly pass it; over to me?” Butcher----" need a, boy about your size, and will give you $3 a week." Applicant---") I have a chance to rise l" Butcher -- "Yes; I want, you to be here at four o'elock in the morning." ohlllod to the Bone 7 A teasgoouful of Pain- killer in a on? oi hot water: swea enad Will warm on and aver a_cold. Avoid substitutes, there is in: one " Painkiller "~Perry Davig'--2tm and 500. Repeat itv--"Shil oh's Cure will always aura my coughs and colds." Tramp-'Welp me lady, pletse! For three years I worked fo rthe cause of temperanee." Lady - "Were you a, temperance orator 1” Tramp-"No; I was the horrible example!" 'giyarti, 'l?"" ' f, t , 'thot?" [ll-ii-iii-iris. 'ts euro will always colds.” McEEN10)RYiS lfie'ii'if"rc,,a,,,e St. T0R0iNT), "THE HOME OF THE HAT BEAUTIFUL" I If some men were to lose their _) self-conceit there wouldn't be much 1 left. " GREAT ENGLISH RAILWAY. All Canadians will make no mis- take in seeing that they are booked via the London and Northwestern always. London and Northwestern is One of the Most Popular. Among all the great railways in England the London and North- western stands out as one of the best managed, safest and smoothest railways in that tight little isle. Travellers from this side of the water are landed in Liverpool right alongside the commodious and con- venient Riverside Station of this railway, where, without any extra cost for transfer of luggage, and with the utmost facility and de- spatch, and without leaving cover, they can take the train for any part of the United Kingdom. Special corridor trains, three or four ii necessary. tor London, are always in waiting on we arrival of the great steamships, that there may be no delays whatever. These trains are models of excellence and convenience, and have luxuri- ous dining cars attached, general- ly two on each train, where most excellent meals are well served at reasonable prices. The coaches are kept very clean, and are well hung, and as the roadbed is one of the best in England, there is very little vibration, even when travelling at sixty to seventy miles per hour. - ... . . Repeat ttv-"ffhHpt1's Cure will always Sh'?? "giriF'gbrarsatieceaas'-'- - --s--" Repeat. ttr,-iilath'S Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. " "Your hair wants cutting badly, sir," said a barber insinuatingly to a customer. “No,’it doesn't," Ile- plied the man in the chair; "it wants cutting nicely. You cut it badly last time." Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Worms are one of the princi- pal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the Bo Reasonable Man expects to cure a neglected cold in a. day. Bat time and Allea's Lung Balsam mill overcome the cold all-i stave off oonsisruptiuu. 9053!: will cease and lungs be sound as a new 8he-"l'm going to cook dinner to-day myself. What would you like dear?" I1e--"Er--eold beef and pickles!” " Bolloway's Corn Cure is a, speci- fic for the removal of corms and warts. We have never heard of its failing to remove the worst kind. Merchant-les; we are in need of a porter. Where were you em- ployed last?” Appueant-"In a, bank, sir" Merchant----") you clean it out I" Applicants-tlo, sir. The cashier did that." éouir. system Nine men out of a, possible ten wear a, sad look after they have been married a year. Success is the only thing that can turn a, man's head when he has a stiff neck. - t%gim"% ME v; sNiatp 1:» M-4W522A, ‘" gag-21 .s%l tai i'fiT a IFA) wawfu“, 155W" tti? ", WW. Kr'"""" 21$ u A 2ahaadil SEA ’ an. atEitr I ' $51..“ .. TF' ' rsrsagrasr+e's Milfs" _ ' ssssism"' 1"” d ar. Es8smrIgzalaget8r1 aw. - metre M qr; astg9> my" USED IN - - .. Showing the Newest Spring Models in dainty hats to suit every age from " tot" to matron. You can buy from the McKendry catalog in perfect confidence that our millinery experts, second to none in America, will suit you as perfectly as if you bought your hat in person in our store. We give first mention to Mail Order business. Write for catalog to-day. WEED; tsur/rem Organ Co.. Limihsd GU i1LPH.0NTArkiOa 'rss""" USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, MW" - Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the 'ir% only piano with the Inimitable Repeating Action. .1. - ' "" “a. 1:23;. at: " _ e M ,_ .; . T2iirt " ... .1 RMI mm g: m. x. - r MEErSMitigiRWV' “""u Mabh ' 51 = tah - TWT.' A BME t%h mill IR% "WS, im Xl " (38 , s'&tMttl r Iiiil 'ia " -... w a a, " - " RMP = w. _ +le _ El = 2tl 6aib, ' 'dll a: " " .a-a Ea? MIM ' Law al Mil 42.»: ' "a“? Send for (trdif caTt'alogue'No. 76. ,rdr"L-awrtrrriitce= Wtrd, - f’ ILLUSTRATED PROGRAM 244 JARVIS STREET, Tum E155 WM. 18limllll W333 How $5 earns 810, $50 earns $100. How Alaska Placer Mines hae. produced millions. Booklet {Ii Send for it. In Fields Far Off.-mr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is known in Australia," South and Central America as wen as in Canada and the United States, and its consumption in.. creases each year. It has made its own way, and all that needs to be done is to keep its name before the public. Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all met. chants keep it. assorted, landscages. flowers, views, comics, etc... tur ten cents. N RMAN PEEL, London, Ont; BRETISM AMERSOAN D¥EING CO. Taeaty-Five Post Bards If a man is wise he will never start a fight unless he has enough friends present to interfere if he gets the worst of it. Nearly 50.000 horses were used for food in Paris last year. thNj,t,,e,5',',!,', 9,ilf.!ii!,.rh?G We Must Co from heated rooms to we can} Duter air, and the change sets us coughing. Cur kg winter colds is not hard “don take Allen'. ung Balsam. A neglected co la honblesoml and dangerous. broken, leased and sold Make your land pro- ductive. valuable, saieab'e. N) cash required. First mp pteylLexjysIyys, 1351910: p,lary Iii,?,,),?,,?),)?,), was: 1i'llT88iph' mm 3:395”:- Repeat It:--".":))':, Cure will always cure my coughs add u aids." After telling an old' man you troubles he will prcceed to tell d a, few of his that make yours lod like thirty cents. GFNTML fWllf1lNflWhll LAMS Some people are born with eold feet, some people acquire cold feet, and some have cold feet thrust up- on them. We have Dranamd a circular giving an unbiased onirlon on the different raining momma; of Cuban. and wiil be, start to mail a may free on sequesL GAMES r" s, é i145 Rand Maul": bp wt. and we no can way-iii! W in: In. unntraaL Write now for information and prices. B. H. RITTENHO USE. Jordan Harbor, oat. The famous commercial berry. Also Senator Dunlap, Brandywine. Cardinal and Michel’s Early. 200,580 war LSAMS McKimmn Buiiding, Toronto Mg/I'anrq Standard Stock Exchange. "s Je 'er. T " BUDDENBORG & CO., Marion Block, Seattle, Wash. sad Osmium; TM. in I specialty with the ST RAWBErtRY FLL " " BEAUTIFUL FASTER POST CARDS Crosses, Angels, Rabbits, ete., am your name in gold on each for iid Norman Peel M't'g Co., London, 0 W. B. Mmcags mm, Siskatoov. from heated rooms P. the 291$ Buokmt. Free. Steele Briggs seed Co., Ltd.. Tel-cub. Rah: Them Wttttottt Mme. o NTO.

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