It is high time to get ready for the balmy days of Spring. Order now and -- wear your new Spring Suit on Easter Sunday, April 11tb. To enjoy that de- sirable feeling of pleasure when wearing clothes that; are jast right in every par- ticular, have them made to your indi- vidual measure by CAil . E. COLEMAN -11Cl?,,,,t,,tt, -- s,,_,,t,tli.t,pAt,.t V,That Furnace iYERY year the farmers of Canada buy enough wire fer ce to reach around the world CYCLONE WIRE FENCE is built of hard, stiff, springy steel wires, made specially for it, and it's the quality of steel that es a fence resist wear and tear, strains and weather conditions . he construction of CYCLONE FENCE as shown in the above cut gives it more strength than any other fence all , gaugc woven wire fence with stays 16 inches and 22 incl 69 apart, makes the best fence on the market " The CYafNyrLocs-that is the great improvement. It is formed without any break in the upright wires, therefore the simplest, as a result the strongest. It is true that it takes more whe, but it makes the fence so much ' better. C q chlone Woven Wire Fence Co. Ltd. Dundas Street, Toronto. t A. FARR. Agent, Eagle Block, WESTON. MAIN STREET, Call and see our Special Line _ of Raincoats from $7.00 up Order Your Easter Suit Nor. The best makes at the lowest prices. You’ll be needmg one this winter. Call and get our estimates on TORONTO Dormer Church and Wellington Stat-eats. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main St.,' J" Weston, Ont. W. R. WADSWORTH Also Agent for Peter Hamilton Implements-Adams' wagons-NSI Disc Barrows and Steel Rollers-Paris Flows, Manure Spreaders and Clotting: Boxes-The Famous Canada Carriages from Brockville. When in Weston call and inspect them. fashionable Tailor and Mens Furnisher KEYS tk BULL. CAPITAL PAID UP - 84,000,000.00 RESERVE - - 8i,500,00p.00 Hot Air and Hot Water e------' Furnaces.“ _ Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at; Current Rates. THE BANK OF TORONTO BRANCH E§TABLISHED 1855. MANACTWR. WESTON Sleeping and Dining Car service for Sudbury and Sellwcmd. Direct cunuec~ tlou at Sellwood with the Goweanda Trans port Company for Burwash, Phoenix and Goyganda. For further information apply to rear est Ticket Agent, or write Passenger Department, Canadian Northern Banding Toronto, Ont. _ EVERY DAY FROM TORONTO 5.15 FM. week days. , Local to Parry Sound and intermediate points, leaves Toronto 9.00 an). The only through passenger service the shortest and cheapest route. q "'h_'i-'s-"._.-s-'ss.-swrssi. se 4%???» i*'tarlLucr-. ?ttr',ii,sfi,1',',,ijji; Tm . der, Cili,ii'j)lj-,'i:)'.r'i iiv'i3'l"rCi'iC,/,:? Miami: ' .1271 g?*';;~¢ '1 1 ER: ' ig't 5 !ibtl)if'ii1tjl, a / â€02% “may; on all .excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be made ASK FOR HOM ESEEKERS' PAMPH LET containing rate; And full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson, Dist. Pass. Ant. ' Toronto. Tw Specinl Tub-leave Toronto 2.00 pan. on APRIL 8, 20 " 4,13 JUHE 1,15. N JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second clan tickets tom Ontario stations to principal Northwest mum at Winni sand return $32.00: Edmonton and return s'v41"l'r'ull"l, other points in proportion. Ticket: good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ONLY DIRECT LINE LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta mgrNrteesesrN-sars-9'sk's a Re??Jt'9'" 'lhi)llguS,lL%lflll0 Through Passenger Service I80liitSliiliilliEM' . M. FRASER, Agent, WESTON J List Arrived The Clothes we make combine Elegance, Fit and Quality. EL P. IRWIN, Main Street Weston Our New Winter Suitings Prices Moderate. EXCURSIONS UNION LA BEL Suhday Special 9.00 PM li0 CHANGE OF CARS I The Wanderer Lacrosse Club held ltheir organisation meeting on Satur- day evening last and a Very ep- thusiastic crowd were present. The ,club starts out this year with a (lean sheet and the following officers :were eleeted:-Hon. Pres. J. G. Hallett, Pres. C. L. Wallace, 1st .Vice Pres. W. L. _ Hogg, 2 J. H. S. lWallace, Bee. A. Whitmore, Tres. W. S. Belfry, manager"W. J. Ho11inghqpd t/ielc1 Captain Ross McKenzie; C.L.A. Delegates J. H. G. Wallace and H. N. lSchmidt. Patrons Capt. T. G. Wal- lace, M.P., Dr. Forbes Godfrey, MP. T., Geo. T. Elder, John Fraser, Chas. iRobertson, Dr. J'. D. McLean, Hy. Chapman, D. Norton, E. Smith, Geo. Elliston, Wm. C. Watson, Chas Elliott Geo. Porter and John T. Peacock. '1 Cough mixtures "iltipe" a F cold-- but don't re. Aboveirrslse, keep the bowelsékgular and stimulate the eliminating cigans. More valuable than any coug1 syrup are Dr. Hamil- :tou’s Pills. They clear the system of every traee of "eoid--the, dull headache aching limbs,' and cough disappears. Take the pills before retiring, they work-while you‘gleep, and by'mcrrm- ing your cold is broken and passes quickly away. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills in 25 ct. boxes. The Rollo Concert and Medicine Co. entertained our citiiens in the Orange Hall all last Week. They put up a first-class refined entertainment, fit for any one. They are at Kleinburg this week. Mr. Frank Steeper’s son, Harry wan the diamond ring for the most popular foungrster in town. They disposed of a large stock of their family remedies and left here well satisfied. _ l Mr. J. H. Brillinger’s sale of horses at the Woodbridge House was a great sucéess last Saturday. Horses sold as high as $195 sa head and Auctioneer Saigeon wielded the hammer. Mr. Brillinger is in the habit of bringing a pretty good class of horses which bring good figures. Mr. N. C. Wallace left on Monday last to enter the service of the Farm ers Bank of Canada at their Lindsay Branch. We wish him success. Inch the refractionist and Honor Graduate of the Opthalmic College of Optics has had seven years ex- perience in testing eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Turner are leaving for Indian Head, Alta where they will make their home in the future. Miss Annie Wallace, of Toronto, is Visiting among relatives in the Vil- Laygg of Woodbridge. Miss Bee Wallace, 0 College, Toronto, tspent' he; mothers, Kwarl‘h (SJ Mrs. Crossley and 'daughter, of Baltcoats, Sask., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hollingshead for a week. Mrs. Fred Doddstis visiting at her home in Toronto. sf Capt. T. Centre York over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. . E. Willis spent Sunday with friend near Brampton. Master Wallace ,Wcod, of Toronto University, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. T. F. Wallace. . Messrs. Robt. Morrison and Thomas Morrison left this week for the North- west. Mrs. Bert Harris has returned home from spending a Week with her par- ents in Orangeville. Repeat it--Shnoi's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. WOODBRIDGE Ed. W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. TO MOVE OFF A COLD G. Wallace, M. P. for was 21orrle from Ottawa last.' Woe. with [I-cdee, A., F. &;A. M., No. 7, and ‘Relief Lodge, A.sO. U. W., No. 37, iUnionvi‘lle. Deeesised was an ardent Conservative and an active and generi ‘ous member of Tthe Presbyterian (Church in Unionyi11e. A subcessful lfarmer, he was also an enthusiastic horseman, and invariably wbn dis- tinction in local and provincial i The remains of the late Richard Haslam,' Sr., who died very suddenly in Toronto on Saturday last, were brought out here" on Tuesday morning and interred in Christ Church Cerne- tery . The funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. W. F. Swallow, Rector of Christ Church} The deceased had 'gone to Toronto for the winter to live with one of This sons. He had i been' in hisflusmal health, but on rising Saturday morning he complained and about one o'eloeir he passed away. iHe was in his 814t year and had been a resident of Wioodbridge for about _ years. He leavjes a widow, six sons ‘and three Iaughters to mourn his sudden demise liars. Geo. Clarke, 1Mrs. F. Schlemmer, Richard, Thomas and Frederick, 1irToronto; Mrs. Bale ‘Vancouvm', B.C., Jonalhan, in Orange ,ville; Albert in Michigan and George in Grand Valleys The Times and Guide extends its ’sympathy. GUNNS’, Limited, wish to advise farmers “that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlies than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tor select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. the years come, and go; Years of sorrow, but joy eternal, as planned for us long ago. Here on earth we part in sorrow-- from those we dearly love; To meet with them in joy in our heavenly Fathers home above. Let us murmur not at earth's dark shadows, be faithful still, Looking forward for the sunlight, knowing its our Father's will. Wife 190 Macdonell Ave. Andrew Coulter ssris"o entered into rest March 27th. 1904. ",': With'sorrow and jpy intermingled, shows. The late Mr. Trick is survived by a widow and a large family. Two of the sons, Edgar and Charles, ate prominent business men in Winnipeg, and left that city to be present at the funeral services. Deceased was.53 years of age. The late Richard Trick during his comparatively short residence in Markham Township had prominently identified himself with every forward movement. He was a director of the East York and Markham Agricultural Society, as well as the East York plow-mens' Association. He was also associated with ’Markham Masonic A very sad death occurred at Eld- er's Mills on Friday morning last when Nancy Cameron, beloved wife of Mr. Samuel McClure, passed away at the family home there. Mrs. McClure had been ailing, for the past four weeks with typhoid fever and all that medical aid could do would not save her life. She was a daughter' of the late Arch. Cameron, of Vaughan Township and was married in 1877, A. O. U. W., Was a delegate at the recent convention held in Toronto, and on Friday evening left the city to spend the evening~ at Mr. Maeklem's on the 5th Concession. Arriving there, he was': seized with partial paralysis, and "medical aid was at once summoned, but he gradually grew worse, expiring at 10.30 Satur- day night. Mrs. Trick and other members of the) family were at the bedside when the end came. The body was taken to .his home on Mon- day morning, and on Wednesday morning, at 9.39, ' a. short funeral service was held at the home of de- ceased, after which the remains were taken to Cobourig for interment in the family cemetery. DEATH; OF MR. RICHARD TRICK by Rev. Wm. Aitken, the pastor of St. Paul's Church but now of New- castle, N.B. A ,sorrowing husband, seven daughters and one son, are left to mourn the loss oi a loving wife and mothet:r-Mrs. Jos. Julian, Castlemore; Mrs. A.L.McNeil, Vel- lore, Mrs. Wm. Nattress, Elder's Mills, and Annie, Sarah, Jessie, Agnes and Samuel at home. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to Knox church Cemetery and was one of the largest funerals we have attended for some time. The services were crm- ducted by Rev. M. McKinnon, pastor Richard Triek, one- of the best known and host highirresiwetu1 tarrherriyt Matkham Township, living about half a rr'1ile squths of Unionville cued at a late; 1our Saturday night _at the home of Mr. Macklem, just outside Weston. Deceased, who was a prominent member of Relief Lodge, The sudden death of Mrs. Henry A. Gardhouse which occurred at High- fioH on; Buriday morning came, as,a great shock to the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gardhouse. Her illness had only lasted a very short time and a fatal termination was totally 11nex- pected. The cause of death was hemorrhage of the lungs. Deceased, who was formerly Elizabeth Jane Agar was in her forty-first year. She is survived by her husband, and three children, a daughter and two sons. The funeral took place on Tuesday at Riverside Cemetery. of Knox church. The Timés and Guide joins with their many friends in extending their sympathy. DEATH OF MRS. H. GARDHOUSE CC)0LTER-Tn 1gving m_emory of DEATH OF MRS. S. McCLURE IN MEMORIAM I There was a big'time at Earlscourt ‘Oouncil, No. 382, Q.O€..,F Wednesday night, at their siteeial meeting, held iat McRobert-avenqe Methodist Church at which the local organizer present- ed thirty applications, of which twen- ty-one were initiatpl Short speeches were made by a number of members of the council. , j A concert wasjheld in Boon-avenue Methodist Churdh Thursday evening [under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Tr. Thornton oelippiep the, chair, and among those wiil1, contributed to the programme wer/is' Dr. Blackwell, Dr. ,Wilson, Miss Lilian Wilson and Mrs. 'Scott. '. . 'Trghtness and wheezing miian your trouble is deep-seated. To (133437 is dangerous. Inflammation must be drawn out at once. Rub the throat and chest with Nprviline, and put on a Nerviline Borous Plaster. Relief comes in an hour. The Com1ter- irritant effect of the plaster relieves the tightness. and strain, draws out the soreness, eases the pain. The Dene trating qualities) hy Nerviline enable it to soak to ttuVrery core of the. trouble, and you experience a feeling of warmth and relief that proves the danger is past. For weak chest, sore throat and tendency to colds, the Nerviline Treatment beats all others, try" it. A large numbgr of Italians have purchased buildiiig lots on Toronto Heights, where they intend to form a colony. 'v Earlscourt Coincil No. 382, 0.0.0. F., will hold a. special meeting at MeRobert-avenut Methodist Church on Friday evening >110 initiate about 30 candidates. sf, John Codlin and Geo. P. Bryce ad- dressed the Men')) Club of St. David's Church (Presbytirtian) last Sunday at 4.15 p.111. 'lr, osese-errss,-spN,,rs-N.-u-e. Messrs. Robertson and Joyce are enlarging their hot house capacity by erecting a new conservatory. 7 IN SHORTHAND BUSINESS will bring you best results if taken at our old established nun thoroughly reliable sch‘ool. Catalogue free. fix-lush American Business Coll, t Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto. ttsr-ss-ries-se-se-NP""' PSYCHINE tones the system and keeps the body in good physical ermdition. No one can ahord to be without it. All Druggists and Stores sell at 50c and $1.c0. Send to DR. T. N SLOCUM, Limited, Spadina Ave., Toronto, for a TRIAL FRLE. “SEE "it fortifies the body against the at- tacks of La Grippe and IS a sure pnven- tative. I a-ways take PSYCHH‘JE if I feel a cold coming on and It puts me right in no time." Mr. G. D. Colwell, of Walkerville, Ont., was stricken d0wn with La Grippe in 1906 a d itleft him in very bad con- dition. He suys: “I was all run down and bordering on Consumption. Icouid not sleep at nights, had awful Swhass, and coughed neariythe whole time. This is how I mas when I began to take PSY- CHINE, in alow nervous state; but from the first b tde I began to improve. It did marve s for me and brought me back to health in no time, mating a new man of me." Y7hat La Grippe Did. IS YOUR CHEST "WHEEZY'?" Josh Billings, the quaint philoseuher whpsptrna?r- ims are full of Mmely wisdom, once said :7“The longer I live the more I believe a good set at bow- els art worth more than a good set; of brains." " q l " Celery King makes, good bowels. 25csats,atidea.u _ 320 ers or by mail. B. G Wells & Con Toronco. EARLSCOURT t,tiyii,iiit> From our own Correspondent. J2iiiggiitctgigi,goi, YOUR COURSE My N01 Mi? a while. _ _ s Our home druggist says he will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. . V This simple krecipe is said to strengthen and Epleanse the eliminas tive tissues oi tht Kidneys so that they can filter and; strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, .Which cause not only Rheumatism, b,urmumerous oth- er diseases. Every than or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who sufo fers from any urinary trouble what- ever, should not hesitate to make ’up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save ybu from much misery and suffering after It is claimed that there are few vit: tims of this dread and torturous dis: ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cages a permanedt Cure is the result. Get from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup frarsairat, rilla, Shake these well in'ga ‘héttle and take in teaspoonful louis, after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of goou water. ‘- iTO RENT--Eigtt Room brick "s' Good orchard and stable: L f', land split, rater, on Alain Street, (to; .,Wen':ént to yy at, cars. Apply John l,Hamshaw, 2333;: â€â€œEUAvenue. West "irriiliir.r-'s-", -Cd'Pfa2 p- =e =et' cc-v' "tic""-"-"-' There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice will be highly appre- ciated by those who suffer. Tu Lf)ST--At Stuax ts Hotel Woodbridge, on Saturday, March 20th, a large size bleek Texan robe with fed lining Reward on leaving at the hotel or James Bell, Elder's Mills. 2-15 TO LE Il-f) - roamed brick hcuse, HOME STUDY COURSES All Academical and n jects provided for. Wrice work preferred. THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY WINDMILL For Sale, Tower 30 ft., all complete and in firstelass order. Willbesoldchaap. Trethesirerr Mod -1 Farm. - Stable and briaiTd. “On John St: Apply to H. Russell, Weston. FOR SALE-B/ilk veneer% house WE WANI? a lady in every town in Ontario to sell our goods. Commission, 30 per cent, Dominion Specialty Co. Ltd., 143 Adel ide St. East, Toronto. HENRY RUSSELL. Licensed Amy. tioneer for Counties of York and Peel and City of Toronto ; also dealer in Real Estate. Several good farms and desirable village properties for sale at reasonable prices. 0ffiee at residence, John St.. Weston, 1dvtsrt1sements under this head. 1 cent per Word for the tirsl; insertion and g cent per word for each subsequent; Insertion. e CHOKE LOTS tirr s.arj, on Church, - Grattan aid J stéph siidil, Wgscon Apply to Joseph Niison, 404 Contipen- tal Life Building. 'Toronto 3t - on tit. John's Quad, Weston. E quire on the premises. _ J. K. MCEWEN, Licgnsed Auctioneer for the Counties of Ydfli, Péel and Simeoe, Deale: in Real Estate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Offiee, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection [nsure in the York PM; WANTE0.--czeneral Servant, good wag es and ctimfortable home for the right party. Apply 23 Delaware Avenue, Toronto†gush, Mutual sum knack. V N lt ml Gavel-amen. Deposit : rm Rates apr‘v to E. J. 1111:5501“ WESTON rdropaeerd c 1m. I) H' ~‘ Fin trees l Fs ,r.s W. its? a. UL 5.330111%; P/oiit-paF- E QR aimia ing Farmsinttstates. Strout’s taNiEiEaB2SSlEM5im N ew Monthly Bulleun of Real Barzains profuselv illustrated. mailed free; we et you? R. it fare. E. A. STROUT CO., Jrook C1. World's largetham Dealers, University Bldg., â€nasal“? FalPiil1ih F2?!“ Sale Tch? __ - --e Ing armsiniti%ntes. S: uch good, and may save ybu from 1ocl1, misery and suffering after There is The Condensed Advertisements You haw not got the voice but our paper Is at your service all the year around. If you had a voice like thunder, with a Megaphone attachment yen couId not reach " many people " you can through our want ads. a Shaw Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street, Toronto MAKE IT YOURSELF Waumwu.‘ KM many Technical Sub e for catalogue. State 090 3t if: