Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 14 May 1909, p. 1

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E? Wagons and JycyggiesrthitnessTst patterns at the lowest g‘iprices._' Ciill"arid inspect my stock. _ ',:',",,_"'_crtsickslhaiiik Wagon ~, Light Wagons and Buggies . i COAL and WOOD l;, Jr','" _ Sole.' Agent for Weston and Vicinity. Corner Main and Humber Sts. T ll Th " e During " MAIN ST. - - - LIVERY in CONNECTION a-UU-es-see-ee'-"""; , i-uurrneDersisicie, Waiting Room ' WEST TORONTO Sole Agent For M3WWW$§W¢WW3$3WW$3$WE Farm Implements Manufactured _ w t "Wan ‘ f, F. e V - 'ltjltiiiaittii') Are you feline Ian did and all run down-is it hard $ogfé‘é1 for you tr pull yo self together, and does every- . l’%®<§i‘i§ thing sea too m h trouble for you? Are you feel- iiiiiiiiiiiiF ing irritablf and bring empered? No wonder if you are. val: The mom of wi y r have tried you sorely and robbed M, ' tt 'tttttspore {tality than your system has been able to re- _ M _ plenish. You ' re in need of a good tonic whch will revive you -t bring backthatolti-tim(s9e F, energy. PSYCHINEwilldothis. f /Wfr. James Stoliker, g Ridget n, sayf--"THERE IS LIFE IN EVERY DOSE. I cannot speak too highly' of P CHIN ffor it is the greatest medicine I ever used. Iwas just about ‘All in’ he it began ttd treatment, and in 3 months I was as well as ever, It is a great _t,rr, ic'r ',reiygf, run-down people. There seems to be new lite in every dose." hi‘uaunot do rithout PSYCHINE at this time of the year. It is anecessity and will 'ay ish that r -down feeling, languor, etc., and give you new life. Send to DR. T. tt?iie1tiyt-ieiltvent Spadina Ave., Toronto, for a sample to-day, or purchase local 'ioruggistt Pr Dfleic' "TFsYdit'itd is s - d everywhere at 50c. and $1.00, per bol, le. _ ----- ------. +---b-' -------As ton Speight Wagons and Wilkinson Flows a thdtihaittatigk 'hast, M CREAM BRICKS, mixed (lime, 20 cents (ah, I They will keep hard for hours. BON BONS from 10 Cents to $1.00 'il(ti))ul)jii" M A "er-ima'-'"-""-'- aw ((i))i'1li)slrss': #20), )5 ? {1&111531813; (ri-tcr, 3.9W‘W A tri) li, LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES The nicest and most useful farm wagon on the road. Is made at home, fully guaranteed, and costs no more than others. Fitted with our Standard Spring if required. All kinds of Business Wagons. Repairing and Re-vainting by Expert Mechanics. 'W 'iii _ v k' ' E41593»; [i I; 'ilii, trtht %g r 1Wif F/1 ifit -- a 5%} 1fii' gigging _ , I ‘ I a 'Y' ii-iii' * - LUMBER, L.ATH, SHINGLES AND CEDAR POSTS. Main St., H. COUSINS .s---.---eitr _ JLAUGHLIN AND TUDHOPE A. HALLABY, Sand and Gravel. " m . IN. 1- . Mt' " - . " - mr me als, - “~=s:‘-"-~ - _ ’ “"' V is? .., .4 " _ " . 1).;- I a: w,“ Lay-:5, __ 't " MN _ _ "gilt?" " M» ....- " < ’ . ' ' Nt " " L' - . .- " w7 w. " ECT, " = ISM . - , N 'am ___ ' - w . "-" ' " Mh' - - . G PMFE .- " . _ " " - tl 'tii 1.- " tte - J " " 'em - ,5... . 23-“ 'NN 'Wg' I " 3%" gggiptatt = ” 'g75,',rf9, up , - ... . Ei M" _ ' Mt Bat a IM .1;- Mtqt Kr, - “i BN 7' - " r i q .. BE . h; I. v ge t - I " . .1 as "B-l' an; . 32s; Th Me, " ME Miysa :57 QMMtt i" tNE M " . m tMI “a IN f. " P t tSI I. r u. 3 " " V - ' Bt'. a, gh' 3g " tiN 3%!" EB%g* k it tg in”. " 3. . " g. "' Matt " . " a: Mlil g . _ I L“ I L ' a” " $gd F" I, F ara ) - " " e r PK? . " m, ml Ram" *= .3. 7 aw: .»,- " - - - c - 2.17.. " - IN IN " '" an - . 4.; x, 2-3.; I, 'rWdh 'RIte RN' v.1 » 5‘2’ c: as; am: " g? = MS A% . - V lir " _ tt - - ta It m, gr? MPa' . " BN may. * qNliNIE '55 'llth" E ""5”?" M: , EN a MEE? ijttt's " - , - . " . . MR;' . .. _ J", . "a , 2 aw: Wt gta " " " 81 - - .. Mm " ,.., " r: r. . - m g _ ttta' - “I . 1 Td . " . _ - ‘ " " . - l _ Mttt'tE ' © " - aM $51”: - m" - _ Mi gtR " , - " r- my). " " M Mg Im - 3.3:. . . - ,5 - ' - . » "P $3.11: MIM - . " MM " - : ' tNt = Fi It? " $tii _ " BM " .».-. . . " - NV, in . lim - - “1356'- BttWilBiit F" riff-5: 'tttate. WESTON, ONT. ottr The Most Reliable new every week 'om your THE A Call Solicited WESTON, ONT. TliUjfliUT, DE TUNIES EUR HEALTH Nil) ENERGY PRDNDUNEED Sl-rgezu "ijjjllijsiii))_l: 'li_jC(c))ll))'ll)) WESTON, ONT. Prices Right WESTON. + f The report that St. Alban's School ' I would not locate in Weston caused great i disappointment to many here and we are lpleased to be able to publish an official _ denial of this report. By its picturesque E 'situation and pleasant surroundings, this ' ( town is an Ideal location for a high-class 3 '; boys' school and we congratulate those in lobarge of St. Alban’s School on recog- _ nizing this fact. The school will also, in 3 l, way be an advantage to Weston. It i will attract here a good class of people and in many ways help to, advertise the i (town. By the location here of this Jschool, the town’s arowtlf in popularity g Ias a residential suburb will be hastened. GUNNS’, Limited, wish to advise farmers that they preter deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays. and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tor select hogs. Weights prtsterred, 1e to 220 pounds. . o o *3. * Parliamentary government in France is little shqrt of a calamity when, as at present, the Chamber of Deputies is divided into waning factions. Anarchyi in the Chamber will inevitscly lead to anarchy in the country, by crippling the hands of the] ministers, while the executive head of the State remains passive and useless, because he has not the power to make himself felt. t Tho growth of this town has not been, ; phenomenal, but it has been steady, 0an /t,1.r,t,1u,.nrt being now one-half as muchl (again as it was four years ago. A little‘ more enterprise and this growth would: I be doubled, The town needs advertising {and there are very few towns of its size {that have not their board of trade, or ibusiness men's association or some Esimilar organization engaged in making ,the merits of them? town known”: i Why does Weston lag behinrr"Sifiie there are in this town enough public" spirited business men who could start an I Sassociabion which would, by assisting t the development of the town, work for the Iiimmediate profit of every business man' I and property owner in the town. I The announcement made by Mr J. N, Shenstone, that bsiwould devote the whole of his surplus wealth to world-wide evangelizatéion is one In- stance, and the crowded audiences this week at Massey Hall to hear Gipsy Smith, are other instahces of the hold which hung religion has on the busi. ness men to day. It is ahopeful sign to see the modern then of the ex- change and mart, twining aside from the absorbing game of money making to give their energied, and hard won pelf towards the spréad of missions The rich man is ()nding the way which is straiter than the eye of a needle. , The opponents of Westons water works scheme are will veriy much in evidence, while its supporter? seem to be lying low. We do not u ish inlany way to force the hands of the Couélcil but we do think that any longer delay in submitting the by-law will be prenjudicial to its success. A public meeting of property owners {should be held atiwhitoh the scheme can ( be discussed and its merits and demerits imade the subjectgof debate The objec- tions to it are ibeing urged publicly. The two chief rounds on which the opponents of MEL Chipman's report, take exception to)it, are the cost and the source of supply. t The estimate of $57,000 does, at ijrst blush, seem high for a village the size of Weston to pay. At the present Assessment it means a rate of five mills, but how long will the assessment stay at its present figure thn we have the water/works, Within three years it takes no prophet to predict that it will be doubled; Also in reckoning the cost of maintenipnce of the plant and the interest on debturturesr We have to calculate the revenhe derived 'from the water users. This nevenue will provide for the interest arid payments on the debentures and with the growth of the teen consequent upon the installation of the system, it Will also pay the cost of maintenance and leave a. balance on the right side. This has been the exp, rieiice of every town that has installed water- works. --t---es WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 1451909. +---- _ NOTES and COMFIIENTS 66 Fiat J ustitia, Ruat Coelum." Weston, May 11, 1909, Diogenes liyed in a iub, but whether he ever tbok a bath in it is uncertain. Living a thousand years after his time We surely want, something bigger than a tub to bath in. The rowage disposal question has also to be carefully considered, but has not, I understand been reported upon; this can be taken no later. The ladies can have a sink in their kitchen with hot and cold water for the bath.. room as soon as the waterworks are installed, and should therefore be the most enthusiastic supporters of the scheme. l first floor, Pending the completion of g the building, temporary premises will i be, secured at Weston, so that the ‘school after midsummer holidays will ‘be at Westcn. While discussing the I question of amalgamating the schools, _ it was found that amalgamation l would be impracticable, hence St. ( Alban’s school will 'temain at Weston, 'and Rev. Mr Powell Wlll go on with (his own parochial (mixed) school at l Eglinton. This is a: true statement of i the facts, and should anything appear l agaii in any o' the §Tor.)nto papers to 'the effect that theitwo schools have amalgamated, with3 headquarters at I Egliuton, will be ooritrumy to fact The _ school will open at Weston 1n Slptem- l, her next in its temporary premises ‘pending the completion of the build- ing. . As in the sourteiof supply from the Humber, I can only pomt to Chatham and other towns / which get good water from a similar source by means of sedimentation basins and mechani- ttal filters. The Ozone in the atmos- phere is said to be the great purifier of running streams, irnd although ar- tesian wells might give us purer water, the umortaii'aiy' of a suifieient supply and the great cost of experi- ments in that line lead me to support Mr. Willis Ohipman'is recommendation The well in Newmarket is now giving out, although it isfonly u few years since it was sunk. f Editor of the Times and Guide. Sir:--" my last week's letter you made me say--!"?' Toronto is getting ready to spend $25,000," which, of course), should haVe been "$250,00'?, for waterworks and sewer- age," a printer’% error, no doubt. Pursuing the subject, it should be nolel that a wategworks system is an income producer from the start, as well as a modergi necessity. In a comparatively shote time the water rates will pay notgonly sinking fund and interest on th thirty year deben- tures, but also til cost of mainten- ance, thus relievinig the Municipality of the original expense of installation. gone. T.w.q$.d,>cti.r§ didn't help me at all, The-next d for ordered 'i)iy'iiiiy:,'i,1l, ozone." m curedime and now many I others use it also) My doctor says he, does'n In warythxng so good for Cltarrh ( and Thnat. Troublé as bb iJatarrhozuner" U e it to r‘ay, You’re letter to-morrow, I 25 cents, and $1 00 at all dealers. Try Catarrhozone. Mr. J. H. Woods, of (dot Rook, Oneida l Co , N Y had a ha d gxperieuce. “A bad attaekurf Cstgrr _ settled in my fore- / head and the paln o ii my eyes was so t intense I thought ~hoad would burst".. l My voice grew Tr0.t, hoarse and Icoughcd , every night, and through the winter I could ssarealr"stieak _ My voice was! Referring to the; statements in the Toronto dailies thlat it had been de- cided to move St: Alban's Cathedral School to Eglintonland amalgamate it with Rev. Mr. lPoweu’s parochial school. It is nhw stated on the authority of Mr Matthews and others interested in thd school that St. Alban's Cathedral] school will be lo.'. cated at Weston,) where a beautiful site of about 22 actes has been secured and the building 13 already up to the St. CORRESPONDENCE LOST HIS VOICE JFNV1RELE Will Open in Weston in September, 1909 Alban's School for Boys ORIGINAL PLAN STANDS Yours truly, ' John A. Wismer, Mill se., Weston. f Competitions of this kind were held ‘in Ontario some 25 years ago, and [ 'driitWeit T great-interest. _ The gold .medal farmer in the Province at that Ltime was Mr. Simpson Rennie, the ‘well known Farmers’ Institute speak- ‘er, who now lives tp T%2P§°~ in; The committee: WERE: 't"t"fri1targtt'trt the competition is composed of Messrs. H. Glendenhing, of Manilla; l G. 'A?/Gitlespie, -ot-cPetertooro, repre- 1sen-ting' the Eastern Ontario Dairy- ;men's Association; Mr. D. A. Demp- sey, of Stratford, and C. R. Wallace, 10f 1yvcgessvi11e, representing the 'Western Ontario Didrymen's Associ- ation; Mr. W. W. Ballantyne, of 'strattord; D. Duncan,‘ of Don; Geo. McKenzie, of Thornhill; R. P. Hicks, of Newtonbrook; Gordon Gooderham, of York Mills; Simpson Rennie and W. G. Ellis, of Toronto; and H. B. Cowan, of Peterboro, the Secretary. Full particulars about the compe- tition may be obtained from the Secretary. Already a number of leading farmers in Ontario have indi-' cated their intention to take part in, the competition which promises to, create a great interest and be pro- ductive of much good. 'i, The editor of the New York American is said to receive a salaiy of $100,000 a year. If so, he ought 'to be qualified In give an opinion and he know what he talks about. Address/ng an ediburia' association not long am, he: said. “I feel very deeply, doe importance of supporting local newspaper enterprises, and of rewarding rrd'ecymtely the work dove by the local editor and bis Sm". You cannot keep this; oorrn'ry in order, you cannot Regulate; or keep down its ficely organized raspality, unless you have in every town, 1irnd if Iossilrle, in every village. the local editor, who is a moral policeman, usitig publicity as his club." ', Before ‘tlhe other Fair, could, turn and look the (farmier topohed the driver on the shoulder]' T "Hey, feller.“ he'said, "here's an- other-dollar. Make be; 111111 fast, will mm?” A , _ . _ He ran to the easfj edge of town and then let the machin‘p out to the limit. It rocked and jumpgd till the driver's friend became alarmed. L“Lookzérbi11id anli see if the Bride and groom are scartd," was the re- ply. C ' _ 's "I'm going to hav) some tun," said the driver in a low tone to his friend. "I'm going to run high and scare those hayseeds." "i "sat,'r1rtiisaid, "syou'd better ease up_on it*pr'y9u’ll kill us all." . , A Denver man wile rents his motor car by the trip or hour was seated in the machine with a friend for business when a young couple from the country came up. It was plain to be seen they were 'ibride and groom. The young man from the country said they wanted to risee Denver. He arranged for the meter car man to take them for an hoqr's trip and paid the charges in advance. The country couple took the trf, seat. The driver's friend sat n the front seat with him. 1’ All branches of (farm work will be included in the competition. In all 1000 points will fbe offered. These points have been; subdivided as fol- lows-c-mouse and! surroundings 150; farm buildings Mo; live stock 200; crops 200; farm (management 150; farm machinery IS; permanent im- provements 75. Beteral prizes will be offered to the taims that score the highest points on the house and sur- roundings; on poultry; on orchards and other similar departments. The Province will” be divided into four districts " follows-tcorn 1Cingstofi east; frdm Kingston to Yonge St., Toitntoai, Western Ontario north and south, M a line running from Hamilton td Goderich. There will be a competition this year, for the" best farms in each district and 5 gold and 10 silver) medals will be offered this year in} each district. A committee composed of leading farmers and dairymen representing the dairy cattle breeders' associations and the dairymen's associations of Ontario, have completed arrange- ments for the holding this year, ot a dairy farms competition through Ontario. The prizes wiflrcor1sist of 60 gold and silver medals, and diplomas, as well as: a large number of special prizes, the,) details of which have not yet been arranged. A DAIRY FARM’S §COMPETITION t The reason Catarrhozone always cures is thin; it goes right to the sore Bpot, which it heals and makes well quigkly. It is a: tiseptio and destroys disease germs in every part of the system. For Coughs Colds and Bronchitis, nothing compares with Catarrty, zone. It is very pleasant and-simple to use, contains no injurious drugs, and is warranted perfectly safe to use. Catarrhozone Inhaler is suitable to use in ashram Par, theatre, church, any place, at any ti me Com, le e outflosts but 5191) andis guaranteed to cure or your money hack. Medium size 50 ens. Trial s, no 259. sold by drug-gins or by mall, from A. C. Folsom & Co , lilugston, Out. I had abagE caugb f ' several months last fall thatéebtled on my lungs. I was worried veriimaeh to think that nothing I used could shake, Wolf,» but reading in the Halifax tt Prrsbyterian Witness" of the wo. tieliu.bd,res, CaQtarrhozone was eff, ectmg, I gdbided to try it. The irri. tability ayii soreness was taken out of m y throat if a few days, and in less than one we; it entirely culed my cough. “logs with great gratitude and pleasure that i rwommend Catarrhozone. I am may it; will benctit and cure all who use A cough or mini rhis Sc 0}] orihe year waves the way for pue nniapr c nau'np- tion. Th best remni is" Qitarrh. zone.T ft cares a cmgh i iiisi' mmutes, and culdacaunut ex _'i1,/e't/ii' few hoars where t is us»d Mrs .. :“L Uheuowith. resii. ing at y:c,dvi:tCs1e,:tra' was worried by a ik graveya d" cough In the fallow- mg letter shegtells how Catar.hozone Cured her in qéim w: ek. it." 2% Grawyatd Coughs and Colds Cured Quickly by Catarghqzbne 57 Victoria St. TORONTO INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS AND CONTENTS WITH US LOWEST RATES and BEST COMPANIES. l humus H ' WW3 (when F jltu)t)i' a,ii)ii--iii'_r'_ii,,lrl1,'?/ PHALTERELGLGSIZAELMSM fiEli,tjtiiiiili,,lijfiiEiiilN' Mn ior fit mm A ' 'iii")') Eiill w 'l, 13-» {a __L is . iljiii/ a,-" . T. LOCKE & Co. (vagned) Mrs. H. L. Chenowith. WRITE TELEPHONE OR CALL FOR FULL PARTICULARS TELEPHONE MAIN 1007 p§TA3LISHED Fa" pet

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