Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 14 May 1909, p. 2

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L i dab. if; am; '1‘: "351:1 A“ 'yritrti 1858, and the first "irestibuie-traG ii; 1886. In thousands of homes throughout Canada Baby's Own Tablets is the only medicine used when the chil- dren are ailing, and the mother who keeps this medicine on hand may feels as safe as though there was a doctor constantly in the home. Baby's Own Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, destroy worms, and make teething easy. Guaranteed free from opiates; end poisonous drugs. Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Wilson's, N. B, says:--', began using Baby's Own Tablets shout five years ago, and since thenl thave used no other medicine foul my children. They never fail {‘0' bring relief, and I would advise all mothers to try them." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. as mueh' gold as the Jiiii. iii is constantly extracting from bosom. lying in the ground again. It is strange to think that one digger- the sexton, to wit-is constnatly returning to mother earth nearly as much gold as the other Aim.“ BURYING TONS OF GOLD. Investors in gold-mining securi, ties will be interested to learn that an American lady computed not long ago that in the United States alone half a ton of pure gold, equi- valent to $500,000, is annually put as filling into the teeth of the liv- ing. Inasmuch as none of this preci- ous metal is ever extracted after death, the shrewd calculator fur- ther reckoned that at the rate stated a quantity of gold equal to all that is now in circulation will, in the course of three centuries, be ‘-.:_M I., gl , _ This innpcene-looking article of food has always been regarded as at- least harmless, but the "Lan- V cat” has discovered that it has --hsi1-txlriruradvantagerJt" its itonoe-, nous appearance and reputation to lay a trap for unwary teetotalers. The average hot cross bun, it is now stated, contains about 7.2 N "grains of alcohol, and the man who "sats twenty buns will obtain as much alcohol as he would get in a glass of beer. The first slettpir1g-ctst was seen in There may be some consolation for teetotalers in the announcement that it is possible to make tectotal bread and buns, but no yeast must be used. THE ILLS OF CHILDHOOD HOW TO CORE THEM The "Lanoet'r makes the further terrible disclosure that most bread also contains alcohol, which, of course, is the product of the fer- mentation of the yeast used to make the bread-tuid the buns-- rise. Hot Cross Buns Have Been Laying Traps for Teetotalors. C A terrible indictment against the hot cross bun is framed by the Lon- don "Laneet." V " Three years later while] JnaLther visit to my mother's Michael Old- ing was seemingly in better health to live," my mother informed me, "And you must go over and see him as he is liable to pass away at any moment." "Not expected to live," that was the opinion not only of the doctor who attended him, but of his wife and family as well. Upon visiting him myself I found abund- ant evidence to confirm their opin- Ion. Mr. Olding had for years been afflicted with aithma and bronchitis, but now a complication of diseases was ravishing his system. He had been confined to his bed for months and was reduced to a skeleton. Though evidently glad to see me, he Conversed with the greatest dim-J culty, and seemed to realize that it was the beginning of the end. He! was daily growing weaker; his feet were swollen to twice their natural size, and the cold hand of death was upon his brow. "ft's no use," he said feebly, "the doctors medi.. cine is not helping me and I am go- ing down rapidly." I prayed with him as for a man soon to pass into eternity, and when I took his hand in parting it was the last time I ex; I; pected to see him in the flesh. During a visit to my home in Merigomish, N. B., somayears ago, I was grieved to find our next door neighbor and friend, Michael Old- ing, very low. “He is not expected "'Why I recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." St, Andrew's Manse. Cardigan, J'.E.1., Jan. 1908. Though I have never been sick myself, and have not had occasion to use Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, I thought you ought to know of the remarkable cure they have wrought inprr, Olding's case. The Pgr1icglars of a Remarkable {Lure Told by a Presbyterian Clergyman---The Sufferer Brought Back from Death‘s Door. " Why l Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills" ALCOHOL IN BUNS. the _ other gig};- Ser The news of the death of Mr. George Raphael, Ballymena, came as a great shock to his wide circle of friends. Mr. Raphael was an elder in West Church, Ballymena, Dungannon’s water inspector has reported to the rural council that the average weekly consumption of water in Dungannon (a town of about five thousand people), was 8002000 gallons. Emigration statistics for Ireland show that last year fewer people left the country than in any year since 1851, the total. being 23,295, as against 39.082 for the year 1907. James Maguire, a young man re- siding in the Glenfarne district of County Leitrim, disappeared mys- teriously on the day int/ended of his wedding. _ Cork is to raise a loan of $80,000 for the erection of a new Technical school on the site presented by Mr. Sherman Crawford, at Fitton street. James McGeown, Omagh, has just patented a, sort of swimming trp- paratus which bids fair to be one of the midst valuable inventions yet conceived. Castlerea Guardians have decil- ed toignore the Local Government Board's order regarding the divid.. ing of Castrlerea dispensary dis- trict. A heavy debt having rested on the Lynn Memorial Church, Belfast, for several years past, efforts are be- ing made to clear it off As a consequence of the retire- ment of Mr. William O'Brien from public life his newspaper, the Irish People, ceases publication. The workhouse at Longford was almost completely destroyed by fire recently. The damage is estimated at £10,000. Happenings in the Emerald Isle ot Interest to Irish. A we“. T Waterford Corporation passed a resolution favoring a, tax on bache- lors over 35 years or age. REV, EDWIN SMITH, M.A. Mr. Olding himself writes:---" am glad Rev. Mr. Smith has written you about my wonderful cure, for I confidently believe that if it had [not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would have been dead long ago. It would be impossible to ex- aggerate the desperate condition I was in when I began to use the Pills. No one thought I could get lbetter. I scarcely dared hope my- self that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would bring me through, but they did and I have ever since enjoyed good health. Though I am seventy- nine years old people are always remarking on how young I hook-- ahd I feel young. I can do a, fair day's work, and I am better in every way than I had been for years. I cannot say too much in praiseof Dr. Wiluams' Pink Pills and I take every opportunity I can to recommend them to friends-who are ailing." ( NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE, LAND’S SHORES. FROM ERIN’S GREEN ISLE Mr, Olding himself, as well as his neighbors and the writer of this letter, confidently believe that, his rescue from the very jaws of death --seerningly so miraculous-is due under the blessing of God to the timely and continuous use of Dr. Williams' Pink P1118. [than I had ever seen him, for, as I said, he had always been ailing. In sheer. desperation he had asked his wife to get him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They soon began to help him. His appetite and strength be- gan to improve, and to the astonish- ment of his family and friends he rapidly regained his health. Now, though the burden of Well nigh four score years is upon him, he is able to do a fair day's work. and _ in the enjoyment of good health, even the asthma, has ceased tol trouble him as in former yours. 7 l ISSUE NO. 26-08. Australia's huge northern terri, tory has a tropical, almost an equatorial climate, and the heat is very enervating to Europeans. Its capital, Palmerston, contains more Chinese than Caucasians. The former are the ruling race and the employers; the whites are the servue and the employed. Large herds bf buffaloes roam about the silent plains of this enormous terri, tory, which would be a sportsman's paradise but for the wild natives, who are exceptionally fierce and treacherous and have killed a mun l her of the hunters who came to hunt] the buffaloes. A Insuring Gong" drives dies an .'.,. You can conquer it wit}? 1'i'dat"'gg,', Balsam, which relieves hard breathing M ling we chest and irritation of the throat ' at n in has}, to the children. . " It An exciting Mexican pastime is that of flooring bulls with the hand from horseback! The rider, gal- loping after the bull, seizes it by the tail and, passing his leg over the tail for the sake of leverage, pulls the poor beast round side- ways until it trips and goes crash- ing to earth amidst a cloud of dust. Needless to say, the bull-throwen, needs a strong hand and steady nerves, or he may find himself in trouble. . _ __ fi- _~_~- Vu‘lvln AJUDPILdI l for a long period, and for three years I was I in and out of hospitals. I was continually 1in pain, and the sore would not heal, but [continued to discharge. Twelve months . ago I came out here to my daughter, and l during the voyage I had to keep my bed. i'l‘he ship's doctor examined my leg. and t gave me a plaster, which I had to take off again, asit made the pain so intense. When l, I reached my daughter's house, she sent for a medical man, Who said nothing could ever I do it any good, and although I tried other “American doctors, they did me no good. t They said my leg would never be well. i 't One day my youngest daughter brought (home a box of Zam-Buk, and induced me ' to try it. With the first application I seemed to find ease, and further treatment with Zarn-Buk did me so much good that I Bent for a proper supply. I kept on with the Zam-Buk treatment, and soon saw that the wound was getting better, The discharge was reduced, and the pain was eased. I persevered with the Zam-Buk. and, to cut a long story short, it effected a Cure. It is marvellous to think that, after suffering for sixty years, ZanvBuk has been able to make my leg perfectly sound." Zarn-Huk is a combination of power and purity. Purely herbal, it is superior to all nown remedies for chronic sores and wounds, eczema, salt-rheurn, ringworm, eruptions, varicose ulcers. cuts, burns, bruises, skin diseases. It also cures piles. All Druggists and Stores sell at 50c. a box. or post-free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Three boxes for 31.7.5. _ Mrs, J. Minett, of 192, Thurbers Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island, has been cured by Zam-Buk of a bad leg, whieh had defed all remedies for sixty long years. She says :--" When a child of eight, I was bitten on the leg by a dog, A doctor cauterised the place, but it never healed up soundly, am; have suffered with an ulcerated leg for over sixty years. This occurred in England, and many' English doctors tried in vain to heal the sore. At one time I was an in-patient at the East Suffolk Hospital Cn,..,),,.,... _~__.__, __, r i. _ The animal conitnued its mad course through the garden fences until it became wedged in the nar- row entry of one of the houses, and was secured and killed. After sniffing at the overturned cart, the bull left it but returned again and smashed tt to pieces. Happily, the child was again un- hurt. The animal was being led to the slaughterhouse, when it broke loose and escaped into the garden of an adjoining house. Butchers and iothers gave chose, armed with guns, and a shot served to enrage the animal still further. It tore through fences, smashing garden frames and everything else in its way, and stopped to investigate a mail-cart standing outside one of the houses. The baby’s mother rushed out to save her child, but the bull charged at her, and she retired. The animar then rushed at the mailman and over-burned it, but fortunately the baby fell into the hood of the cart. AUST-ALLr8 CLIMATE Little Tot. A mad bull nearly succeeded in killing a, baby in a mailcart and wrecked the gardens in twenty houses at Acocks Green, near Birm- ingham, Englanu, yecently. lam-Bunk Works a Complete Cine. Infuriated Animal The Board of Trinity College, Dublin, has elected Miss Constantia Elizabeth Maxwell to be an assist- "nt to the Professor of Modren His- tory. She is the first woman who has become a, member of the teach- ing staff of the college since its foundation. Mr. R. H. Henderson arrived in Belfast, on the 4th inst from South Africa on a visit to his friends at Armagh. Mr. Henderson was mayor of Kinmberley during the famous siege, and for the past four years hte,,restied in Johannesburg. The annual dinner in connection with Queen's College, Belfast, was rendered notable this year by reason of th fact that it was a celebration of the transformation of the Queen's University of Belfast. and superintendent of the Sabbath school. A THRILLIN G SPORT BAD LEG FOR at YEARS. A BABY AND A BULL. Three boxeiidrui.'i's'. Nearly Killed Have you a little kuuwlaziuu of Farm stack! Then write us AT ONCE. 63 to in) weekly. mu, ary or cummisxion. No experience. Do part Of the word un yum nwn farru or act B") orgeat. Something 3.51. )futaly no W. (Jr-“Low: easy money Baking nppgnurnty. no you Want Money T There are 762 varieties of Arctic flowers, which have but two colors, white and yellow. l It is a Liver Pill.--asny of the ‘ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the disturb- ances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This accounts for the great many liver regulators now pressed on the attention of suffer- ers. Of these there is none superior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is) effective, and the most delicate cani use them. l There is always plenty of room at the top of it ten-storey building that has no elevator. Eyes Are Relieved By Murine When Irritated by Chalk Dust and Eye Stun], incident to the average School Room. A recent Census ot New York Clty reveals the tact that in that City alone 17,928 School Children needed Eye Care. Why not try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Weary, watery Eyes, Granulation. Plnk Eye and Eye Strain? Murine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physi- cians: Contains no TtrJuriout, or Prohibit- ed Drugs. Try Muvine tor Your Eye Troubles; You Will Like Murine. Try It In Baby’s Eyes for Scaly Eyelids. Drug- lsts Sell Murine at Foe. The Murine Eye 5e1t,tu't, Co., Chicago. Will Send You In- teresting Eye Books Free. People who are afflicted with klep, tomania always feel that they should take something for It. l Yearlag Down 8ttrrtats does nae delay stoma. i 0pium~laden tf medciinea " may check coughing, , but the cold stays. Do not trims; when you begin "tr cough take Allen’s Lung Balsam, free from i opium, fall of hauling power. _ SUFFERERS: from rheumatism Fmd Instant- relief in “The D & L" Menthol Plaster. Be sure and get the genuine. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co. dung. r'pinutoity. " M 51'va VETERINARY co.. Toronto. Dysentery corrodes the intestines and speedily eats away the lining, bringing about dangerous oondi, tions that may cause death. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial clears the intestinal canals of the germs that cause the inflammation, and by protecting the lining from further ravages restores them to healthy condition. Those subject to dysentery should not be without this simple yet powerful remedy. Provision has been made in the Brazilian Budget for the publication of 1,000 copies of "Paradise Lost" translated into Portuguese. Not a single case of intoxication occurred last year among the 9,000 inhabitants of Whittlesey, Cam, bridgeshire. Probably the simplest Court liv- ery in the world is the Korean. The Emperor's servants are all dressed in garments and headgear of red calico. l A Time for Everything-The time for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is when croupy symptoms appear in the tehil- dren; when rheumatic pains beset the old; when lumbago, asthma, coughs, colds, catarrh or earache attack either young or old; when] burns, scalds, abrasions, contusions or sprains come to any member of the family. In any of these ail- ments it will give relief and work a cure. "You look pale and thin. What's wrong?” "Work! From morning till night, and only a one-hour rest.” "How long have you been at it?” "I begin to-morrow." If the case is of iong1idnd'irlg, it may take longer to cure it, but Dodd's lbdney Pills never fail to do It. That is the simple straightfor- ward statement of Mr. Thomas IMcDonald, a well-known resident of that place. It shows how quickly Dodd's Kidney 1hils cure Kidney Disease when taken in its earliest stages. Lame Back is one of the first symptoms of sick Kidneys. Heart Fluttering is another symp- tom. It is caused by blood, from which the sick Kidneys have failed to strain the impurities, increas- ing the work of the heart. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the sick Kidneys, well, the lame back disappears, the blood is purified, the heart is re- liev‘ed and the fhrurerings stop. Shubenacadie, Hants Co., N. s., --May 17. (Special).--" suffered from Lame Back, Kidney Disease and Heart Flutterings, caused by cold and a strain, for three years. I was looking over some papers and saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised and I bought one box which com- pletely cured me. Dodd's Kidney Pills are wonderhu." He Had Lame Back, Kidney Dis- ease and Heart Fluttering's and One Box Cured Him. WHAT T1108. McDONALD SAYS 0F DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. INDEED THEY ARE WONDERFUL This company is giving away a cash prize of Seven Hundred, Dollars. See post card in every packages This shows the great advantage producer. PLU'UIgCBbUU, bUUll H5 U1 HUEU LLLUGAJ’UW. A large number of foods have been analyzed and some of the re- sults are incorporated in the following table. In nearly every case the figuros are the average of a number of analyses,' N an address to the Canadian Association of the Master Bakers at I their Convention held in London, Ont., August 14th and 15th, 1906, Professor Harcourt, of the Guelph Agricultural College, said among other things as follows: Various types of break. fast foods may be roughly divided into the following clasees: lst, The uncooked, such as granulated oats, etc., which requlre long cooking to make them palatable and aid digestion; 2nd, Partially crook- ed, such as rolled and flaked grains. In this process the cell walls are ruptured by the crushing, consequently they require less time in their preparation for the table; 3rd, Cooked foods; 4th, Foods termed pre-digested, such as Orange Meat,etc. . ' " . . Testimony From a High Author" as to the Value of Orange Heat. Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped up- on? Is there anything more delight- ful than getting rid of it? Holla- way's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. Pills restore failing health. To im troduce them, we offer you a full sized package free. Mention this paper and enclose ten cents to de- fray the cost of packing, etc. THE HOME SPECIALTIES CO., Toron- to, Canada. In England and Wales 605,906 wo- men are entitled to vote for county councils, and for councillors in municipal boroughs. "What did the doctor say was the matter with you 1” "He said he didn't know." "Well, what doctor are you going to next!” "None. When a doctor dares to make such an admission as that, he must be about as high in his profession as he can get." KINETIMES OUT OFTEN Painkiller will be found to fill your needs as a. household remedy. Used as a. liniment tor stillness and taken internally for all bowel camplaints. Avoid substitutes. There is but one “Painkiller"-Perry Davis’. Mg. and MW, Young ladies at Beaverville, Ind, have formed a league to promote refinement among young men, and, among other things, have resolved to marry no man who drinks or smokes. . A Cure for Fever and Ague.-- Disturbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of fever and agile, showing derangement of the digestive organs and deteriora- ‘tion in the quality of the blood. In these ailments Parmelee's Vege- table Pills have been found most effective, ahating the fever and sub- duing the agile in a few days. There are many who are subject to these distressing disturbances and to these there is no better prepara tion procurable as a means of re-l lief. Bend for (free) ctrtardirur'iiir. Fir" - - Wateu.. mANoica OrganCo.. may t3UeLF'H.ONqAtexL Peppermint is usually prepared from gin sweetened with sugar, and flavored .with the essential oils of peppermint PREE.--our ff "And does yéur mamma always call you 'Angell' " asked the lady, who was making the formal call. "Oh, no," replied the sweet child; "only when we've got comp'ny. I wish we had comp'ny always. 'Cause I like 'Angel' so much bet- ter than 'Brat.' ll All you need do is to write for a tree box 0 the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be given awai. Perhaps this one box Jirill cure JT/r/f as done so tor others. if so, I a all be hang}: and you will be cured for 2c (the cos of a postage stamp. Your letters held conn- dentially. Wye fqr4ay for my free mm. ii,',isittt'iriLsiinpi'J. {gar 3m}??? ti,iiiii'ieii. entia . r e o- ay or my ree Peat.. mom. 'iasv.1 F. m cum Windsor) Ont. Are you discouraged? Is your doctor’s bill a heavy tirrattcia1 load? ls Four pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women---, have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure mama”. want to relieve gout- bur- dens. "a not end the pain an stop the doctor's b (I? I can do this far you and 'rilk.tt you wttl quiet me. ., - Worms cause feverishness, moan- ing and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor is pleasant, sure and effectual. If your druggist has none in stock, get him to procure it for you. A man went to consult a famous physician, and waited in an ante room until, his patience becoming exhausted, he summoned an at- tendant. “Present my compli- ments to Doctor-----, and tell him, if I am not admitted in five minutes, I shall be well enough to go home I” A Woman's Sympathy Orange Meat White Bread Entire Wheat; Bread. Graham Bread ...... Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools. "mr'""'""" ___ _ Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the .8lllii) only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action. Bend for (free) cirurdiruriiir, 75. l Iron Blood m Fortunes Lost and Health Ruined Through Uni Indulgence In the Liquer and Drug Habit» __ No 6 Yates b't., " Catharines, Ontario, I Care: Liquor and Drug Habits. Physician s/ attendance. Mineral Baths Free. Correspond) ence gorttidtmtial akdressed to 1 MR. A. HARGRAVE, Manager. , Formerly connected with the Lakehnnt, Samarium! Cabana. um. We no new aPooialitting 1n Tug Emma“? iiiiiiriifiii) 8T00llt8 MI 3mm Members Toronto "ou Exchsnge‘. _, Indus Bank Building, M Broad Show TORONTO. NEW YORK favor WARREN GZOWSKI At?t2 Foot of Bay Street, B0ltBtt Mil) STOCK I! TOROETO STREET, TORONTO. SANA}! in all sizes, complete or in knock down form. Knock Down Frames and Semi-l Finished Hulls. ningys and Yacht Tenders. ROBERTSON BROS. EAUNEHES BRITISH 1riyrtiid'ki"i'"ii"v'i'il o if Wok-1h La} Bldg., ”mouse. GALVES s: 0543.??? 3931 Bargains, roiusely illustrate“, aiiiiiif Ere P,' 'k'tr',l'i,?st.,l,r1tr))i'.,l,'fl' “mum" " ALEXANDER WARDEN, Richmond & Drummond Fire Insurance Con Fwy, Head Office. Richmond‘ Que. Establish: 879. Capital $250,000. For agencies at unrapn unced points, Province of Ontario, address l Cobalt stocks bought and sold on commission. Long Distance Phon.g--Mun 2870, Main 2311. Fire Insurance Agents Wants Simon Away“, Prop. _ Tal. Main tum, 198 King at, West, Toronto. will inaugurate, Nay 23rd, two through trad Chicago to Seattle. Wash., via St. Patti, dar, Low rates to all North and South Patrittrco pofats A forty page folder desoripnivg of t Alaska-Yukon Exposition free for t ,ti, ki For information in regard to rates sung“ i'guis vice write or call on me _ __. Between 200,000 and 300,000 " is said by experts to be the age the human race." THE " BURLINGTON ROUTE .. a m V..-_... v. mun-urn Instrumen‘l WHALEY. ROYCE G CO.. Limit, Toronto, Oat., and W innipag. Man. - _. - .--. vguv aanvll Lowest prices ever quoted. I' in over 600 Illustrations. mailed fret, tor anything 1n_M3mic or Musical tmr This in t Bratt an Time " Organizi‘ trtatvameetta, Drums, Band Music, El EIVERY EOWN CAN HAVE A BAH .otrr_r, A-.. PN---- v - _ - ,__.-. u. u . an- " and 9mm. h ”at and we are “If. tirust,tatt _ Box in. Montreal. or information in regard to rates amts:sS'ii'iirii; ice write or can on l (, _." J. A. YORICK, " King St. East, Tordht6Hy, CREISEHQ AND SPEED ORIENTAL RUG CO., J. II. EWART, Chief Agent, arm f?!“,$ag_l§ we; And Clo-min; of Orange (Late trauma: Strat""" Church in Can a.) itreet, . Hamilton Sandi! Send for Catalogue. No. 18 Wellington St., East, Torch: Cleaned, Washed And Repaired by Oriental Process. We no the only specialists in Canada. COBALT Calories per ggam. ' ' . . . . 3,968 . . . . .. 2,721 . . . . . . 2,488 ...... 2,610 " I Mil UGIU profit-pay Farms In " States. 8trdat - New Monthly Bulletin untimely !.lhetetitttapid {rm Fr w;ert' rr; Steele Briggs Seed cta' Rum Ram: Ttery, Withou '91: Farm 5055:: 0:37;. I This In a "reosil, yrl M eat as a heat quoted. “no auua ' mailed free. XVI-Ha Pl My.etrytstrymuid Stockl. Write at] for information. NEW YORK

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