Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 14 May 1909, p. 5

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l" Men's Furnishings, ‘Building Plans and Speeifi- , cations prepared. Estimates hgiven. Contracts taken. b All Academical and many Technirul Sub, Feats provided for. Write for cataloguu. State work preferred. _ L. The bhawlorrespondenee School F'),-,)), 395 Yonge Street, Toronto I handle only the best goods, and -r the only thing cheap is the price. MAIN STREET, HOME STUDY COURSES Cash, Mutual and Stock. I , Full Government Deposit 301- Bates apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, or (in)? a. card toiHead omce, 157 Bay Street Torah-o. _ THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Insure in the York Fire Builder & Contractor W. E. COLEMAN _-' Neglige Shirts, Ties, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main St., - Weston, Ont. Easy to apply. Cheap and perma- nent, Fioors,- Verandabs, Fur- niture. inside and outside Walls, Stains and Varnishes. _ W. Ch BURRAGE We Handle the SHERWIN- WILLIAMS. _ K THE BEST PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES. PAINT' F‘s" 2:3“, [KS 77 Fashionable Tailor and Mann furnisher 2orner Church and Wellington Streets. W. R. WADSWORTH TORONTO KEYS Be BULL. - v 1900‘s“ “/L IEWBE g va,iri, ¥ERY year the farmers of Canada buy enough .wire fer ce to reach around the world. CYCLONE WIRE _ 'lii'iiiv,,' FENCE is built of hard, stiff, Springy steel wires, made specially for it, and it's the quality of steel that '/,,iliiiiirkes a fence resist wear and tear, strains and weather conditions The construction of CYCLONE FENCE as shown in the above cut gives it more strength than any other fence Our all No; 9 gauge woven wire fence with stays 16 inches and 22 inches, apart, makes the best fence on the market LQLCYCLONE LOCK-that is the great improvement. It is formed without any break in the upright wires, thet the simplest, as a result the strongest. It is trye that it takes more wire, but it makes the fence so much hetter. "_"-. _ ' Also Agent for Peter Hamilton Implements-Adams' Wagons-Bissell Disc Barrows and Steel Rollers-Paris Plows, Manure Spreaders and Cutting Boxes-The Famous Canada Carriages from Brockville. When in Weston call and inspect them. See Fly Display CAPITAL PAID UP - $4,000,000.00 RESERVE - - 81,500,000.00 Jt"irs"tjtj1,kii'i'i?s: I a _ 1fisy mA'lORsla 3yclone Woven Wire Fence Co. Ltd. Dundas Street, Toronto "", V i. A. FARR. Agent, Eagle Block, WESTON. 0f new Spring Patterns in r Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. Socks, Mufflers, ac. h Station St. WESTON TORONTO BRANCH THE BANK OF (ttif see?,'?',') 'ji isitii,i, ESTABLISHED 1855. MANAGER. W ESTON W. H. SHAW, J ' FRANK FOSTER, Pres. Prin For literature and full information about fishing and holiday resorts, write Passenger Dept, Toronto, Ont. Crossing Lake Muskoka at Bala Park ond along the shore of Lake Joseph, skirting nearly one huudred bodies of water between Toronto and Sud bury. ac fijfiii'iiii Commercial and Shorthand courses Call or write stiiiey WEEK END Excursion Tickets WEST TORONTO BRANCH of the _ (f2Tiathsrg Good going May 20 to Sept. 30 Return limit Oct. 31. Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of routes. Go by the direst Canadian line-- see your own eountry--the West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Seattle Exposition and other spe. cial attractions. ON SALE FROM MAY IST The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE. SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, MAGANETAWAN, INCKLREL and fRENCH RIVERS '-'os-rsse-s-s,e.. Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast Re urn rom $7410WES$ON 80 Dundas Street West Talk it over with G. M. FRASER, Agent, WESTON 12'ri'uuriiy TOURIST AND __-_- -_v --.. ---%P----- I A mass meeting of the Bell Tele. f _ ., .. t . . . _ . J . . ribe I is - soeiation will leVch he a. negation GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise l p1??? ’subts: l Olr 1 ceilied hforbto movement. farmers that they prefer deliveries of 1 mg )ff [? ‘Ileb , gonna e am fer: ----o-y;i. live hogs at their packing house, [An e on WI e: , e to secure bet e1 _ West Toronto on Wednesdays and l rates now that Nam: Toronto has been CONDEMNED BY WYSICIANS [Fridays and in any case, not earliel annexed. .The rtes at .prese‘mt are nggruplptxils dealer?, ftgn 1326;)”; _tjji,r:s,r1, than Tuesday, or later than Friday i 5580 for 2,'ii/iiisi' p? ones with eity con reme les W1 canard; an am s. I use . . . 11eetiorran 5 Mr rivateresidences such, and insi.t not! Atuam's /l;ppiiiiii week. High?“ IT1ces paid £01.“) , , 'i. p ‘d d l t Corn Extractor. It' gureiy vegstablisf1ett hogs. Weights preferred, 160' esr: rates are ,tegar e as a mos safe and sure. Ito Mi). pounqs. prohibitive. , One benefit derive from annexa- ltion to Toronto isigi'e postal delivery is the opinion of the atepayers Asso uiation. Ae a meeting on Monday ‘night, H. A. Robinso , the president, stated that he was ref sed the promise of a delivery for E ‘lscourl: by the post offiee inspector on account ot the district not beirg in the city, A petition will be circu ted among the ratepayers to find outi he pubic opirr ion regarding; annex§tion The As sociation will revive he annexation movement, f I Dr. Fred Conboyéhas given notice to the Board of Eduéation that he will move "that hereaf? r when a teacher is absent from who; because she re- ‘quires dental atteniion, her dentist's e,s1iett be aeeep ed by the board as a reason for abssgnce.” Dr. Con- lboy is the well-knoivn dentist of Do ‘vercourt, and asks fiffor equal T profes. sional privileges for: the dentists with the medical doctors of the city. vin I Merchants in theineighborhood of Main street are Li plaining of the presence of rowdies, (C), insult women throw fireeroe!rers into doorways of residences, and genérally so condust themselves as not onty to be regarded as nuisances but miinaees. Women living in the distririt are actunlfy so I in fear of the rowiiies that in the evening they are afraid to leave their homes without their hlisbands, this state of affairs affects business. Com plaints were made tip the authorities, but there has been no abatement of the nuisance. i ! Miss Nellie M01'g%10f Perth Avenue ihas returned from L amilton. We regret to htslir of the illness of Miss Rena Potter/of Westmoreland Avenue, who is under the care of the,' doctor with pneumlinia. EARLS Rev. s. H. Piekjyp, WA., of South side Presbyterian éhurch, will preach in the, Davenport ERoad Presbyterian church at 11 a.m f and Rev. J. Geo. Miller, M.A., of Kew’s church at 7 p.m. These eler ymen are two of Toronto's ',"otc,',,,l,t,ti,t:,e/2,c.' We regret to aionounee a b:creave, ment in the farmlfg of Mr. Alf. House in the person of éis mother who has been in ill health tor some time. Mr, P. Hardist who has not long ~ince returned fro the United States leaves this week _ 0 take up his reci deuce at the wad. " Our Lachie," of Loyal Dovercou was visitin: numb this week. I Iff. Ralph Potter. has accepted a position at the Ro al Canadian Yacht Club, and leaves this week fear the Island. DOVE RCOURT. From our own Correspondent. the Grand Master tOddfellows lodge, ms of the brethren l from annexa- postal delivery ,atepayers Asso mg on Monday ', the president, sad the promise rlscourt by the on acéount of in the city. A tted among the OURT The Junior ball ieam played a pick ed team from tl brick yards, on Wednesday last, w Inning out by three nil. N, Boylen p tched and A. Max- ted caught for MoéntDennis. 5+ Mrs. Handy. " Toronto, was visi- ting Mrs J Bayliai's, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs iseering have taken Mr Taylor's placif) on Lambton Ave , and will reside Gre. Three ball mania will be played by Mount Dennis this year. The Rev Dr. Smith, of MeMaster, was out here thig week looking for a site for a Baptist phurch Inch, of Weston, repairs, refits your glasses, tests your eyes; satisfaction always guaranteed. Prices lowest. How often we he riff people who have had an aching jm t muscle for years No more speedy emfdy can be adopted than to rub on N rvi ine and then apply aNerviline Porou fjaster. At once the muscles begin t esume their wonted vigor and flex b lity. Inflammatory sym, tons and pa disappear. Nerviline Plasters can be w n by the most delicate child or aged P6; 09. They are invalu able as though {h ve proved. Used a'0: R WIth Nervil they are guaranteed t; permanently d ve 40m; any m wscular acl e, pain or stiffuy SJ Try these reme- l dies and judge fot yourself. 25 cents. an all dealers. or tr C. Polsou & Co., Kingston, Out. THIS COMBINATION ALWAYS WINS Rev. Mr, Follett; of Zion ehuretrp preached here f st Sunday, it being Epworth League, llt Yoyne Peoples, Sunday. Speciai [music was provided by the League. Mrs. Cram and Mr. Grange assisted the choir, bat on ac- count of the disag eeable weather the congregation was rather small t The Downsviexviereneh of the Wo men's Missionary flociety held their last meeting on Thursday, May 6rh, at the home of Mrs. W F. Boake. (Quite a number bf members being present. Mrs. T Scott was made a life member of the: society, she being the third that has: been made a life member this spriiog. After all the business had been: transacted dainty refreshments were served. The meet ing was then dismissed. The next meeting will beheld on the first‘ Thursday in June; at Fairbank Me, thodist church. i, Miss E, Jacksoné of Toronto, spent last week end her renewing old ac quaintances, she 'ri,:",'::',:, over Sun day with her eousiit Fred. Jackson. Mrs. Phillips, Sr? is spending a few days in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. E. Williams. 5 Mr, Thomas Siqerry has taken a flying visit to Irelgnd, we expect him back shortly, A Miss Ella Johnsén spent last week with friends here. I Miss Chris. Fella of Toronto, spent a few days last wjek with her cousln, Miss Jennie Philli s. Those who hear the "Cantata tt in Downsview churcF on Monday night enjoyed a great eat, but owing to rain and bad r0333, the attendance was small. The Cintata will be given again on Wedneéday tiitninsr, May Mth, when it is h ped than will be a large audience prisent. Mount Dennis. Silver Gloss Horse Tonic, for horses, mileh cows and young eaves. Inch, druggist, sole agent. Rev. Mr. Seottlwill conduct a chil- dren's service ne t Sunday morning at 11 o'eloek. Rev. Mr Scott etclytnged with Rev Mr, Follett, of Zinm Church, Toronto, laist Sunday evenigng. DOWNSVIEW From our own Correspondent. William Mecateiison, night oper ator at the eentrarhofnct of the Bell Telephone Co., comgiluted to-night his 18th year in that jtrosition. One of the most c'apab tti' and courteous offieials that ever Eandled a switch board, no man in? West Toronto is more generally §known or more respected. l . f '14 E The Bell Teiephoris Company have awarded t"e contract: for the ereet'on or the new exchange; station to Wm. Switzell ot Toronto. gThe cost will be in the neighborhood) of $16,000, and the new building Wh§10h will be a two storey brick, will be {ocated on Keele Street, a little to ireiiiyrtis, of the pre- sent station. , An ieteresting ev nt on Saturday afternoon will be th road race over a four and a half mile curse, under the auspices of the me [ ers of Mr. Tay- lor’s bible class. Alnumber ot well known city athletes lwill be on hand and a good race is fassured. Local merchants will donaée the prizes. The remains of this late Mr. Henry Pike Were taken Wednesday after. noon to the C.P.R. btation and sub. sequently taken to, Bothwell, where interment took plaei Thursday. There is very mile dissatisfaction in West Toronto au. the wholesale change in street games. In many cases the change ig regarded as an improvement. f, 1hersh seedé, 15-63%“? reliable, all kinds, cheapest prices, just arrived. Inch, Chemist and Refractionist. Frank Ford, sag of ex Ald. Wm. Ford, was removal. from his, father's house to the hosp tal where he will undergo treatmem§ for some internal troub'e . James Held, theiic.P.R employee, iuja,red by the fallixjg of a heavy rail is progressing well; at his home on Manning: avenue. 2; Ex Mayor Jesse meith, who has been seriously indispo ed and con- fined to his residene't) on Paeifie Ave., is greatly improved) For that tired feeling, Ineh's Sar- saparilla tones the system, stimulates the kidneys and liver. Augustus Natale the Italian laborer who rerreived Dahlia] injuries to his feet while working in the C. P. R. yards is doing well. a ,. _ ------" '" High Park Aven ie Methodist Choir will jbold their 'cl,':,,)) festival ehorui on May 24, under tihe leadership of Prof.' Torrington. : A. McGin hast' sold a house on Keele street to " Wedgewood, for 83700. 'li, Rev. Wm, Hall; of Weston, will preach in Elia Me)hodist Church, on Sunday morning ai' 10.30 o'eloek, l: I The annual meeting" ot the Wo, men's Institute were held at the home of Mrs D. Frost, after the usual rou tine of business, (he offieers for the, following year wire eleetedt---yrs George Farr, president; Mrs George Stewart, vice-pres dent; and Miss T. Kingdom secretar treasurer. After the election of orfihers, Mrs D. Frost gave an excellent paper on raising chickens by Ine ator. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Frost for, the use ot her r-omtt, West Toronto. THISTLETOWN EELA , The First-Class work done. Good refer- ences. Pumps supplied. All wont guamnteed. J. K. MCEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Sinyeoe., Peres in Bea,ul1tttss--,vaqsgd -and' li'arhi Properties for Sale or Rent. (Mies, Main St., Weston.' Long distance Telephone connection. V -- V‘V'J "“"" in Ontario to sell our gooihi. Commission, 30 per cenc. Dominion Specialty Co, Ltd., 143 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. WE WANP l lady in HOUSE To Let on Mafia Street, every convenience, apply to George Dames, Main Street. 3tpd T0 LET.-Solid Brick House, eight rooms and bath, furnace and elec- trie light, corner Church and Cross. Apply this offiee. tte WM. T. WATTS, Contractor for Well Digging, NORWAY, Wines iid Guide, E FOR. SALE-Nice Lot on - Avenue. Apply tide-ijt-iii/ii, Thistletown. _ 2t-e PONY CAR) ieoruTiGGiiimiiieiiir"i, iii7ai, itfi.',G;i'aiati nargams, promselv Illustrated, mailed free; we pal g"T,,r,tt (are: Ei. A. ST.R9UT 99., Jbook CII Advertxgetp ems under 531m i?),?at,,tt1t, A -- ”a" MN ing Farms inustatLTiit%"e'i _In- New Monthly Bulletin of Real Bargains, profuselv in.ust.r.is.tth _xz13ile_d_fre_t; we pay WESTON, ONT. g ""-""V ..._..VA an“) ucuu. 1 word for the first insertion am; ' word for each subsequent insertlon Condensed Advertisements Agency for Ontario Pump Co, to NY CAR nd Ha -ss for s or e: ange f _'s,l.'iii?i:,rtC,i:t,il/.' L "thera, M bl Farrpp estm. (/,shs%:-i,ii_iii.cs.'ril WISE": - , A<R EA RLSCOURT. WES fo 'i'Cctj'dii'ea' this. head. I, cent. Jer every town Ts. apal 7 ' EFO o Profit-Pay- Coulter cent in: 15d

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