Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 14 May 1909, p. 8

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w ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. llfll'n'i'l1,'.'iroTiy intensely in 'iiriristed in your spring house- 0 eaning for it brings y g6 us. We have made good preparation for your Igihg, and our store is full of new spring goods at / j See 0111 Oiicloths ihoééums. They can’t be beat. Also our Bedroom) e s an Dining Room dishes. See our Window dis y'. f " Miller; and Dealers in Gram and Feeds of all Kind; D. SAN? THE TIMES AND GUIDE. Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. liyf,lfjfilii and give better satisfaction a rogfid. The glitality of the wheels is all right -only the best materials ll dfand only /killed mechanics employed in construction . The eqiipme is right _ up-to-date and the machines throughout are such as we ca thorough‘l‘i recommend. We sell automo- biles as well as bictcles and f. la is to make wheels serve as a good advertisement to the entire Nisiness. Send for illustrated folder. GET YOUR PRENTING 1ihlEyiiiirrtyiN" MILLS POW PXRLNG PEICES HYSLpP BROS., Limited Huh-Cai), Automobiles and Bicycles (TORONTO, ONT. I, , - t Kai) _ V Bicycles are i. ' iilitr, I m rapidly coming back 'i)si, 2t'E jiil' il i? into popular favor, kt R)iiiifti & l the demand this year being Avsi‘l‘ Mih, tl five times what it was five yeais _ /S, J I ill " ago. We have planned for it in Q Bi 'f 'li" " t..wf ways-by getting the very best Eng- s' , t li/h wheel ye“gan for popular selling, and . ii sa 'ng t,6 our cystomfrs all intermediate pro- , fit , 1ttillins, triders aired b mail instead of t through lgTts. Irthis way we can offer $50 sir/et/is fér $25 (ESTABLISPED 1828 , whe - you have Repairing, Picture sterin . Estimates given. " Wadsworth AT Mb?"'", "g . = i E ' tht; '. gl, , rapidly CB0: 10 DUNDAS STREET, EAST, EANING WEST TORONTO Telephone No . 1 'ijsLj.i l GUNNS', Limited, Wish to advise f farmers that they prefer deliveries ot |Iive hogs at their packing house, :West Toronto, on Wednesdays and ‘lFridays and in any case. not earlier rthan Tuesday, or later thay Friday each week. Highest prices, paid for" lselect hogs. Weights preferred, 160 in 22” pounds. A SCHOOL Iutucrs--42rl3, 1201. A pattern of this school frock may be had in three sizes-trom fourteen to eight- een years of age. Send 10 cents to this ottice, giving number (waist, 4243; skirt. 4254), and it will be promptly forwarded to you by mail., Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-School, 3 o'cloek p.m. J. L. Sloat, Pastor. A smart suit for a girl of twelve tor school wear is a one piece frock of blue and white quarter inch check in fine tweed, made with a plaited skirt attached to a plaited waist and cut for wear With_ a lawn guimpe. likely to figqre prominently among winter colorings. For school] wear nothing is more comfortable and ineat than a shirt waist and skirt. A feature of the sea- son is to have the shirt waist match the skirt in color, but not in material. The gown illustrated is a charming model. " JUDIC CHOLLET. Miniature Hatpins the Latest-Em- broidered Handkerchiefs. The very igtest hatpins consist of dollar sized miniatures in Louis XVI. style, with portraits of court beauties upon their enameled surface. Other batpins have, cone shaped tops inset withugnx lewelE, while others_are ot A' New Walking) Length For Skirts. Plum Sha s to Be Worn. L The fashion for extra long skirts on most of the Sin rt gowns has caused the designers t put out " walking length that cov rs the instep. Whetlr er or tfot won) 11 will take it up is a question that .5111 only be answered after the next two months of trial This length is ore becoming to short stout women ban the one out three inches from t e ground, but it might just as well N long as far as dirt nu.‘ sanitation are -once1~ned. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. SundarSehoo1 and Adult Bible Class at 2.45 p.m. Ladies Adult Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wild plum, neon] grape, prune ave various other kindred shades gem On Sunday next, services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday St. John’s (Anglican) Church. 11 an). Mattins and Sermon. 9.45 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 a.m. School at 3 p.m. - . " The Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Pastor On Sunday next. Mass will be eele- brated at 10.30 a-.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. Divine service next Sunday at 3 o'eloek p.m. St. John's (Catholic) Church. ATTRACTIVE TRIFLES. Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector CHURCH SERVICES Presbyterian Church Methodist Church FASHION HINTS. Baptist Church Rev. W. A. Potter, Pastor St. Philip's l George ll. ing,rof 22 Wellington Street, South Woodstock, says: "We would not - ink of keeping house without Hyhrnsfi. It has warded off colds, crou f, coughs 2gang sore throats‘ for all of eighthree children many and [mar y a tinge. When a child breathes; badly and _irough the mouth and the] glands aroénd the eyes and nose com- l mence to dwell, then is the time that‘ we find this Hyomei :éuickly relieves) ’the trouble and gefs the bronchial tubes, lungs and thpirat cleared up." l; Hyomei (prpnodnced High-0 me) is guaranteed hy'VV. J Inch to cure catarrh, coughs, coldu, asthma, {bronchitis and Group, or money back . A Ci‘lllp We v,urlir, iucluding a neat hard rubber pocket inhaler, eosts only $1 00. An extra bottle of Hyomei, if lafberwarda needed, cost but. 50 centg. Hyomei, the miraculous, antiseptic dry air rreatmerv, will cure croup in either the first or stusondprtages. Easily Inhaled, even when . fe bieathing is irregular. It reach _ more promptly than any other r. medy the' terr'bly inflamed mambr, e of the windpipe. Its soothing nalgéms aettmmediately, the intdammatiion is Mlayed and the swelling reduqid - . Far ing In Japan. The lot of fa'rmer in Japan does not seem par icularly enviable in the eyes of a for igner, but by the Japu- nese themsel es it is generally spoken of as being, in some respects more. advantageout than that of most other classes. Thk farmer is more inde- pendent, tho) gh often his self satis. faction is d e much more to his ig- norance of tter conditions than to really worthy motives. His life, with all its draw elrs, is healthier than those of sede ary workers, and, as 0 class, agricul irists are the longest lived. Curiositiesgsof Our Calendar: K There are sol, e curious facts about our calendar. filo century can begin on Wednesda ,, Friday or Sunday‘ The same eilendars can be used every twenty rears. October always begins on the same day of the week as January, Agni] as July, September as December.‘ February, March and November be in on the same days. May, June a d August always begin on different ays from each other and every ot er month in the year. The first and fast days of the year are always the sat e. These rules do not apply to leap year, when comparison is made bet "een days before and after Februar 29. The jumper waist ic)ustrrsited is a smart design that will be carried out on many pretty inr1ooriiwinter frocks. It requires two and threieighths yards of material twenty inche'i) wide or one and three-eighths rarik forty-four Inches wide. JUDIC FHOLLET. "Dust-Mud wifh the juice squeez- ed out of it." rTr "iirilyr'ir1gy-'-Lettihg off sleep." "Apples.---The jbiibbies that apple trees blow." , "Backbiter.---Ni mosquito." "Fam-A thint to brush the warm off with." f "lee.-Water (hat went to sleep in the cold." I -', _ Some Dercrgr,s. The late Frederick . Coudert, the noted lawyer and wi , had a great fondness for. ehildre He collected indefatigably the q aint saying oi children, and one of the treasures of his library was a 'mall manuscript volume called "AfChild's Diction- ary," and these ar some of the de. finitions that Mr. {JudeIt would read from it: white linen have a nice of palest col- oring in the embroide . All' over em- broidery comes now lie a suggestion of color in the design. This -clelioately colored embroidery hould be used only on tine hammer hiefs, for they must be most carefull laundered. The new mourning ghats are really beautiful. Quite large. shapes prevail, the crown high and theitcirshninir, often an immense bow of sofa, dull ribbon. A NEW JUMPER 'as1GN--382t. A pattern of this tew jumper waist may be had in six siyys-trom 32 to 42 inches bust measure, hSend 10 cents to this office, giving nu ber (3824), and it will be promptly for arded to you by mail. Don't LPt the Child Choke to Death While Waiting for the Doctor. The most delicafe coloring is now Been on everythingWhite, the eraze'tor all white having slébsided. The sheer- est of convent mncie handkerchicfs of Soft suede collars and cuffs in pastel colorings, with a lieute design dyed in the leather, in c trasting tints will be seen on evenin twraps and dressy reception gowns. ascinating vests of the same will be tl 1ch in demand. beautifully cut judé in many various shapes and sizes. g . GROUP QUICKLY CURED iirfssite?'fftlbyN s-ctllqi! il (r, ')'(ifri? A T§IL0RED coat-Suu. A pattern gt this tailored coat may have had in thred sizes-for girls from tough teen to eigkgeen years of age. Sena to cents to this; omce, giving number (3924). and it will " promptly forwarded te, you by mail. i loons with ' very wide, petticoat-Iike accordion pWted satin tfouncis Pantaloon Petticoat; of Satin-The Adaptable Direcfoire Costume. The career of t satin pantaloon, that was threatengg to replace the Petticoat, has beed rather interesting and quaint. Inste d of supplanting, it has merged, itself with the Petticoat. Many of the on fitters are "?showing pantaloon pettic ‘ts of satin, pants There is tee class ot women who look on in glismay at the. creeping in of the direétoire gown-they who are of short _ d generous proportions. Were no odifieatiots possible they would be it a bad way. But fashion is extrema? adaptable, and there are always des;ghs to suit every type if we care toflook for them or to wear them. F No. 8 Dundas St., Nest The satis) and silk hats, trimmed with the slime material or lace and crushed roses or wings and satin rib- bon, are a very practical and becoming style tor moist any one. We Sell the Best T and Parest Drags T AT THE LOWEST PRICES _ The tmuWtted coat age!) la the cut _ Stops Fallig , laitr An Elegant Dressing Destroys Tt"frure Makes Hair Grow in .m 1-1 Suioh . Gt in. Quinin. Sodii hl id. Ingr 5. is ems“ satamgisa" wit',?."";'!,',',','),',',: A hair preparation , ade from this formulais harmless, yetpossesses positive merit. A hair food, a hair ton b, a hair dressing. Consult your doctor about these hairproblems. __ J. C. Araat_C)o-,_Lowssll, Mass. _ . "I , fl (hi 'i , , I ’ g 't tt It bl Aiiri'ri ys HAIR ,vacsore' HOWELL at With our complete stock of TGELET ARTICLES WHAT IS 5WORN. and PERFUMES, we challenge mmparison '5.af F, A , jam f r , _ Hg ft al, r Din 'rurr 'tMt MitsM Se ' v Ce DRUGGISTS, NeiMlélurray AWis% RC , Goderich, Out, sihsr. k , su 11d wit "indigestion for over four 8ysrt bd ha tsbetytt given trter, as ineard MI Litfi doctors. I h 'tteeome a. '- us wok through las f Reap, and! Iistsver (feat did not rema ' 6tg my,tRtomaoh 2or over two hours. "mom; uffer w'j- vomi ing spells tha" 'tpl, a al ost kil Line, prespir- ationas 1arif 4. L bed hymn . break out all atr, iii'r'NtF-Tiiti'irvisiT me MI so. weakeu‘by. oaifRhep that51 would bm unable to i n": In ’ gight’ rest in oven six month's Exims so eak Msd and my? down mm m , t ' y tliough I would dial My heart mib Law/y woikened sad would itat wand aharp‘ ain wauld come throng . _ T gout offt y breath. I was reduce 'iissjiiipt fro 150 ta less than 110 - iijii1r"Doetors would; gives duitsfeneatadiii, .e '- y troub , Ir,at none df them gage rsiirtlVs' lighteit relief, I tumamsustitylf'ittqha e _ ith Wa.oma and when 0319-th o 'he first bosr,iwas used I could 9921.111]; meals , 1thoatsNfering the dreadful Gating ells. Hinged about ten boxes in alf’Mi‘ I , In entirely cured. My stem ach is as $13 as ewTer and there Is not the slightest tremble wiir, "1gestiort, I have g med abuu‘, 34) pound; in weight, am strung an] lust? hy and {like a. new man. 1 “ill «lump Hwak hirlt'v of Mi-o-ua, 9.5113 eured mul 1 belie-u: mm rue from mm death when all Praia, by! failed." Mi o-na cures dyspepsm. ti" any of the readers oh, tho Times and Guide are suffering from stomaah tvouble of any kind, w. J Inch will,r§el-l» you a. box of Mi-o-na for 50, can 'iwitls an absolute guarantee of relief. nioneylbaek. _ _ is a smart little model for yomyg:girls., Girls of culture and taste nawadayfs: refuse to be blown about like»arfe§thv- er in the wind and forced to TetVlri4uWt thing that is termed tashiomiW1i.tsixh; gardless as to whether it itrtemtojftitd, or suitable. The selection of?thit:mods elis sure to please the rnosttastictuous, girl. JUDIC CHOELET; This dialogue mis he heami at the, counter of a large:) number. ot “daily; lunch" rooms in iithe state of-Mae Lama. The last ghestion. relating to the bulk of tho Sandwich, refers to, the size of the Mslr of, "ree"' tty be, found between the. halves oi bread loaves cut to Bank like, oyster. sarur wich. l Sinqe Alabama Vent dry- there. has been an enormous increase. in the output ot baker/si, bread; An Alabama; 92de?th "Gimme a saadwieb/" "Rye or white?” "Rye." "Pint or quart?") _ nuy' 1ari'thti' bsya'tt,s,,a, my my 'ltt whim ,ken' P. _ .a' 601‘ 0 $rten t ble to J in» no i month's " 'l,,n,t?lttt? m that “Wk; y tho heart wtit "iti'htly NEAR DEATH'S DOOR By; 9,1116. k “511 yd l 8ysrt b; 11r% MI I a. 3.1-1 and! liste my; form WEST TORONTO

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