- - - .omvw v“ uub4WUUU‘ edly. Ft The mother who keeps this medid ‘cine on hand may feel as safe as if she had a doctor in the home. Mrs. C. C. Roe, Georgetown, Ont., says :----"I can heartily recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a great help to baby during the hot summer months. I have used them for sum- mer troubles, and am much pleased with the result." Sold by medicine alers or by mail at 25 cents a from the Dr. Williams' Medi- Co., Brockville, Ont. If you want to keep your chil- dren rosy, healthy and full of life during the hot weather months ive them an occasional dose of gaby’s Own Tablets. This medi- cine prevents deadly summer com- plaints by cleansing the stomach and bowels; or it cures the trouble promptly if it comes on ur1eapect- n/le Ft BOT WEATHER MONTHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN From the experiments of hunz, Woelffin and others, it appears wery probable that the distance sense is a function of the sensory fibres of the tirst branch of the nerv- ous trigeminus, which ramifies through the face. It is still un- known whether the distance sense is served by special nerves or by fibres which also serve the pressure and other Senses, An investigation of the conditions which favor this Sense would be very valuable, prac- I tically as well as theoretically, for thorough development of the dis- tancesense would make the lives tf the blind far safer and more in dependent than they are at present. It is a, noteworthy fact that the sense of distance is not possessed by all blind persons, but different degrees in those. The blind pos- eessors of this sense locate it in and near the forehead and say that the sensation is vague and somewhat resembles a light touch. This shows that the sense of dis- ftan-ce is not identical with the sense of hearing, and that a dis- tinction must be made between the sense of distance and the direction- al power of the blind. This power depends chiefly on the sense of dis- tance, but involves also hearing, smell, the temperature sense and perhaps still other factors. This experiment proved that warning of the presence of objects is received through some part of the surface of the body other than the eyes. In the case of blind per- sons it was thought at one time that this warning was given by Sound waves reflected by the ob- ilects, but this theory is disproved y a, simple experiment. When a blind man's ears are stopped com- pletely the sense of distance re- mains, although it is greatly dimin- ished. Half a century ago Spallanzani discovered that bats can steer clear of obstacles in total darkness. In order to make sure that the sense of sight was not 1mployed,he blind- ed some bats and found that they flew about as confidently and safely as before. Remarkably Developed in Some Persons. It has long been known that some blind persons can move about in flames that are entirely strange to hem with a rerJyyrlrable degree of certainty and Without coming into collision' with. any largtobject, The experience of Mr. Hanson is that of thousands of others who have found health and strength through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after other medicines had failed. It is through their power in mak- ing good blood that these Pills cure such troubles as anaemia, in- digestion, rheumatism, heart pal- fitation, neuralgia, nervous troub- es and the distressing ills of girl- hood and womanhood. Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers in medicine or direct by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. On the blood depends the welfare of the whole body. Where good blood exists disease is unknown, watery disease quickly seizes hold of the body-m is then headaches, backachess, dizziness, heart palpl- tation and other serious ailments make themselves felt. Good blood can always be obtained through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They actually make food, rich blood and thus .r.estore ost strength and banish disease. Mr. Herbert Hanson, Brewers Mills, N. B., says :--'U ensyot Eraise Dr. Williams' Pink.Pills too ighly. I was troubled with head- aches, dizziness and loss of strength and had a hacking cough which I feared would lead to consumption. I tried a number of medicines with- I out benefit, but was finall persuad- T zed-to try Dr, Williams' gink Pills. l I did io and used those Pills for‘ several months with remerkable re- sults. They helped me so much that I now strongly recommend them to all other sufferers." DISTANCE Is What Causes Headaches, Bizzi. ness and Heart; Palpitation. LACK OF BLOOD SEN SE OF BLIND . The wholwale murders of Armen- ians at Peckhami too, in 1903, by the Terrorist Dakran, may be properly relegated to this categor , for vio- tims and assassin were afike Anar- chists in everything but name. Occasionally, too, Anarchists have fallen out amongst themselves while temporarily resident in England, with the reisult that murder has been committeed. A typical case of this class of crime occurred a {saw years back, when an Anarchist shoe- maker, resident in Cle-rkenwell, was assassinated by a "comrade" whom he tried to induce to mur- der Mr. Jgseph Chamberlain. [ At Walsall, in 1891, a, plot was matured by alien Anarchists to blow up public buildings. and assassinate certain officials, and bombs were made and filled. But the police were kept well informed, and pounced upon the gang, most of whom were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. About the same time an Italian Anarchist, named Polti, together with a, companion, was captured in London with an uncharged bomb, in his possession. These two also went into penal servitude for lengthy periods. l One of the few Anarchist out, rages which came anyway near be- ing actually carried out, was that planned by Martial Bourdin, a Frenchman, who, some thirteen years ago, tried to blow up the Greenwmh Observatory. His bomb, however, exploded prematurely, and he was the only person to suf- fer, being killed on the spot. Tery Few Outrages Have Taken Place. The reason that Anarchist crimes are practically unknown in England is that the Terrorists have agreed to regard England as a sort of haven of refuge, and, therefore, to be kept neutral. . You need some handy balm ready fo, blistered hands, sunburned skin, cuts, burns, bruises, stings, and the many little accidents incidental to open-air life, Tana-BP is the ideal balm. It is antiseptic, scathing, and healing. Insect stings or barbed wire scratches cannot become poisoned wounds, if Zam-Buk is a plied. t soothes sore, sting feet, heals iaby’s chafed places, cools patches of sunburn, relieves the pain of blisters. Mothers should see that the countr c ttage is never without Zara-Bak. Purely herbal. it may be regarded as Nature’s own healer. Apply It to all skin injuries, rashes, eruptions, and diseases. All Walsts and stores. A. on my shining white kitchen table and told her the finest fairy tale I could make up as I scrubbed. As soon as I could get into dry things I called all the children and had a fine tea party under the lilac bush- es. From that time on my children came first, clean floors and tables second. I often heard it whisper- ed, 'Our minister's wife does not keep her house in as perfect order as she might,' but I laughed, kissed my children's laughing faces and did not mind." WHAT YOU NEED FOR THE [ COUNTRY. ’ tf 'One Saturday afternoon I was scrubbing my kitchen, was tired, warm and about ready to cry from nervousness and tiredness. Carrie was only five years old, and she seemed to keep right under my feet with her old doll until I put her outside on the step with no gentle hand, and told her to stay there, She watched me for about ten min-) ,utes. Then I heard her heave a) sobbing little sigh and 'the tears; came into her blue eyes. "Oh poor‘ p1amms," she said, "You never have time to tell fairy stories like other mammas, do you I" SAYING STRUCK IN. "I cannot tell how much that struck in. I dropped my scrub- brush, gathered the little pink and white mite to my heart, shed a few tears myself, which relieved the nervous strain Then I sat her up-l l ft 'I made it a, rule in my family,' she said, 'to have sick call after mess. When a child sat down at the table and began to discourse ,on a headache, out finger or any ,childish ill, I immediately said, “Sick call after mess, dear." After the meal I took any child who was ailing into my room, examined him pnd gave him some simple remedy if he needed it, petted him and pheered him up or promised him ,scme little treat if it was only a lease of childish blues. CHILDREN GET BLUES. I "Ch'ldren do get the blues as Iwe'll as grown-up. I had my les-) .son in letting household duties 'eii,'i',,-l ride my duties to my children from mylvgry littlest girl. I ANABCHISM IN EN GLAND Reading an item about eomplair1- ing at meals made me think of one Jromart's plan," said a woman to a Philadelphia, Ledger writer. “She is a ministrer's wife, and had a, fam- ily of seven children. By the way, all of her sons and daughters have purned out well, not a black sheep 1n the flock. PLANS OF A MINISTER’S BUSY , WIFE. h CHEERFUL MEAL TIME She Learned to Make Children Trant-Took Time for Fairy Tales. Snooper: "There is nothing per- fect on this earth.†Swayback: "You forget Gilley.†"What about Gilley I." "He's a perfect ass." "I suppose, Mr. Chapleigh," said the romantic maid, "that you have experienced many heart throbsp' “Indeed I have," replied the cal- low youth. "My physician attri- butes them to cigarettes.†l Dont experiment with unsatis. factory substitutes. Wilson's Fl}? Pads kill many times more house', flies than any other known article. The Minister: “Mackintosh, why don't you come to church now l" Mackintosh: “For three reasons, sir. Firstly I dinna like yer theol- ogy; seconcfly, I dinna, like yer singin’; and thirdly, it was in your kirk THirst met my wife." A Sure Corrective of Flltullency. ---When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is often.. sive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee’s Tear table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet, and a course of them taken systemati- cally is certain to effect a cure. "My friends," said a temperance lecturer, lowering his voice to an impressive whisper, "if all the pub- lie-houses were at the bottom of the see, what would be the result ( And the answer came: "Lots of people would get drowned." A very interesting illustrated booklet has just been issued by St. Margaret's College, for girls. Con- currently with, or independent of, an Academic course St. Mar- garet's runs courses in Music, Art, and domestic Science. The classes are made to average ten each, so as to bring the personal influence of the teacher more fully to bear upon the pupil. "Good English, like good manners, comes best through association with those who have it," said an Oxford pro- fessor. The personal influence of the teacher cannot be effective when the classes are large. Mr. Wildmarr--"I wish, my dear, that my creditors had the same faith in my good intentions.†LESS SURE. Mrs. Wildman-"I can tell you this, Mr. Wildman ; if you continue in your present life of extravag- ance you’ll surely pay for it some day." ST. 1IARGARET'S COLLEGE TORONTO. Mrs. White's troubles were Kid- ney troubles. So are the troubles of nine out of ten of the suffering women of Canada to-day. That is why Dodd's Kidney Pills always' cure them. "Then I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I got relief rigm from the start. Three boxes cured me completely. To-day I am a well woman." "For four years I suffered in this way and the doctor I consulted o _ not do, me any lasting good. In' the morning I was dizzy and I fin- ally got so nervous I could not hold a cup. 'Wy trouble started from a strain," Mrs. White states. "I had a. pain always across my back and a steady pain in the back of my neck, and I had urinary trouble that caused me a great deal of an- noyance. They Took Away Her Backache, Cured Her Urinary Trouble and Made Her a Well Woman. Prevelle, Gaspe Co., Que., June 21 (8peeial)---After suffering for four years from ills, which many a woman knows, and being treated by a doctor who failed to give her relief, Mrs. James ll. White, P farmer's wife living near here, IS again a well woman. Dodd’s Kidpey Pills cured her. BUT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. JAMES II. WHITE. SHE COULD NOT ISSUE NO. 26--09. THE DIAGNOSIS HOLD l TEACUP A handsome brochure, artistical- l illustrated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway System, tell- ing of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the new hotel-the Wawa -at Norway Point. The hotel it- self has a page illustration reflect, ing the summer glories of wood- land and water, with ta, brood of seven wild geese soaring Skyward beyond the tower. The concise description embodies the e.ti2.r.y__pf_a, Arriving Missionary---") I ask what course you intend to take with me?†Cannibal King---"; regu- lar one. You’ll follow the fish." is applied, and shoufd they at any time return, experience teaches the user of the Oil how to deal with them. "LAKE OF RAYS†COUNTRY Pains Disa pear Before It.--No one need 2g,r. pain when they have available Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tiie Oil. If not in the house when required it can be procured at the nearest store, as all merchants keep it for sale. Rheumatism and ah bodily pains disa pear when it is applied, and Show}; thev at anv BE SURE YOU GET THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS 1AD.--owing to the great popularity 'of "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster unscrupulous makers are putting up one like it. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co. Many a man's boasted brave'ry has gone lame when his wife Bug- gested that he visit the kitchen and 5re the cook. When going away from home, or at any change of habitat, he is a Wise man who numbers among his bclongings a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. Change of food and water in some strange place where there are no doctors may. brin on an attack of dysentery. He â€Diem has a stand- ard remedy at hand with which to cope with the disorder, and fore- armed he can successfully fight the ailment and subdue it, Ice is about the only thing that needs a blanket wrapped around it to keep it comfortable in hot weather. Doctor-â€Why, how is this, my dear sir? You sent me a note stat- ing that you had been attacked with mumps, and I find you suffer, ing from rheumatism." Patient-- "That's all right, doctor. There wasn't a, soul in tho house that knew how to spell rheumatism." Wilson's Fly Pads, the best oi all fly killers, kill both the flies and the disease germs. Red, Weak, Weary, Wat'ry Eyes Relieved by Murine Bye Remedy. Com- pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu- We Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. rite Murine ESQ Remedy Co., Chicago, tor illustrated ye Book. At Druggists. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs M cents to try it and be convinced. BE CAREFUL. In going out after fame, make sure that you don't capture noto- riety. F 7 Second Physician-tWes, he paid me fifty dollars on account yester- day." First 'Physician-fun, unusual symptoms about that last case of yours l" DESCRIBED. "What sort of an orator "Sixty-lung poWer.†" GOLD PIECE ora REAL METALIZED ROSE HAT PIN Manufactured by J. B. mum: co, Ltd., Toronto. ASK YOUR GROGER FOR IT. Save yam-coupons, and write us for particular: regarding prize of a Ladies, Do You Know VERY UNUSUAL. BRAND - AMMONIA P0 W D E R “Cleans Up Everything " ilelllle THAT is he?†BRITISH AMERICAN DYEiNG 00. C)?yit?,,',,5,",,ri,d?1(,,ri,,i,?,i,,lG Wise is the chap who catches on at the prefer time and lets go at the psycho ogieal moment. Aluly writes: "I was enabled to remove the corns, root ahd branch, by the use of Hpllowsy's Corn Cure.†Others who have trieu have the same experience. Any man can inherit money if given an opportunity, but when it comes to keep it-well, that's an- other story. EVERY HOME NEEDS a. remedy that is adapted for use in case of sudden accident or illness. Such a one is "Painkiller." Me. a bottle. Avoid substitutes, there is but one "Painki11er"--Parr, Davis'-25o. and 600. A romance ceases to be a ro- mance the minute her father asks: "Is he making good money?†The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly sometime) carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fly Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. The Foe of Indigestion.--qndiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a, most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy IS Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tify the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteem- ed for their qualities. This Spinster-IIS sure I could if I ever have the pleasure of meet- ing such a man." NEVER MET HIM. Young Wife--"); you admire a man who always says the right thiryr tyt.the right time?†lend Mica)“: by post and we are sure to lam!) - In “I. Mantra-I. "Well, I want you to cut him out, understand?†"Er-You'll have to do it your- self! pa; he has been here so long he Is frozen to the snow settee." "Aurora," he called, sharply, "is that young man down there yet?†"Yes, pa," answered the Eski- mo belle. %rgiETI.HsiANo% Organ Co " Umihisd cru it LPH . o NTAR 119‘. The old Eskimo lit acup of wal- rus oil and peered over the seal- skin curtain. COURTSHIP IN THE NORTH. and Dinning. Tbln II n Ind-[Ly with the COMMERCIALIZED. CONDITIONS are similar to the last Contest, except that all Orange Meat Carton Bottoms must be sent in on or before November 30th, 1909. Full particulars on private post card in every chkage of orange Meat If you onto:- this can-ten, camp-eta the blank space baluw with your name and _ . . of admire“, out it out and mail it to 9. oar BO, Orange Meat, Kingston. Ont. /icirsf,'s%s" it will 1rouat equal In La t cs, I wrt"' . carton bottoms. â€a tMi! MW“ m ... ... A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Baal! Two Prizes ot Fifty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars Each One Hmdrasl Prizes of One Dallar Each FIFTY-TWO WLM CASH MORE PRIZES THAN THE LAST m The First Prlzs will again he a LIFE AwalTY of Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Lifetime Announces a New Prize Contest ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT ' Wire , v“ tssl to ate“ .sN' I . I _ - "tMTM-WMI-r: 12:25? © ' - ' "’ 7 {in T ', tie . Blh© RM " MN "a , " , _ l IN RR Btit ‘,1 , Mae-511$ 8BE - "“W Mia" 'e, ___ l%AAit ik iM- IN?, 'ra . Bend for (free Catalogue No. 75. ' our omwge "tis-'s . .er% Cu"' vi "awn pun» warn Au ovary chKage or lumber this can-ten, oomgeto y wit'h yuarlmme and of 1 mail it to " GU, aTO . ,otror rn, Out. sGe' we kti 33 t1 be 1 cs, star tMr-' “A, JV ..."' C,ni5 . v/tr _. .. ,ivirm WSW“ 500 Haileybury tmi F il if ver, 5000 CobaltDe velopment, loo Shamrock, 5000 Maple Mountain, 1000 Agauniso, 3000 Cobalt Majestic, 128 Rothschilds, 2000 Bailey, 2000 Lucky boys. L 8iiMh & ca 16 King St. West†" Toronto. , [or Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lymbugo, Comm ation, Indigestion and many other paiuprodud. an diseases. $10“ are a guffgrer writ , for particulars Goon's DgMartg', f'rs , .u ttt 610 Crown Life Building, Toronto, Ontario. Please mention this paper when writing. [or . 1heehPye, Neuyalgia, il IO Uniled Empire T , I 230 We tern Oil and Egg u' Coal, sokllacebur Sugar, 20 Sterling Bank, 20 Trusts an: Gfdranteo, IO Birbeck Loan (fully aid 6 per cent. ), 50 Collingwood J/iullU'/l'/Cl, Iooo Badger, 2000 Cobalt Gem, 200d Diamond Vale Coal. wows INVENTION E, Dammit" “Wonderful, Ma'valaus. Miraculnus'}l is the ggclamation of everyone who has used STGGKS ANI BENIN 2am in com-r Members Toronto Stock Exchange. Eudora Bank Building, M Droid “no. TORONTO. NEW Tome Cobble stocks bought and sold oaoommitWtns. " TORONTO STREET, TOHOIYO. OMAN Long Distance Phoars--Mtvia 2870, Main MN. WARREN GZOWSKI a Oth NEWS AND 8'rtmif8 jtrYo-r dining-voor/t work, waios “5.0071 'trye. Apply “The Welland.†St. Catharina. fh Insmance Agents Wanted Richmond & Drummond Fire Insurance Con guy, Head Ofttms. Richmond‘ Que. Established 879. Capi m1 $250,000. For agencies " unrepzl canted points, Province of Ontario, address “THY! nm ANTRY WOMAN, liberal wages, and gt for dining-room work, wagos L$15.00 p .. . . ..r.tc, Ttr.8t__.a n m f"Na_1. M...“ OP BUGGIES, equal to withing selling fro $75 to $90, delivered PR tam PAID at an: stationin Ontario tor86.t to $70. Full gum-aw teed. No such value ever before oi/lt/dh,', Can ds. fiee,ag free. Other special ihl'd'f-hllt'a and Grocsr 03.. The Oiement Brown Trading M., Toronto, On! ALE XAN DER WARDEN, Imman- 01mg!!- and wtuestrp'eetruvss work gbvea nld your. Dad 1 dials-Isl of monhma. (puny, gush W" 33710) te', “dus- TARBOX BROS., 274 Dundaa Sm, Toronto, on Home for Our new 5110 tussrul plan of sewn; direct. without commission. Giro full description ot proper- tr and state lowest, price d you “ant to te, pm- part: of any kind In an looabity, write us. a ttt wha and when; you wing to buy. and W0 will seal gnu FREE our magazine or choice hargtsins for " . inch from the owner with no commission added. BuYiAmerloan Investment Association. ty. - 67820U: Av. N., Minneapolis, Minn. If youdwant to sell property which you own in the Unite States or town property or a Canada such as . FARM bus pong,_ wriY uh WOMEN’S HANDS “new y'TW CATALOGUE FOR. SALE. IL EWART, Chief Agent, No. 18 Wellington S... East, Toronzg (Late treasurer Pnab "rian Church In Dannie.) Elma? ,& CASE WANTED.. th Make $3 abs; and eats lish permanent banjo as 0 our captaal. Our h class moi: sell on Gig In every home. an ginkl med up and "petrt orde came last. Exclusive to“ ritory given. Tm: HOME Burma 0... Dept. 50, Toronto. Oat. AGENTS UM . W t 'l,tel'id2tf ALWAYS Kg?! WHITE AND 0i MEI " WOMEN.