it Rm-,rsw"ssese-osr_tr-ror"'_, W. R. WADSWORTH All Academical and many Technical S facts provided for. Write tot catalogim St work preferred. The Shaw Correspondence Scheol _ 395 Yonae Street. Tux-mun Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Governmecz De. osit For Rates apply to E. J. MUSFON, WESTON, or drop a. mud tozHead Otiico, 157 Bay Street Toronto. HQME STUDY COURSES THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, q-__-e-s- 6 insure in the York Fire Building Plans and Speeifi- cations prepared. Estimates given. Contracts 'taken. Builder & Contractor W. E. COLEMAN MAIN STREET, Orders delivered. I handle (anally the best goods, and the only thong cheap is the price. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, I Main St, - Weston, One), Men's Furnishings, Screen Doors, Sol-nor biiiiii and Wellington Phere she Stylish Clothes are Made TORONTO My new Spring Suits are up to the minute in material and out. W. C. BURRAGE Fashionable Tailor a; See My Display C frrr-,.-r/rtj,srp-aiivis,0" tt Ci' {is ec, 2>7Z<>‘â€"°/Ҥ-“%£' was} './r\ it/it 2252:â€: K; b,,,tF,,ss;c,fi,',jit':ii 1585 $13.9 tit are (Q IRE 9 “to ( 5,; w; 't'rariby2' ( sif‘ï¬QW North Station St. WESTON CarrTas PAID Bmgatver . Neglige Shirts. Ties, Socks, Mufflers, &c. Main Street Weston UNION LABEL IRT ISCOMFORT ISEASE are all carried by the house fly Prices Right. Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon an Current Rates. Of new Spring Patterns in . P. IRWIN, thotographer is the sa:.:e be has after taking, TORONTO BRANCH. THE BANK KEEP IT OUT ESTABLISHED 1855. m, Screen Windows, all sizes, I at lowest prices. I MANAGER. in: - $4,000,000.00 . Fu,ii00,000.00 Be BULL Phone No. 14 WESTON _2i[iiiif,. Lairstter Streets. Sub. State (-1.11 “Wag†l Tal l G. M. FRAI ,l-'CCrTrt"" E CANADIAN (:flilii,liiiiiiii.ii) i - - l fEXGHrs 5 The s I LAKE SIM“ FRENCH Riy Crossing Lake ond "long the skirting,' nearl of water betm i my“! "t"iji'iiiiiiii,tijyy Crossing Lake Muskoka at Bala PAH; and along the shore of Lake Joseph. skirting; nearly one hundred bldies of water between Toronto and Sud bury. For literature and f ll information about fishing and holiday rates, wnto Passenger Dept , Toronto Ont. Commercial and Shorthaud courses Call or write - W. H, SHAW , wall bring you best results if taken at our . . old established and thoroughly reliable Ed. W. Brown, 4A“ Prmtmg 'rehoolhpsttuogue tree. House, Correspondent. British American Business Coll. ---i- . - _ r. hr. C. 1refeet?2te,f',te'a, A " Mr." A. Hoover, ijeprcsenting Cent- I t s' _ _ ---i--i- ', ury Telephone Mfg. Co., was in town " :7 l , on Tuesday last. T Inn AnnhlnAnlno- t qiirey"" WEEK END Excursion Tickets l TFiltytLUTtjVV N, ONTA. B IO l , Newly renovated and specially adapt 1 ed for the reception of WEST TORONTO BRANCH of the First-Class work do, e. Good rul'vr- Mrs. Gordon Patterson and son, of (megs. Pumps supplied All work Toronto ore guests; of Mr. and Mrs, John Hugill, Wanaée Street. guarhnteed. ' gVery Low Rate Fer Summer Trip to Pacific Coas,t hat McDonald SEWING MACHINE There are advantaraa in buying near home. Singer Sewing Machine i)llliyl 26 Dundas fl', E. W EST TORONTO Coal ind Wood 's-'-st%emmrese'ws-srso H mm Inuit Oct. 31. L'he-ml stopovers Wide rlmice of mums Go bv the din-st Canadian line-- See your own cuuintry---the, West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Seattle Expat; tion and other spe- cial attraczims. WM. T. WATTS, Contractor for Well Digging, ON SALE FROU 'IORONI‘O The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, MAGANETAWAN, PleEREI. and FRENCH RIVERS i $7410 Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To 80 Dundas Street West Good going Maty 20 to Sept. 3o' [Campuses CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO Talk it over with G. M. FRASER, Agent. WESTON. call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidery a Specialty. Mrs. E, Mungovan, ALBION IlOTE L Agency for Ontario Pump Co. YOUR COURSE In SHORTHAND BUSINESS DRIVING PARTIES JAS. GAADHtyusE Before Buying a ies OF ALL KINDS. EA RLSCOURT. DEALER IN J . FRANK FOSTER WESTON TOURIST Return from AND MAIN Sr., Pronrietor iin They slip qnickly over the sore irritated me branes, drop into the stomach and do little else but harm digestion. r 's different with Ca- tarrhozone--y n /ftthale it. Every breath sends â€penning balsams to the it1fIarned tissues. 'Tightness, soreness and infHmmation are cured by heal- ing pine essences. The cough goes away, throat is strengthened, huski-, ness is cured. Nothing so simple, so convenient, so certain to cure as Ca- tarrhozone. Try it. 25c. and $1.00 sizes. Sold everywhere. The Union Telephone Company, with headquarters at Woodbridge, is applying for incorporation, and on its behalf Messrs. J. H. G. Wallace and Ed. W. Brown interviewed the Assistant Provincial Secretary on Monday morning. The system will extend through' Vaughan and Mark- ham townships and Richmond Hill, and will have connection with the local systems of Markham and Stoutt- ville. The proWsior1a1 directors are to be Messrs. W. H. Pugsley and T. H. Trench, of Richmond Hill, H. C. Bailey oi Maple, D, C. Longhouse, Dr. P. D. McLean and C. L. Wallace of Woodbridgecand J. S. McNair of Elder's Mills. _ -'"c:, -"""'s't FPVr Jaw.“ “an“: “new The Edgely Methodist S. S. will Needle Race; all these races to be rur hold their annual strawberry festival in heats if necesiSary. Supper Time; in Mr. Wm. W4ollard's Orchard on Photo Taking; Iytmeing. July 6th. On July 7th the Humberj l, Summit congregational Church will) -------'ro-------- hold their festival on .the church 1 T l r und . S ster . i . g o S ee “is; Mount 7hsnnis. The lacrosse' match played here , TiT . Thursday between the juvenile team Ith’ .refryetienish guarantees satis- of Brampton and Woodbridge, result- faction in testing iyitting and repair- ed in a score of 4 to 2 in bavor of the mg glasses. s', visiting team. "The match played) ' between the Maitlands of Toronto andi Mr. Taylor who ts building a house the Woodbridge9uniors resulted in a on _G01dWin Avenue met with a nasty score of 10 to 3 in favor of the home acoldent on Mondqy. He was cross- team. " ling the joists on the upper floor and 4. ‘stepping on the end of a plank, both . he-and the planlgl were precipitated The Union Telephone Compan , with headquarters at Woodbridge, l' to the ground Mr) Taylor tell on the applying for incorporation, and on 69d It the planlg, fracturing one.oi its behalf Messrs. J. H. G. Wallace his ribs, He H, I1OW progresS1r1g and Ed. W. Brown interviewed the favorably. ( ' Mrs. Abram Hoover, of Toronto is visiting with M1 and Mrs. fame: I . "5N a ' 11owrftree, 7th Contehsion Vaughan. Mr Silas Shunk and family left for Flesherton on fWednesday morning last, where Mr. ,Shunk has gone into the insurance business with Mr. R. J. Sproule, of that: town. We wish Mr. Shunk all success in his new home. 1 “Miss Bértha H?1ihes-ot Eg1itfton Public School, is holidaying with Mr. Wm. Watson, 8th ave. Mr. John Tottjen received word on Sunday last oii the death of his brother William,) in Tecumseth Town- ship. Mrs. J. W. Franks and Mr, Totten attendedithe funeral on Mon- day last. f Mr. and Mrs. Geb. Elliott, of Tor onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs Levi Elliott on Wednesday last. Mrs. J. T. Slyunlr, of Toronto, has rented Mr. S. Sh1m't's house on Pine street and will move: here shortly Mr. Herb Hiltq‘n, of Clarence street is seriously ill] with an attack of pleurist f Mrs. Margaret JBurkholder of 8th ave. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wright, of Wést Toronto. Mr. Geo. Wallace, of Wallace street is the oldest native of Woodbridge now living here. He was born here in 1839. l Mrs. T. F, Wallafe and Miss Mary Wallace have returned home after spending a month “with relatives in Chicago. Miss Annie Reid of the Inkerman House, spent Saturday and Sunday with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holland are away on a visit to the formec's pa- rents at Balmy Beach. Rev. and Mrs, tt. R. Kitching left on Tuesday for Malton Circuit and the new Pastor, Rev. J. G. Rogers nf Burks Falls hasj arrived and will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday When you have that tired feeling buy a Me. Bottle pt Inch's eftervese- ing Health Salts, Weston. Mrs. Jas. C. Brown and Mrs. F. J. Bunt, of Collingwood, are the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Franks this week,. Mr. Jos. J. Waesth has commenced excavation for his house on Wailace street. It will he one td the most modern style. Mr. N. C. Wallace of the Farmers Bank, Lindsay is spending his holi- days with his mother Mrs. N. C. Wallace here. Mr. and Mrs. 5:0 o. Stuart and and use ot- Park ifor Ir. Family are away on a visit to rt1ativvr.i1Ms, Children {under es at Wroareter q'ver Dominion Day. with their parer1ts,ifrpe. L. O. L. No. 28, will attend divin-A service at Christ Church on July 11th all the neighboring, lodges are invited to take part in the, sersrice. ? WHY COUEH SYRUPS FAIL WOODBRIDGE iDOVERCOURT. Parisian {gagey’l the only natural hair restotir,'iah"ruaTint'i'ii by W. J. Inch, to /eure dandruff, stop falling hair, arid cure itching of the scalp, or mergey back. It is the ladies' tavoritii hair dressing, because it adds charmand luxuriance to the hair 50 cents a bottle. Ask W. J. Inch about it. i What Parisian Sage did for Chas. S. Baker, it will dttior you. Read ,the following:-- .A 1 “I was so balgfand such a shin- iing mgrk, for {5y friends, that I, as a last resort, , ried your Parisian Sage (after trying séveral bottles of "the highly advertised and high priced ,so called, hair†restorers), and I am ‘glad to sad I now have a heavy growth of yew hair. I am now 44 years old arid I have a heavy growth of new hair? after Carrying my shin- ing mark fpr ovJe'peven years. I gladly recqmmezid f"arisian Sage to all 1f,1te/ii with lialdness." Chas. S. Baker, of 491/Main St. East,‘ Rochester, rt: Y. / . l Perth Avenue; M15 Alex Sears, Vice- President, 780 Langdown Ave; Mr. Ed. Lumley, Secretary; 849 Lansdowne Ave. or any of this eomrnittee,:-Cars leave Lambton Pa) k for Keele street at 9.30 p.m. Ppiogramme of Races are as 1e.,o1iircfj) yards Gentleman's Sack Race; 30 yMds' Egg and spoon Race;_50 yards Children’s Race (handi- cap); 30 yards (rtntley1_an's Blindfold Race (members) only); 30 yards Ladies' Blindfoljl Race (members only); 50 yards-3 Gentleman's Three- leg Race; 30 yatds Ladies' Thread Needle Race; all fhese races to be run in heats if neceqhary. Supper Time; Photo Taking; Mrneir1g. friends. Children g under 12 years, 'with their parentsjfgee. Ladies and Gentlemen are rrWuested to bring their lunches Wf‘ih them. Music provided. All the§Prizes are sealed] Tickets may be ogtained from Mr. James Nicholson,) President,, 297 Tynes-Mars are re inded that, the annual Picnic and s rts of the Tyne- side, Northumberla d and Durham Association will be eld at Lambton Park on Saturday, 1th of July 1909. Special car will le ve Keele St. at 1._45 o’clock prompt Sports start at 2.45 p.m. The priz ' will be handed over to the win rs on the next general meeting ni ht to be held on July 23rd in the 'ons of England Hall, Richmond Street Toronto. Tickets are 30 cen s each including car fare, sports, h t water, benches and use of Park for members and Westmoreland EAvenue Methodist Church tendered t farewell reception last night to Psv.rr-. G. Bowles, who leaves to-day to [assume the pasto- rate of Collier i; street Methodist Church, Barrie. tir. Bowles was pre- sented by T. E. C nboy on behalf of ft): congregatiou wilt-h a purse of gold and his daughter, Ethel, was given a gold locket and chain by the Junior league. Rev, Dr. @ckley, who comes! from Collier street: Methodist Church, Barrie, to succeed iv. Bowles, will be tendered a receptidp this evening. Have you ever seen an English Posser used byrthe English house- wife when washing her heavy blankets and other clothes. It does the work. We have had one sent from England and have made at contract with Mr. Wm. Porter of Atnmerson Avenue to make a number of these very useful articles. The cost will be $1.25 each. No Englishwomad, should be Without one on washingiday. They fairly take the dirt out "pf your clothes. The Liryal Orange District Lodge oi North Ty,o,qto hgld their annual church pLude Sgnday morning to Clinton street Methodist Church. The turnout of about? 400 members was the largest in the history of the lodge. Rev. Bro. Fr C. Laker, past- or of the church, 'preached the ser- mon. He spoke oil the order, com mented on the cryil and religiol's liberty of Canadiams, saying both Ro- man Catholics aha? Protestants had eons} )iberty and appealed to them for practical patriotism. A number of men prominent in the order were present, among the being Thomas Crawford, M.L.A.; any Lovelock, A. A. Grey and Con y Master Bush. Last Friday, and Saturday was Gala Day at St. Edmundfs Anglican Church, Dovertourt, the occasion be- ing the fancy Pair in Aid of Church Funds, the Band of the Dovercourt Salvation Army were present both days and dispensed sweet music. The fair was a great success and added nearly 200 dollaxis to the funds. Mr. Ralph Potter has commenced building operations on a. very nice tive-roomed cottage to cost on, thousand dollars on a lot which he bought some weeks ago on oretup:d Heights. T C From our A SHINNING MARK own Correspondent. Fridays and in any case, not earlim than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 1C0 to 220 pounds. f GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and POLITICIAN Arai, AMATEUR I First year, piipo--Norman Richard- ACTQQ, ,son, Clifford Jackson, Ross Brown, -----! .Violet Long, Qharlotte Ellingham, Those who were at iille rrereentenary,rmit; McCarthy, Iorena Richardson. celebration in Quebef last summer! Second year, piano-Hazel Crroley, will long remember the superb ap- honors; Simeon Joyce, honors; Hazel lpearance of the man who played (Oldfield; Maud (Prater, honors and Champlain. Standing in the Don de 'Heir1tzrnan's scholarship; Edna Noble, Dieu, the ship modelled on that in Marie Snoddon, Clara Bean. which Champlain weathered the Atrl Third year, piano-Pearl William. lantic and the perils of the gulf of) Vocal, first yeipr-Irla Mackey, first- St. Lawrence, or seen on Plains of lelass honors ant: Bell scholarship; La- Abraham in the various historical iVina Cross, horfprs, scenes of the. pageant, "he was a fiys) Second year-trhesus Atwell, hon. figure. Made up with a Van Dyke "Yrs. . beard, with the sweeping hat and Graduation-Bertha Duncan. black velvet costume it the seven- ,teenth century, he was dramatic, l ---t-"'--- striking alike in bearing and declama- , tion. Most of the visitprs'who saw; ARE YOU DRQYVSY AFTER the pageant assumed that he wasl MEALS- some paid actor broughtoVer by Mr! Is there a tuui'esrin your stomach Frank Lascelles. As a matter. of fact -a drowsy lady desire to sleep-this it was Hon. Charles Lprngelier, thelisn’t natural in healthy folks and sht.P.t. of Quebec, a noted Liberal only occurs when the liVer is torpid. politician in his day, an ex-member You need a stimulating tonie--need both of the Quebec Legislature and Dr. Hamilton's Pills to stir your the House of Commons, and .a former liver and put life into sleepy organs. Minister in the Cabinet of the lateJXou’ll feel brisk and lively-you-HI Honore Mercier. “34)“ MM“; .,.,H 01mm mm aw†Poo-11» ’BRACONDALE i Second year 'ii".iti7Cida Jackson 1 . 'honors; Jessie Roi/sod, honors. --u- 5 Third year theor(y---Marrion Douglas, St. Alban's Cricket Club have se- honors; and gold medal; cured a lot behind the Edwards Manu- Lillian Plunkett, pe We'at'herill. . facturing Company and are busily en- ! Final year, yy, Smith. gaged in putting it in shape for the; Piano yitlieiirers--yaryP Rey- coming matches. The field, which is nolds, 110119“; Mtf.gti2"1stta, honors 140 by 125 yards, will be used exclu- {Lizz1e Collins, Uhrxstlna Dare, Roy sively for cricket. l .IEWalk-cr, Ruth "tty Helen Dempsey, t iMuriel Wilson, Alice Pidgeon, Edgar -------i-/i---- lRoberts, Jessie Livings, Myrtle Liv- t ,ings. f I An event' of unlisual interest irrthe district was thefremoval of St. Mi- chael’s and Alt Angels' Anglican Church from ite' site on Vaughan road, a distance? of 500 yards along Clair avenue to Manning avenue. 'J. Nelson, contractor, yesterday com- pleted a delicate piece of work. When placed on its new Tsite the church was wholly intact, not a crack to be seen in the prtysteringri Even the candles on the altar were 'in position, and al- though the fioot of the church had been swept after the Sunday night service, not a speck of dirt was to be seen on pews: or iiopr after iits jour- ney. The work, oi.-nioving the church commenced on Monday morning and entailed a considerable amount of fine calculation, as the building was so wide that there was only an extra allowance of three inches between electric and telephone poles on each side of the street. _ The firm oi Hamilton and Bradshaw are erecting a brielrf house C in the vicinity of St. Olaf; avenue and Christie street at a cqst of $3500. The Dominion Bank is erectinga new building on the southeast corner of Vaughan road and St. Clair ave- nue. It will be reaqzy for occupation in about three months' time. A rumor is in circulation to the ef feet that the new Waterworks and headquarters for fire Lpl‘oteCtion will be at the corner of Dpfferin street and St. Clair avenue. Kemp’s grounds il, aid of the Wild! 'ag fund of St. Michael’s and Ar, Angel's Anglican church, the entertain ment took the forgim of an Old Eng- gush Fair, and the many booths were well patronized and the proceeds will bring a goodly sum towards the building fund of the church Special mention should be made of the children's drill, conducted and train- ed by Mr. J. D. T. Stanfield, Mrs Sweeney, wife of the Bishop of Tor- onto, graced ther occassion by her presence. All who attended enjoyed themselves thoroughly, 'and went home happy and tired about ten o'eloek p. m. Wychwood /?iurs-rkmow---how"o have a good time, _ . Services will be-hel‘ on Sunday next as usual in the ei. ureh, conduct- ed by the Pastor, Rev'; W. H. Brain." A brick house is" being erected bor George Monk, north of St. Clair ave- Due, for his personyl use. The Wychwood Presbyterian Church congregation are b‘uilqmg an exten- sion to the church. F A public meeting of the ratepayers oi school section No. 13, was held in Bartlett avenue school on Tuesday Wéning at 8 o'clock sharp. St. John's Lo ', e, No. 2045, held their-arm-ttat chm parade to Boon avenue Methodist _ Church Sunday afternoon when an address suitable to the occasion was given by Rev. Mr. McAteer. There was a good urnout, and great interest generally was manifested in the event. E. B. Varey is erecting tine brick houses on Lypdht worth about $8000. On Saturday lastithe good folks cf /rchlvoorr turned put in large nun: arc. to the Garden‘Party held in Mr (emp’s grounds in. aid of the bull: EARLSCOURT I WYCHWOOD From our own tforrespondent. Peaking a pair of Lypdhurst avenue A merry man wht) mak Is said to be aijorcer But if some fun I Chau Can I be called-5521 pot l Is there a tugfess/in your stomach --a drowsy, lags! desire to sletp-this isn't natural nu healthy folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a stimulating tonic-need Dr. Hamiltoq"s Pills to stir your (liver and put' life into sleepy organs. Jou‘ll feel brisk" and lively-you-l eat, digest and sleep well after 1legu- lating with Dr. Tramiltotl's Pills. No medicine so universally used, so mild, so sure toieneiit as br. Hamilton's Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes. First year theory-4Ethe1 Bagg, first- class honors; Siméon Joyce, first- class honors; Maid Prater, Blanche Thomas, Arthur Diajnond. QAAA‘: __ __ ., -_ - The closing exercI es of the Toronto Junction College of Music were held Wednesday night in the college hall, Dundas street. Diplomas and eertifi- cates were presentediby Rev. T. "Eevear- ley Smith, rector C) St. John's, and a splendid musical? programme was given. There was aparge attendance. Following are the gresults of the pu- pils in the different iclasses:- 1 The lawn s cial held here in Coil- nection with he Downsview Metho- dist Chp_rch l t night» was a9rtat. siiiadss. It is estimated that fully 500 sat down t the sumptuous lunch provided by th ladies of the church; who Well main aimed, their-high. re- putation as cat rers. Following the supper an exce ent programme by local and city a tists was given, at which Mayor OI ver of Toronto ably presided. The w ther was ideal and the receipts the gargest in the history of the church. 1 Ml S ell'l-'fer, ti-c-triser, (“ewes work at ladies' horn 5 Address 2, or st re, “plume Eagle House J. K. McPIWEN, Licer i m the Counties Simone. D ale, in It, 41M Fa m Y‘rvpeltfes C)flicrs, Main St. Wes! how-yhnm- c tr mActinn BUY Paris Glfeen in from W. J. I ch. ck refractionist 'dvertsterptynts under DOMiriJ)irfiri,7L,rp, - .__‘w. FbAWbP BrEG word for the {intimation word for each subsequent m d Condensed Advertisements A. " In our cu-ttua "Got COII-II will put you Into com- -unl:cuon with borrower. who hgvb - "cavity. and win: um will“); to [any good “Harem. (or acres-odguoa. "-- wu a I I no.“ The" .n opponu-Iuoo to put your .aarrte" (and: to prom.. Dbl. no mrhtht," lnduldln‘ in doggone. Inculutlonu. Money Well Employed WEST Ttmos/ro DESPERATE pert/es fur Salt: ('1' Rent. .. Westun. Long distance l een in , eh, ch l -3" cial h he Do . _ '7 w'- t'1rstinuertiott and i cent per subsequent msertiun. reen in sealed packages ch, chemist and eye this read. 1 cent pm: ,....A-:n.- -»3 , tet "i 'sed Auctioned Y, rk, Peel and {Cantu Village O 3rpd