I ESE 'icr% cltDSE"c$iiVuVAlihl, - Mount Dennis (hd hi D. SANDERS, I: i, (i-jr-i,-, . , . A Brass Bedstead that was bi ('rlc; _ xxx“ â€3 '1 g I _; priced 850.00 we are offering irdb.r,i;z.rlrrlrrr--ij1--i _ il)-,,-,-)),), for $35.09. A solid 1i'i'TirT--r-----a"r---'h mifm . . El; _,'i"c,,iii.i'c,ii,,-,l.si, _ fl I" _iii,i,iij1iicv',ii,,t handsome bed, this IS worth . ' fr-y' 7" e†â€no t ',F Evy"? 1" . ‘Mmiw’ï¬ili‘iim twee; the money. Don't "I ““5"†_ miss this opportunity. We have just received a car load of those Leather and Leatherette Rockers, same as sold so quickly a few weeks ago. very suitable for Wedding Gifts. B _ . Millers and Dealers in Gram and F‘wds of an Kinds ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. ', Special attention given to orders for Repairing, Upholstering or Picture Framing. Why Pay F?iiitrpt1', C2. S: W. Wadswarth f,Tlt'o'0, (l _ l 1 " ', ' , - WW s 1 I ll ; E [rt, _ \_\:~\“ 1% i i - c. _-,t-,-iii'ii, g,.,] \DMQW’ï¬-iq l, H _ i j l, [Li L gt L393", {fuz‘Y/‘édi’fm jl'll',,iirjjj,, L l» j, 'ir'; (ic, '), gym! ur \“ i: tif ii? gym $19.00 Down, BaIance in Small Monthly Payments (r1i1liNRaillN . @flï¬ggm ï¬gs: Mi Yam m Aims - Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand†Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. -'er---N..."e-_. "35' '7 B.".-,,? I“? CaStoria is 'a, harmkéfgs snbstit (f/ f0? Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and sdiithsg SyljS. Kit is Pleasant. It contains neither Opifi‘gn, Rim-pre bros other Narcotic Frabstzuvce. Its age ig _','iji'.s' gum-a ‘ce, 511; destroys Worms and a11ays INvevishraetti. Et mes Marrhoea will Wind. Tloves, It relieves 'reetifiipg EroKb),esi-)dares Constipation and Flatulency. It ass Kgxilate‘ghe $0011, regulates the Stomach and 13ovrsels, g1 "11g q 1th and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea--- _ 0 Mg ’s Friend. Build Your t.ipvurrn Houses 1Nihistt, ii'iii',i.'iii,, QAhWEé'REA 'ii/V/ii':',':"',':?:?)':"?)))) iVilL.Lfiii in Use For aCwer 30 Years. ding 19:3 My Ba t,C",,A,iitir"'ii 'lr,ts,'i', - TH: CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. This mrpdsh-g nine in first-class wheels will be a ltnport. ant help to e restoration of their populuig'. We In" planed for u big bicycle year, tad no rec y with the beat machine for the money cut offered in Canada. A Sad to! “hunted Foul-t ' CAN BE BOUG FI'rl UN Etsy TERVIS We are making a new 'p""'" departure this season, and have "N arranged to sell wheels direct by mail, “my to our customers all intermediate profits. By this plan we can offer Regular $50 . Hyslop Bicycles for $25 , _ :1? F, q k' (Ci", at itiir'"tht,yli'i, A s.drs'f' G119 31%» l . (i,' Bears the fjignature Jit HYSLOP BROS. ' leltod High-elm Automobllu and Iloyclu TORONTO. ONT. 5'1. 5. i, 1Nr.? e l ace. 3 mes 3% rrW'olest ttet t ‘11:}; ti% , C'HEAP. " AN D5031}: AND DURABLE 10 DUNDAS STREET, EAST, em lul1l)at WEST TORONTO ALWAYS Telephone No. 1 This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. N hint acts so nicely as Dr. Hamiltm's Pills. They stir ‘up the liver, . the, system of bile, "one the stoma»- g“: appetite and sound digestion, tiou ' iel drowsy and had tempered, D . :1: mllton’s Pills Swim herp you at [', an. it aken at night you're well by Ilk - ug. Don't be ‘atraid at Dr. alll o I Pub, they lwe miM--don't . " iit “not“. who! ttmt "eure"-Lthnt'. in. Baptist Church. Public Worship at 11 arm. and , p.m. Sunday-School, 3 o’clock pm. J. L. Sloat. Pastor Methodist Church. Public Worship at 11 arm. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 10 a.m. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., Bm., Pastor. Wr,odloridge 11 a.m. Mattins and Sermon. 9.45 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon: Celebration of Holy Communion first Sunday of the month at 11 ann third Sunday at 8 a.m. Presbyterian Church. last Sunday. _ On Sunday nest, services will he . held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday About 25 memb, rs, of the Men's School at 3 p.m. Bible Class of Vi), toria Presbyterian Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Pastor. Church loft Mo day for Orchard l _ "Beach, where theygntend camping for “I‘LL-,1.'..L 1‘“...th two weeks. , Brampton Newt" a 52.11 Streetsviilt S'L-homberg Toronto Yotr eyes given special attention (llamas repaired and refitted by W. J Inch, Honor Graduate Optician. On Sunday next. Mass will be cele- @{I'CSEJ} brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. The de 2nd. W. cameiiin. Cigar Race. _-ii") 1st. V. Rownei e. 2nd. J. McCuLEgh, Married Ladies. Q Ist, Mrs. J. I)rar1. 2nd. Mrs. Moi) 11. Girls Race (undi 18). Ist, G. Russelgi 2nd. Mary Colwtt. Girls Race (magi? 10). lst. Mabel Olga} 2nd. Dorothy Jamey. Boys Race. fl lst. J. Brett?" 2nd,.,_B. MeKittteriek. "ir. Matthesonfg Old Mans Race qiver 50). 1st. Jas. Robe'gtson. 2nd. Joe Bell. .T‘j Dogs Race. ï¬g lst. W. Lewisâ€? Single Ladies (tiger 18). Ist. Miss Sosgm'sky. 2nd. Miss B. aard. St. Philip's. Divine service next Sunday at o'cloelr p.m. Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rectc . . gg . between the Havinas and All Etal‘s, Rain interfered I eorosiderably with was won by the latiier by 5 runs to 2. the suocess of theg atholic Picnic on The four o'eloek game was played the Fair Grounds bn Saturday. In between the Vietorii'ps'and Davenport suite Of the thatening weather, Stars and the latte; won by a score however, and the term that poured of 7-3, 1. down in the eveni, there was a very - good attendance. The open air Coll- Ii. h A e h ffieUIs state, by t e cert had to be lled off, but the maxi; gogissidii the C. P. R. “Elston TOWndldancplayed .during the will persist in the tourse adopted tfp a ernoon, an m ' evening an or- close all footpaths ihcross the tracks chestra attracted large numbers to in West Toronto east of Keele street. a: lngd lt,11dnitnif , tt gaming Tie' The only place -ss'riri,"iie' people are still m u ge m II? 1 Br, a f ourâ€... he allowed to cross iséat the local pas- Ladies chorryn.i1teetprovided capitally senger depot into (ijanton. The com- for the material. rants. of thosepre- pany intend soon to close even this sent and a rushing, business was done t if at the supper and: refreshment tents. T011 e. i) l fish pond unde "the efficient y1.JYT; Th bi,'i'li,_t t f 1 1 8151011 f,1/Mii,t E:1’08110WSky and 1‘111S3 Oranzreemevgas Saundéti; {12312320013 \fhcean avanag egui $t many ang ers ti , while Miss E. Lengt an with her silver tne annual church 'ipaede . was held mine did a rush, g business. The to the Annette Street Baptist Church track was in poortjshape owing to the Nearly all the meuthers of Lodge 602 rain, but: tine 1l?ig,geg1,n/', of sporrlts 2:113 23:, Btilae korl)l1iiitteYryei,e1hieot1se, was put t rough 1 11eeess u y. e _c h , w e ll e following is the li of winners in the imal‘Ch, T111118 the £21m Aihy lodggs various events:-- T ,were we trepresettte . e para e 100 ards o n J,ii (was headed by theft Carlton Fife and 133V 'e"ra,rt. ‘Drum Band, while) the Bugle Corps ' . (ii, ‘from Toronto was $150 present. Bro. 2nd. J. Humph Ft l s e 2 Mile open a: Chas. Yeatman made a capable mar- 1 t N 130' 1e 3’: fshal. The sermorii was delivered by S . ' y. F,')), lltev, W. J. H. Brabn. 2nd. C. Smith.?§ 'ii' 220 ards o en. td ’ td U. V. ngntn§§o I The 12th of July? was fittinglycele- 2nd. J. Humphiggy_ ibrated in Ward Seven by a big pro- Putting the Shot§§(1e tb.) (cession, in which (ill. the local lodges V. Rowntree 2tth. (and several from nlarhy districts tooh N. Boylen 25 iiiifsi inches. part. The lodges were assembled in One Mile open. , front of St. Jantbs’ Hall, and the 1st. W. ',i'ii1,t,e,,i,_ parade numbered Fabout 600 strong, 2nd. N. i32yTr'i)iii', made up of ',ii,ici,i.,iit,:,lfis" an o. n. 602 Running Hop St and Jump. and 900’, Orangee, Young Britons, lst. W; Gamer" . . Knights of 1relandkMimieo and Hum- 2nd, J. Ler1ehaiti, . ‘ber Bay Lodges, Eand three bands. Boot Race. E The parade proceeded along Dundas Ist. V. ncswntfiliy. JStreet, headed by the Cadets Band of Ernest Joseph, the 13-year-old child " Mr. and 11’s. Joseph Alfred Large, Lambton - enue died Tuesday ST. JOHN'S Cis St. John's (Anglican) Church St. John's (Catholic) Church. LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES J. Hughes-Jones, W 't'cy't ii U YOU GET BILIOUS? :erfered considerably with of the C athoiic Picnic on wounds n Saturday. In the th atening weather, T. Beverly Smith, Rector. years Oct. 12 and 13 FAIR DATES Oct. 4 and 5. Sept. 215mm 22. Supt. 29. 30 and Oct Sept. 29. Oct. 14 and 15 Aug. 30 to Sept, 13 B83335; 'HOLIC PICNIC an . . eet - Rev. W. R. Tay- r, assistant pas- M A ' R OI tor of Victoria P asbyterian Church, occupied the pulpi, at both services UFCh- last Sunday. .- Oct. 1 1 The members of " John's parish anything else tor kelieving pain. 1 expect. shortly to I)? in a position to urge everyone with lumbago, neural. tytabr1sh a new Ch‘EI'Ch with a 1oea- gia, rheumatism or sciatica to use tion more central jthan the present Nerviline. I know it will cure them." one. The church atgpresent is in the There isn't a more highly-esteemed extreme west end ii the ward, with citizen in Westchester than Mr. Hires, the next nearest ite on the north What he says can be relied upon. For side, pt the ward,itltoo tar away to six years since being cured he hasn't prove convenient ‘o the Anglicansihad a single relapse. Don't accept living in the centre of the ward. The l anything from your dealer but “Ner- proposal nOW is tii, sell Bt. Joha's viline." 25 cents per bottle or five Church and build-. church at the ', for '1.00; sold everywhere, or The Ca- corner of Humbersiltt and High Parelirrriiriike' Co., Kingston Ont. Avenues. The landes already been spoken for and ' is understood a ---.----9------ payment has been ttnade on the pro- posed site. St. Jo "ss parish was es- GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise tablished many year ago in the dis- farmers that they prefer deliveries ot games: we "tyer ems: live hotrt' at their new houm, grown enormously, ind although the West Toronto, ort Wednesdlyl and church had a big ddition only re- Friday. and in my one. not earlier cently, it is alre y beaming too than Tuesday. or later the Friday small tor the ever ycreas ng congre- gation. Rev. Bevettr Smith is the each qreek. High“ r,',',':,,,',":'. a: rector, succeeding ishop DuVornot tetP"th-, WORN! Pr! ' tour up“ no. The funeral of tli late Art. JPC)vc'i- ctt took place on Sturdav afternoon him the late rcsi me, 64 Laughlin Avcrre, to Prospec Cemetery. De- ceased underwent a 'operation at the General Hospital, d died. He was 27 years of age. f Catherine Thornpikm, 72 Quebec av- enue, died Monday night, aged 72 Thomas Irvine f No. I, tire hall has recovered f m an attack of measles, and rem . ed to duty Wed- nesday. . _ Geo. T. Waters, n old resident of West Toronto, die: yesterday morn- ing at the residend of his son, Frank Waters, 12 Jillizabeth Street. Deeeas- ed was 82 years of ture. 20, York, expert, tg. have their new school on src. Clair Venue, opened by Smtember 1ry,c. TI s, will mean the withdrawal of SCN' ty-five non-resi- dent pupils from St: glam“ avenue and The 12th of oueii, was fittinglycele- brated in Ward Seven by a big pro- cession, in which _ I the local lodges and several trom 112213.1‘113’ districts took part. The lodges {gwere assembled in front of St. Ja , s' Hall, and the parade numbered fabout 600 strong, made upof memb s of L. O. L. 602 and 900', Orange':? Young Britons, Knights of IrelandgMimlco and Hum- ber Bay Lodges, (iand three bands. The parade proceeded along Dundas Street, headed by jibe Cadets Band of Toronto, followed?) by L. O. L. 602, with the new sill? banner, with the portrait of the late Hon. N. Clarke Wallace in the c tre, well in the front. Following? these came the members oi L. 0.; . 900, some 125 strong marching $3 the music sup- plied by the 1r,l,1,1/'ld and Drum Band of Toronto. Therrtieame the knights and district lodges, and last, but not least, the heroes of ta/eo)', of parades in carriages. The vghole entrained at the Ch P. R. static _ for Alli‘ston. The West Toront Shamrocks were defeated in Bt. Ca rarines 'trn Srat.ur- clay at, lacrosse, a score of (Fi, The members of th team spent Sun- day at E'iiagex'ra Itat F,,' returnirsgime Louie's. Alex. Ryrie, who ty his skull trae- turcd on Saturda by slipping and falling off a tendeit, died Tuesday night in the Hamil on City hospital. He Was'Eé years of ge. The remains were brought to V st Tor/311E), and the funeral tool: nace from Bpeers' undertaking parlors} on Thursday. to thorofares were é'prmkiéé -rsritil 82nd. ye The death occuriï¬d Tuesday ciG T. Waters, 12 Eli; beth street. in Prospect Cemetery.' Urged, the oftieik1s state, by the railway" vcommissidp, the C. P. R. will persist in the bourse adopted tfp close all footpaths ihcross the tracks in West Toronto, east of Keele street. The only place white people are still allowed to cross isgat the local pas- senger depot, into @arltonl The com- pany intend soon to close even this route. ,1' Two games of baéeball were played in the senior d,ivisiiin of the West To- ronto Baseball League, on Saturday, on the Lambton grounds. The first, between the Raviri.i.rs and All Stars, was won by the lager by 5 runs to 2. The four o'eloek game was played between the vi?t?.riiys'and Davenport Stars and the latte; Won by a score of 7-3, u unday night Dundas, Annetté, Keele and other The trustees of 3%001 Section No West 1hrronto, 'ear eet Schoéjis Cl Tuesday ovaeo. 1oeth street, in his oil LINQOIIU. 5 HiCyWiEicL. & 00., "7 There isn't a more highly-esteemed citizen in Westchester than Mr. Hires. What he says can be relied upon. For six years since being cured he hasn't had a single relapse. Don't accept anything from your dealer but “Ner- viline." 25 cents per bottle or tive for $1.00; sold everywhere, or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Kingston Ont. It is toeeatiije Ite: it his solemn duty to tell go t world his faith in Nerviline th I" Vitor P. Hires makes the followi g eclaration: "For three years li7af; in the Royal Mail service, and III kinds of weather had to meet "the I ght trains. Damp- ness, cold Mid tihpasure brought on sciatica that? afited my left side. Sometimes ali: at ' ck would come on that made mitipo 'erless to work. I was so nearl Via ‘umplete cripple that I had to give. _full my job. I was in despair, comp ‘té33' east down because the money I bed on trying to get well was wast t, 't I gas speaking to my chemist o ‘_ mgjand he recom- mended "Nervi , F'li') éhad this good liniment rubbery; ' averal times a datt d3got relief. In ---_ ord8 “to? build up my CURED gena alth and im- pro " blood I used glx Fer f“ , one tablet YEARS. wit Fliii, eal. I con- --- tinud , is treatment four v months and was cured. I have used all kinds oi lini- ments, and can t uthfully say that Nerviline is far st onger, more pene- trating, and infini ely better than anything else tor elieving pain. I urge everyone with lumbago, neural- gia, rheumatism or sciatica to use Nerviline. I know it will cure them.'] Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Restored by "Nervi- line." We have all read and heard of the agonies oi Sciatica, but only those who have been tortured by this dread malady can fully appreciate what it must mean tirht! cured after years of suffering. ii, E: '/ir'faaf Tin: Cold after cold; cou "aking-cold habit? ilconfidence in Ayer's medicine like it for your doctor for his 'ii/j/is app??? isLyaEw 3T5} Cold after cold; cough after aydi! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better $reals'it up.' We have great confidence in Ayer's Chen Peoral for this work. No medicine like it for weak thrf6is and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinbtf He knows all about it. 'iiy/s approval is valuable. fallow hi advice at all times. QNo alcohol in this cough r,sf'sdit'eiLe, ;E.,Ayer£_o.,Lowell,Mass. No B Dundas St., Nest '.iiii'i'ryr.rs" 'ii"itii;riiiC2' laxative in 51} 'iiaTirri'iEairira%% x 'f'irriur cold tirs_t comeqon. What IS the best laxative for this? Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor hisopinion. Let him dtcrdes femt"iteat2attttmm2ttetaxtttitattaattaaatatittttrr - T, mat-:- CWi iiiiiii-j, X ei' "ti/ti/e F', "'ii""'il; m Wad ak set ihroat--y1ii8heak Lungs EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY. With um Complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUEJZE ii, we challenge comparison tiCIATICA. Sell the Best, aad Fagest Brags AT THE LOWEST PRICES /i Vitor P. E i' g eclarati: .Arwa in the 'ret' III kinds $316 'ght trai aid tihpasure . "il, aff ted my mg at ' ck wou] n 'CPO 'erless tr l 5:3, 'umplete 1 7t) _full my job. 11) it??? east do I 'hed on tr: ast‘. I cWs s. , 0% naggiand >rvi g, 3? _',,,'ii11e1ii, 1be&, b, ' S, Van daft .di'got orda 3:0: bu gena2 3.11 pro Ek, r. v tbl Fer Tg Tiid ( wit I , eihfrdisy " tinud iis four months we use all kt can t uthfully far st onger, Sheipparid, (i3hH'i:'iiii'PF2AFitCry _x=r'r8)'rnavtrr"za2-a-ru-r--a-sz, 46 Duadas St. WEST TORONTO. WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty: ", Jer,ve)ller and Optician Marriage Lieerises 1ssued. _ Al) THE? WATCbHMAKEittR d) work promptly repaired- and guaranteed. Clraip:es mbderatt, DRUGGISTS, or hi! garden.†“I new in a get out». all: it, OI. that to sH94"F+F+FFFFt9sFFFFFFH' “11,. get! a__lotlol “Mutton out 2. limes and Guide, and Cheapest Mines and (hh Phone 26, Weston, WESTON, ONT. The . . . Watchmaicer, - FOR - The Best WEST TORONTO mammoth» “blunt“ 1 1