“a Although the jubilee of fifty years was short by a whole decade, the inhabitants resolved to anticipate it in 1859, in order to commemorate the opening of the railway from Torquay and London. So as to 8ty- cure success on this occasion it was arranged that the monster pudding should be cooked in sections, eight sections forming one layer, the whole being afterward built to- gether. The pudding consisted of 573 pounds of flour, 191 pounds of bread, 382 pounds of raisins, 191 pounds of currents, 382 pounds. of suet, 320 lemons, 144 nutmegs, 95 pounds of sugar, 360 quarts of milk and unknown hundreds of eggs. The cost was S45, and when completed the weight of it was a ton and a half, while it measured 13 feet 6 inches in circumference at the base and 5 feet at the top. Besides this remarkable pudding there were provided 1,900 pounds of meat and 1,900 pounds of bread and an un- limited supply of the staple pro- duct of the Paignton orchards - cider. Twelve lines of tables were erected upon Paignton Green, Where the dinner was to take place. Unfortunately the gentleman stage managing the entertainment had been subpoenaed to attend Exeter 'Assizes, and to his absence may be attributed the untoward contre- temps which afterward occurred. AT NOON ON AUGUST 1, which 'was the day fixed for the in- guguramion of the railway, the pro- it was placed on a car, decorated with \ribbons and evergreens and drawn through the town by eight oxen. But those who had assemb- led to eat the pudding were doomed to disappointment. The outside, from constant boiling, had been re- duced to the consistency of paste and the inner part was not even warm. In former ages it was an annual ac- tion and of that greatness that it is incredible to the bearer and thence it hath the addition of white pot, and called Paignton white pot. ’ “White pot" is an old term for food made of milk, cream, eggs, etc., and baked in a pot. Dr. James Young, writing about 1670, states that Paignton was anciently a bor- ough town and held her charter by this white pot, "wFich was to be seven years making, seven years baking and seven years eating. All other local historians appear to be silent upon the subject. There can be no doubt, however, that this custom is of the greatest antiquity, that at first the pudding was made annually for the celebrated "revel of Paignton," held in Whitsun week, which fair, long sunk to the level of a few standings, died out about forty years ago; that later the "white pot" was boiled only upon occasions of national rejoic- ings or to celebrate important local events, and that lastly it was made a jubilee festival dating from the revival of the custom on June 1, 1819, after a, lapse of many years. The ingredients which composed the enormous pudding of 1819 were 400 pounds of flour, 170 pounds of beef suet, 140 pounds of raisins and 240 eggs, Jhe pudding, which weighed in all 900 pounds, was cooked in a large brewing copper at the Crown and Anchor Inn, being contained in a huge bag, which was held in a net suspended to a beam, from which it was lowered by a, tackle into the vat. After boiling from f'Ma'f()hl'fi BIG PUDDING Lo . lLUl' sum», any: 'FA'""'-"-; 7 - diftiv,te,douldcgj,'u"y,sat1l,cf2t _ fence attempted to help themselves, ments are oeinv made to revive the The police thereupon mounted the historical /ririrs,'yi"t"iii Pudding" ies- l 'Wagfln t,,T'itti,t,. the puddipg. See- tival, which comes round every fifty g hrs/vile: ahrd t,ftf,g,Cire,ekigi'2,e ears ' . . . . . , if Isi'saplaii' 1,:ij'theisad,tu1s1as'ii/r1' eagmgeghat bhey were likely to term its, dates back biii'certuries,i,ic “in; 2f, the toothsOme deli- for Paignton is not the 'l2'i"e"r'l'1"ite'tu e t]: e1r alias and swelled iown---a fashionable watering place the “glut nous 13‘ long, by. whom --whieh its appearance would lead comm'tgr unate pgddmg, police and those ignorant of its history to sup- l mob 31. ee gem elfagured. The pose. 'aigntosr-ip Domesday Booklmitt J. 'eh") onwar , and the csrm- the spelling is Peintomr---was for-latt'teed 1e,11e,f at their menacing merly the richest manm belongfmgdin1 u f, egan to throw tho pud- tc the see of Exeter, says the Lon- _ s g 1,o/,ecteilnet,1 at them. In a few don Globe. It enjoined the ph2've1y, @013†S the scene became one of lege of being a market town fromint ooinfusmn, The wagon was up- 1294. On the meadows facing Tor- i le, an; men, women, boys and po- bay the Norman bishopé built al 1ee.s ruggled and fought for pos- Palace, the ruins of which are close 51651011 dd th? dismembered pud- to the parish church. The last IU-l THi an got inex.trietbly m.jxed 11p man Catholic bishop left the pa- In 117.1 This continued until not a lace in 1549, although Miles Cover-{@0536 Was 19m For weeks after- dale is said to have lived here from P 'Wad the Palgnton post office was 1551 to 1553, ocupying a tower com- t lupin-dam} with greasy Iojsclrets con- monly called the "Bible tower , ammg bits of the pUdding sent off which is the chief feature of the l '/1 821 many .Souvenlrs to distant cups. After the 'ic/ic/itat',';;":',:) S, and m all .pa,rts of the Paignton dwindled to a country vil- 5 stick ry people reamed letters, legs, and so remained until thel lut'y or smeared with l mysterious modern town may be said to dc,'!',,'),),)))")',',' inbstance which was .the commenced with the making of theiton' lot urst packets 9f Paign- rgad from Torquay to Dartmouth} S as mammoth pudding. a out the year 1840. ' The origin of the famous pud: ding is wrapped in obscurity. The first reference to it is found in Westeote's "View of Devonshire in 1630." That historian tells of "the huge and costly white pot these made of late, some term it ONE OF ENGLAND’S CURIOUS OLD CUSTOMS. Riot When Pudding Was Shared Out Fifty Years Ago-weighed Ton and a Half. SATURDAY TO TUESDAY. A BAG PUDDING. Having survived for fifty-two years with his spine broken but the spinal cord intact, Joseph Alcock, who was well known to summer visi- tors in his donkey chaise on the Yarmoubh (England) Parade, died at the age of seventy-two. Tne gaff of a Wherry came down with a run Since the German socialist organ, "Yorwaerts," was founded, twen- ts-five years ago, penalties amount- ing to ten years and eighteen weeks' imprisonment, seven weeks' arrest, three months' detention in a fortress, and $2,700 in fines have been inflicted on members of the editorial staff. The strongest animals exist en- tirely on vegetable food. It is the ferocity of the lion rather than his strength that makes him formid- able.. An elephant is a match for several lions and is a vegetarian. To train prisoners more thor- oughly in farm work, the British Home Office authorities are to ex- tend, under skilled instruction, farming operations in the manage- ment and care of live stock, market gardening, poultry-keeping, and dairy work at Borstal Prison. A Munich servant girl has given notice because she says her mis- tress persists in playing classical music for a. couple of hours every morning, although she has not the slightest notion how it should be interpreted. _ _ In order to encourage the mem- bers of the Barnsley (England) po- lice force to become efficient swim, mers, the chief constable offered a ham-and-egg breakfast to every of ficer who entered the public swim, ming bath the other morning. Twenty-four constables took ad- vantage of the offer. Mrs. E. Requa, whose knee was so badly injured in a railway acci- dent that she has since been unable to kneel in prayer, has been award- ed $10,000 damages against the New York Central Railroad. Experiments have shown that the Chicago air 300 feet above the street, contains in a year 7,038 pounds of dirt an acre, or three times as much as London air. In despair at his finaneial posi- tion, a man hanged himself at Berne the other day. Half an hour later the postman brought a letter for him congaixling a, cheque for $5,000. cession moved off toward the green with the great pudding mounted upon a/decorated wagon drawn by eight horses instead of oxen, the wagon of bread and two Wagons of meat folloxxriug. Arrived at..the green the people took their seats and were supplied with the breed, meat and cider. As the pudding was about to be distributed the out- side public-and it was estimated that the festival had attracted 18,- 000 visitors to Paitot1---yamH,ed for slices; and brejrk,ins.r,down, the A medical man stated at the Shoreditch (England) County Court that he attended 18,000 patients a year, an average of forty-nine pati- ents each day. I'ithy Paragraphs About a Little of Everything. "Naturalist and trainer of ants, fleas, bees, etc.," was the deserip- tion a man gave of himself at the North London Police Court. It you want to keep your chil- dren rosy, healthy and full of life during the hot weather months gos/e them an occasional dose of Baby’s Own Tablets. This medi- cine prevents deadly summer com- plaints by cleansing the stomach and bowels; or it cures the trou- ble promptly if it comes on unex- pectedly. _ The mother who keeps this medi- cine on hand may feel as safe as if she had a doctor in the home. Mrs. C. C. Roe, Georgetown, Ont., says _ "I can heartily recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a great help to baby during the hot summer months. I have used them for sum- mer troubles and am much pleased with the result." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. HUT WEATHER MONTHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN BRIGHT AND BRIEF. Owing to the lack of farm hands in Austria, "good-Condi" con- victs are being employed as agri- cultural laborers. Prisoners condemned to death in Greece have to wait two years be- fore the death penalty is carried out. TNU Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. The plague in India during the last ten years has caused as many deaths as have all the world’s wars since thstimo of Napoleon. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. --Through hawk of consideration of the body's needs many persons ai- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they become chronic, flliing days and nights with suffering. To these a, course of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always. Kind Friend-NLS-lr, let me introduce you to Professor Glass, the great hypnorist, who can put anyone to sleep within two minutes after starting. Benpeclr--"Glad to meet you. Professor. Come, let me introduce you to my wife." and broke his back when he was twenty. Wilson's Fly Pads, the best ot all fly killers, kill both the flies and the disease germs. Inquiry as to the general age of trees being put to an authority on forestry, it was said that the pine tree attained 700 years as a maxi, mum length of life; 425 years was the allotted span of the silver fir; the larch lived 27o years; the red beech, 245; the aspen, 210; the birch, 200; the ash, 170; the elder, 145; the elm, 130. The heart of the oak begins to rot at about the age of 300 years. Of the holly, it ie said that there is a specimen 410 years old near Aschaffenburg, Germany. A South Australian farmer dur- ing the harvest used a 3% h.p. mo- tor bicycle to winnow his wheat. It connects with the Winnower, and is easily movable from place to place. At knock-off time it is disconnected in two minutes and ridden home. One gallon of petrol cleans 100 bags of wheat, which costs, with oil used, about three cents per bag. The perambulating restaurant is the latest novelty of the Paris streets. It owes its inception to a restauranter who observed that there were daily large numbers of clerks, artisans, and workmen who have no time to go out to lunch at a restaurant. The caterer has bought a mule and a small van, in which is fitted a kitchen range with several hot dishes all ready, and sends it out along the streets in charge of a cook. A horn announces the presence of the van to the peo- ple,.who come out and. are handed on hot plates a portion' of feast meat or other dish, with vegetables, cheese, and dessert. The scheme is a great success, and the caterer is doing a large business. DON'T BE DE0EivED.--Imserupu1oms makers are attempting to steal your money and our reputation by putting out an imitation of “The D. a L." Menthol Plaster. Be sure to get the genuine made by Davis & Lawrence Co. of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will regulate the action of a deranged stomach and a disorder- eo liver, and make you feel like a new man. Ne one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. Revive the Jaded Condition. --- When energy flags 931d tho cages A spiemiid 053992ng in thie Mighty for an active, energetic agent possessing good character, Bvslness m Force . . . . $10,467,281.M Dally Income over . . . . - $13,000.00 Invested In high grade securities - . $1,266,211.11 Surplus to Policy HNders' Account . . 5329.190.62 The oply Company reporting to Canadian Insurance Dep't. Ottawa. no ur- reams of 1nterest or principal on any investment. National the A$surance Co. ELIAS ROGERS. President.. Apply direct to head office. 25 Toronto St, Toronto. OF CANADA- HEAD OFFICE: NATION AL LIFE GHAMBERS. 25 Toronto St., Toronto, ISSUE NO. M-O. ALBERT J. RALSTON. Manaslng all-actor F. SPAR LING, Secretary. Professor (lecturing on hygiene) --"Tobacco, gentleman, makes men ugly, short-winds], idiotic, paraly- tic; and I can tell you this from ex- perience, for I have smoked for many years." llA'U (ILL 055, ECU unlucubu uw IU. A married man should come home early at least one night each week --just to show his Wife that he can do it. "I think from the utensils about him that this mummy must have been an Egyptian plumber." "It would be interestin to bring him back to life." “gut too risky. Who's going to pay him for his time 1†What surprises a woman is not how beautiful her children are, but how much more beautiful they are than anybody else's. Mrs. Brown (to the new maid)- "Well, Janet, I hope we shall get along very nicely; I'm not at all difficult to please." Janety--"No, mum; that's just what I thought the very minute I set eyes on the master." ft in hot water," take _comfort from the thought that you will soon, like an egg, get hal'dgped to it. It you are fond of i1t.sppur,,eaa,tot'UR, camping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of On- tario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspers- ed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Na. ture can bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea, level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place tor a young man to pat in his summer holidays. Hotel accommodation. An interesting and profusely illustrated descriptive publication telling you all about it sent free on application to Mr. J. D. McDonald, Union Station. Toronto. A woman laughs most heartily at a story of which she fails to see the pojnt. __ _ _ _ - Many avmvan will'd-evour a girl with kisses only to find after mar- riage that she disagrees with him. Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyeu. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 500 At Your Drugglsts. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy 00., Toronto. - It's dead easy to be an optimist when only the good things of life are coming your way: - _ Some people tell the truth merely for the sake of stirring up trouble. If it wasn't for their humus wives many men would never be heard of. "How do you do, sare?†said a Frenchman to an English acquaint- ance. "Rather poorly, thank you,†answered the other. "Nay, my dear saleâ€. said the Frenchman, "don't thank me for your illness; I cannot help it." - Every man on the job thinks he knows more than the boss. The schoolboys had studied, the day before, the first chapter of Acts, particularly the story of the election of a new apostle. The teacher began by reviewing yester- day’s work. "And how was Mae- thias chosen?†he asked. The brightest boy, to his teacher's be- wilderment, replied: "They all jumped on him and kicked him." "Why," said the teacher, "what- ever makes you say that l" "Well, sir, you told us. You read out that 'the lot fell on M ,tthias.' " We all Have Missions in tho World.-There is a. work to do for every man on earth, there is a. func- tion to perform for everything on, earth, animate and inanimate. Ev- erything has a mission, and tho mis- sion of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 0% is to heal burns and wounds o every description and cure coughs,‘ colds, croup and all affections of the respiratory organs. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. It's no trouble to find trouble. Everybody knows that other peo- ple make mistake. _ _ .. _ Timmam (meeting an old friend after a long ahsenee)--"Hello, Sims! Fancy meeting you. Why I heard you were ill!" "No; it was my brother-not me." "Dear, dear! I'm sorry to hear that." Don't experiment with unsat- isfaetory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known article. For sheer simplicity of phrase and conception few have surpassed that delightful old lady who, with a shrewd twinkle in her eye, in- quired whether tt 'soda-water' should be written as two separate words, or if there should be a si- phon between themp' The never failing medicine, H01- loway’s Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corms, warts, etc.; even the most difficult to remove can- not withstand this wonderful rem- edy. YOUR SUMMER OUTING. I Mother Grtrves' Worm Extermin- ator does not rexskire the help of any purgative medicine to complete the cur'e. Give it a trial and be convinced. . _ "Aren't you taking a vacation this summer l" "No." At St. Pancras, in England, there is a school where fathers are taught to take care of the house and the children in anticipation of the time when women go out to do the work and men must sit at home and mind the house. There ustd to be a time when a man out of ‘a. job would have to let his wife go out and do washing or cleaning, and when she fame home at night she would have tc get her own house in order. Now the men will be expected to do that for their wives. The course in housekeeping will also be of beats fit to men whose wives are sick oy absent. A workman, who was paid by time, was suspected by his wife of not giving her all his pay at the end of the week. She consulted a neighbor, who advised her to get a ready _reckoner. - _ WHERE MEN DO HOUSEWORK This she procured, and when next he handed his wages she ask- ed him: “Are ye sure that's all, Geordie?†"Ot course," he replied. "Beeause I have been looking at a ready reckoner, and I should get more." Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. Irrigation in Egypt is slowly low- ering the temperature of that coun- try. PAINKILLER cures all sorts of cuts, bruises. burns and strains. Taken intern- ally it cures diarrhoea and dysentery Avoid substitutes, there is bat one "Pain- killer 'u-Perry Davia'--Mty. and 500. "Let me see it." He looked at it for a minute, and contemptuously threw it back at her. "That's no use; it's last year’s.†"Didn't you ask for one?†"Ness." "Wouldn’t they give it to you l" "That's what's the matter. They were so much more enthttsiasiic about it than I was that I grew a little suspicious." Ta,r--'kh1 my last voyage I saw waves one hundred feet high!" 8par--"I've been a sailor forty years, and never seen 'em over forty." Tar-'tr'aps not! But everything is higher now than it used to be, mate!" not attended to and will cause an) exhaustive drain on the system.I The best available medicine is Dr.; J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial) It clears the stomach and bowels! of irritants, counteracts the inflam/ p1ation and restores the organs to) healthy action. The microscope in the hands " experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly some- times carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fly Pads will prevent all danger ot infection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. "Then why don't you try to mar- ry 'em?" __ - The change of dietary that comes; with spring and summer has the: effect in weak stomachs of setting, IIT inflammation, resulting in dy- sentery and cholera, morbus. The! abnormal condition will continue if; “I would like mightily to enjoy riches.' , _ FREE I We send by mail, tree ot charge. our M page book, wiiioh t1,1g ex- plains our modern syuam of treatment, of how the Dr uh, obacco and Drug habits anti be rapidly overcome ttt cured. This book I sent in a plain enve one. sealed from _,,ttrg,f, on. go no 9 on tel: what your letter contains. A11oorrtm')6iriU co 'arltla1r"'td'rt'l and . tronflttentia1, Address. DE SILVA INSTITUTE, Suite 200, " University St. MontreaE, Canada “MK, “Ag. I said, I want to enjoy _ Tobacco Ili l K and w fl f ' Dru g Habits New System of Treatment. Recently Discovered Remedy that Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results obtained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern Medicine. Patients cured secretly " their own homes against their own will and knowledge. No suffering. no injections, no loss of time, or detention from business, no bad after effects. QUITE OUT OF DATE. HIS VACATION OFF. NOT THE SAME. Don't fail to see our Exhibit at the National Exhibition, Toronto. w: am: Emmi CASE WaNEED.--t5,000, in amounts of $5c or no to acquire the coal mining rights on a. large “2:13 of land eatimzltod to comma 20,000,000 tons pug]. An opportunity of a dfetime to of; inlon ground ilm- Tauuton, McIntyre Blaci. Winnh peg. I', Buggies and Harness WANTED-Lad1ett to do plain and light, sewing at home, whale or spare timrsti good pay; work sent any distancer Chartres prepaid. Send stsmv for full up tioulars. National Manufacturing (any many. Montreal. DIRECT to the user at manufacturers' prices. Top Buggies. - “52.00 _ Single Harness, $9.50 Up. ' Save agents' prutits by buying direct. Write it The Toronto Harness and Garriasll Supply Company, M Bloor Street East, Toronto. A high grade Residential School for Girls, s,'fy'ss't for {he year-tss/tite Student 3, $252 to $262 PY Students, 384 to $72. Cali-age kanpens Sept, 15. calendar on applloatloa MISS CHARLOTTE THRALL. Vice-Principal. wemagmak Ilollegtt Established 1852, taken ovsr by the Provlnoll Government of Ontario, 1908. AfBritstml with the University of Toronto. under t control of the Dept. of Agriculture of Ontario. 0011 o, ens 1st October. 190,). Course of scuxy exten throu h 3 college year-4. FEES BER SESSAUN 875.“ Calendar on application. E. A. A. GRANGE, V.S.. M3. Principal. DtatNJE A fully Equipped Residenthl School for Boys ant Young Men Prepares for Uuéversity. Schools If Science, Business, att. 62nd AnnuaI Wanda! sent on aszoauon. MWLW§% WERE Ontario Waterman College WWW Mn CATALOGUE EXHIBiTION Y.M.0.A. BUELJING. TORONTO. T. M. WATSON, . PRINCI] The future of your children depends largely on their present training. The best provision forthe luture is a course in our oldest and most reliable school. WRITE FOR OUR. CATALOGUE OR BETTER come and see us an: 'mg your 7 Exhibition Ilist ' WW] MIME ()kllE REX TAILORING COMPANY, 172 King St. West Toronto (Opposite Princess Theatre.) British American Business Eullega cordially invited to can and inspect our stock. AGENTS WANTED A. T. MacNEIL, B. A., Principah Meiiness Training Lam Teltgrtihi TEMPERANGE ST., TORONTO, Glut. And earn a good salary. We prepara you thoroughly and quickly. Par- ticulars free. The 1 Rapid Needle Threader TORONTO, CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL 3 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. HIGH CLASS BEST VALUES IN GANADA. WOODSTOCK. ONT, HELP WANTiiiD in every locality A practical eye-saving time-saving device, 'a,tl for any size needle or thread. It threads quick- m; Box 1307. orillia, Ontario Ky, easily, and will fast a leetime. Mailed to your address, postpaid for 250s 's,, AGENTS WANTED. , The Rapid Noodl. Threader Go., WANTED. WEED FREE! t AGENTS tatm " _ WOMEN. Make " I Day and unb- tish permanent bush“; on our 0895601. Our = clan-1| goods sell on I! In every home, are am“ used 19r ald101936. od. Seine 135:5 ‘Ex‘aluam tare dtory given. Tan: Eon: SUPPLY 00.. Dept. tio, Toronto, Ont, "SPAVEN GUREP) Mailed on receipt of sun Send for bookrtst-_ The Veterlnary Rania†Company, Limited, B ' A, 75 Adelaide se, E. Toronto, Canada. VANZANT ' WASHING GUARANTEED VISITORS ONTARIO. RINCiPAL