Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 27 Aug 1909, p. 5

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THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, . I -rsPssr""'"'sst"'""""_ 9 Wden a man eats hihewife kindly she imagines he ‘s concealing a con- Session that he ght to make. V Alf Academical and many Technical Sub. isets provided for. Write for catalogiie. State work preferred. The 5115:“? Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street. Toronto E ,3 m an Wm was " am 00005 -as-.r-rsr-,rse-'se%. Insure in the York Fire Building Plans and Speeifi- cations prepared. Estimates given. Contracts taken. Builder & Contractor GENTS' fURNlSHINGS MAIN ST . ... WEI W. E. COLEMAN . HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main St., - Weston, Ont. Orders delivered. Phone No. 14 Screen Doors, Screen Windows, all sizes, at lowest prices. For Rates npplyf Em]. MUSSON, WESTON, drop a. card 'ti's'-ris'/sii Offiee, 157 Bay Street mute. ' 5' 20MB STUDY COURSES W. R. WADSWORTH QIRT i5lSCOM FORT aLSEASE Gamer Church and Wellington Streets. KEYS 8: BULL North Station St. WESTON . Main Street Weston TORONTO Don't miss my display of new Fall Patterns, commencing on Aug. 28. Select your Fall Suit 110331 from my new line of igr'nart, Up-To-Date, stylish goods. CAPITAL PAID Ue _ $4,000,000.00 RESERVE - - t-" $4,500,000.00 Q C. BURRAGE Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. :ro all carried by the house fly THE TAILOR WHO 'KNOWS C P: IRWIN, LL 0 PENING Gash, Mutual and Stock. le "thritrtsisegtrt Dgposit TORONTO BRANCH ?0me from the shop of THE BANK OF IL’NION LABEL KEEP IT OUT ESTABLISHED 1855. MAN AGER. WESTON 'Doctor, how on, do you think, I’ll be well enoug to eat things, that don't agree with ?' Crossing Lake Muskoka at Bala Park ond along the shore of Lake Joseph, skirting nearly one hundred bodies of water between Toronto and Sud bury. ALBION HOTEL l, THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO For literature and fnll information about fishing and holiday rates, write Passenger Dept., Toronto, Ont. 5i'iiie'ir" WEEK END Excursion Tickets ‘Kbivw "evw"'.."ie Singer Sewing Machine Omce 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of Frank McDonald SEWING MACHINE Commercial and Shorthand courses. Call or write W. ll, SHAW, J . FRANK FOSTER, Pres. Prin, 310693;} AUG. 27 SEPT.7 SEPT.ro Apply to any Canadian Pacific agent for full particulars, times of Special Trains, etc. MORE MEN WANTED Farm Laborers’ Excursions A CHURCH St. 1han's SCHOOL FOR Thr '1 BQYS T I ee m1 es mm o- lic h ool ronto, Visitor. Lord W Bishop ot Toronto. eston Large and beautiful I grounds. Boys pre- '0NTARI0‘ pared for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to juniors and boys entering commercial life. Reopens Sept. 13th. For prospectus) apply to M. E. Matthews, Head) Master. l Coal and Wood G. M. FRASER, Agent, WESTON. WEST TORONTO BRANCH of the ON SALE FROM TORONTO The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, MAGANETAWAN, PleEREL and FRENCH RIVERS Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To 'r-__-VN""-."-" 5 YOUR COURSE 2 Emmanuel; CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidery a Specialty. There are advantages. in buying near home. Mrs. E. Mungovan, 80 Dundas Street West THE USE QR HEALTH DRIVING PARTIES JAS. GARDHOUSE Before Buying a OF ALL KINDS. WESTON. 1oidn"to-iiiik' Tvert, From all Stations east. of Toronto in outarie From Toronto and all Stations east Fronm_all Stations DEALER IN mm TOURIST ADDITIONAL FOR RETURN AND Pronrietor MAIN Sr., All persons interested or whose lands may or might be prejudicially affected by such proposed By-laws are required to attend at the said meet- ing, when they will be heard in per- son or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto upon petitioning to be so heard. Dated this 13th day of Aug,A.D. 190%; i COMMENCING at the intersection ',of the north limit of Lot 5, with the west limit of said forced road, thence ‘easterly along said north limit a dis- tance of 40 feet; Thence southeasterly :along a line which is 50' easterly from 'and parallel with the centre line of 'the new line of the Toronto, Grey and, Bruce Railway Company, (Canadian Paeifie Railway Company) lessee as the same is finally located across Lot 5 a distance of 125 feet to the said west- erly limit of said forced road; Thence northwesterly along said westerly limit a distance of 141 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract 'ot land containing 0.058 acres more or less, and to substitute’therefor a portion of the said lot 5 being des- cribed as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the southerly limit of McKenzie Street with the easterly limit of said forced road; Thence southerly along the said easterly limit of said forced road a distance of 108 feet. Thence northerly on a straight line to a point on the southerly limit of Me- Kenzie Street distant 65 feet easterly from the above mentioned intersee- tion a distance of 103 feet. Thence westerly along, the southerly limit of McKenzie Street a distance of 65 feet to the point of beginning.' Said tract of land containing 0,075 acres more or less, for the purpose of diverting the said forced road. _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipal Corporation oi the Trib- lage of Woodbridge will at a meeting to.be held on Monday, the Thirteenth day of September, 1909, at the hour of eight o'eloek in the afternoon at the said Village of Woodbridge, in the County of York, consider two several By-laws for closing, stopping up, sell- Ing and conveying to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company the following portion of a highway, be- ing the diversion of McKenzie Street across part of Lot 5 in the Seventh Concession in the Township of Vaug- han, and known as the forced road, shown as Lot No. 8 on the plan of Woodbridge deposited in the Registry office for the County of York, namely: Mr.E H. Rowntree, of Winnipeg, has returnvd after spending ten days with relatives in and around Wood bridge. Harry is manager of thp Winnip g branch of the Cowan Co., Toronto. F tht of Woodbiidge Dr. A. H. Brother of Barrie, and Miss L. Duids of Bolton, were visit. ing with Mr. and Mrs Ed. W. Brown on Sunday last. Mrs. Thos. Padget and Mrs. George Brownridge, of West Toronto, were guests of postmaster Stong last Wed. nesday. Mr. and Hrs. Thus Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hodge of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mounsey on Sunday last. ' Mrs. H. N. Schmidt and the Misses Bessie Wallace and Vera Hallett, have returned from a two weeks stay at Preston Springs -Mr. R. L. McBride left on Monday for Mandala, where he hits secured a position as brakeman on the G.T.R. Gordon Ellistonvand Percy Robin- son left for the Northwest on the harvesters' excursion this week. Mr and Mrs. Moffatt and family are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fleming, Eighth avenue. Misses Edith and Nellie Evans of To- ronto, are guests of their aunt. Mrs. T. F. Wallace here this week. Mr. and Mrs John E, Harris re- turned home this week after spending a few days at Bula. E. W. BROF-tr,' ,', Clerk, oi the Village of Woodbridge Mr. Geo. M. Stewart left this week for Deseronto, where he has secured a good hotel. Mr. Peter Franks Weston, spent Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs J. W Franks here. Mr. and Mrs. Elms of Toronto were gueSts of Mrs. Fred Elliott over Sun- day. The Municipal Corporation Mr, Thos. Earls, of Toronto, was in town on business on Tuesday last. Mrs. W. J. Hollings' ead is visiting with friends in Tottenham. WOODBRIDGE Ed. W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. OF THE GUNNS', Limited, wish to ndsrice farmers that they prefer deliveries ol live hogs at their packing ho-tse, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not same: than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tor select hogs. Weights preferred, 156 ta 220 pounds. Mr Geo. Morrisoi‘pis ill with pleurisy at his father's residence, Maria street, Weston. Matt. McClellan who hurt his hip two weeks ago is gm: confined to his led and is suffering considerably. The infant songof Mr. Geo. Arnold coming in contact'N'ith a pump handle while hls elder birotlser was pumping water, received an ugly cut on the arse which required stitching. NOTICE is hereby given that a. 66(sz will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge rf the County Court of the County of York, at the Public Library, Wdod- bridge, on SATURDAY, the 4th day of SEPTEMBER, 1909, at 9 o'elock in the forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of Woodbridge for 1909. F Dated gt Woodbridge, this 24th day of August, 1909. I T Voters’ List, 1909 The funeral took piece on Monday afternoon to the Woodbridge Method ist cemetery and was very largely attended. Service, was held in the Methodist charm conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. G. Rogers, assisted by Rev M. Mackiunon, pastor of the Presbyterian church _ His friends regret his death very deeply and attribute it to his remark- able energy in farm work. He was one of the hardest Working farmers in York county, and overwork is said to have brought on the nervous break- down Which caused his death "FLA !A._. I . u =- _ Mr. John Thomas, who has been so seriously ill " theihome of his dauglr :er, Mrs. subbord,i' is able to be about main. ft The late Mr. Wallace had been all his life an active member of the Meth- odist church, and was for many years an office holder. lie was prominent in temperance woyk and was a mem- ber of the Home Circle. her of the Home Circle. Brought up as a Liberal he was never active in polities, and refused to adhere throughout to any one party. . Mr. Wallace was one of the best known farmers in Vaughan township and had resided ail his life on the farm in the vieinity of Woodbridge, where he was born i, He was a cousin of the late Clark Wtrl ace. M. P., and a second cousin of Caipt. Tom Wallace, Dominion memberrfor Centre York, Besides his widow, formerly Mis Eliz aheth Harper, he leaves eleven chil- dren, Albert, William and Ettie in Toronto, Milton, Walter and Arthur al home, Mrs. Thtimpson of Vaughan township. Mrs. Ridden of Dundalk, Maggie, Eva Hnd'fLulu at home are daughters. _ i Mr. George F. Wttllaee died Satur- day morning in Toknto, after nearly four years of ill-health resulting from nervous illness. Hp was in his Glst year. l A small frame house on the Hog's Back bill near here."belonging to the. late Henry Robertson was destroyed by fire on Saturdp'y morning last. The cause of fire mis an overheated lstove. The house his been occupied by William Lauder. ior some time The regrettable incident in connec- tion with it is that the tenant had been ntoxicated, and at the time of the fire was pulled out ot the building by one of the neigh’hors, who barely; saved his life, another five r_ty'nt,atts) and he would have" been burned P) death. We think that men like this) should be put on the Indian list /irr, ever by the hotel ke pers, who Gai/ know enough nut terse” to inebriates‘ of this kind. There was no insur- 31cc. _ The funeral of David Blain took place on Tuesday afternoon at two o'eloek from his late residence to Knox church eerriotery, Vaughan, and was largely attended. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. M. Maevinnon, pastor of Knox church. W J Honingéheed, W. s Belfrv and A, Whitmote represented the Wanderers Laeros'ise club in their pro test against Brampton at the C L.A. meeting in Toronto on Wednesday evening last. DEATH OF GEO.t WALLACE. Mr. A. C. Seeor4 teller at the Nor- thern Crown Ban ' here, is spending his holidays in {gmerican cities and Thousand Island6', HEGH‘FIELD. WOODBRIDGE. FIRE NEAR WDODBRIDGE. Municipality of ED, W. BROWN, Clerk of Woodbridge Those who fail to observe the fund- amental rules as health, especially those who negle t) constipation,-wiH have short live . i CostiveneSS ruins health, destroys 'pritality, weakens the blood, causes dyspepsia, nervousness and insomnia. Ft,1r'tot use Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills and beigeured. Take one or two pills before r4tiring and you’re Well the next morniiitr. No gripe or pain, no headache aind nausea when you use Dr. Harniltotr'g Pil1s,--they cure scientifically. Positively the best laxative known, Mc. at all dealers. Mrs. Lewis who has bein so serious- ly 111 from apremiipitis, is slowly im proving,. Leslie has been seen in Weston quite. frequently of late.' to Boon avenue ethodist church. The members wit assemble at the corner of St. Clair hrenue, and Duiferin streets at 3 30 p. _ . This lodge wil be one year old orgSeptember 12 and during its brief exigtence it has mude rapid sh ides. Its ghembership is now nearly fifty and is (ipmposed of a. good respectable class of men. The inde, fatigable W. G, Carter is master. Man or woman, noimxétteriihros}? old you are, Parisian saiiii)wjit rrttWisjsori look younger. l 2 i- Why not go to ww. Inch’§,/ amd get a large bottle. -4ay, "it 9nly costs 50 cgnts, and y' 1% money Back if it does not cure dan ruff, stmftta11- ing hair, or itching of the scalp.‘ It wi11_make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is .the most re- freshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. _ 11 your nan" to turn g ay? ' Do you want it look old before Your time? Give ”.1113 the thought; old age will come alljto soon. _ . Look after yourghaaip. Parisign Sage till kill tt'ifi,rj///1lfi germs, NIP is the only preparatxgn, So far‘raswe know, that is guarantee) to do gd?. _,.-' St. John's Lodg i, No. 4025, Earls- court, will hold thejr first anniversary cllufch parade on Fiutylay, Sept. 12, Puts Hair On Your Head And Keeps It There. What’s the use sit being bald? What sense is there in Qéliberately allowing your hair to turn gray? ' William Cairns, of.243 Van Horne street, performed a good Marathon stunt last Sunday morning About two o'clock he was awakened by a tourplar in his bedroo'm, and without considering the question very long. he made a leap for the intruder, who, however managed to get out But Mr. Cairns was a close second. and chased the man down Van Horne, street, where at the earner of Glad. stone and Hallam the" form of apolice man loomed up right in front of the pursued, and lo, he was caught He! said his name was Edward McDonald. I and that he lived at M2 Melville ave. For a while he will live elsewhere. Mr. Cairns received a blow in the face when the burglar broke awav from him [ in his room, but is all right now No 1 thing was missed from the home. P. l 0 Ross, 156, made the capture. ', The home of Mr. mid Mrs. Wm Burns of Delaware avenue, was the scene of a very prettrsurprise party on Tuesday evening last The party was organized by lady friends, and among the company were some of Dovercourt's best local talent. lhe well known elocutionist of Dovercourt Miss Mary Howe, entertained with some of her best selections. Although the evening was very warm, it most enjoyable time was spent, tea and fruit were served Auld lang syne was sung as the clock was striking twelve. Mr. Chas. Flight of Main street had the misfortune to loge his horse It was running loose on the Power Com- pany's property, when it fell into the well, and though still alive when ex- tricated hal to be shot. THIS?LETO WN Mrs, J. G. Marshall ot Delaware avenue, Mrs. A. R, Greenwood and Mis, Evelyn Williams are spending the month of August at Point an Baril Georgian Bay. F EARLSCOURT Miss Lizzie Mecfssnand of Delaware avenue, and Miss Lizzie Bowerman of Osaington avenue Eire spending their holidays at Dundalk, Flesherton and Kimberly, LIFE WILL BE SHORTENED . , . J Miss Clara Smith has gone north on a short vacation bpfore resuming her duties at Hopkin'sigrocery store. Miss Flora Rowat of Barrie, spent a few days as the guest of Mrs. Hopkins of Main Street last' week. DOVERCOURT. From our own Correspondent. PARISIAN SAGE The death occur§d here on Saturday morning last of Joseph Swain. The dee. eased had been confined to his bed for nearly two weeks evious to hi drlh which was not ('di'dit,'lrl111. He Jl'bo'iqi"'i four years of age mind is survived" b , E; widow. The deeeaised was a native - l London, England, Md came to this coun"; l t-ry many years ssssoclrEe was ll builder att/i" icontractor and did a (tir,': amount gig I building in West, Tprunto . efore he oamiiri,, I to Mount Dennis where bebuilt the 'iii2ti, {and conducted a gent-ml buéiness on the _ loomer Of School mad and Wéstun road. The funeraltuyk place on Monday to l 1'vtepet1ch8,rmiktst _ 1b,top'r'vtii"r'iti,, l, Te s.': 'r,-, The facts about the Township Council administration of Mount Dennis are not very much to the credit of that body and there is little doubt that in order to es- cape frome the control of the Township Council, this place will have either to in- corporate or be amalgamated with Wes- boa. The question is a live one and is be- ing eagerly discussed, some steps towards bringing about a. better state of affairs will doubtless soon be taken. We test your eyes accurately and therefore guarantee all our Work at Inch's Drug Store. sr--" We regret to report the seriouse ill.. ness of Mrs J. Swain. The Public School will 'petite Wednesday September 1 st). 'r' Si?' " Health salts, to eoorand purity the blood, equal to Eno's only Me, at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store. A meeting of milk producers will be held at Downsviest School House, on Saturday evening, August 28th at 8 p.m. Mr. G. S. Henry, Ex-esident of the Far- mers Dairy Co., M)”; P. P. Farmer, Man- iager, Mr. W. C. Grubbe and Mr. R. L. Crawford. Directo ', of the Company will address the meetian. An outline of the progress and policy of the Company will be given. All milk producers should attend. ',, Mr. Frank Gregg, fell from his wag- gon while drawing in hay and injured his arm which will lay him up for a whim. Strictly First-Class. Graduates always Write for handsome catalogue. Limited, Mr. P. ll. Fume}: jrirrlia2'r,' Mr. W. C. Grubbe dfad Mr. R. L. thaw, ford, Directors. _.?,. An outline of tbs? regress and policy of the Company w" be given at this meeting. A MEETING of Milk Producers will be held at Downsview School Houde, otl Saturday, August 28, 1909, at Eight p.m. fiiyytlrers-N,r., G. S. Henry, Pre.. SIdent of the Farm’ers’ Dairy Company. Limited, Mr. P. P. Farmer, Manager. J. MCGLYNN. King Street, Weston, Refrigerator and Cabinet maker. Upholstering dope on best terms. tfe Fall Term Opens September I. REsPEcT,ABLE'iwosrAN J. K. McEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simone. Deale: in Real Estate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. (htice, Main St., Weston. Long distaws Telephone eonneet.ion. - V work by theiday. Apply: 1;ng Gray, 1 Denison évenue, Weston. To RENT.:z4nre, roomed frame FOR SALE, one fat Heifer, three year old, apply, Francis Nicholls, Church Street, Weston. - hon e with s5stiiueT,irisiiiiii'i' Avenue. Anplyl.'F.ctrining, Westog P.O. , 2tpd f. ldverhyty eggs under" this DOWNSVIEW All {milk producefs should attend Moufit Dennis. - __‘v. u“... uvuu. A uvuh ye: word for the tlrgt insertion and k cent per word for each subsequent insertion. _(lipltlipstil Mmifsih%ii COR. YONGE & ALEXANDEESTS. TORONTO. NOTICE ELLIOTT head. I, cent. per N would like successful 2tpd

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