. '-., e--.--' tiiih & bit')" Wadsworth ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. WEST A Nfl()lm)'f) /, LARGEST A FURNISHING J, HOUSE Millers and Dealers in Gram and Feeds of all Kinds OUR EXHIBETEQN STOCK Our Prices are the Lowest in the City. 1564 DUEDAS STREET 'i,':,?)):'??)"'?-)::-,,.;),?)? GRAMMAR NVEiiyiiyT0N MILLS tforro1aliiii Ciimy,ip,iade to a local man J, “one pt hisf.iiiii1,pIoyees that boys "wt1sypteté swim'itning in p. pond were ceNiiiitlg guité aynuisax'i’ée. The owner 't.rt,stlyt) p1:opett,tr,gatre the man 'privi- 19gb: puttihgg‘up a sigh, as ,he had aiitiei,pyithssidj,1 to do it, ,Themotice 1‘9ng ‘as "ty,losr'itrr ", I . _ Cir'." " broke a iii', bid to-i1it'l:terrhark- ed a man to ar1'rt1Vfs1eTi'i(ifi"ie:1c_'1Ts1- word with a tttpap," "Didp't think it'possible! fow‘did: it happen?†“Why, I saga. t a. womaniq a tram- "fNo Lopiiig o‘r siwi.tn'mirtop.rrheas wGi1i:Pe.t,1t,-9rt1t,s,f?ye-r--. If (tsjtcheil, Law Will Jpsr0F4tfced.' _ "l; j 33 I W,fs, ‘ f'j,fi'l, a... GENUINE SPECIAL EXCURSmNS. Ami, Aug, Se t 7 From all Stations Toronto and west. lncludlné Stations on c.e.r _ p . _ Toronto to Sudbury. Sept. _ 10 From all Stations east of Toronto in Ontario. "’49:, " ' .-, '. I"' -'s 4 1.) on“ -', EVDN‘E-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKET§;W1LL BE SQMO WINNIPEG ONLY The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over so years, has borne the signature of? and has been made under his per- atadassi-sigir Sonal supervision since its infancy. ' l F T ' Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ami. -'"e"-C'-'-'-'e"_'.et"eril-r.Ea"irch, 4",. '0,er ' \ l , 'r Representative farmers, appointed by Mamto’oa; f.hysk:atphewaa and Alberta Governments, _ will meet and engage Jabprereiipn amVal at Winnipeg, '~ c'- ’ ' Free transportation will be furnishjgd at 'l2g2g t9 perms on Can. Pae. where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw, incl-Ming branc es, ind at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and AIbelrti. ' V V . . Acertificate is furnished with pa,0stickist,, and this certificate when executed by farmer Apwisithat laborer has worked thirty _detsh ‘or more, will be honored from that point fdr ~a sécond" class ticket back to. gmxng points in Guano, at $18.00. prior to Nov. ih8l?? Nog.. - a . f l q F' . - V TiN9ytriitjFbuyi 91115! on special Farm 1/alypyrrss' t:uias, fgpju".riiissued to women as well .5: _" as in men. bufWill not be issued at halt Earn Jr11rh'idf. . . J, "isp,--- . ' _For full particulars see nearest c.PI,arsterit, or _ "v v.-. 'tBre write R. L THOMPSON, D.P.i, C.P.R.. TORONTO The Kind Yau Have Always Bought Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. i'iiiiid",) a: F" 'arni La Ut, @Emg illiiiliigf I; il'i _allrlit eta "iii'iiii AND sasmcnawnn All. f)otrr1ttyfoits, Imitations and " J ust-as-good" are but ITxiierimim,ts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and C1ri1dren--Experience against Experiment. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, illox‘phine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea. and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea-Tho Mother’s Friend. 0111‘ EXHIBITION STOCK of Beds, Springs and Mat- tressgs, Cots, Roll ups and Pillows, etc , is unusually large. Whtiiiiyoar visitors arrive let us have your needs in the bediliirg line. What is CASTORM We have proved it to others and can prove it to you. Cash discount allowed at I/r/o 20 per cent. 19 23 ar D. §A7NEERS In Use For Over 30 Years. THE GENTAUR COHPANY. TT MURRAY BTIEET. NEW YORK OI"- From Stations north of 1siiy.igtsnur. Toronto toESarnia, and Can. Pac. Stations on and wnsigpf'iioronto-Sudbury line. , From Toronto and ie-ts-ji')'?,'?;;?,-?)?'.",",?),,': west in Ontario on and south of mainline of Gram Frrhstk Ry., Toronto to Sarnia, and all Stations in Ontario on McCfR., P.M. and T.H.&_B‘--./Rys. From Stations Toronto and east,' includihé Sharbot Lake and Kinds- ton. and all Stations in Ontario west of 'Renfrew. also stations on CLO. 8 B. of o. Rys., and stations on K. a P. south of Rentrew. From all Stations Toronto and west. incindiné Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. From all Stations cost of Toronto in Ontario. T [.4 810 (i F n, FRASER, Agent, WESEON. (ESTABLISHED 1828.) CASTORIA ' tity PROPRIETOR GOING 'Tr9til 818 GOING DATES TORONTO Fr; -"'---'r1TTr-"'-'_,-w'-- l Qwé’u make will a nice (mat, sir," ARE.YOU PALE, ANA’EMIC? |returned the puzggled assistant. Tap- A . , . e.,r,,'? ping the doetor' (shin, he said: "fella, means eo1or1sss WW1?» "That's aboutE‘the. length, sir?" meags Ilanguor, blanehed 1ipis,, fadsdi "Longer!". eiaiiulated the doctor in eheekg1 Yott grow dyspeptic, nervlfiii, .ldetermined tones} suffer functio a1-' f ' . _ . I "There sir?" [i Condition Gilt- 1:1. :g‘u‘lg‘mty.‘ This I “Longer!†thunhered the great man. FC' ', " 7 e IS if there 1s plenty l, The tailor rem§nstrated. As a teeh- 9f healthy tio/ods \, Ferrozone makes ,nical professional he Could give points good blood,, rich- nutritious blood-- ( on tailoring to guy Qteacher that ever that's why it, cures. 'In concentrated ‘Wore a head. _, 'it I tv',,'-.'-" _ fo If x . _ . _ ", “If you have it {my longer {you F c'fe.1,vz:'.'frr?i?fflee. Icontam-s certain rare #Wonuc be able t; walk," he remarked v1:u,tsc),5rijies, thgtgrender it unfailing in lcoriclusively. tii ", 1,1/,:r,iii'p1i?,'"- lytitMr, poor polor and; The doctor lo 'ihsil on him eompas- 1djiii; of weriru.,-To build" up-teel/si/Ona/ and, fill;: more extending _ SPA'-, . 2 west . "Ef . . - r_,itti,'tirir and' vigtjt:)11siCii1othirver, is bqtter y11ii1'iseniprir..t0mr"'ii/""' shes, said con wan" Ferrozone. _ At, all dealer's 1111* st", (15“.: “mt "is, walk: I want f0 Additional for the Return Ticket under conditions as below. s' ALWAYS Telephone NC . 1 Near Cor. Keele Public Worship at 11 aan. and 7 pun. Sunday-School, 3 o'elock p.m. J. L. Bloat. Pastor. Bolton Brampton Newptyreet St'reetsville Schomberg Toronto Weston 1 V Woodbridge Quite a number from Highfield at- tended the armitersary services at Bethany on Sunday. Master A. Banks, of Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. Crombie's. i On Sunday neit. Mass will be cele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 a.m. Mattias and Sermon. 9.45 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. EVensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 a.m. On Sunday next, services held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; School at 3 pan. Mr. Geo. Dixon, Jr., and sisters were Visiting friends at Elmbank on Sunday. ‘ _ _ Last week when Mrs. Jas. Smith was ramming home, a bee attached he_hrvise,, ,Whichéstarted it kicking, luckily no. injuries were received ‘eX~ cept 'a broken dashboard. ‘ St. Philip's. Divine service next Sunday o'clock p.m. - Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 10 a.m. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A.,P.D., Mr. 0. Bundle was visiting-triends in Clairville on fMIppar' l, 3 Thanks to the person for eongratu- lations through last week's issue. BLAIN--'-ht El era‘s-7mm. on Sunday. August 22nd, 1909, David Blain in his 49th year , . T Mr. and _1'1tsy O‘.‘-.,“Di'XOn and family were' visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Gracey one evening last week. HA' 1T,(./Nr-/iuid"-aril.t at Lake of Bani Mu koea,s' on August 22nd, James, aged 13lyears, and Jon), agrd 10 years, spans of Rev. R M. Hamiltnn, Westdn. . SWAIN-ht MottisiDeynis. on Satu - fees, Aug. 2r, Apo) Joseph Swain, in his 44th yearuél-F 1" ..-a.' WALLACE-N Trimnto, on Satur- day. Augwt 218ti’1909, George F. Wallaie. in his 62nd year. A London tailongas once measur- ing Dr. Parker, :1. ho had a quaint sense of l1umor/) tor an overcoat, when suddenly the; doctor broke forth in his most sepu..§§ua1 Voice: ’ . "Can you measttrtrthe ineffable?" The assistant baked up and saw that the doctor gas extremely grave. He said: 'iii," , " beg your paEdon, sir." The doctor ragged both his hands with a grand upward sweep and _sald:, Dr. Fap/who is yisiting at Mrs, A. Larose's,' "Concession A, Etobicoke, fell from 'ai='10ad of oats in the barn, cutting his 'I-head‘in two places and breaking a couple/pf ribs, he is doing as well as can be expected- tl:" :11†"you trave'i it may longer, arou won’t be able ti walk," he rtmarlred conclusively. Iii) _ ", . 'tan" you nieégsure the ineffable? Can you comprelitn1 th? intinit_e?", The doctor lo T. ed on him compas- sionately and, ince more extending his arms towardi?stbs skies, said con- pderdiallr. _ 'i'; b I'."-' donit want Ito walk; I want “so St. John's (Catholic) Church. RICHVIEW STARTLED ir ErHE TAILOR. REV. T. Beverly Smith, LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES. Rev. R. M, Hamilton, Presbyterian Church. . Hughes-James, M.A., Rector Methodist I’Church. Baptist Church. Jispt: 29. , c":." 0012.14 and 15 Aug, '30 to Sept. 13. bet. 1 and 2. Oct. 12 and 13. FAIR DATES. Oct. 4 and 5. Sept.(21 and 22. Sept: 29, 30 an}; Oct. 1 DIED. 1y at. 3 Four hundred ligand ten farmers throughout Ontario conducted ex- Rector. Periments with iiuturnn sown crops dying the past shear. Reports have rch. been received irolrn thirty-six of the be cele- Counties of the!' Province. Those ' charge counties which furnished the greatest V number of good? reports of success- fully conducted j' experiments were arch. Middlesex, Huron, Brant, Norio1ku t. and Muskoka. Tine experimenters de- m. serve much credi§ for the good work amnion, which they have? done, not only for 11 ann. themselves bat RE: the farmers gener- ally. Average rqsults of the carefully ‘Rector conducted eo-oplirative experiments with autumn sti,'wn crops are here presented in. at very concise form will be Winter wheat-rid: varieties of wint- Sunday er ,wheat were diiirributed last autumn Pastor. to those iarmersji who wished to test some of the légding varieties on their own farms}: The average yield .nd 7 p. per acre of straw; and of grain are as It Bible io11ows:--lmperii1 Amber, 1.4 tons, 24.1 bus.; Abundince, 1.3 tons, 23.9 B.D., bus.; Buigarian,§?1.2 tons, 21.9 bus.; Pastor. and Nigger, 1.4 trims, 21.9 bus. ', The Imperial Ajj, ber gave the great- est yield per acrfin the eo-operative experiments thréughout Ontario in 1907 and in 190ng as well as in 1909. It also came iirsirl in popularity with ‘the experimenteis in each ot these years. The Iréperial Amber will again be disi(iibuted throughout 'outario this autitrnn as one ot the orarieties for ip-operative experi- 'ments. We distributed the Dawson's ‘Goldon Chaff foil co-operative experi- ‘ments throughout Ontario in eaeh Iof twelve years, but not within the last three years.] According to ex- }tensive inquiries thich We have made Ethis year, the Daivson's Goldon Chaff is still the mos}, popular and the imost extensively; grown variety of Iwinter wheat in the Province. Winter lRye' The averagé‘ yield of grain per ;acre of each ot 'fithree varieties of ;winter rye, distribiited in the autumn Iof 1908, is as tb11ows:--Marnmoth 'White, 28.1; Common, 22.1; and Wash- ington,\rl9.6. Inf the experiments rthroughoirt"up,nttuiio, the Mammoth "oi-surpass/el," iiurcomrnon rye by Ian average '0i‘5 1iiishels per; acre in 19,07, "5..4, bushels /i) acre in 1998!:and l; bushels per acre iniuR. AEertivli'z‘ers ‘I‘with Winter Wheat: In thi, co-deraj itive experiments Width di,ttiyres,i-terii-, Jizers applied to itinter vyh‘eatmthef average yields of 'grain per acre for ',iive years are as to11ows:--Miared iFertilizers, 25.2 busir, Nitrate ot Soda, (23.8, bus.; Muriate; oi Potash, 22.9 'bus; Muriate of gotash, 22.9 buss, :and Superphosphaiie, 22.7 bps. The unfertilized land tiive an average of [19.9 bus. per acre. fi) The Sirperphosph- 'ate was applied “gt the rate of B20 (pounds and the i0Yuriate of Potash land the Nitrate)) of soda each 160 pounds per aere. £4 The Mixed Iferti- Alizer consisted cg one-third of the {quantity of eachgoi the other three fertilizers here meétioned. The usual cost of the fertilizers as used in this (ii'iiirCaii; is siij%yen four and five idonars per acre. gfodder Crops. In 1iiiil" of six years,1the seed of Hairy Vetches and of Winter Rye has been [distributed throuthout Ontario for _ecr'operative experiments in testing ithese crops for fodder purposes. In {the average of six years experiments, ‘the Hairy Vetehes}; produced slightly [the largest yield qf greeniodder .per [acre, but 1i190urthe largest yield iwas produced by the Winter Bye. As llong as the. supply, lasts, material pull be distributed free or charge in the ' order in Which ,the applications areE feéeived tfdlit" Ontario farmers wisliirlg,'to extserirtient andto repppt the :results of any-gene ot the touo"sF- ing tests:-1, three ‘Wafrieties of Winter Wheat; 2, two varieties of Winter Rye; 3, tive. Fertilizers; with Winter Wheat; 4, Aytumi'sju1d Spring appli- cations of Nitrate of Soda and Com- mon Salt With â€Winter Wheat 5, Winter Emmer amr,V.ipees Barley; 6,' Hairy Vetch'eS' and fWinter Rye p/k Fodder Crops. The '"gize of: eathyphot' is to be one rod Wide by two rods lone. Material for "timbers 3 and, 4 will be sent by (r.;1iit)cre and thatHor the others by mail. ! - GUNNB', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries ot live bogs" at their packing house. West Togpnto, on Wednesdays and Fridays aid in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week: Highest prices paid for select hogs.- Weights preferred, 160 +.- n'e -vev.3a, Thousands of Drug Fiends have been started on their, downward course through Catarrh" suuffs containing this habit forming, drug. If you suffer from a cold, sneézing or Catarrh-- don't use a snua-russe a sensible treat- ment like Catarrhotp) e. It heals and soothes, brings -rti1iijiri,liii'strit, once, cures thoroughly. In Brofitttiys and throat \r"r_'"'""i""'J. -_ -"-- 'WL'"r', trouble no doctor CA'i,t,':riso better than prescribe (oatar.?eorli'ii11 Try it---see what wonders it wostrsr%;yrhat power it possesses? Different ffom the old way,HOu inhale Catarrhozone. Sold in Me. and $1.00 sizes by al1iealers. CO-OPERATIVEE, EXPERIMENTS WITH AUTETMN CROPS. BEWARE OF COCAINE MEDICINES . After Being Laid Up With Great Pain for Ten Days, Relief Was Gained Instantly by Apply- " _ ing. l One of the most soul-distressing ac- cidents that can befall one is a bad [ankle or Wrist sprain. "It I had only lknown of fNei-‘viline' earlier, I could |have saved myself an enormous rltunolu1t of pain, and many agonizing nights of s1eep1essriess." Thus writes P., P; Quinn, is liming farmer living 's" near; Brockville. "I mi-Rs-MM-ah, 'i':, tum1)),1ed from a hay Testimoiid i, loft {to the barn floor No ’and 3 sprained my . 'right), ankle and left I 4266 . Wris"; They swelled rapidléy antLuuttrgisfr . "iir.rrjicktiirjci pains. It was not Convenient tngo to the city, and the liniment win the house was useless. _When I g'ts't,tfsyrviline relief came quickly. It took down the SWellimg, relieved the/pain, and gave me W6nderful comfort) " can recommend Nerviline for gtrains, bruises, swellings, muscular “pains, and sore back. I have pgoved it a sure curef in such eases." 'ib, +1~n on“ Tr L9... Lathe-z “The Battle'o‘f tli) North Bea" and "The Siege of Kndahalj†are the features but by no means the whole oi the fireworks .dilay at the Cana'- dian National E313 ibition, Toronto. In addition there ste 62 distinct num- bers on the firewot s programme and they include everything that can be imagined in pyroiechnics. And in these numbers c0 dy has its place. For instance a "ttlt, and Judy show is one of the 1yittie, Another num: her pictures a boy "rfishing. A big policeman comes agong and ,orders him away. Anotheibo‘y seeing this brings on a giant fi cracker, sets it behind the iicgieemanku1d fires it ott-.- result a big policeman kicking on the ground and boys disappearing around Testimony No. ' 4266 No. 8 Dundas St., Nest Think what {it might; some day mean to you to have right in your home, ready tor an accident or emergent sickness, a bottle or two otNeiivtlirie. Get it tddar', Mc., or five .iom$1.00, all dealers or.The Catarrhozpne Co., prings'tqp, Ont. [ _. 7 We Sell the Best -, s" _ and Faust Drugs ,-r. _ ' AT THE LOWEST FFJCES Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him if there is a single injurious ingredient. Ask him if he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from this formula, is the best prepa- ration you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let him decide. He knows. J. C. sznNCourm. Loypll, Mm. (Does rmt Cotor the Hair CANADIAN NATft MAE '"EXHIBI- Ir TION pains-:9 Is' Sprained Wrist and lik Some funny thiligs pictured in lines otltVe. COMEDY IN IiIREWORKs. HQWELL. & 00.. With our complefe stock of TOILET ARTICLES l' and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison Ingredients of Ayer’. Halr vuror Sulphur. Destroys gems that cause MM and falling hair. Cures rashes and eruptions of scaly. Glycerin. Soothing, healing. Food to the hall-bulb!- Quinin. A strong tonic, antiseptic. stimulant. Sodium Chlorid. Cleansing. quiet; irritation of scalp. Capsicum. Increases activity of glands. Sage. Stimulant, tonic. Domesticremedy ofhlgh merit. Alcohol. Stimulant, antiseptic. Water. Perfume. DRUGGISTS, . '", essihg ac- i. ) is a bad t - 1 had only - r, I could t enormous i. agonizing + bus writes I t tier living i. .Ville. "I t Wt a hay barn floor t med my + and left .g. :y swelled M d e f pains. It t . the city, t house was dine relief t iown the q. and gave riline for muscular ve pgoved t " as; I;,.,,, L,,.,,, if "bii,/sh9u1i1 n‘gver take anythixig that Tdbesn’t agrge with you," dd- clared, " wife to her husband, who was cattts1iirps to is diet. “It I had always mellowed†_ hat rule, Maria," was the ttro fm' ed reply, “where t lk sH4sFsFF++FF4"'rtsFsFFq"FFF49 iteyibire frrrati trF1+t+biFtrr< th' 'r" itand Cheapest 2li,llj,t, Hines and (hiiks,i; Mines and Guide Phone 26, _ Weston, WESTON, ONT:- -- FOR - The Best Foo"- WEST TORONTO