Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 10 Sep 1909, p. 1

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t: g IL, A. LAiCiN/'lAlFREC, [‘Crué'tkshank Wagon THE 'l_1_"llh/iEs AND GUIDE. C Gsui WESTON ’»~C‘RUI§KSH§VIE§O§§R§0N WORKS MILE; BY EXPERT MECHANICS (iii, MAIN ST. Light ‘Wagons and Buggms: _ WW " ft-----' _ my gimqrqt-qtqtiF-iFqr-iir-i-r-qtagl F----------- I MleV_eeeeeeabeeeeteeteeeeeeeeee-ln GET:) YOUR PRINTING l r t T I T a" f. hes' I“ r H ’ -- -N_._ r > ci?, 'fEgggNttN REM siar, tttF "W'%ts Nt5iamm I . r T4 .. -, v.- ', _ - '-.- IFlt" " 'tst = I». " " “a P, wr . , , . war; w, :3“ % - yit; SIS " Mit' It rm & .. ' {T w I Q": in "I " $213 " ' = - - - " k% am 3-.- Fait ,2? E?li 1 St " MI 18,- KI " W. All“; “I?” V but. V " I.“ " ’1’ - " g: . 3.4:. "m I . " g t, q . 5f..';"1 " Eg Rt' SN u... $215.3.“ - ..,. MNItgaaiM12ir v" 'r' " " - l* ‘ li w, = " " 2:. fit awn Ek' 'VF ir' I» t, 'NR -3" I. :3 - 'W-. Mlig ay, 45.. 3.. I at; rr - "r " - _ " " " _ a... k . - 'RID " "art ' . . x, .9 Xg BIN . * ,¢:‘¥.,._ " .5 “I: in. M, - ‘ Id = . - . m. " MI - q e tthem' 9-3" p " M 5.5 Rt M, a“; Mt, ’9, " , " .1 I , s " V; rr s.. . -. 'di" . , - - " . _", " - Mm "2-1;; a: I - _ , fix, V . a... tr , ' lb.‘ kt , 4t , . y Ml! ., " 'tp. - Raw, iii” a. a” fl Wh 't M SR "g. "1"“ 23.9321; Tk' may; ' c1. d- " Mt & tl 'ltn IW' , 'EN "e. " _ u; _. _ . " _ I. " 55 tt " " t; - 88m _ . - It " 'MS, " 8t8 ts," - " u qiNtt T a“. NBQB “a" _ ‘ - - - " __ ", _ . ' v' A TB 4 . . - "F 4.." . . In " J. " 1 w - ’ M .52“)? I. ~. = r' ‘ 1 ‘ e ‘ r ‘ _ a; r .. ' 1 r. v e ME , . iN' . .,;~ v; dW' as _aMtsg's str xv _ _ At q I“ P ‘ , T, I e » ' . qie r .. .I. I » ' Sim , 'ats, ma 1-. M: 5 - 1 I pay - . . * T, In: - up; , REL-3 Sth " " 'tNRS dick)“: “h. = - 75 _ , . p, - .’ . - , ' . _ Ietm w, BRE ta .255: Mg%tEal.MWEt - _ Mig . ‘ '." 'IS 'NN 'met" {gm-yr“. -", - w > 3 - VOL. XIX Spéight Wagons and Wilkinson PUws LIVERY in CONNECTION ifLUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES AND CEDAR POSTS. COAL and WOOD s'. girth,), EEE‘ETEIE; (i'loli).isIuirtssrrtritit" (lillsktikti, F-lturrne:aeresieee Waiting Room WEST TORONTO GE CREAM BRICKS, mixed (laws, 20 cents eaoh, Main. St., Bring your Repairs to us and you get the advantage of these skilled workmen in each 'caepartment. A specialty is made of LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES TIRE-SETTING RE-PAINTING WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. BON BONS from 10 Cents to $1.00 f THE HOME or THE FAMOUS MgMUGi-ILIN AND TUDHOPE ‘WESTON, ONT. Band and Gravel. This surprising value in first-class wheels will be tn Import. mt help to the restoration of their populuig. We In" plnnned for a big bicycle year, mm! are ten r with the heat whine fo; the money ever offered in Can“; k Sold for Illustrated Fold-l A "ji')ii. COUSINS They will keep hard for hours. We are making a new , ,,,p""'" departure this season, and have srranged to sell wheels direct by mail, saving to our customers all intermediate profits. By this plan we can offer . Regular $50 q Hyslop Bicycles T for $25 new every week Sole Agent For HYSLOP BROS., leltcd AI THE ngh-Olani Automoblln and Bicycles TORONTO. ONT. AT A Call Solicrted WESTON, ONT, WESTON, ONT. tlsrices Right 2 mg) my Va, mewaamgm £1,133. c' Crt, 'tdh-dieser)'-?:-," - “zit,” WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1fo 1909. I The passing of 'use Water-Works (By-Law is a victo I for the progres- ,lsive men of the to p, and marks an (epoch in the histofy of Weston. Its ’future is now» ini the hands so? its citizens and with ", e splendid‘spirit {of enterprise that as displayed last l, Saturday, that Int ' e is assured. It is now for the C ocil to go ahead and give effect to l-lhe wishes of the majority. ' By commencing on the work immediately, émsiderable money can be saved. Bi C placing the de- bentures 1.011 the 1 ima et at Ithe earliest possible, moment th: Council will be 'acting wisely. We " ote the to11ow.. ing from the “Menagery Times” of, if such proeeedini'i are taken, but (we are afraid ,of ta: delay and c00Be- quent expense w'ch would ensue. i every weeks delay it the issue of the de bentures and the i? ting of contracts (tor the work will 1gesult in a loss of money for the tow . The materials ‘for installing the p: nt can be bought [cheaper during this? all than they are ever likely to be a in. The men who Rwould take on 1ead,tiiires" the respon- sihility of causinéa delay of per-l haps six months, sEould be made to? guarantee the huge loss that would ensue. In the cos " of such Tfeed-) ings, however, we gelieve that tnose,' who would like ti) see them "e"; menced will find an? insuperable ob-I stacle. Talk is IFap, but, iortun-) ately in this case/ttsw is the other) thing. E I l It is rumored lr 'jctiiirt several of the gentlemen who vrEiii"s" so strongly op- ‘posed to the paring of the Water- IWorks By-Law, itt"etrl1 ‘to take pro- ‘ceedings to obtai an injunction pre- venting the Co 'cil from carrying out the will of ttil people, which was expressed in sucé, a decided manner on Saturday. lt the majority in favor of the Ey-Ltiw had been a nar- row one or even. a small one, we should not be so Frongly opposed to such a step being') aken. But to ap- peal from a vote F hich was almost two to one in iavd: of the By-Law is a ridiculous pro (ding which, il taken, would sho 'csmall wisdom or, respect for their gellow citizens by; those ioritiating it: We are not afraid , of the ultimate vegict at the Courts) I 1! --is-sab---asss +---s-s-, ii"i. fin‘mm fW$$$W3W$$$$$$3$$$§ i Where are E You Going? ' To thee-é; , Drug Styre! Manufacturing Drug gists and Opticians. GUARANTEi, Will ati'" NOTES and COMEENTS Illlhll'lulllill A prtuiition that CUREs D§§NDRUFF STOPS ", F ALQING HAIR RESTORES QREY HAIR What Fér? . . a ' Jef g it falfs; 5? (i, I: t iy , Cr w _ 5» , 'th p 5:" PREPARE/WON y Will (sri,,',)),,,-:;;')),-,, back shiie4fytiny if it fails. w» f- _is)f(yriiirr)j".)'rrl""A C K, BROWN, (si, FAIR or AUB 'l'-,iii'i'." to its jori tind aii in , is c lap, case,:1a\x * a * 'i, a t g of he victo I for he to p, a histoiiy of W.‘ ‘ini the vith ', e s; that as d t Int ' e is te 01%ocil “Fiat J ustitia, Ruat Coelum." WE s TON COMPANY nal color A) Thejesult was a burprise both to the supporters and Elle opponents of the Ey-Law. The site of the major- ity in favor of the _f,i)rLaw was ex- tremely gratifying toggReeve Bull and the members of the 9juyfi! who look upon the manner in g.which the vote went, as an endorsation by the Pep; ple of their action an bringing the matter to an issue, 3 sr)' 1N0 1 iNo 2 ', The election was ciiosely watched by representatives of tripse favoring and those opposing the gassage of the By- Law. Scrutineers)iwere present in both polling Booths“ and several Vot- ers were sworn: as; to qualiticatian. Both parties had rigs driving voters to the poll, a rushiiE business being done by the autom4bile provided by Mr. C). Master, SEc‘r-etary oi the Board of Trade. l _ , THE Bil-Lug; CARRIED. 1 Weston To ‘Havfi Water-Works. " The voting on Sa§urday on the By- ‘LaW to borrow styi)if, to instal a Water-Works systeng in Weston, was lmarked by the viry keen interest itaken in the proceellings by the citi- izens. Out of theigtotal number of 'property owners entitled to vote on le question, in all 153nm: hundred and fifty, two hundred?) and thirty-six (exercised their right." This is a very ‘good proportion when the number 'ot non-resident. proiyerty-owners is ‘considered. Out of the total Vote of ltwo-hundred and thirty-six, one hand- ‘red and forty-nine Voted in favor of the By-Law and eisihty-seven again{ lit., giving the By-Lad a majority of} 'psixty-tsro. The ionojving is the vote by sub-divisions:-. "g E I For j, Against Mai Totals 47 . (3 York Township his lost $2,000,000 of assessgble propeéty and nearly a quarter of its populgtion, by the an- nexation of portions of its territory and the iraeor:vorati(in of other parts. In spite of this fad; the expenses of administration havegnot been decreas- ed, the list of oirici'l',',ns employed hav- ing been added to gearing the present year. The burdengof the increased cost of conducting glue business of the Township has to be ion: by a smaller number of property'iirwr1ers who have found their taxes (igubled in a very short period. Pit; condition of ai- fairs is forcing the gitizens of Runny- made to ineorporateibnd manage their, own affairs and Motgilt Dennis will be the next place to lick at having to pay high taxes for gimich the citizens receive absolutely 11% return. l 'n south one. The: general concensus of opinion, casts? doubts upon the veracity of Dr. ii' Cook and would iyield the palm to)ichornmander Peary. That Peary will HéVe no diffieulty in establishing the t(hth of his story, is generally accepted), without question. He was accompan£§d by white men, with sufficient knoélvledge of the sub- ject ta be able to Everify his observa- tions. Whether Céok discovered the Polo or not, he with find it hard to gain credence. Thd discovery, accord- ing to Sir Gilbert": Parker's theory, means that Canad;%’s boundaries are enlarged and the F'Ederal Government Will have to divide'), this newly dis- covered ‘unorganize‘a territory into material digisions, _What a anemia. for an election, with the polling place l at the North Pole. fé’ l Since the gtaeiah epoch that first clothed the Poles gin their impenetr- ’ab1e garment of Eice and frost, no ‘man was known 351:0 have set foot IWithin appreciable f distance of them, :until now the Worléi is astounded with ithe news that tsto explorers have 'reached the mysterious region at the top of the earth Where every view is [last Saturday twhich fully bears out his statement:! The bond market has am very quiet; Last week only two .‘l' three mun ipal bond sales were recorded throghout the country. This week the number is not much greater. Sev a1 towns, We notice, have refused ood offers made' for their bonds in. the hope of getting higher prices. hrorn present appear- ances,, it looks bs though the market is on a slow de line. Those mur1iei- rpalities who are holding their securi- ties would prob§bly do well to dis- pose of them 'tit the best possible price to be obtailped now. Otherwise they may have to sell at a lower figure than meg deem desirable ii) keep their bonds te the next 'revi- i val, and which gay not come for a considerable perioti The dull munici-l pal market has éen relieved some-'; what by the Otta 'a and Westmount issues ooted above: . l 149 73 76 ant: The bc lier Last nun ipal bo lroghout ;he number :ev a1 tow: d 00d off in the lu s. rom IN oks bs thou , de line. are holding prob\b1y do :m 'tit the abtaiéned no ave i0 sel meg deer onds te 1 deh _‘ay n period; Th has 1%en 1 Otta :a an above." A t . . , . . glaciéé epo Poles “in: t1 l of :ice t E e opponents ofl _ _GUNN$’, Limited, wish to advise Against Maj 54 19 33 43 87 " farmers Ithat they prefer deliveries of ljve hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any can, not earlier than Tuesday. or late: than Friday "8th week. Highest, paces paid tor saint hogs. “might: molested, le to 226 pongdg 1 "In eaph eommuiiity there is one man, called 'kapurdle:' or 'duggarla- Ewa,‘ who has theipower and know1- edge requisite to tll the yalru, and this man calls upom‘ the yaka of the recently dead man §to come and take the offering. The: yaka comes, and the kaplurale becoméés possessed by the yaka of the dead iman, who speaks through his mouthvin hoarse, guttur- al accents, stating, that he approves the offering and will assist his kin- folk’in hunting ail often definitely indicating the direfstion in which the next hunting parts: should go. One or‘rnore of the neat relatives may al- so “become possessgd. Soon after the spirit leaves the Wrpurale the rice is eaten by the asserfiled folk.” I “Since each vede5 community con- sists of a small nuimber of families, usually -related byfjblood and mar- riage, the yaku of ihe recent dead-- called collegively 3the ne yak11-are supposed to 'tand tifward the surviv- ing members of the group in the light of friends and relatives, who, if well treated, will eontiibue their loving kindness to their slgi‘vivors, and only if neglected will sl)ow their disgust and anger by; with4tawing assistance or even becoming gactively hostile; hence it is generallg considered neees- sary to present at") off?riog to the newly dead, 'usuallyéwithin a week or two, of death. This {offerng must con~ l, sist oi cooked rice at)d cocoanut milk, ; the food: that ever): Vedda esteems; above all other, but; betel leaves and! areca nuts‘sre ofteiladded. I _ Queen Superstitiox§ of the Veddas l _ of chef, on. Dr. C. G. Seligéian, writing in Travel and Exploration, throws some interesting light od the beliefs and superstitions of the Veddas, the strange hill tribes and" cave dwellers of Ceylon: "Although there is no clearly formulated idea of a death contagion, the rapidity with which all Veddas leave the olace where a death has occurred and avoid it for years shows that some evil quality is associated with dissolution. Accorde ing to most Veddas, the spirit of every, dead man,' Woman or child be- comes a 'yaka' (pldpa1 'yaku') within a few days after death. Some Vecldas however, say that {then ordinary folk die they cease utterly and that a} surviving party Which becomes a; yaka, exists only 'in the case of es-i pecially strong, energetic or skilled) men, who have shdym their strength of character in this world or who have had the poitrer of calling the yaku during their lifetime. _ In scarcely any:) instance can this] be cansihered corréct. EvidenCe from farmers the whole Dominion over shows cow testing ito be one of the best time saving brganizations ever introduced. Why? §Because it shows definitely that many, men have wasted precious time on bws that do not produce enough mék and fat to pay! Ithe cost of feed. Rhus, the very men J who say they havei"no time" to take I up cow testing are ithe very men who unconsciously waste thousands of valuable hours. There is time, ap- parently, amongst 'the unthinking of farmers for attending to thousands of profitless cows. Fith a herd of 20 unselected cows Cout of which pro- bably 3 are not making any profit) it would take smallitotal of 20 hours during the whole Eyear, spread over three days each mpnth, to keep such simple records as} would enable the owner to select :fwith certainly the most econbmieali't: producers. Why waste time year,iitter year on cows that average onhy about, 14 tb. of milk per day for (even months, when i a few minutes pkr month, plus a little grain power,£will materially as- 1 sist in building up a profitable herd? l :2 COW TESTING :‘ygASSOCIATIONS. Time w§n Spent. In visiting meméers of cow testing associations orgaigized by the dairy division, Ottawa, ithe inspectors are sometimes met with this statement by those farmers ripus are inclined to drop weighing arid sampling; "I haven't got the tiiapty". Part isr.-witie Warren, Rose Taylor, Maggie a Kingdom, George Scott, ' Part 1L-rHarFsy Clarke, Lory Creighton, Eva I Wiltsh re, Jessie Tiffin. y Second Ruth equlal. S. S. NO. S: ETOBICOKE. Average Fél‘ August--21 Names in ordertof merit:--- Sr. 1v"-Ednai, Canning, Alfred Jones. . Intermediate V.--Gertie Tiffin, Walter Canning, rson Wardlaw. Jr. ITrc--Epa ane, Wilbert Ward- law, CeciI Delwo h. Third Mildred tarke, Edley Creigh ton. P INVOKING THE SPIRITS STorgEHOUSE, Teacher ones, Ivy LaRose 1 Absolute relief from all Stomach iMisery is waitiog for you as soon " you decide to begin taking Diapepnin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you wnnt :10 be tttoroaghV any! of 1961500- om one triangule [ill igpst and prepare tor assimilati , to the blood all your food t 7;, s the as a sound, healthy stoma. "wditld do it. When Diapepsin wd'tks your stom- ach rests-gets itself in order, clean- ap-and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. There is ty,titthg,ij' lsgzbetter to take Gas from StoEa; :1de cheanse the stomach and iit l i_;1es:,_and_besidcs, Pape's Diapé} 'n costs only 50 cents tor a large IM at any drug store here, and will ti ieve the most obstin- ate case ot t:: digestion and Upset Stomach in ml" migrates. I Why F not start now-to-day, and forever rid yoursell of Stomach ‘trouble and Indigestion? A dieted 3st0mach gets the blues and grumbles. fGive it a good eat, then take Pape's ,Diapepsin to start the digestive 'juices working. There will be no dy- ‘spepsia or belching ot gas or eructa- tions of undigeqted iced; no feeling like a lump oi ldd in the stomach or heartburn, sick; @eadache and dizzi- ness, and Four/tFad will not ferment and poison yoggreeth with nauseous odors. , T I REAL ESTATE l INSURANCE I LOANS Gouiding ifl (hamilton Branch Office,--) Main St., Weston 57 Victoria St. TORONTO J. T. L0CKE & Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS l ‘ bl; l PM T iii) [Kim _ 'tl'"i"'s humus Ki (median . fin lima' atiltj,l, WALTER LONGSTAFF. Weston WED for mom" Estates managed. Rents collected. City, Farm a prr-perty 1n every law sold and exchanged. Mmey to Loan at lowest rates, City, Farm and Suburban property Fire, Life. Accident. Burglary and Plate G1 ss Insuance effected In all Companies. l06 Victoria Street, TORONTO. Farms Bought and Sold. MISERY IN STOMACH. ai'.l"iiiiibri"1"u"-h"i'!'1'ri TELEPHONE, MAIN 1sk7 J A. WiSMER, Manager, PvEsuDsrNcta-uin street, Weston ESTABLISHED 1862 Cris, Farm and sidGiiGi' in every locality bought, exchanged. WWW Toronto Phone Main 3300 and Interest $5

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