" Subscription Ma, $1.00 per year Telephone No. 26 Mr. and Mrs. HhHugi11 and family were down from G orgetown for the holiday. - Mr. Dan HoneyEspent the holiday in Weston with tiié' parents,. Buy your seooriiappiies from Inch. the Chemist and thician. St. Albans Scho will re-open on Monday. Get Four Bummer Shirts, Under- ware and Hosiery, at Gabel's. Mrs. McEwen of g . Paul was visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. F d Hill last week end. gt-------? Mr. and Mrs. Jag. t. Dennis left on Tuesday for an exte ded tour of the West. , _ j WE§¥6§§ Jrslry .1. Mrs. A, Bryson ol has been visiting wi' Bryson ot Weston. Mr. W, Marks left party of friends on through the northerr /ii,-i.trjor.t school; rted on Monday iiii(tithe small boy nee more has his if6%i"to the grinds! t. The new flag was' Public School Lgsti welcome the scholari Mr. and Mrs. W. Qiaclean who re- cently removed to Pontypool, were visiting friends in wn this week. the water." As one lady supputerrot the Water- Works By-Law r arked, "It we can't have the W iskey, we’ll have t1tti.t,ya-at,'.)ht,isets, the Hair, stops falling Hairs) Restores Hair to Original color. siihe manufacturers, Weston Drug Stof§. Lifebuoy Soap is delightfully re- freshing tor Bath or Toilet in hot weather. For washing underclothing it is unequalled. Cleanses and puri- tiesr, Work was comm the laying ot a c the north-east s from Mr. Lyon's Street. With thi Main Street will along its whole 1e The Kind Ta Have Always Bought Main Street will ave cement walks Mr. J. M. Gardhdiuse has just made} along its whole let gth on both sides. an interesting sags, of Shorthorn , _ Cattle to J. Moriison Bruce Est1.l The Guersey cols trom the Trethe- of Lashbam Sask. i'I‘he sale compos- wey Model Farm , ook everything be'Eed 20 cows heefers and 7 calves, and) tore them at the! xhibiAior1,-wisu1imr,' will be loaded at2iiihe Union Stock: top place in eaeh5elass they were ex- 5 yards on Baturday't?wittt Mr. Bruee's hibited in. It l will be remembered Clydesdales aod B1iNam1s which are) that these cowsgwere brought from on way from Scotlénd to Sask. the States this q ring by Mr, rrriiti1e-l .11 I wey . The offieial dei sult of the v0! Works By-Law, , ing Oftieer Taylo; on Monday aftei announced are th pearing elsewherl the voting. Bears the Signatwre of The Work on ti- Water-Works will evidently not big delayed, to judge from the sign tut blosomed out'on the door of a cerin prominent west end citizen im ag"diately. after the passing ot the By": aw. It read "One Hundred Men M nted for Water-' Works: Apply Motttlay morning." It the girls and women who suffer! with “hat they think is"Female Tzouhle l would look to th ir kiduevs, they'll soon ' find the source zitheir ill-health. The! kidneys are close. tulied with the female) organs, and if th ,‘étality of the kidneys is interfered with,! i eat sulfa-mg occurs. There is no bettt 'i'siiiii6i'iiii'e, then Dr Hsmilton's Pills _ e stimulate and I strengthen the kidn s gssist other; or- gans to do Nature'65itw 'k cleanse the system and thereby, "'ta,i min pcrfsiir% health. Great. benefit En; ttisrtaitl cues} is guaranteed for an warn-En .Who uigs' Dr. Hamilton's Pills ' THE TIMES AND GUIDE THE k1LMENTS OF WOMEN For Infants and Children. Weston, Ont., Friday, September Ihth, 1909 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor ,. ii eat sum " 'i'siiiirii'iiii' _ e sti dn 8 gssi Ire' in; 'k "$362111; ‘ Cleanses and puri- Harvest Home dtrtr, will be held in the Fairbank y hodist Church on Sunday Sept. 19. Per Mr. Cookman need this week on of the Hamilton eiipterenee will con- ncrete sidewalk on'duct the service 3.5511 a.m. and-Rev. e ot Main Street, l John Locke ot Tor§mto will take the roperty to Ct1uret/evenimr service. '9" I section completed, is _ nave cement walks Mr. J. M. Gardhdilse has just made Igth on both sides. an interesting sage of Shorthorn Laratiou of"the re-" 11g on the Water- IS made by Return, in th? Town Hall noon. The figures l same as those ap- lin our account of this week with a k prospecting trip , country. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO d Hill last week ( Riffs; Ji Edwin; flying from the ff on Tuesday to back. HOW ck, Quebec 1 her son Mr. L. Children's Suits-, for ages 4 to 8 years, a nice selection and Special Miss Dolly Tayl r is visiting Mrs Burrage. .. Mr. James Farr _ s in from the west visiting his brothe here. . Mr. and Mrs. R." chanan of Cold- water, are visiting r. and Mrs. R. Longstait. i} . Dr. R. A. Mitetiit" and Mrs. Mit- chell,ot Shringley afe visiting Mr, and Mrs H. T. Wardlawé Mr. and Mrs. T. Saturday tor a Lawrence to Queb Mr. and Miss Badman of Petrolea are the guests of M ' W. Ellerby. Miss McVean Lit on Friday to visit friends in Ay er. Mr. and Mrs. Ro e, Rochester, have 'Mr. and Mrs. Milis and - family? by; returned home at r spending a tewitheir friends andt neighbours. Mr. days at Mr. J. B. damson's. lMills has purchase? Mr. Tf A. Farr's A New line of Ehirts, ties, socks and gents furnishings in general is now on show at W. E. Co1eman's tailor store. Misses Constan Godfrey, Sarah Hele, and Ella _ mith of Mimico, spent Friday with Bliss Della Adam- son. One of Gabel's Hats, in Black or Brown Christies or Black, Drab or Brown. Fedora, will give you a Stylish article in Head Wear. Mr. J. M. Gardh use took 3 first prizes and 2 third prizes with his ponies at the Cana ian National Ex- hibition this year. The purse tor the: local trot at the Fair this year is 'orth going after. It is time the boysgwere getting their borrowed horses lube. Mr. and Mrs. Jtunes Chandler of| Chicago Heights f; are visiting with their sister Mrs. pelworth at Fair- mont Gardens tor bver exhibition. l The new dry ods store, being built on Main St ees by Mr. G. M. Lyons is now neari g completion. Mr. Lyons hopes to ts . possession of his, new premises on tht first of October. I Mr. Geo. Rice, suga- Doherty piano W rk eompayied by Mrs/vi, i daughter Marion in: of Mrs. Alex LaR®e, 1iltobitolre. if far. ll: But nothing can my; temper mar When Glory's drivigg in his car Shining like a merging star. Have you seen G10; in his car? He don't go fa; and he don't go I Mrs. William Biirrage of Weston who is atorrsentr, laid up in Grace iHospital as the reéult of a street car mishap at 'the, gag-net of Yonge and iRiehrnond stregts:ti) She is 52 years of Eage and was 'ismttavoring to alight ‘from a Queen street car. The car is said to have statted before she gm safely off. As a result she was "thrown heavily toiythe pavement and 'sustained a fractufe of the thigh. 'We carry a large and complete stock of Carpets, Oilcloths. Linoleums, Upholstered Goods, Dishes and Kitchen, Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture etc., etc. Our "Exhibition Stock" of beds, springs and matt- resses, cots, roll-ups and pillows &c., is unusually large, When your visi- tors arrive let us know your needs in the bedding line. Our prices are ex- \ceptionally low being the lowest in :the city. This is a strong statement ‘but we have. proved it to others and we can prove it to you. Then we give a discount for cash of trom 10 per cent: to 20 per cent. It you are in a position to pay cash you will lie,),.?,,) see the advantage of this. Bring us your pictures to be framed {and let us give you an estimate on your repairs or upholstering. Our Repair Department is up-to-date so t we have-your work. D. Sanders, (touriEks Street, West Toronto. Tlie, if paid in Advance , sugerintendent of the W rks Clinton, ae- Mrsi Rice and little at ',itsrts recent guests 'aRdse, Rose Avenue, ;WESTON, ONT L Ambler left last f ip down the St.) end nt) Mr: J. K. McEwen has received in- illows &e., structions to sell by public auction _youl‘ visi-itwO valuable farms, the property of " needs in Miss E. A. Hunter. The sale will ces are ex- jake place at Harris' Hotel, Schom- lowest in berg on Wednesday Sept. 29, as eleven statement o'clock a.m. t The properties to be others andisold are as io1lows:--Farm No. 1 Then we (situated on east half of Lot 23, Con. of trom 10 lr, King, containing 100 acres more or _If you aff, Jess. Farm No. 2 situated on the St. John's (Anglican) Church Har- vest Festival will be held on Thurs- day: and Sunday Sept. 16 and 19. 1house on North Station Street and) He now taken up is residence here.) 1.“Mr. Mills has to 25 years been o0e, lot the most succesful of the Town-) ship of Chinguaeouby farmers. His ‘farm on the third line east is gener- ially regarded as tht best farm in the Itownship. From he house cattle could be seen in Tery field on the two hundred acres. Last fall he dis- posed oi the pretty to Mr. Bal- dock and purchaser a. fine residence fin Weston where hewill reside in tut- ;ure. By his confant energy and 'strict integrity he won tor himself (the confidence of t e people and he leaves the country ith the very best ‘wishes of all with whom he had in ‘any way come in c 'ntact. That he (and his family ma T be spared to en- ,joy many years of appiness and en- ‘joyment in their ew home is the iwish of a host o friends here and , elsewhere." Q Sunday Holy Communion at g and 11. Children’s service at 3. Even- song at 7. Preacher Rev. D. T. Owen assistant Rector Holy Trinity Tor- onto. / Our representative) with the rink of the Weston Law f, Bowlers that is touring in the wes , reports a good time but says nothing about victories on the green. At i'Penvor, the party Itaused to have thiir pictures taken, seated on the,c0W;atcher oil a decor motive, in compa is with a' foreign nobleman of distin uished appearance engaged in eatingtpearluts. Latest advices from Salt Lake City state that the good tinge is staying good; in the bowling ling, nothing doing. Miss Jenny Vine of Bolton is visit- ing Miss Haycock. Reeve Bull and ouncillors Bull and Griffith were on nd Tuesday even- ing for the regu, r council meeting. The Water-Works By-Law was to have received its ird reading at this meeting but owin to the absence of Councillors Pearso and Rowntree it was decided to_1 _ this over for a special meeting t . he held on Tues- day next. There es very little other business of impoirrrrce before the Council so the session was called off. We are pleased report that Pat has found his littl piggies. Mrs. F. Elliston of Parry Harbour is visiting her randmother Mrs. Flynn. We take much leasure in quoting the following troit a contemporary, which records a p sentation made to Mr. and Mrs. Mills and family by their friends andf neighbours. Mr. The Rev. R. M. amilton has been appointed field Bee b' starry of the Dom- inibn Alliance. In tonseauenee of his new appointment, sur. Hamilton has resigneh his charge ht Weston Presby- teriao church. The n ws of his resigna- tion will be received with deep re- gret by the member of his C00grega- tion who have been: e attached to Mr. Hamilton duriiig his pastorate here which extendedgover a period of over eight years. was inducted as minister in charge the Weston con- gregation in May, '1901, being the first Presbyterian , inister jn this town, since the urch here was separated trom "eodbridge and er- ected into a separ e congregation. "During Mr. Hamilth's pastorate the work of the church ere has progress- Ied wonderfully esp ially in the direc- ition of the Su ay School, and missionary effort. I e was one of the leading spirits " the temperance movement here wch brought about the passing of Load Option in Wes- ton in January, 107. The influence iwpich, from his 'osition as pastor ot one of our lead-g churches, he so jcapably wielded i the public affairs ,of the town will :1: very much miss- ed. In educationa? matters also, Mr. Hamilton took aigkeen interest and as a member otlrthe High School Board has done ibueh to contribute towards the good Fer: being done by the school. We arli pleased to be able ‘to state that it gs Mr. Hamilton's intention to still riisii1e in Weston and 'we hope that he Will still haVe sut- ficient leisure to {fake an active part tin all movement)) for the moral, [social and industgtal welfare of our ,town. Ci, The number regstered so tar this term is 92. The aggtendance will easi- ly go 100 by thlf, time eth bition is over. This nunier begins to make the s hool buildi A look too small. High School pts),,? day next Wednes- day afternoon 15 ginst. All ex-pupils, parents, and I otfljier friends of the school are cor-dimly invited. Keen competition is greeted in the differ- ent events. Thé place for hoiding the sports has 5571101: yet been deter- mind. Notice Wili appear later, .Tenth Con. of Kiogg. being the west shalt of Lot 23, consisting of 103 :acres. Terms of Sale. The above mroperties will be sold subject to'a ‘reser'Ve bid. For turthyr information apply to Miss E. Hunter, Elmvale, â€Mr. R. rrisrsef't ttie" new assistant master commenégd his duties this week. a, 7 15.2): or to McEwen & Saigeon, Auet- idneers, Weston and Maple. AUCTION SALE OF FARMS. HIGH SCHCEOL NOTES. Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARIFF. Royal, Norwich Union, and North British and Mercantile. WESTON BRANCH, Aniiseplk kk Shop Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates.§ D, ROWNTREE, J R, Spring Lamb Phe best brands of Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Orders called for and delivered promptly. have opened out with a full line of mush Nu: Geo. Sainsbury CoulterAvenue, - WESTON E. J. MUSSON Choice Groceries Gents' Furnishers and Clothier, Nobby and up to date Cloths for Suns made to order. Carpenter and Contractor Latest designs in Sprang and Summer Hats and Caps. Shirts, Ties, jCollar-s, Hosiery, Satan-- ders, etc., a complete line and up to the minute. Our FIT REFORM Suits are beauties and perfect fitters Try one of them. All Instruments Sterilised w. J. McEWEN, Manager. Heslop’s Grocery Ice, Cream Parlor in connection PLUMBING, A Specialty THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER. A. M. GABEL MERCHANT TAILOR, Orders calléd for and delivered. Vegetables of all kinds. I836 73 Years in Business. Estimates given on all kinds of work Fruits and Confectionery. NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Traders. Tobacco Pouches and Pipes [Circ,".,."!',,',.";,))")")"),"?"] FUND Iâ€? BUTTONWOOD AVENUE North America. 'C-ii-ir/on-xr/i-OG-GOI,') iq as necessary for a family I l RESERVE FUND it)? fella company, lhe best Reserve Fund for a family§i§ aft“; sum of money in a strong Bank. 'ii, g [ V Deposits of $1.00 and i1pwiirti, received and Interest compounded at the highest currents rates. lst door west of the Eagle Hotel, EXCELSIOR LIFE Next door to Eagle Hotel. An inspection invited. FARLEY’S WESTON PHONE NO. 20. Begin your Savings Accoii --AND - WESTON WESTON Choice Veal THE BANK or 1909 T _ -- - - - - - - - iapgtal and Reserve Over 8t,000,000 ih America Special qualities for Exhibition trade MEATS Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork Cooked Meats and Canned Goods. Thimble Berries, Blue- berries, Peaches, P l ll m s, Pears, Oranges and Lemons, Water and Musk Melons, Bananas. !t!!r,.i,?E.l,rlllll,,.rlr,; Onions, Cabbage, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Tomatoes. Corn, Pickling Onions and Calidowers. Biggest Jk RIVERSIDE WAITING ROOM Threshing Orders promptly attended @aummsmeegm Corner Church and Main Sm. WESTON WW3? But to walk far you must see that you have good fits ing boots. You can get - them at Tippetts Shoe Store Weston. Look ouf for our Fall and Winter Stat ' Irtiiht j' "c . FOFOPFO CC) lli'rhil)ilii)ll, Special Ratis and Trains Daily Saturday, Au ust 28,"to Saturday, September ,incluaive. p, Tickets good to rgturn until TJesday. September 14. g, Ask agent fur freeEcopy of OFFICIAL PROGRAMME mg TIME TABLE, giving full details g Special Train ser- vice. Walking is considered fide Madame lintherlordé WESTON , to Torontoiand Return N. J. McEwen, Manager. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. "rFRArrulNGt NOW OPEN (MRS. T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St, WESTON G. M. FRASER, MONDAY’S & (I HURSDAY’S GY in the Bank of British ICE CREAM PARLOR MRS. J. FINNIGAN, SPORTS VEGETABLES. Best and Brightest 25 (gents For all kind of FRUITS igent, WESTON. DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. hr Ottiee--Cor. North Station and John" Streets, Weston, Ont. K Office Hours--8 to 10 aum; 6 to 8 p.m. “ Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. CHAS. H. PORTER. g Barrister, Solicitor, _ ’3‘ Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. . Offices-ti; Toronto St., Toronto, 3. Woodbridge, Wednesday. 5.. 12 Keele St. N., WEST TORONTO H. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. _ Specialty Companies Incorporat and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1082' Residence, 401 Huron Bt., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 Organist Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke. Teacher ot Piano and Organ. - 31 Macdonell Ave., TORONTO- JOSEPH NASON, LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Continental Life Building, Cor. Bar and Richmond Sts.. Toronto. HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE’ w. P. Bull, K.C. T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto. G. W. COULTER, V. s. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Beientitieaur. _ _ Calls by mail or phone promptly TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie S. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directrost 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer tor the Countie- of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate tor sale and houses. I rent. _ HAZEL L HICKS. Pupil of Dr. Torrington, Organist, Weston Methodist Church, Teacher of piano and Organ, -Toronto College ot Music. Weston pupils, Saturday and Monday, . J. Anderson ' H. F. SEFTON. Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Life Built GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer dbliverlel of live hogs at their packing noun, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tor select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. ANDERSON & GRAY North Bound. South 8.37 a.m. t . 5.44 a.) 9.23, aqn-t 9.47 an 11.59 a.m." 11.13 a.) 1.25 p.m. t . 12.26 p.' 5.18 p.m. t . 2.32 p. 6.31 pan.t . 4.32 p. 10.37 p.m. . 7.45 p.1 t Stops at Weston. . Do not stop on Sundays. Going West. 7.29 a.m. . . 9.00 a.m. t 4.10 p.m. . 1 7.32 p.m. t 11.30 p.m. T 1.30 p.m. . ‘ A Lady wishes to give PRIVATE LESSONS in English, French or Russ either at home or in West Over D. Rowntree ' Barristers, Solicitors, ete JOHN J. DALTON, INKS. WESTON, Ontario Land Surveyor. LOCAL TIME TABLES. Address Box 197 A. P. an). t . aqn-t a.m.' . p.m. t . p.m. t . pan. t . nm . attended. WESTON, ONT, '. HAC%.KETT_ Dentist .McEWEN, TORONTO , ONT.-.. be ' Sons, WESTON, ONT 9.48 a.m. . , 12.08 p.111. . t 7.18 p.m. t 9.33 p.111. . t 11.25 aan. . South Bound. 5.44 a.m. . 9.47 a.m. t . 11.13 a.m. t . 12.26 p.m. . 2.32 pan. . 4.32 p.m. , . 7.45 p.m. t . . Fred Hollies or Russian in Weston Building, ring East. ONT. . H. Grar'