Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 10 Sep 1909, p. 5

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I ADJSEIASE QUIET " iD1Sc)iiirNliiF C) RT was, mmsumss Imaging-11f - w, WE: “w. R. WAE§WORTH Cash. Mutual giad Stock. Full Government Deposit For Rates apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, or drop a. card tormuxd offieep'1lr7 Bay Street Toronto. _ I1..OME STUDY COURSES AU Academical and many Technical Bub. jects provided for. Write tor catalog‘e. State work preferred. The Shaw Correspondence School 393‘Yonge street. Toronto without xt,tdifjjuP'it:riis 'TiiTiiii'RU, The them beautiful. 'who i "IE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, . KEYS Ate, BULL o.,--------- i Insure in thé York Fire Building Plans and Speeifi- cations prepared. Estimates given. Contracts taken. .-irse's-s-'-'-'"? W. E. COLEMAN sOMamms To SUIT EV ERYBODY New line bf geats' Furnish- - ings, Ties, Shirts and Socks. . Builder & Contractor JUST JN ' T" All tha latest ' patterns for FAU. SUNS and (WERCOATS 7 HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main St,,>, T - Westbn, Ont. '(h-dm‘s deliveired. " Phone No. ld Itil {mg trial ate grim eaipanidiis Orders dg(idiiid. V 'ly" _ . Screen iDoors, Screen Windows, all sxzes, ‘at lowest .prices. {Lon YOURS _llll WWW“ W.TC. BURRAGE white shop on Garner He‘has MEI-ghoicest Berisetion of stylish iiiitrii)iiiii, "it TORONTO EL P. IRWIN North Station St. WESTON He ,ean f'iuir'fri'.it1 overcoat with some class to it. "ur'" _ Main Street _Weston CAPITAL PAID UP - 84,000,Nh00 RESERVE - - $4,500,000.00 You "will find hrikii'iueor'tue are all harried by the house 'fly Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. THE BANK OF TORONTO BRANCH UNION LABEL KEEP rr OUT Call and see my display ESTABLISHED 1855. MANAGER. “£551;le j The palmist h -no use for a man who is afraid to ow his hand. _ What is likely to lead a person to refleetion?--A lo ing-glass. I It, is now pretty well known among lhunters that the best Deer hunting country in Ontario is on the line of the Canadian Northern Ontario and that hunters receive special attention. Mr. C. Price Green. Passenger Agent of the line is a. hunter himself who goes right with the parties and looks after them, in fact he located most bf them. This year the line will be opened North of S: llwood into the midst of the MooSe Country, they are mported' very thick. the Engineers say that the have never seen anything like it, the Moose season up there opens Oetober 15th, fifteen davs before the Deer. We have something special on a new place that will take three parties of Deer Hunters. Write. call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free, Embroidery a Specialty. There are advantages in buying near home. Sing-er Sewing Machine mm 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO our l' I '1'oioirtoHiiiC%,,,t SEPT. 1oerrq,tt',,1,e,tttt"gggia,x,ie _ q. 'ic? "s, e Apply to any Canadiah 'Pacifica/rut fur full particulars, times of Special Trains, etc. AUG. 27 SEPT. 7 SEPT. 10 SE'WEING MACHINE slrlrVlrlrli,iRs' Something About 'i1llillliitli)')r) Moose and Dear Farm Laboféfé’ Excursions mm Manama - Pronrietor Newly renovated and specially adaps -ed for the reception of Coal and Wood G. M. FRASER, Agent, WESTON. m SHORTHAND BUSINESS wlll bring you best results if taken at our old entablished and thoroughly reliable ' school. Cxltulogue free. British American Business Coll. g) Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto. . -"'%e'Vhes_'%mp'Ne-.f%rrrV'Vs qs-r-ses-PN-si"'--- O Undertaking and Embaiming Promptly Attended To 'lt ALBION HOTEL THrS"TLETOWN, ONTARIO Msnmmcs Mrs. E. Mungovan, GOING TRIP D:RtWNG PARTIES JAS. GARDHOUSE Before Buying a OF ALL KINDS. WESTON. YOUR COURSE ilt ADDITIONAL FOR RETURN From Toronto and all Stations east Fro_m all Stationn DEALER IN g A CHURCH MAIN Sr., "Arll'lmpzrrisoilsn -i))iteresiea or whose INtdis/ mar It?: tight be prejudicially jiffeeteil by 'i'iied1sl,fz1u';1 By-laws are "rtNuicyrp, to atteng at the said meet- inghwhen they IEj11 be heard in per- son or by oounsig or solicitor with reterept thereto iispon petitioning to 'tse p0 heard. "r T ' .l ' Y 1 in _ ’ Dated {ins Igifvd of Aug. A.D. 1909 r A _ S 'v' PC; l'-- {QWE . BROWN, Clerk of this Vipiige ot Woodbridge Messrs. John qirrdsruse and Sons were successful ingthree classes with their Shorthorn Eghi‘bitr at. the Tor- onto' Exhibition. %They carried oft one of the prizesE for tworyear old bulls, with “‘Archés First." The three year old coé "Fairy Fame" was a winner in ger class, as also was the two year did heitei: "Rolla’s Beauty." The Shiite Horse and filly shown by Mr.- Gaz§ihcjhse won each first prize in its eloiis. , gamut tsr1i,1i,iyi', took ’place pn Wed- neshi'yiesspterriroG"il lst at the rreei1tnde oCyr.-W. H. Clgrke of thi;rriir,liyle, when Miss Lilliah croriiii"iisi))iiiryi Mrs; Clarke, epd,)sr:rr -i,i/-.1t,i))',jii1,)it.i'(et Davidsville were waited wr. 'tri)ttifr'iiyee by Rev. Mr. Scott of 1rairmfiiiiy" _ I COMMENCING {3t the intersection ot the north 1irnitf/ot Lot 5, with the west limit of saidrforeed road, thence easterly e1esuy,gtt north limit a dis- tance of M 2is'4rt','"!ii)iis1riris" 'soidh'eiiitt7sr1"y' along a line whiclr'Cis 50' easterly from and parallel witth the centre line of the new line of thit.) Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway qpmpany, (Canadian Pacific Railway Giinpany) lessee as the same is finally 1oipted across Lot 5 a distance of 125 teat to the said West- erly limit of saidttoreed road; Thence northwesterly a _ng' said westerly limit a dista e of 141 feet to the point of beg i hing. Said tract of land contain! g 0.058 acres more or less, and to gubstitute therefor a portion of the Said lot 5 being des- cribed as follow . o-,' V Jelot11dlUt11r%)jat the intersection of the southerl ,'s')" limit ot McKenzie Street with the "asterly limit of said forced road; Th§hce southerly along the said easterly), limit of said forced road a distancegof 108 feet. Thence northerly on a géstraight line to a point on the sogitherly limit of Me- Kenzie Street dfiiUnt 65 feet easterly trotiy the above',: mentioned intersec- tion sCia,istanee)i of lot feet. Thence westtyrrr)porur the southerly limit of McKenzie Btreetta distance of 65 feet to the point k'it beginning. Said tract of land c§ntaining 0,075 acres more' orf less, 530:- the purpose of diverting the sag forced road. A NOTICE IS magma? GlVEN that the Municipal Cor! t ration of the Vil- lage of Woodbridgj'g will at a meeting to be held on Megan the Thirteenth day of Septemberg; 909, at the hour of eight o'chock in . A afternoon at the said Village of 'i,krodbridge, in the County of York, cgnsider two several Br-laws for closi “7, stopping up, sell- ing and .eonveyin to the Toronto, ‘Grey and Bruce Bailway Company 1 the following ryTtiife of a highway, be- ing the diversion g; McKenzie Street across part of Lot 5 in the Seventh iwncessiou in the {fownship of Vaug- han, and known aij the forced road, shown as Lot Noitl 8 on the plan of Woodbridge deposgted in the Registry office for the Counfgy of York, namely: i Mrs. Thos. Br, [Charlie Brennao, c .Joseph Vickery, guestsof Mr. and;“ son, last week. i'" Capt. T. G. 'tlt::,', M..PI, and Messss. J. H. G, 'r) allace and N, G. Wallace, returaeE home from the west on Wednesd4 last. While away they Visited the iA1aska--Yukon iex- position, at Seat e, Vancouver, Cal- gary, Winnipeg mg! other places. h1lip 01 i;§?x‘foodbndge Mr. H. N. Sch J t is away in Mt. Clemen's, M '11., where he is taking a course of) aths this week. Mrs. Ed. W. Bri, home from visitid Orzngeville and R, Mr. Grant, of t Salada Tea Co. Toronto, was a ' est at the Taker- man House over L bor Day. Mr. John Wile of Pine Grove, I Mrs. T. O’Coxfmor of Davenport had the misfortu to break his left Red has been vety ill this past week arm last Week. lwith pleurisy. f Mr. James Mt,: ock, ot Jarvis, was visit ng his T unt, Mrs, Emsler, oVes Labor Bay, ' Mr. Geo, W. Hay‘tead was in town for a few days an; Week. _ Mr. B. T. Kai r, qf the Northern Crown Bank, is a ay on two weeks' holidays. mairi)sriiLD. The Municipil Corporation FAIRBFANK WOODBRIDGE Ed, W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. OF man and Master Buffalo, and Mrs. f Oshawa, were rs. H. G, Thomp- m has returned with relatives in gham: GUNNS', Limitéd, wish to many farmers that they pretet deliverie- of live hogs at their paup1riirrms, West Toronto, on wtsdrieigkyir 1nd Fridays and in any cast. nbt carnal than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tot select hogs. Weights preferred, he to 220 pounds. V Tm- Mr. and Mrs. Erin}: Blair ot Corry, Pa., are visiting gm. Thos. Grayam of Kennedy aveauiii Fraeoni1ale. 1 William Clayto "one of Lamb- ton's best known pd most h ghly re- spected citizens -ssed away at an early hour Tuesy morning. De-, ceased had tor aOng time sufrereyl from cancer. He Fas. Well-known ag a large live stoekméaler, and whole: sale butcher, an' is survived by a widow and grown ' J. family. Have} a life long meml8Ti6r1 St. G'ejirsji'trj Church, Islipgtoiitf/giril a membergof Mimico Lodge 7le jrri,'risrlt1 A. M. 1tiy loss' will be keiitiUrfelt. The $196531 I took plate, on Thurgay to St S2,.tt,t,y,it_es'i' Cemetery, and “asglargelyy aftenaed. I BEACON DALE HAY FEVER. Prepare For Autumnal Catarrh.' Now is the time h treat yourself while the weather conious are favorable, inhale oartarrhozMe" four times daily and you will be + Film Hay Fever Autumnal catarrh,q s q"iuii,tsnd throa- weakness; Large du k rihittit of Catarrh- ozone lasts two mon 'it bit is guarantead to prevent and cure 'IE Fever. Trial size 500 ; all dealers or The Cgtgrrhozmu Co, Kingston, Out,, and BuftaloNY ‘21”in 1agiyp1rperditlf1,ts'a, Pills store at 19 6 trodr"HiGsteiiCR','"1rrii%xplosiott occurred and Mrythrwie1d, the clerk got burned about "/itl'i'7etace by flying acid. The exp1osidt1 ot/tthe acid caus- ed a small fire io start up in the store and an alarm wis sent to the Ossington avenue' firemen. Before they got there the clerk had put the flames out, but he got his hands burned while doing it. 'tThere was nothing much in it,” said Mr. Sum- merfeldt. "Thesis was a slight ex- plosion while the .erystals were being melted." "I guess about $250 dam- age was done to? the building and contents. Mr. Lodgtield was not seri- ously burned, add is; able to be at work to-day." " Mrs. Brown a woman aged about 64 years, strayed froth her home at 90 Salem avenue. 'iHer husband and friends became anxious about her and feared that some accident hah happ- ened to her. The police were notified that she was missing and kept an eye open ground the city. The woman was located at Thornhill in a hotel there, and her husband went up and brought her back home. Mrs. Brown must have Walked‘all the Way there, as, when she wandered from her home she only had a tev/ cents on her, and not enough to par/her car faref i Mr. Charles Epneyman of Daven- gport Road, Dovetcourt won Second While a tin orearbo1ie acid cry- stals was being melted over a fire in The children of 'irtovercourt were all made happy on Labour Day by the kindness of Mr. 'filohn Wanless, Jr. who threw the gites of his orchard open to the childrén. The forbidden fruit was much inf1 evidence and the lgughing faces of the children were a delight for to see/ij: Labour Day is fast once more. In every tense of the; word it was a day of labour for the? residents of Dover- court. The ring; ot the hammer was to be heard on awry side from early morn till dewy eige. Prize at the Tonbnto Exhibition last week for 12 vases of fiowers. )iie Mr. Wm. Burnsfiof Delaware had the contract to lay the Water Pipes tor the houses owne4/by Mr. Wm. Kirk- ham and Mr. J‘ J. Pox on Dover- court Road. f,) We are sorry tug“; hear ot the sudden illness of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alff House of Delaware Avenue. ii-f, " Mrs. Davidson {sf Glengarry, Ont. is staying with/her daugnter Mrs. Burgen, of Wéstmoreland Avenue during Exhibitiort time, vi ill. Lambton' ~Mills Mr. and Mrs. Riu. Irvine have re- turned to Dovercolirt from Galt. DOVERCOURT The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. m. Porter oi 164,t Emmerson Ave, is From our if; own Correspondent. a treat y Abu w, as” fom 358 tritrr tti iir 'st h ' " ,0 , - P." S? on0tt KqF' 1 mm _ go, I (it r'; _"" Search over the whole globe Arid you’ll not, find the equal agf Nerviline. An aching tooth it relitvei, at once. Fill the onvity with batting dipped in Nertilims and rubtrit gmhtwif,h ENerviline also. It the face ri' swdiiett gand sore, bathe with Nnrviline anti thén bind on a hot flannel. Thirtin't tiirheeause Nerviline kills the pain outright. C Just " good for earache, neuralgia oi) stiff neck A Me. bottle of Nerviline cures the aches of the whole family. Try it. . Dowhsvipw Clmm'h had a good ttm- gregaltdpp last Sunday evening and all Here "glad to greet again. Mrs. Alt Goulding and Mrs. Gearge A. (Fred) J atsont Muskoka agreed well with theml “3; if :DoW-nsview will 1 this year in West, dozen or more a; tend. ' » Our School opesiid last Wednesday with Miss Beyt1on:)rgain in charge. Mr. B. J. Boaktiis recovering slow- ly from the shaking hp he received five weeks ago. _ Rally Day will be held on Sept. 26, in the Downsview §unday School. Mrs. Territt is} visit trom her In Now that harvesting is over thresh- ing is the chief oriler of the day. Mr. Chas. Troun§ell left early in the week for Cobalt, 'i The Downsview glwgue will hold a. concert on Mondayg Sept. 26th. 3% Mr. Joseph and 'ip1arles Kirk were visiting their aunt‘iat Base Villa on Monday. ix; Miss Maud Lardiiie was over visit- ing her sister at Mgunt Dennis. Poor fellow he 133st his love lettei at the charivari. @heer up, she was at tne match Just the same. Wednesday was tironouneed a holi- day to the school (gunmen. The. chauvrchrrazt j: Lagbtog charm for our 370qu med?" "V Wedding bells te about to ring here. Linen showers ah getting fashion- able here. i It is positively '* 3 riiptt delight- ful, invigorating hai si e ing on the market. It is not 's'tf, or greasy and will make the coa .hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. Get a 50 cent; bottle from W. J. Inch, and watch how rapid its action. Giroux Mfg. Co., Makers, Fort Erie, Ont. Every one tooktin the fair around here. Mr. John Hams? was visiting his brother lately. g Our post miseris was over visit- ing at Emery. Cis- ",, _ Parisian Sage 1iitruafanteed by W. J. Inch, to euro, ',iihvfruit and stop falling hair in _ifi..irl"iii,),,,ili1iisi1; It grows new hair quickly tty" 'ipaghs where the hair is “thinning 3iii,'al) '; Keep It Clean And Free From ( Disease By Using Parisian l Sage. l If you want mm children to grow' up with stronrl, 'itrurdy and vigorous', hair, teach Hie to use ParisianI Sage; the wail renowned Hair} Tonic. F, "e I The meeting at 'r:11e Women's Irlsti- tute will be held gm Wednesday Sept. 15 at 2.30 at theghome of Mrs. F. Lund. The prograinme for this meet- ing will be, a pa iir by Miss Bertha Duncan ot Emery l on "Dollars and Common Sense" a d one by Mrs. T. Love, “Simple mea , well cooked and nicely served. Disc sion led by Mrs. A. D. Johnston. 'i: Everybody wel- DOWNSVIEW come Mr. R. Atkinsonis threshing machine met with a iship on Monday even- ing, as it was bting drawn out ot Mr. Dave 1r'rost'sir1/ice, In the dark, the machine was? driven over some rough ground amt upset. Fortunate- ly little or no {damage was done either to the machine or the horses and it was ttd put to rights and was Working agait on Tuesday. Pure Drugs cum _yined with careful- ners at Inch's lhu Store. Eyes test. ed accurately. t _ Dr. Fall is up again. THISTLETOWI‘x TO CURE TOOTHACHE. RICHVIEW CHILDREN'S HAIR 'tihruarant ' “i r 's V 's,1N.y1rruff t ! gféé‘kis. r liffyasigs g: o tl" = ii 1y I ' PP. ' hai} egtn' not ski, l :he coa A9W, Qing favored with a her. well represented High Scthl a expected to at- l When William ('tyavridird,. 296 St. (Clair avenue, arrilged last week With ibis wife and family trom. OriIIia, (where they have Men spending a' tWo eltf vacation, 73w found that the house had been bppken into anirrarf- lsacked. A numbiir of knivgsmforks {and other silverjyare arir"Qtsyrorted stolen. Entrance was gained toggle CiFiii by cutting agifhole in the may (window and undoigg the catch. The (pantry door ,,leadinjg into the kitchen {was also broken apen. Mr., David-go ghas: notified the ptitiee., 7 As the result ‘ofif'an' accident which occurred about k,,o"e1oeir Wednepday afternaon,_Mr_s_. Igyine, 40 Bellwoggs avenue, lips in a btitteareonditiasCtrt, her -liirme.r Mrs., Irvine wagon tk. Dundas car going /tvst to Keele street" When the car stogped at the Traiiaty, street switch an fold lady got off, and, in doing sag; slipped and fell. Mrs. Irvine jumpeg 'off the car to aie sist her, and hadEhardly reached the ground when the iipnducter, evidently thinking that bot8 ladies wanted to get off, rang theelbell. Mrs. Irvine gained the step alright, but missed the handrail as the car started, with the' result that/e she was thrown violently on her pack on the road. Dr. Macnamara/ iGs Called and had her removed to tpr homein ”Spear? private ambulance; . P Mr. Scott, a Iguana] . resigipg on High Park avenue lost a horse Mtpr- day night and haigynot seen it since. The animal eitlter escaped, or was taken from the piitgte. . The firm of Fa rbanks_and Wright, proprietors of thi West Toronto Her- ald, has dissolve partnership. The business will beg carried on by Mr. Wright. , e's Mrs. Elizabeth gauge Hill, wife ot Henry Hill, 142 uloclr avenue, died on Tuesday. mib was 60 years old, and leaves her huéband and ‘a grown- up family. ii Tt *- _ T k Suveyors from the city engineer's department are sily engaged these days in taking lei ls of alt streets in West Toronto'. _ ' All debts owing , the said Partner- ship are to be paid Edwin Bs Wright at Tirunto. and al amounts against the said Partnerships! to be presented to the said Edwin B. Fight, by whom the same will be settle Dated at Tom" o. this Ith day" of September, A.D. l 9. V . cs-Nia- Hy HIE, the partnership hi under the name l WRIGHT as Prim Toronto, has been d mutual consent. 1 TORONTO. COR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS. A HIGH CLASS SCHOOL Enter any time Graduates readiily get pos'tions. Write to day for haudwme cAtclogue. J. K. MchWEN, Licensed Auetioneea for the Countierot York, Peel and Simcoe. Dude; in Real Estate. Village and Farm I’rt-pexties fur Sale or Rent. Office, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. RASPBERRY Canes for Sa1e.--Applr to T. J. Roaston, Weston. 4tpd ANTED-Smart w 16. Apply M} J. MCGLYNN. Kirg Street, Weston, Refrigerator and Cabinet maker. Upholstering dot e on best terms. tfe LQSTT 4, white h: HDutch Brooch an at "Times" Office, ANTED at (mm W St. Alban's Sci For: SALE; -vueia,ltiiiiri" Gnod as new. for 1360, cost Apply 14 Soraureu ave, Toronto. Advertisements under this head, 1 cent per word for the firat insertion and l cent pen word for each subsequent insertion. West, Toronto. DISSOLUTION Condensed hdwtisanitn ELLIOTT w PA] avg-mi" h4ketofc e I FA rinArs. i :1 L13 da: lg k the d E, Fa, f FAIRBANKS & lare. in the City of is day dissolved by nd worked belt with iched. Please leave EB? GIVEN that 'oftic,3 boy aged 14 to drat Stove Works. etofore carried , good plain cook, ool. Weston. G. AGNEW, PARTNERSHIP Sofié’i t h: tired .. 8140.. 2tpth Ite

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