Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 10 Sep 1909, p. 8

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" Miners and Dealers in Gram and Feeds of all Kinds 03mm Mi "7“?“ DAILY. WEST J, f(R()lW'i; /, LARGEST A FURMSEEEG J, HOUSE "'No such thing. t Dae ye mean to tell me the. itiit4t'C' of the bar spurke common gimericlg twist?" Strange to sit, khortly after an Irishman in court (1iseovered the pipe he had placed ali t in his pocket had set tire to {he w" ining, and it Was 1daded with Li Lhek twist. The judge had a, go d nose and knew what he was talki g about. .'. GER ECxrhmBrrriDN STOCK Lord Deas, a Sketch judge, .was; once hearing a easel when the smell or tobacco permeated éhe room, and, be- ing in opposition the rules, search was made to trace the offender, with- out avail. Finally the ushers said it must come from t retiring room of the lawyers. This is 16rgship scout.- sil, saying: _ _ ’ Our Prices are the Lowest in the City. 1564 DUNDAS STREET The Kind Sta Have Always rsoagtrto and which has been in use for over 30 years, has _stiprnts the signature of? a5, / - and has begin made under his per- AT sonal stvaiiwt,ision since its infancy. aofffgtetdu Allow nogbzéé to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ant: sitnw,t-as-gooa" are but Experiments that trifle with stiiiu1 §ndanger the health of Infants and c1siii1rerr-rsspe1"1tipctt against Experiment. The Kim: You 3:: SPECIAL _ EXCURSIONS Aug. Ami. Ami. Fro 11 Stations To on CV and west lncludind Stations on C.P.l Sept. 7 Toning: to Sudbury. T RE . Sept. 10 From all Stations east "Toronto in Ontario. l i] ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS§WILL BE SOLD To WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers. appointed by BIanitEba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, will meet and engage laborers on nrr1val alll’Vinnipeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Can. Fae. where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta. ', Aeertifieate is furnished with each ticket, and this certifitaty when executed by farmer showing that laborer has. worked thirty day; or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov. 30th, 1909. f . . Tickets are good ouly on special Farm Laborer? tum: and will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fart" to children. _ For full particulars gee nearest CARR. adent, or ' Castoria is a harmless smvstfi(uti) for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothing siruiis. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 1uortihii e nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its gtiargén , e. It destroys Worms and allays E4'everishrusss. It (surge; Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Tzi,"ttir1es, cures Constipation and Flatnlency. It Lsoihat4), the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving althy and natural sleep. The Childrea's Panacea-The itfyt1xes',s4hrieud. A NOSE FORi TOBACCO. Our EXtUBH‘ION STUCK of Eieds, Springs and Hat- h PM, “my Roll up; “M “7‘1-~-~~- c-er' q k ,,-cvvs,'te: l.,, n. When your visitors arrive: Jot IIs' have your needs in the bedding line. what is QA§$ETOREA WESTON MILLS We have proved it to others and can prove it to you Cash discount allowed of 10 to 20 per cent. 19 23 27 3% You ilfl,'p?, mags 15: In Use For Ovet 30 Years. B. §ANQERS TH: CENTAUR ' From Stations north oti' Ine of G.T.R. Toronto toESarnia, and Can. Pac. Stations on and w I t of Toronto-Sudbury line. From Toronto and all C Te .R. Stations west in Ontario on and south of main line of Grand TrWz1is Rv.. Toronto to Sonata. and all Stations In Ontario on M.C.R.. Fill. and T.maB. Rys. From Stations Toronto 'te east, includind Shut-bot Lake and Kinds- ton, and all Stations in ‘ntarto west of Renfrew. also stations on c.o. St B. of o. Rys., at?! stations on K. & P. south of Rentrew. From all Stations Toronttj and west. includind Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. g NUTS of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. Farnoi Lahorers Ilk/U >ig‘.; wwwn a ma (/flfii, 818 'et,t,tt,2tat,hlhtgg.T' G n. FRASER, Agent, WESTON, (ESTABLISHED 1828.) " Wadsworth? write ‘OMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. HEW YORK CITY. PROPRIETQR R. L."TE§0M?SGN, D.P.A., C.P.R.. TORONTO is jrhniii Beught TORMITO You are sleepltssAno energy bad ; /estion--irritable /f/Fus-r/c'i'yth'iii; " ems “mug. sraju'rls getting worse. 4: )p it to-day, end yimé misery by build- in; up with Ii'errozoi,is.i It's a food tonic w supplies nutrimenf d building mat- . ial-- give weak orts s siili exhausted marves the strength tl? . re§uire.f With 'r', rrozone you eat m "ii, , diéfst more, get {.1 her. Vitality Cou] figs ,eiVouih your veins, the feeling of yéli‘bb prhgnininatea, srim, strength and heglth £31553pr good. "Nothing rejuvenates and restores so quickly and permanently as Ferrozone. You’ll try it to-day, 5(hi, at all dealers. YOU FEEL BLUE AS INDIGO ALWAYS Near Cor. Kaela hone No. 1 _ St. Philip's. Divine service next Sunday at, F, o'eloek p.1n. Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector On Sunday next. Mass will be eele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. 11 a.m. Mattias and Sermon. 9.45 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 aan. On Sunday next, services will he held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.111; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-School, 3 o'clock p.m. . J. L. Bloat,s.Paetor. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 10 a.m. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., ' Pastor. HEFTON--On Wed esday, Sept 8, to Mr. and Mrs. W Hefeon, Malton, a daughter. CLAYTON-ht his residence, Lamb- ton Mills, on Tuesday, Sept. 7, William S.C1a on, in his 59th year. The Meat Inspec ion Service of the', Department of Ag culture at Ottawa) is carried on und " the authority of' the Meat and Ca ed Foods Act, a measure which r 'eived ,the Royal Asspnt a- the prof ration of Parhaw ment in June 190 t' and came into operation on Septc Ler 3rd. of that year. f l His reply was th' while these pow- ers undoubtedly ssrFTanjcef the Feder "31 Government in ndertaking the in- lspection‘of article from the Domin- ;ion or from one p’vince to another, there was vesy have doubt as to whether they Wu}? d permit of a similar inspection- of asticles' the trade in which w ecmfirred within the boundaries of F y one province. With the view i' clearing up any mjs1uudczstar1di1cg; 133-th may exist, Ln the public mind as 0 the exact nat- ure at the legislatic" under which the pretent Meat Insplipeion Service is conducted the follwing explanation is giVen. bi, Present-day sentiment in Europe and elsewhere, espe ally since the re- cent rsvelatians inf; Chicago "yarrag- ed very strongly ad inst the use, as human food, of anymeats save thos: duly inspected and' tertified by proper governmental auth‘o ty. It was in ci/io mity with this; sentiment, and ch: iy with the ob, ject of preservirig,fiour valuable es-H, port trade in baco and Similar pro-3 durts, that the ‘eat and Canned} Foods Act was pas J. _ i Before the Meat 99d Canned Foods Act was introduced5 in the House of Bommons by the unourable Sydney Fisher, the Minist& of Justice was asked fos an opinian as to the pow- ess of the FederaWGosrernment with reference to Meat Bspectior1. This limitation fgs especially ap- plicable to meat inspection, a sub- ject intimate,y aociated with pub- lic hea,th, one, of he matters which, since 1872, has bn dealt with alf though by the , ovinrial authori- ties Once the Uanaqgan come seized of the 'j4itu insist 'upon the Siam various municipal ithrstl out the coun ry, tf thorough system gt Provision is m e either by the Municipal Act C) 3 by the Public Health Act of eaelh' province, and in so e cases by bot ifor the establish- ment and carryin: on Of municipal meat inspection, ad that, this Iegis- lation has, up till cow, in too many cas?s, rendered a wad letter, or at best been very ine ctively enibreed, is no fault of thd?, Federal authori- ing the supervisiot, in an Iss, L'ciru1VK- cations, oi the 1li11, meat trede,.in every town and fllage throughout the Dominion. Ji On the other dV under the pro- vincial laws 3.on mentioned, it is quiee possible fang muniripal-ities to organizei (rrt hue glue 003?, a thor- oughly effective siiilye, of local meat inspection the -V‘"achinery being, in many cases, 'l1freilit' provided and the additional isxpemrriti1re therefore, com- paratively small. Q _ . - mm: 'hes h11h1if‘ ann- LULyLUVLuvu,“ v, .5 . tioo now making itself felt of the larger edneyes of p throughout the dgiuntry is not surpriting, a}: -. _ --<L1-C ties LIED. Further, a little Fiecvrsideratio,? will demonstrate the J,".ii'it'e-r impossibility oi any Federal De ,rtment m1dertalr- ing the supervisiot, in ail itis' ramifi- cations, of the 1 'al meat trade,.in everv town and =11age throughout The awakening/triot the public Uuu' science on the magi inspection ques. tion might reaso F ,bly be expected as a result of the adi tion by the Fed- eral Ei',irGiiAerit,iii' of a policy of ll- spection of meatsitar export and in- terprovincial mag, and the agita tioo now making Jitseli felt in many of the larger edneyes of population throughout the dgiuntry is therefore not surpriting, 3;"? Once the Canaaan public has be- come seized of the "jj'ituation they will insist 'upon the Sido-ption, by the various municipal ibythorities through out the coun ry, tf a much more thorough system i dealing with butchers and the méat trade general- a than has hi.thertci11eee, tolerated. It does not appear that ther? is any need tor or likelihood of con- Interred on T', St. George's Ce} St. John's (Anglican) Church CANADIAN ME St. John's (Catholic) Church. CHURCH SERVICES. J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Pastor. Presbyterian Church. Methodist Church. Baptist Church. BORN. DIED {70f the public con- ', T inspection ques. bly be expected as rsday Sept. 9, ttery, Islington t while these pow- Frranted the Feder :ndertaking the in- (h.vorn the Domin- ovince to another, IN SPECTION flict. The Gover’ ent is setting a fairly high standau, and all that is required is fbr thr municipal authori- t es to adopt, new the 1egis1ati"n new existing, regulations somewhat similar to those, ot the Board ol Agriculture with t; view of render- ing t1amarkable, deased or otherwise unsound meats, , ich under present conditions' cannot enter establish- ments engaged tinjrport pr interpro- vincial rade. * _ The first and Kiwi; important step in ehis direction ill, it is needless to lay, be the jroviding of public municipa, abattoi Er to be conducted under inspection ethods similar to those required by agile Meat and calm. ed Foods Act, es keiarly as regards the admission eit r of live animals or their carcases. y The sooner the ;private slaughter house is aboilished yltogether, the bet- tor tor all concern d, as most of the objectionable means placed on the market emanate f m these undersir- able and unsanita i, places. The trade in me-killed dressed carcases will als ?d for similar rea- sons, g‘radua,ly be . iped out of exist- ence, and althou® the abolition of meat disposzl wrgl probably cause some temporary dityatisiaetiorl among farmers, matters ‘iwill soon adjust themselves and t e profits to the producer will be ao way lessened although the liv s and other offal hitherto utilized y the household will be no longer agailable. A summary of ie reports ot con- demnations made li, the inspectors ot the Board of ag! culture the last fiscal year, show [l, a total of 9,303 carcases 280,591 I8Vtior1s, as also 353,212 pounds of fat, condemned as unfit tor human “god. This should demonstrate fyt,tx1i1ill,1/ the necessity which actually exit, s for a through system of meat insijyeeicy1. ' When it is remeriihered that there establishments undjé' inspection han- dle only animals if the? bese' class procurable, the eongitions which ex- ist in the ordinary ',iti1iov,1te slaughter house, conducted stil' bout inspection or official supervisfiln of any kind, may readily be imagined. Boards of Healtli and municipal authorities have bdiin too long neg- lectful of the neci',5sity for intelli gent action in the niiltter oi meat in- spection. g It is the duty of livery man to see that his family, asii,), well as himself, (lacs not eat dise#std or unwhole. some meat., In plit9efr whtsiergstabli-, shmcnts under tsdiftal inspection do not e ist, safety 'il this Tegard can be secured only bsggthe establishment of a munitipal alfat oir, "conducted Iunder the ctmstastit supervision oi a' skilled proiessionat) inspector. C' _ ' I The deceased was . .Widower, aged fift -ninei and had 11 working at Moffat's all summer. ' e was looked upon as a quiet and r ,iring man and was a good wirkman‘; It is under- stood that he has a slain living in To- lronto, one brother Twho formerly worked at Moffat's , the moulding shop, s now workig0 in Hamilton. The deceased has a l a brothes in Toronto and two matried sisters in the same cityf "fit' I Wm. Mathers Knee On Moffat's _ Crossi; g. " T d I At noon to-day { Friday) William Mathers, a grinderéemployed at the Moffat Stove Work? was ki11ed.on (iii; railwgy crossing just as he was leaving wosk to g Ihome to dinner. ‘A number of his fell‘W woskunen were with him at the timt and it appears ‘that the deceased} endeavored to cross the Grand Truit' track in front [of the down train which is due at eight minutes past t#elve. Evidently jhe miscalculated'the oistance and the speed at which the Mt in was travell- :ing. He was struck Lind thrown some 'distance, his hem? being badly _rnangled. Death gust have been Postantar1y3,11s: The; remains have been carried into thetfrieght shed of .the Moffat"s Stove FESundary and are dying there waiting ii), tru0tions from "he coroner. The ma relations have been communicated wl h. For a large numbe’i ot years he teamed for the O’Keeé brewery and is well known io Toroiito. While n Weston he boarded WEE: Mrs. Willy on Main Street. ii) W. E. Coleman has now received all the new lines of fail patterns tor suits and overcoats. A call at his store will be sure to show you some- thing to suit. ', . . F The famous Peabody Overalls, smocks and pants ar/e on sale at W. E. Coleman's. A guarantee' with every pair. " button off or a ripped stitch will be replabedt " MAKES l slag-YT SWEAR. T: have hus favui'i: corn stepped on. Dou't have crrns,--ci, ’ em auth Put- nam’s Corn Exu'aclu "fakes 24 hours ---n0 pain- costs "R. 41§arten Try '-Puturam's." 45%.; At the meetin of the Toronto Presbytery this we , a resolution of sympathy was pas d with the Rev. R. M. Hami,ton a his family in their recent belteaV lent, Mr. Ham- ilton is Moderator? the Presbytery. Thrtyy) attache‘ to one of Cole- man's-Bak'err'delitltry rigs \took a rapid, rurrup Main " eet on Tuesday atteirhdon when nody was driving them.' They hit a tpretty good clip and after collidin with a Jew's wagon and making , a fit candihate for the scrap heap they drove the tongue of the wasw4 into an eleetrie power pole in tronig of the Bedstead Works. The pole ass snapped right off and'the tongue Ji' the wagon was shivered to splinter After doing as much, damage the 'earn came to a standstill and were lasily caught. _ FATAL ACOIDENQZ‘ IN WESTON 5?tr'EC:t"'C,t'rN L ao way lessened s and other offal 3y the household 'ailable. le reports ot con- . cxamuy vvnaL yuu llaVC uoRe. IBEX tiii alcohol m this cough medicine. 7,? i; is pom RireriEOkwels in good condition. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cattte an increased iiow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. GUNNS’, Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays ad Friday- and in any case. not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest price: paid for select hogs. _ Weights preferred, 160 “We Sell the Best C ' 3,33% 1Puirest Datsgs r-.' AT EH5 LOWEST PRiGE‘S Prince Edward Farmer, Bo1errpify Declares Nerviline Is a Speeifie. "After, fifty years" _experiea'ee in raising horses I can safely testify that no remedy gives such good re- sults for an a11-roypd stable liim'ment as Nerviline." Ttfu' opens the Very earnest letter of it. T Evanston, who lives near We11init'toi PSE. "I had a very valuable 3631's that took dis- temper a montAi:5jago)f andwas afraid a IltjlcKLYt ri_t,iie,/l,1ii, Nerviline. I 'imi ed he, bottle of y, givikgi‘e‘f and sweet oil and rubbe . ttie hixturg on the thraat and chew) tligee times a day and you would cardh1rrhelieve the way that horse tr' pkeaupi: Nerviline cured him. I al 'is, {ha tiped Nerviline for colic in 110:5 €35 cows, and earnestly red1S'i1iih,iti, ‘0 every man that is raising stock.” 'i: ri/sis' - gSng'Ed, "::'i1jsisi,:4etrizr., His' thridat swelled and p4"irds almps developed. His nostrils ran“? and“; e had a'terribM F' ')iii1ieylll'y. Itried differ- 'Ci"i'v"'iii'in ggent Remedies, but was l NERVILINE _ii,e1l1Jif,ts' to relieve my A Vermont shoetdssaler received the following order f m a Freneh-Cana- dian farmer: it Iansieur Please sen de shoe for ma fa' ilee. She is Marie 16 years, Pierre 1 years, Jacques 14 years, Louise 13 years, Batesse 12 years, Henri ll wears, Toinette 10 years, Alma 9t yerFs, Louis 8 year/s, Prosper 7 years, nise 6 years, Polem 5 years, Valerie , years, Jeanne 3 years, Josephine year, Natalie and Jack 1 year-dey Ewin--de baby she go barefoot. How Enoeh?" For strains, sptaius,V SWellings, colic, distemper, coughs and colds, no liniment will prove so efficacious in the stable as "Nerviline"-it's good for man or beast, for internal or external use. Wherever there is pain, NerViline will eurfit. Refuse substi- tutes. Large bottles 250., five tor $1.00, at all dealers, or The Catarrh- ozone Co'y, Kingston, Ont. x . ’ T. . . O Q 'd Ct . 0 P. 4 3C8:8:U:EQ‘I :-"""" C0:0:8CWrgli)lii #3 try-.- w /itttttmt2a2tttt2ttttt2t't" M - -K.5 "e, " 1:B:(tm):8C8l8t8iCW)t8t,f,)tft:f,)tef)C8t9"Jty)t8m0):W)m)tit:gxitt -:I:-:-:-:I 1382826 "A hard chill, pain through th it 'rest, difficult breathing. Then fever, with great r ation." If this should be your experience, send),',; f your doctor-You may have pneumonia! If your/ld ctor cannot come at once; give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; 'trWhen he comes, tell him exactly .what you haye dpjir" Then do as he" says. ~20. f? Dundas (ti NERVILINE CURES 0tjlckLY1 Home Distemper H C) Iv/ig/ s/iii:,"," L in. di) ( W ith our THE WHOIE FAMILY. " nd Pi-j, :{FU _rstiEiis?, SHEPPARD 3e? 46 Dundas St. WEST TORONTO. WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty Sheppard, glam“ of his pain and Fisu yring‘ till I started THE WATCHMAKEF? Jeweller and Optician. Marriage Licenses Issued. All work promptly repaired and guaranteed. Charges moderate ---o---" _ ' [o r ,_FAMi needealer In f m a Fr it bnsieur failee. S1 8 Il years, 13 , years, 1 wears, q ye b, Lpuj ;, I-nise 6 ye ie , years,, . car V If mike up', i- hail 114, 31:5 gf [newt stock.” i, 'i'-) ”waggm a of 30113? ARTICLES DRUGGIs'tsr, we eharlesrct'ti"eouog,yy"it"son “[1an new and on; Tthtoaqt Tma ems-1010111 M anoqv” 11an; an; 30 spuam sq; 1 arm panda: "'ote Atm muons I NM? lb, "atrma 9mm 3111 01 an“ A 19119 pomp: M can um I m "'traint mo: so spuam sq; '1 arm panda: "'ote At pmoqs I gum)? lb, "atrma um um 01 an“ A 19119 pomp: It, mm mm: 9 pox "'traint trrrnl lamp an: mu N am. 'rtssFq"Fq"FqssFsFq"Fst.qoqaqaq"F'qaqqiF 'riniCauittiiioimla The . . . Watchmaker, A yer Co., Lowell,Mqss. WE EST TORONTO

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