Ema A wax t' Bears tho r 'P tC. cr"", 'r, I CT," r , » I '.,"ati,,p; "5; 757 CR T plgnaJ re C; 2%, 1‘1; " 4 Subscription Ma, $1.00 per year Telephone No. 26 Mr. H. Billings, F of the School of. Pil6ieeieal Science, Toronto, spent :‘Sun'day in town W h his sister, Mrs. 3397;. J. Inch. ' Mrs. Robt. Allan is visiting friends in Kleinburg. Mr. Walter Lon Staff has gone to Goderich to spend hanksgriving day. Mr. Jackson of I rthur is Sodding the grounds aroun the C. P. R. sta- tion. -------s' Mr. If. T. Rown ee, left on 'l'hurs- day tor French 1-1 er on a hunting expedition. . Mr. and Mrs. q, H. Taylor will spend Thanksgiving day at Foxmead, near Orillia. if There are only Liew ot our famous 3 for a quarter Boy left at Gabel's. Mrs. J. Dicki'n and Miss Dielrin will reéggve on Thursdéy afternoon Oct. 28tN from 3 to s. j; Still having a few boys Vests left sizes 29 to 31 we will clean them out at 10 cents each at Gabel's. Mr. Bates, of 'oelrdale, has rer moved to town nd taken up his residence on Main reet. V To stop falling hair, to cure dan2- ruff, to restore hair to its original l WES’i‘ON i com use BEAUTYLENE The tence- input the residence of Mr. H. E. Irotihlsti, _ North Station Street is reé'eirstiti . a new coat oi paint. . "",;-j j, Mr. Stanley Smut. k, was up to Ham- ilton last week ac .ng as groomsman to his brother/Nr. olton Smuck. T A New line of Shirts, ties, socks and gents furnishings in general is now on show at W. E. Coleman's tailor store. Lifebuoy Soapis delightfully re- freshing tor Bath or Toilet. For washing underclothing it is unequaU- ed. Cleanses and purities. Mp. W. H. O'De8 of the Fifth is'J. Tippett coming to town s rtly and will open) up a flour and f d bgsiness in iir.l, Court of Harris', store on Apples wanted.---Good sound wind- falls, not particular as to size. Can take any quantity': Apply Gunn's Packing House, West Toronto Mr, Watson, of Ig'mg Township, has purchased the houge on King Street occupied by Mr. qo. Masters, and formerly owned ifriFe Hill estate. Mrs. W. C. Burrgge was brought home ‘from the "spital this' week somewhat improve t but it will be some time before he is able to be about. Rev. R. A. Gran on, of Palmerston} will» preach both, orning and even-) ind' in the Fresh _',' rian Church. All: A members are requwted to attend and I on hear him. . E", T WA“ W. E., Coleman has new received all the new lines of fall patterns tor suits and overcoats. A can at his store' will be sure to show yggisome- For Infants and. Children. The Kind Ta Have Always Bought Formerly doetprs prescribed stom- ach treatment t I; Catarrh and Brpn- chitis." They 5 'tporn cured and Ca- tarrh hay becom Lirnaticmou disease. To-day the advan V physician fights Catarrh by medic t tis'th'T. He fills the lungs, nose an ic41ri1sst with the thing to suit antiseptic vapor a}; Giitarrhozone. Cure then is magma; .Efasy for Ca- tarrhozone to, curé. 3‘" :cbntains the essences of pure pine gal-'us, reaches all the" germs and desEA“ the dis- eases, Every case of Cat'arth, Brpn- chitis and Sore Throat can be cured by Uatarchozone. Me. and $1.00 sizes. Sold everywhere, Get it to- day. ' BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. MEDIC THE TIMES AND GUIDE it, SCIENCE ADVANC-ING FAST. Weston, Ont., Friday, October 21%, 1909 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Smut. k, W8 I; ac .ng a llrTr. oltc {119ml , the trit1rti, _ N ceiYi’. Cs a fqiig'EE," C' T 35313;;L . IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor in Street ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO of Palmerston The A. Y. P, A. ant social evening The next meeting 17 will be a lecture collection not less l Court of RevisiogThe quietude at (present prevailing 'i" politics was Te- "ffeeted at the (3011* held here Mon- ‘day by his Honor -'Judge Morgan to )revise the voters' 6 st. Only thirty- three appeals werB" entered, all of these being allow.‘ Seven were for the addition of Dames wrongfully omitted, eighteen 'to change names Eplac'ed in the wro , sub-division/ and ile,isrh,t to remove t names of voters deed or moved Ib',- m town. The 1i,iiicr, growth if: g experienced by the town is showEby the fact that Wthis year four piling sub-divisions were needed instea of the two into in’hACh the town wi formerly divid- jd. g. F The famous Peabody Overalls, smacks and pants are on sale at W. E. Coleman's. A guarantee with every pair. A button off or a ripped stitch will be replacedf _ There is a move ent on foot in the town to form a H rticultural Society we think this is a good move, as it will tend to sti late those with lawns and small g rdens to improve them. We have just revived the tip of a branch trom a prerry cane with thirty-two berries jn it, half of them being full ripe, the'branch was cut in Mr. C. B'orsyth's grden, Main street, on October 19th who can say one climate is not theWiaese possible. We would like to call your atten- tion, "Gentlemen of Weston," to the special purchase of holiday goods in Ties, Shirts and Gloves that have just arrived.. Give us a look in. Gabel's. D. Sanders, 1654 Dundas Street, West Toronto, has just received a car load ot new and up-to-date Rockers in Spanish leather and imitation leather, done up in early English and golden finish, at prices that will sur- prise you. Call and see them. {The ladies of th Methodist Church have inaugurated , series of ten cent afternoon teas. ' rs. McNaIIy will giVe the first of. the afternoon of Thursday Oct. 281:. In order to give the gentlemen anil young people an opportunity to atnd it will be ex- tended on through“ he evening. A grand concert @111 be given Court Weston, 528, C. 0.350 F., on Friday Nov. 12, at 8 ty'tloek p.m. in the Town Hall, among tue artists will be Mr. Sinclair Htilmilton," dramatic reader, tutor to Kingston University Dramatic Club, Yti", Edward B. Pig- gott, Humorist, h1g1 local talent. The members of the Weston branch of the Methodist, ' M. B., paid a fraternal visit t the Woman's Foreign Missiona Society of the Presyterian Church on Tuesday even- ing last, and were: ntertained with a very pleasant talkzirom Miss Smith of Toronto, her sitbiect being "The Jewish Missions."')', Anniversary serVies in the Baptist Church, Sunday 0 .24th, Rev. A. Imrie, B.A., B.Thd of Toronto Bible Training School, win be the pregcher. Each night during be following week, including Sunday a: t. 3lst there will be special evangeWtie services con- ducted by the Mobster Evangelistic Band. All who wiQ to come will be welcomed at all the services. Speci- a1 music will be provided by the choir under the le'rership of Mr. E. white, and hat tomat'ch. The bridei was given away I3 her father, Mr.) Harvey Ford, _of , est Toronto, she. was attended by Iltsss Tippett, sister: of the groom, IancFMrI Wm. Duncan,' was best man. ter the wedding) breakfast Mr. and; rs. Tippett Iettl for a short' trip. mong the many presents received " the bride was ar Dinner service fro the members .of the Baptist Church 1 TrPPETioRD 7531f paiqgn Advance Tent a very pleas- m Wednesday last. m Wednesday Oct. Admission Silver :han 10 cents. ESTON, ONT The annual E worth League and Suhday School onvention of the Brampton Distri of the Methodist Church was hel at Inglewood on Thursday of last eek. The President Mr. F. A. Hutton, of Brampton, pre- siding. After devotional G. Smith, Cooksv the last meeting Secretary, Miss N Reports were 1 various Leagues i were gratifying. $1210.41 was rais the Brampton Di: the forward move} The eonventioni' was favored with the inspiring pres ce and help of our General Secretary F ev. S. T. Bartlett whose counsel ernj tituted the feature of the conventioré His address on Junior work Was __;a masterpiece and showed Mr. 1atte,tt to be an expert on this line as we as many others. The convention rmon was preach- ed by Rev. Wm.§0hantler of St. Paul's Church, Bra' pton, the text be- ing "Keep Yourself, es in the love of Christ." f, Miss Ema Blaclg of Bolton gave a practical paper o organization, con- tributing many xgelpful suggestions. Miss Wallace, ot' Toronto, gave a pleasing deseriptitm of the great Seattle conventgn, including the trip of the Canadian contingent' the city and erivironsi Miss Wallace stat- ed there were 25 Canadians in the Seattle Programmfe. Rev. H. Lee, ot 'lHutttsvi11e, deliver- ed a special addri s on S. B. work, giving prominence o the cradle Roll, Home Departme t, Decision Day, Temperance, ete, , "A Round Trri'le conference" was conducted by Rh; Mr. Bartlett and proved of great igiterest and help. i The officers glected tor' $136 new year tEY-c-yt-ii?'-,',. J. A. Long ‘M.A., Ph.D., Bmmpton; Pres, Mr, T. iH. Graham, Inglewood; lst Vice Pres. ‘Miss M. Fallasé’: Brampton; 2nd Vice Pres. Miss Em? Black, Bolton; 3rd ‘Vice Pres. Miss(fAf L. Durlins, Sheri- Milan; 4th vieeiPres. Mrs. Knetchel, Brampton; 5th "Vice Pres. Miss Kirk, 1Huttonville; Segretury Miss M. Rey- }nolds, Brampton Con. Rep. Rev. W. ifl. Thompsonr') Kleinburg; Ex-Pres. (iii. F. A. Hute'pr1, Brampton. "How can mi; retain the older members" and it'How interest and use the boys" trirse and many other vital questions iii were asked, and answered helpiu11t'. A Bong, servieeij,in the evening con- ducted by Rem»; J. G, Rogers, oi Woodbridge, wasijonowed by the in- troduction of ttie President elected. Mr. T. H. GrahaEitn, Inglewood. "The ttnthronetient of Christ" was the motto of thet-convention. Mr. Graham id an expert on Sun- day School an; Epwortp League work. He has dtvenconspiiiuous ser- Vice to the ppsiiiet in the past gnd his success will Be a great inspiration to further succesges in his new sphere. A better President could not be se- cured. ir' Rev. Mr. Bartlett again gave an elequent and tot eful address on Ep- worth League \grk after which Rev. Dr. Long of Grace Church, Brampton chairman of aft; District gave the closing address} in his able and characteristic style. Rev. W. H. Tlihmson, of Kleinburg, gave a capital 4pdress on the subject of missions. jri'-') During the corkvention a telegram of good will was}; received from Rev. Marchmont lug, missionary to the Indians, M?,r1eyA41lotrta, supported by the Epworth L' ague of the Bramp- ton District. (f,' resolution assuring Rev. Mr. Ing ofthe prayers Of sym- pathy of the Young people of the Leagues was dgawn up and will' be forwarded him. /i' {'Oct. 28--Egttils e sale of farm [stock implements? and turnitdre, the lproperty of Mr. obert Mercer, at 'Corner P.O., Aditi] . ‘3 November 1()--1mpoctarr'c Sale of (Market Gardener's stock and maple m1ents, the. property of Mr. E. J. Meades, Corner Ossington Ave. and I Davenport road. Resolutions {garding the visiting of the Leaps s by the" District oftieers. The (W s' of gambling; and Thanks to the pe ple of IngleWoocl for their generous ospitality to the visiting delegate 'j, were unanimously, passed Oct farm perty Head MCEWEN AND SAIGEON’S SALES Oct. s2-axtensiti, Sale. of horses, and farm impleme'ts, the property of Mr. Francis Strd gman, on Lot 5, ConCession 12, Tenmseh. Oct. 2e--1ir1part4pt auction sale of farm Stock and irgplements, the pro- perty of Mr."V\§Ii‘tfkrn Long, at Bond October 30--rmporta11t Credit Sale of horses, cattle and farm implements the property of Mr. W. H. O’Dell, Lot 10, Concession 5, West York. Nov. 2--"importaat auction sale of 50 head value well bred cattle, the property of Mr. James Mullon, at Tottenbam. Nov. 3-valuable auction sale of farm stock and implements,_the pro- perty of MY. Joseph Taylor, Lot 11, Concession 7, Albion, near Bolton. EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVEN- l excercises by Rev. r 1e, the minutes of § were read by the L's Reynolds. esented from the E? the District and The large sum of s by the League of ii riot last year tor , ent oi mission. rmon was preach- . Chantler of St. WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARIFF. Royal, and North British and Mercantile, Antiseplk kk Shop Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. The best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. Orders called for and delivered promptly. D. ROWNTRE E, J R, BUITONWOOD AVENUE have opened out with a full line of Call and see our display of Spring Lamb, Veal and Beef. Coulter Avenue, The youngest so I of Mr. A. Hutchi son is seriously i1 t You run no risk when Inch of Wes ton tests your eyes. All work guar- anteed. mush Nuthr America Geo. Sainsbury , An opportunity to get a suit of yneoreelled value js given by buying our special $5.59 Suit regular $10 and $12.00 call and see them. With every Suit purchased we include a draw from our special prize sale at Gabel's'. ' The meeting of 19, Women's Insti- tute was held on T ednesday, Oct 20, at the home of v rs W. Rowntree. After the usual rtine of business, Miss Gertrude :owntree favored the ladies with a 'ocal solo. Miss Jennie: Barker gavea very interesting paper on "Home ancy work," after this paper was . 1y discussed, six young ladies say}: a chorus. Miss Libbie Frost gaVa very inssructive paper on “Dec.»tion of Cakes;" Miss Riley then , avored the ladies with a vocal solo; The next meeting will be held at Mas. C. Plunkett'sf Saturday Specials All Vegetables in Season, BREAKFAST BACON, SAUSAGES. , 'fitslop's Groom"); E. J. MUSSON Che ice Groceries Carpenter and Contractor PLUMBING, A Specialty TrilUii;TLETOWN NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Traders. Ill Instruments Sterilised lee Cream Parlor in connedion. Orders called for and delivered. 1836 Estimates givenon all kinds of work Fruits and Confectionery. 73 Years in Business. Tobacco Pouches and Pipes Signature alone. so that either magi convenient. I $1.00 opens a Savings Account. highest current rates. Money may The Prectieal Butcher, t PHONE No.20. MARTIN'S FAMOUS EXCELSIOR LIFE An inspection invited. FARLEY’S WESTON A Joint Account ---AND - THE BANK OF 1909 WESTON ags Account. Wérest compounded at Money may be withdrawn at any time. MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONE No. 9 f. W. GRIFFIN, Jr. BEEF, BACON, HAMS, Full line of fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Biggest The RIVERSIDE “HIM ROOM 'iiltijni., Iurtri(i' ICE CREAM PARLOR MRS. J. FINNIGAN, Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON WM$3$WWW$$W qf%PPE,TT"S ay be 0 uned by two mem- irs (i'its"fiei;JI, He don't sell them. He only keeps good,shoes at a reasonable price. "'ji)ii"ow is the time ill-ij/yy, Call and leave your order with Phone 16 APPLICATIONS for Caretaker for wast n Pub e, Echo! 1, will be received up to an including (Vt IS, duti<s to (a mme Ce Gov. Ist, 1900, Mail application (wired, to - 2te Orders called for and promptly delivered. Canned Goods, DAIRY and ()llllglllllllT BUTTER. HONEY. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, it Pembroke St , Toronto. ' N. J. McEwen, Manager. (MRS. T. SMITHBONF) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Joseph St, WESTON NOW OPEN TUESDAY' S & FRIDAY'S .nd Reserve Over $7,000,000 Repairs a Specialtv. may j eposit or with. oney his or her own the ‘ nking, as is most We handle the best LAMB, Best and Brightest JAS'. HUGILLs FO R CHEAP tiHOES TO HAVE YOUR SAUSAGES, COOKED MEATS. A "l TENDED T C) s and 'hli'ti1()is,St ALLAN See TT DON'T NfyOCE. trd ware GO TO VEAL, teas. P. S. Board and PORK P {{1ch N Merchant EAGLE BLOCK hwy DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon. etc. Oftiee--Cor. North Station and‘John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours-g to 10 amu; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. CHAS. H. PORTER. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. _ offiees--36 -__vv, “a. “u, um, 1.1.1ch â€18.111 10:93 Residence, 401 Huron Bt., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 A. J. Anderson 12 Keele St. N., WEST TORONTO Organist Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip's Church, Etobieokes Teacher of Piano and Organ. 31 Macdonell Ave., TORONTO. H. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. - Money to Loan. _ Specialty Companies Ineprporatei1 " and Municipal Law _ Office, 160 Bay Bt., Phone Main 1082 HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE W. P. Bull, K.C G. W. COULTER, V. B, Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Jeientifieal1y. ', Calls by mail or phone promptly, T. H. Wilson, M.A., BULL, HOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer tor the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate‘for sale and houses tq rent. T TORONTO JUNCTION _ COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OR ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie S. McGiIl, Write for calendar Musical Directres- ’Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. O'DELL--on Sat rday, October 16, to Mr. and s. H. O'Dell, a daughter. TrPtamyr-r"auo-In Sapurday, Oct DR. J. T. HACKETT, Dentist GUNNS', Limited, wish to an farmers that they prefer deliveries td live hogs at their packing houé'e, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights prefvrred, 160 to 220 pounds. J H . F . S E F T o N . Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. 16, Ada“ Alice I rd, of Belvedere, Kent, England, b Edward .1. Tip- pett, of Weston, ff merly of Bristol England. f North Bound. South 8.37 ann.t * 7.55 a 10.04 a.m. * 11.13 a 5.18 p.m. i * 2.47 p. 6.32 p.m. t * 6.12 p. 10.37 pup. * 7.4], p. t Stops at Weston. * Do not stop on Sundays ANDERSON & GRAY Going West 7.29 a.m. * 9.00 a.m. t 4.10 p.m. * 7.32 pan. t 11.30 p.m. T LLM) p.m 1.30 p.111 Over D. Rowntree * Sons, s--" Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. Barristers, Solicitors, etc JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S WESTON, Physician and Surgeon, LOCAL TIME TABLES . Ontario Land Surveyor, DR. WRIGHT, attended . WESTON ' ONT Main Bt., MArtMEI) .McEWEN, pigone r/romp' t-tr, it? WESTON, ONT. WESTON, ONT; Going East. 7.14 a.m. t 9,48-a.m. ff t 12.08 p.m. " t 7.18 p.m. t 9.33 11.111. * t 11.25' a.m. * South Bound, 7.55 a.m. t * 11.13 am. t * 2.47 p.m. * 6.12 p.m. t * 7.41 p.m. t * . Fred Holliss G. H. Gray ONT.