Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 22 Oct 1909, p. 8

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ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. Millers and Dealeririn Grarn and Feeds of all Kinds u----------"'"'"'""""-""' 1564 DUNDAS STREET The GENUHNE, Tht, Iiitii(l $6533 he Kind. You Have Always {$ought, and which has been in use for over 30 oreatss/i'ib-as borne the, signature of anfl Ems been made under his per- tt,,u/riiaiiiiiri soiia1j)strpearviisioa since its infancy, , f / V “’4' 2uloir, no one to deceive you in this, All Couhtex'feits, rnaitatiiytsiihsat1 “J last-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle Wit? and endanger: tho beam; of Infants and chiii1verr-isrpsii'ience against 1iu'rcpc1"1utea%. Manufacturers of “Three Lion Brand” Graham and Whole-wheat Flows. Vva-vsmlsv ' “v -,.<..____-,4 _ M W germ, Drops Emil sooeaiiik Syrups, It is Pleasant. It "contains neither Opimn, ti?',irriiiitcci'J': nor other Narcotic substance. Its age. is its titrvilyautceo It 1estroys Worms and' 311333 ENyrcrisbwsess, tl), ’léé‘CIIYCS Diarrhma arrl Wind. Seiko It relieves rscecarngiiii'ps1roi1ves, an" Constipation and maealeaey, Et assisi'r'itsa1tors the Fufifii§fgulafies the Qi‘nlnao'i) and Roweis. szivirr3,5Ltncrdih.v mull Lyman}. 51901}, BERLINER GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, mu, Montreal. Castoria is a harmless siii)ps,',i'pste for Castor Oil, Pare- Calico It relieves 7u1ccthri3gi:iic2?torsb!ess, an" (101' and ENaea1eaeys it assimifrgges the si-iii,),,:,;,:",:),:',')),:)--)?" Stomach and Bowels, tgivirrirth,tncrdihy tit" mm The Children’s I-sas-yas,---?) i:j,y'oisscr'ii," 'ricii'iilo = Ft Write to us today for complete catalogues of the Victor Gram-o-phone and Victor- Vidrola, and of 3000 Victor Records. 75 Any Berliner-Victor dealer will gladly play any Victor Records you want to hear. Sousa and his ban§,l9ryc;i‘sl3and and many famous instrumental solists make records only for thé Victor. Harry Lauder, Matty Irwin; Vesta Victoria, Nat M. Wills, Clarice Vance, Alice Lloyd ancy/faud.tt 3%ymond are among the leading vaudeville artists who make Disc Rfcords 5331); for the Victor. Best Selections the choiést Masterpieces of the greatest com- -----_---- p'iisers, fadtrilts hymns, the good old songs of heart and home, as well as thcii'inewest'ii, nd most popular selections of the day. Best Reeordin Eirry par? of every selection perfectly recorded on P-"-'-.'-!-'-)?'-'-'-?-',-". Wctciie Rabid; - If there happens to be even the Best Reproducing The @3333 tone-quality which puts Victor keen}; all competition. Best Artists _ Carusgpgalve, Eames, Farrar, Gadski, Homer, Melba, --r-----sucyre Plantifn,1tichumannsHeink, Scotti, Sembrich and Tetrazzini,- are among _?i(i1te1s" sitarld's greatest operatic stars who make records exclusively forfflhe wagon ..-,-, n--.“ w. .. _e__r____ ”my“- .- W mm. m. smallest flaw, the artisés siti or y the selection over again until every part is absolutely perfect. Ea art, ts are just as particular as the Victor laboratory staff to hive ever; sele 1 ion perfegt. lu, ", w' ls Best Materials The dialeri _ s usgid impairing y.ictor Records are ---L-V-l---".7..'. the beW:tha't'4mon' y ca/tbuy. The various ingre- dients form a scientific comqioun p iticularly adapted to fine tone recording and reproduction, thilésw _"i' dis veredgonly after long research and costly experiment by the%’ , r sf"t' f of etpert chemists. Every Victor Record is carefully made bySak ledgsrkmegg - " ' M 4, " " 'w., 188Q " ' "g - \j, TT ' , : Bar t - tfe. ' a " iela EP' 'iptrRt wr , ' iT T ,2.) airs; 'fir E, IE qt m Fa' at Rt' , ttl 3 INSarrs" f a; . a», B a»; T th 3,74: ','s6as' 2 ' te E IrPRi18 ‘1», " 3 V,t It , 'rs Mt .2, - [i5l M - 'h', * . a a WI " 5 ' ' 'E 'i8 iW2 I - It Q, , v :1 rr , "be. frh 'rs' a x. ' up. - _ MtiM - _ z," - .19.», 4/,ng A. r v. .v m4 It isn't any one thing, but ALL things combined that make VICTOR Quality, in Spanish leather and ImittttroTleaiher, in early English and Golden finish', at prices teat will surprise you. Call and see them. 1//4 h t,:sirt:, WEgTON MILLS Every VICTOR REcoiti1j'iris 'iii-i-oak of art. FRiDtDl<EiirFRS D. SANDERS in Use Fm .T._Neb_Ptr's'e'-'""'""'" _ fits, m " @Agfi’TQRgfl A carhyad of new and' upcto-clate THE CEHTAUR combat”. rr munnnv STREET. NEW yoRK trhtv, it"" Mr $Wm§f i'","".",',"," , wii'J?i"-f r“ a '.e'Vs it, "tc1rf,, ,v?usfii"/"i','ii)i,, gimgmxg (ESTABLISHED 1828.) . 9 f l 0 2-: ture, @153 Fr" e h Is t baa rig ii, _','tc;i1r'ii',ij'_st)rtiii;'T'C)iiiiRlA _unit1l/iiriii't PROPRIETOR 'rt),' YI ')/ a'i.l'id.1, 'i' TORONTO is th , every yictor Record has that swe clear; true-to-life, musical ii“ a ‘h sf by',Cthemselves far above iiu,i" (iM) Years, .. BTER'l VOICE" HI. f,'sfdr.fdr'a',K hhpii_ii,i ssssvvrcorij-r) (i"); gALWAVé‘s EH Telephone No. l Emmi Near Cor. Keele Let every mother gs"t'rt'gigtsrvir1ne a trial; it's good for children, good for old folks-you can rub it on as a lini- ment or take it internally. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything but Nerviline, 25c. per bottle, five for $1.00, all dealers or The Catarrhozone Gs., Kingstonl Ont. 14 St. Philip's l Divine semti . i, Double The I ome _ o’clock p m lee 11ext Sumiay at al, Several instance ar Per Cow. l . . . Ontario and Quebt e on record in Rev. T. Beverly S . COW testi .wpre members of! ' mith, Beetor. (,",Tted']'/t'Cl5 ass aeions, who are: St. John's (Catholic) Ch 'ing the mill: ci'sfhelii, ar.sil 'sampla On Sunda ureh. cow in the h each individual y next. Mass will t . erd, have b brated at 10.30 a . 1 . be cele- 0 Increase the . d le? enabled Rev. F th .m. Priest In charge tremend , y1 ot milk per C W a er Player 0 S b ously. W, . A o i' . .13. sampling of cours or: weighing and St. John's (Angli . ‘50 the yield, but i L'yhaas not Increas- 11 a.m. Matti-n a iean) Church. 193mm“ tactor II 5113“” the m-OSt 3 p.m. Su d. s and Sermon. :pIOJement: it has isi1ow genera) 1m- , n ay Sel1ool 1Cows were n t T n that lots of 7 pun. Esrensong a d g shown th 0 wofrth keeping . I Celeb . n t permon. l at otherh , it has ration of H _cons'r ' could pr fit first S . oly Comma . sump, more o d . 0 tably thi unday of the month at 111110:}, athe owners a)“: 83, feed, it has shown _ ird Sunday at 8 a.m. am, lcow to make Energy? tum? study each I V J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector 2L6? that most (ieows “7111138 shown l 21623113: to better geare and aEESand l Presbyterian Church "ll, will Earn miire money “9119011 I On Sunday next servit _ . ‘mel cpriortunitrri; It means grim) geld at 11 a.m. 25nd , pl}? 3” be WEI? V”) YI.? fagmer’s pocket fig? 1 chool at 3 p.m. . , unday thn in???” 13tt1e§3atience and act le, 1 l 'cords. 2332323 gained from the I') I dlfethodist Ch Whig GT Cow . :5 now getting from l P . urch. E . s an mes-me of fou'r l ublie Worship at II' TF , and qighty clonal-gen r _ hundred m. Sunday School a.m. am 7 p. he Was 3 mars g? yeal' more than Classes at 2 45 p m' and Adult Bible in 1904 brouém al?,," 0A1 smaller herd , "r, .FAN. Yrtttr “L: b 'tr my 23.8 Rex. B. R. Strangways E A COI , but, :33”; manglthe mm: E:(fco‘per . . ., B.D., ‘nearly $5800 per 'iiow ' " awed 139mm jhe is now frettin 'pi, ' In other Words c, 'r more than double j A splendid ofortunity to supple-' indent the regula revenue of the farm 'is offered to tMse who can compete jfor the large csh prizes which will [ 2be given at te Ontario Provincial {Winter Fair tobe held in Guelph on: EDecember 6th ' '10th, 1909. About; 1$14,000.00 will be oife1:ed as ' prize 3 :money in the t' different departments 3 I,which include , a principal breeds of it-rorses Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, I 35811001), Swine .23 d Poultry, and anal 2'se'eds. The F..~r comes at a rccypvrni- l ient season W n the fitting; can be[ ldone during b) slack time of fall: land! early win'r while the few days‘ lspent in Guel with the exhibits is! la pleasant. an profitable outing. i I Durhiig, the west summer aboutl it.50,000,(rt" wisaeperst on an addition to the Fair Wilding. Besides v1_lo-) vi,dingrr:ipereaed and improved ae-; cdrurnortiftion 'pr the former I1epaft-l, r',merrts of thezFaiC, a large judging} [arena and aout one hundred and) Aity horse stvis have been placed in, the new pa which give splendid l, ‘iacilities for magnificent horsvl ishow. Speci attention has been 'r', in is. inf-cling acccyrnvncrraticm ior" the prize lat. Cur readers who (are' inioresteit should apply tD the {Secretary of tire Fair, A. P. Wester- Evelt, Toirntoiitcw a complete List'----; mt the horse 3id+3partmcni: there are: icI-srxs for Cyili1ytdercys, Shires, Hack-,' neys, 1ltary1(i[td-1rec11, Thorough- , isrny,rds, Ponivsggvand _ Heavy ‘Qraught! Horses for whgg'h is oCubred $3,000.00 iin prizes. "my memo magma for Wee! cattle goes"; to ISlioithornf'j_Here;; lfords, Abecdetip-A1igus, Gafféwyalsgé iDevons and thiides or co'cyse"i,?i'v'ri'lefl1)r," 2 Dairy, short1ati'tns, Ayrshireet:? H01- j: ‘fsteins, Jersctii,?lGltvrnssibe ani1't1hsades" geompete for $2isci).oo. Exhibgglm‘s; ot, {sheep can she? Cotswolds, L; colus,’ iLeieeseers, Q! fords, Shrogishires, I iSouthdowns, j orsets, Ha "Shiresif vlsufiolks, and igades of 010?me and} {win $2,000.00 ()ii. prizes. Tht swine', ‘exhibitors get 101,400.00 for their ex-g Jhibits of V,l'jh'd/h'rrd, Begshires,‘ )Tamworths, Wjtules or Cro files andi |Bacon Hogs. "ilfjjAs pure seed-iris HOW} recognized as lilacessary to successful] "farming, growegfs of these arir'ofrerti1 £900.00 as an iitpueerhent tortthem to I make a good aisplay. The?sstrou1tryi, [department hasi;'iiiisrroisrn to be/the big- gest poultry Show in Canada and lbreeders show great enthusiasm in icompeting for fil'the $3,000.00 prize money. w'j'i-i-, Hi i We look to fifths farmers Cot this ‘C’ounty to upho1j) their reputgtion as ‘successful brreediips and feeders of §good live stocJpi-ij, The financial in- _ ,dueements ofreredttpre disrtafn1lworthy 1 (of their best etroiits, ”3 11 a.m. Mattias and Sermon. 3 p.m., Sunday School. 7 pm. Evensong and, Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 ann. third Sunday at 8 a.m. . NERVILINE: I 1ng-,gliasses, to use 121113 term by antici~ fr pation, were generally made of steel Fifty years] a o Nerviline was used I or some other _;-metal, and readily be, hrorn coast ti; c st and in thousands came tarnishedj, even when of the best of houses th§s ti§sty linimeflt served “quality; hence? the man who beheld the entire 'unit: , cured all theirghis face "in it glass” rarely got a minor ills and kefgt the doctor's bill I distinct image}; and thus would readi- small. To-éay g:eririline still holds 1y forget the lipeaments of his counte~ tipst rank in @‘Cana a among' pain tre- :nance. Window-glass, such as is now lieving remedbs-sl rcely a home you iin common Me, was slow to gain can find that ")?oes t use it} sufficient recognition. This is shown 'f, INom Port Hope, (toy the little panes in many old build- i !,iCr,i: One, Mr. W. T. Green ‘ings in Europe. They are usually iTestimo-iul taww, of the Guideiround, or nearly so, and so small No give (?, paper "s. staff, that one of them can easily be held . a ris: "Far twenty,betwetm the tips ot the fingers and 4398 teerie we have used the thumb. That this form of win- WE hernia in our home, dow-glass first'), came into vogue in “ aiiplFat, forhtgne world fermany is evident from the name would We be Withiit. A535 remedy disk (Schiebe) by which a pane of for, all pain, e: he, tBotturehe, ‘glass is still designated, no matter cramps, headache Ind T disordered ,what its shape. tipst rank in {yang a among' pain re- lieving rerpedhCrys--s,i rcely a home you can find that "-':'iioes t use it} 3-: F om Port Hope, C"'""""""'"'""")):) On , Mr. W. T. Green "imsstimo-iatr,taw , ot the Guide 'te . paper "t. staff, g No. i (a rid s: "Far twenty Presbyterian Church. On Sunday next, services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday Baptist Church. I Public Worship at 11 am. and 7} p.m. vS,unday-School, 3 o’clock p.m. i J. L. Sloat, Pastor.: To Cure the Pain in Ten Seconds and Get Instant Relief, Noth- ing Equals. Methodist Church, Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Sunday School and Adult Bibh Classes at 2.4,5 pmi. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., Pastor Earache, Ttyuheche. fur the judgin%ct the Gifts-Mn, {lgsscn crr stock an besides the ring for horses and, bin; Cattle thrre are now separate iudg2 g 1ingc fir sVriLe and sheep each wi 1 adequate seating. Th" flail-(“i Ff is :2 " ef suwwary of the D2120 1 at. Our readers who THE FARMERS? OPPORTUNITY. "Shepherd Boy CHURCH SERVICES. "c'-'"'"'.". W to tUse l rge csh at tre 0 y totbe bl 6th ' '10: will be the I difte Jde pe pr airy Catt? ine 43 d I 2e F..r C01 11 W in to. 11g b) s) win"-r lil 311.61 wii , an proti the “ash was pent ir [g.iildin tread a: ion ihr th, the'Faic 1 aout st-vis han para; wh ior1ia, m pecih) at 'i, of», Siting Lg‘ingycf 111 an r besi l b:-'. tay lidg'v g 1ir: ,Wi I ado xix“; r is GUNNB',%imitei1, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. _ The word trgnslated "glass" in ‘King James's Version of the Bible is not as clear asijfin some of the later renderings. Thefpassage in the First Epistle to the J)orinthisu1s, it read, "As yet we seejjthings dimly, reileet- ed as in a tpiriror, but then face to face,” makes the sense plain. Look,- ing-glasses, to use this term by antiei- pation, were generally made of steel or some other :rmetal, and readily be- came tarnished-i; even when of the best quality; henee?the man who beheld his face "in ix, glass” rarely got a I "Who's that titit stiff making all Hbe big tall: out iiipere?” asks Dave. _ “Why, that's age head cheese, the Ibig noise,’ says gigs brothers. 1 '"Why don't 'ttymeone soak him "one?" asks Davagj‘ , I '"We've all gotFpold feet,' says the Israelites. Css, t ing ectsp a "partWg" glass at night. jtlngffé‘fare few hours during tour- daily 'rE5irtine in which ste do Ttot-tl-sei- 729%st periraos-aefthosv1edge the power inf glass. This invaluable material, serving in a thousand ways to ity- ‘erease the comfort?E of modern civilisa- 'tion, is by no means a recent dis- Icov<ery. and the alga; of producing cer- ftain kinds of" glass is very ancient. ’Examples oi glasii, We are reminded (by an American gontemporary, have {been found in the Egyptian. tombs more than four thousand years old, ‘and glass bottles ‘fgiiare represented on (tombs at least ii,8tee,r1 hundred years leather. In Jresiirotarnia the art of ‘mak‘ing glass ‘has‘ifgfbeen traced tor at least: two thousangélyears B. C. But all the glass of iiptioity was of irt- ferior quality andgiialmost useless for purposes wherir"thii rays of light were to be transmitteWiiiunt/roeen and with undiminished energy, Mirrors were made in Egypt th)iin1sands of years be- fore the Christiasqera. The materials! used were obsidian, metal, zinc, and silver. Glass mirrors are mentioned by Pliny, but, as they were neither perfectly plane Vinor foliated, they gaVe baelr a verijfimperteet image and were not much esteemed. he is now gettmggmore Lua the previous incoge per cow Shepherd Boy. Eggs credited to Billy Sunday, the t,ra,.efiiel,i,i,1,t, and ex-base ball player. It is)1isupposed to have happened in a (sr,tiiiiG; city, shortly" after an "eneour1et'r" and 800 sports were in attendance.), I cannot vouch for the truth of itii)but I res'pectfully submit it to the sg‘orting fraterity. A spartive yo11ti't fellow hands me the foijloisilvg ircc4)rnt, of the slaying of Goliath, the Giant, by David the _"' so David’ffé pa comes up to him Where he vi11s working in the field and says: (ii' "'Dave, better (bfi-s up to the house, Your ma's ot1zicrii) about the other boys fighting idirei the army; hasn't hour-(1 from the 'r biy phone or any» thing, and She'd ‘fke you should 100k mam up.” E "Bo Dave 1101i, on a troneyand hikes to the Rift, and stays there with, his bsyctt,hera3joirerpight. _ 'Un the rr,-rry1t1fiic1d/ti1iistf,1, comes out in front of jf"' e Philistines and dares the Lsryslrrili'hs to fight him. Mm in t Goliati1 g aunt, c. slats, chm Whole Pl Exchange cow TESTING :iéASSOCIATIONs From the looking-glass in the morn: Lg_t;go a "partWg" glass at night. s {on DAV ID ANTIQUITY, OF GI 1 fellgws ii,py"ce me tired,' says 13d he vi"piiipr DAN: to the; Freak. our -pebbhi'i1) in his shepherd's 12.103 one gjerC-r1iath, and soaks _ til; ccriiiii,:i'iectwesn the lamps. l goes to ftthe mat, takes the as? rail) pokes him in the chops ofiii' hisiblock and the ANI§ GOLIATH Eric-Loos LABS? No. 8 Dundas St, Nest We Sell the Best and Purest Drags AT THE LOWEST PRICI With our complete stock of TOILET ARTIQES and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison Ayers Hair Vigor promptly destroys the germs that cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair- bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops falling out, graws more rapidly. Elhoes mag Cott,r the Hair-"l UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Whatever Eyn- velope you first put vour hand on you must take. Handling envelopes will not be allowisd. Envelopes can- not be exehacog- TTr-Arm/pe buying one of otryrsL,lias1geir1 suit thisi1s,veek wirrha,srstrthyci,p,o a draw; JNisstf HOWELL & 00., We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ay'er's riib Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, (even to the slightest degree. Persons with the whitest of the lightest and most delicate blond hair may use it freely without having the hair made a shade darker. Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of It. J. C. Ann Coxmn’. Lowell. Mass. Ir'mmeagr Hair GEO. PARKER, Manager. Ingredients 'l, ChAEihliiiii"L'S worth of Merchandise. It will be like fin, ing money. , Owing to the sat1ssfarAory inerease in busi-l ness under our new management, we feel called up m to celebrate in an extraordinar b manner the aeproval the public has bestow-3&7 upon our liberal business methods and logy price policy. To this end we will give aw??? To Every Customer purchasing ods to the amount of $2.00 or over 1 " our store from NOV. tst TO NOV. ",'iliii11i,': will give an opportunity to select e of our Each envelope contains something of value from our regular stock, such as Winter overcoat, Stilt, Trousers, Fancy Vests, Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Sweaters, Suspenders, Hats, Ties, etc. No one will know, not even ourselves can tell, what number any of them contain as the envelopes will be of uniform size. Some, one will get an overcoat, another a suit. Everybody will get something for Nothing, MEN'S OUTFITTER MAIN ST. T WESTON Hy Fall Stock ?10sreteoats, Suits, and 7 Men's Furnishings is complete. - We make a Specialty of Men's Fide Tailoring. A FREE GIFT DRUGGISTS, SURPRISE ENVELOPES COME and take it away. GABEL Sulphur. Glycerin. stuinfrs. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water,, Perfume. $200. 00 a FOR Yoo Aver’s Hair Vigor just as promptly destroys the germs that cause dandruff. It removes every trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the scalp dehn and in a healthy condition. Dandruff ike My g arods ar our I th we WEST TORON" gin/$5. 95 ( if) bas' I Surpfi Sale * Contains less than a}: arti cl a“: toa OVERGOAT ENVELOPE t11ti sun Mir I) Days Surpnse " fijirli0 11p 'nt

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