The Presbyteria Church Choir and the Young People f the congregation are'iinvited to be present/at am "At k Home" given in eir honor on Sat- e-' -aerday evening De 3rd 8 to 10 by the members of the mens Union. The ladies are maki efforts to hare a very enjoyable vening of Games, Music and Refre ments. “The Weston. Ch al Society have suiipended their etings until Mon- day January 10th when practice will be resumed. _ Trouser Bale-Any pair in the store at ,$2.25. Gabel's, Eagle Block, Wes- ton. Special Prices a several lines of Gents Furnishing. Clearing out to make room for Christmas Goods. A mrir of cuff links, or stick pin makes a very suitable Christmas pre- sent get them at Coleman's. Ineh's Lung Balsam stops that cough and Iris Cure-a-Cold breaks up a Cold, A choice line of Teques, can and see them, at Coleman’s. Good assortmeni of heavy gloves and mitts at 'Gabel’s, Eagle Block. Telephone No. 26 Wmss‘wsswyw Miss Linton of orontO, spent Mon- day with friends i town. 'The Moffat St e Company have closed down for r airs. Subscription Price. Mr. W. Gibson i Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. D. Rowntree's Jr. Extensive sale 0 Farm Stock and Implements, will held at the rest dence of Mrs. Bry s Lambtcn Mills on Thursday Dec. at the hour of 1 o’clock. Everythi g will be sold as Mrs. Bryans is givi 'ti',' up farming. mung; an“ \JHwLLU â€a“. -_eem-' - in early English, Mission, and Golden Oak finish, upholstered in Spanish r'Ristathe1, and Leatherette, Reed Rock- "tig, Odd Pieces, Pictures, Music Cabinets, “Carpet Sweepers, Parlor Tables, Parlor Suites, Ete.--All kinds oi uaerschina.--Come and see, bring your friends with you. A small de- posit and any article will be laid aside for special delivery Christmas Eve.--D, Sandersi 1654 Dundas Street, West Toronto, Phone Junction 89. i §§IEST0N E Mr. {arse} i's"esusu, Dleased at the response to his special his agivertise- ment of suits for $5.00, there are Ogly a iiivHertririze?s 38 andy) at Gayel's, Eagle Block, Weston. "w Christmas pfhsrirrgs in fancy Furni-l secretary's annual reit'tprt will be read ture-Gifts ot tgyney and eorntor-geat the Band Concert. 'i' ing articles of furniture are becoming; -----" more popular ezery year. You 6an BAND OON'ERT. find here â€some hing suitable tot a . . ‘ A, classes“ and it .Will be worth your Programme for Dec 7th and 8th. white to take a look through our Band March Constellation stock. Special for Christmas trade-- Banjo Duet . Bird Watkins Large Arm Chairs and Morris Chairs Tenor Solo v C. G. Tipped; in early English, Mission, and Golden Enghomum Solo l R. Barker Oak finish, upholstered in Spanish Humorous Song I Harry Rhodes fistatl1tn and Leatherette, Reed Rock- l Flute Solo , A. Bo nobitz mis, Odd Pieces, Pictures, Mv-sie) struction of Caz Choir Cabinets, .1 Carpet Sweepers, Parlorl B'lectior: Band. Songs of Scotland Tabla, Parlor Suites, Ete.--All kinds Bass Solo , T. Sargent oi uaerschina.--Come and see, bring Brass (hiartette Ffurmuring' Breezes your friends with you. A small de- Humorous Song ' Harry Rhodeg posit and any article will be laid Banjo Duet '33er and Watkins aside for special delivery Christmas Cheer up 00111391111113 Choir Eve.--D, sartdersilfi54 Dundas Street, To conclude Wit . Screaming Force West Toronto. Phone Junction 89. lLO‘x‘es Messenger , Land On Wed. Dee. Branch of the A. an interesting; i? Dr. W._A.. Parks Department, Par onto. Dr. Par] on’Northem On probably few 1m able to lecture ( Parks long (any cal work both ir Hhfwers,it.y of Government win with a knowled is possessed by Silver eollectio Bears the /;..Cisi'f "sr--"""' . __ VA .er (Jr-S bf1ve:rs1 Sigaatr: TC, of \./jwf’?’jg J d 15340195234 BEAUTYLZENE FOR THE HAIR. present that nigg‘t a poisoned system. cure for Ulla tar: plenty of food-but properly digested; to improve the #U stomach. Get £9 strengthen the te - ta poisons,-thes Fccn, - ante, power “ ' 07. and more. -. makes weak people strong, and. insomonia int Take Ferrozone and 50tpts. at all dealers. “‘- F" r i'l8 sr0ryjl Two horrors crowded into one lite -the Droduct of poor digestion and For Infants _ciiii,i, Children. fl, . “J. ",,r/,i w" , , 13mm m li,'iryj, Tci], i,li'rsii-C,'Wii,iiyj's Es; ABE, YOI Weston, 3:53 pic-str))':,);:;:;::;"' ttlist,;?) . 7 "sr--"'""' ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION gaffe/10% does a? _ makes sick people strong, changesr'is "OU, SLEEPLES S NERVOUS? A PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Ont., Friday, December W 1909 oronto subjeci , Wdgs. Tor- give a lecture and there are 'imw stub Gttiltt 1m TAD a everybo Miaeca1ogi will have lecture by Ecological no tter the an tnd the county of one township of '.1-- years ago, he ood ton Public ER ty, High School, the for: a number I The annual eltion of officers of lie Weston Towh Band took plaee on (TuesdarNov. 30. with the following ","e111,t,1-Llleet.,y. , harlton President; Mr. Verral, Mr. :ayliss, Major Wads- :worth and Mr. H emaire, Viee-Presi- Idents; H. Rhode ' Secretary; G. Bains- 1 bury, Bandmastd . Doctor Charlton I was present and banked the band for ‘the unanimous , way they have re- 4elected him. Hsaid he esteemed it la great honor ti be president oi the Band, be had W tehed the band very closely throughotit the year, and the progress the ban ', had made was very gratifying to h , he had received nothing but goo reports from every place the band ad visited, an ex- icement band of ab-high moral.stand~ ling was the veraict of each place. [He intended to again give the band ‘a banquet. but as t,he band were more in need of financWI assistance than advertisement hengould leave it to them whether they had the banquet or a substancialivlcheque. (Cheers from Band) continuing the doctor "said he ',11eda,v,e,rtpltsan.t duty to perform, they all kgew the importance l of a good band seetietary, and he was sure they all agregd with him, that ‘in Mr. Rhodes they glad a hard work- ing secretary, whoTrhad fulfilled his duties in a most sat3)staetory manner, and cm, behalf of the Band-arid him- self he would ask Mt. Rhodes to ac- I cept a meerschaum 1lipe and tobacco Mens and boys wool and fieeee lined underwear lowest prices at Cole- man's. Miss Gladys Co is giving a tea on Saturday afte, oon in honor of her friend Miss rtle Farr, whose marriage takes p1 Ce shortly. We are pleased ' be able to report to-day that Mrs; S. H. Hill is im~ proving from herrecent illness. she had an operationberiormed on her throat on Wedndtday and has being doing as well ' can be expected since. , . Ted has got the Elephant in good condition for Tue ay night. Dolls, Toys, Hand-SatChels tor Ladies and girls, Just the thing for Santa. Inch"s Drug Store. Good old Santa" Claus is expepted at the Riverside Waiting Room shortly. A pair of lined gauntlets, neck scarf, silk handkerchief or tie from fha1eman's. Will he appreciated by the best dressers. Have you tried a" pair of Coleman's $2.00 pants. They are all right. Mrs. Tom Coal r of Orangeville, is the guest of Mr Levi Coulter this week. at the Band Concert. "ir BAND CONT Programme for De 7 Band March Banjo Duet Tenor Solo Eughonium Solo Humorous Song Flute Solo 7) L‘+Y‘I‘n+{f\\ -P hm" DELL 11C WUULLL GDA LY . LVLLUU-VD DU GM F cept a meerschaum 4time and tobacco The Tdhst list was a very happy pouch as a token of Emir, esteem, up- ons and "g" _esponded to most enthusi- roar, "see him smifilhg" etc. The astiea1ly. , he Cricket Club quartette secretary's annual reiidit will be read gave sevttal selections which was at the Band Concert? much appeciated, Mr. Whittaker, of ----- Toronto t' mg two solos, and our BAND CON-"ERT. versatile 'omie Mr. Harry Rhodes, had to tune back several times. Programme tor De 7th and Ych. Every onepresent enjoyed themselves Band March Constellation thoroughhig and the meeting broke up 'Qan'in '0;er Rim Watkins- at 114305; by singing the National 3mm per IN Council should yesterday the bel Weston High all about ten spectorship. No 195: n Wedn CUTE r11 Annum in 'advance tion of officers of Band took plaee on with the following :harlton President; R. Barker "7, , Harry Rhodes i , m--. I A. Bo nobitz i Choir, , gangs (if 8:102:33: RELIEVES ‘ . p u 3' (Vr v0rmuring Breezes; ALMOST Harry Rhedes If we food Bird and Watkins meal did not TON, ONT 1 Wednesday is , he Feast of the Immaculate Cooeptio-n B. V. M. .High Mass will be sung at 9 a.m. (In the evening "of the same day the |Erection and Aggregation ofa Ladies' Sodality of thd Blessed Virgin will take place Witqthe usual solemnity. iAs some mem _rs of the choir are ]postu1ants for; is Sodality and Will le thereby una e to take their usual offices in it, tit' singing will be con- 3ducted under a; baton of Mr. Brazil, !of St. Basil'si, hutch, Toronto. He is bringing Anumber of his Junior ’Ohoristers a , it is sure they will give a good ccount of their ability iand his caref training. St. Basil's fwill also be Tespresented by an able preacher for , he occasion. Although the improve), ents now going on at .the Church 'e not yet completed, istill they h ra"e been brought up, to a stage when e above services can be :convenientlyzgarried out. The Ftstth1 Lawn Bowling Club held their :Annual Banquet in the Central Ho; 1 on Wednesday evening, owing to t .: unavoidable absence of the Preside, , Mr. Jas. Gardhouse, the geni.1r),ifiviee-Presyerit, presided. Among th§se present from outside clubs, were/s'! Messrs. Hugh Munro of the Grant "'d, , Toronto, Mr. Thos. Rennie, Ms), Gardiner, Mr. Jackson, of Brampt f and others. The Secre- tary press; ted his annual report which wait very gratifying. The toast list {gas quite lengthy and was responded lo in the happy manner in which only; Bowlers know how. uTIr. H. Russell vi ill hold an auction sale of Farm Stow , Implements and Household Furn-il re at Mrs. N. Gordon's Hammil . Point, Lake shore road, Etobicoke, . Wednesday, Dec. 8th a tine lot ot I jersey cattle well tfred gowh' and; al a gather tbj’sl is an exceptional lot of good stuff such as seldom found in I auction sale as everything is in good shape and al- most new Farm IN south of New To- rontp Lake Shore ' oad. On Sunday at 10.30 a.m. some twelve of the y th of the Parish will receive Holy _'Jommunior1 tor the first time, and a 3 p.m. Will renew their Baptismal ‘ ws and be enrolled in the Scapular C Mount Carmel. Services of mo than usual inter- est will take plac at St. John's R. C. Church _during e coming week. Host A5 strong was indeiatigat- able in 11%“ attention to the guests the tables; were bountifully supplied with all Hie good things to satisfy the wantsgof the inner man. The table dec,r,rations were Mums and Carnations)) The banquet closed at midnight gm singing the National Anthem. 'if - See Gabel's seeial window Display of Underwear. Doll cqgtést is now on at Inch’s Drug Store. Give some girl your vote The Wesgon Cricket Club held their annual Bagquet in the Central Hotel, on Frida' evening, Nov. 26th, the President 33.51". G. W. Verral occupied the ChairXand was supported by the Rev, J. or,t,sr,eis-yy;e,sy Mr. M. E. Matthewsgfof St. Alban's School, Mr. Woods, oa'et. Cyprlans, Reeve R. J. Bull, and sl6rl1iinii1'/",'rls" H. Pearson and J. Bull. Elle tables literally groaned under tIli,? weight of good things host Arm§trong provided. Anth If the fdod you ate at your last meal did not digest, but laid for a, long time like lead, on Your stomach, then you have indigestion and quick action should be taken. ‘ Of course there are many other symptoms of indigestion, such as belching up of sour food, heartburn, dizziness, shortness of breath and foul breath, and if you have any of them, Four stomach is out of order and should be correctm; But Mi- 11 . most CSO-ea/i. dyspepsia /' rage-ems, does more thanl relieve; it “permanently cures dypepsial, or any stomach trouble by putting} energy and strength into the walls of I the stomach, where the gastric juicesi are produced. _ , A large box of Mi-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents at W. J. Inch’s, and are guaranteed to cure or mommy back. When others fail, Mi-o-na curbs. 1 It is a producer of flesh when thel body is, thin," iit cleanser; the, stomach; and bowels; purities the blood andi makes rich red blood. 10 l W. J. INCH, WESTON ST. JOHN'S " C.) CHURCH RELIEVES STC))LSCH MISERY ALMOST IIIEMEDIATELY. LAWN §DWLERS BANQUET CRICKET CLUB BANQUET 2em £33 10.30 a.m. some rth of the Parish ommunion tor the 3 p.m. will renew _l.)rs,,,/l,si,l, g Fire and Life Insurance Co's WESTON BRANCH, Aniiseptic kk Shop Orders called for and delivered promptly. Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates, Ne best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. D, ROWNTREE, JR. BUTTONWOOD AVENUE have opened out with a. full line of Saturday Specials Aff Vegetables tn Season. MARTIN’S FA \iOUS BREAKFAST BACON, SAUSAGES. BOOTS Chaim Groceries W. gl ' g' " " " I Qr'sl 7?†" , 't w " " 73 Years in Business. iy‘tal and Reserve Over 87,000,000. E. J. MUSSON ‘all and see our display of Spring Lamb, Veal and Beef. houlter Avenue, nan, A 'ihitfi(i, All Instruments Sterilised Ice Cream Parlor in connection NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Traders. m TARIFF. Royal, and North British and Mercantile. Orders called for and delivered Estimates {give Fruits and Confectionery. a epeadet' Tobacco Pouches and Pipes LUMWNG, A O 586. 'stita,1tifce, 'tE2)a3gr'r"Ti"'"ti2, 11 Agent for the following Deposits of $1.00'and upwards received and Interest compounded at highest current rates. The Ihvetieal Butcher, I"HONE NO. 20. EXCELSiOR LIFE An inspection invited, FARLE Y 'S H JAF. HUGELL: WESTON 7 i;s the time Tlt', 39:33 (iri)(aT r aid Crrrdiaaetoe " H AVE YOC RENE-IQ. BOOTS TENDED e your order with ENLARG of work AT tiiTCN%E, n on ali tspecta WESTON TR bu l" y- AGLE O " 11 BOOTS Rf, aim W" Res ,. (e, ..l nut trough I , 'countpfow I? i)CK " BEEF, BACON, HAM& MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONE No. 9 Fresh and Salt Fish FINNAN HADDIES and mom t. W. (iilif'l' Ill, h. DOLLS, GAMES, TOYS, CALENDARS, XMAS AND‘POST (DEEDS The IllllllNI)t WWW (1()()1 ,iiitiiiirt _uiititiii'i's Corner Church and Main-sts., WESTON (r) fEt_r_iFipqtiF+9qr1e'riFi9iKFn gr) NOW READY Flout Orders called for and promptly delivered. Canned Goods, DAIRY and (jlleuilillT BUTTER. HONEY. OYSTERS, w.Hrr, Q’DEEAL TUESDAYS & FRIDAY'S E.» TORONTO COLLEGE OF mmo,it Qantas? Furnishimg E]. McEwen, Manager. baring out to ma! snecml s Teacher of' Vocal Culture SPEC/5,43% WEDNESDAY & SAT FEDAY, Joseph St, WESTON Gr LU TE A COMPLETE LINE OF Pembroke St , Toronto MRS. J. FINNIGAN, We handle the best LAMB, EAGLE BLOCK, MES T. SMITHBON F.) SAUSAGES, COOKED MEATS. PAR1e Ari."" , IV Dealer in MEAL, 01w SHORTS. &c VEaL, of rad t m and PORK meager. of mom l a: Money to loan in large and small amounts. Ofriees---36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. A, J. Anderson DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. oftiee-Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont, Offiee Hours--8 to 10 arm; 6 to, 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. ', H. HOWARD SHAVER, Barrister, Solicitor. etc. _ Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 10821 Residence, 401 Huron Bt., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE, Organist Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke. 12 Keele St. N 31 Macdonell Ave G. W. COULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated 1f1e,t1Ci1ysgg.._.,s, _- - Calls-traise -rtrr--ptfEiCpTariiq my attended. WESTON i ONT. W. P. Bull, K.C. T. H. Wilson, M.A. -N BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto. TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie l MeGiil, Write for calendar Musical Direetresm 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and houses to rent. December 4,--lo Sale of Farm St the property 0&1 near Beaten. December r-Ai: 10;; Sale ci'T-Touse- hold Furn‘tura, ef, ', rich the Frrmertv of Rev. R. M. "re minon, at his 1Psig- dcncc, King Strec , Wcs‘iou. , December 10-9mportant Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements the property of Mr. George Hill, L! 7, Ccmcerrcity1 4, West York. " MCEWEN AND SAIGEON'S SALES GUNNS', Limited, wish to aiivrsts farmers that they prefer deliveries, oi live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays affit Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest :prices paid tor select hogs. to "220. pounds H . F . S E If T O N ' Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT? CHAS. H PORTER," ANDERSON 10.37 p.m. * 7.41 p. t Stops at Weston. * Do not stop on Sundays Teacher ot Piano 11 North Bound 8.37 ann.t * 10.04 a.m. * 5.18 p.n1. i ’†6.32 p.m. T * 10.37 p.m. * Barristers, Solicitors, etc Over D. Rowntree & Sons Going West 7.29 a.m. * 9.00 a.m. t 4.10 p.m. * 7.32 p.m_. t [1.30 0.131. i JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S WESTON, DR. WRIGHT, Physician and Surgeon, Main St., 30 p.m Ontario Band Surveyor Barrister, Solititog, Notary Public. ‘ . K. McEWEN, . T. HACKETT Dentist We 'portant Auction l; and Implements. Mr. Geo. Gugius, WEST TORONTO 2111: WESTON, ONT WESTON, ONT and Organ. fJ.33 p.111. 11.25 am) 11.13 6.12 7.41 South Bound 7.18 Fred Holli: TORONTO ., ;., Phone North 1291 ONT. . H. Gray A p.m m .111 160