Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 10 Dec 1909, p. 4

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, P-------, Mens and boys “7.001 and fleeee lined IN underwear lowest prices at Cole- _ man's. a r Telephone No. 26 On Tuesday, a C. P. R. Freight ran off the track nd delayed traffic on the line for me hours. The trains were all r Hing on time on Wednesday. _ Subscription Price. Mr. C. Hope Mountedgecombe House, Scarlett oad, is recovering from a serious tack of bronchitis and asthma. The tea given last Saturday by Miss Gladys Co in honor of her friend Miss My 1e Farr took the form of a "kite en shower," when the bride-to-be w s fairly swamped in a deluge ot thirt five pieces of Stran- sky Granite Ware Mrs. Ed. Bull, o has been so ill tor the past three or four weeks is ------_ SANTA CLAUS is calling at Inch’s DRUG STORE for Toys, Dolls, etc. He says they are the best and cheap- est he can procure. gradualli improvit Mrs. Marsh, Pi e Street, is seri- ously ill with the atic fever. Have you tried a; pair of Coleman's $2.00 pants. They are all right. Only two weeks and some two girls get the Dolls at Ineh's Drug Store. QUA2D ll U Pt I H Some time (in = last night the Nine town. :11 For Infants and Children, Public School wafbroken into, they/ With a balance oii $45 and the pro- _ _ " " ' evidently got thi _ugh the basement ceeds born this eoiitsertyrpil the con? -flit lhl M 'iirrtHairishitl4 iRdawustttrt- . f1 e"'s€feen was torn \cert '50 kindly" trriatitttd Tortrs' 'sr- oft and the winttow broken burnt {MTS- Lemaire, along with the dona- Bears the matches were sewn all over the ytion from Dr. Char? on, We should be Signatan of f 2tatu building. The teFusrs desks were 'ityt to reduce our $2.111; indebtedness broken open and , bout $2.50 which Pr another $100 by 2‘50 doing you will had been collecte- for the sick, child-start, on the thigh year of this The Suburban ra lway is ivin the ren’s Hospital W; taken, and the ;orgenization with 3, debt of $100 res‘ dents t W t Tr g d g . rooms generally , ransacked; The lagamst Foil, and wt h property vahr. 1 O . es o ery goo serV1ce l school room of thir Methodist Church eil at considerably ht, " $600. at. present, they ar running a twenty was also visited v rnt matches hav-i Y at 'rtht 1 minute service for hours every day. Eing been found 'sewn all over thei ours; al 11 ly, It is the intention the Company to l church 7, l H. RHODES, put on double-true cars 8 feet longer _ . I 5 seiiretarrTreasurer. than those at prese t in use. , Rev. A. H. Ma t21rmivary, will be! i Invitations have en issued tor a banquet to the ston Methodist Church Laymen's Vissionary move- ment, to be held infthe school room of the church on May, Dec. 10th. Messrs. J. H. Gm y. Ivor Brock, and W. G. Watson, t Toronto, will speak at the banque' prosperty of our to T is evidenced by the fact that we 11 w have 9 mails every day except $undsay they are going east 12.08, ( on), and 7.30 p. m.; going west, 9 a.m. and 5 pan. Coming in from he East l) a.m., 5.18 p.m., and 7.3 p.m.; from the West 12 (qoon) and}._‘7.20 p.m. Mr. John Chaptéan has purchased the building at presgnt in Black Creek I Hollow, and- inten s removing it to Weston to use asga covered Hockey l and skating Rink. §He has secured a lot at the back of§Mr. Walter Long-, staffs, and expects! to have the rink! ready tor Christmai. I BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. Christmas offerings in fancy 1purni-l turerfiits of fancy and 'ii2rtirriiT-1 ing Eiticles of furniture are becoming; mchi's?bopusr every year. You can: fipd here something suitable tor all} classes and it will be worth your) while to take a look through our; stock. Special for Christmas trade-- Large Arm Chairs and Morris Chairs in early English, Mission, and Golden Oak finish, upholstered in Spanishi Leather and Leatherette, Reed Rock-f ers, Odd Pieces, Pictures, Music Cabinets, Carpet SWeepers, Parlor Tables, Parlor Suites, Etc.-Alllrinds oi fancy China.-lome and see, bring your friends with you. A small de- posit and any article will be laid aside for special delivery Christmas mre.---D, Sandersi 1654 Dundas Street, West Toronto, Phone Junction 89. You’re discou aged and played out --seareely eno th energy to think, and less to wt k on. The reason? You are run bhe, blood is thin, nerves are lik 51ndian rubber, not like steel as thy”; oh' rht to be. Use Ferromne and , 'ilie Wired feeling will go-it can’t stahl ncavuse rich nutri- tious blood andh bit bodily vigor Ferrozone make drds out weak- ness of every kisitlhA {Use Ferrozone and you’ll feel like Atighting king-- lull of energy-- EreN V with ambi- tion-ever ready3 to “work. No strengthening tonic so potent. Neg- leet not a. day longer. All dealers sell Ferrozone in 50 cent boxes. Another evidence of the grpwth and WESTON i Weston, YOU FEEL USED UP? ADVERTISING RATES A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor I th energ', rt ' on. bhe, b1: i glndian ASI, ogysht . ilte , fred tah' gtety1uy aunt 13-61) Jr,esil v% c,5rtl ling} Uiys, L li e tm 1g - @1832. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Ont., Friday, December thh, 1909 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO (Hiram Emil (liraitte 1 At the Mock TI), "ment to be given bl ,of St. John's (An 'Tuesday next at ‘Town Haill, a varig promised, there .tableaus in additi {the evening which [Tickets 25 and 15 A choice line of Teques, can and see them, at Coleman's. A NII line oi Slums. PRESENTS at Inch’s Drug Store. Rev. A. H. Mae livary has aeeept- ed the call to t pastorate of the Presbyterian Chur ' here. A pair of euff links, or stick pin makes a Very suitable Christmas pre- sent get them at Coleman's. Good old Santa Claus is expepted at the Riverside Waiting Room shortly. Mr. Johnston, t assistant C. P. R. agent here ha been removed to Whrgham, and is ucceeded by Mr. Wm. Prust, from liston, who com- menced his duties re on Wednesday. A pair of lined gauntlets, neck scarf, silk handkerchief or tie from Coleman's. Will he appreciated by the best dressers. We understand! negotiations are under way With f big Factory ecm- cern in Toronto " remove to Weston in the spring. he president, Sir Henry Pellatt " the Directors of the Company wet favorably impress- ed by a site in v?-e west end which they visited yest'uay, and the deal may be put thr gh in the near future. , ON APPLECATION $l.oo per Annum in advance. Rev. A. H. sps)yuuivarr,, will bei t ineaeted into the 393mm“? EYES; McEWEN AND SAIGEON’S SALES. ton Presbyterian (inch on Tuesday evening, December inth, service will! begin at 8 p.m., gPrOf. Law, will preach the sermong Rev. Alex. Mae- Gi11ivray, of Bt"inar Presbyterian: Church will addres the minister, Rev. i H. A. McPherson, q _ Chalmer's Church l will address the ,‘ongregation, and) the Rev. T. Rogers, ot Emmanuel Church, East To fi ate, will preside. y The public are invgiéed to attend, l The Bind Conce held in the Town 3 Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday even- I ings was a cred' to the' members,! they must have sstrnt a good deal 0H time and money ' preparing. Un-{ Kn fortunately the ',ather, on Tuesday; evening was again-t a large audience, turning out, but hat cannot be said! Kit for Wednesday e ning and We thinkl Co, the Band deserVe-a far larger audi- Ct ence than turned’out, the Hall was Ca: only half filled. Ir another part of Mons the-paper we ge the Secretary- y Git iTreasurer's Repot which deserves ‘pain perusal. ' I Wo Call at Inch’s for Xmas. Presents Following, based teudance and gen the standing oi th their respective c1 of November. [ The Senior and, classes are omitted! Names are arraI merit. Sr. II1.-qyila Hes: Laura Milne, lh19) Finegan, Willi} p. . Sr. IL-Gordon oftat, Rolf Hes- lop, Learning Bes Grace Wood, James Best, Alexa er Alexander. Jr. Ir-Erma P cer, Alma Laver, Vima Noble. The a Good, James More11,~MurieIr Ha e, Edith Matti- son, Leonard Allan» iHarry Laceby. Jr. Pt. L-Fra. es Hill, Bryce Moffat, Muriel Hesl , James Marsh, Olive Master, Fr" k Lanes, and Perezel Pearce, (eql! 1). Jr. Pt. 'f-i/ish-retiree.,?, McKitee- rick, Luella Wardtgw, Fred Cook, Myrtle Gardhouse, ' Howard Wilby, Kathleen Fraser. WESTON put Jag Bull. Ialc m McRae, Lily a1 and entertain- the A. Y. P. A., jean) Church, on 8.15 p.m. in the entertainment is ill be music and to the feature of Emu be the Trial. tents. WESTON, ONT upon regular at- lral proficiency, is first six. pupils in Itll for the month L110 SCHOOL Bop, Ella Lindsay, K? Brown, Marion ld ed in order ot Noble, Maude ren, Etosia. Mc- Jean Hutchin- Junior Fourth II- lNew Uniforms... t" ... ... .. iNeW Instrument..,.,. ........ iii, New Band Musi...... ... ..... he New Vocal Must...... Ttq..' is Expenses for Cccerts... .., nd Men's wages an expenses oil engagements.h... ...... .. 11. Interest on note,-.-. B. N. "(lvertiseing in " orld"... ‘Paid off note B. N.A.. are?ptage, stationery, ete,.. m_‘Baulance in Bank... ...... I The free come; land Mount Dtye' Ated. The Bag (having added eo) petty of the bag 1 factory progresgi I ton...... .e. IBand weekly _ Engagements... Bank of B. N. '; Members patitzr Special Prices on several lines of Gents Furnishing. Clearing out to make room for Christmas Goods. The bridge cross g the Humber at Concession B. kn n as the Chaffey bridge collapsed l t Friday morning between f) and 7. The County Engi- neer has a, staff 0 men now working on the bridge me.' 'ing the necessary repairs, in the eantime the road leading to the , idge is closed to traffic. It-gives me pleure to present the second annual rep t of the work and tinaueial standing gst the Band. The memtershid as kept up to,its full strength dun-g the year, many members have left' and their places have been quiekMtined, ‘the member- ship now being E, 23 of which have uniforms. B, The Band has ments ,-durimg e, concerts in West, Dennis in avid of concerts were on] account of unial The following, meat from .12: 1909:-. :4 Money on him Members payrrr Coneerts--Mt. Total...... a. ...... ......$1233 30 I think you wilriagree with me the Band has made grmt progress having added $584.84 to te property of the Band, in new inst; ments, uniforms, music, etc., beside) paying off $100 on note held by th Bank, and bring- ing $569 ot engag; ent money into the town. g l December ll-I ortant Auction “Sale of Freehold roperty, Horses, Wagons, Hardware etc., etc., the Iproperey‘ of Mr. Ge E. A. Roeiinson, at the old Post ce, corner Main land Church Streets Weston. December IO-l iportant Auction Sale of Farm Stoc and Implements, the property of Mr George Hill, Lot 7, Concession 4, Wt t York. December II-I ortant Auction Sale of Freehold roperty, Horses, Kidney Troubles Attack Weston Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney ills seize young and old. Come quickly with little warning. Children suffer in their early years Can't control the kidney secre Mons. Women worry c 't do daily work. Men have la e _ d aching baclsp. The cure for I, a T woman or child. Is to cure tlil, e use-the kidneys. 1 Booth's Kidd. y , ills cure sick Kid-' neys. iff _ Cure all formj§ , f kidney suffering. Weston testimony? proves it; Mrs. S. Madg§t of Main St., Wes- ton, Ont,, says: e} "Booth's Kidd? Pills procured at The W. J. Inc .Drug and Optical Store are surely r': remedy that cures. I suffered all tl, ., aches and pains that a person cdr1p. rt.,", had a pain- ful lameness thr 1%]; I small of my back and 1ct/1i11ti,ietlj, ney regions. The back and li 113’: , was so in- tense at times _ii11ii'"iit,, , Emmi I hardly drag myself aro (18; C dded to this was a sick dizzy'lhe'tiiFle, a stiffness in my neck and éhe Wiley secretions were abnormal. Tl; 11'iy'8iiyl a box of Booth's Kidney $111554, was greatly helped. I conthnoeas)rt1F, treatment tor about three weeks 'citgrltrg,e,rieytd, a cure. Booth's Kidney Pills have i g (Ill (MM/m awe-M5) I l, CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, i'i1y'%lluatitiisli endorsemént." Sold by DeaLers. Price 50 cants. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Bole Canadian Agents Girls are languid, nervous, suffer Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or meaty back. Sold and guaranteed by " PS. Ti1h .A " - iRtsW "is ' 'i'4 ilt y as XP" "an LT ttN" 5-; t% 'm & :3: tr. , A E " ttE A“ A: s: ie, Br, p" F . E Etl IPIMl/W Amy-am) ' J. INCH, WESTON. NOBODY SPARED. pm Stoc and I by of Mr Georg [on 4, Wit Yor ' ll-I z4 ortarr :eehold tropert Hardware ete, f Mr. Ge E. A Post lwce c h StreetsWest< @151, 'it h t'41ii-sh I S] 'i.!,","!,;),:,)):', ID li n 3 , _ii11ii'"iit,, , 'ir, 1 d8;‘ bib “he .5: bile, 'iii, Eh {TY li It; hb' d . $326 00 .. 211 00 .. " 71 .. 12 83 .. 39 00 $1233 30 $11 15 88 00 424 80 7 00 4 50 100 00 28 11 45 05 WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARIFF. Royal, and North British and Mercantile. f” s--------).'-:,','?-.--- ~~ Call and see our display of Spring I Lamb, Veal and Beef. Aniiseptk kk Shop Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. The best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. Orders called for and delivered promptly. D, ROWNTRE E, J R, have opened out trith a full line of " - v l I ' Bl , Ev" I . u " " a; " itt' w" ‘. ‘ _ . - .. T, 4. " “.59: 'it 1. Met :4 , - 59:1 " " . " , 1“; .1: E N' , p. tt ' "it . M y =, ‘-. , :7 , , t ' i. I N - tr, 1-. ig A I , f; ' a. VI N :t - "1*- x M. I 6 ' tti Mg i a o " a x E - . _ a r: - _ * _. E? - i .1.” " ' El N Rt E " e, Et Q - . s I q , " ' q ' M _ .. " tE . ' .- “a 'd tt my ' * E i“. m a, I' a .. a I t , - _. _ r cr " .. wr . . M, M2MEME " 5. - " r " Gsd . _ a Td n- - e " IM .: if! r, u R W. 18. f T: A r' u I y». - I . , a y " LE .r ‘ :4 u c. u - - o: ' A - Me Gi TM". . . a. _ h n " ans . " a us " . " - . _ - 'M " , f A. ~, - . V u , ¥ Geo. Sainsbury Coulter Avenue, Saturday Specials MARTIN'S FAMOUS BREAKFAST BACON, E. J. MUSSON All Vegetables in Season. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS 'rIPPE,TT'tii; Choice Groceries STOCK ENLARG Carpenter and Contractor Now is the time sums and Furnaces All Instruments Sterilised NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Traders. He_$l9p’S§éGrocew lee Cream Parlorhn connection. Phone 1 PLUMBING, A Specialty Orders called for‘ggnd delivered. Come and see Boats for Everybody Also a large stock of 1836 ATTENDED TO all and leave your order with Estimates given on all kind i of work 73 Years in Business. Fruits and qitnfectionerr Tobacco Pouches and Pipes BUTTONwoégD AVENUE _ ' Deposits may be sent in, csielt, drawn, or other business transacted by Mail. without any"c, trouble or delay. _ Write or ask our Local Manager to explain our system to you. SHOE STQRE The Prpctieal Butcher, PHONE NO. 20. EXCELSIOR LIFE RUBBERS 'i, . An inspectigil invited. FARLEY 'S JAS. HUGILL. Hard ware March ant, WESTON TO HAVE YOUR B ankin g by Mail --AND-- - AT--- THE BANK OF 1909 EAGLE BLOCK. WESTON Capital and Reserve Over 87,000,000. is a great convenience to those who live some distance from town. MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONE No. 9 t. W. (illlmn, k BACON, HAMa BEE ff , 'iF/iii Fresh and Salt Fish FINNAN fl1l)l)lfifl and 0300125 h RIVERSIDE Itlillllt IIO0II CALENDARS, XMAS AND POST CARDS. 'fiiiiiii, iiiiiiiiiiil Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON ti--qt-gs? DOLLS, GAMES, TOYS, A special stock of FIVE ROSES FLOUR Flour & Feed @Efififligfiwm NOW READY MAIN ST CiirABEL,'éiil Clearing out to make room Orders called for and promptly delivered. OYSTERS, tiiyAii3liEL.'S Canned Goods, DAIRY and CREAMERY BUTTER. HONEY. N. J. McEwen, Manager. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto, Gents' Furnishing SPEC/A L PRiCES (MRS. T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St., WESTON GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN. SHORTS, &c. GEO. PARKER, Manager. TUESDAY'S & FBIDAY' S A COMPLETE LINE OF for Christmas stock. We handle the best LAMB, MRS. J. FINNIGAN, on seVeral lines of EAGLE BLOCK. WESTON SAUSAGES, COOKED MEATS. Dealer in VEAL, O'DELL alw and PORK ,ys WESTON on hand 'DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, ete. office-Cor. North Station and' John Streets, Weston, Ont. Otiiee Hours--8 to 10 a.ou; B to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. . Money to loan in large and small amounts. Oftices--36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. 12 Keele St. N H. HOWARD SHAVER, »Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1' Residence, 401 Huron St,, Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 Organist Weston Met St. Philip's Church HAROLD J £911.01 W. P. Bull, ICA) Teacher of Piano and Organ. l 31 Macdonell Ave., TORONTO. T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Tore Licensed Auctioneer tor the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, antt West Toronto. TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write for calendar Musical Dix-actress 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Real Estate tor sale and houses to rent. TORONTO. , COR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS. F is fully five times the supply. New. catalogue tree. . ' WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 3rd LOOK! LOOK! College All diseases of Cattle and Horsea Treated Beieratiiiearir, Calls by mail or phone promptly _G. w. COULTER Where you can get your eyes soientifts cally and thoroughly examined. _ Those who have trouble with their eyes» call and consult him at his offiee, C. J. FALL, D.O, ottioe Hours from 2 to 5 pm). and 6 to 8 Inn H . F . S E F T o N ' Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Lite Building, N. TORONTO, ON' GUNNS’, Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house. West Toronto, 09 Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case,. not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 to 220 pounds. The demand for Graduates of CHAS. H ANDERSON & GR. Barristers, Solicitors, etc OFFICE: IO BLOOR STREET WEST ‘. Anderson Teacher ov, EYESlGHT SPECIALIST My . tte.. ',i,i.i,iiiiiiiiia,ii' I) ' , " “P r, it, i . b , ll 7, lay-{:5 JOHN J. DALTON, E.T.S. WESTON, Physician and Surgeon, Ontario Land Surveyor. A B . H . P O R T E R Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. . . K. McEWEN, DR. WRIGHT, attended. WESTON. ONT, Main St., '. HACKETT Dentist d tres & Bon, Methodist Churc.‘ WEST TORONTO WESTON, ONT. ARTRIDG G.H. Gray & GRAY, , Etobicoke. EST, . Fred Hollies ONT. Thermary' Toronto. small

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