rr"',-' "The very latest in Ties, L53»: Shirts, Gloves, Hats, etc. IRT D COMFORT __D|S ASE, sis-ss'" ", w. E; COLEMAN "Insure in the York Fire .18 most attractive ranges we have ever shown. The man who has been "advertised" into wearing ready-made clothing on the plea that it was "Just as good tt as made to-order garments has found that the price for jasc as good ready- mades is as high as for garments made tooeasure without the individ- uality, character or service. _ Snappy and up-to-date ' Furnishings. . ‘ilding Plans and Speeifi- -'ious prepared. Estimates given. Contracts taken. All Acmdemical and many Technical Sub- jects provided tor. Write for eatumit's. State work preferred. The sew Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street. Toronto It takes an um) , 11y smart man to discover that his fe is more clever than he is. GENTS' njRMStiills% MAIN ST. - WE: Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Government Deposit For Rates apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, or drop a. card to Head ottiee, 167 Bay Street Toronto. --, Mail’s and Boy's Underwear, Wool and Fleece Lined, at lowest V Aces. HOME STUDY COURSES THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Fall and Winter Clothing W. R. WADSWORTH garner Church and Wellington Streets. TORONTO school W. C. BURRAGE uilder & Contractor North Station St. WESTON CAPITAL PAID UP - $4,000,000.00 RESERVE - - $4,500,000.00 are alNuzied Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. TORONTO BRANCH THE BANK OF KEE9 IT OUT ESTABLISHED 1855. MANAGER. WESTON i If not on sale in your town, write , J. F, ROBERTSON, Sea-Twas. National i Sanitarium Association, 347 Kin St. 'Mr., Toronto. All information fd',',: t ished and stamps mailed promptly on i receipt of order. [ Maps of the route also freight, passenger and ‘express tariffs are in course: of preparation and' an an- nouncement will be made shortly of the service and all arrangements re- garding the handling of the trptPe. Getting into Gow Ganda this Winter 'wii‘l be made easier, as tho Gauadian Northern Ontario Ry. Will in a few days have steel laid to Gow Ganda J et., which is 31 miles North ot Bell- wood Jet., " miles North of Sud- bury and 320 from Toronto. The Gow Ganda Transport Com- pany are building a good team road from Gow Ganda Jet. that will be much shorter and a great improve- ment over the road used last year. - For information w'rite Wm. Phillips, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Canadian Northern Building, Toron- to. WRMEW SWiMi Frank McDonald SEWING MACHINE Singer Sewing Machine (mm 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO HE net proceeds from stamps sold will be used for the extension of the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consum ptives. The avail- able beds were trebled as the result of last year's Stamp Campaign. Not a single patient has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital fazyConsumprives because of his or her inability to pay. Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of BUY THEM, USE THEM. HELP THE GOOD \VORK ALONG. THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE. , A CHURCH St. Alban s SCHOOL FOR Th '1 a?“ T ree m1 es mm o- School ronto, Visitor. Lord Bishop of Toronto. Weston Large and beautiful grounds. Boys pre- ONTARIO. pared for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to juniors and boys entering commercial life. Reopens Sept. 13th. For prospectus apply to M. E, Matthews, Head Master. Coal and Wood Cirg?ss'iiastipyw in which to train for earniraga good salary is the of Toronto. Our fine catalogue ex- plains our superiority, and is mailed free on request. If on are interested in preparlng for and securing a good situation, write us w.thout delay. Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To RESIDENCE ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO EVERY STAMP SOLD IS A BULLET IN THE “VARF'ARE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidery a Specialty. There are advantages in buyin near home. Mrs. E, Mungovan, A GOOD SCHOOL ONE CENT EACH DRIVING PARTIES JAS. GARDHOUSE Before Buying a OF ALL KINDS. DEALER IN W. H. SHAW, Principal The Short Route to HELP CANhi)h'!i NEEOY WNEUMPTWEE GOW ()hlii)h Pronrietor MAIN ST., AND WHEREAS in order thereto, it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the said Township of Etobi- coke for the sum ot $10,000-as here- after provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-Law), the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purposes respectively and no other; 1 That a bridge with steel super- structure and concrete abutments "shall be constructed and built over the west branch of the Humber River on the Weston Road on Lot Thirty in Concession B fronting on the Humber River in the said Township ot Etobi- coke in the County of York; River in the said Township ot Etobi- TAKE NOTICE that' the aboVejs a coke in the County of York; true copy of a proposed 1tlt? 2 That a bridge of concrete con- 'IPO has yy? taken into conSI era- structure throughout shall be created, tion and whit.? will be hell†Passed! constructed and built over the Creek iby the Gyuy11 of the Munrcrpahty f,' known as "Chaftey Greek", opposite the Township of Btobieoke (m t e Lot Fifteen in Concession B, fronting event 0f.the assent of the electors be- on the Humber River ind 0n the ing obtained thereto) after one 'month Road allowance between Concessions from the first ptrblication m fl; B and 0 in the said Township of T117185 & Guide _j.ws?.aper, the date 0 Etobicoke; , iwhich first publication was Friday , C ‘the 10th day of December, 1909, and 3 That for the purpose of raising that the votes of the electors of the the said sum, debentures of the said 553“} municipality will be taken there- Township of Etobicoke to the amount 'orr, on the day and at the hours and of $10,000, as aforesaid, shall be issued places therein fixed, in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars each on the first day of l J. A. L. MACPHERSQF’ Clerk February 1910, each of which deben-l Towtts 1P . tures shall be dated on the said 1i'il_ day of February 1910, and shall be q.---.---.-)-------- payable on the first day of February, _ 1920, at The United Empire Bank of ANY WEAKFEES IN YOUR Canada, at Toronto; l 1lit, . . A AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "The Conselidated Muniei- pal Act, 1903â€, to be raised annually by special rate for paying said de- bentures and interest, is the sum of $1333 for ten years, during the cur- rency of the said debentures; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the whole rateable property of the said Township, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof, is the sum of $2,406,123. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Township of Etobicoke, is the sum of $7,800, of which no part, thereof, either of principal or interest, is in arrears. AND WHEREAS it is estimated t’Oll UlerK, at Ut1atNioW% Hall, Lamo- that the sum of $10,000, will be Ire- ton. quired for the purposes aforesaid, of Polling Division No. 6. Archibald which amount it is estimated that Ferrier, D. R. Officer, Oliver Coulter, the sum of $7,500-will be required for Poll Clerk, at Township Hall, 1sling- the said bridge over the west branch ton. of the Humber River and) the remain-; Polling Division No' 7. Francis Can- ing $2,5()0-for the bridge over Chaffey Ding, D. R. Officer, Alfred Johnston, Creek aforesaid; and it is desirable Poll Clerk, at Oliver Dixon’s house, that the said sum should be raised lot 21 Con. fl, on the credit of the said Township; , pnlliho- Tlhn‘cinn NA fl nn1in Currto, NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township ot Etobicoke, enacts as follows:-- 4 Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Raeve oi the said Township of Etobicoke, or by some other persons authorized by By-Law to sign the same, and also by the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk of the said Township of Etobicoke shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the municipality; WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke, deem it advisable and in the interest of the said Township, that two new bridges should be erected and built within the said Township as aforesaid, at the re- spective places above designated; 5 The said debentures shall bear in- terest at the rate of tive per centum per annum, payable half-yearly on the said first days of February and August in each and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have attached to them coupons for pay- ment of the said interest, which COU- pons shall be signed by the said Reeve and Treasurer; "These debentures or any interest therein, shall not, after a certiti- cate of ownership has been endorsed thereon by the Treasurer of the Township oi Etobicoke, be transfer- able except by entry by the Treasur- er or his Deputy in the debenture re- gistry book, of the said Township." 9 This By-Law shall take effect on and from the date of the passing thereof; And to provide for the issue of de- bentures to the amount of ($10,000) Ten Thousand Dollars, to meet the cost thereof and incidental thereto. 7 That the annual amount to be levied on account of the sinking fund required by this By-Law, shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Town- ship of Etobicoke to the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, pursuant to the provisions of “The Ontario Muni- cipal Securities Act, 1908", and amendments; A BY-LAW to provide for the eree- tion of two new bridges within the limits oi the Township of Etobi- coke in the County of York and Pro- vince of Ontario, the one being over the west branch of the Humber River on the Weston Road on Lot Thirty, Concession B, fronting on the Humber River in the said Township, and the other being over the creek known as Chaffey Creek on the Road allowance between Concessions B and C opposite Lot Fifteen in Concession B in the said Township; - 6 During the currency of the said debentures, there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate, able property of the said Township of Etobietylre, the sum of $500, for pay- ment of interest on the said deben- tures, and the sum of $833, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for payment of the debt hereby se- cured, making in all the said sum of $1333, to be raised annually by special rate as aforesaid, during each of the said ten years; 8 That the said debentures to be issued hereunder, shall contain, a provision in the following words: BY~=LAW No. mm " i 12 On Wednesday the 15th day oi 'December, 1910, the Reeve of the said Township of Etobicoke, shall attend at the council chamber aforesaid at ten o'eloek in the forenoon to ap- point in writing two persons to at- tend the final summing up of the ivotes by the Returning Officer, and one person to attend at each polling ;place on behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desirous of promoting (the passing of this By-Law, and a ilike number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous oi oppos- ‘ing the passing of this By-Law; . Polling Division No. 8. Colin Came- ron, D. R. Officer, R. T. Wood, Poll Clerk, at Mrs, Barton's house, Smith. field. 11 That J. A. L. Macpherson, Clerk of the said Township of Etobicoke shall be Returning C)ffieer for the pur- pose ot taking said votes, and he shall sum up the number ~of votes given tor and against said By-Law, on Wednesday the 5th day ot January, 1910, at the Township Hall or Coun- cil Chamber, in the Village of Tsling- ton, in the said Township of? Etchi- coke, at twelve o’clack neon; -iieLi a" Est uae on this 6th day of December 1909. _ _.. - Polling Division No. 5_Arrthurr Clay- ton, D. R. Officer, Chester Thompson, Poll Clerk, at Oddfellow's Hall, Lamb- ton. Polling Division No. 4. E. H. French D. R. Officer, Wm. Holmes, Poll Clerk, at house corner Churehl and Queen streets. "E836; JecLld time on the 6th day of December 1909. Polling Division No 3. F. W. Thomp- son D. It. Officer, Geo. Rush, Poll Clerk, at Reuben Gibson's house, Humber Bay. weakness wiitdfg')it' much suffering. Later on the {Lyn will surely come. The trouble citisihecseopped now by rubbing on Neriiicii,,tiiHrtf it in deep- ly over the spi 'ii, $1.1 thenput on a Nervilint1 Lsreti; â€laster. _ In these remedies you w?, 11nd; wonderful and quick relief. 'tlla. Will spare you from an attaclf 'tit%imbago which is the outcome d, ii'"tutijicted pain in the back or side. For .Lmuscular pains, strains, and weakness, Polson's Ner- Nrititle and Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse substitutes, Y. P. A. is maki; and offers a vet gramme for Tuesit for the winter, an; of the district wj welcome. 1, A grand concert and dramatic en- tertainment ,11 unnection with the Anglican Young '-oples Association, was held in St. f Miehael's and All Angel's schoolrom Monday night. Over 200 people were present and greatly enjoyed ghe excellent pro- gramme. The S. John's Dramatic Club made a grea hit as also did the tertainment in c4tmeetion with the local talent. as. Emery was very good, several encores being de- manded. The Eaneh of the A. Polling Division No. I, Wm. O'Con- nor, D. R. Officer, Percy Campbell, Poll Clerk, at James Dum1's house, New Toronto, GUNNB', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights prqferred. 160 to 220 pounds. Polling Division No. 2. Donald Hendry, D. R. Officer, Francis Hendry Jr. Poll Clerk, at" Wm. Barlow's house, Mimico. 10 The votes of the electors of the said Township of Etobicoke shall be taken on this By-Law, at the follow- ing times and places, that is to say: On Monday the third day of January 1910, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continu- ing till tive o'eloek in the afternoon of the same day, by the following deputy returning ottieers, and at the under-mentioned places: . "ttt . . Sometimes yoitCi:',experieryse pan) and Call at Inch's for: Xmas. Presents TirgChE?rWOCy.D .EAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. R. B. WARNER, Reeve. J, A, L. MACPHERSON, Clerk. -NOTrCE.-- (,il,i),1: yo; Eexpe thiitt E ii,iiit wi csriieipotrA Fer "itll' sk, 'j'ir,(iii)iiriii'i'l-, tog la; wgil nd Jtp . , gr of ' Ill o) ig ikt)c' . John's Dramatic hit as also did the anecti‘on with the Las. Emery was gencores being de- Eanch of the A. rg good .progress, ' attractive pro- V night meetings, the young people [1 be made heartily ' You may dislie taking medicine-- lei. coughs are Quasi: cured without medicine. The gun odern treatment is "Catarrhoiiope'Hhfit isn't a drug-- it's a healing'évapor, full of pine essences and iialing balsams. It Pspretakls over zeg‘TE‘urfaces that are IIweak and sore ii'.ijj't1/iiti)tji1i'.i Every ispot that's co,’ sted is healed, irri- ltation is sootlitiitt tway, phlegm and 'secretions ard '1 6aied out, and all [symptoms 0355'ng fand catarrh are cured. Nothihg "f'quick, so sure, so lpleasant as Qatar ozone. In Met. land $1.00 sizes at all dealers. The next sittings of the 7th Divi- sion Court will Ii,) held on Jan. 15th, 1910, all cases rri,tyst be entered before Jan. 1st. Ed. wi) Brown, Clerk. Messrs. Geddiis and Chapman, Blacksmiths, W'iiod1sriilge, have dis- solved partnershifp. Mr. Geddes will continue the business. Mr. Chapman has engaged Withf; Ellioth Bros. ask The Euchre crtih met at the home oi Mr. J. G. Hallett on Tuesday evening last. Eye winner's were:-- Miss Bessie 'wiipace and Mr. R. L. McBride. The chili) meets at the home of Dr. R. E. Wi11tl,'i) Mr. Robt. G. Hélland, bias accepted a position as teit)eher in Flesherton Public School. li: are sorry to lose Mr. Holland, as Is. e was not only a capable teacher $111; a good citizen. The School Boardjfiwin find it hard to get a teacher to ail his place and one who will make (i)) good showing at midsummer. ,3} A bad fire oeeuiited here on Friday morning last. Ahimt one o’clock fire broke out in the @rphen’s Home from an unknown cause and the whole dwelling and outtr,pildings were burn- ed to the grounrt) This was about the oldest house in town, having been built about 70 yiiarir ago. It was made of mud, Irtiek and frame. It has recently been occupied _ bye a, Hebrew dairy and dwelling. The contents were cqvered by insurance to the amount of?f;1$700' in the Metro- politan Fire 1nsusi)htee Co. We under- stand the buildings were also insur- ed.. At one, time it looked as though the flames woullfd, spread to other buildings msartor,'trtrt the calm nignt was in their tav4t. Had a heavy wind been blowiiig it would have cleared the north side of Pine street. The Presbyterian“ Sabbath School will hold their Elttistme Tree enter- tainment in the qgange Hall on Tues- day evening, ifee.ti'i)iis't'. See posters. 1 L. O. L. No. 28, will meet in the 1 Orange Hall on Tfresdas evening next, Dec. 14th for thtij,jie1ettion of officers (and transaction of other business. L. O. L. No. 28 ed the funeral H'ugill at Weston The Village Cougicil met on Monday evening last. Members were all pre- sent amounts atiioanting to $144.00 were passed. 2‘! NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. Notice is hereby given that Alex- ander Augustus Barthelmes of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province oi Ontario Manu- facturer, will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada at the next Session thereof, for a-Bili ot Divorce from his wife Catherine Camille Bactheimes of the said City of Toronto, on the ground of adultery. Services will b(i held in Christ Church every Wednesday evening dur- ing Advent Season; Mr. David mrantfihas purchased the Wiggins hornesteadf/m Pine Grove and has ramoved theme? Master Roy Dang, of Toront viriting with his IIB, 1e, Dr. P. D Lean here. jl °__,,_,, -ee __ _ E straightening 1110 crooked mums and cluli Dated at Toronto in the County 91' feet oi little children. Please help 115. York and Province of Ontario this} ““_,__..___ Ninth day of October A. D. 1909. i Please Send Go.nt""""iot1sst11a"hym THOMAS HERBERT BARTON, l Robertson, Chairman, or to Bought-3 Solicitor for the Applicant! Davidson, $Nse.-Tmsas., The Hospital! tor Sick Children. College St., Toronto. MeNEIL--In Totkinto, on Sunday, Dee. 5th, 1909, dfihn Wallace, young- est son of Mr. "11d Mrs. James Me.. Neil, of Maple,i ged 23 years. Funeral took ~ace on Wednesday and was largely ittended. The Woman's Ini, itute will meet on (Thursday Dee. Il at the home of Mrs. J. Love, at .30 p.m. A good programme is ex ‘ted. Everybody welcome. id, Mr. and Mrs. evi Elliott were {Visiting friends in eston on Sunday ast. Miss Bessie Wal-laie returned home last week from sp/tding a month in Chicago. , THISTLETOWN DON'T NEGLECT YOUR COUGH BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR Call at Inch's for Xmas. Presents BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR WOODBRIDGE ' Condensed Advertisements Ed. W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. S in a body attend- (tri late Bro. John 56:1 Sunday last. ' of Toronto, is 1iruppiswN---uhoie, or part tlme; " liberal terms; prompt pay. Out. fit, free. Over five hundred acres in trees. Write sit once, tt Canada’s iOldesc Nurseries," Thos. W. Bowman '62. Sen Co. Ltd , Ridgeville. Ont. tos tiALEr--Fra e house on John i Street, 7 rooms good cellar, hard ‘uud soft, water, ver dah Ot. the fr out i Ibis house is near r new. Will be mum an easy terms, Apply to J. K l McEwen, Auction r, Main Sheet, I Weston. _ tfe J. K. MCEVVEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simone. Deale: in Real Est-ate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Office, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Auc- tioneer for City of Toronto and Counties of York and Peel. All orders promptly attended to. I have several good farm properties placed in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the, City of Toronto. I also have Several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. Anyone wishing: either Farm or Til. lage property will find it to their ad. vantage to consult me before buying. Phone Central, Weston. Residence, John Street. tf FOR SALE or '10 1'INT,-New brck house, 7 rooms, on Maria Street, Weston, win be finished about lst November. Apply to John Goulding, Maria Street, Weston. tfe For Weston and surrounding dis- trict for Fali and Winter months an eue getic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUQIVE TERRITORY. 600 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good con- dition and up to contract grade. We earusliosy, prruhauhertsusg ood mon ex in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY co., 15te. TORONTO, ONT. FOR SALE--Larg iresh calved Cow b indlu color. Apply to A, Dob- san. Lot 39, Con. , Etobicoke. 219 Fort tsuL'lti--Ftau, BOARDERS WAN", ED-Respeeusble young men. Apply Box No. 10 .imes 0mm 8rp WAylhiD--a good general house- keeper. Apply to Mrs. W. 'si, Smith, King Sheet, next Methodigiri: Parsonage. smriilt The Hospital for 3%?" Sick Children WES AWEM It Til 1ltll! REM Gl ll EH That Every Sick Child in Ontario Whose Pap ants Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat. ment is Treated Free. The Hospital for Sick Child/tn had last year in its cots and beds 1,155 patients-- 383 of these were, “fa from 267 places in {I'm the Province. Sixty- 5/" "7%.. fiyt per cent. were cr'ifsliik'f.1 {a clultllren M ti, p o o r CP? "s _ " ,5 , , peep e W 20 could [Ce-fs.';?,;-',.';,',?"'"'" J†‘ no; (1 (ford to pay. BEFORE AFTER Just think of it-Your money can help the Hospital to do the good work of straightening the crooked limbs and dull feet of little children. Please help as. If you know of my child in your neighborhood who is sick or has any leformity send the â€Ame of the parent to the Secretary. ['fi"1'ii'e'-"aia'te-e'--( Since its orgahiza- ., tion the Institution 1W0 CLUB FOOT CASES has ircated 15,613 IN PLASTER. children ; 11,550 of these unuble to pay and wue treated free. &7â€Wï¬Ã©g were 59 ‘Mfli .5: cas es of " 'Per. Tfri i t?"f-, I Club Fee t, I r I . u- ’ 2;! F.1 £2155£7§ iiui'i',eiiittii, Vggflyg'aï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬i“ treated i n MASSAGING A PATIENT. the stpi- tal last year and 67 had perfect correction: The Hospital for Sick Children is not a local but a great Provincial: Cbarity for the sick child of 'hepoor man in any [HUT of Ontario hes 5 #545415"? r! 7%ng 1a'rrT-ir-rret (il: 2Q 'ii'i't'is'i"'j,i,( t5Es . - Lf..EEtilf,Ir, 7iil , g , .- . _ ' " ' .-: r r zyex’ - T ae = m ,, Ix V .’ ", f a†at-ret = I 21572:}; ~17†__ . l WANTED NOW tiie"iirst ( shadow i te, wall s Toron eo