I} ‘1'»- mo! enjoy- . wid-apr- oat. . Imp. Enter now. Out-loan in... i» Wool and fleece [ind underwent in ___" ‘Anll signs, than 41390: noveltiel ' e" E MAIN “ST; c. /ttsi, TORONTO BRANCH "t, [icrii'ir Church and Wellington Streets. vi'l, T THE BANK OF St. Mban's sé STORONTO School '[,i1i,'.t)rmsi" @AHARDWARE WE. COLEMAN we " Because good Clothes an: "inspiration. A spur to Succe LR. t , fyou are a man, and if you‘ve _ ked at this clothes question - right you have discovered that t clothes made for anybody can never do for you. : 2 l f»; Let us put you right with cloth- i)" ing that the most exacting critic , can find no fault with. '. : CAPITAL PAID Ue _ RESERVE - - WITH. WAbSWORTH SUCCESSFUL MAN Wilt-DRESSED l1lll Paints and Oils Happy l‘hough "g%rpare for 5 Position of mm nnd "atssiromsibuitr by “Mac. feetion Oil Stoves. seen Doors and Windows. IFivn Mowers and Garden iools. FIeury Ploughs, seufflers and Wheel barrows , Farm and Lawn Fences. Metallic Roofs and Ceilings - __ ' h A __ trc-.,. 11150011 Lu eB.W__r_""' w" V, Genasco and Excello Ready Roofing. Portland Cement. Hot Water and Hot Mr Heating. Iilavets oughing. Special prices on Nails to Builders. Orders delivered. Phone No. 14 4 WWW . Its no Accident Either Deposits received in Savings Department, of $1.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed inereon at Current Rates. THE (EYS & BULL MAIN SfREET, WESTON We†W. E. Coleman. Walton. TOR TOUR TAM (WWW He has the choit of stylish patterns. white shop on He can make an with some class to it. You w111 find him in the little Main Street Weston COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDF! SIR£EYS TAILOR and FURNISHER Firoiliht and Oxford Ranges ESTABLtsEED Opp good Clothes are an n. Aspurto Success. MANAGFR. P. IRWIN UNION LABEL TORONTO. M Bank of Nova Scotia. ELLIOTT IS THE GO TO choicest selection 1855. ' $4,000,000.00 $4,750,000.00 an overcoat WESTON A CHURCH ’ q-N , St. Mban's SCHO(O)LSFORi CORRESPONDENCE B Y S h I Three miles from To- LETTER FRO THE SUNNY , C oo ronto, Visitor. Lord sot TH. I Bishop of Toronto. . iWeston Large and beautifuliTo the Eidltor' grounds. Boys pres-l Dear Birr-I hav (been in the Sur l ONTARIO. pared for the Univer-SQuth now for a out a month 2 ‘slty and Royal Military daege.lwill. try to tell ll some of my Wpeeial attention given to juniors 8t1?e".ees: As you are alt good Met and boys entering commercial 1ite.Nists P Weston I ust be careful h For further particulars and terms. l do it. After lea ing Toronto by apply to M. E. Matthews, Headic- P. R. I enjoye the trip to Detn Master. ‘the cars were ver frne and equxp‘ lmH‘h aver-w 000nm ndati-On, I said w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of Frank McDonald The MISSES HARSHAW wish to an- nounce to the Ladies of West Toronto, Weston and vicinity that they have opened up their new stock of Millinery f'uli)N FALL and WINTER MILLINERY COR. MEDLAND AND DUNDAS SIS. WEST TORONTO Allithe latest-Paris and New York styles at reasonable prices. MOURNING ORDERS A SPECIALTY MISSE'S HARSHAW MILTON PRESSED BRICK. R. BARKER. Coulter Ave. ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOW N, ONTARIO North Station St. WESTON Estimates given on Carpenters and Contractors THE YORK FiRE INSURANCE COMPANY, , For Rates apply to E. J. MUSSON. WESTON or drop a. Patti to Head Ofnee, 157 Bay Street Toronto. Insure in the York Fire BOWMAN tth SONS) . T . - ‘PCGLCU ILA JVuL Buy direee from the growers. No m {of the service gi ferior stock handled. Everything in (1t_rt1rt, Railway. . drawn to variou fruit, nut and shade trees. Shrubs, larisen but 1 dor vines, bulbs and small fruits a specialty. 'ever mentioned 1 Special rates to the Horticultural SO_lseVera1 occaswns . . . . .been so poor th clety. Write now by full information ‘sible for the ca: to Barker fl Peirson for the position just ahead of you. About 1,500 young men and women piepiu'e tor, promotion to better things by spending a few months in our great senoo1--shaw's School. The Central Business College of Toronto. Our new catalogue will interest you You are invited to write tor it. W. H, Shaw, Pres'h, Yonge and Gerrard Sm, Toronto. Weston ht Depot CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS TIPPETT’S SHOE STORE DRIVING PARTIES Get your REPAIRS done by an expert, the best of material used, 'ti'fsriifi'd,, RID GEVILLE. Ont. WESTON, ONTARIO. GET READY 500 Acres in Trees. Our line of Hockey Boots are the strong- est on the market. . H. MACKINTOSH, Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Government Deposit Agent for OPPOSITE EAGLE BLOCK Local_Agent, all kinds of work SEE Proprietor J. A. PERSON _ Church St. WESTON Dear Bir:-l hav South now tor a will try to tell perienees. As you dists in Weston I _ I do it. After leaf C. P. R. I enjoyed the cars were ver the cars were ver with every accoml my companion the being sea sick as 1: We are enjoyiV ow and feeling bette than our lives. . The palmetto, agms are very nice, ros s an full bloom, and s rawt ing outside, on unde tieient for a good mea are oranges and rape trees look very rett' fruit. We are gla We it is very nice t be cold wintry wea er in Toronto as I s e b: December and J 2 months here in 1 the houses must 1 tourists who con: winter months. Most things her pared with the Plasterers and ma per day carpente hours from 7 to 41 As I have been I At various ti ipeared in your ‘3 {of the service srie IStreet; Railway. drawn to various {arisen but I don' 'ever mentioned t (several occasions P.tT so poor th , As I have bee of my friends to about this place means of letting t I have not tmSPi your valuable Spj I remai JO A Ttoxrfrtrqa. Jan. 1911 Daytona, Jan Dear Sir arisen but I don' think. anyone has iriena over but' 11il U†“WWW _..'%'-r_ ever mentioned t e poor power. On Ing. , A l several occasions ately the power hast l been so poor th it has been impos-l Silver Gloss Horse Tonic for those sible for the ca to reach the top of Horses, Cattle and Sheep, and Pigs, the hill. It h frequently happened Inch, Weston. that passengers ho have timed them- i, selves to catch e car exactly, fail to i Edgar Tomlinson' continues his visits see it at the b ttom of the hill, do to the Third Line. I wonder if he has not hurry till th y hear the car whistle company on the w y. and arrive in t he to see the car at, , lKing Street, 0-, more frequently just? , . \see it starting. Also in the evenings‘ Rev. Mr. Church; reached a Peet. {the power has b n so poor that when fieen.t sermon at baron on Sunday ithe ear/Is stand g still the lights are evening. ioften little mor than a glimmer and iwhen the car is oviaut are just dull) Mr. Dutchburn d a very success- Iglowing wires at he top of the car. ‘ful sale of his Far Stock and Imple- These things ar eatilrremedied and ments, very little pressu op the part of the) r Board of Trade sh 113d remedy‘this ae-l, Compound syrup'iypopt10sphites, to feet. . w' . _ _ build you up and for that neuralgic Hoping that so bring will be done nervous condition, regular $1.00 for Ito throw some_1ig on the‘metter. i750 and regular 75e. for 50c. it's self Some men are ways trying to get a. finger in the pit in order to spoil the appetite of at 'rs tor the pastry. You may have bserved that the man who always aughs at his own jokes seldom has y laughter left for the joke‘s of others If THE SUBUE a, young map up to him ti) was at Cincinnatei, ' walk a couple of 'teel Monday, .Feb‘ 6’, cinnatti is a very low il. o. O. Thin Oddfel not like to live here at '; Street. ur way down we pass-l Monday, Feb. 6.- S of what seemed 1i «e ‘nf Town Council, in C itl.1 a number of turpen-l, Monday. Feb. 6.-- All along the line youimeetingnf High Schrr (1,1,1/,', tree: blazed 2Ei,t.,. 30“ Chamber. Town rom t em somet incr . , †Monday, Feb. 6 exp " taken from .our meetinqufthn Pub c t the different stations Publrc School Kin Q Waiting rooms were - , l"-, nd coloured, it seemed quday, Feb. . I expect in the Heaven meenng hf Samar J ng for me when I die Separate School, 1 the white will be there Tnvsdav, Feb. .- hen all will be well on LI) L No. 216, n ing tor me Wncn A um; the white will be there hen all will be well on shore. t and Monday we rush rain was a demon, the ‘very cold, but as We ville I opened the win- it much warmer. Whm Jacksonville I thought nary hymn, "Geylon’s nd only man is Vile," F mething you must ex- lly, it felt so good I :"be it. On we go again Ttnvhrtr1s. Park. Flo.. a.lms and other trees s and violets are in ,raWberries are grow- |unday I picked sui- meal. ‘All around rape fruit, and th, fatty with the ripe 1 We came south as the away from the er you are having L: by the papers. nary are very busy e building line, as got ready for the _ here to spend the i are very high com- Frices in Toronto, CHIS wages are $400 1; $3.00 a day of 8 asked by so many‘. rite and tell them I am taking this) em know,, so I hope I ssed too much oni, e. as letters have ap- ylumns complaining SAN ll by the susurban Attention hg'is been troubles which have 1911 our holiday fine, an we ever did in yours truly, VAN DE VORD has no family tree ranch out for him- RAILWAY ST. JOHN’S C URCH WESTON. The result of th written examine- tion held by the Su day Sech-ool Cham- mission of the Chit eh of England in Canada last Nove ber was received last week. Norma Johnston of St. John's Surreal obta ned first class in the Senior examina ion on the lesson for the year 1909-1% staff obtained first c examination on the asrtitieates signed 1 and Secretary of th his Lordship Bisho ror1to were presented noon at the Bun Rector. 1 The mortgage 0 the church having been discharged, e purpose holding a Thanksgiving rvice on Sunday evening, Feb. wt and a congrega- tional social in t. John's Sehodl- house, at g p.m. O Monday Feb. 13th. Monday, Feb. 6 f, egular monthly meeting of the Pub C chnol Board, In Public School, Kin , reet. Monday, Feb. . R gnhw monthly meexing of Sewn"; Srhrml Board, In Separate School, rgP Street. innuua‘yV UL“: v. --- rr of Town Council, in Cow trl Monday. Feb. 6.-f " meeting of High Scho' (m oil Chamber. Town b' ‘ Monday, Fol). 6 egul meeting of tho, Pub . y chm Public School, Kind - reet. Monday, Feb. , Ralf meaing of Sewn" f Svhno Separate School, .rgP Str Tuvadav, Fell. fr--l gu LI) I, No. 216, n ,1 we Church Street. Wednesdav. "e . , . l ing Grouse Hi , L rt" ., Ocldfellows’H ,C! ' St: I Thursdav. 'eb, 9.---Xleg Wednesdav. e . . egular meet- ing Grouse Hi , L .. 1.. No. 191, in oddCellows'H ,C! Street at8rrm. Thursday, ab Sh--- ‘egular meeting; Daughters and Maids of Enaland, in} ()ddfellows’ Hall, at 8 mm. l BRANDRAM-- ENDERSON'S I _ CONV NTTON. ' Banquet At Plac Viger Hotel the Fe. me An annual conv-ution of salesmen, branch managers bad executive offi- cers is fast becomug a habit among the more progressi e of our big Cana- dian business house. One of the first to take up the ioa, was the paint firm of Brandram Henderson, Limit- ed, arid they are , ong its most en- thusia)stie advocate Their last con- ventiop, lasting the days, Was held in Mbntreal just beiore Christmas, ‘The salesmen gathed from as tar as Winnipeg on the Wdst, Halifax on the East and the Britii I West Indies on the South, to discus past and future business with the 'resident and the other Head Offtetri0? cials. An even: Ing of Grand Oper and a most en- joyable Banquet " the Place Viger Hotel helped to m4lre the conVention the most successfulilwhieh they have ever held. The inte hange of sugges-l tions among Exec ive, Advertising' and Selling forces nd the. thorough inspection of the reat Brandram-- Henderson plant, fillled every man in the organization Wih pride and con- tidenee in his firm ad his 'goods. The result will be a pql1 more vigorous advertising and seing campaign this year. With the welt known quality of their ppjints, Varnises and white lead lo back up this eariraign, Btrsu1dram--- Henderson should ave the most suc- cessful year in theit history. BRANDRAM-- I _ CONV b' Banquet At Pla _ Fe I An annual conV ‘t ranch managers : ars is fast becom me more progressi e ian business hous It is quite a tid from me as I have holidays, I found _ lively as ever when; Mr. w. J. Agar up north. Well Stanley ho' style of the ladies' ter. Mr. Jas. Codlin} friend over the hill Silver Gloss Hers}: Tonic for those Horses, Cattle and Sheep, and Pigs, Inch, Weston. A l Bargains in underwear, boys, and kmeter, Peter, Pumpk Eater, (rnen't tleeee lined underwear, sins, 28 t Had a Phone and shed to keep to 40, regular price $100 per suit; her, Bale price, 50cts. ‘per wit. W. E. But if he don't keep 11 his pumpkin Coleman, Tailor and Men's Furnisher, I shell, _ 'Weston. 'He’ll wish the phontsl as in the yrtsil Ref. Mr. Church; reached a magrfr- fieent sermon at baron on Sunday evening. Mr. Frank App , load to Weston fills on their return t accident the slei Geo. Codlin Was he had his should it will be all right' H [GHFIELD Feb. 6, Regular meeting in Oddfelhuws’ Hall, Church 6.--R ular meeting in Cot _ l Chamber. B.-- e ular monthly "wlo . ward, in Coun- NEXT WEEK 3.--RegOu' meeting in oddfellows' rrall, Johnston of St.‘ ned first class in ion on the lesson , and Bert Long- ass in the Junior ame lessons. The y the President, Commission and Sweeny of To- on Sunday after- ', y School by the tMed eve] Wih prim a id his " _st“11 mm wing can rel known lises and au'oaign, 1 1 ave the lei , history __.. [till takes his drive ’eguhr monthly e since you heard been taking a few everything just as I got back. Jaid a Visit to his f on “Sunday even- r do you like the new hats this win- y took. a sleigh pn Tuesday night, f, met with a bad ibeing upset, Mr. fi. only one hurt, injured, we hope 3y Sunday night. gular meeting bynows' Hall, Bank of Nova Scotia General banking business transacted, Cheques on Toronto Banks cashed at par, highest current rate paid on Savings Deposits, Interest credited half yearly. 'lhis Bank does not require any notice of withdrawal. Deposits received by Mail will receive prompt attention, WESTON ERANCH l P. C. POPE, Manager. Get that 98c. watch, from Inch, Weston, guaranteed for one year. We are glad to ville is improving Mrs. Robert Ma hall is recovering from an attack, of rippe. Ineh's Lung Balsam, stops that cough and his mare-a-cold, breaks up a cold. The Baptist Chu held a very suc- cessful social in th church, on Tues- day evening last. The Mount Den Baptist Church are endeavoring to [organize a Young People's Associatio . The Mount Den hold their first Saturday afternoo Mr. and Mrs. A was, in the Norths Mrs. J. Pordage, on Tuesday last. Mrs. Hartney, ., of West Toronto with Mr. Thos. M ted's youngest son were visiting Mrs. J. Pordage, Eglin- ton Avenue, this ek. Wool and fleece lined underwear in all sizes, the latest novelties in men's furnishings, hats, caps, shirts, ties, etc., W. E. Coleman, Weston. The choir of the are holding an At 1 on Friday night. i which are to go to} Mrs. Neavitt"s F pened with a very having both fee touching them a his home. The Young Peo’s Baptist Union of Earlscourt, gait, an entertainment to the Young 'i%rliy of the Mount Dennis Baptist aureh on Monday evening last Whic was greatly ap- preciated by those ' esent. _ The Young Peo) of Earlscourt, ga' to the Young P Dennis Baptist , A roWsing turn c the vicinity attend, ing of the ratepaye No. 28. The trust jo build a tour-ro {school to meet the .younger scholars. Mount Dennis. ' I‘EALER IN Choice Beef, Lamb, Veal, Ham and Bacon BUIIER AND EGGS A SPECIALTY. BUTTONWOOD AVE, MOUNT DBMS Malia it a point attend the Grand Concert, Lecture a Tea in the This- tletown Public. 11, on Tuesday, February 7th, an hear Rev. C. O. Johnston, lecture 11 the English, - "NN K, “mm L‘UULLLaJ-J .uu, -- _, Johnston, lecture 11 the English, Irish and Scotch. ea will be provid- ed by the Women: Institute from 5 to 7.30 o’clock. A oinmodation will be also provided fo teams. Beautylene will absolutely kill all Dandruff, stop itching scalp, stop fall- ing Hair, restores Hair to its orginal color or money refunded, Inch, Wes- ton. NELSON JARRETT in Town Ice harvesting h been the featurel here for the last m nth. l For Sunday Sell 1 people Richwiew are the champion b tters in. Richview must ave some pretty lassies left, when rice tumed up at church. _ Service was not eld here Sunday evening on accou oi church being held at Sharon. A Candy Social or "At Home" will be held here Thursd y February 9th, the candy will be su lied by the Sun- day School and will e judged by two or three disinterest young men for the prize winner. The "At Home" hi School on Thursday good in spite ot the TriisTLETOWN CAPITA L 83,000,000 Pearl LaRose isIspending the week WESTON BRANCH NOW OPEN RICHVIEW turn 'yt from all around attend the public meet- .tepay ot school section v, trust s were authorized hear that Miss Sa b nicely. '[guns of Saskatehe- 'est, paid a visit to IEglinton Avenue, 3 Gun looting ‘ng son has haP-' asty accident, he, badly burned by (inst the stove at VIethodist Church, iome in the church (The proceeds of ihe organ fund. INCORPORATED 1832 'i", addition to the equirements oi the lil in our Sunday vening was VNV eathér. Club will match on THE w PRIV Crlil SALE of Household goods a. beginning Feb 4th and continu~ ing to Feb 11th. Mr J.F. Parker, Church Street, Weston, 14 WANTED-caretaker, also to pump Organ in the Presbyterian Church, Weston. Applications will he received by the undersigned up to Ebrnary 15th, duties to commence March Ist. Alex Sims, Secretary of the Board. 14. FOR SALE---A l' barn 22x50, with frame lean t D each side, 8 feet wide. Also a fr e shed 14x50 feet, situated on lot 4 8th concession of Vaughan. For urther particulars apply to J. Joh on, Woodbridge. FARM TO RE? . -0ne hundred acres on the th Line. Toronto Township, two r 3 below Malton. Apply to Thos. P racey. Highfield, PEARSON & MCEWEN. Dealess in Real Estate. Village and Farm Prnpeuties for Sale or to Rent. Office, Main St., opposite the Bank of B.N.A. Weston. Long distance Telephone con- HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Aue. Humor for City of Toronto and Counties ot York and Peel. _All orders promptly attended to. I have several good farm propertios placed uection in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toropto. I also have several house properties and vacant lots in the Village, of s', cs'on. My commission, if sale made, is 1 per cent on an arc-party. Phone Central, Wezsen Residence, John Street. tf HOME STUDY COURSES All Aeademical and many Technical Sub- jects provided for. Write for catalogue. State work preferred. The Shay Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street. Toronto Bargains in underwear, boys, and men's fleece lined underwear, sizes, " to 40, regular price $1.00 per ttalt. Sale price, 50cts. per suit. W. a. Coleman, Tailor and Menu Furnisher. Weston. Condensed Advertisements RESERVE V 85,500,000 tf 9tf