5\‘“?,‘ £3 ds he â€" The watchmen who patrol the ‘mill corridors every night must pass at each quarter of an bour clocks of wonâ€" derfully ingenious construction, the reâ€" wolving dials of which are pierced Extraordinary %recautions are taken for the security s of the mill where these notes are made, as well as of everything in thesmill, _ There is, of equrse, a staff of police constantly in attendance and m private wire to police headquarteTs, nine miles away. ‘C.â€".&. W. Wadsworth 5 _l EVC ol an electioO® especially men o The efforts C this gOVer‘nment‘, how ~influence pn ef the3 cide Woflldymysteri- ever, are not ‘ear‘ly so painstaking as( ously vanish toéreappear later witk those put forth in making the flimsy , strange tales of forcible Seizures, mad praper used for Bank of England,ra_CeS across counmtry in post chaises notes, which are probably the ï¬nest}g;'lvlililg2Â¥ y?"llixï¬g {)::ti}airons, f;)llc_)lvget(ii & & * i or sho ms of gilde paper money the world. Tht?se imprisonment in great mangions, notes are maniffactured from fine Irish| where they. were J wined and dined in linen, and the: peculiar properties of'] sumptuous stylï¬ and treated right the Test water (so called from the TOYA!ly in every way, only their river of that name) produce paper of| ‘PETty being denied them. a."puritg_zand(t: ture unsurpassed. The| Q@uite humble voters, too, were forciâ€" secret of the sgcurity of the Bank of D!Y abducted, ~but these did not alâ€" Emgland notel against forgery and|Y2Ys fare quite so well. _ Thus one counterifeiting is said to be entirely | Yi¢tim made complaint before a magâ€" in the paper Stself and not in the istrate that he had been decoyed from printing. § ,}ns house by a ruse and kept shut up In addition, ï¬Â§e notes show a waterâ€" !n a Coal hole for three days. mark so clearly devised that an exâ€" _ Wholesale kidfd@aping of voters in pert from the %]1 can tell by a glance batches, too, was not unknown, the at the date of manufacture the very Process being rerdered easier by the name of the employese who made it. cu.st’om of candidates paying the travyâ€" Fhe watermarh ie | proauced by a deâ€" eling â€"expenses of%their electors to and sign countersunk in the woven wire from the polling places. bottoms of the tÂ¥ays in which the hot: For instances,, at gâ€"certain Newâ€" paper pulp is p?ï¬red and dried. It castle election a whole shipload of has never been successfully imitated. , freemen of the borough, ~dispatched Our own gogirernment guards with extreme care ef ery detail of the manâ€" ufacture of th_;i paper, laying special importance upen its secret of getting silk thread iigo the composition of the paper itseï¬. The various great nations devote the clock ticks much study torthe improvement of Present himself A § ....â€" duled for him tc their secret progesses of manufacturâ€" ti a : 3 , imepiece immed ing paper for money and banknotes,| arm â€"New York the principlal »bject being, of caurse,| Shes to render cognterfeiting more and{ e more difficult. " n it an No. 8 Dundas St., West We Sell the Best a and Pursest Drugs AT THE LOWEST PRIcEs ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. Millers and Dealers in Grait and PAPER FOR MONEY. Extreme Care gnd Secrecy Used In Its Manufacture. NO Maoutacturers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and § L. ' W bholeâ€"wheat Flours. & OW E L. L. With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES EXACT COPY OF WRAPFPER. and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison WE D R U G GIS T S , (ES EABLISHE D 1828.) w»lllly of of in to M ° es 0 tibadl x s Ca n «i ic EJ = iz:&;n &A E &A SE aa r § Bs é F %’; B i3 5 Em, :‘é }}a :L:i Pe? \ > i8 CS ts o e t hexe BA ko N i en 1‘ B1 E/RQ ton :P,; i.!;' ".:S ?‘F\': hoyâ€" § s’; ; ts 2e cclla \a %2 FAl hWd Reaoue {_â€â€˜ 9 pal 8 Eo e a 3 Bs 3 2B 2 d es â€"o Bs c t3 L?;’i’ @A PR 2ake t s §6ep a ("~% </ o B L uw B & Bb a 5 Ne aeureatie aameaniy. mCU vam Anrv! Once a Regular }‘eature of Political Warfare in England. _ _ In England a ggneration or two ago | kidnaping was a regularly recognized j feature of political warfare. On the |eve of an electio§ especially men of influence jpn either side would mysteriâ€" | ously vanish to|reappear later with strange tales of forcible seizures, mad ,races across country in post chaises |driven by yelling postilions, followed ‘by longer or shofter terms of gilded imprisonment in great mansions, where they, were (j wined and dined in | sumptuous â€"styl . and treated right ! royally in every way, only their liberty being denj?d them. \ s d P ene se t ie en o pe iy" 2 â€" For instances,} at gâ€"â€"certain Newâ€" castle election a whole shipload of freemen _ of the t§orough, dispatched from London by sea, were taken by the captainâ€"who? had been heavily bribedâ€"to Ostend and. there left stranded. E During the samé contest, too, and under similar cireumstances a number of Berwick electors who happened to reside in London. were dumped down in Norway, and a group of thirty Ipswich voters found themselves on the day of the poll cooling their heels upon the quay at Rotterdam. with holes, whicHh at the precise mo: /ment the watchmgn is due before them | pass â€" over a slok. The watchman |pushes through a peg he carries, and Quite humble V§ters, too, were foroiâ€" bly abducted, _ but these did not alâ€" tne clock ticks ®n. Shouldâ€"he not present himself dt the moment scheâ€" duled for him to ppear, however, the timepiece immediately sounds an alâ€" arm.â€"New York Wribune. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY, KIDNAPING VOTERS WEST TORONTO Telephone No. 1 t ‘all_ lGinds give material aid to the city‘s indusâ€" personations. e HLRE NE g= in trial and business growth. * First 1\}I)rize, F.EIbI%)tsohnt, HSappy I;lIo%bx- ~ is an; Miss L. E. Wright, »panish; â€" ‘ Other Natl qb assine. T/ _ Wells and Nirsy Wells, Indians; E. t blg‘ pubhmtg campaign for Alâ€" Spratt and Miss Wright, Henry NITL bertia t to beéla‘unched, too. A period.' The chf%,dren’s prizes were provincial publicity bureau has been. awarded to Miss Bva Wright and Miss established at Edmonton and a sum fetere Wingaer. .]gaghn P. Heighton of approximating half a million dollats the. Toronto Boar'@, of Trade and J. will be expended in securing PUbHCY pilworth of West: Toronto were the for the province of Alberta. Regina, ndees f Saskatchewan, has started a moveâ€" s gï¬ â€˜i‘ i ment for wider â€" spread of facts comâ€" . . ;s he EHpiles of ANiss ‘C@d cerning the city and province, and this enï¬g;?id‘?slsigge; SY?M?SSS }?13 I\}Ichiy, movement is to be directed toward <a;â€"piyen Tuesd M\ cveninz. at the the accomplishment of a Greater Gollest ‘of Music E \all 1684 Dundas Saskatchewan. Al@:ogether, a Greater street : The mem ers,'r‘of the West West and a Greater Canada are the Toron%bt'\ iFestival ; Chorus resumed po_mts aimed at by the enlarged pubâ€" their ï¬g:ï¬& for the remainder of the licity movements of the West. s tasonzen \\Wednes%ï¬y Evgning in the ~ Railroads to Build Heavily. auditorium of, the public library at 8 January, 1911, will see the West in o‘clock. S :I‘Qg;: Worgshging taken .up possession of enlarged railway faciliâ€" are Sullivan‘s . "Golden Legend"‘ and ties. Besides the steady progress Rossini‘s "‘Staqat: Mater.‘" Any one made by the Grand Trunk Pacific in wishing to be"c‘oi%l\ï¬'ï¬â€˜Ã©. member can get tying the two oceans together with a all particulars at the rehearsals. Winnipeg is about to reorganize hef who are suspected of having been in Development and Industrial Bureau the company of the big rYastiff at on a large scale. â€" Interest in WinDiâ€"| Heintzman‘s, which contracted rabits peg and the West has increased s0 ‘a few days ago. j > fast that the Bureau was obliged to | sls ’l.;ak.e larger offices last spring and noW; W.. .J.*'Waaswortg of 204 St. Johns }f, is proposed .1;(1 take a whole ï¬ong;yis‘gd is leaving the employ of the G. 'tm one ol the big city blocks and e8â€" p. R. after being car foreman in the ltabllsh a permanent exposition of ]local shops for over 25 years. At a Winnipeg manulattures which will befsoc)ial Monday night in~ St. James‘ lsupplemented byfexhibits of the natr \Hall Mr. Wadsworth was presented ural products and resources of th(“(with a sliver tea service by the emâ€" whole West. In part, this will be done ployees of his dep%;tment' to assist in securing more industrieg | for Winnipeg. _ f At the annual mieeting of the Runnyâ€" Wonderful Industrial . Growth. mede Ratepayers‘ Association held â€" In its ndustrial growth, as in lother !Monday night in ?:he Elizabeth street things, Winnipeg has made marvellouy §thoolhouse, the_aseg-ofï¬cers were elected progcess. Industrial statistics showifO,r 1910}â€"Pr681de{§1t, Wm. .MfQueen; Winnipeg as the fourth city in Canada, viceâ€"president, Th?mas .Jeffrleb, secreâ€" industrially, with an annual output of tary, H. Durrant; executive committee, homemade goods valued at $25,000,â€"| S Clouston, N. Shunk, Wm. Cross, H. 000, and an industrial gain of 300 per, Hartrick, J. Vanpee and J. MOCk“ cent. in five years. Some time during ford. the present year, the first installation) L i : of power from the 60,000 horsepower. The services, both morniog and plant the city is building on the Win eVvening, on Sundgy at Victorig Presâ€" nipeg River, is expected to be comâ€" bytemgn Church gavere taken by Rev. pleted and the civic government and Dr. Pidgeon, a former pastor. _ The business men are takirglg vsteptls1 to abâ€" ihuï¬]g 3’0 ot;:th SEIII‘V}CC};?S ;:;in‘g;);â€gf sorb as much as possible of the muni tO cors. e s cipal power when it shall be ready Pidgeon’ gave a stirring “address to for distribution. Fixed assessment for the Men‘s Bible (‘;igss on ‘‘The Moral a term of yeacs, favorably adjugted Rgiorm Sltuamon;z.; in Canada. q lDr. taxes, cheap power, â€"water and light Pidgeon leaves about the mi dle of are among the inducements that Winâ€" the week for Britigh Columbia. nipeg will offer for the location of nevy ___ â€". 3 t _ _ _ _ _ ulycs L ie .2 W L2 2 0) AMie. t t 3 JB 220 ie 2 Anibvradin ty ce dn ardrr c & PeD 2E eRT NE 27. industries in this city. Greaterâ€"publiâ€" _A fancy dress carnival was held at j . ._ _ |__, city and the proposed permanent exâ€" Ravina Park Tuesday night, and six aking path position of products are expected to Prizes were award d for the best imâ€" Chairman of give material aid to the city‘s indugsâ€" personations. ‘he winners Were:â€" servation; H trial and business growth. = First prize, E. Ibbotson, Happy HOOl!â€" ter of Lands Other Partg_ Not Lazgging. gan;, Miss L. E. Wright, Spanish, W. w. C. H. Gr x ublicit? ow ‘tor ale 1. Wells and Mrsg Wells, Indians,; EK. °* __ _ §P Â¥â€" Compaicd & Spratt and Miss Wright, Henty VIII. of New Brur berta is to beijlaunched, too. A i & id » izes - e f é ~â€" period. The «chiddren‘s prizes welre Dean of the . provincial publicity bureau has been s j j established at Edmonton and a sum awarded to Nss Jgiva. Wiiebt and NL"* versity of T _and a S Elsie Winder. Ehm Pâ€"~ Heishton ‘of .:. ~a7_ _ Ussd atten cent4Cortn Salve,â€"for a quarter the,could h VEc,ured' his corns with Pu§fMam‘s Palnlass Corn Extracâ€" Lot®â€"Ucsef th : best’i‘ï¬ï¬tnam’s.†«Baptist Churdh> ‘= paof Public Worship at 11 &.410. and 7 [ p.m. Sundayâ€"School, 3 o‘clock p.m.. ... J. L: Sloat. Pastor.. world and by these means a far wider fnowledSe of i the | cotnâ€"ry‘s capabiliâ€" ties than BeretoiofNe obtained has been placed Bicte thel turlc. outside cf Canada. . It is known by tin peotle toâ€"day where one Inaw it a few years ago, that Western‘ Canada is a place ocf amazing natural wea‘th; that only a very small portion of this wealth has beéen developed; that this inconâ€" siderable part has produced enormous returns; that"'pggï¬Ã©,)‘ri_ionate returns will foliow further _ development and that out of it all, iCanada is bound to be a. great. countrir. & : Publicity â€" Worth While. To the end that many more people of other parts may know of the great opportunities that exist in the West for capital, labor and enterprise, there will be a deal of %floney spent in 1910. \Public service at 11 a.m_andâ€" 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Kible Classes at 3 p.m. oafte s Rev. S. D. Dinnick, Pastor, . _ Buttonwood@Ave.‘tMt. Dennis. Public Worship .mt 11. â€"&@.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scheol#iand â€"‘Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. R 2 > Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., € Presbyterian Church. On: »Sunday next, ~services will be heldâ€".at 11 a.m. and..7 p.m; Sunday. School at 3 p.m. w ILlâ€" a.m. Q%izns and Sermon. . ,;* 3 p.m.Sunday School. 7 p.m,.~Evensong and Sermon. Celebration _ of Holy â€" Communion firet Sunday of the monthâ€" at 11 a.m third Sunday at 8 a.m. 5 St. John‘s (Catholic) Church. On Sunday next. Mass will be celeâ€" brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, 0.S8.B. = . WINNIPEC, Mar. Jan. 51. 10910 Publicity and plans for spring work afte two highly inreresting subjects in the West now. | ® » All _parts of ,theiWest t of a greater measure of p means of Dominian Gove vincial, municipal land ta city bureaus, a daal ‘has ] vlacs the enofmoug resouw" coipr Canagds Réforeq the p Divine service next Sunday at 11 o‘clock a.m. MetW@dist Church, Mount Dennisé ():,ii;'f?iï¬@(@nék)agr Leifer. St. John‘s.(Anglican) Church.s Revy. T. Beverly Smith, Rector. »#RUINED HIS FEET CHURCH SERVICES. J. Hughes.Jones, M.A., Rector Methodist Church Rev. A. Hf MacGillivyray, Pastor St. Philip‘s |_ At the annual meeting of the Runnyâ€" rial . Growth. mede Ratepayers‘ Association held wth, as in lother {Monday night in ihe Elizabeth street made marvelloug Sthoolhouse, thesefofficers were elected _statistics show !0" 1910:â€"Presideft, Wm. McQueen; i city in Canads,| Viceâ€"president, Thomas Jeffries; secreâ€" annual output of tarY, H. Durrant, executive committee, lued at $25,000,â€"! 8. Clouston, N. Shunk, Wm. Cross, H. 1 gain of 300 per Hartrick, J. Vanpee and J. Mockâ€" amaâ€"tima Autrinelord. & ed enormous _ While at work this alternoon in the Ate returns -Cefnada Cycle, Company‘s pant, Edâ€" opment and Y" Tolley., a laborer, residing on St. is bound to Clair avenue, had his toes ecrushed by â€" f a steel channel which fell on his foot. s \He was taken to St. Michael‘s Hosâ€" While. es pital. more people ES of the great[ Inspector Henderson of the Dominâ€" in the West, jon Government meat inspection deâ€" ilway publiâ€" seen . dons to rées. cf, Wes: eopl= of ths 3 a far wider 1C Pastotr. 11| ty need Pro ~ A recital by the ’@upils of Miss Cadâ€" enhead, ‘assisted by Miss Irla MgcKay, was ggyen Tuesd&y, evening. at the College .of Music Hall, 1684 Dundas street. _ The members ‘of the West TorontQ ;.Festival% Chorus resumed their wprk. for thé;réma'inder of the season ‘on \(Wednesday evening in the auditorium of, the %bli‘c;‘library at 8 o‘clock. ~The: works being taken up are Sullivan‘s . "Golden Legend" and Rossini‘s "‘Staqat. Mater." _ Any one wishing to bécpi%gg-,?‘.;, member can get all particulars at the rehearsals. second transcontinental band of steel, «the Canadian Northern has a big plan of progress mapped out for the coming season. Altogether the C. N. partment visited ward seven and quarantined about a score of dogs who are suspected of having been in the company of the big rgastif at Heintzman‘s, which contracted rabics a few days ago. § .‘ N. R. line from Edmonton west to the British Columbia boundary to be ready to meet the track which will be laid in B. C. to. carry out the big plans of the C. N. R. in that province under the agreement recently made beâ€" tween the C. N. J2. management and the McBride Government. Eesiles shis importans work the company. will spend a laftge &um on the Winnipezâ€" Prince Albert lins. Other points upon which the energiâ€"s of the company wi.] be concentrated larsa (the ~ Vegrevill>: Calgary lins and the Camreseâ€"Strath cona cutâ€"off & Wonderiul Winter Weather: _ ThrougEout hs West the winter has been generall.yï¬lggl.and warm. â€" Reé cently the we*ther has been so conâ€" tinuously warm that firmers have been moved to spring activities long before the usugal timeé, Heavy, shipâ€" ments of afarémï¬ï¬â€˜chinéry ate ;being tushed into BkÂ¥e West. to be in readiâ€" ness for what pr@ni-ses to be a pheâ€" nomenally éarly sgring. A live grassâ€" hopper, green grass and vetches in blossomâ€" are some of the signs in‘ Southern AlbertaM and about Winniâ€" peg the weather has been so warm that thaâ€"park bears were disturbed in theif Avinter‘s slâ€"ep andc_awo‘e to find ‘On Tuesday night a five year old boy named Arnold Marshall cf° 38 Ryding road, was bitten in the arm by a dog belonging to Joseph Felder, 95 Dod‘s avenue. The dog was afterâ€" wards shot by P. 6. Passingham. Mrs. Margaret MacGilchrist wifs of the propriector of the St: Clair Fol.s dry," on Junctio® toad, â€"df d, earl Saturday motning at her home, Mess land street. S‘ugwas 43 ‘yeatsâ€" ol=, and leaves a growino lamil,. _ tho ZerQ.wâ€"and STtient.. Receipts 3t thes West Toronto for vhe beaten all records.t amount to approxim I. proposes to put down 600 milss of new track this year.. A chicf part of this will be done in extending the C. An old resident of West Torontoy;y in the person of George Layworth, Boustead avence, di d at the Gener Hospital, aged i6 years. BEAUTYLENE FOR 0 W wÂ¥ C n.â€"let TS CUIEC e C we thei Wl taken _‘CO1 withâ€" a. OmSie NC D 10 er has been so warm cars were disturbed in 1{31&) ag g;‘gawo" e to find er ‘. m§@i#ing 48 above tn shining warm and N uel customs. â€"port OI ‘~past monta have The total receit _3 rately $40°6%0. gli T EER 19U On nz of the y. CHC te sideâ€" al < latetly. _1 P «Z T P RJP de" HQ 4Z RQ JZ T ISZ AQZ LZP [ de? P The on vCOLDILCY _ QL LNGT JIM&ULLO M LURy C U e Mn O Oc o 2c ne oeee en e e e ie Senene o oT Enc es n It is expected %hat the Forestry painâ€"relieving power of Nerï¬ï¬'ï¬g{“, work of the Dolminion and of the Refuse any substitute. Large 25c. Provinces will be well represented. bottles of Nerviline, or five for $1.00, The Railways have granted special at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone rates and a large. attendance is exâ€" Co., Kingston, Ont. _ aig pected. â€"Further information may be : had by addressing the Secretary of the Canadian Forestry Association, Mr. James Lawler, who will be at As the bride a d what she married Fredericton till after the close of the leaves the churcB, trouble gets busy Convention. & E and follows them} home. â€" taking part: n. Clifford Sifton Chairman of the%ommission of Conâ€" servation; Hon. Jules Allard, Minisâ€" ter of Lands and Mines, Quebec; Hon. W._C. H. Grimmé, Surveyor General of New Brunswick; Dr. B. E. Fernow, Dean of the Facu&y of Forestry, Uniâ€" versity of Toronۤ>; Mr: E. A. Sterlâ€" ing, Forester of Pennsylvania Railâ€" road; Mr. W. C. i Hall, Supt. of the Bureau of Forestry, Quebec; Prof. Gordon _ Tower o?; the University of Maine; Prof. R. B. Miller of the Uniâ€" versity of New Bï¬unswick, etc. . _ It is expected %‘that the President, Mr. Thomas Southworth of Toronto, will preside and céthe following have already signified their intention of |â€" â€" W l _1 It is impossibl i E bowels are con | flaws of nature, | | material, waste | E removed from i & will be trouble |\ {immense amouw fyour doctor abo | § directly on the CANADIAN FORESTRY ASSOCIA TION. Ppomererenthononononpnenenononond io o io o i0 ommenonpmommenaonenonormrenthommy:cene ho Crar ChohopehooreFoneeobemohorene o n errecommmememronmenmmrencrenes «) C iC 3 y ,'é:â€"';"" + ym C It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the laws of nature, or suffer the consefuences. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at ll%e{st onge each day, or theg will be trouble. â€"A. sluggish Yive responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Ayer‘s Pills. He knows why they act dxrecflyï¬ on the liver. Trust him. *_“â€"_’_Wmoellass Impossible to be WWYell S H EPPA FR D TH: Can&DIAN FAfm, published in Toronto, is the National Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion. â€" The worlk and money spent on its production makesitincomparably superior to anything of the kind. Special writers for special departâ€" ments. All original matter in every issue. Splendid and reliable crop and market reports. Everything upâ€"toâ€"date. Finely illustrated. Choice and instructive reading for the farmer and his farmmly.. No farmer can afford to be without it. Every farmer will‘ make more money whoâ€"reads it. . !_ Our Clubbing rate is $1.50 for the two papers..cSubscribe Q at once and get the benefit of the full term. ;z . _ . L c8 *z . Fey Sample Copies of The Can‘d}zï¬' Farm to be seen at this office. P â€" yM a% 7 ea nEE? POSITELD GN FARM NEWS L mne Lan Qj?‘.ér% PFOC nadllan Farm arm 46 Daundas St. XNYEST TORONTO. WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty _ ~® Sheppard, _ / & . and the. g. o 5. * 2 h4 | j ‘v}i ce : ¢ § “1 s â€"A tinesand Guide For $1.50 _ THZE WATCHMAKE®R + All subscribers get The Canadian Farm from . now to the Ist of Jan:.,: 191. All work promptly repaired ind ecuaranteed.. Charges moderate Jewelier and Optician. _ Marriage Licesses issaâ€" d. * omm roomecmmenmmmecmeenr W;?fwmmugrfl mme mor rmenemeninimmemnircmorrnnnmnmrenmer s cummrncenmmarsmeus â€" PREPARE FOR LUMBAGO Refuse any substitute. Large 25c. bottles of Nerviline, or five for $1.00, at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. _ 2 This is similar testimony to ‘thaviof nearly five thousand\ Canadians 0o have written unstinted words of praise to the mpanufacturers of Nerâ€" viline. For the) cure of lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia and rhgumatism there is no liniment with one’,?Ett_, h the painâ€"relieving power of Nerviline., . The "‘strike‘‘ of lumbago is like a / bolt of lightningâ€"you never know 1 when it is coming or where it is goâ€" 1 ing to strike. Probably the one cerâ€" _ tain thing about lumbago is the fact that it can be cured by Nervih'n&:â€"J the obly liniment that penétrat __ deeply enough to reach the congest â€"__ _chords and muscles. i 9. \_‘‘Years ago I strained my back â€" _ suffered con§id. 3 " ns â€"~= 1 with weakness ov LETTER sping,‘‘ writes Darit . NO. P gillan,a wellâ€"know _ â€" farmers, residing ne _ _ 4875 _Kingsville. *"‘Then l4 â€" />~ _ bago attacked the we *‘ spot, and for days a, .( _/ time I would have‘ to lie up in be iz unable to move of turn. Linimen .‘ . poultices and hot Sapplications fai) _ _ to bring the desire@d relief,»and I w, â€" _ . in despair of ever?;etting really w/anr / | again. â€"IL at lait decided tofé‘ +4 ‘‘Nerviline.‘‘"â€" I© gof five bottles s _ _ the drug store an? had it rubbed 0@ three times a day. ’1}he stifiness a pain left my back quickly, and continuing Nervilicï¬a iqwas complet cured of Lumbagoy‘‘ $ If You Have ‘"‘Nerviline‘‘ Handy One Rubbing Will Cure the Pain. THOUSANDS USE "NERVILINE.*" The . ., > Watchmaker,