Times & Guide (1909), 25 Feb 1910, p. 4

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< Ves #e22eee2e.ce.c.c.0.c.e.0e.c0.c.0.0¢0e%$ ABs hk a x m â€"~Subscription Price. Dr. T. Kaiser of Oshawa was in Weston over Sunday visiting his mother Mrs. J. Kgiser. Get your dog muzzles from Jas Hugil!, Eagle Block, Weston. Bargains in underwear at Coleman‘s Weston. Mrs. W. E. Coléman leaves this Next Sunday aifternoomr, the Rev. week for a month‘s vacation in Memâ€" R. B. Strangways, and the Rev. R. phis, Tennessee. _ | 'M. Hamilton will agdress the Weston _Club in their Club rooms on Main Dr. T. Kaiser of Oshawa was in Street at 4.15 p.m. _ Special Music. Weston over Sunday visiting his All welcome. § Inch, the optician repairs watches, clocks and Jewellery. Mrs. George H on the afternoon 24th at her home Toronto. Inch‘s Cureâ€"aâ€"Cold breaks up a cold and his Lung Balsam stops that cough. Epsom salts 5¢c. Ib. Come to the Aé Home of Weston Lodge A. 0. U. We in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, on Wednesd “, Feb. 23. A good time is guarantee?r £ Mrs. Kaiser en,gertained Mr. Paul again. Hahn, Mrs. Strangways and â€" Mr. Hoover to tea Ol§ Saturday evening of last week. a gs) Come to the Fancy Dress Carnival to be neld in the Weston Skating Rink or Monday, February 28. The Ladies Aid ts the home of Mrs. . street, Thursday af ing, Feb. 24th. All mission 10 cents. j e e e acioe o. oo s en en ie o ie o ot> c c ineEep 2ito allire weltome ag Ur. and NMre § i. NMofot haYeUDC solicitors for collectio® _ â€" _ _ _ . _ || ~. " . _ / it : 4 sympathy of many friends in their 3 & mission 10 cents. (§X p' Y ; Y & f The following accounts were then | C t heavy loss by the death of thei" O82!Y orgered to be paidâ€" 3 ‘ arpenter Bargain prices in all lines, shirts, dau_ghter Flora : ror.n PGI‘ltODl‘US folâ€" Geo. Hastings, snow‘ifihovelling‘fi 2 03%COUITer Ave ties, caps, etc., at Coleman‘s, Wesâ€" lowing a comp jeation of Ciséasss. A. Turner, snow shove‘lling... ... . T5 | ton.. S | Cho was a rob: fst healthy girl of 7 R. Comben, snow shfgvel ipg..... "I 10 | > & 7 years, a lavorite where known, but Jas. Rumney, lumbeP... ... ... $ i1 Tar, . en :d 4 3 ] f ( _ 2s . _ Boiler Inspectian Co,, premium 40 00 Estimate Banish the Bar/Roomâ€"Sield Day! despitc all efforts, including the assisâ€" j eest tg under the Auspifes of the Ontario tance of two nusses, she passed away cce sls 19‘ ‘ 48 Bi‘a,nch of the Pominion Alliance, Sunday morning Feb. 13th alter a f{iw The Council then a%journed at 10.30 | PLUNI-BI. Sunday, Februarys 20th, 1910, Mr. F. weeks illness. It§ will be a soâ€"rce of p.m. . 0 1 ' #425 Lyman . Cotton fvill preach, in St. consolation for the, bereaved on«s, and x \‘,___________ Phillips Church, Weston, at 1 a.m. an inspiration for her Sunday Sehool § | Rev. R. M. Hamiflton will preach in teacher to recall 3 hat even in time of HANDICAPPED. [ T] th resbyterian § Church _ a. m. intensest sufering she would sing her ; [ 8k gsby Le 8t Ch,-UlCh :at 11in s ; ts : i . _ > ‘This is the Caserwith Many Wes who can tell y the Methodist Ch§rch at 7 p.m. and Sunday School § Hymrs of _which ton people. | $ Thistletown at 3 p.m. 5 Wonderful \vordsiof FAile" and ‘‘‘There aie, E. F 1\ .z _ ‘ Nee nesps ramkh #ere fsvontes Too many Weston citizens are handiâ€" | Ej 4 e alg /. 5 : * * £â€" l0 5°8. eapped with a bad back. The unceasâ€" C es f What sacied imesprics in the lives of ing pain causes constant tisery, mak 14â€" «3. in 1c d s 3 5 pain causes coustant roisery, mMakâ€"| Dogs are to be Sooked aft=r in NS many aro ClUSt(’i‘%% around this last ingr work a burden and stooping Of| town the same ap they are in the Hymn. The far gway bappy ‘Land"" lifting ‘an impogsibility.. The back | city.. Several letf#ers from Dr. Hodâ€" has been broughts near :for her as a aches at night, Preventing relreshing | wESTON ; getts, of the: Pfovincial Board of mercifultieleaset firgm the great sufferâ€" rest, and in the morning is stiffand , ; Fealf ine cK. hnaks . ing of the latter part of her illness. jame. Plastery Rard lniments may oms an Healtk‘l, dealing \T‘h the qauestion of Owing to the quaé)antine the funeral give reliet, but cantmot reach the cause. . cA o _muszling dogs weke read at the meetâ€" on Monday afternoon was private. To eliminate the pains and aches 5,()1!‘ LQOK OUT | ing ol the Board @f Health which was Quite a number c;f friends : gtthered must cure the k (1@@}3, | REPATR held on Thursday &vening. The secreâ€" with relatives to gllently show their Booth‘s Kidn®y? Pills cure sick kidâ€"| s o_ fa.ry was instructi? to have notices sympathy while {ECT‘LW;@ (%?3»3511.‘4;315 neys and cure f&m permanently. Can | =â€"â€"â€"<â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€"«â€" 5 £ werec read and prayers ofered on the you doubt Wes §§ evidence? sLet j 1 > ' 1 Ets & ns posted up immedi€ftely. verandah by Rev.{A. H. MacGillivray_ Paul Charboneau of Weston, Ont. | &EA P L F Banish the BarfRoomâ€"Hield Day under the Auspifes of the Ontario Branch of_ the ominion Alliance, Sunday, February? 20th, 1910, Mr. F. Lyman . Cotton ill preach, in St. Phillips Church, Weston, at 11 a.m. Rev. R. M. Hami@ton will preach in the Presbyterian §@Church at 11 a.m. the Methodist Ch&rch at 7 p.m. and Thistletownâ€" at 3 ®.m. For Infants anrd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatnre o elephone No. 26 D. Sanders, 1654 Dundas â€" Street, remams eCs OOE West Toronto, is holding a great p‘l\’o& mn?l\l\ilr,id%/é ; s 2 e and â€" February clearing sale of EHurniture, pp,; . many frieli Carpets, Dishes, etc,. _ Prices afe T€ letters of sympath duced from 25 to 35 per cent. on , special. See their window for phices, e compare with any you have seen and A CREA ' if e. ders for Reâ€" gofg‘ the difference f pr o_ B faiph Comngr‘s pairing, â€" Upholstering and PittUT® pyomepr,"" _ hasg be Framing promptly attended to. Bell Family Herald a phone, Jct. 89. Montreal and _ p $ $ & in two or three n o o > nor‘s former, st ~XOIJ’E{ NER‘ ES ARE WEA_K- “rl'.\he Pl‘OSpectOI i2 Â¥eu sieep badly, appetite is variâ€" Glengarry,""‘ â€" an able. You eat but gain no strength. him famous _ as _Motning tire@ness makes you wish ‘‘The Eoreigner‘‘ night would c@me. When night comes as his best. It i refreshing slegp is bhard to obtain. the Canadian We You‘re run do#Â¥@, your blood is thin the price was th and watery, y@y nerves have grown paid for a serial weak, the thouignt of effort wearies great treat toâ€" re syou. Â¥ou. nee *tr; gone: it makes Herald and Wee ‘blood,â€"red, stron® Moo§. An :}Dpeq\‘:ho become subs! tite? You ll eat ooR thikg and digest weekly during th 5+ &an SFrenoth? it‘ 4 what plenty be in time for 1 CAST ORIA boxes toOO WESTON P the Bar he â€"Auspife of the c Februarys 2 Cotton fvi Church, We â€"M. Ham@to Sbyterian §C Rodist Ch§re own at 3 $ are to be §o ie same & Several leot®e [ the P fko dealing v t g dogs w efie he Board sf Weston, ADVERTISINGC RATES 1d c@me. When night comes slegp is hard to obtain. n do¥®, your blood is thir y, y@Â¥ nerves have growI thougat of effort wearies u. nee q\ erpegone: it make d, stron@ mMooÂ¥%. An appe l eat yR §thiR: and diges trength? *Bfat‘3 what plent ives. FerroAgo gives hope a, endurance. Â¥se Werrozon Eic ner Paittsâ€"are ouickâ€" PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY i ! _ It will be of inteEest to hear that ronto, Weston and vicinity. icy Dress Carnival Mr. E. Jules Brazil, who recently enâ€" eston Skating Rink tertained so successfully at the grand e t t ry 28. ' concert in the Towm%:? Hall is now M0; wrgron COUNGIL MEETING. ~ |longer taking up Hu}norous sketches,! s § 1 breaks up a cold Songs, Recitation %c. at the Piano 'fho Wesfion Council hdeld thvelr';‘eâ€" atsam stops that for a "‘Pastime," but has now ste?" Th unc 30 0. Dap in the Chain all s 5¢. Ib. ped forth as a fullâ€"fled‘ged professionial the Councillors bein§ present. a lready for engagemen{s from all direcâ€". Among the communications that Scott will receive tions. Whether thez good reception were read was one é;‘om J. G. Fareâ€" of Thursday, Feb.‘given him here was, instrumental in well, re Good Roads, the committee }2 Pearson Avenue, developing latent ability, that col'lld ggrucstf:(geettso aggteilgewigas z‘;g?tair;rglj | ‘not escape notice, we sutely wish biIMm Another â€" from thé:; Hydroâ€"Electric s well and trust hq will soon come Power Co. quoting ;,éa. price of $27.50 rtained Mr. PAUl 4>ain . per H. P. per annum, > J . Lennox, King fernoon and evenâ€" are welcome. Adâ€" 2 will be held at ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS Ont., Friday, February #8th. 1910 E. WHINTON, Proprietor Times ani BGuinr qve | St. George‘s Coammandery Knights of St. John and alta will hold a |Euchre Party and | Social evening in ‘ the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Church street, On Thursday March 17th. Shtlohs Cure Inch, the optician, deals with the largest wholesale jn Toronto. Gets watches, clocks anfl Jewellery repa‘râ€" ed equa‘lly as cheap or cheaper than elsewhere. : ; 3 BC | A resolution was passed offering D. Rowntree, Sr., $1500.00 for the six ~2 and aâ€"hali acres of, land owned by. I 0 8 y m him and required by the village for, @uickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the Water Works system.. In the the throat and lungs. â€" â€" â€" 25 cents. event of this offer not being accepted, \the Council passed a Byâ€"Law appointâ€" . ing Judge Winchester itr f The death of Hevy. William Hall, thi village. 2 esttél arbitratorifor which took place bn Wednesday, teâ€" on the suggestion of the reeve the moves a well own and beloved clerk was instructed to write to the clergyman of the | Methodist Church. York County Council and ask that Deceased was infhis 65th year and D°fMission. might befgiven . the wWwesâ€" has filled with r;at acceptanc siâ€" ton Council to lay their water pipes ; } 8 eptance POS~ on that part of Mein street which is tions in Brampton, Malton, ManitoUâ€" qutside the municipal boundaries and lin Island and Moring‘s Mils, and within those of the county â€"of York. some two years! ago was placed onf The clerk was also instructed to th? superannuatibpn list, at the same wrti_te ttt-lle Intfrurggn E};?Ctricfl?o'l'dgg s f f ; sur Ccting them to discontinue the lig tane coming t<? eston. He is s r on Denison svenut balween tie C 2. vived by a widdw, two brothers, in m. and G. T. R. crossings. s British Columbig Methodist Conferâ€" ppe clerk was further required to ence, and two dgaughters. take steps respecting the collection of { the electiis light accounts and to Mr. and Mrs. [. E. Mofiat have the ha‘r_ldA over all those. in arreats to the & & ts ~. _ ~_~_ golicitors for collection. $1,00 per ing of the latter part of hbher illness. jay Owing to the qu:{ga.ntine the funeral 9) on Monday afternoon was Erivate. To Quite a number qaf friends etthered mi with relatives to filently show their ; sympathy while Feripture PassageS ne were fread and prgyers offered on ths yq verandah by Rev.§A. H. MacGillivray. j assisted by *Rev. M. Hamilton. Ths 5a reomains were integred in the family plot in Riverside |{Cemetery. re NMr. and Mrs. fflat wish to thankt ki thei. many friegds fer their kind Pj letters of sympathy in their trourle. i BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. as his best. 1t t the Canadian We the price was th paid for a serial great treat to Té Herald â€"and _ Wee who become subs weekly durins th 1a y Ralph Connor‘s few story "The Forâ€" APPLICATION Annum in advance wWwESTON, ONT E%;g‘boughflc by the dif Weekly Star of lfeacion will began 7 's. Ralph Conâ€" {cg "Ths Doctor,‘ 1 €‘‘The Man from 1 hers have made A&tory writer, and sfiegarded by many | agthrilling story of t % It is said that $ Biggest by far ever tfor® It will be a ‘_a the Family @ly StAk_ and those ;; s ito that great @gext two weeks will ME opening chapter. ig@ure «"The . Soul‘s 18 offered as a PTeâ€" y CARD OF THANKS. R. : Mrs. Jas. Robinson â€" takes this on means of expressing her appreciation in Oof the many kindf;lesses, expressions ic. of sympathy and the numerous bouâ€" quets of flowers sent her during her illness by her many friends from Toâ€" ‘at ronto, Weston and vicinity. The Hard Tim}s Carnival held on the Weston Rink on Monday evening last was the mo§t successful yet, the attendance was gll that could be deâ€" sired and the 30stume one and all were certainly rapresentative of hard times. . _The juies were _ Messrs, Colby, Palin, Gfay and A. Cruickâ€" shark who awé}g,'ded the following Prizes. â€" Best couple, Florence Milne and C. Worgan, éugar walking stick, donated by D. Ro{’yntree & Sons, Best Gent, Jas. Bakel'é, Elia, a yard of bread, donated by D. A. MacDonald; Best Lady, Florence Milne, roast of beef, donated by!g?. W. Griffith,"Jr.; Best Boy,â€"Worgan, box ef biscuits, donated by Hill & Shiells; Best Girl, Hazel Rowntree, ?;gbox of â€" biscuits, donated by a friend; Best old man, pair of socks, donated by G. M. Lyons. _ Mr. Chapipan wishes to exâ€" press his thanks tq all who assisted in makingâ€" this 'c@'rnival a success, and especially to l\grs. W. Longstafl and A. J. Barker, f for ~their efforts while he was confifed to the house with an attack of @rysiplas. School children will be adr‘iilitted on the ice Saturday afternoons for 5 cents each. The â€" following accounts were then ordered to be paid:â€", Gceo. Hastings, snow shovelling.$ 2 03 A.: Turner, snow shove:ling.. ..., 75 R. Comben, snow shpvel ing...... 7 70 Tas. Rumney, lumbe®:.. ... .. $ 71 Boiler Inspectian Co,., premium 40 00 give reliel, but canpot reach the chuse. To eliminate the pains ard aches you must cure the k dileys. Booth‘s Kidngy" Pills cure sick kidâ€" neys and cure §m permanently. Can Raul Charbonéau of Weston, Ont., says: gff "I have doctgred and used several remedies for thg cure and relie! of kidney complaink but Booth‘s Kidney Pi‘ls procured a The ‘Drug and Op:â€" Fealt Stare ofBGW. $ x Inch are lar tical Store of@W. J . Inch are ‘at abead of anythigg. _ iPreviously there had been sevef%{!, bad symptoms of kidney trouble.! (My ‘back was weak, lame and sore. I%flhadi dizzy headaches and was unable tq bend or stoop over and the discase ?gadégv%ine weak and depressed. _ Ailter@wsing Booth‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills a while t&:fiains all laft me and I was made stronger and better than I had been in years before: You may put me down as a strong adherâ€" ent of the use of Booth‘s Kidney Pills." Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The â€"R. F. Booth Co., Ltd, Fortâ€" Erie â€"Ont., Sole _ Canadian Agsents CUR J. INCH, WESTON. the Caserwith Many Wesâ€" ton People _ iy Weston citizens are handi ‘h a bad back. The unceas PecCs/ Pr 03 T5 .O TT British North America WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co‘s TARIFPF. Royal, and North British and Mercantile. Also Agent for reliaole Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Antiseptic Barber Shop Choice Beef Spring Lamb Choice Veal Vegetables of all kinds. DP ROWNTIREE, Jr. Orders called for and delivered promptly The best brands of Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Geo. Sainsbury Coulter Avenue, Carpenter anad Contractor E. J. MUSSON QrROL 11. LTON DRY CGO00DS STORE Crams‘ Prints Anderson‘s Scotch Zephyrs Linen Sypftitings PLUMBING, A Specialty We have just cousienmenc of smaitest in .th Much attention selection ofâ€"cho NONâ€"TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Traders. All Instruments Sterilised May we have the pleasure of showing you ? THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER y CÂ¥ 1836 Estimates given on all kindâ€" of work anadian Ginghams‘ and Cotton Goods | 74 Years in Business. Tobaceo Pouches and Pipes | A REsERVE PuND | anug sum of money in a strong Bank. Begia your Savings Account now in the Bank of British North America,. Depos‘ts of $1.C0 and upwards received and Interest compounded at highest current rates, EXCELSIOR LIFE vEPAIRINC( FARLEY‘S WESTON THE MAN PHONXE XO. 20. [GR SPRING SAMPLES. 11 wWin ened out a very large ill â€"~that â€"is) Sb>st anc above wash goods is been_ eiven â€"to th H A~ ~PECIALT Y th pattel 18 THE BANK OF 1910 t\ WESTON () Râ€" 48 Capital and Reserve Over $7.000‘0f)0. le is as neCeesary for a family as for a coimpany. The best Reserve Fund for a family is a (s MAIN STREET, â€" WESTON PHONE No. 9 [. 4. ANIFATR Jr. Choice Beef, Lambs, Porkâ€" and V eal Geese, Turkeys Ducks, Chickens Oranges, Dates, of all our Christmas Goods at cost price. Layer Raisins, Cranberries, Mixed Nuts. The RIVERSIDFE WAITING ROOM i Hladame Autherford? Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON $ € 4) SEE OUR DISPLAY OF VALENTINEâ€" CARBDS,;â€"â€"> VAIN STEP S Orders called for and delivered. Clearing Sale ip ap io op ib an ag op ef ap ap N. J. McEwen, Manager. HOT WATER BOILERS TEUESDAY‘s & EIMDAY‘S TORONMTO COLLEGE QF MNUSIHC, YA Teacker of Vocal Culture wWEDNESDAY & SA ! UNDA Y ~aoeseph St, WESTCN 0 i MOFFAT‘S GVés ad Ranges Pembroke St , Toronto FIVE ROSES Fi MRS. J. FINNIGAN, ORDERS DELIYVERED 1G Mrs T. SmITHBONTE JAS. HCOT AIR and . COC‘DELL, uarantee to l w al 5D aiy a9 o6 co WESTON (Ermen oi s on huaud. | Toronto d r BLOCK i 11 § Write fol § _ Phone P | 3 t&p Licensed ts | of Â¥C %g‘ | West C8» | (¢ Real Est ts rent. (@ t | mm« * anu a von PDR. w. J.._â€" CHARE TON Physician, Surgeon, etc. Offlceâ€"Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a.m«; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. DR. J. A. M EL D R U M Physician, Surgeon etc. o Special Attention to Nervous Discases and Diseases of Women and Children. officeâ€"Main Street, Weston Ont. near the Kagle House CH A s . H. P O RT BE R , Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. Officesâ€"36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. | of York, Peel and Simceoe, and ‘ West Toronto. , Real Estate for sale and houses to . rent. H._H O W XR D S H A V E R, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Money to Loan. Bpecialty Companies Incorporated _and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1082 Residence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 G. H OWARD G B & xÂ¥ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Eagle Block, = WESTON. Evenings and Saturdqyrafggrg@p.sk/g ‘ Toronto Office 152 Bay Street. _ T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, HOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Buite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto.Z G& . o W ; COULTER, yÂ¥.. 8 . Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary f College AU diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Scientifically. Calls by mail or phone promp.}y attended. WESTON, ONT. ; Licensed Allc}ioneer for the Counties ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries etc., 936 Keele St:, (4th. door Nocth of Dundas St.,! TORONTO: Private funds to loan onâ€"first class security. ~ TORONTO JUNCTION COELELEGEE 0h MU 3 C AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTIOR Mrs. Marie S. McGill, Write for calendar Musical Directre Phone Jct. 79. West Toarontn \HOME STUDY COURSES TORONTO, Ont. ~ d It has paid others. It will pay you. Write toâ€"day for our handsome Catalogue. 2 k Night calls at the Central Hotel, Weston Insure in the York Fir iHE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, . P; Bull . F. 8 EF T O N , Burgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Life Budilding, TORONTO, ONT. All Academical and many Technical Subâ€" jects provided for. Write for catalogue. Btate work preferred. 2 The Shaw Correspondence School _ 395 Yongze Street, Toronto Cash, Mutual and Stock. Fuil Goverrmeni Do osit + For Ratés apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, x drop a <ard to ‘Head Office, 157 Bay Streetb Grove_ â€"to and Rubbers, has remeved from Pine EC it he m( Desgler in Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper Over D. Rowntree & Sdns L. NYMAN 1 ALLILLL!LL4LZLZLLLHH A PRACTICAL _ EDUCATION by attending the famous ’ / LLLHOTTW memeummenmmsencmn ; l‘,l’//;f‘n/\,q > i f "~A ds > _ T. HKAC KETT, Dentist ELLIOTT | want WEST usical Directress West Toronto. Bay Street. . Fred Holliss L1 L FOTTENHAM. 11 11] ete., their 1 1 A

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