V?“ T. A. FARE? rc".., mr, "", :7 _ ENIE"EWKP sew-v m†tl Ps T , J m Citi F "fr'itV,"rrs:: "-C-' Mm RF W'i'% an; , -. ta: 9. ' . n . tpal 1x241): '.f, A, ' . r: at» T Mth :1 _ " , 'ii%aat inâ€. q Ji?rt'/e,'r: _ _ . I M, Ab' "s g Rh a h' 15, if tlt ti5 " /C'rC,, C? _ ' . Ker-.54: F , , wr: " ite' Biktt a " _ ~ _ .5 a) P.. _ > ' _ b J V ' te _ " â€a; 'i'i'lsitiiiiif:(ri _ :9 , 'Q Rs it s4, h > 1tssstFt Eh a. m 5â€,. â€1-5531; ' V - _ " Luv e " 'r. hr“ :fs'.i!iti?isli; .,j _ t _ Eff-i-ir-':-;, |.THE TIMES AND GUEDEJ 0 '§ l _A, CALL SOL|CITED "f, has fast arrived, and shipments are coming in every day _ We expect to do double our business this 'ir, " spring over that of the past. Don't forget It _ tdrpall before going down town. You will 9 find Our prices as low as the lowest and _ = qualities the very best. I . . . E----- w-------) _ _ - - - a - - - l A l I Gardeners, Butchers, 1654 I)lllil)hfl STREET VOL. XX MCLAUGHLIN, = GRAY .'. AND ... TUDHOPE MAIN ST. . _ Ee----" -- --lrCil Milk Dealers, &c. ' REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. EXTRA VALUES IN BUGGIES. -Whli-0?iC)ii) Calland Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. ---aw--N_ $‘QQ‘Q‘QQWWW‘ M _ \\ GET YOUR PRENE‘HNG AT § C COAL "s and WQQB $9 Eagle Block, THREE [AME IEE (KEEN I)lllll)llf, Will SEAT ONE HUNDRED PEOPlE _ i PETER HANULTON IMPLEMEma Adams' .Waggons and. Sigighs MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS . Ice Cream Bricks, all Flavors Twenty Cents Each, will keep Hard tor Hours. FHutrrntoetrssicnis Waiting Room _ WEST TORONTO I1AIN 8: B0RiiAM0 CtjTTERS A CAR LOAD OF NEW AND UP=TO=DATE ‘: (MJi()l(Sfihlilf t SONS "s'b'DA FOUNTAIN LOVE ANDiDETECTIVE STORIES LUMBER, LATH, SHiNGLE§ AND CEDAR POST3. Band and Gravel. Main St., BUGGEES al, /sc.LAiiClN/1AlfREiiiC, 1NAt2ttDNlE) D. SANEERS SPEIGHT AND WILKINSON new every week, ten cents. WESTON, ONT. ta. CiDUSiNS WEST TORC’NTO FOR WESTON, ONT. LIVERY IN CONNECTiO? WESTON, ONT. 112 mam & Gimp. Phone Jumtion 89 WESTON _ _ The fawmersof 'iysternoanadashould drop “raising graiv wand dew te their at- terutionrto the rai mg of horses, cattle. hogs‘mid poultr il)) Within the past five yéars the v/tlit increase in grain production in trtt trnrtlrwest 1123.560 changed conditiné that, it will pay/1m raise live stock in§he east rather than grain. The high?iprices now offered for live stock prikive its increasing séarqity, and theriiiivm soon be a horse famme in O .tur‘og The price of but.. ter and' eggs hag; been so high at Eileen Tired feeling i) the fpight '---e, “After many yEars experience it is found, accordiuato Bradstreets, that there are eight ltirdrag causes for the failures of bushes concerns. They are lack of st1ifrgent capital, unwise granting, of execs, inexperience, in- competence, srrculatiot1 outside of regular busines neglect of business due to' bad behalf, personal extrava- gmice aryl frauglent disposition of property. 81 19' cent ofthe failurcs ate due to pile of ther of these causes, the remainder eing caused by the failure of other apparently solvent, by competition, _- by disasters such as tire, The rt,lrc'i'i) ( f " business nation brings outthe qui i‘tiou of men. Uthcr things' being gird} the competent man, of byitry1it)yesr1/ty, always sue ceeds as he desi Ares to do, and the shifty incompetegt man fails. I MW~~M~~®~®~M-~M The Weston B iaid ot Trade is mak- ing a move in t e right direction by taking up in ear est the advertising of the village and it attractions both as a residential anda ctory centre With pure water and legtric power avail able for five tim its present popula tion, with unsurEissed railway trans- portation facilidi, s, with a twenty minute street ca service to Toronto, with its pictures6ue river scenery, its electric light and cement sidewalks, Weston only nes to spend a, little money in judi4ious advertising to make it a town pf which we may all be proud Braiti,ipeon,; Oakville, and Burlington are giéng ahead and adver- tising their attriii tions, end Weston Cannot aflord to 1%; behind WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 3 1910. It frvm 4 to 5 p.111 andB to 9 p m. "d e, TELEPHONE NO, 53. q) iCtesbed;,hettvflrscrsre,,f,t+ecMtttsf,bety+ Waawwnwmammswymowsw i We havethebestcalled ; Compound Sarsparilla ), Containing Iodide of , Potash, reg. $1.00 for 75e Loss of Appetite Inpoitrisheil Blood 810. Sarsparilla and Burdock combined reg 25e for 500 You may get others bearing the same name, but you can not get a better preparation. We put the best ingredients to be procured in them and prepared by the best wholesale house in Canada. EYES TESTED FREE W. J. INCH DRUGGEST AND OPTICIAN Spring Tonic WES and COMMENTS i We carry a fall Line of SEEDS. T SUNDAY HOURS "Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelmn,": YOU NEED A ALSO GE? 4) We in the east know very little of our North west Mounted Police whom Agnes Deans Cameron has named “The sentinels off the silence.“ The i following brief iribident may therefore i be of interest. A ghastly murder had l been committed in the Klondike. ', Major Constantine who was in com- i mand in the Yukisn ordered his sleuths ito follow and bring in the murderer _ which they did, but it took them half _ a year. South from White Horse they , dogged the murderer, picking up their ‘iirst clue in a little logging camp on i Puget Sound. /rhe, bad man was i trailed from Seattle to Butte, thence to I Spokane and north to Rossland, thence li Ogden and the Nevada, California ‘line, Finally the hunted man was i, run to eartifat Laredo, thence waiving i extradition, he was carried to the Gulf l of Mexico. The énly ship in the har- (bor floating the Union Jack was bound For Jamaica, so the police and the pri- , Boner embarked for that island. They took ship from there to Halifax where the strong arm of Canadian law was laid upon the miiiierer and he finally lsuffered the extriipse penalty on the 1spot where the crii’ne was committed. {There is but onii"thing on this earth Monger than the eiuator, and that is ithe arm of British)iiastice. MA£§RIED sTEvENsoN--jijcG -- At ROBINSON-on Friday, March 25th, 19L0, at Westog, Hannah Linton, beloved wife oftc' ames Robinson, in her 67th year. _),,), some that it does not pay to export them. Since 19:05 butter shipments have been declining rapidly, and last season a Montreal-.iprovision house had to import eggs friim Russia to supply the demand' Th? is certainly carry- ing coals to Newcastle. Farmers now- a days must be fi st as wideawake as business men and Strange their methods when the marke demands it, The fact is our popu) tion has increased much faster thart our food products, and as they are (tm coming in thou. sands it is little sipnder that prices of food are high. 3 MITCHELL-gt Weston, on Monday. Mach 28, Mart I Lammy, wian of the late James jtehell, in her 78th year, Funeral/#0 Riverside Ceme- tery. 'tl The west is oxpirieneing the earliest spring in a quartisr of a century and seeding has alre fdy begun in many parts of the country. A temperature of 60 degrees thréughout the day has resulted in the sn§>W being melted on the prairies. Geese and wild duck have already floiin north and every- thing points to settled spring weather. This has brought) rush of immigrants from the States (ind the immigration authorities count: on at least 100,000 from there this year. They are farm ers of experience frith money and just the kind that are heeded. In addition there will be the ‘fisual thousands from the old country timing April and May and most of those: have learned that a l'ttle capital is tteeessary to start on here as elsewhere). honah, uhst king of law Is dis any- how? last time 'fill was my lawyah, and you knohvs 'iii,"',):.:" a lyin' but you got me off', now «is time when I tells de trufyou fines ii,iy, taint no use tor a culled man to telligle truf nohow.†An old darkey iiiis brought before a newly electedjudgit' (who had practiced as an attorney in g southern town) on a charge of stealing chickens, "Well, uncle Mose," s j} the judge, "in trouble again, Aho do you plead this time y-' tt Dis th , ', yowahhonah, I'se not goin' to tell ' lies about‘ it, I'se guilty suah f? t't _ ll right, uncle, then I'll line you moégullm-s and cosLs or thirty days." “gut hold on, youah honah, “hm king: of law IS dis any- RUNrNEY-C)rt Midas, March 18th Farm. mag-am, nu \Yudnesday. March 23, 193%, bv Rev. J. W. 'Morgan, Ida Mk"i'tsr, daue,htec of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.%agg. to Kenneth Stevenson of W dbridge. C Farm, Ed son 1910 at Cohlty.‘ avenue Weston, and Mus (James Rumney, a l. Tht is certai Newcastle. Far at be fi st as wid an and grunge the markeé demand: F popu) tion has ' thug our food y are t')i11 comin little sionder thal gh. 3 . t . (ti. t . . . is oxpiirieneing t ' quartisr of a ce a alre V y begun e gtfte. A the yes thrljughout tb L the shim being as. Géese and , r/ttm. Bits cg, iii 9&6 W Hillcrest d nesday, Borders of an: a foot wide all1 , 11.30 p.m round flower-hed) and borders, if 1.30 p.m brilliant green aid Well kept, haVG twice the artistic tfeet or wood, tiles, or stone edgingsg and help to throw North B up the colours of??? the flowers behind! 8.37 a.m them instead on? taking from theirl 10.04 ann beauty. Grass ganks with bulbs or 5.18 pun, violets and primioSes in them, and 6.32 p.m, even, broad ,grgiss paths, between 10.37 p.m flower-beds insteéid of gravel, make an; a ' Err1prloiren1ent in f‘the general appear-] t “tops ar, ance of a gardeng . Do not a The beautiful C t ditioo of the lawns and slopes of thh London parks is sufficient proof t t Smoke and town air do not affect 'l, rf as they do same plants, and adva age Of this should be taken by all ho dwell in towns and desire to ma ,9. more use of grass in their gardens ' an is done at pre- sent. 1 'fs If any stretch ') grass be h; a bad condition, ‘just DW is the ime to look into the 'se and remedy it. Poor Sui}, bad 's-sit amen-under trees, shrubs, Src., or 5o heavily ghaded-- and weeds are the three chief causes of unhealthy haw 'y All can be re- medied. ,‘ Any person in Ontario may choose any (ONE) oi the; experiments tor 1910 and apply for the same. The ma- terial will be turr1iihed in the order in which the applications are received while the supply lasts. It might be well for each appr1fiar1t to make a se- cond choice, tor fear the first could not be granted. All material will be furnished entirely iree of charge to each applicant, and?) the produce will, of course, become the property of the person who conducts the experiments. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, March, 1910. 03A. ZAVITZ, EXPERIMENT WITH FARM I CRfPS. The members ou) the Ontario Agri- tural and Experimental Union are pleased to state g: that tor 1910 they are prepared to (Eistribute into every Township of Ontirio material of high quality for experiments with fodder crops, roots, grains, grasses, clovers and fertilizers, ai' follows:- No. Experfinents. Plots. 1 ---Three varititis of Oats... ...... 3 2a---Three varieties oi Six-rowed V talia (Lueitrne), ... ... ... 2 22 -Four varietiesi of Grasses...... 4 23 --Three Varieties ol Field Beans... ....; ... ...... J........ 3 24 -Three varieties of Sweet Corn... o...,i... .p.'.. ... ...... 3 26 --Fertilizers Llwith Swedish Turnips... oi.... .......P' ......... 6 Ma-Two varieties {of Early Pota- toes... ....../..... ......... ...... 2 28B--Two varietiesiof medium rip- ening Potatoes... q..... ...... 2 28e--Two varieties of Late Pota- toes... ...... 'i......... ...... ...... 2 29 -Three grain ‘mixtures for grain production... ... ...... 3 30 --Three grain 2 mixtures for fodder production... ... ..... 3 Each plot is to be two rods long by one rod wide except_N0. 28, which is to be one rod square. C 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 19 16 17 18 Barler..tc. ... qw.... ... t..... 2b--Two varirtijes ot Two-rowed Barley...?-... ... ... ... ...... 3 -Two varieties ot Hulless Barley...]... .'.R.. R.. ...... ... 4 --Two varieties of Spring Wheat.,. (c....: ... ...... ...r..... 5 --Two varieties of Buckwheat.. 6 --Two varietigs of Field Peas.. 7 --Emmer andiSpeit.,. ....r. .q.... 8 --Two varieties of Soy, Soja, or Japaniese Beans... ... . -Three vari4ties of Husking Corn... ..k.. .q.... ... ... ...... -Three varieties of Mangels... --Two varietiit) of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes...... ... --Three varieties of Swedish Turnips...,...... ... ..'... ...... -Two varietieéj of Fall Turnips. .--Two varietieis of Carrots...... --Three varieties of Fodder or of Vetehei),.. ...l,. ... ... ...... --Rape, Kale kind Field Cab- bage... .....i'; .-. ...... ...... .... -Three varieties ot Clover..... --Testing two 'tvarieties ot Ai- Silage Co(in... ...... ........... --Three varietges of Millet... .._. ---Two varietieh oi Sorghum..., --Grass Peas ajul Two varieties FLOWER-GAgkDEN WORK The Care ii) The Lawn mg purposes...... ... 2 eties of Swedish sir) of Fall Turnips. 2 'reis of Carrots...... 2 tits of Fodder or dtn... ...... ........... 3 ttes of Millet... .._. 3 ie's oi Sorghum.... 3 Director WHY LIQUID CATARRH REMEDIES FAIL. They go direct to t stomach, have very little effect OP. -. - linings of the time and throat, and ivmaiy hi! to euro, Only by clvamirg " r pawsiges by re- lieving the inframng n’rmd killing Ella germg is cure posai . No combination of Antiseptics is sc.uc~ St,' al as Catawb- wane. " Libra. 1w It. uu send; the richmt pinu h:13'.zus 1,1111 do the 'tiiifire"ittt me disease. Irrit t' g p (gm is clearéd LOANS INSURANCE 57 Victoria St. TORONTO @maE-dmg & lluititiig1ii,__"i,i:),ii,,_ REAL ESTATE POWER Ior fk mm METER Ij(h'iG'Wt Weston t Stops at Weston. . Do not atop on Sundays. at Houses For Sale and To Rent. Loans and Insurance stii.stirr,s,Ii, List your Farms Witï¬uï¬rE Ilarrh Going West. 7.29 ann. * t 9.00 a.m. t 4.10 pan. * t 7.32 p.m. t 11.30 p.m. , 1.30 p.m. . t , T. L0CKE & Co. North Bound. or, .106 Victoria St. , cured EJESTON REAL ESTATE. If is... have doc 0d "Luke I summer cottage. n In the tune " look over the Biftmt Ads. for cottages to rents, Or If you wlah to tune mm". or have place. to rent, now I. the um. to plus. your Olailft.d Ad. Damn». mt " I w. "Mtsrq "__ Véd’QTli’gi’t I Git. “turn- tory ulectlon now than you wm lunar on. Money to Loan at' lowest rates, od City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life," Accident, Burglary .and, Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. 7 T Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban prnperty in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. . LO CAL TIME TABLES cu. Ttor a man-9m: one tot: 1, nothing eggals Catarrhozond, and $100 at all dealers. C TELEPHONE, IrAri 1967 29i Main St, Weston? J. A. WESMER, sharuil ESTABLISHED 1862 effect OP, mi Iiuin; THE, and a new fa; naiz‘g " Ar, pgwsa‘ nflamrWi n’rmd I Piyos'si' . No cm 33 is a IWttcegi ' bl a: r, bruit 1w uu , , , g humus . w) tf. Luit q , (gm wk " .f i _ , C,", id v‘ I L For a 7â€. 'tnatnumv thin fd e-unls Cata 11.00 'At all (Hams. Going East. 7.14 a.m. t 9.48 aan. . t 12.08 pan. * 1 7.18 pan. t 9.33 p.m. . 1 11.25 a.m. q 2.47 p.m. * 15.12 pan. t 7.41 Dan. t famous (ait Animist 11.1 South Bound., M aniivgeri: a 'oronto, 1