“You have an enormous appe- tite," said a, thin man (anxiously. "What do you take for it?†"In all my experience," replied his plump friend, “I have found no- thing more suitable than food."' That Is LAXA'I‘IVE BROMO QI‘ININE. Look tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the world over to Cure 3. Cold in One Day. 25c. The never failing medicine, Hor. 1oway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of Corns, warts, etc.; even the most difficult to remove cannot withs Too many mistake their own pathology of humanity for a sys- tem of divinity. Mr. Closecoyne (during his wife's receiiticm).-Sl1e gives 'em lights; she gives 'em music; she gives 'em food, floivers, champagne, and that’s what she calls receiving! Snade him hold himself as stiff as a poker. “Yer can lift me down," and here his look was truly loathe- tic, "but please don't bend me!" “Shall I lift you down, my little man?" was the gentle inquiry of a lady helper who had noticed the youth wriggling about on the seat. "Yus, gleam, mum," Johnny, whose distended Little Johnny, though unaccus- tomed to very rich fare, had been eating until he could not aCCommO- date another mouthful, and he was consequently feeling slightly un- comfortable. V The village Sunday School treat was in full swing, and after a rol- licking time, the youngsters, were now engaged on a, heavy tea, _Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 5 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. was much strengthened. I continu- ed using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, when every boil and sore had disappeared, and I have since enjoycd the very best of health." You don’t have to know what KiND of cloth your Goods are made of. SAME Dye for ALL. No chance of Mistakes. All colors In cents from 3rour Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet Fret. the Jahnson-Rlchardscn Sh2ahigpitgglg “85:01 Montreal, Que. Siure I refused to sit at the table with my family. A friend asked me one day why I did not give Dr. Willi, ams' Pink Pills a trial and I decid- ed to do so. I gift six boxes and before they were all gone the sores began to disappear and my system Mr. Geo. W. Johnson, Hemford, N, 8., says: "A couple of years ago when I came home from a lumber- ing camp where I had been employ- ed my blood was in such a condition that, my whole body broke out in boils-some six and eight in a nest. These were so painful that I was confined to the house and for three months was treated by my family doctor. I got no better; in fact the sores began to eat into my flesh, and at times were so offensive that Try this Even the most robust find the winter months trying to their health. Confinement indoors in often overheated and nearly always badly ventilated rooms-in the home, the odiee, the shops and the seiuyor--taxes the vitality of even the strongest. The blood becomes thin and watery, or clogged with impurities. Sometimes you get up in the morning just as tired as when you went to bed. Some peo- ple have headaches and a feeling of langour; others are low spirited and nervous; still others have pim- ples and skin eruptions. These are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order. Many people rush to purgative medicines in the spring. This is a mistake. You ean't cure these troubles with a medicine which gallops through your system, and is sure to leave you weaker still. What you need to give you health and strength in the spring is a tonic medicine and the one always reliable tonic and blood-builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills not only banish spring ills, but guard you against the more serious ailments that fol- low, such as anaemia, nervous de- bility, indigestion, rheumatism, and other diseases due to bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich blood which strengthens every nerve, every OI'- gan and every part of the body. Try this medicine this spring and you will have strength and energy to resist the torrid heat of the com- ing summer. SFRFNG BLOOD How to Get New Health and New Strength in the Spring. .", Only One â€BROMO QUININE" BE FAILED TO SEE IT tand this wonderful remedy. 18feyoRhu.aas' or GOODS. NO BENDING. IS BAD BLOOD assented anatomy stiff as a To Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator does not require the help of anv purgative medicine to complete the, cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. Foreman (explaining the accident to the owner of the building) - "Barney was working on the roof, sir, and he slipped. and “fell the whole four storeys, bringing the cornice down with him, sir, and breaking both his legs and four ribs." ()ssmer---'"Oh, well, never mind. I intended that cornice to come down in any case." A doctor prescribed rest and change for a small boy, saying that hrs system was quite upset. After he had gone the little boy said _ "I knew I was upset, mamma, be- cause my foot's asleep, and things must be pretty bad when you go to sleep at, the wrong end." Hatred is never so loathesome as when it assumes a holy name. You may have noticed that people with big hearts usually have small pocket books. l The inspectors first ordered a sig- yual to be set at danger. Then, _leaning from the engine cabhthey ‘ldirected the engineer to approach "he, signal at a fast pace. At a hmint far enough away from the signal for a train to have been (pulled up without overrunning it, la, small wheel projecting from a flever below the engine touched a (rod on the permanent way. Imme- diately a red label with the word "Danger" upon it appeared in a ismall brass box before the driver's Hayes, a small red lamp above flash- 'ed out, and the whistle of the en- lgine sounded. No sane mother would wish her- self treated under the condition of medicine or surgery of half a een- tury ago. Why then should she give her tender little child the old- fashioned medicines that have not changed in half a century, and which more likely than not contain poisonous opiates that will not cuxe the child, but merely drug it into temporary insensibir1ty. Baby's Own Tablets is a modern medical science. This medicine cures all stomach, bowel, teething and other ailments of childhood and babyhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that it contains no opiate or pois- onous drug. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. J Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia h MODERN MEDIUINE The label showed, the lamp re- maining lighted, and the whistle continued to blow until the engin- eer touched a lever and released the mechanism. Again, when the en- gm': approached the lowered signal a, green label marked "Clear" came into view, in the engine, a green light showed, and an electric bell rang. At, a Midland Railway siding out in Kettering, England, last week an ingenious mechanism for warn- ing locomotive engineers was tried. It not only warns the engineer 800 yards before he reaches it whether a signal is at "danger" or "clear," but prints a record on a tape ma- chine in the cab showing how each signal has stood during a run. When the play "A Royal Di- voree" came to Sydney, Johnstone was taken to see it and thoroughly approved of it. He said the man who played the part of Napoleon was" just like hinr-"same stand, same walk, same face and he had a mark on his neck like Napoleon." Safety Device Being Tested on Brit- ish Railroads. Johnstone loves to tell anesedotes of the Emperor, and of course, never lacks listene7s. Be general- ly begins: “I was cabin boy under Mr. Wilson and I used to look after the Emperor's cabin. We used to have many talks and I think he got rather fond of me." 106 Years oH--Aeeompanied Na.. poleon on Trip to St. Helena- There is a, man in a Sydney, New South Wales, institution, presided over by the French Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, who was 106 on March 26. He is William Johnstone and in 181ir.he was ca- bin boy on H. M. S. Northumber- land, the British warship that took Napoleon to St. Helena. For a time afterward he remained on the island as one of the personal attendants of__tl1e fallen Emperor. _ .HIS story has been sifted by the s1sters and less unworldly folk, and they have no doubt that it, is genu- me. It is certain) at any rate, that a William Johnstone was cabin boy on the Northumberland when Na- poleon toqk that memorable voy- age. WARNS THE EN GINEER. INTERESTIN G OLD MAN. FDR YOUNG CHILDREN If people only said what they thought, there wouldn'tr be so much talking. Sit down and wait for things to come your way, and the first thing than comes will be the wagon to haul you off to the county infirm- ary As Flro Spreads In dry grass. so does an ttstiam. mation in the throat gruw down into the lungs. Deal promptly with a cold as with a, tire, and when you begin to cough_use Allen's Lung Balsam. A Pleasant Purgative.--Parme- Ice's Vegetable Pills are so com- pounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels so that they act along the whole alimentary and excretory passage. They are not drastic in their work, but .mildly purgative, and the pleasure of tak- ing them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produce. Compounded only of vegetable sub- star/ces the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they af- ford relief without chance of m- Jury. “I never dare to look down when' I'm standing on a high place,“. said Mrs. Lapsling. "It always; gives me an attack of verdigris." f CONSERVATION IN CONVER- SATION. Mix in a, bottle one-half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce compound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Take twenty drops every half hour for four hours. .Then take one-half to one teaspoonful three or four times a day. Give children less ac- cording to age. This will tone up and rid the system of deep-seated coughs every time. Till This Recipe Was Tried, Cure Followed in 5 Hours. A prominent medical man, who suffered with a severe cough and cold on the lungs,' often being kept awake all night, and weakened by loss of sleep, finally discovered a simple formula which will cure any cough in five hours by the clock. It is a laxative tonic cough syrup which can be made at home by any- one and the formula is here given for the benefitkd those who pass sleepless nights in painful parox- ysms. Those who have tried it say it is magical, and beats any.high- priced, slow-acting cough medicine (we sold. A Old Lady----" can see the dogs, but where on earth is Landseert" (iN)tmhEllt All. NIGHT Old Lady-lit is the title of the picture, dear?" ___ Some people may ask how Dodd's Kidney Pills, which are purely a Kidney remedy, can cure Heart Disease. And the answer is sim- ple. Diseased Kidneys' fail to drain 1he impurities out of the blood. If these impurities are left in the blood they not only increase the work of the heart in propelling the blood through the body, but act on the valves causing disease. Jure blood removes the cause of the dis- ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills make pure blood by putting the Kidneys in condition to strain all the im- purities out of it. Daughter" 'Dogs,' after Sir Ed- ward Landseer." She Suffered for Two Years but Now Advises all Troubled as She Was to Give Dodd's Kidney Pills a Trial. St. Robert, Richelieu Co., Que., Mar. 28.---(Special).-"1 recommend Dcdd's Kidney Pills to all my friends." These are the words of Dame Joseph Parent of this place. And the good dame gives excellent reasons why she does so. "For two years," she says, "I suffered from Heart Disease, Headache, Backache and a dragging sensation across the loins. Seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. I hope all who are troubled as I was will give Dodd’s Kidney Pills a trial." CURE WAS QUICK AND COMPLETE DAME PARENT'S HEART DIS- EASE CURED BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. - SHE MEANT VIRAGO. ISSUE N 0. ll---" INVISIBLE? In its initial stages a, cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result is often the development of distressing seizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that render life miserable for the unhappy victim. As a: first aid there is nothing in the handy medi- cine line so certain in curative re- sults as Bickle’s Anei-Consumptive Syrup, the far-famed remedy for colds and coughs. _ The better the cause the greater the mischief of a base method. The trouble with trouble is that it usually swoops down on us be- fore we have a chance to sidestep it. No man believes in any real hea- ven who does not sweat to make it real ‘here. What Is the Beat Thing to strengthen weak back? “TheD&L" Menthol Plaster. It will cure lumbago and rheumatism. 31 rolls make seven gig. plasters. Davis & Lawrence Co., Montreal. nearest store, as all merchants keep; it for sale. Rheumatism and Ill) bodily pains disappear when it isi, applied, and should they at any[ time return, experience teaches the) USC" of the Oil how to deal withI them. i Binaré's liniment Cures Burns, Eta. Pains Disappear Before It.-No one need suffer pain when they have available Dr." Thomas' Eclectric Oil, If not in the house when re- quired it can be procured at the To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINI. MENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where liniirlent was required agd have never failed to get the desired e eat. When a man fails in all his un- dertakings he blames his parents for the way they brought him up. He isn't all unselfish As he greets his fellow-man; He's quick to ask a service, But he'll do one if he can. His kindness is something, That ill fortune cannot budge; It/s only just a jolly, But it's better than a grudge. He doesn't always mean it, When he comes along each day With a cheery bit of smiling And a pleasant word to say. I know he has his troubles And life isn't all a, song, But he's trying to forget 'em As he jellies folks along. Never judge a man's worth by the amount of insurance he carries. The hedgehog and the porcupine are truly a prickly pair. Minard'a Liniment Cures Dandruff. Allen's Lung Balsam is especially intended to break up neglected coughs. and many Impeless cases have been saved by its use. contains no opium in any form. PAZO 17INTMKNT is guaranteed to cure any one of Itching, Blind. Bleadine or l‘roh-uding Piles in a to " days or money refunded. Foe. I ll one of the marvels of the 'iF7t1,'ic'a1'"a'ld; tt use throughout the world. Write for mm: ogue. General Acoustic Co., of Canada Ltd om Yonge Street. Toronto. , " Grows Hair on any Bald Head On sale at the Robt. Simpson's Drug De partmnnt, Toronto, Cam, ‘or the Marlatt Hair Prornot'ng Co., Toronto. Canada. THE LINDMAH TRusswillhoId any reducible hernia. Endorsed by foremost medical men. “was frzlr particulars. B. LiNDMAN, (Reg’d). Momma . Farmers admire a cut-rate grocer until he cuts the price of butter and eggs. Marlatt's Hair Promoter 1.1 B.Trstem-eonstant practice; careful instruction; few weeks complete amuse; tools free; graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata. Iogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. Ell. VES Safe lmiestments IJ) 'Ate-tsterile""" 2.,uct,y. ReIer as to standing to any bunk. We have moved to our new building, 90 Bay Sh, Torortro. Save Doctor’s Bills Ind Dr. Morse’s turn. many common anmemaA wmrn 1m very different. but which all arise from the same eauf"r-a I."- Iom clogged with impurities. Tho Pills cause the bowels to move regularly, 1tcTelttt' and stimu- late the kidneys': 11d open up the porn: of the skim These organs immediately thrmoioti the accu- mulated fmdurittW, and Bilinns~ Imps. Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kimmy Troubles, Headaches. Rheumatism and similar ailments $3111.“. Dr. Morse's Indian Root 1 a EARN THE BARBER 1mADE--NEW OPE FQQJHE 1!y,f-ytl aepu.srtiriG FILES CURED3N 6 TO " DAYS. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. a L VES Raise Thom Without Hill Booklet Free. Strsele,lBriggs Seed Cm, Ltd.. TorontoJom. many common ailments which very different. but which all THE JOLLIER. EDUCATIONAL. STOCKS. Root Pills C. A KING. M. D, Write for our weekly circular on secuxiues. f The famous new discovery of the age, 1‘ positively, quickly, completely relieves I and cures Goitre, Thick Neck, Sciatica, I Swellings, Bunions, Quinsy, etc. $1.00, l or 6 for $5.00, mailed on receipt of price by I LYLE MEDICINE 60.. Toronto. kWh-um "as" " -_ , V â€2.22%†as.“ 2mpuza 'tEisE T 2rF. - a r y w. my» -- ~41 I an“ . ~93 “ - 2 32“: 2.5 fa, ’ tt th W“? Bt25 > IE? $tiiiN2gt Bt 3;; 342 _ '* r , g ttES am:- Ir ce hr? qBSit " 'aa are Riam " . as ee ih 'F ' EEN . at: Sl, " s: Et The HEARD-PHONE will give you the beraerots of good hearing. Send tor Trev boolsle1. giving particulars and names of satis0ed usvrs. Also Special Offer tor a Month's Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OIONE LIMITED, 354 Spadina Avenue; Toronto. 'Cured without operations, All who are at. miotssd with this disease and wish to be cured rwrmanomly, safely and quirkly with this great' Homeopathic remedy. which will be so": post-paid anywhere in the world with full instructions for using M as to effect n permanent cure. Price $2 Addrose John T. Walt. Homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Canada. g-ji/PEN-ici/TIS) The â€Sentimental Chae--"Alas, many a smiling' face eonceais an aching heart." The Literal Idiot-- "It seems to me that an aching tooth would be more likely to be there.' . ©LEANliNG LADIES' . . . Banana. TORONTO. mxiTA'T gamma Send tor free sample to Dept. W. L., " tional Drug a Chemical 60.. Toronto. a in: ' tP% if IM , ,9 Nies = s A: " ‘ rr " "L F, ' c. ', s 'd? Gl El . & , ' MN " gtg T . qtgl> mr- 1'» e ‘53 1t* a?“ Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. for 48-13mm illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as is the Proper Applica- tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Marine Believes Sore Eyes, Strength. one Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart. Soothes Eye Pain. and eel-ls tor 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eye: tor Ecaly Eyelids and Granulation. The limit of satiéfaction has been reached when you beat the other fellow at his own game. One-half the world doesn't lie awake at night worrying about how the other half lives. Minard’s Llniment tar Sale Everywhere. Few men appreciate freedom un- til they view it from the other side of the bars. ls Your Hearing (MSW; When Yoar're Hearse Use A Thorough Pill.~To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in results. They purge painlessly and effectively", and work a. per- manent cure. They can be used Without; fear by the most delicate- ly constituted, as there are no pain- ful effects preceding their gentle operation. The Doctor-ous. Murphy, you must be at your hpsbaHI's siek bed constantly, as you will need tyo hand him something every little while.†I Mrs. Myrphy----"Niver,. doctor! Fur be it from me to hit a, man whim he's down.†Kitty-jar/Dix says you are as pretty as a picture." Clara - "Nonsense! He didn't mean it." Riity---"Oh, yeg,rhe did. But, of course, you know Harry's taete in pictures isn't anything to brag about." Palnklller in winter checks chins, breaks up colds and thus, prevent-s Brrmehitds, Lagrippe and Rheumatism, Unequalled as a liniment for frost bites, chilhlaina. bruiiest Fprains. Sold by all druggists. Only one J'ainkursr--Porrr Davis'. I w OUTENQ -AD ES . . . Burn “I be done partway by on: French Pram“. Try Q name" -Aff.ti1tyA1t11tr1tltltt oo, Free to Our Readers. GENEROU S luggage I r , out delay. itus ml , at once. l tl Centiemen:--“I ha i , and I do think it is tl l , system builder [mom I B' who are run-down o i ti' use PSYCHINE."e E , Bertrand, West Tere _ lil If you are weak PSYCHI} I . For sau br all Drunk ',) , per bl 1 in. I - ‘ M5ih. i I I h 'iiag a, I - g E a: - 3W F OR SALE OR EXCHANGE, BUILDING? lots and farm lands on easy pay- ments. Will buy western property. S. M. Mathews, Room 11 1-2 75 Yonge Street. Toronto. ll', RITISH COLUMBIA -- FORT GEORGE P lands, 60,0000 acres fertile wheat and mixed farming lands. Send for Pho, tographs and surveyors' reports. The Wright Investment Co., Dominion Trust Building, Vancouver, B. C. N O. 6272--60 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP of Blandford. in the County of Ox- ford, soil. blank clay loam, 2 storey con. more house, frame bank barn with stabl. ing under, other outbuildings, buildings nearly new and in good repair. situated on Gravel road. 4 miles from Woodstock market and R. R. Station. This advertise. ment appears in over 200 newspapers." Inquirer: will phase state the paper in which they saw this advertisement. The Western Real Estate Exrhange, Limited, 78 Dundas St, London. Ont. NO C89--100 acres in the Township of Caradoc.in the County of Middlesex, soil, rich sandy 1031:1312 acres orchard, 11-2 storey frame house, 2 frame barns and, other outbuildings. a few rods to public! school, and close to church. 4 miles fron Strathroy market and R. R. Station. Thr, NORTHERN LIFE ASSURANCE - Company have good openings for ex- perienced insurance writers, also for young men who desire to make money. Address, John Milne, Managing Director Northern Life. London, Ont. t'c",-,"t)7i7i-pil,5 A DAY EASY. NO EX.. t toerience needed. Sells on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers. Does work of 30 men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write to-day, C. R. Adams Co., Sarnia. Ont. TY rants. Highest prieeririiTd, Ross, Scott St., Toronto. M ACHINERY :HEADQUAREERS. - A :Hron and wood-working machinery. eTryoes, boilers. steam pumps, gasolme' SUEDE, eleetrie motors, contractors machinery, etc. Send for catalogue of c'eer. 14t)0_rnarvhines IL W. PETRN, rut', OUTH AFRICAN VETERANS WAR. L, rants bought and sold, 3iliL acres. Dickinson, Room 20, " Scott St,, Toronto. Limited, Tor//riCiionGreat, iar%%iFi/k _" - 'NMace, ' vnvu M; 3m, - v.1. Me. 2'53. . r 14 <tWr: c - w, _ %tiht - :1 I» " © MBE - " wag? e â€$7,“.- T . a; " ' in Etas mu“ .'dE29. _ L - . m - , - 'er it a if! " rs " ' amhr “an"; . M, . z " 5. TBF -,- a, we“, - r giigl " #2:: ifti 3- t ‘ aaittt, ', =1, 5 is , . , 'mr. r’ ‘5 " la 3 g " g“. ' 5 IS it . is, , . '.d _ SN8) 2i M iam t: "59,? Mi $1 It ' _ Geriernem:.-"l have used PSYCHlNE and I do think it is the greatest tonic and system builder known. I would advise all who are run-down or physically weak to, use PSYCHINE."e Yours truly. Mrs. Jas. Bertrand, West Tamale. If you are weak PSYL‘HIHE will make you strong. For sau br all Drunk“ & Dealers, 50c. & $1 per bottle. - W Dr. T. A. SLOCUM ummzn, 'tiitii2l1%ttts, TORONTO" FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Your blood has become thin and weak. The drain upon your system the past few months has been very great. You are con- sequently feeling "all out of sorts" and "run down." Your appetite is bad and you hardly have enough energy left to do your daily duties. You should take PSYCHlNE, the greatest of Tonics, with.. out delay. This will put you on your feet at once. - ___ -_ v --ee "'"e" -_____ Pe-i-ir. I"'.",'""""'"-," and inflammation were reduced, the pat? became less acute, and it was eviden very shortly that the trouble was beg}: reduced to a. less and still less area. a persevered with the ZtuzvB11k and in £110 and the ipstering sore was 2/gm V cleaned then healed. In 'ie/tr, t r99 weeks GG ttrat commencing th Zam. Balr, the tlqgpr was entirely well; and had we applied 2arrvBuir in the f1rsstiNak, instead of trying ordinary Irtei"'tat',tt go doubt I should have Saved rays ours and hours of acute agony." f, All mothers should note this case. lam-Bu): {I a euro cum tor t,2"1',etignte teetering, outs, Gauche: from barbed w re, bruises, eczema, rashes, utter, salt. rheum, {we com ulcers, piles, 1nd leg, varicose veins, and all skin lnjuries and diseases. troo a box, trlt drug- gam and mores or post free trom Zulu-Bah ot., aroma for price. Send lo stamp tor manage or free trial bank Refuse all imitations. " We. therefore, decided to give Zam, Bak a trial. A supply was procured, and we commenced the 2arrrthU treatment). It only needed a. tow 'e,tl to show the wlgdprg of PjhtttT. The }ootl;p9_iaoniqg Mrs. B. B. Batista], of 837 Pro. voucher Ave., St. Boniface, Winnipeg, says I-- " Some time ago my children took diphtheria, and while sttending‘ them the poison an bored asmall scratch on the second finger of mÂ¥ left; hand. This became very sore and b 11tete: i mg soon set in. For months her 1â€" . children were quite well I was: tr" ing from a. shockingly bsd finge _ scratch was caused originally b and in itself, was not at all serious. The consequences, however, of neglect- ing this scrabch,were very serious to me. When the 'lt"/piol"tStf, set. 1111 tried goultices and a salve I had n the house. hose. however, did not have the desired trCeot. Quite on the contrarf the ht,'. became more and more swol an and la- oolorad, It then began to foster, and I had to call in a doctor. He lamest! the Igf,r, to let out, the pus. and you can Lmag no how painful the finger was! Despite hm care. however, it; again fostered and the claimants, llrrirt1tspts, and other prepara- i tlous which the doctor gave me seemed atyy,o,,1ytrsl,sty1apsre tobringqoytrtnyrplieL I 't The doctor Lhereupon advivh" me to go into the St. Boniface Hospiba e L feared that if I went to the Hospitaa “no 'Apt would be amputated. We were told o a case aimuar to my own in which Zam-Buk had effected some when everithing also had failed and the doctor ha as! that gnlyj amiouttLr,i.on could save the person’s hadd, PR0NOUNCED ANTED -cf?'t10Trl AFRICW2C-sWAlb FARMS FOR SALE. ARTICLES FOR SALE. AGENTS WANTED. MACHINERY