l . pr-----' In our report of Thistlebown Spring Fair last week an rror crept in to the prizes awarded fo Agricultural Colt or Filly the secon prize was awarded to GpoHr1rons, n t Gearge Harris as reported. " The funeral of Champion, who di day morning, took noon from his r street. The funer in Holy Trinity C Mr. Champion hag years. Rev. Mr. M ducted the services, for many years rep ceedihgs of this to Telegram, Toront council meeting het ing before his death very much. '; There is an intimate connection be- tween spring cleaniug and new furni ture, you are sure to discover that something in the way of new furniture is needed in most of the rooms. If it is that way with you, call and see D. Sanders, 1654 Dundee street, about it, his stock is now at its best and in clude everything in furniture required for the tasteful outfitting of the home. His collection of bedroom furniture is particularly good and includes some beautiful designs in all brass and brass and enamelled bedsteads at very rea- sonable prices. He also does repair- ing, upholstering and picture framing Every day spending as much energy as you make-it the balance goes a little further, well, you get thinner. On the danger line to-di-to-morrow may be too late! Better ff s. li'errozone, it builds 11p--s little gain II first week, but the gain keeps grom‘l. Next week, not quite so thin. " rigf n, lots of fat won't hurt at all. = on , l%d is enrich- ed, cheeks grow rosy/mm" h rt and ner- ves grow strong and ‘13; _drn't- tire so quickly. Joyous robus§ a sturdy frame and a cheerful mind- all these come with Ferrozone. Ynu’ll try it, only 500. at all dealers. Peabody's Smacks and Overalls, te cents for every button that comes off and 25 cents a rip. Get them at Cole- man’s, Weston. Inch, the Optician will fit you with that new Bi-Foeal lens, double sight, but only one plain glass noticeable. of ottieers in St. J jn's A.Y.P.A. will be held on Wed sdny, April 27th This election will _ for the season of 1910-11 which will ommence at that meeting. Membe4, those who intend to join and all ot ' .rs interested will pleasetake notice. t,' V W. J. Mitchell o the Bank of EN. A. here, has been ;oved to the branch at Winnipeg. 3 Mr Fred W M Wédnesday for a t and expects to be we wish him bon v Mr. Church has purchased a 1oton Main street, near amber street and intends building Bl, once. Miss Reta Smith, lof Toronto, is visit, iag her aunt, Mrs. . J. Flynn. Mr. Charles D: first class positio: bakery, Toronto. Telephone No. 26 V - For Infants and Children. The Kind Ta Have Always Bought _i WESTON 's, Subscription ‘Price. Bears the Signature of CASTOR IA BEAUTYLBlNE FOR THE Hm The annual mee THIN AS A RAIL, ARE YOU? Weston, Ont., Friday, April 2ifffd, 1910 AOVERTisiINC RATES ON AWFGAT‘IO'N W' ' Ferrozon E first wee rt fi. Nest " 11%“; n "on , Inn '05}! o /t' h . and: th, " robus ilht the late Thomas E. ed suddenly Wednes- place Thursday after- pidence, 78 Sullivan services were held rah, which the late attended for many en, the rector con- V Mr. Champion has ted the Council pre- n for the Evening and attended the here on the even- We will miss him _'ylsr for the election jn's A.Y.P.A. will vies has secured a in Geo Weswn’s fat left Weston on [p across the ocean away two months, .yage. PU BUSHE'D EVERY FRI DAY ADHEESS ALL 'WUNICA'DIGN‘S 'ro WHINTON, Proprietors _iittesi" ant! tgat'drt ssc" In another ooltymn the Bredin Bread Company of ioronto, announce their intention of {gutting Weston on their list of bread (fplivery routes and the people of the vicinity will almost any day now be a1ile to step to the door and hail a Br4ilin's bread wagon and have the prod/kt of the ovens of these celebrated b:akers delivered at the door, This is“. bit of business extension which ‘oes to emphasize the enterprise ot t " rapidly growing concern, and alon with the growth of their trade goes jg reason for it in every loaf, and that reason is the quality. Bredupsf have built their vast baking business on the quality basis and no matter how the market values ot the ingredients such as flour etc , may fiaetupte in price the quality of every kind of loaf, and every loaf of every kind stay, unalterably at the highest standard, for this very reason, the trade of these great bake shops, he largest and most modernly appointed in the mminion, has grown within a few yearsgfrom a handful of loaves daily, away up into the big thousands mark diily, and every year the demand semis to outgrow the producing capaciti, and what better proof of merit could there be than in. creasing demand fit it. Bredin's ovens produce a half score kind of loaves, all good, all whohtiorne, and with san- itary conditions in all the details of making and delivery at perfect point. Bredin's breads are a satisfaction and a delight on any table. The A.Y.P A. 0 St. John's church will hold their «cl sing meetings on Wednesday and T ursday, April 27th and 28th. While e A.Y.P.A. does not disband for t e summer it will cease holding its regular meetings every week., On ednesday, April 27th, the closing 3 cial and business meeting of the so ety will be held, when business of i erest to all mem- bers will be transac d. On Thursday April 28th, a meeti g will be held at St. Mary Magdalen s Church, Toron- to, car leaves Chu ch street at 7.30 p.m. Every mem er is requested to bepre sent at both eetings. l The regular u-‘eting of the W.C.T. ‘U. held at the hon eof the president, Mrs. 'IE, E, Irwin: on Wednesday after noon. As this we the final meeting at which Mrs. Irwin would act as pre sid-en't on aveeoulr of her removal to Toronto, each ntimher had the privi- lege of inviting ' friend. About 20 ladies were pres t, When the busi- ness of the mceng was over an ad- dress was read :3 Mrs. Irwin was the recipient of a b ' tifUl m1tglass berry bowl as a, token éof esteem and also regret at her de: rture. The ladies realize the loss t 'xey are about to sus- tain very keen] 'i as Mrs. Irwin has always proved h C selfa genuine] leader. She has owupie; the position for 15 fears continue lily. Mrs. Jacques was appointed gesident for the en- suing year and 'tl)) she has had years of experience It a similar capacity the Work will be nobly continued. Miss Garrett of Ti'iionto, who is always so pleasing, gav§ an address on the four words " 1htiihour is eome," from John, xvii, 1. At the close. refresh- ments were served, after which the farewells were spbken. Mrs. J. 'Finnirgan has opened up her lee cream parlors for tIre season. A mice irish of ice cream and refresh- ment my: be had While wouware wait- ing for itlte tear. Rev., Prof. ‘otter, D.D., of McMaster Univer ty "xrillqoreach at the morning ser ice in the Baptist .ehureh next Lor 55 Day. Dr. Trotter is one ofthe stro estplatform men in Canada andthos whohear him will enjoy :9. ware priv ege. The pastor will pressehat the ev ittserriee. Trudi; (8htrroptiteian, Weston, "repairs Wattthes, Clocks and Jewé3lery. tlhihht tt dirialFiairs -ciamm7oura welds, teas the throatand lungs. - - - 225321115. ss, 00 BREDIN'8 BREéD DELIVERY I' " FOR wgsarom-m __ Alimony? in advance. bi. On Thursday Lg will be held at " Church, Toron- lch street at 7.30 {er is requested to 9eetings. WESTON, ‘ONT Passages are frequent, scanty, pain- ful. Booth's Kidnéy fins cure sick kid- neys, backache gm . urinary disorders. Weston evidenés , roves this state- ment. f, a. Mrs. Richart§ tsarees, of Weston, Ont., says: l , '"Proeuring Bdogh’s Kidney Pills at The Store ot E. J. Inch, Druggist and Optician. Iâ€? tried them tor a trouble that ha '3 bothered me inces- santly for mont . I; had a sharp crick or twinge pain: inf the small of my back, an often 'iitig'darted up into my shoulders} and lilac]: of my head. Aching limbs; Joints and mus- cles prevailed and thirtrtjuble caused me to get weak and depressed. The first few doses of Booth's Kidney Pills did me no good bat I kept on with them and before I had used two boxes, the aches and pains had left me. I can,and do give Booth’s Kidney Pills a strong endorsement and re- commend." Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents . The secretions are dark, contain a sediment. night . Bronchitis, Group, Coughs and Colds, or' money back. Sold and guaranteed by The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd, Fort Erie Ont. wifeEdaches 3.11de dizzy spells are tre- quent. s" i" The weakened; §idneys need quick The weakened; l help. 3 g Weston People Should Know How To Read And Heed Them. Sick kidneys give many sighals of distress. Don't delay! /irrie a special kidney remedy. l (i Resolved,---")" the members of Weston Municipal Council desire to ex- press their sympathy to you in the lose you have sustained by the death of your esteemed partner, one who stood high in the estimation of all who knew him. That a copy of thii:resolution be for.. warded by the Clerk to Mr. Wm. Douglas, Barrister,' Toronto. The Council then adjourned. Resolved, "That the sympathy of the members of Weseon,MunieipUl Council is hereby tendered to the widow and family of the late Thos. M. Douglas, in this their sad bereavement and severe loss of a kind husband and loving father, and pray that the rich‘consolation of His grace may be given them by the Divine Healer. That a copy of this resoiution be forwarded by the Clerk to Mrs. Higgins." bt It is with siorrow that we have learned of the sudden death of Mr. Thos. Champion, and we/desire to express our deepest sympathy with his family in their sad bereavement and great loss, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to forward to the family of the late Mr. Champion, the sympathy of the Weston Couneil." The following“ accounts were then or- dered to be paid; : Jas, Gardhousedeoal . " _ . .. .. - ., $213 65 F. Klng, work on sheets. . . . .. 18 38 J, McAllister ',' .. . .. ... 4 50 P. Charboneau "l ts . . . ' . ' 16 63 A.Stutt,teamidg.....-....... 2400 E.Ella " f....... ..... 2200 J. W. Coulter1 Qundries .F'. . . . 5 00 E.Smith,tile..f........,..... 763 TimesandGuidé.........,... 1850 Evening Telegram. . . . . . . . . . .. 8 20 Globe Printing £10 .... ....-- 6 30 W. J. Allan, eleiétric wiring. . . . 19 20 D. Rowntree, Jil, charity .... . 6 21 The Council h?ild a special meeting on Thursday evening to open tenders for erecting Pump Hbuse, Mechanical water Filters and Eleciiieal Machinery. "r-flu,,',, phsased)'io report that the low. est tenders for thg above work are all be- low the Engineer) estimate. The following miiolutions of condolence were then ur1N1inysusly passed: The Tenders for the Pump House ranged from $4500 to $12,000; for Mechanical Filters', from $3,330 to $5,916; For Electrical Mchinery from $6,058; to $9,091; The qumcxl did not award the tenders. A; Only two hangers were received for watering the stngets of the village, one from Mr. J. Bai y at 15.emats {per hour the other from RE. M. Harris, ata3k cts. per hour. The ntr-aot was awarded to Mr. Harris, his 'eiogthe lowest bender. A by-law was 61mm introduced by coun» cillor Bull to autWoriae the expropriation of two lots on Wadsworth Crescent for waterworks puttioses. The by-law was read a first, segmd and third time and passed. 'il, _ The Auditor’szeport was presented to the council and gm motion was ordered to berprinted. - , mâ€? The council degided mm to open the tenders for the Bower House inthe ab- sence of Mr, Willis Chipman, who engi- neer in charge of the work. The Council met' on Tuesday evening the reeve in the chair, all theopuotyilkrrs present. a Boiler Inspéctiogi and Insurance Oo, report on- the ingpegkitfion 9f the bo0er, - After the routine business had been put through, the Mllowissg oomemrnior. tions were read. _ s Crushed Stone Co. Limited, tyf%rirag to supply any quantity of crushed shame for concrete work, etc.; _ _ Treasurer of Geiontsvrio Government enclosing a chequegfor $77.77 on accounE of railway mgatxoq. Mr. Ja-s. Rumméy, the village eleetri, cian was granted triro weeks vacation, I WWW mini-o-ten I CURES CATARM, ASTHMA, Bagkache is constant day and I ' _rd5lio2aW55 Et5Malm I sci',-), 8370 19 The council ar,tiourned at 10 p. m. WESTON COUNCIL MEETING. SIGNALS (lf DISTRESS cu .__..e.-.-.p stmets.. . . .. .. $b dries . Fc. . . . ie wiring.... charity ..q. . $213 65 18 38 4 50 16 63 24 00 22 00 5 00 7 63 18 5O 8 20 6 30 19 20 6 21 TELEPHONE sos) 30, Men's and Boy's Caps Christ}; and Fedora Hats Chtldren's Sailors and WM lt [TONS George M. Lyons Weston Shoe Depot HEAD WEAR Choice Beef Spring Lamb Choice Veal Vegetables of all kinds. Coulter Avenue, Orders called for and delivered promptly Geo. Sainsbury The best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes, Antiseplk kk Shop Ftetand Life Insarance Co's WESTON BRANCH, Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Carpenter and Contractor PLUMBING, A Specialty purchased at TtPPET'S a fair trial will send you - ' " a; tr, " I ' ". Bi , , &r g m is: , - . , ' , IN' -~ ' .. ~ 2; " '* " a; - ©rt > I M, 5; .. :31. Mu: t ' , ' "' ' gt L tr} =el . 1 . I " I " - Bt . - , . " R2 IR ‘ " IN E A? _ " e " F . 9.. " - F" a; it T g ' be, {A m Sh u r SM, . ' . " . . I M , - ;’ " 'll 3g - n = " tr, " _ Eil - tg I Bl Bl , ' r, & lit tl it Bl ' ...d I" . _ - . _ 1;; 11 & Bt {Mm 'Mit iIM " Canton Straws, all sites. MAIN ST., WESTON E. J. MUSSON Estimates given on all kinds of work Ill Instruments Sterilised ' ROWNTRE E, Jr, NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Traders. THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER TARIFF, T Royal, and North British and Me" re an tile, 1836 THE BANK OF . 1910 See our new stock of Tobacco Pouches and Pipes Perfectly Satisfied. " Years in Business BOOTS SHOE STORE if Agent for the following: I THE SAVING HABIT l $100 starts a SAW’WGS ACCOUNT and Interest is compounded at highest current rates. by opening an aeeoant ,it,h"tty) bad oriiriiis'i, North America and making rtft, Atir Weekly or Monthly deposits, " V EXCELSIOR LIFE FARLEY’S GIVEN AWAY WESTON PHONE NO. 20, --ANV-- WESTON reaping and Reserve oarsi,cooVoo, NEW STORE COR. MEDLAND AND DUNDAS STS. WEST TORONTO Their display is more superior than ever, and prices lower. They will be pleased to have the Ladies and friends call and inspect their display. The MISSES HARSHAW wish to an- nounce to the Ladies of West Toronto, Weston and vicinity their removal to their MOFFAT’S Stoves and Ranges HOT AIR and HOT WATER BOILERS Phone 16 Eij---iiii, HOME STUDY COURSES All Academical and many Techliical Sub- jects provided for. Write for catalogue, State work preferred. The Shaw Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street, Toronto iitdat Ruthertordg The RIVERSIDE WAITING ROOM Corner Church and Main Ses., WESTON Millinery Parlors ICE CREAM Potatoes, Cabbage, Turnips, Celery, Carrots, Onions, Lettuce, Radishes, Rhubarb " J, Finnigan BEEF PORK FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Pine Apple. r.‘w. (Ill/Ill/Ill,.:,,,).',: MISSES HARSHAW Confectionary, Fruits and Candies. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. MOURNING ORDERS A SPECIALTY PURE MAPLE SYRUP TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. ifs S the fqundation of ii,ele_pen,ddpee. _ â€:§;_Beg§n tjavirw now WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St., WESTON (MRS. T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal ihltm TUESDAYS & FRIDAY’ N. I ORDERS DELIVERED. JAS. HUGILL. '. McEwen, Manager. PHONE No.. s. DEALER IN VEAL EAGLE BLOCK. LAMB Licensed Auctioneer for the Countiel of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. gr ' Real Estate for sale and houspa to rent. It has paid others. It 'v'vm- pay you. Write to-day for our handsome Catalogue. A, . G. HOWARD GRAY _ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Eagle Block, WESTON. Evenings and Saturday afternoons. Toronto Office 152 Bay Street. G. W. COULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Beientifieaur wt' Calls by mail or phone promptly TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directresl Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. "IE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, For Bates maply to E. J. MUSRON, WESTON or drogo a. Cay to Head Ottimh 167 Bay iiira Toron . C l special stock of H. HOWARD SHAVER, _; Barrister, Solicitor, etc. tir Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law offiets, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 108-2 Residence, 401 Huron St.. Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 T. H. Wilson, M.A. ’BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple B1dg.,' Toronto) Insure in the YorkFire W. P. Bull, K.C MAIN STREET, " WESTON Flour & Feed DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. V Office-Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Ottiee Hours---' to 10 amt; 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Money to loan din, large and small amOnnts. otnces--M Toronto se., Toronto, and Woodbridge. Wednesday. Office Hours 9tol2,1t03,7t08 Other hours by appointment office-Main Street, Weston Ont. new the Eagle House _ Night calls at the Central Hotel. Weston. DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon etc. Special Attention to Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women and Children. GET A PRACTICAL ‘E'DUCXTION' by attending the famous ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ete., 936 Keele St., (4th. door North of Dundas St.,! TORONTO. l Private funds to loan oh first class security. W. H. O'DELL, .. GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE; BEAN, SHORTS, &c. H . I? . S E F T O N , , Surgeon Dentist i 314 Cot1tederatity1 Life Building, TORONTO, om. Over D. Rowntree & Sons mag ROSES FLOUR D R . D A M E SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (London and Vienna) Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Government Deposit . K. McEWEN, l S . H . P O R T E R Barrister, Solicitor, I Notary Pnhlie. TORONTO, Ont. attended. _ WESTON, ONT Dealer in '. HACKETT, Dentist ' always on hand. 863 College Street Toronto. WESTON. ONT Phone College 4912 . Fred HollL 1 86 ".FiiNte'