E w. R, WADSWORTH ' Builder & Contractor _ Building Plans and Speeifi- tions prepared. Estimates (an. Contracts taken. TORONTO BRANCH Corner Church and Wellington f Mews Oï¬ord Ranges and L Heaters , Main St., Buck's Happy Thought Ranges and Heaters. Orders delivered. SPRING GOODS MEN'S FURNISHINGS; MAIN ST. ,WWW‘. CAPITAL PAID RESERVE - WATCHES and JEWELRY. Esrery- HATS, CABS, SHIRTS, TIES, etc. , thigg that the well dressed man requlres. _ i M m SPRING OVEN“ heaps & Co'y Our line includes many new ideas in' wears and coloriugs. . e us a, call before placing your ear for your spring suit OI Wbrk First-Class. Moderate charges oy ereoat. SNAPPY AND UP-TO-DATE SATISFACTION .'. GUARANTEED. :ORONTO School North Station St. WESTON Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. of styliéh patterns. te', sun make an overcoat th spmelclass to it. You wifll find him in the little white tyh, on Griiining, Sign Writing, Etc, . E. COLEMAN THE BANK OF St. Alban's séH‘égggggR - -___- - -. __A_ B _ WEST TORONTO and PAY. MOUNT DENNIS, iARDWABE MERCHANTS, Ist., - Weston, Ont. EU has the choicest selection Mat, Street Weston . c. BURRAGE . if?, IRWIN GENTS' FURNISHINGS c, Phone Jet, 71 PAINTERS and PAPER-HANGERS, ESTABLISHED 1855. it UNION LABEL MAN AGER. 1528 Dundas St. Up - ttt,000,000.00 - $4,750,000.00 TO Phone No. 14 WESTON UL.L. Streets. Sch I Three miles from To- oo ronto, Visitor. Lord W Bishop of Toronto. eston Larged and beautiful groun s. Boys pre- ONTARIO' pared for the 1Jniver- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to juniors and boys entering commercial lite. Re-opens April 11th. For particulars apply to M. E. Matthews, Head Master. Coal and Wood Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of l Frank McDonald SEWING MACHINE There are advantages in buying near home. Singer Sewing Machine 011103 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To Canadian North e r n Steamships Limited The best appdinted steamers plying be- tween Canada and the British Isles. SAILINGS __ __ From Bristol May 12th May Ttlt May 12th Royal Edward May 26th May 26th Royal Gauge June 9th June 9th Royal Edward June 23rd June 23rd Royal George July 7th For rates and reservations apply to local agents or to MR. B. C. BOUBLIER, General Agent, Canadian Northern Building, Cor. King and Toronto Streets. Toronto. Montreal,’ Quehec am Bristol RESIDENCE ALBION HOTEL THisTLETOWhl, ONTARIO Dealer in Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Rubbers, has removedCfrom Pine Grove to Tottenham.a Will still attend to to the wants of gmy cast omers and will come and',', get their scrap iron and pay highest market price. 3O Low nougnf yin RATES Apr. ti, 19 In 3, tr, Mleliilililillt' “EXCUB§IQNS WESTERN il. C NADA TORONTO TO, TRIPPLE SCREW TURBINE STEAMERS Leave Toronto 2.00 ml. on above do†Through First and Second Clans Coaches. Colonist and Tourist Sleeper-I. Apply to team cpm. Axon or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A.. Toronto. call Mrs. E. Mungovan, ME FOR HOMBBIZRS‘ “Ifâ€! G. M. FRASER, Agent, Weston. From March 29th merges into our Summer Session from July 4th and affords continuous opportunity for bright young people to qualify for good business positions. Our school, The Central Business College of Toronto, invites your consideration. Catalogue mailed on request. w, H. SHAW, Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. JAS, GARDHOUSE ROYAL EDWARD and DRIVING PARTIES ROYAL GEORGE L. NYMAN I in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidery a Specialty. Sailing betwean the ports of SPRING TERM The Royal Line Before Buying a OF ALL KINDS. SI DEALER IN L.’Z§NY1‘1AN, MAIN ST. , Proprietor From Montreal May 26th Jane 9th June 23rd July 7th ToTTssuAs Martha J. ( Graham, Royce day morning, in lingéring illness Margaret Richam’son Richardson, Law stfeet. Royce avenue l will celebrate the: church on Sundaj A youthful bog s Chi been operating in wn a' known, has captur’ one High Park Aveiue Methodist Church Young People's S . iety will be addressed on Monday nigh ' by F. J, Johnston. M.A., in the S day School, subject, bE Science.†J' A progressive i1chre party and dance was held 's"crtct; night in the Masonic Temple, Annette treat, in aid of the St. Celia’s Church ilding fund. It was largely attended, . West Toronto' "fr, Orange lodge, No.000, held an importari' meeting in the lodge rooms'in St. Jar: es Hall Wednesday night. A numb " of officials from city lodges were prestjit. The Knights t Malta, Sir Robert Land commandeit, will hold their an- nual ladies' night f the Chapter rooms, St. James Hall, of; Monday night next, when a banquet 351d entertainment will be given. {a} . The young [Deng Bible class in con- nection with i1ictoria Presbyterian Church has been tliken chalge of by P. M. Spence, winger of the travelling scholarship of Irrijix College graduating class. The Ladies' Aidilisooietsy of the Royce avenue Pressyteviiin Church are complet- ing arrangements/for their anniversary concert, to be bald in the church on Monday, April siis. Donald C. Mac- Gregor and Miss Kil- Borland will assist. The annual closing banquet, given by the members of St. John's A.Y.P.A. passed off most successfully on Monday lnight. There was a record attendance ‘and the table fare was such that delight- eth the heart of man. The ladies, of liiiiiii' there was a goodly number, dis. 'played just as much interest in the refreshments. President W. G. Fell acted as chairman and was supported on l,the right by the Hon. President, the Rector, Rev. T. Beverley Smith, M.A. The toast list was commendably short and the replies were also very brief. During the evening several musical and literary selections were rendered by While trespassfgig on the G. T. R. tracks near Conduii street, about neon on Tuesday, Aiireit, Hooker, aged 8, of Sinclair Avenue, fwas run over by a Grand Trunk engine and had his left; hand taken off. :Roy Lees and Vaun Rennols were Withihim at the time, but were unhurt. Hedger was taken to the Sick Children’s Hespiml and attended by Dr. Matheson. ( ' On Sunday 'moéning, Professor Ten Broeke, M.A., of McMaster University, will preach, and iii the evening F. H. Kirkpatrick, Ph. 1.35., of the School of Expression, will ionduist the service. On Monday night, tv'dsneert will be given under the auspices] of the Ladies' Aid Society, when Miss ‘K. Borland, Reader; Miss Margaret Cafsey, soprano; Miss Olive Casey, soprano; Miss Pyke, violin- ist; Donald C. MacGregor, baritone, and E. W. Owen, tenor; will take part. Dr, Ferguson will take the chair at 8 o'cloelr, West Toronto. members of the soei NOTICE is herety given that the Municipal Council @f the Corporation of the Township oti Etobicoke, will at, its first meeting, after the expiration of one month from the date hereof, l pass a. by-law purst'iant to Section 632, 3 sub-section (1) an4lssuti-elaiyses "a", ‘* b" and $1 c†tuuttsub-iseetions 2 and 3 of the Consolidated Municipal Act of Ontario, Chapteri19, 3 Edward the Seventh, for the puripose of closing up and conveying to gins owners respec- tively of the 1andts'sedjojnins on the west thereof, the following parcel ot land, composed of fipOrtions of the original allowance " r road immedi- ately adjoining the easterly limit of lot number six, in My first concession fronting on the Lak F in the Township of Etobicoke, in t1: County York, namely: it , Being composed EH the westerly sixty-four (64) feet iiin width of the original allowance fit road, immedi. ately adjoining on thegeast, the easterly limit of lot dumberiipix in the first concession tronting oii- the Lake in the Township of Etobiiioke, extending from the northerly limit of the Lake Shore Road to the southerly limit of the road allowance bemveen the first and second coneessiiins, fronting on the Lake, in the said Township of Etobicoke, 1 DATED, this 23rdjiday of March, Am., 1910. ' N Ncrrypiiiiii:. Gr lam wife of W. E. a a enue, died on Mon- (l Mr 28th year, after a chre party and dance fresbyterian Qhurch anniversary of the i and Monday next. Ls cheque artist has ,wn and, so far as is bl one victim. son, wife of William -eet, died on Monday. Mrs. slowly. Did you know that Inch Weston, sells you 8 packages of Garden Seems for 25 cents. Mrs. English has uite recovered from her recent; illness. C Mrs. Phipps is in roving from her re- cent stroke of para] sis. Try one of Coleman's $10 gold watches, Weston. Mr. Barras of St. John's road has rented one of the Téethewey houses, and has moved in. i. Mr. Robinson, of t. Mary's is moving Into Mr. I'aylor's home on Goldwin Avenue. Mr. Carter the n L superintendent; of the Sunday School B introducing some new ideas which wil 'ibe of great benefit th the scholars. " Beautylene sold only by Inch, Wes- ton, cures rt1andruft, stops falling Hair, restores Hatir to its original color. Peabody's Smocks and Overalls, ten cents for every button that comes off and 25 cents a rip. Get them at Cole- man's, Weston. Miss May Dabiis was married on Thursday last, by ( ev. Mr. Seaborn of St. Marks Church, oronto, to Mr. Chas. Hughes of West T onto, after the cere- mony was perfor ed Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, went to Owen Sound on a honeymoon trip, V their return will reside on Ford street. Choice Beef, Lamb, Veal, Ham and Bacon BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. i, 'k Inch; the Optician will fit you with that new Bi-Foeal lens, double sight, but only one plain glass noticeable. BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. BUTTER AND EGGS A SPECIALTY. BUTYONWOOD AVE., MOUNT DENNIS Get your Garden Seeds from Inch, 3 packages for 10 cents regularly 50. package 8 for 25 cents. Rev. Mr. Meflro , an eloquent gospel preacher from the esbytery of Orange- ville, will occupy th pulpit next Sunday at Davenport road ureh. One of the best umorous talks yet given here will be elivered on Friday night, at 8 o’clock, i the Davenport road church hall, by . Douglas, K. c. His subject is “Ora ks," and those who enjoy a good laugh 111 have it on this occasion. Admissio is free. The management "ommittee of the To.- ronto Board of , ducation yesterday visited the Earlsco public school and looked over the g _unds and building. As soon as plans at prepared, building operations will be commenced with a view to erect eight; I ditional rooms. The daily attendance of l holare averages 800, and the present spi 6 is inadequate to accommodate the tteds of the rapidly growing district. j? NELSON JARRETT DOVERCOURT. In no way is health so menaced as by constipation. It 1e ‘5 to indigestion, insomnia, anaemia fr! a hundred ills. Ordinary remedies (thir-they reslieve-- dop't cure. The wot t case is defeated and cured quickly y -'f.rrrntni1toss'ts Pills. which cleanse: e Qui, intestinal tract, stimulate kid up an, fiver. keeps the pores of the ski; i en. , G ou’ll never have stomach trouifie, , 110 l omplexion or hetuiaehesit you use I . 1Grnilton's Mount Dennis. Try a suit of the famous Broadway brand ciothing, made to Four measure at Coleman's, Weston. Pills. They are a perfect system tonic. Me. at. all dealers. Try a suit of the famous quwdway brand clothing. made to your measure at Chaleman's, Weston. Your eyes examined accurately. we put nothing on your eyes except the correct lens Inch, Druggist and Re- fracting Opticianf Why so many use Inch's Silver Gloss Horse Tonic for Horses, Sheep, Cattle and Pigs is because it operates on the Kidneys and Liver and Blood, Inch, Weston. DEFEATED BY DR. HAMILTON. S. McCutéheon is improving k ‘s to f a h _i'iiv1r,i,;,i:.i,, , t case _' y If? A Simple Treatment That Will Make It Truly Fascinating. Nowadays every up-to-date woman has radiant hair. Yet in Canad Ho-day there are hundreds of thou ads of women with harsh, faded, ch rgcterless hair who do not make any; tempt to improve it. 3;? " In Paris most 'iiigee,e have beauti- ful hair, and i Ij~‘Canada all women who use Parisia "A age have lustrous and luxuriant h . And any Woma meager oi the Times and Guide can T ave attractive and lustrous hair, iu? . fe 'days’ time by using this greft' h r it rejuvenator, Parisian Sage. l .Ȥ In . What a foolish creature a woman would be if she L. Si the opportunity to add to her at Vtions. _ raLLaLau Uubv- a in r, J, W. J, Inch, sell .;a like bottle for 50 cents and 12'ltd. oux Mig. Co., guarantees It to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back. Parisian Base is an ideal hair tonic. Parisian Sage is an not sticky or greasy. Rev. Thos. Scot lei day for a trip to oil, There was a speci; worth League held [ when the executive;; tral district were pi the meeting. Thi' spiring and helpful! The Elia branch f the Women's In. stitute met in the 'Fm‘esters’ Hall, on Thursday, at 2 30 p. 1. Subyct: Chickens hatching and raisirtis given by Mrs. J. M. Jackson;a pap“. on cooking given by Mrs. J. H. 81132;. Inch, the Optician will fit you with that new Bi-Focal lens, double sight, but only one plain glass noticeable. Peabody's Smocks and Overalls, ten cents for every button that comes oft and 25 cents a rip. Get them at Cole- man's, Weston. _ Inch, Weston, guarantees Beauty- lene to stop falling Hair, cure Dand- ri1tt and restore grey Hair to its original color. -. C Inch, sells 8 packages of Garden Seeds for 25ete., Mangels 20e.tb., Mecca salve 15c. Thomas oil 15erete. Emulsion of Cod Liver oil Reg. $1.00 for 50c. Beef Iron and Wine Reg. 75}; for 49 c, etc. Tly Hospital for fglfi'is."" Sick Children DOWNS VIEW BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR IHIS APPEAL It It YOU! Th t TI Sick Child REMEMBER in 'l',/d2%fJd Par- ents Cannot Mord to Pay for Treat- ment is Treated Free. The Hospital for Sick Children had last year in its cats and beds 1,155 puienu-- /383 of these wen thti2 from 267 places in 'iij2i3: the Province. Bixby- - ab.' 'e/A", _ five per cent. Were sii 2iitfel children of i, o a r . " ‘ (In: people who could Aiiiirket! " not afford to pay. tion the Institution TWO CLUB FOOT can has treated 15,613 IN PLABTBR. children , 11,550 of theys unable to pay and were treated free. It you know it any child in your neighborhood who is sick or has my deformity send the name of the parent to the Secretary. The Hospital for Sick Children is not . local but a. great Provincial Churity for the sick child of SOCIETY WOMEN' S HAIR. l = T? 2 Er??, .2. Vi.†. 7-3 igtrg " lt] tit',", lmeeting of the Ey ll Wednesday night of the Toronto cen- ‘esenh and addressed :addresses were in- page. tr here on Wedn es- FOR t3ALE---Spri new, built to hundred pounds. Lygm, Weston DRESS MAKING-Ladies and Chil- drens suits made in the latest style. Prices Moderate. Miss Moran, Church Street, Weston, _ 17tf SaluEtryrAN--whole or part tame; liberal terms; prompt pay. Out., fit free. Over five hundred acres in wees. Write at; once, tt Canada's. Oldest Nurseries," Tbos. W. Bowman, & Sen Co. Ltd , Ridgeville. Ont. J. K. McEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe. Deale: in Real Estate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Offiee, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Auc- tioneer for City of Toronto and Counties of Yor, and Peel. All orders promptly Attended to. I have several good farm properties placed in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toronto. I also have several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. Anyone wishing either Farm or Vil. lage property will find it to their ad, vantage to consult me before buvinsr. (Phone Central, Weston. Residence, (John Street. tf A REPRESENTATIVE FOR WESTON This is the? tim.e,to sell Nursery Stock. v. v,r t"'""r-"r- W“ -, We pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our list of SPECIALITIES embraces a rare and choice list of, ready sellers in both FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL Stock. SEED POTATOES, etc. STONE & WELLINGTON THE FONTHILL NURSERIES Established 1837. TORONTO. 30 Condensed Advertisements Write for terms and catalogue. A smallWant’ Ad. ilrru, classified columns will bring you replies from people who have desirable places to rent,. mnuimle,“ lt will not . u n more it: be re 1y i, fort for the sum k' tionI to " rough it" in Ttentf A Home toihuiaim.: WANTED g Waggon, good as carry twenty tive iApply to G'. M. 1 ' 24 gnu much ,‘nfortable tion than