Three Hundred Thousalid Dollar Loss at Calgary. l despatch from Calgary, Alta., says: Fire. broke out at 3 o’clock on Thursday morning in "B" eleva, r of the Calgary Milling Com- any. The cause was combustion, d 100,000 bushels of grain were trut. The tntal loss in grain and uildings is $300,000. The insur- nce 1'8 light. The elevator had a, apacuty of 250,00t bushels, and was rooted in 1905. An English syndicate has bought. a, controlling interest in the hiexi, caniCrude Rubber company. “sum. is supposed to be behind the revolt of the Albanians against Turkey. The Presbytery " Dayton, in northwestern Ohio. has declined to tree the University of Wooster from Church control so that it, might share in the Carnegie pension fund. “'0? _ win CHM“ 11 lands has been rec“ M "uh much surprise at Washington. Nine million dollars will be ad- til. the pay-roll of the United Sta Steel Corporation by wage increases to go into effect the tirst of next month. Nearly a. dozen persons are dead in Rhode Island and Connecticut as a HMJL it is; believed, of drinking wwssl r-xl-hot in medicinal whiskey. Th» :mnmmcement that Quebec .xagiek‘aj'rmhiim } vaginhof pulp- wmlt? harm Crown lands has been renamed thh much surprise at The famous German cobbler knoivn as the "Captain of Iioepen- iek," will be' deported from the United States as an undesirable alien. . h Montreal man was arrested at Boston for using a, United States mrailbag for a valise. - _ The Governor of Rhode Island has signed a bill giving the Grand i) mk Railway permission to enter .tate. 1 man at Ansonia, Conn., com- mitted suicide by climbing to the top of a tall smokestack and jump- ing down inside. emp‘ér Mulloy, the blind Cana- n, was one of the speakers at the opening of the campaign of the Imperial Pioneers at Walworth. A number of Pittsburg ladies hate-formed a society, the object of which is to get men to wear wed- ding rings. Mr. Asquith's veto resolutions were approved in the British House of Commons on Thursday by a ma- iotity of 103. Elevén men were killed by a premature blast in a quarry at Eas- ton, Pa., on Wednesday. My. Balfour has altered his tariff pohty, abandoning all thought of a tag on _ colonial grain. Sir Robert Giffen, the famous British statistician, is dead. A very stringent temperance measure has been introduced by the Nova Scotia Government, with the ot ect of banishing the bar from the Pénce. 0 order of the Quebec Govern- ment forbidding the export; of pulp- wood cut on Crown lands is highly approved by the paper trade of Montreal. _ A number of men who have re- turned from the Camel's Back Lake gclil fields speak in disparaging terms of the prospects there. giss Nellie Priestland of Jarvis peared from Montreal, and her parents have instituted a search for her. It is stated in Montreal that Mr. It Forget, M.P., may take the 65th Rigiment for a trip to England and France. ten f (hN0f3iSfil) NEWS ITEMS A severe blizzard raged over the eastern part of Manitoba, on Fri, day A wireless signarsystem is to be tested on the C. P. R. Hamilton manufacturers are com- pleh1ing of a, shortage of coal. HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Toronto's tax rate is fixed at 17% tstills. BIG ELEVATOR BURN ED It is reported that Tisdale town- _i,iit, gold-mining claims were sold :0 $1,700.000. The C(u’ummul uf {he Bisley team s, beer: 37': >th tr, Lieut.-Col. Ed- ds of 51. lulu] N. B. e (Eggnd i‘l‘n‘ii: Pacific prr)1r1- T will?) And Montreal Connet> will «he Irtvt in a short time. c. guanine: License Commis- ers" reduced the number of lic- ces in the city from sixteen to graphic Briefs From Our Own and other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. UNITED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN. GENERAL : Toronto.' April /9.-Co,vi, were again the feature of the market, a [few extra choice animals selling up Chicago, April 19.--Cash wheat-- No. 2 red, 551.10% to $1.117.†No. 3 red, $1.07}; to $1.10; No. 2 hard, 551.09% to $1.11!»; ', No. 3 hard, $1.- 06 to $10934; No. 3 Spring, $1.05 to $1.103; Corn-No. 2, 57312 to 550. No. 2 white, 60 to 60Ac; No. f?, yellow. 58 to 583230; No. 3, 56% to 570; No. 3 white, 59 to 59340; No. 3 yellopv, 57 to 57Y:ic; No. 4, 52c; No. 4 White, 55 to Me: No. 4 yel- low, 52 to SSE/gm Oats-No. 2, 42 to 423:0; No. 2 white, 45c; No.' 3 white. 421;; to 441/36: No. 4 white, 41 to 4'2c; standard, 44%.; to 45c. Detroit, April 19.-Wheat - No. 1 white, cash. $1.10; No. 2 red, cash, $1.10: May, 851.1011; Janu- aw, $1.04}:- Montreal. April IC, - Choice steeris brought, $6.25 to $7; fair to good, $5.10 to $5.70; tair, $4.50 to 85 25; hogs, $10; sows. W); sheep steady at $4.75 to 86. while lambs s dd at $7.50 to $9. Calves brought an the way from $2.50 to $8. $3.3; mixed mouillie, $25 to $28. Cheese-12y( to 12740 for white, and 12:4 to 121$ for colored. Butter--. Old stock, 30c; new milk creamery, 31 to 313.110 Eggs-19 to 20c per dozen. S'se to $22.50; Ontario middlings, 823.50 to $24; Manitoba bran, $20 to $21; Manitoba shorts, $22 to $23; pure grain mouillie, $32 to Montreal, April 19.-Oats-No. 2 Canadian Western, 42 to 421/26; No. 3, 41 to 413.30; Ontario No. 2 white, 400; Ontario No. 3 white, 39e; On- tario No. 4 white, 380. Barley-No. 3, 60c; No. 4, 58e; feed barley, 560. Flour-Manitoba Spring wheat pat- ents, firsts, $5.80; do., seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat patents, (F'5.- 50 to $5.60; Manitoba strong bak- ers', $5.10; straight rollers, $5.10 to $5.20; straight rollers, in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. Feed-Ontario bran, $22 to $22.50; Ontario middlings, ILrrns-Light to medium, 18 to 19c: do., heavy, 16% to i7c; rolls, 151/120; shoulders, 14 to 14)de; break- fast bacon, 19 to 20e; backs, 20A to 220. . Lard--Tierees, 16% to 16)de; tubs, 17 to 17yic; pails, 17%c. Baeon--Long clear, 15% to 16e per lb. in case lots; mess pork, $29 to $29.50; short cut,, $31 to $32. Butter-Pound prints, 22 to 24e; large rolls, 20 to 22c; inferior, 18 to 20e; creamery, 30 to 32c; solids, 28 to 29e per 1b. Eggs-19 to 20c per dozen. Cheese-tt to 13Ac per 1b. for large, and at; 13Ac for twins. Potatoes-Ontario-s, 35 to 40te per bag on track, and New Brunswicks 40 to 45e per bag. Apples-$1.50 to $2.50 per barrel, according to quality. Beans-82 to $2.15 per bushel. Honey-Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50; extracted, 10A to Ile per 1b. Baled hay-No. 1, $15 to $15.75 on track, and No. 2 at, $12 to $13. Balpd straw-$7.50 to $7.75 on track, Toronto. UNITED STATES MARKETS Corn-No. 2 kiln-dried American, 66% to 67c, and No. 3 yellow, 64 to 64'Ae, Toronto heights. Canadian corn, 61 to 62c, Toronto heights. Brdar-Manitdbas $21 in -tsags, Toronto, and shorts at $22, in bags, Toronto. Peas-No. 2 for shipment, 76 to 780 outside. Rye-No. 2, 68 to 68Ae outside. Buelrwheat-51 to 51%6 outside for No. 2. Oats-No. 2 Ontario white 36 to 36Ac outside, and 38 to 38Ac on track, Toronto. Canada West oats 40Ac for No. 2, and 39350 for No. 3, Bay ports. Barley-No. 2, 54 to 55c outside; No. 3 extra. at 51 to 52c; No. 3 at 49 to 50c, and feed at 47 to 480 outside. Manitoba wheat-No. 1 Northern, $1.12, Bay ports, and No. 2 North- ern, $1.10, Bay ports. All rail prices $1.17% for No. 1 Northern, and $1.15% for No. 2. BREADSTUFFS. T'oronto, April 19.-Flour--Win- ter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $1.20 to $4.25 in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $4.10 to $4.15 outside, in buyers' sacks. Manito- ba, flour, first, patents,, $5.70; sec- ond patents, $5.20 to $5.30, and strong bakers', $5 to $5.10, on track, Toronto. Ontario Wheat-No. 2 w red Winter, $1.07 outside. THE WORLD'S NAME IS Poultry-r-Boxed" lots nominal. REPORTS FROM TIIE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. ' BUSINESS IN MONTREAL.' LIVE STOCK MA BRET THE DAIRY MARKETS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. HOG PRODUCTS. white and Terrible Crime of tt Miner in Michigan.- A despatch from Negaunee, Mich., says: Frank Haarinan, a miner, aged 31, placed a stick of dy- namite under the bed in which his wife and three-year-old daughter were sleeping. and another under ths one which he and his five-year- old boy occupied, on Thursday. When the dynamite was exploded the man, woman and boy were blown to atoms. The girl had a miraculous escape. being found practically unhurt on the floor of the room. The three dead were terribly mangled. There is no rea- son for the man's deed. The iam- ilv had been here only two weeks. Buffalo Chamber of Commerce Pre- paring tor Celebration. A despatch from Buffalo says: The directors of the Buffalo Cham- ber of Commerce have appointed a committee to confer with other eit- ies along the Niagara frontier for the proposed celebration of one hundred years of peace between Canada and the United States. The committee will confer with the vari- our) historical societies shortly to arrange a tentative plan for the centennial event, which will pro- bably be held in this vicinity in 1912. Stockers and feeders were scarce and dear. Milkers and springers steady. Sheep and lambs firm, and fully 25 cents dearer. Hogs weak and unchanged. Selects were quot- ed at $9.15 f.o.b., and $9.40 fed and watered. to $6, while the average prices paid were from $4.85 to $5.50. THE C'rlh'TI'RY OF PEACE. BLEW IH? HIS HOME. CASH PRICE Canada Malleable riiiitpiterrItprrdi" Mfg. Co Limited _‘ “hm _ w 'rtrF', 10ԠH (fluâ€"rm?†- ___ c"-.r"r"re",eee.e 'ti.N" V». '1 "CTF. _ "CP. '38 V 35.233}. '.cs 1,51“ tr 'tLF A"??? _ rctrE3r,rstCrrri. ':eircst%2et'egrrrir'i '15-" _ ij.rit $5; .615, q: ltr'if, (ftitr,1'i') 'rt.WY's'r',t'. yea 'sri-bl',?,'; trs in“ 2;, j?rds, JI', any,» r. "de'ii',l?rits2dbM, ‘43: D, #53 ,.'H', fft. 3; -- “a v" "sNii 'cry, Fcidaee,e,.y ' Ls: Lt2i0t"i iyrr “a I}. my 1553:, /iir'itd', y: n ',,istttis, ",r'vi "she" Ya?,:.', Ct 'cief. ' RrreNee'lrt, 'Cyt:.t"decht =3y v-?s"t,N, rm} 'fires mg“, a. - Ts"u rag; s" 'ir,y'iyyi',e Wt5, 4751-1~’~'~‘.-.~‘~;.~s.s-_-:- , _.- Cs.. =2. ,, Liiy i5tcr7ir' -mr., FtW, s5/i.iiii'siv.lij,t'2'i' <7": _ 31» " I {V [is Fr, Vt' ew" irf:fhPse' Q _ -- -- --._---- i V ___‘ __ - _ 'r_tu'i2u'-ur.kuyG%u%'i'd-G'a; “MMâ€"M 818 or 9i8--Elevated Tank or Flush Reservoir for Coal and Wood. Made of the Best Blue Polished Steel and Malleable Iron. Delivered to an Railway Station in . SH a Ontario, Quebec, uf, Brunswick, Nova C ICE 1 - Scotia and Prince Edward Island. pl We pay the freight. a C W5, mB ' ma' M A... W" tlt' XE " ' . Y, %i'e'8t, _ '5" I: is F8 > 4'IE, t'r'ilriyii, M mm: “A.“ -. Ins.) H u tit tl ' '. 1 :ï¬ggéfsu‘eggc3e“fï¬gwrï¬ï¬‚iwi‘c‘iï¬goé‘; CASH S:1 g gggngrggg - iaan e r Is an . We P821 niche fright. PRICE British Colt OVER 6000 OF OUR RANGES m USE IN TORONTO ALONE Great Interest Taken in Travellers Bound for the West. A despatch from Montreal says: Great interest was occasioned among many people at the Windsor Street Station on Friday morning by the arrival on the train from St. Jchn of a little family containing quadruplets-two boys and two gills-aged eleven months. So many passengers called and begged fit a sight. of the quadruplets that the father could stand it no longer. Be took his little floek off to a ho- tel for the day. They went out on Fiiday night's Imperial Limited to settle in western Canada. C. P. It. May Have Trouble at Fort William. A despatch from Fort William says: Serious trouble between the C) P. R. and its doék hands is feared here as soon as navigation is formally opened. The company has been engaging its men through an agency instead of by direct ap- plication, as heretofore, but many of the old hands were refused by the agent. About 120 men were engaged on Thursday, nearly all of whom are English-speaking, and many are coming in from outside points. It is inferred that there is an "Indian list" and the majority of the Greeks and Italians are thought to be upon it. All the men will receive the scale fixed by the. Board of Arbitration last year ._- namely, truckers, 191/; cents per hour for day work and 23% cents per hour for nights and Sundays; checkers, 23 cents per hour, day; mowers, 21% cents per hour, day; shovelmen, 24rf, cents per hour, dag. 26 cents per hour nights and Sundays. " t' A D ItUPLETS IN FA M I LY. HIRIN G DOCKHANDS. [m WRITING PLEASE MENTION‘T'HIS PAPER] Manufactured and Sold only by the MADE IN CANADA and is placed on tho market in response to a demand for a Range combining the sterling qualities of Malleable Iron and Polished Steel, Unbreakable, Unwarpable, Tndestruetable, Economical, Design Attractive, Perfact Cookers and Bakers, will Last a Lifetime with Proper.ture. The ordinary cast iron range is at best a disappointing investment to the purchaser so soon does it exhibit the effects of wear and tear, unavoidable in a range constructed of such frail and brittle material. The Combined Malleable Iron and Blue Polished Steel Range is the nearest approach to Absolute Perfection ever designed for Corn- fort, Economy and Satisfactory Domestic Service and wherever installed it will prove itself a continual object of Satisfaction. The price at {which it is supplied is so modest that it is brought easily within the match of every prudent family, GUARANTEE “Dominion Pride" Ranges are sold on the following Gua’rantee: If any casting proves defective in twelve months from date of purchase, we will furnish name free of charge, The above Guarantee is very broad, no if’s or and’s, . and any casting that would have a flaw in it that we failed to see l'eWRi . in the course of construction. snob flaw would Show long before __ -urf‘ the twelve months have transpired when tire is put in range. tum d); “w“ 'eNP5!eratt8p “', SESBeWE $._,.../‘._., " t J" ‘1 g. a: $t _iiiilERitig 5% sir'. ts% V." v": . tRrdrf2E 5 w' fig = g , £355 ..tigMt q in??? R 2wa axnai4 V rag ,,._ , - ......, tti1& 'sftqqWa A: _, = ----Vt-a=:=Tt'L=eiie __ _’_E‘_h_§_‘_‘DQminion Pride†Range the partial destruction of the New Haven county jail on Wednesday. Three of their comrades were saved through the heroism of firemen out- side. The bodies of the six men were found late on Wednesday af- ter the debris had been removed. Many other firemen were badly burned, but remained at work. The dead are: Captain o. L. Chapman, Wm. Doherty, John Buckley, T. C?ullen, iiarndd Mortell and Truhnas J, McGrath. A despatch from New Haven, Conn., says: Trapped by metal doors and barred windows, six fire- men who were fighting flames in a workshop were caught by a back draft and burned to death during wen of Welland, on Thursday morning at 7.30 o'clock, flew at the tieking telegraph instruments and pulled them off the table. Atter tearing the telegraph switchboard, which contained the three wires, from: its fastenings on the wall, Pttti- ting all the wires out of business, Apparent Lunatic Did Damage in Marshvillc Station. A despatch from Niagara Falls, Out, says: An apparently crazy man, whose name is said to be Copeman, entered the telegraph of- fire at Marshville station, on the Wabash Railway, about 10 miles Caught by Back Draught Which Slammed Doors and Shut Them in Building, Sill WWW Will] KILLED TORE OUT TELEGRAPH WIRES Six men trom truck No. 1 were INt9OMPARABIiE OFFER . . Our placing direct to the consumer our High Grade "Dominion Pride†Malleable and Polished Steel Range, as fully described in our descriptive eireulnr and guaranteed, for less than you can buy a east iron range. We are enabled to make this extraordinary offer by our Direct from Factory to Kitchen Plan, which saves the jobbers, retailers, traveling salesmen and their expenses, giving the consumer the benefit of these savings, which in reality enables the consumer to buy as cheap as the wholesale jobber. PRICE My not buy direct from the Manufacturer and save the middle- men’s and retailers' profits' “Dominion Pride" Range if sold through the retailer or traveling salesman would have to be sold for $69.00 to $78.00, according to the territory sold in. Our Erica, direct to the consumer, is as follows: “Dominion Pride" ange, 8-18 or 9-18 top, with high closet shelf and elevated tank or fttesh reservoir, with piece of zine to go underneath range, 8 joints of blue polished steel pipe and 2 elbows, delivered to any railway express station in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. and Prince Edward Island for $41.00 (We Pay the Freight), and delivered to any railway express station in Mani- toba, Alberta, Saskatebewan and British Columbia for $49.00 (We Pay the Freight), $5.00 to accompany order, the balance to be paid when range is delivered to you. If not convenient to pay cash, will accept your Note. Write for (3: Descriptive Circular. . Wm 1.. w - -iWV .4, - M. w N . t . = _ ,- p... . - [my w 7 Ni mL' . ttWLt ' - - M. aux _ - _ N: " ml w' V FEW. tigEilit'ir a N " g 'at E & 3 Mat Iam my: tt 53$ 2g " " ' “he?!" MlMImr' “A - a. a q - r " tR w w "85ERii" . , TWTF at... .,. iR?RttN <-._ -3tNtRm Delivered to any Railway Station m Manitoba. Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia We pay the freight. fighting their way through the cell room of the jail into the workshop, when an explosion of a gasoline tank caused a back draft and slam- med behind them the iron doors separating the two buildings. Three of the men were hemmed in a cor- ner and burned to death, while the other three made their way to a barred window, to which they clung, with streams of water play- ing on them from theeutside. Soon after reaching the window the root fell in, and the ladders were put from the outside and down the in- side and the men taken out. The other three firemen were caught by the same back draft as they were Working at the other end of the building: and were carried down by the roof when it imkl iw Electrician at Kenora was Lower. ing an Arc Lamp. A despatch from Kenora says: William Dafoe, aged gt, an electri- cian in the employ of the town, was instantly killed here on Thursday afternoon whilst he was in the act of lowering an electric arc lamp in order to recarbnn it. An inquest he set both semaphores at danger and decamped westward. He wax arrested a few miles west of Wei. land and lodged in jail. wid probably be held KILLED BY C U Illt EN T. OSHAWA ' ONTARIO "