Hum jllirir0lricjiiiyi?, I We have a. number of secondhand Automobiles tl ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. Millers and Dealers/in Grain and Feeds of all Kinds We . Sell the Best 'i', q and Finest Drags _':.", AT THE LOWEST PRICES REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING 1654 DUNDAS STREET No, 8 Dundas St., Nest SPRING CLEANING NEW FURNITURE GENUINE 'ot)?7.'?lc-W-"" “away-u :1; _ a.-.“ t 'v', ML x 735 (tiiitj, (':is"i"i'ill' 'ith" 'if-?',':'"?':",;,';-?-': "teti ~.-A _ ", -. x s," T _ 5%; _ c---""'.-:, _ \ /: :3 v al-i, The Kind You Have Always Bought _ "". . - _ v u 4 . " ".e _. W7,» ' mechanics. These (/34: ' - ,n/ 555-“ L' NCV ' 'age -.-"' - '., ' macmms answe; every sr' - x" b-" "---"" s---""' 1?. Possible requirement of » f 't ’ -. J country people, and'can M’ ' "'. -----ahd,y be bought at a decided K _ E cause _- c. l s} bargain. 1f interested c' x... 99’ g -' ht,: write- at: once for fuller --" t ir. parttieulars. ' = 5'- ' ’3 otrr, can also make “on _at" Rt) 5%; V , .31 A: ws' if; Nt-" a._ attractive proposmon,ir',,tukrs.ii'i' . SF f J W‘r’ 'r'r1f 3, : . T ' -- n ly? was. b' yiut.FPs " 5 .rsm'_" T"r" A , A " tby', ax t n a .110 v, Cadillac 'd ; gs; _-v'2' “Iâ€; . t 4.4 if} 7 ' l . -trst 'y""' """"l' Iii $5wés§§a§’7â€" - 'Fhirty gums represents .1 _. :-?" .531 . st' -»_ 3' Vt. P. l, {5'- " '-. "ttarea,, t e be A' value e, V e r 'iCPjiis-iset v __ .. '?i'ilrti7ii'iCii/r,'iiiisTr,t,t , i: .53 g . _ T i, “TV , - 3 F- irsiitiifg Ur. on-red m aurpmobiles, 1tz,iiiu.S-=rsi-s2 eaï¬aï¬-‘E‘S‘xéï¬g‘ _ _ 1 fi 1' iilustrated 43‘ k 3:31 t / (yr-et r“ 'r"ritstiCs* a gen} P' 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been _ in use for over BO years, has borne the signature of _ and has been made under his per- dgLaargii2-i.t" sonal supervision since its infancy. f . Allow no one to deceive you in this. Maiiufaetdrers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. .\ .,',iit,r"st)-h----rsr--h-a,, N'y' HOWELL dl 00., With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES All Counterfeits, Imitatiotls and “J ost-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle ri,yitrx and endanger the health of? Infants and chi1itrren-Wiiterience against Experiment. Castoria is a harmless iipbtitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and S°°tm§l§ Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiumgs ornhinn' 1101' other Narcotic substance. Its age is iei)e,ilarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.§? cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethi Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It _itiiiijiiitrti,ii: the ood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, givl'gi? healthxand natural sleep. The Children’s Pauaeea--- e 1vLitieris Friend. There’s an intimate connection between the two, for you are sure lid-discern that something in the way of new Furniture is needed in most of the rooms, If it is that wav with you. come and see us about it. Oar stocks are now at their best, and include every" thing In Furniture required for the tasteful OU t-fittitag of the home, Our collection of Bedroom Furniture is particularly good It includes some beautiful new designs in all-brass and brass and enamelled bedsteads at very reasonable rriees 2 '. '. '. and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison WESTON MILLS 'iit?,tf frirtsqretC'd-cCseA-'"""' saw ',s_' 'it/i, (Ciii) w,,f mm iii Ntt; '//i'i'lj'-,r.i,,. "1c'isiutalth"l r Limlied itMe,8mE?5'-8%Wt a v'ti2 "a? TORONTO What is éASTORIA D. SANDERS in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY- DRUGGISTS, (ESTABLISHED 1828 t:uuiiii'irt_s,)",r"j:t')A ,'if:eststi')',i,sciii-iiri1ffi'j,: Ir. 3 C' I Skirt; "ithat represents _gi,?,l1rt,'v')til'fiii; Li; "giti"'S t e basis value SYBI‘ 'iiiiiiiii:'iiiiFii. 'iigtatst .,slihP, red 111 automobiles. 4 _ _ s?t,,, w: .;§;" a FAh re .. I t [f/ ‘f£\»~“*£§§:x§a , 'e F I Illustrated i'ir,1itis9s5tus'ii"iii,?'ri,' , I wager: A. Mr“ 9.. #s_8,, " NA/aches/Pecos-trn WEST TORONTO AND 3 Fr pussi $3318? 'MM,,, Automobiles and Bicycles TO RO NTO WEST TORONTO Phone haOn 89 ALWAYS Telephone No. 1 I All true beauty is refining; both in ‘nature and in are. the presence ot ehe iiriiirtiri1 softens Qua pusrifies. Let no (Fri tall into the blunder of supposing that only the expgnsive can be beauti- ‘ful. It is labour, icare, skill, an artis- itic eye, and a refiiied taste that beau- Imy. Whether in ire home or in dress, Pl, speech or in manners, money is .not the main thbg which provides ithe beautiful. The: dowdy apparel oi imany a siattern his cost more money (by tar than the fteat and beautiful {garb of her indigent. but orderly neigh- 'bour. 7 . 'i; When a woman becomes so angry that she can’t talk she begins to think that she has acquired wonder- ful self-control. PREVENT TAKING COLD. Fire." In éhougands . [. Often you come home, told and shiver- [Eagr 1raei21,t1eC1,1l'iU/dic ing-feet are wet, plumb 1s raw, chestalthe endorsement of the 1 little sore. A bartif,iud isjust beginning. {proof that Nerviline is Put a Nerviline Piiious Plaster on your ifor the {10311611 ist c ichest, rub your. tiiroat, with Nerviline, {$131,335, if): larggg2g5c. bo and take a stiff (loge of gNerviIine in hot , line. water. This presrihts a')sltill, and checks l the cold instantly. iNo remedies so use- _ -----Tfr" ful in the home, so since to prevent seri- I l A BR: ous illness as Nerviliue and iciiii'ii/A "ififfltu) ST Flashers. Sold by all dealers., 250. each, . The Branch of th Live but be sure you get the genume. and reu . . . O . "t ' as iss fuse any substitute. tu'""""? at lar"', __ . 6. Good carer-rin/ii-ring kind treat- ment, syeertweifthing fponducive to com- fore, cleanliness and higalth so as to give the cow an opportuniégy to work to the best advantage. Berter methods, not necessarily much outlay of trash. t. Keeping reeor4ir.--an the forego- ing naturally hinges of; records: a know- ledge of each cow's gleerformance and capacity is the prime? necessity for in- preasingly profitable i'itoduetion, a mere estimate may be far astray and gives no basis on which to Viz-ark intelligently, guesswork is not blisinoss-like, but a careful record sopplies information of the utmost value at) every turn. Record forms are supplied free on application to the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa. SEVEN Storms IN HERD BUILPING. 1. ..Milking Glennie-to obtain all that a cow can give, and “RD prevent early dry- ink off if? _ Methodist Church, Mount Dennis. Public service at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m. . Rev. S. D. Dinnick, Pastor, Buttonwood Ave., Mt. Dennis, mg on tl', _ 2. Use a pure blégfl sire:-jom strain of large producers, t/ijacquire good quali- ties and perpetuate ( tendencies. of what value is " "sera?)"? - 3. Regular and careful feeding:-ass to time, quantity andgnuality; adjusting the grain ration to £15118 production of milk and burterfatr tie get the utmost value for the foouseu1)ycvn or purchas- ed. 7:" . roots, ersilage and soiling crops, to sus tain and prolong the ftpw of milk. If so, look out fora tiny corn. Cure it before it grows "big. Patmam's Pair:- less Corn Extractor is the best. Try "Putrram's." 5. Culling out poiii'r C0Wr---no one wants them either to fired or breed from. Beef them. 2 On Sunday next, services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday School at 3 pan. St. John's (Anglican) Church. Ira.m. Mattins and Sermon. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8'a.m. St. John's (Catholic) Church. On Sunday next. Mass will be cele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. Divine service next Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m. 4. Providing sunfigulent feed:--as Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector. J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector CHURCH SERVICES. Presbyterian Church. St. Philip's g3 I " DIRECTORY C) BREEDERS OF ‘ PURE BR STOCK. The Branch of th Live Stock Corp- missioner at Ottawa', as issued a revised edition of the Dire 5ory of breeders of pure bred live stock n Canada. Accord- ing to Ihe preface age the work is a compilation of it ormation received through corresponéence from breeders in all the provincestn regard to the size of their breeding hegds, and the number of males and femgles of the several breeds they have ioi) sale. The Direc- tory is prepared to (hssist persons in lo- cating herds, studs abd flooks in their re- spective neiehborhoreds, or in distant provinces from whici§ pure bred animals may be procured. it is stated in the Directory that tft: will be sent to ranchmen, stock br ers, secretaries of farmers' institutes, agricultural societies, livestock associations, and others who may apply for them. Any JiTiraruggist or dealer can supply the large 250. bottle of Nervi- line.. 13 } When asked his ,opinion a Dew days iago, Dr. Roberts Etated that he con- sidered a strong' penetrating, pain- subduing linime-r; suchipyj “Nervi- line," to be supiiWor to rthany of the white ammonia sisiTfsimiii'ttii' In his twenty-five year§ bt pr,ibltiee be had witnessed 02(ses of, Be _ ( tqitsm,tsdiati-s ca and 1umbagottWt _ iiifply would [not respond to did†Ereatment--- ,blut Nerviline curi)d Q e; The same 'physician also spoke T _ he great ad- vantages ot keeping tyseprepa,ration like Nerviline in the house always, because of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders, earache, toothache, head- ache and such minor ailments. Ner- viline is a tirst-elass cure. There is scarcely an ache or a pain, internal or external, that Nerviline won't cure. In thousands of homes no other pain-relieving medicine is used. Fifty years' continued success and; the endorsement of the profession are‘ Recently a number of these white, oily liniments were analyzed, and they were found to contain an enor- mously high percentage of harmful acids, and such irritating chemicals as ammonia, etc. For the moment they may cause a warm sensatibn when first applied but their eonUnu- ed use never‘ cur s rheumatism, and only deteriorate the skin, sets up infiarrupation a d s';'" causes endless trouble. 'E i" The Public Are Warned, to be Careful of These Strong-smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmt)u1 Acids, Ammonia, Etc. , Many people have clung to the old- fashioned idea that a thick, grea'sy liniment is the best kind. Doctors say not-and they know. T Sheets raisers wisp do not already possess a copy of this bulletin would do well to order one from the Live Stock Commissioner at Ottawa. , cr When a doctor viarns you to quit using a white, in? Iir1iment-do so. He knows that agthick liniment ean't penetrate, ean'tijSnk through the pores and reach the seat of the pain. Doctors Con damn Oily Liniments Its vines are more f-fslender than pea vines and stand up §etter when grown with a stiff varietykroi oats. Vetches are grown extensiv .y for sheep feed in Great Britain, a to some extent The wise shephe d in planning his crops for the yea has regard to the ‘the needs oi his ck. He recognizes ï¬che great advanta, e of providing not ;only a variety of oods but a sucees- sion oi succulent crops the season through. Bulleti No. 12, "Sheep Husbandry in Can a," published and issued free by the ive Stock Branch at Ottawa, takes this subject in a practical and thor gh manner. Under special crops for s eep it deals with clover, alfalfa, v9, ches, nape; eats- bage, turnips man _ls, corn and the several classes of grain. Each is treated separately in regard to me- thod of cultivation? and manner of feeding. _ Dealing k lth vetches the bulletin saysj--. Jr “Vetches or tares4as they are also called, make exce ent fodder for sheep, either as a i), iling crop or as cured hay. This erq1 much resembles peas in habit of grdwth ar1,i requires about the same kiild of culeivatfron. CROPS F4 ttit seat C) s ‘pinion ' _,tated tl g: '/ penetra ai, such: "gi or to ili 'iiiimiiirt (i f pr, ty /t. e _ r" t Id in planning his {has regard to the 'pck. He recognizes te of providing not oods but a Buteees- crops the season R SHEEP the liniment Under orders of the Council the undersigned has pre- pared a complete map of Weston, showing all lots and measurements. A limited number of copies are offered for sale at a price oi $3.50 FOR BLUE PRINTS ON PAPER $5.50 FOR BLUE PRINTS ON CLOTH Ordels for above w1111 be received by J. H. TAYLOR Town Clerk and Treasurer. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsesvhegit 1476-1478 Dundas St., WEST TORONTO. A-----""" -----+. gem. andwoon Eagle Block, I . . Sulphur. i)si,rici'iigit,rtt. Sodium Chlorld. _lo-gt', ittr,eia,/e, cohel. WateL. Perfume. A hair TTa,ra.tityt made from this formula is harmless, yet possesses positive merit. A' hair food, a nalr tonic, a hair dressing. Consult your doctor about these hairproblems. A J, 79.7AYER COMPANY. Lowell, Mass. __ BAYNES Bili'n11y,',9iIE m m (hiii, the Hair?! Stops Falling Hair Destroys Dandruff MAP C PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS 'tawe, LeyP.ic"uN2, bt4tMCtt'i'i,:?tirsiih't High Class and Artistic Monumental Work. L, A. LEMAIRE, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ANID CEDAR POSTS. . WM, B. BRANDT, Civil Engineer, ASPINWALL POTA ro MACHINERY 46 Dundas St. WEST TORONTO. WATCH, CLOCK and JEWEL Repairing a Specialty Sheppard, SHEPPARD M. G. WARDELL, T. A. FARR, Jeweller and Optician. Marriage Lieenses issued. All work promptly repaired and p,iaranteed. Charges moderate THE WATCHMAKER E40 ONTARIO STREET, TORONTO AYER’S HAFRK VVIGOR Sand and Gravel. WESTON, ONT. m The . . . Watchmaker, n Elegant I9retsstett akes Hair Grow WESTOT‘ .3;