Times & Guide (1909), 6 May 1910, p. 8

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as j'Werd Ch & W. Wadsworth ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. Millerg and Dealers in Grain and Feeds of all Kinds No. 8 Dundas St, Nest FOLDING GO--CARTS REPAIRING, UPHOLSTEBING AND PICTURE FRAMING 1654 DUNDAS STREET Sabscfébe Now for the-mei-iii-i-ic-ss;'" l o'Itierrnw Apenfect Remedy for Cons tipa- tion, Sour Stopisch,Diarrhyea, Worms tconvulsions-ish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. F-lCrWlliELL, & 00.. 'e Sell the Best and Parest Drugs AT THE LOWEST PRIC. With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison mGororastrsm0Eulmmm EXACT COPYUF WRAPPER. Fae Similts Signature (if La'ii Jeer, :41)?ij ' 13995.11; sas MW . I _ JN Warm: Marlee} - Fait/dir/rar., Don't forget to call in and see our Folding Go Carts. They are perfeét in every way, also the best assortment in West Toronto. A oarload of Rockers and Arm Chairs have just arrived and we are sure our prices will suit everybody. Give us a call anyway and see for yourself. : : y : i TIMES AND GUIDE NEW YORK. 1)shllEEyT0N MILLS a tea.- $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE . SANDERS DRUGGISTS. (ESTABLISHED 1828. WEST TORONTO Hm; li * f i " , h" n . - » r “ __ N I . " ' " - l BNN SME - - " ‘ , I " I I a " - - airt& " ' M: . N I . " ' * " " I L M8 , gl I " '. . - " iM" " " Lu 1; -; . L: tg - - ' IBM' - " . - . " - I " " ' " II} " Mr. " , " as,” . . I Ek' it; tEI a, $12-12“, I" hf!- m " . _ a ' . Mi T - The Kind You Have MSW“ For Infants and Children. THE DENTAUI COMPANY. NEW VORK CITY. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 89 Telephone No. 1 Baptist Church. Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday-School, 3 o’clock p.m. J. L. Bloat, Pastor. St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 aan. Mattins and Sermon. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 nan. third Sunday at 8 a.m. St. John's (Catholic) Church. On Sunday next. Mass will be cele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. Presbyterian Church. On Sunday next, services held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; School at 3 pan. Public Worship at 11 an]. and 7 p, ( m. Sunday School and Adult Bible) Classes at 2.45 pan. , ‘ Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., l Pastor. l, Public service-at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m. Rev. S. D, Dinnick, Pastor, Buttonwood Ave., Mt. Dennis. SHE WEARS EARGE BOOTS Has to on account; of cornswbut they can be cured in tsan, E21” hours with Putnam's Painless A '; ' xtractor. Use no other but Putnam' y The report of the iommission sent last I year by the Dominion Government to I Europe to study the (twine rearing indus- I try has been issued, It consists of a I pam'phletnf sixey pages of printed matter and a large number bf striking illustra- tions, ( l, St. Philip's. Divine service next Sunday at 11 o'eloek a.m. The countries visited were England, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark and Holland. Denmark and Ireland, being the strongest competitors of Canada in the British market, received {nest attention. The report described clearly how the hogs are bred and 1reared/and the various steps taken to develop the export bacon trade. The far famed cb-operrtive system, as applied by the Danes to the breeding and rearing of the swine, the packing and marking, is fully described. Cooperative feed buying, which involves the purchase of over six hundred million pounds of grain, oil cake, etc., a year, is fully dealt with. _ A valuable featuiie of the report is the attention given to the methods followed in the different conhtries for maintaining harmony between fpackers and farmers, and the securing ofa uniform supply of pigs. Clo-operation, not only between farmers, but between packers and farm- ers, is credited with excellent results. This is especially true in England in bacon curing vicinities. After dealing with the various phases of production in the different countries, achapter is devoted to the English bacon trade, and another/to lessons for Canadian farmers and packers. The report; is com- prehensive and practical, and therefore of value to every wine raiser in Canada. Copies may be prbcured free by writing to the " Live Stock Commissioner" at Ottawa. , FOR A BAD COLD. Nothing heals so quickly as the heal- ing Pine essences in Catarrhozone. It fills the breathing a gene with a. healing, soothing vapor t t elieves irritation at once. Ordinaryfc4ds are cured in ten minutes. Absnlr-t y sure for Cabarrh, and in throat rd ble it works like a charm Catarrl- h is a permanent cure for brunch , in throat trouble. Not an experi il not a temporary relief-but a ouhr, liat’s guaranteed. Get "asearrhozorie" to-day, Me. and $1.00 sizes. I', '? Man's life, says) Canon Liddon, is made up of actiontand endurance, and life is fruitful in he ratio in which it is laid out in oble action or in patient perseveran . But the physi- cal workers are ot the only true workers. The lin ot thought do not lie outside this division, tor true thought is unde nstrative action. To pass lite in ini lence is degrading; life is ennobled o by work. Methodist Church, Mount Dennis. REPORT OF THE SWINE COMMISSION. Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector. CHURCH SERVICES. J. Hughes-Jones, ILA,, Rector Methodist Church. Rev. A. fl, MacGillime, Pastor. . But the physi- ot the only true or thought do not division, tor true nstrative action. lence is degrading; E by work. will be Sunday I l SEVENTY POUNps OF MILK PER DAY. i In this busy age whirl Canada. is mak- iing a name for herself with big things, :waterpowers, tiinberé limits, railroads, Ireal estate deals and 0 on, it is perhaps ins well to remind ouEselves that the or- dinary farm operatiods occasionally show very big things. Weghear now and then lief poor cows and lot'. yields of milk, so imsheed constantly t5 bear in nllr d that ‘huge things are acénmplished by the proper combination , the brainy dairy,, iman, good feed and: the selected cow. i We have plenty of gdiod cows in Canada, some that give 10,00(t, 1ro,000 and 20,000 ipounds of milk in about One or two ibig records were made in March by ex- :cellent cows, one lot} of six in one herd igiving a total yield (@9388 pounds milk, 'and some giving egg much as seventy ,pounds of milk in ohe day: think of it, ienough to supply th" needs of 56 ordin. iary people at the rail of one pint each. Such cows are not ufcired up every day, 'ithey are not ore/ag/ice,,, but they are 1an indication of wh it is being accomp- (lished by brain workgapphed intelligence in dairying, We niid to realize that it (s perfectly feasiblegfo do a good deal imore raising, net on: the much needed p‘reising of the gene? standard of the Taverage cow so that tie 3 000 pounder is _ longer "in our midst”, but the raising ‘of a a good many mips cows of at least ithe 10,000 lb. type? Dairy records. of milk produced and bed consumed, will soon show which co am the stable of the average dairyman isw‘g'iot worth keeping, iind which will respénd to more liberal feeding so as to prodiiice milk in abund- ance. Coy testing aisociations will help every dairyman to suegess: join the near- est to you or assust in form mg; t tle-W one To Cure the Pain in Ten Seconds and Get Instant Relief, Noth- ing Equals. NERVILINE, Fifty years ago Nerviline was used from coast to coast and in thousands of houses this trusty liniment served the entire family, 0 led all their minor ills and kept mp doetor's bill small. To-day Nerfili still holds first rank in Canad a 011g pain re- lieving remedies-sc I ce y a home you can find that doesn’ u e it. Frmy, Port Hope, ---- Ont I Mr. W. T. Green [ESIIMONIAL aWa jot the Guide "r neWwape staff, NO. writ@: [skew twenty 4398 years? iie)have used _ Nervi ni, ist our home, i and i/gi/JI, the world would We be without ftd, As a remedy tor all pain, 'eoahit'i, toothache, cramps, headache ané disordered stomach, I know of no pteparation so useful and quick to relieve as Nervi- line." st, Let every mother ttive Nerviline a trial; it's good tor children, good for old folks-you can rub it on as a lini- ment or take it internally. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything but Nerviline, Me. per bottle, five for $1.00, all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. 14 Said to Be an E "out Remedy Pow Curing rious Ills. The ettieieney oatohaeeo in eradieab ing the internal. " asite and thus com tributing greatly t the general health of the animalsiht consume it is ab tracting wide attention among sheep raisers. Effectua- in treating all in- ternal organisms, has proved espe- cially desirable " eradicating the deadly bowel no [e which is a fre- quent source of noubie. This being destroyed, many othe ills uusually at- tributed to other tVses disappear. It matters little 'ihhat variety of to-' Dec-co is used for 'itrse purpose, writes an Ohio breeder i ' National Stockman and Farmer. It {as been reported, however, that a iiertain variety has proved fatal to ts/j%imais which cow HIllDCd it. It is prébable that this dis- astrous effect was)) from a matter of quantity and no} quality. Those wanting tobacco iiruy procure either the whole leaf, jugt as it comes from the grower, or Mite stems or ribs of the cured leaf tiger the intervening tissue has been re§noved for other put" poses. The formet is preferable, as it “on’talns much 'esivitiber than the stems Home, and it also iiossesses the desired "oedicirutrq1u1litiel1 in a more concelr {rated form. Tllé: stems, however, if finely ground shoitld be effectual. It should be 1vriiembered that in all instances tobaceoi:imust be pulverized and given in connection with salt, as sheep would nod? otherwise take it. Begin with oue-tourth tobacco, by measure, and if necessary add more salt until the animals are induced to eat the mixture. :‘gKeep accessible at all times, giving lip other salt. Sheep will practically refyse to eat it at first; but in time they grill learn to like it. The writer, whotjlives in a tobacco section, has knowii instanee1tin which sheep and even ciittle have learned to devour tobacco raéenously and, if per- mitted to have it, in such quantities as to prove fatal. If fed in connection with salt, as above suggested, no such injurious results need be feared. Lots ormen are” as truthful as 1 late G. W. but they can’t prove it. EARAGHE, HOTHAGHE I TOBACCO toft SHEEP. 0 OR E "on g riou: r ottobac 1.pol asite 1y ' the Stht cor attention tuag in t IIS, fit ha le " e] no le W of axoubh J othe i er tVses ttle 'That foriitrse f bil i ' Nati It {as l a iiertai [ theganim s prébabll wnsj) fro: nu} qt co gray , jei(t as r tug ste , after t. 1 re§10ved ' f it. , m), P01 ‘. Mr. W. L jot t] F ape t 2 1&0 rsJ iie)h vi nt my It for: [ti , A's rach" t an d tknstipatiG is the one "ii7i"ir%"i"sT"C7 sTCii'e"i'iTS7, 'i'iii'i7di'iri7s7rii'iiriit7s'"tii;ir, bad breath, debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Pillsto you? ASPINWALL POTA ro MACHINERY "'----- T ALL. KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS . 1 Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere,] THE TIMES AND GUIDE; Tonic o There is an immense different between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way ack the next; thatts a stimulant. Steady progress d try gday toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer', , "itiirsiirpiiripa is a tone, a strong tonic. The only Sars " rlW entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate unl T, e your doctor says so. He knows. Ask him. Doashe says.' /.C.Aver Co.,Louell,M_ass, BAYNES BUGG’IES Eagle Block, PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS ADAMS’ _.". WAGGONS COAL, and WOOD g L... A. LAiCh/lAlFREC than heretofore seemed possible. Buying an : enormously large quantities, and selling an the ti closest possible margin enables us to discount tll our own best efforts with the best dicycles iii, ever offered for the money. You can order by ii8 mail with assurance of entire n,risfaotion, u Send your name and address ‘or Bicycle if Folder. 'tti/l' . --. /t,',i(,i;,',',) t uvel nn none ”mu-.. /./.J’, {/7 , HYSLOP EMS" Limited LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLESS. AND CEDAR POSTS. TORONTO, ONT, Hyslop Bicycles' $25 BlGYGLES AND AUTOMOBILES T. A. FARR, GET YOUR PRINTING AT Band and Gravel. WESTON, ONT. Limited /' 'k'2 E ,/ MW yifittii'iiijifts 'lt:')":')")! digg, fl WESTON

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