Times & Guide (1909), 1 Jul 1910, p. 4

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e);'i"j't7:i'it1,3i't 9% th------) 'iii'iia 7gg Pat McEwen is v ' anxious to go to the Niagara Bowling Tournament, but is having great difficu , y in persuading a .akip to take him. _ sides he lost $20.00 jésterdaxand we drift see -how he can go. rt Don’t miss the G%rden Party by the Ladies Aid of the "ithefis.t Church to be held on Mr. Longitaff's Lawm, Main Street, on Wednesday) June 29. An ex- cellent programme iséming provided. Mr. and Mrs. Lyat) of Stockton spent a few days last meet; with her brother Mr, Jas. Bates, 1niis Street, last, week. _ Mr. and Mrs. H.: Street, Toronto; can: on Wednesday, I. Use Beautylene for the hair, because it takes aWay those grey hairs, cures dan- druff. and shops falling hair., A Mrs. B. A. Cowani and daughter Ma- deline spent a Pyin gvisit with Mr. Co- mmdn Waterloo, %rlin and Gait last week. The Saeiniment of itoniirmation will be administrated at St. hn's R. C. Church on Sunday at the Hidh Mass, 10.15 a.m. At 3.30 p.m. the (i ildren will renew their Baptismal vowis. _ Monday June 27,c"this is the date of the Strawberry; Festival on the grounds of the Baiitist Church Main Street. Look ior)turtl1er announce- ment as a good psiogramme is being arranged. a Mr. G, W. Verral‘ has kindly placed the Fair Grounds aéthe dispbsal of the Committee of St. Hon/s R.l.' Church for the holding of their pie-nic and games onSairurday, July 1631). Mr. D. Lawrence s suffering from severe attack of pne C onia. Mrs. J. Geo. McG Toronto, spent Moog Whinton. , Mr. A. J. Griftit is lying seriously ill at his home here. Remember we have Berger's sealed packages Paris Greem-fneh, Weston. Mr. Chas. Dennisoh has gone to New Yiyttora well earrted holiday, he in- ixsrrdirr1w,irw, away abopt a fortnight, and wintak’e in allthe sights at Coney Tu, land, he will also loot up his old friend Mr.' R. S. Rothera fwho was lately in charge of the Trethegey farm here. e-Ar4tlpié who are needing Furni- ture will do well to call and see our stock, it is most complete in every way and at the lowest possible prices. We ask you to call before going down town and convince yourself that you will save money by buying from us. D. Sanders, Wese Toronto. Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price. g "iiriiFfiGi7 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i DOCTORS FEAR TONSILITIS l tl. uuuunu’ W 'W' FrAAh6CAFb» V“‘"“" A . OITTBREAK. E, both of Weston . j, Butrdreds6Fsesare reported. T,rour,iLnLr--.rTys-ry: Stockdale, on tlsNt'rh Isi-x-ita. and sore. gargle it three. Wednesday Jun V 15th, by the Rev. timéé: 'dwil.y' li),, nervtline ard water,), Mr, McMilllen. the residence ofths Tlittitur Eh? bihtt and chest; vigorously': bride's father, ’ mie second daughter with Nei‘vxlme_,_d put on , Nerviline' of Mr. Nichol Bates, to Brrint Pumas Plaster Mwst' tl1ein.rtrut1.oys" Lyall, both of s ckdale. closely" and _yotf'1't.l't"'ii,v,ito1d Tovsih"is Ttronhhht, and T atr‘Trmbee of Pirr'rTr MecoNNELL-csl ARKEY-he Maple Portms Plaster. li" 1 g'these instruetrons closely. and _you' b" ll'x‘éialmd Torusilisis Bronchitis and T anxhouble of evm‘y Kidd, _ mindtyis _ e pigwemiug and curing their colds mg, method and rtyporfi"t eminently é °fact1-ry. Bath Nerviline"Plastors and Polsnu’s Nervihno c5111 be had from any dealerk250 each Beats the Signatvre of BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. CASTOR IA Tmir-stti't'i: BRIDE Weston, Ont., Friday, Jst-e-Nth, 1910 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION; n1 Price. - - - $1.00 per Annum' in advance. A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor Proctor, of Bathurst " cn Mrs. Whinton lee, of Havelock St., Lay with Mrs, A. E. ry anxious to go to Tournament but is ' in persuading Ir sides he lost $20.00 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO htigg emit (lihtittt Q Mrs. J. B"1nnigan has opened up her lee cream parlors for the season. A nice dish of ice cream and refresh- ment can be had while you are wait- ing for the car. Strawberry Festivitl and Concert; on Baptist Church lawn ' ain street. Mon- day, June 27. The St. Phillip' Church Sunday School, will meet at Mrs. Savage's and Mr. Vaughan's resi ence on Wednes. day at 12.30 noon 2 th June and will depart at l, o' clock harp for the pic- nic grounds, the we ds of Misses Chew where all will have a, good time both old and young. The wife of Mr. - orge Weller died at her home on Elizabe Street on Tuesday. Deceased was ill onl one week. The new Lawn of [ Club will be formall noon of Saturday, J will be extended to of Toronto and vicini that 80 players will t ing game. The 100 quested to keep thisi, Inch the Druggisr sells you all flavor bricks only 20 cents, some regularly Me. in Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Whin on, is much improv- ed over her condibi of last week and is gaining strength d ily. Rev. Geo. Little, Ont,, spent Sand Mrs. (Dr.) Meldrm S. J. Ligsidi; Miss Grate Hamilton; Miss Bass, Pl, Mr. Popoff, Russian; chairman-Tho) Concert will be he the evening. Admid Mr. W. J. Bour e was in town on Thursday. The Elm Juvenil "A" Team met de- feat last Friday evgning on their own grounds. The Taro to Juveniles defeat. ing them h a bar fought game by a more of (3) goals to ). This Saturday aféernoon the Weston Juvenile "A" Laoré‘sse Team will play the Elm Juvenilesgof Toronto, on the Old Lacrosse Groivds Weston. This will be a good game of Lacrosse, and everybody should. twin out and help the boys to win. 1 Use Beautylene for the hair. Inch, Weston. GR0'FITH--DUNqAN--At Toronto, on June 10th, 1910, by the Rev. 8. A. Lawrence of rrinit)ount Ont., Mrs. E. J. Duncan, to Mr. William Griftith, both of Weston, ( Weston Juveniles Toronto Juveniles Elm Juveniles Centrél Y.M.C. A. Brae Farm, En 'ry, on Wednesday, June 22, 1910, by the Rev. A. H. MacGillivray, of ’eden, Mary, second daughter of Mrs J. Sharkey to J. A. McConnell, of Eton. TEA MS JUVENILE "h" SERIES. MEN . Strawberries fad Cream. ' fee Cream nd Cake, Bread and Butter. Homemade Candies. Oranges Bananas Lemonade Tea LACROSSE NEWS. WESTERN SECTION MARRIED . CONOEI Goals. Won Lost For Agst he Weston Bowling opened on the after- " 9th. Invitations ll the Bowling Clubs ky, and itis expected ke part in the open- tl members are re- ate open. IB.A., ofKenora, , with his sister. r, Reader. r Contralto Soloist. Vso Soloist. Natural Instrument I McGillcuddy. id in the Church in ion 10cts. WESTON, ONT 13 20 10 17 27 Geo. Packham Jag Gardhouse W. Sluells T. Natbress W. Marks A. Piérson J. Hamshaw T. J. Maguire The Annuel field dry of athletic sports was held on the beaugful new grounds of the school on Weti, nesday afternoon. There was a keen ooihpetition in all the events. The Champtimship being won by William Smellie witii21 points; Vernon Rudolf was second ilith 20 points; Noel Kemble, and Robert) Hoe followed with 19 and 18 points riipectiveiy. Tho no invitations were sent? cute large number of parents and friendis were m attendance. Following is a list of winners: Weston H. J. Alexander A. L. Campbell L. A.Lemaire J. M. Gardhouse Throwing the Cricket Ball, 13 and under, 1 Hoe, 2 Kemble, 3 Taylor; throwing the Cricket ball, 14 aid over, 1 Rudolf, 2 Smellie, 3 Patteréon; hop step and jump, 13 and under!,; 1 Kemble, 2 Hoe, 3 Jarvis;" 220 yards) 14 and under, 1 Kemble, 2 Boulter,;3 Hoe; hop step and jump, open, 1 Rudolf, 2 Smellie, 3 Boulter; half-mile bicycle race, 1 S. Critchley, 2 Ambler, _,3 Hoe; three-leg- ged race; 1 Mercer and Jarvis; 2 Dunn and Wadsworth; 100 yard dash, 15 and over, 1 Smellie, 2 Rudolf, 3 Ambler; sack race, 12 and under, 1 Ian Taylor, 2 Wadsworth, 3 Schneider; 220 yards, 15 and over, 1 Rudolf, 2 Smellie, 3 Patter- son; wheelbarrow race, open, Dunn-Jar- vis, 2 Riddle-Ambler, 3 O. Critchley and s. Critchley; 100 yard dash, 10 and under, 1 Allan Taylor, 2 Ian Taylor, 3 Briggs; half-mile handicap, 1 Ambler, 2 Hoe, 3 Briggs;) sack race, 13 and over, 1 Rudolf, 2 Jarvis, 3 Ambler; long jump, 13 and £4 years; 1 Kemble; 2 Hoe, 3 Boulter; long jump; 15 yrs. and over, 1 Smellié‘, 2 Rudolf, 3 Pat, terson; quarter mia, open, 1 Sméllie, 2 Rudolf, 3 Ambler 1high jump, 1&:and undar, l Keiuble, 2 $06, 30. Critcliley; long jump, 12 ahd uijder, 1 Wadswqrth. 2 Dunn, 3 O. au4ney,. three-legged iBolton. . . .. Brampton. . Erin....... Georgetown Markham. . Milton. .. INeWmarket OEkyille. .. 1r2i,i(i,irrri,, 1istvuoiivo, H _, Schomberg. tSimcoe. ' . ._ I Weston . . J. The Weston Bowling Club played three rinks agaimstalilre n tnber of the Bramp- ton Bowling Club on Saturday last on the grounds of the latte . Weston winning by 14 points. The f Mowing is the score. Don't forget may .Y.P A, are hav- ing their Garden Farty on Saturday, June 25th, in Coter’s orchard. If the work that hast been done on the Garden Party is t y criterion of its success, this shoul l be a most success ful evening. Aifyhow come along with your friendsti you are sure to meet others that si/bu know. Eddi: Piggott will be ti,here, the Weston Band will be theregand you should all be there too. Dori,iry be afraid of the heat, there are aii,y amount of cool spots, and there wigl be lemonade and ice cream, etc., togefresh you, race, open, 1 Rud4li and Smellie, 2 Ambler and Ridden éhigh jump, 12 and under, IO. Gateway; 2Dunn, 3 Wads- worth; high jump/iopen, l Smellie. 2 Rudolf, 3 Komblé; one mile, open, 1 Smellie, 2 Ambler?, 3 Patterson; 100 yards dash, I Kernlgle, 2 Hoe, 3 O. Critchley; obstacle Erase, 1 Rudolf, 2 Ambler, 3 Jarsus/i, consolation race, under 10, 1 G, Verraiir; consolatiotvice, senior, Riddell. :5 J _' The Weston Tosin Band is engaged to supply the p10 ramme at the Mal- ton Presbyterian a, rden Party on July 1st. The band h been specially re- quested to stage t eir laughable farce "8oothing Syrup" nd have made ur- rangements to do . This should be a pleasant outing r Westoniaus. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Monday, June 27,--Regular meeting I. O. O. F. in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church Street. _ _ ‘Tuesday, June 28.;Regu1ar meeting C. O. F. in Uddfellows’ Hall, Church St. ST. ALBANS SCHOOL. WESTON LIST OF FALL FAIRS Skip-M. Skip-O b'lrip-30 Weston ’alf Nyarflcuse in this Vicinity 'k? 14 up. House. . . .Sept. 28. , ' . . . A)et.s13---1t1. "r. . .Oct. 181, 19, 20. Sept: M) and Odt. l, Brampton R. Patterson G. Knechtel J. H. Brundell L, E, Terry skip-IO. R. J. Sutherland S. Wilson Chas. Allan J as. Brice Jas. Bowie J. Paxton L. R. Halman J. Jackson .. Oct. 5, 6, 7. ... .Sept. 27--28 Sept. 20, 21, 22 ...Sept. 29 "Jo ,..Sept. 15-17 . .UCL 3.---4. Sept. 20--21 .Oct. 13-- 14 Oct. 4--5 Skip -15 Skip-le Choice Beef. Spring Lamb Choice Veal Antiseptk Barber Shop The best brands of Cigars; Tobaccos and Cigarettes. D. ROWNTREE, Jr, Orders called for and delivered promptly Agent for the' following Fire and Life Insarance Co's TARIFF. Royal, Sovereign and North British and Mercantile. WESTON BRANCH, Coulter Avenue, Geo. Sainsbury Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. iji""i"""iiriiii"'"""i"')'""i"i')e E. J. TIPPET’S Children's and Infants Socks, Open work in tan and White. GEORGE [3. W13 Girls' Hose in Open work A Good Line of ChiidreWs Sandals Just Arrived. Ladies Kid Gloves, in Black, Tan and Brown. Ladies Silk Gloves in Back and shades of Brown. TELEPHONE N0. 30, George ill, Lyris Carpenter and Contractor PLUMBING, A, Specialty REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT AT Men’s and Boys Ready made Clothing adies White Hose in Open work NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Dominion and Traders. a I , - R I 74 Years in Business. Capital and Ream-p 'o",',,,','.";,,' mm 000 E. J. MUSSON Ill Instruments Sterilised THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER Estimates given on all kinds of work Vegetables of all kinds. MAIN ST., WESTON Tobacco Pouches and Pipes 1836 THE BANK OF ' 1910 For the best 1?ooiwear at the lowest prices. HOSIERY $1.09 opens a Savings Account. Interest compounded at highest current rates. Money may be withdrawn at any time. own signature alone, so that either may do the is most convenient. EXCELSIOR LIFE FARLEY’S WESTON PHONE NO. 20. GLOVES --AND - A Joint Lccount WESTON Capital The RIVERSIDE WAITING ROOM ICE CREAM FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Pine Apple. Potatoes, Cabbage, Turnips, Celery, Carrots, Onions, Lettuce, Radishes, Rhubarb. BEEF PORK " J, Finnigan gmqqmg Rutherford? Et--qt-ips.qdiin The MISSES HARSHAW wish to an- nounce no the Ladies of West Toronto, Weston and vicinity their removal to their t. f. GRIFFIN, b. NEW STORE COR. MEDLAND AND DUNDAS STS. WEST TORONTO Their_display is more superior than ever and prices lower. They will be pleased to have: the Ladies and friends call and inspect: their display. Millinery Parlors snor ammo GRAVE Workmanship and material guaranteed. . Confectionary, Fruits and Candies. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. A full line of Boots and Shoes always in stock. 7 . _ PURE MAPLE SYRUP MISSES HA RSHAW may be opened by two mem- bers of a family. Either may deposit or with- draw money on his or her her may do the banking, as MOURNING ORDERS A SPECIALTY TORONTO ‘COLLEGE OF MUSIC, If you want First Class WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Joseph St,, WESTON (MRS, T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture N. I. McEwen, Manager. TUESDAY'S & FRIDAY’S and Reserve Over $7,000,000. Pembroke St , Toronto in the Eagle Block PHONE No. 9. DEALER IN VEAL LAMB G. HOWARD GRAY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. 291 Main Street, WESTON. Evenings and Saturday afternoons. Toronto Office 304 Lumsden Buiiding corner Adelaide and Yonge. Money to loan in large and small amounts. I Offices-M Toronto St., Toronto, 9. Woodbridge, Wednesday. T. H. Wilson, M.A. _ BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, tste. _ Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Toronto? G. W. COULTER, V. S. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horses, Treated Scientifically. Calls by mail or phone promptly Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties ot York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. V _" w. P. Bull, K.O. Real Estate for sale and houses to rent. TORONTO JUNCTION ' COLLEGE OF MUSIOV AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie S. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directreat Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. DR. W. J. CHARLTON. Physician, Surgeon, etc. Otfiee--Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Offiee Hours-g to 10 aim; 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to li) a.m. DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon ate. Oftice and Residence-Main St,, We: IOpposmte Cruiekshank's Wagon Works Telephone No. 16. 9tol'h1 t03,7t08 Other hours by appointment Office Hours ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ste., 936 Keele St., (4th. door North of Dundas St.,! TORONTO. Private funds to loan on first class security. ' Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Furnaces Gasoline and Oil Stoves 1 Screen Doors and Windows Maxwell Lawn Mowers Field and Lawn Fences . Pedlar Steel Shingles Ready Roofing " . Portland Cement V Paints, Oils and Varnishes. ORDERS DELIVERED. Phone 16 EAGLE BLOC] pEHRSON & McEWEN’S LIST OF PROPERTIES is offered at a bargain price Lor quick sale. W1 Have a valuable Farm ot 100 acres within 2 miles of Weston for sale which Several other properties both in Weston and just outside of the Limits. all at price, which show good valué‘to the purchaser as they pdsitively__ Will not list properties at all when the piir, ties Want a price altogether atrovec'its, value, and the sales already made by them show their motto is a quick sale 2rd 55an orofits, Residenee:-mne St Crown Bank. Tel. .B., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C Physician and Surgeo: H . F . S E F T o N ' Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Life Building A good brick house on King Street ll be sold an a reasonable figure. ' Over D. Rowntree & Sons, HAS. H. PORTER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (London and Vienna.) J. K. McEWEN, JAS. HUGILL, attended. WESTON, ONT. D R. DAME 'tne St. opp. Northern . Tel. Woodbridge 3O ‘.HACKET'1', Dentist and Surgeon ' WOODBRIDGE, ONT, . ROLLS TORONTO, 863 College Sweet Toronto. 'N- J. Fred Hollia WESTON. ONT Pym}? College oo', u, Weston HP. Lots, "

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