Times & Guide (1909), 1 Jul 1910, p. 6

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l "Bless you for that, my darling," cried the chambermaid, kissing her. "These men would fain try their wine-soaked wits against a, WO- man's. Let them. I take the mos- ey because it may as well come in- to my pocket as go elsewhere; b"e- sides, I may gather somewhat of their intentions by appearing to serve them. But, never doubt I'm true to you and Caspar, whatever I may seem." wild oats. He only wanted a wife to steady him, and more than one of these sagaeious citizens fancied he had a daughter just fitted for the situation. What, then, could have caused the popular Hans to disappear thus suddenly, without one word of explanation to any of his intimates or relations! f It was a topic of much eonVersa- tion in the market this summer morning. True, Hans a year or tHe, back had been wont to vanish from sight at intervals, and been able to give but lame excuse for so doing on his return. People had shook their heads and smiled at such irregularities, but ten days “was an absence that was hardly to be accounted for in this wise. Move- over, on previous occasions there had never been wanting some friend of the delinquent who with a. wink would prophesy that Hans would "reappear ere long. But it was not so this time. It was recollected of slti.,e We??? 'rt/iii,',',:,'--:,"':,???, much affecte tM company 0 Eergeant Caspar Zimmermann said no more than the truth when he said there were strange stories current in the city regarding the proceed- ings of Baron von Hompesch and his coadjutors. More than one strapping young fellow who had shown a preference for the soldier's company, and been seen much about and drinking with them, had suddenly disappeared. True it is that Hoffmann and his comrades, when questioned, replied frankly that those inquired after had enlist- ed and been sent across the fron- tie" to poin the nearest Prussian military station. But it was re- marked that the majority of these volunteers had neither mentioned their intention to their friends nor bid them adieu previous to depar- ture. When such comments were made to ”Sergeant Hoffmann, he answered mockingly that when the route came, soldiers for the most part repudiated being snivelled over by their relations, and that it was considered more orthodox in the profession to have a rouse with your brethren in arms than to shed fears with your sweetheart. Still, an uneasy feeling began to get abroad in Zweidorf that some foul play took place about these enlist- ments. It was true, as Herr Sydow pcinted out, that it was principal- ly the black sheep of the city that had disappeared so far. Wild spirits addicted to wine and wench- ing, and who were equally likely to list or fiy the town from debt or other embarrassment. But the vanishing of Hans Klop- stock had created considerable sur" prise amongst the townspeople. He “at a well-to-do stone-mason, and though known to be rather a wild young fellow, was equally know to be earning large wages as a fore- man at the yard where he worked. If he was not so steady as his friends could have wished, rather tco apt perhaps to join in a revel or succumb to the fascinations of a pretty face, yet in neither his cups nor his love affairs had Hans Klop- stock ever so far outraged public decorum as to be classed among the mauvais sujets of the city. A clever workman, frank, free, and good-na- tured, his intimates all held that when he grew a, few years older, he would settle down and become a flourishing man in his trade. Many a girl in Zweidorf would have asked nothing better than to be betrothed to the tall good-looking stone-ma- son. If his amours had been ra- ther of a transitory nature so far, yet many an honest burgher deem- ed Hans had well-nigh sown his wild oats. He only wanted a. wife to steady him. and more than one "I trust you thoroughly," De- turned Gredel, "and now I must to bed. I shall leave you to let in my father and close the house. Good-night." 'Wes," muttered Martha, as she resumed her knitting, "you're in earnest, Captain von Hompesch, I can see; but you put no wedding- ring on Gredel's finger, neverthe- less." , CT"r= "r. - - ' V 1:) ':""“" ST-TCP "'""t ciilic'iCrtit V 3:3?npziny i1tti"riy,'liiii't Hoffmann and his comrades; had, indeed, been seen with them late on the very day of his disappearance. Rumofs waxed strong that the wily sergeant and his compatripts knew more of Hans Elopstock's whereabouts than anyone. Tailed somewhat roughly on this point, and Hoffmann denied it in toto. (iREIE[,'fi; RENEW; Or, THE R3155?” or ZWEIDORF. AFTER He admitted drinking and smoking in the absentee’s company at the "Bush," a tavern at the north part of the town and a, house of some- what questionable repute, but de- dared that Klopstock had left them there, as they understood for the prosecution of some intrigue, and that he had never seen or heard of him since. The townspeople listen- ed, shook their heads, but were by no me-ans satisfied. Now, light as he had made of it to Gredel, there was no one who broocled more over the mysterious disappearance of the stone-mason than Caspar Zimmermann. He and Hans had been fast friends in their youthful days, but Caspar had more ballast in his disposition than the other. Moreover, a pure honest lcve had speedily steadied him, and though the pair were still on excellent terms, their paths had di- verged. Caspar since his betrothal had firmly eschewed all roystering, to which, indeed. he had never dis- pfayed anything like the inclination of his unfortunate friend. He had stuck closely to the prosecution of his business, and worked hard to make a home for his promised wife; consequently he had of late seen but little of his former school- mate. But Caspar did not confine him- self only to musing, he made search himself through the town. He aroused the sympathies of the citi- Tells with regard to Klopstock's mysterious disappearance. He ap- pealed to the council, and at his instance Burgomaster Passauer took up the case and caused in- quiry to be made in every direction for the missing man. The landlord of the "Bush" was summoned be- fcre them and severely cross-ex- amined;-s man of beetling brows and general unprepossessing ap- pearance, which investigation of his daily life by no means gave the lie The more he thought of it, the more convinced was Caspar that Hans had been the victim of foul piay. He did not suspect for one moment that his old comrade's life Lad been touched, but that bis liberty had been interfered with, Caspar did most assuredly and un- doubtedly consider was the case. "Poor Bans! if these crimpers, and I know they are crimpers, made a set at you, I can't fancy an eas- ier subject for ',, their purpose-an invitation to a drinking bout - a, note in a woman's hand-you would succumb to either lure ;" he mur- mured with a smile, "if you could but, have accomplished an honest love like mine, you’d have a talis- man would have held you harmless against all such wiles." t) New Accidental Discovery Gives Startling Results-Puts Flesh on Thin People and Bounds Out Im., perieet Figures. For women-and men too, for that matter-who can never appear stylish with anything they wear, be- cause of abnormal thinness and an- gularity, this remarkable Presser) tion is destined to solve the prob- lem As a beauty maker for the figure it is simply wonderful while it adds brightness to the eyes, and color to the cheeks and lips. It requires no particular dieting, but acts as an aid to nature by its pe- culiar action on the nerves and blood supply. The blood and nerves distribute over the body all the ncurishment or flesh building ele- ments obtained from the food. The trouble with thin people has always been that they do not absorb or re- tain enough of the fleshy matter to make them gain in weight even to a normal extent; but this new dis- covery of blending certain harmless drugs is a. revelation to science, and hundreds have gained from ten to ferty pounds in a. few weeks. There is no danger of becoming too fat. When you get the right weight then HOW THIN FOLKS CAN GET FLESHY The general health and strength is greatly imprcved in anyone from the age of sixteen to sixty. Wo- men soon get plump, with well rounded arms and full bust, and pen become _s:t,ryy'ght, strong-look- i Ir qua fit.jtiy,ir] ‘ “in k half pint bottle get three ounces of essence of pepsin and three ounces syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound es- sence eardiol, shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not cardamom). Take a, teaspoonful be- fore and after meals, and weigh be- fore beginning. stop using. Simple Prescription Given. Still Vail this resulted in no- thing. The malevolent-looking inn- keeper did but corroborate the tes- timony of Hoffmann, that Klopstock hat supped there and left the house alone. Further than that, it prov- ed impossible to trace him. The innkeeper asserted surlily. but with apparent truth, that whatever might be raked up against his house previously, no one could allege that any broil or disturbance had taken place there lately, and there was none to gainsay him. Caspar half fancied he caught a, look of intelli- gence between the landlord and Hoffmann as the proprietor of the "Bush" left the council-chamber, but the latter's evil eyes were im- mediately lowered, while the ser- geant's, with their villainous cast, defied looking into. Baffled, but not convinced, Caspar betook him- self homewards. There on his table laid Gredel's broken knitting-box, and in the repairing of that, a la- bor of love, he speedily forgot his discomfiture of the morning. To the captain this was a matter of supreme indifference. He had great contempt for industrious traders, and had achieved unpopu- larity often before this when the chances of war had delivered a town over to his temporary rule. Fearless and despotic in character, he had usually distinguished him- self by ruthless severity and rapa- city on such occasions, treating the murmurs and expostulations of the inhabitants with utter disregard. He showed similar carelessness lo the irritation displayed against him by the' people of Zweidorf. Ap- pealed to by the council to assist in their inquiry, he had replied haughtily that the missing man not having enlisted, it was no concern of his. Let those whom it interest. ed seek Hans Klopstock. But if Von Hompesch looked on the popular opinion concerning them with contemptuous ind‘fier once, it was far otherwise with Ser- geant Hoffmann. That wurthy lacked the courage of his superior, and was always reluctant, to risk the safety of his own sk'n. Hoif- mann had seen a mtb rise in an ger once or twice in hi; time and knew that, where cis-ve, was no force present to contr tl it, the ob Jccts of its wrath were speedily sar- rif1ced. The crafty sergeant Has quite aware that, as servants of the Prussian king, they were pur- fectly safe as far as the. authorities were concerned. The 1ourp:ovnaster and elders of Zweirl rt would bo chary of giving offence to their pow- erful neighbor, and the worst that Nevertheless, the idea, that Bans Klopstock had been somehow em. trapped by these myrmidons of the Prussian king steadily gained ground in Zweidorf, and elicited considerable ill feeling against Von Bompesch and his satellites. CHARLES BARRETT. Etta. Harbor an Bouche, March 24, 1909. "I suffered terribly from Biliousness and Dyspepsia for fifteen years, was treated by physicians and took many remedies but got no relief. Then I took "Fruit-a-tive", and this medicine completely cured me when everything else failed. To all sufferers from Indi. gestion, Biliousness and Constipation, I strongly advise them to try this fruit medicine". Charles Barrett. see a box, 6 for $2.50-or trial box, 25c. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tive' Limited, Ottawa. Named in gaming IlMlEl1 ilt " FRUIT-HMS? Wm PAEll2/BAlNrmG/lMNNiitt%ill GuSsiDLlctinlill ENG-ENES I - Horizontal Screen Tank Outfit. w. P. 66. _ Coupon. b-18--to The Canadian Fairbanks 00.. Ltd. Send me your Free Catalogue, c. E. 106, shcwIng full line Farm Engines. Easy Payments to Farmers. Name Address could happen to him: would COO, sist in the being handed over to their lawful sovereiga to be dealt with for their malpvanti 1m. _. - But in the case of an outnrcak of the populace, Hoff mum ioresaw ft would go very Lari with than. They themselves were too few iro offer resistance, and the magis- trates, with only the civic guard at their command, ware little likely to be able to control an uprising of the mob. Moreover, Hoffmmm was aware from previous experien'c that nothing was more likely to excite the passions of the crowd than the rumor that there were trepanners in their midst. "Well, Haffmann, what is it?” inquired on Hompesch, looking up from a table at which he was busily engaged writing. 'Wave you fresh Filled with these ideas, the ser- geant, one mormng, sought an in- terview with his officer. aspirants for King Friedrich's ser- vice?” "No, Herr Hauptmann, nor likely to have," replied the serge- ant. "They clamor against us in the town, and say this Klopstock was trepanned. Call us crimping knaves and swear we drug the wine cf those who drink with us. If I might proffer counsel, nnble cap- tain, it would be that we shift our quarters, and that speedily. We run a chance of being roughly handled else." "Tush! 11offmann," said Ton Hompesch, rising, "you were ever went to conjure up imaginary dangers. For lying, scheming, or fooling your fellows, you are un- matched midst recruiting sergeants. But let there be but a trifle or risk about it, and you would abandon the most promising device your brain ever conceived.” "Recruiting is best conducted by o.rtihee," returned the sergeant sententiously. "I care not to risk rude treatment and broken bones. Besides, it is small encouragement to men to take service when they see a veteran like me with his sconce broken." Sizes IO, 12, 15, 20, 25 Horse-Power 6-18--10 The cut illustrates another Fairbanks-Morse outfit developed for tho farm trade, especially suited for Threshing, Sawing Wood and General Farm Power. The cooling device consists of a tine screen placed over the storage tank slant. tng toward each side as shown. The hot water from the engine trickles slowly down the screens, and in this way is exposed to the cooling effect of the '.ur: This arrangement. provides a highly efficient outfit, that for steady, econnrmcal run- ning cannot be beaten. The Caadia Fairbanks (h, Limited "Listen! I have no intention of leaving this, till I have made 91d Sydow's pretty daughter my wife. The old man must be rich, and he has none else to leave his money- bags to.” "3.4% FW, " . 55%;? . Jrttt h) ’3 T V 4-: .. . "ttB6 we; ma; tt ' _" it at Eil L' Big iN nah,» 1:???" Mrirtr, i. . “r ' RF, N Ih Qt, Eit ' a. it" tm lip' iiill K%t' 433% kw '* t V. " :1 SE' . iRSh " = W TtN Mr h.» m Ita) E1=!i = “if 'iiiAm "Aye, sir, and Martha tells me, Herr Sydow favors your suit, but --but you forget, there is an ob- staele in the way," and the ser- geant gazed stealthily up at the captain's face to see how he took this allusion to his rival. "No, I don't," replied Von Hom- pesch, coolly. "You mean Caspar Zimmermann, Hoffmann. He must be removed " "Impossible!" cried the ser- gtant. looking perfectly aghast at the proposition. "They are mak- ing outcry enough in the town about that drunken Klopstock we Branches: Toronto, St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver. Each outfit is complete with necessary accessories ready to run Successful Operations at the Mine Which Make the Property a Coming Shipper. Mam f'iht at fik Like u--' lag Siam! Baggmg m ELK CITY, May 4.--With the open- ing of navigation, which is now in full swing, the greatest of activity prevails at the various mines and prospects in this vicinity and the city is rapidly recovering from the recent fires. The district is likely to become an- other Cobalt and the veins run to depth with values. Among the ship- pers and properties bagging ore are the Lucky Godfrey. the Borland. Thompson. the Devlin and the Moose Born mines. The Moose Horn mine put in a. new plant this spring and are now sinking a. winze at the 125-t'oet level on a vein which has shown values from the lurface. The engineer in charge, Mr, Harry McMaster, reports that the vein on location 846 of the company's group at a, depth of M) teet continued stead- ily the whole distance and showed free silver all the way with the exception of four feet. Several hundred feet of stripping has already been done, re- sulting in the discovery of two ad. ditional veins, one of which is 7 in- ches wide, cutting at an angle of six degrees. It is the Intention to con- tinue this shaft to the 75 or 100 foot level. then drift to the McKenzie vein, In the midst of the mine is the McKenzie, a group oi fHe properties on which work was begun, last Jan- uary. They have been fortunate trom the start and soon hope to rank with th_e_ shippers. _ _ P. S. HAIRSTON, The Iaimler Motor lht., (1904) Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. . %ih .BSK - " l iv 3% . ’ , RR ' " lim, ttt R a NI Ir, " I'a ET " "if! . _ r R' IQ & Rai' i: r. 'EIMS? ‘ EEt x LI - ‘ . ‘- NF» " Et 'I', (fie-“U le' itstl1 mr, U H A N L% - ll F: - L 'h=t " MSW, \~ CM “a: Bath' .pu. © _ RM ___ v.7: - E L" V ' {I I: I . ., Mr; aka gr EX w " P- _rs , V" -. re, ms ar " Mi in" IIE ’5 © F if E? in IE». + " A; 5’ MI " - E M "V w. lo M Id}! ME it El B " * Nt g I' iN a, _ . 75: H; gt 5: IE lg a, itM " . sit: th tilh {N li' Bl , 9: ig ' V lti f , _ " - _ . x BR - as . N __ p: : m, (if, " LT BU N N " Mt . IE - . . - - " " " IE Gentlemen,-1 wish to express my appreciation of the 38 h.p. Daimler which you have delivered to me. Before ship- ping the car to Canada I made a three weeks' trial of it, Coy- ering some 1,200 miles. The car ran perfectly, and I never had the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite lives up to the many claims you make for it. The silence, smooth- ness of running, and power of acceleration on hills is really remarkable. My petrol consumption was 16 miles to the gallon, includ- ing a great deal of driving in traffic. The tyres show no ap- preciable signs of wear, and I think it will prove light on tyres. I am really dehghted with the car.-Yours sincerely, (Signed) C. A. BOONE, of Toronto, Canada. Canadian Appreciation Portable Horizontal "Sereen Tank" Outfit l\1()NTREAL "That may make it more digr." cult,” observed Von Hompesch, with an easy smile, “but I’ll spirits this carpenter out of Zweidorf be- fore many days are over, neverthe-, less." Hoffmann’s face became pitiable to see. That he regarded the risk of another Klopstock affair as very great was legible in his counted:' ance. "You will bring us all to thes' gallows,” he gasped at length in’ tremulous tones. "Think you, Herr Hauptmann, this Zimmer-" rnann is a citizen of good repute. ' There would be a pretty stir in the" place if he were missing." Ag smuggled over the border before' he'd time to clear cobwebs from his addled brain." where the new 7 inch vein crosses. Mr. McMaster states that in his opinion this week will result in the placing of the value of the mine beyond question. The necessary buildings have now all been erected, including bunk house. cooking camp. manager‘s dwelling, blacksmith shop, powder house, and the necessary machinery is being in- stalled. A good wagon road has been built from the main road which par- allels the road from Elk Lake. The McKenzie company are in a very fortunate position, owning a group of five properties which have been thor. oughly tested. Six assays made from‘ the veins on “Lick the company are now working hue shown results of from 400 ounces of silver up_as high as__1§,000 ounces to the ton. This company is under good manage- ment, and it is the opinion of the en- gineer in charge and those who have seen the property mat it should be brought to the shipping stage in a. very short time, 603 gonads of good ore having been bagged y Mar 1, and the work in this regard being pushed Ta. pid1y_fron} ditto. day, I am offering _50,000 Shares of this Stock at Me. per share. subject to prior sale. Write or wire me your subscription at once. ' __ Apblieation iii t/einiGlaae. to list this Stppk on the New York Curb. The Transfer Agents are The Trusts? and Guarantee Company of Toronto" and the Guarantee Security and Trans, fey Company of New York. A Iggerd used the same as lemon or vanilla B disarm: m; gtrtusstlryted sugar in water an: aiding Maptitistis, a detidous syrup is made In ' e. srrot, be? than m e. Napkin is solo grocers. not send for t 05. bottle 3n; recipe book, tereesztMtiuk,, Seattle. 1hf.s Langham Hotel, London. (To be continued.) Manning Arcade Toronto, Ont. " Successful Car Vear1909 The most the farm trade, of the

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