‘STORE OPEN JVENINGS Payments of $1, 2 or 3 per week. To get 3000 new customers in Weston and adjacent Villages, I am offering thefollowing inducements: No. B Dundas St., Nest OR DE RS DELIVERED DAILY We Sell the Best and Psreest 1hugs ' AT THE LOWEST PRICES Millers and Dealers in Grain and Feeds ot all Kinds CI & W. Wadsworth - ml "51‘" - V L '11.; “:3“? gm 22m; 'm’T'HJi MN ' - ’ ‘ AL a a“: . Br - IV “A ‘1 " . , , var a W' , * . - lt q " " " tl TI ‘ ’ " Ah q . t' - "MIN" ; ' Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand†Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. I), MORRISON HQWELL dit tDO., With-our eomplete stock of TOILET AR T ICLES 22 Dozen Lawn Waists, regular $1.25 for 75e. 75 Silk Dresses and Coats only, regular $20 to $35, for $15.00. - - - - 400 Boys' Suits, special $3.50 to $7.50. 150 only Ladres Wash Suit or Dress, $8.50 to $12.50, for $5.95. - - - - - 448 Ladies' Cloth Suits, regular $25, for $20; regular 820 for $16.50; regular $16.50 for $12.50. - - .. - - . - 3,000 Men's Suits, regular $25, for 820; reg- ular $20, for $16.50); regular $16.50 for 12.50; regular $12.50 for $8.50. '.. - - and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison WESTON MILLS DRUGGISTS, (ESTABLISHED 1828 378 QUEEN WEST WEST TORONTO I Telephone No . 1 l Peabody’s Smocka and Overalls, te Let a man sit iiosim and size him- lcents tor every button that comes oft self up as others seééhim, and the re- rand M cents a rip. Get them at Cole- sult is apt to be ihore or less dis- Iman's, Weston. couraging. l Inch, the Optician repairs watches, earfatroril to mar _he doesn't want clocks and Jewellery. to.--0hieago Newsy Quite a mum} er Qfschuol chi: are trying entrance examinations Mr Dawson had a barn raising Tuesday. I The young peoplé a d school chiId- ren got their photggraphs taken on Monday afternoon gt the school we have not heard whéther the camera' was damaged. i, A large crowd w'ys out to 911nt1ny;U995- A simple mine Y trat many phy- School on Sun ay gnawing Mr, Rey ‘simans advise is ti) a wly inhale “Ca.- lam of Elmhauk, gave an address to'darrhnzme“ a few mi gs each day. The thenchildren "3 l soothing Vapor of (hs! (ith-ozone cures the a ' gCatarrhal Cunditinu itil hearing improves The young peep}? a d School ciJin- at once Head noises,: bnzzing ears are fen got their phorpgrap% taken on‘cured. For Catarrhal deafness. throat, Monday afternoon 'il the school we l Pose end lung Cal-harm there IS probably b, _----- ._ A I. ____, __q, Att - .1 .,B0 lemedy so effieient. I "Cat1ada is meniurimg her timber resources and pr, aring to protect them by progressige and drastic mea" (sures against exploitation for the bene- At of wasteful fo§jign countries, in- eluding her next q or neighbor. We Icannot look lo _t,l1,_f,'," north for our sal- Imotion. We must 2 usband all our re- (maining resource; and plant trees wherever they rib be grown more irLritrni"i'y than other crops, in order What our own futéi‘e may be assured. lThis is the only @Way. Canada has lnot the resoureedi)ior her‘own needs and ours too, uii1 she is sufficiently wide awake and intelligent to guard her own. The 0113157 Way that our tim- Iber resources aria Canada's can be _r,'iirde-)i'i'i'iiii'ii.ti"iiii,; is by the appliea- ition of the highiest scientific know- (ledge and the (n.,tsrotrdestr common sense.†V if Our choir took a§trip up to Niagara Falls Saturday, all); had a jolly good time. l Baptist Church. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. f9undarsehool, 3 o'eloek p.m. J. L. Sloat. Pastor. We hope to see ',e' v Mr. Black back in his pulpit soon , St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 a.m. Mattins and Sermon. 9,45 a.m. Sunday School. 7 pm. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 a.m. On Sunday next, services held at 11 a.m. and 7 pan; School at 3 pan. Methodist Church. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School hnd Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 pan. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., Pastor. St. John's (Catholic) Church. On Sunday next. Mass will be cele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest in chargé Rev. Father Player, O.S.B. Methodist Church, Mount Dennis. Public service at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m. Rev. S. D. Dinnick, Pastor, Buttonwood Ave., Mt. Dennis. . ' ( Suffered From A Heavy Cold, St. Philip s. l Pleurtic Pains In Side-- Divine service next Sunday at 11 Constant Coughing. o clock a.m. l "NERVILINE" CURED QUICKLY. Rev., T. Beverly Smith, Rector. l "Anyone that goes through all that .f I suffered last winter will appreciate , . the value ot a remedy that cures like St. John's (Catholic) Church. Nerviline cured me." These are the On Sunday next. Mass will be cele- opening words of the solemn declaral- t d t 10.30 a.m. Priest . h r e tion of E .P: Von Hayden, the wel -. grayeF:ther Pla er 0 S B in e a g known violinist of Middleton. "My e . y ' .PI.A. . ‘WOI‘k kept me out late at night, and l playing in cold drafty places brought ' . on a severe cold that settled on my St. John's tAnghcan) Church. chest. I had a harsh racking cough 11 a.m. Mattins and Sermon. and severe pains darted through my 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. ( sides and settled in _ _.__.._. M boulders. I used 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon N - - m. S . . . . erviline d mrrent Iiniments, Celebration of Holy Communion. CURES bi; none broke up my' first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. 1 CHEST' cog: till I used Nervi- third Sunday at 8 aml. CULDS Ita. AI rubbed it on 1 mi meek, chest and J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector sofa 'ildirk, morning l and night, and f t the pain disap- chewing“. m____‘l peared. 1tealizirW1 all. such a heavy was wnen popular Q'pinion in the Unit- ed States tended? to regard Jack: Canuck as a hewiir of wood and a drawer of water {1% Uncle Sam. But certain expressio f", of opinion of a contrary sort thag are now eorreinw, ally erkopping up 'i Fthe American press show that this athtuide towards Can- ada is last givintway. Here is a sample from the , itorial columns of the American For.try Journal: REALIZING W§$AT’S WHAT. The United Stateg are waking up to the fact that Cangda is full compe- tent to conserve he ' natural resources for the use of her pwr1 people. Time was when popular , inion in the Unit- Hundreds h ve t 'd hm no me has suepeed din making' s Fita remrdr us Putnam's Paluless ‘u. Iszr etwr. It,", b, hr the Lest-l Pw:' reli;'irh mtutves for ONLY ONE PAINIAESS COR. l" "URFI Methodist Church, Mount RICHVIEW Rinks CHURCH SERVICES . Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. IL MacGillivram, Pastor. l; . The man who d erves success and Pf schuol chlldren goes after it usual gets it. will be Sunday Never judge a Wbman's intellect by the number of rings she wears. 1 Chest Inflammation. DO YOUR EARS RING? This is the besin,' ing of Chronie at, tarrh. If not checkki‘ the result is deaf- Margaret N, _,uisl,ivdj' wife of Joseph Carter, Weston pad, died suddenly Wednesday raornihg. Deceased had been unwell for gome time, "but her demise was not bulged for. She was 33 years old, a native) of Peel County and had lived in West Toronto about eleven years. The funeh) bakes place this afternoon at 2.30 to Prospect Cemetery. "V r--'re""', new‘ue-‘o and night, and , L the pain disap- peared. Realizin ,, at; such a heavy cold lad run dowft, " y/system, I took FerroEone at mea " and was com- pletely built up nd strengthened. Since using-Nerviline" I have no more colds or pleurisy, and enj‘oy perfect health." It's because Nerviline contains the purest. and most healing essences and medicinal principjes, because it has the power of sinking through the pores to the kernel of the pain-them, are the reasons why it breaks up colds, euresrNmbago, stiffness, neural- gia, sciatica and rheumatism. Re- fuse any substitute your dealer may suggest -- insist on Nerviline only. Large 25c. bottles, five for $1.00. Sold everywhere, or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ont. 22 Victoria Lodge A. F. & A. M. has elected ofticers f the ensuing year: William Birrell, ‘M.; W. H. Whebter, S,W.; Frank F d, J.W.; Rev. R. Seaborn, Chaplain _ A. Chisholm, Secre- tary; J. S. Hill, 1icsurer; Con. Miller, Tyler. I ' Remember we have Berger's sealed packages Paris Greer-Inch, Weston. The Garden Part, which was to have been held on Samar y, the 25th inst. is postponed indefinite . After anabsenc t many iears, Rev. W. Miles, of Cree ore, who was the first rector of St. Joh’s Chureh, occupied his old pnlpit onSunday last. After serxice he renewal acquaintance with several old parishirtjers. By the, time a. b§c_he1qr thinks he Worcester Lodg , S.O.E., held their annual church p ade last Sunday to High Park avenue ethodist Church. Wednesday was enerally observed as a holiday, but the usiness men's excur- sion to Lindsay as poorly attended, the extreme heat ilitabing against the outing. _'i, There are 163 entrance examinat? Collegiate Institu and 77 boys. Thi) years by 10 pupils] The Seventh iDision of Boy Scouts attended Divinerervice last Sunday morning at the igh Park avenue Methodist Chute if q About 250 boys were in line all caring the Khaki uniform , i Inch the Druggist repairs Watches, and Jewellery. DOWNS‘VIEW West Toronto. .pils writing tor the us at the Humberside this year, 86 glrlg number exceeds last y that many phy- wly inhale “Ca.- ‘g‘s each day. The (iahozoroe cures the JAME)S HUGELL, land find out. Follow his advice. - W - - - - ,___â€"â€"‘â€"'â€"â€":â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"Iw-â€"-l‘â€"m The endorsement of your doctor will certainly greatly increase your confidence In Ayer's Pills as a family laxative. Liver pills. All vegetable. Ask your doctor about them. 1476m147§ Bundass S 8‘1le L CWO)te C8C8C8C8:8:iregt CWC1WfCWi, ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt magnum Are you thin, pale, easily tirid, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digeifign‘ ust be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. Y. ugngd a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparillaggtlye only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believé'your doctor would endorse these stitterpent,.y or we would not make them. Ask him Why Také: Alcohoi? And the guarantee-signed by the Company-goes on the can. 50 shades, in addition to black and white. 'EaiuiNiatE1WiSFiida - K55. r6eaiiSimEiNl- - - - "cv- m'a"e “3 a-.. M9W,Na2igi'-. E42lE?ltt', ‘, 4- 4.3.34 BSEate, - “4. “5% AiFiyi. Yr,' . At', V k “W“, 4 4..., _ C ._ . Ci1Gi2rd; r, @494 a. v. _ P "haurwgm. 'Rat 14‘, 1it'h:i. ?rs,% , -. k8 9' ' Fk'ith,tit , T 11'ilii?r,'; "-4? itl'i'ltiEii'o, â€434* '::aiiii %§%*‘9* arg,' BWW',r, k.'sirt,itil.ijjhti, 'g'ie'i, m.“ m:- Fesvue t ', :. - G _ . "t' v1. ‘19 P 44 . iC5RsrfihT.cst', fc - a" i- 7i. cfct?,Ne "" My: 'N G 'tit i'1t,' "ii'j'i) .3. 'iih1E F,'ifit5jfi(ifii ifi'iiWj. kty'ir.rl, I."'r2sti8fstii' k?, 'itPAige, $7,315 ‘ iiiiiiiijiiiiiB%ie Ev. ,. " 'sf'?, Phil» bfi 'egg-te,', a? M313 " W' _ (s" iii ftiYT, tk ' © - f-r, Skr', 'ttAi, New " 3&1 F.: “it†B. . TtW7Q M,m.z_} ' kn ;- ,.,’r% $4 '.:4"Ty?ke'fdR".1' ' " . “N *1??? h ' "3 , a" “L 6., '»> â€4.54 - NV. 'irt'u"jiir"rit'r,r5? MR rtf)!rtit)ic'i?,,. Crz2rt,'j7t:t'k; (fCfi'fi'i%"t't1'sirsis, Psrysr ' Pi am iPSt Sh"; n I ' _ Wrr (is" :'iis': 'trs _ idiVcMItt.e'tifa'Ai4 'is'fg9y't?zt7, 1yrsh'g & 1rviti'tisb5v 341;}: _ wwwï¬gk ‘\ . "ill «é iigh Class and Artistic Monumental Work 200/0 300/0 M. G. WARDELL. The White baserconsi "ici",', 1P'rCaiRlt 'ic.': Ex' pw 4'“ v Pam . ' 5Mt "Stitttl* U dam at: a? KaiRgtEah ' Tirw5» 3â€"mflgï¬gflï¬ï¬ï¬‚é _ Pure White Bramtram'ii/ B. B. Genuine Govt. Standard White Lead t THE BEST ALWAYS! i _'T‘L,.§D-: The? Paint With The Guarantee t., WEST TORONTO.- Ion))"' o: (tA,. B, 7'2""?95‘3 '!,'8WEr; K BIL 7firertG, IlaRBmEammat LIMIT] WESTON. tii V , Lara M ass. Tri7rte,rr.Hr-rT, , Te, _ NH 1 4:", "N 9. rry',1,i'cl,?, 'i'9j