Miss Ohew is lying seriously ill at her home. â€" > Telephone No. 26 _NMr. T. Harrison| Jr. has gone to Walâ€" laceburg for his vadation. Mr. W. Greaveslghas gone to Springâ€" bank, Muskoka, fora foew days. Paris Green, lowest prices at Inch‘s Cut Rate Drug Store, Weston. You are bound té get a bite in the Fish Pond, on the Fair Grounds, Saturâ€" day. $ > Subscription Price. Take supper at the picâ€"nic on Saturday and enjoy the cool pf the evening. Constable J. Coultee Bread Inspector for : ton, _ s E P wEsTroN / Miss Elsie Cousins is spending a month in Muskokg. Mrs. W. Longstafft, Mrs. A. E. Whin ton and Miss Fay C!uickehank, went up to Burlington Beach? on Wednesday. e Inch the Druggist sells you all flavor bricks only 20 cents, some regularly 25c. in Toronto. _ Mrs. H. G. Mugson. and daughter Helen, are visiting her mother Mrs Naisbitt. The fish much Jhrger this year, in the pond on the Fjir grounds. Mrs. Albert Taylor is visiting her mother, Mrs. Meyer, King stréet. _ Weston Bowling Club play a match game with St. Matthews club on the latters grounds on Saturday . For Infants and Children,. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatrre of ‘ Sideboards British Plate,â€"Bevel Edge, good value at $1450 sale price $10 75, Exteusion Tables worth §§ 85 sale price §G.50, Din er set great value at $6.25 éa.le price $4.75. Thgse are the greatest value ever offered, don‘t fail to see them. D. Sanders, 1654, Dyndas S$§,, near Keele Streot. & , Europs is now im its $raspâ€"aud in a short time America w‘e over run with this awiul epedamic. éfh t ready, use pré ventive measures.. Bd up a surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, a®e in}mï¬ié Catarrh pzone three times eaclday i Kothing deâ€" stroys the Grippo® do gm; | Catarchâ€" éz0ne. It cures thg câ€"l@ $brefks up the fever, relioves the Boadackg aand destroys évery vestige of Catarch g‘r _sere throat. For Brouch tis, Grippe and *Winter ills (Tla.tarrhozc-ne is best, Sgl';i by all dealers 25¢. and $1 00. : § BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. CASTORIA â€"THECONDDR COMING. JULY SALE OF EURNITURE LA GRIPPE COMING AGAIN ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Weston, Ont., Friday, July 221d, 1910 A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY has been appointed the village of Wesâ€" ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Tinmps ann Ginr Mrs. Nelson Jarrettiand Miss Rae Jarâ€" rett, left this week fos Detroit and other poiuts. $ § (Get your dog tagqy on Wednesday Thursday rext, and gvoid prosecution. Mrs. A. H. Ma.cGillfvray and the childâ€" ren have gone to Muskoka for the summer vacation . \ it Inch, Deuggist and Optician, Weston, carries jar rings, corks and spices for pickling and preserving. Mrs. J. Finnigan has opened up her Ice cream parlors for the season. A nice dish of ice cream and refreshâ€" ment can be had while you are waitâ€" ing for the car. _ Mr. G. Mercer Adgm of New York. is visiting at "the Elm§" with his son, Mr. G. G. Adam. Revy. A. H. MacGi@ivray has gone on & trip over the great L&kes and expects to ba away 3 or 4 weeks, Dead easy ! _ Justican‘t help ringing the ring and ses what you get. Judge Morgan held a final Court of Revision on Wednesday and corfirmed all the Assessments appealed against. A special train g the mail to the Fair Pic Post Officeé on Saturday. â€" No waits, automatic sarter. Far better than ;zrural delivery, the Fair Pic Post Cffice on the picâ€"nie grounds on Saturday. § Lacrosse match vil;-ill be played at St. John‘s (R. C.) Pigâ€"Nic, between St. Helen‘s and Weston, Weston Council (ihos«n Friends will hold their Annual$ Pic nic to Centre Island Park, on Sz}iurday, July 23rd. Car leaves Weston mt 1 p.m. A good programme of gam}s will be arranged. Union servicesj,;:for the Methodist andâ€"Presbyterian bodies will be held in the Methodisn‘gphurch on Sunday next. Rey. B. R. Strangways will conduct the servig. For that tired feeling, loss of appe tite, use Dr. Fowler‘s Sarsaparilla and Burdock Compound. Inch, Weston The Board of Heajlth met on Tuesday evening in the Coq;ncil Chamber, and instructed the Sanitéry Inspector to have all closets and outHouses inspected arnd properly cleaned; also to notify owners of vacant property to ‘have the weeds cut down at once. £ Stand back and éive lots of room. to throw at old Aunt Sally‘s Pipe on Saturâ€" day on the Fair Grounds. Every. provincei;:l the Dominion has applied for space fer a provincial exhibit at this year‘s Canaaian National Exhibiâ€" tion and the result cannot fail to be the vreatest display of the national resources of Canada ever plaeed on exhibition. _ It6 will be a great chance for Canadians as well as visitors from other countries to see just what each?borner of the great Doâ€" minion depends op for future greatness. And the net reéul}:{‘ ‘cannot fail to be a pleasant surprise to Canadians as well as outsiders. 8 & PEARSON & MeEWEN‘S PROPERTIES FOR SALE. List your property with the. men that sells quick. fl'n:qggh their hands in sales"evgr $8,000 worth since the tst of June. _â€". A good brick houseâ€"6n King © will be sold at a }gx:ï¬:(;uable figure Have a va‘nable Earm of 100 acres within 2 I;L)}é‘b of Weston forsale which is offered a, a bargain price 6‘mgLuick $1,00 per Annum in advance. See our list of desirable reside ices and â€"building lots, we can show you wlifat you~wantâ€"ab the iight prices. Move quick for prices on_ Weston property is sure to advance. Every Province Will Exhibit at the C.~N. Ex This Year. PROVINCES ALL IN LINE WESTON, ONT hasâ€"passed® satisfactOry of _nroperty King Street Or as a PUBLIC HOLIDAY for the Vilâ€" lage of Weston. All parties con cerned will govern themselves accordâ€" ingly . The electric storm last night had th: effect of rootingg some of our resi dents out an hourkearlier than usua‘, the town bell held a matinee at 6 o‘clock th‘s morning. This is a preâ€" cedent which shou@ld be kept up. With a horse pmze list of $13,000, every prominent bréeder in Canada takâ€" ing an active interegt and the best horseâ€" men of Britain comifig across the ocean to do the judging, the horse show at the Canadian National Exhibition promises this year to eclipse agything in its history. No class of horses ha§ been neglected from the Pony to the Clydesdale, and as in adâ€" dition to the regulgr prizes there are specials in a large number of classes, the show is being looked"forward to by horseâ€" men generally. ‘Miss A. Gilliecss, M.A., appointed on the I::Iigh Sch Jack Johnson, yes. Now‘s your Municipality of Weston. Canadian National A Greater Hors DEATH OF A. i GRIFFITH. _ Mr. Abraham Joh% Grillith died this morning at his late re§idence Church St., at T o‘clock. Funelï¬;l will take place Monday July 25th, ag 2 p.m. to River side Cemetery. _ Mr.Q4 Griffith has lived many years in Weston%and has been held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. For almost seven weeks has been confined to his bed, with great patience he bore his long illness. From John A. Ramsden. Clerk of the County of York, askixgg for $853 Connty rate for 1910. & The Council met on the reeve R. J. Ball i1 councillors being prese PROCLAMATION The following cor:gmumcotions were read:â€" From John Ha.mshé-mw, ferce viewers award re Fisherâ€"Bull. ; From Ontario Mun§cipal Association , notifying Council that the annual meetâ€" ing would be held in @ugust or Septemâ€" ber and asking the coghxacil to ap: oint a representative. s : From 3. E: Denni§, secretary High Sshool Board asking fpr $2800, for schocl parposes for the year.§ From the QOntario Board of Railwaw commissioners enclosipg award made re Denison avenue crossing. On resolutfon the Glérk was instructed to notify all parties in |arrears for electric light to settle before the first of August,. or the account would Pe pleced in Court for collection. & A Byâ€"Law was then introduced by councillor Bull appointf;pg a Bread Inspecâ€" tor. which was put through its sevoral stages and passed: L The followirg accounts were then orderâ€" ed to be paid:â€" $ M. Harris, street watering..... . $18 10 Bâ€"Cairus, dogtags....;......... 045 J. McAllister, work on streets.... 15 45 Ed. Smith, tile pipe...f......... 27 75 Jas. Gardhou:e, fo. cing sls . 41998 Times and Guide, advt......... 4 2 00 Times and Guide ptg. Debentures. 40 00 P.. W. ENis & Co.,clock â€".... ... ~ 575 Rice Lowis & Sun, flags.......... 18 80 Bellâ€"Telepone Coâ€".,.. ®.... â€"... . A9 79 Can. Gen. Electric Co.,supplies. . 34 58 J. R. Dennis, Assessorme.......... 80 00 WESTON Juveniles 6 _0 21 9 Toronto Juveniles _ 4 _ 2 29 18 _ Elm Juveniles 2 4 â€"28 30 Central Y. M.C. A. U â€"6~ 15 36 Result of last games:â€" . Championship Match Weston Juvenilesâ€" _5 e Toronto Juvenilesâ€" 2 Won the Championship." On Friday evening last the Weston Juveniles won the Championship of the Western Section, injthe Juvenila "A" League, by defeating the Toronto Juvenâ€" iles on the Old Lac®psso grounds here. The game was rathergexciting in the first ‘quarter, when the ?oronto Juveniles scoured the first goal ofthe game, and conâ€" \tinued toâ€"make thinés look risky up to | halfâ€"time. _ But whe Ethe last half openâ€" \ed the Weston boyse pulled away from | their opponents and élaced a safe number \of goals between then and their adverâ€" |saries. Although thg teams were well l matched the Weston §’pys proved the betâ€" {ter, and won by a ssore of (5) goals to (2) T’Ele Capital Juvenilas of Toronto have won the Eastern Secti@n, and the Weston ‘team the Western. â€" Fherefore, there will |\have to be a match played between these [‘teams to decide the QAampionship u;the 1 League. & } The corstable was instructed to issue notices for the issue of dog tags. mMONDAY, AUGUST ist ‘Potal..;.â€".â€"=â€".".m:............§070â€" 30 The council adjourned at 10 20 p.m. wWESTON COUNCIL MEETING. / TEAMS I HEREBY PROCLAIM JUVENILE "A" SERIES. $13,000 FO LACROSSE NEWS. WEstERN SECTION. R, J. BULL, HORSES. M.A., ‘has been igh School staff, ixhibitioa Promises Show Than Has ever been beaten ance at the Picnic. Goals. Won Lost For Ags Tuesday evm%jng. the chair, all the Reeve 21 29 28 15 $48 10 3 15 15 45 27â€"75 219. 98 ; 2 00 40 00 5 75 13 80 19 79 34 58 80 00 9 18 30 36 WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co‘s ‘tarrr. Royal, Sovereign and North British and Mercantile. * Antiseptic Darber Shop Choice Beef Spring Lamb Choice Yeal D. ROWNTREE, Jr. Also Agent for reliaole Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Che best brands of Cigars, Tobacceos and Cigarettes,. Orders called for and delivered promptly Those Who Toil EKarnestly and With Success Coulter Avenue, are highâ€"grade, union made and the best that honest effort and the teclinical knowledge of how to build American Style Work Clothes CAN PRODUCE Geo. Sainsbury LEATHER LABEL OVERâ€"HAULS We, the agents for this vicinity, have just received a new lot and respectfully ask the worthy men who toil to let us prove to you that Leather Label Overhauls and Jackets are your kind, These are double stitched throughout, big and generous (it takes from 42 to 44 yards to make a dozen), have seven pockâ€" ets, imported buckles and buttons that won‘t come off, elastic detachable susâ€" penders, etc., etc. Carpenter and Contractor Soulter Avenue. â€"â€"WESTON TELEPHONE NO. 30 George M. Lyons 74 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve Over &7 NNN ON0 NONâ€"TARIFF, York, Merchants,JDominion and Traders. =â€"~AND â€"= PLUMBING, A Specialty E. J. MUSSON Will be satisfied only with the best over haul that can be manufactured All Instruments Sterilised THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER Estimates given on all kinds of work Vegetables of all kinds. 1836 THE BANK OF 1910 MAIN ST.., WESTON Tobaceo Pouches and Pipes Iennnnnmmmmmmnmimnnmmmene on o Ote e( _ balcsâ€" notles_handled. on most favorable terms. Checks on any Bank cashed. Money advanced to relizble men at reasonable rates. Money sent to any point by Money Order, Draft or Tele graph Transfer. EXCELSIOR LIFE Every Banking Accommodation FARLEY‘S WE ARE THE AGENTS WESTON PHONE Xo. 20. Capital and Reserve Over $7,000,000. BEEF PORK . 0. ARIAAITH, Jr. FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Pine Apple. Potatoes, Cabbage, Turnips, Celery, Carrots, Onions, Lettuce, Radishes, Rhubarb. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Furnaces £ Gasoline and Oil Stoves Scereen Deors and Windows Maxwell Lawn Mowers & Field and Lawn Fences Pedlar Steel Sningles Ready Roofing Portland Cement Paints, Oils and Varnishes. p®GOO00L0¢L0C00A00ALA0L¢0L06H) Phone 16 {Hadane futherfod; MeSR09¢¢9¢09¢¢0¢09¢¢P¢e¢0Fr FOR SALE Building Lots on Denison Avenue. Why g@ many use Inch‘s Bilver, s Gloss Horse Tonic for Horses, Sheep, Your eyes examined acourately. Csttle and Pigs is because it operates ®"* nothing on your eyes except on the Kidneys and Liver and Blood, CONTect lens Inch, Druggist and Inch, Weston. ‘fracting Optitiant PURE MAPLE SYRUP South Station Street, offered to Farmers, Cattleâ€" men, Miners and Lumberâ€" men. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. N. J. McEwen, Manager. (Mars. T. SmiTtHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St., WESTON TUESDAY‘S & FRIDAY‘S ORDERS_ DELIVERED. JAS. HUGILL, M. HARRIS, PHONE No. 9. TIPPETT S Look out for fall stock The best class of shoes sold. VEAL LAMB APPLY TO SHOE STORE Our repairs are the best Eacur® BLOCK WESTON. our PR. W. â€"_J . CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. 4 Officeâ€"Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a.m«; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Office Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 3, T to 8 Other hours by anpointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. j Officesâ€"36 Toronto St., Toronto, . Woodbridge, Wednesday. DR. J. A. MEL D R U M Physician, Surgeon etc, C N Office and Residenceâ€"Main St., Wes Telephone No. 15 G. HOWARD GRAY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, ete. _ 291 Main Street, wWESTON, Evenings and Saturday afternoons. Toronto Office 304 Lumsden Buiiding corner Adelaide and Yonge.â€" wW. P. Bull, K.C. T. H. Wilson, M.A. ~ BULL, HOLLISS & WILSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Suite 514, Temple Bldg., _ Toro G. w..CoOULTER, y. s! Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinar > College AUl diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Scientifically. Calls by mail or phone promplly attended. 5 3 WESTON, ONT. : Offices : Canada Formanent Bidg. 18 Totouto St Phone M. 2689, s J, EDGAR PARSONS, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, § Notary Public 7 Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. . Mrs. Marie S. McGill, Write for calendar Musical Directress Phone Jct. 79. West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and houses rent. ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notarles etc., 936 Keele St., (4th. door North of Dundas St.,! TORONTO. Private funds to loan om first class security. 3 Residence:â€"Pine St Crown Bank. Tel. SIOL NEPAIRING Try one of Coleman‘s $10 gol watches, Weston. i DR A. M. ROLL S «B., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. Lon] Physiclan and Surgeon wWOODBRIDGE, ONT in the Eagle Block _ + A fullline of Boots and Shoes always in stock. * Workmanship and matéqialâ€" guaranteed. 5_ % TORONTO JUNCTION CoOoLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION H. F.i SEEFTON, . Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Life Building, TORONTd, On GRaAY‘S CHAS. H. PORTEER Opposite Cruickshank‘s Wagon Works If vyvou want First Class Over D. Rowntree & Sons SPECILALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (London and Vienna) J . K. McE W EN, Phone College 45{2 D R. D A ME _â€"_T. HACKETT Dentist ine Dt. opp. Northerm â€" Tel. Woodbridge 30 c0o to 863 College Streot Toronto. wWESTON. ONT J. Fred Holli Toronto., TORCNTO. m d 36