Dinner Sets, great values at $6.25, sale i prige ... .....s. ~.......... . $4.758 Txtéï¬%ion Tables, worth $8.85, sale K pfice‘..... .....¢@....<~..~.. §$0.50 Sideboards, British Plate beveled edge, good value at $14.50, sale price ....... $10.75 These are the greatest value ever offered. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING : § The Furniture Man 1664 DUNDAS STREET â€" â€" WEsT TORONTO â€"â€" Phol W A G O NS â€" w2 Feccececcccsecceccc0ecc.c¢e ameacscseseseseseecec2.2cc0..ee}H & ht C 2 a AUGUST SALE OF FURNITURE HCL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 2. , â€" FGecscceeseecsceecee.c232c.cc0c000e messscssescecs2ccceec2.sss 0K VOL. XX F; sPEIGHT AND WILKINSON : N CBALL SQLICITED _â€" . â€"£IVERY INâ€"CONNEGTION MAIN ST. ® SCRANTON COAL / §.-â€"|â€" Humberside Waiting Room e WEST TORONTO BAYNES BUCCIES Eagle Block, J. CGRUICKSHANK & SONS ardeners, Buatchers, mt ut iC con paok w s o fmin Pont | PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS A DA MS* _â€". w AaGGoOoN s LAUGHLIN, .. GRAY .:. AND .. TUDHOPE Ice Cream Bricks, all Flavors T wenty Cents Each, will keep Hard tor Hours. Goal and Wood, Sand and Gravel, Cedar Posts. SsoODA FOUNT A/N LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES B U G G IE 8 Main St., W A G O NS , Milk Dealers, &c. REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRA VALUES IN BUCGGIES. ASPINWALL â€"POTATO MACHINERY D. .$ AÂ¥A N DE R S m B T. A. FARRMR, new every week, ten cents. The Standard Anthracite. H. COUSINS D. L. & W.COAL â€"CO.S‘S SsOLE DEALER IN LEMAIRE, FOR WESTON, ONT. wWESTON, ONT. e Cings & Giuins. Phone Junction 89 WESTON wWESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1?, 1910. \#eesededdedPeep¢¢¢r¢eTe o d € _ â€" A Canadian Peat sogiety was formed in Ottawa on July 2§th, for the purâ€" pose of exploiting pzat as a fuel 1nâ€" stead of having to depend on anthraâ€" cite and soft coal in ?x)ltario and Queâ€" bee. The government has acquired 300 acres of peat bogflgat Alfred baving an average depth of‘nine feet, where this season 2000 tong of peat fuel will be manufactured. part of which will be used in a peatâ€"gas producer in 1N CHCSi | _Under _ the heading ‘" Discordant ’voices in Western Canada" the Einanâ€" cial News of London,‘; England, says, r "The motherland shbuld take note of the cry for reciprocity with the Unitâ€" ed States which has been raised by Some of the western interests.. Espeâ€" cially significant was the memorial presented to Sir Wilfrid Laurier by a deputation of western farmers on July 21, in favor of what ébe memoriaiists likely termed free t,i;éde. It amount~ ed to a demand t(ï¬â€œgive our wheat a free market in %merica even if it involves the destruaction of Canada‘s infant industries& They grumble at their wheat, barfey and oats being blocked out of tgej United States by _prohibitive tariffs. Rightly or wrongâ€" ly the great Republic has built up tariff walls Whicf;f have hardly any counterpart in any other part of the world._ The Canadian tariff is light, compared with the American. It is !only sufficient to.conserve the capital which has been vésunk in providing Eastern Canada with industries that find a living for pundreds and thouâ€" sands of people.$ American capital ‘has been active fn the organization of Canadian indlgstries and to that extent the Canadi;.f}m tariff has been a blessing to the couâ€:ntry. Does it ever strike the westerh farmer that he could not even exist without the great railways which have placed his farm in direct touch with the thriving marâ€" kets of the east, and of the bread eat ing millions of the United Kingdom .. A system which iï¬itlxred Ontario and Quebec in favor of Manitoba and Sasâ€" katchewan would bekabout as sensible as one wiiich proposéd to benefit the liver at the expense i?the heart.‘" g:‘ PINK PILLS, 3 for $1.00. (® HMENCH‘S BABY FOOD, 3 for $1 $:- THOMAS ELECTRIC OIL, reg. #fesescseeceec20e020e000e u03 ¢ WE TEST YOUR EYES FREE OF CHARGE 29 SUNDAY HOURS. from 4 to 5 p.m. and 8 to 9 p.m. F4 TELEPHONE NO. 53, AASCALLAALARADLAALARADAAL L #esese08e2e200e20e2000 0CE 4 CARTER‘S LIVER PILLS, reg. 25 cents for 15 cents.â€" MECCA SALVE, reg. 25 cts. for 15 cents. FRUITATIVES, regular 50 cents for 39 cts.; 25 cts. for 19 cts. ZAM BUCK, reguluar 50 cents for 40 cents. COLGATE TALCUM POWDER, regular 25 cents for 20 cents. LYMANS TALCUM, Crushed When you suffer from weak eyes, sickly headaches, Dizziness or achâ€" ing eyes, consult our Honor Gradâ€" uate Optician, 8 years experience has led him to guarantee his work or money refunded. ALLENBURY‘S FOODS, regular W. J. INCH DRUGGIST AND QOPTICIAN WE REPAIR WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELLRY. NOTES and commEnts $ Glasses Exchanged from 15¢c. up 25 cents for 15 cents. Rose and Violet, reg. 25 for 17 $1.00 for 85 cents ; 50 cents for 40 cts.; 75 cts. for 50 cts, CUT RATE DRUG STORE * Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum," B3:3:3cccEcE 4) Negotiations are under‘ way that will give patrons of the Caoffdian National Exhibition an opportunify of seeing the newest airship and the nfbst daring geroâ€" nauts go through their gbirdlike perfor_ mance. _ All that is needed is calm weathâ€" er. For an airship balk§ at a breeze and the boldest aeronauts quall before a baulkâ€" ing airship. Ottawa. ‘Che total cost of peat fuel loaded on cars is $1265 per ton, and the average price at which it can be sold (dependent on the distance of haulage) is $3.00 per.ton. _ The 37,000 square miles of peat ,bog already disâ€" covered form but asmall fraction of this valuable fuel asfet in existence in Canada. The commercial value of this industry is velly great and Dr. Eugene Haanel whoshas charge of the work at Alfred is to‘be congratulated on the results already secured .. The secretary of the society is Mr. A. J. Forward, Ottawa, Ontario. Seems to be impossib)ig to stop those Canadlian _ Exhibition i people. The Guards. band were forf&idden to leave England. The Grenadier Guards band is coming to the Caradian National. The Royal Canadian : Dragoons were ordered to give no more énusical rides and yet they will give theié musical ride at the Canadian Na.tiona.l?_ CAN‘T STOP THEM Seems to be impossib)if to stop Canadlarn _ Exhibition § people. Guards. band were forf&idden to Encland. The Grenadier Guards _ Another village, Cochrane, at the terminus of the T. and N. 0; railway has been partially wiged out by fire, nineteen business plgces being deâ€" stroyed. _ Weston, soffar, has been lucky, but it is not a iflark of wisdom to depend on luck. $Ve again emâ€" phasize the necessity fiir the organizâ€" ation of a fire brigad® and the pur: chase of fire fighting arfparatus, a hose reel and hose, so thatfthere may be some protection at hnd when the water is turned in® the. mains. Don‘t wait until the &eed is stolen before locking the stabé. During the fiscal year of 1910, Canâ€" ada bought from the United States goods amounting in value to the enorâ€" mous.sum of $216,000,000, being an increase over the fiscal year 1909 of $52,500,000. _ The ï¬Ã©ures showing the amount realized ;from our goods purchased by the Uflited States are not at hand. but argé probably over $175,000,000. _ If a re%procal arrangeâ€" ment for a reductionsof duties can be arranged between Eanada and the United States, it staidds to reason that it must be advantagBous to the people f both countries, d both governâ€" ments should have the moral suppert of the people in trying to bring this about. A trade question has no poli tical significance angi can be settled without impairing our loyalty to Briâ€" tain in the slighte:t degree. Many people are notmware of the modern economic useg of sawdust. ' Used as an absorbent fgr nitroâ€"glycerâ€" ine it produces dynamite. Used with clay and burned it pFoduces a terra‘ cotta brick, light and Full of cavities, ] ‘ ut a nonâ€"conductor,fmaking an ex-i cellent fireproof mate®ial for partition | walls. Treating saidust with fused | caustic alkali prodiges oxalic acid. | Treating it with sflphuric acid and! fermertino the sugar so tormed proâ€" f duces aicohol. _ Mixed with a suitable | binder and compregsed, it will make | mouldings and infitation carvings. Mixed with Portlgud cement it pr0-1 daces a fooring material Finaly it | may be used as racking in walls to! make them sound proof and cold proof, | besides its use fEr packing fragile| articles and dangerous. explosives. Heretofore sawdu%t has been burned* up as ussless. t ) A visitor addressing a Sunday school chose as his thene the familiar story of how the children mocked and taunted the propliet Elijah on his journey to Bethel an®G how they were punished when two bgars came out of the wood and ate f@rty and two of them. _ ‘*and now, ch@ldren," said he ‘""what does this story Bhow?" ~‘Please sitr," said a little girl in the front row ‘"it shows bhow many children two bears can hold." * j AIRSHIPS AT THE o s e s 0 s e 6/ % # ople are notaw conomic useg of _absorbent fgr ni uces dynamile. burned it pFodu , light and full c â€"conductor, fmak: proof mateBial fo reating saudust t w ok 4 d d & s e r ‘addressing _ e as his theme th ow the cBildre d the propliet El Bethel ang how vhen two bgars c and ate f@rty a nd now, ch@ldrer s this story &how: little girl in the how many chi AIR l No farmer can make z;he broad stateâ€" ment that one crop pays better than anâ€" other. ‘Theamount of the return depends largely. upon the charactor of the land on which the crop is grown. _ One kind of \ land brings the greatest reburn from a ') certain crop; another pniece of land of diffâ€" erent quality would perhaps yield a very ! small return if sowed to the same crop. | Finding out the particular class of crops I the land is bost suited to growing is thereâ€" |fore a very important matter for the ! wide awake {armer. s And this has been accpmplished mainly by selecting the crop bast adapted to the soil, The work that the commission of Conservation has under@ken, of classifyâ€" ing lands according to the character of the soil to determine Whatg crops can most profitably he grown, is therefore a task of no small importance. _I# the Commission points out the crops that pay the best on different soil, both th% farmer and the Nation will be the riche® for‘it. FARM LABORERS@EXCURSIONS THE CROP THAT PAYS Western call for Men ARFE YOU sSUBJECTATO £OLDS? ; Then don‘t load yg.ï¬fr sg;é’r;lach with cough syrups. Send}"ealigg’ medications through the nostrils;‘&se%,d"ft into the passâ€" agoes that are «ubjoof tqgs€olds and Catarrh. Easy to do this wifh* atarrhozone, which cures a cold in t&B minutes. Even to the lungs goes the healing vapor of Catarrhâ€" ozoneâ€"all through the brouchial tubss, nostrils and air passagesâ€"overy where a trace of disease remains willâ€"Catarrhozone follow. You‘ll fat have colds;â€"mor will you suffer from sniffles, bronchitis or throat trouble if Catarrhozone is used. Get it toâ€"day. 25cts, and $100 at all dealers. WALTER LONGSTAFF, Weston DOWER for the FARM INSURANCE J. T. LOGCKE & Co. $8500 8% acres with solid brick house, lovely grounds. $1700 New Frame, seven rooms, furnace, sink, etc. BUILDING SITES $4 per foot. SS ~~INYVESTâ€"NOW. Goulding & Hamilton 57 Victoria St. TORONTO LOANS REAL ESTATE WESTON BARGAINS 291 Main St, Weston, J. A. WISMER, Manager. or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto, Fire, Life, Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass Insuranceâ€"effected in all Companioes. e Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. TErEpHONE, MaAN 1967 ESTABLISHED 1862 [anous â€" Canadian Rirmofor NO. 40 .