Times & Guide (1909), 16 Sep 1910, p. 8

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_ INDUCEMENT e 5 oh. oc C oys ) Sears PS cun sroRe OPEN £VENIN@S To get 3000 new customers in Weston and adjacent villages, I am offering the following inducements: Payments of $14, 2 or 3 per week. No. 8 Dundas St., Nest ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY Millers and Dealers in Grain _ and Feeds of all Kinds We Sell the Best and Purest Drugs AT THE LOWEST PRICES With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES _ and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison C. & W. Wadsworth “regular $12.50 for $8.50. = = â€" 448 Ladies‘ Cloth Suits, regular $25, for $20 ; _ regular $20 for $16.50; regular $16.50 for s seso . . . . . . . â€" »%& 150 only Ladies Wash Suit or Dress, $8.50 _ to $12.50, for $5.95. s $ y & o \\\“7 5 Silk Dresses and Coats only, regular $20 %\\\\\{l to $35, for $15.00. = â€" â€" â€" CENUINE The Kind Â¥ou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of & axd has been made under his perâ€" MM sonal supervision since its infancy. » +/ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imigtafig;ons and «*Justâ€"asâ€"good" are but Experiments that triéfleizwith and endanger the health of Infants and Childreaâ€"Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Havye Always Bought Manufacturers of "Three Lion Brand" Graham and Wholeâ€"wheat Flours. HOWELL & CO., Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pareâ€" goric, Drops and Soot%ing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiurgi, Morohine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is iis guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishneg;l It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetfij,ag Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Eijing healthy and natural sleep. The Children‘s Panacéaâ€"The Mother‘s Friend. _ _ 3,000 Men‘s Suits, regular $25, for $20; regâ€" ~ular $20, for $16.50; regular $16.50 for 12.50; 22 Dozen 400 Boys‘ Suits, special $3.50 to $7.50. What is CASTORIA WEST ON MILLS . MORRISO N In Use For QOver 30 Years. "*~D R U G G I1S T S , THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YoRK CiTY. Lawn Waists, regular $1.25 for T5c. (ESTABLISHED 1828. 318 QUEEN WEST T ORIA WEST TORONTO ALWAYS Telephone No. 1 mistake it lessens his comfidence im himselftâ€"and others. Bolbon ... o. .o o. rame naloms < Ob orâ€" t Brampton ... :._.:.... Sept. 20â€" 21 Krin. ..l=m..z..0...c.. . Det 187 14 Georgetown.\...............Oct. 4â€"5. Markham. . .s..zacczsnls . Octs bribe 7. Milton =.. . . _ oi ns ibept 27e o8 Newmarket........ ... Bept. 20, 21792, Oakville....2.7%..c......mepba=20~ 30 Orangeville.......... ... .Sopt. 15â€" 17 Scarboro, Half Way House....Sept. 28. Schomberg. .. ...... .. .. .â€".Oct. 13â€"14, Simede.:......r.....0.«Oct. 18, 19, 20, Weston....... .. .. Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Woodbridga.......... ... ... Oct. 18, TD by employer under%statute for (1) loss of life by accident, a.g:d (2) for injury by accident, which is required in some proâ€" vinces of the Dumihion. 3. Compensaâ€" tion by insurance for (1) loss of life and (2) for sickness or injury . 1. The voluntary allowaunce which may be made to emplqu%p by employer for lost time through sicknéss or accident during the year. 2. Comfiaensation in the year Allowancee or c?mpensauion made to employees is record@d under three heads: Disability and 'f)ompensa.bion relate to accident or sickmess, and under these heads records wili}; be entered of the naâ€" ture of loss or injury caused by accident in the year, cause of the accident, weeks of disability due to sickness or accident, and loss of salary oé other earrings caused by sickness or accident. Baptist Church. Public Worship_ at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sundayâ€"School, 3 o‘clock p.m. J. â€"L. Sloat,â€" Pastor: will be entered ?howing the month of death in the congus year, the disease or cause of death as ?esoribed by the Bertilâ€" lon nomenclaturefi the place of death if it occured away from home, and the name and address of thti at‘ending physician. St. John‘s (Anglican) Chureh. 11 a.m. Mattins and Sermon. 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 a.m. On Sunday next, services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday Bchool at 3 p.m. Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., Methodist Church. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. Every time a man makes a serious Methodist Church, Mount Dennis. Public service at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and . Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.nr. The name and gex of each person, and whether singie mjarried, widowed, divor ced or legally separated togother with the month of birb\i the year of birth, the agoe at last birthéav and the country or place of birth are ?‘pquired under personal description. His\or her racial or tribal origin, religion énd profession, cccupaâ€" tion or trade, wili also be recorded under the general heading of.personal descripâ€" tion, whether thg" reference is to persons who have died wl'_.é!:hin the year or to perâ€" sons who have bgen disabled within the year by accident pr sickness, and to perâ€" sons wh.. have sus;ta.ined loss of time and earnings and to agllowance or compensaâ€" tion for loss of life or time. On Sunday next Mass will be cele | brhted at 10 a.m. Priest in charge| Rev. Father Player, C.8.B. { The date of the gext consus for Mortalâ€" ity, Disability augd Compensation is 1st June of next year; which is the same as the date for population. It is a record for one year, and§ gives the information concerning all persons to whom the scheâ€" dule relates for t qe year counting to the hour of midnig%t%f 31st May 1911. St. Philip‘s. Divine service next Sunday at 11 o‘clock a.m. Personal descpint;ion of every person who has died in the year, or suffered disâ€" ability by accidfit or sickness and has received compensation therefor is req uired in the schedule ard for more compléte identification refiarence is made to his family or househald in tl e firs. achedule. Under the hea.ding of Mortality records CENSUS OF MORTALITY DISABILITY AND COMPENSATION. St John‘s (Catholic) Church. LIST OF FALL FAIRS Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector. J. Hughesâ€"Jones, M.A., Rector CHURCH SERVICES. Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. B. MacGillivray, Pastor. in this vicinity es Oct 37 4. ... .. Sept. 20 â€"21 ‘.+.. . Oct. 197 14 Faers.â€".Oct=_ 4 5; viz. Oct 5; 6y 7. inca.cSept:2ze?s . Sept. 20, 21/ 22, ie bepta20=30 se â€"Bept. 15â€" 17 Pastor. Bank clearings for August, too, were large and show a big lead over last year. August of this year showed bank clear. ings amounting to over $72,500,000, as againstâ€"in round numbersâ€"$46,000,000 last Aucust. .In the face of guch figures as these, no fear need be feltg that the West is anyâ€" thing but prosperous. I As the reports. of harvesting continue to come in, the crop of 1910 looks better iand better. _ Pessimists who letâ€" loose | their wails early and often forgot to take ‘into accountâ€"the "fact that the West is \ much larger than it used to be, and that fl.osses in one part may be more than offâ€" set by gains elsewhere. This is what has ‘happened this year when the ilrought that ‘pinched some parts cl>f the southern counâ€" ‘bry of the West, failed to reach other parts of the South f})r any of the great "North country thatfgets bigger and broadâ€" er with each succe?ding year. The crop in this north coun?fry is heavy this year and its abundance has awelled the crop tL-eturus to good prqiporbions, | No Exo;ius At All. | Commenting ufion the reports of a ‘great exodus of Qnited States farmers |from Canada, Charles F. Roland, secreâ€" tary of the Winnipeg Developmsnt and iIndustrial Bureau, says: 5 Winnipeg. . . Minneapolis Buffalo ... .. Daoluth, ... Kansas City Montreal . . . Chicago.~. ... New York,.. St. Louis... Philadelphia Omaha.. .. . Milwaukee . . Baltimore .. Cleveland .. 4 Bushels. Winnipeg. .........3v.....â€"89,200,330 Minnespolis.....:; 8. .. .. .. aSI 111. 410 Buffalo...;.;.... .: £~.;%....061,084, 797. Daoluth: â€".......=.. i :>â€"....506,084,971 RansasCity...._ .â€" # ... .. 85,354,000 Montreal!...... ..8 ;....~. 30,081,779 Chieago.:....... 8â€"..;,~ ; ..26,985,112 New York.....;.: s<..=....â€"28,0504,300 St. Bouis1.... .. . +21,4952.317 Philadelphia...... & .. . . 10,331,854 Omaha .a...... A&..2.0 0s 9,979,200 Milwaukee...~... # ... 8,871,026 Ealtimoreâ€" .. ... % o. .~ ps2f 809 Cleveland.. ; ... i cocâ€"... 4874,871 Besides its precedence in handling wheat, outside of Chicago, which is by a long lead the greatest oat receiving marâ€" ket in America, Winnipeg leads the list of American markets, Winnipeg‘s actual oat receipts during the year past totalled 30,838,900 bushels, Jfollo wed by New York 23,717,562 bushels, $t. Louis 18,582,670 bushels, Minneapolis 14,059,230 bushels, Omaha 18,324,800 bushels, Kansas City 6,349,500 bushels, Duluth 5,117,437 bushâ€" The figures â€"for Winnipeg are taken from the Dominion Government Grain Inspectors‘ records "iafiled daily with the Winnipeg Board of Trade under Dominâ€" ion law, and are an, exhibit of Western Canadian wheat act?pal]y received in the railroad yards in \Z;Vinnipeg, and these statistics do not include grain shipped from Southerr Manitoba direct to Duluth, via the Great Norfi{hern Railway Comâ€" pany‘s lines, nor do they include local deâ€" liveries, nor grain in;fi:pected at Calgary, a percentage of which does actually pass through the Winnipeg yards. The Figures Quoted. These figures show Winnipeg to be at the top of the list for wheat shipments among the following named cities:â€" WINNIPEG. Man., Sept. 5, 1910.â€" Charles N. Bell, seEretary of the Winniâ€" peg Board of Tradf says that this city is the largest wheat n};rket in north Ameriâ€" ca, and he shows th%;,t this is so by quotâ€" ing figures to provo the statement. els. Our Winnipeg Letter. Crop Returns Good a zcce n.n s Subscribe Now for the â€"=â€"â€"=>>=>â€"=â€"> T he Furniture Man 1654 DUNDAS STREET â€"â€" WEsST TORONTO â€"_ Pho REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING SANDE RS _ 1476â€"1478 Dundas S$t., WEST TORONTO impureblood, biliousness, headache &1 + D e e ooo e e eramn oo e in hn rvnaararant Without daily action of the bowels poisonous products must be â€"‘TIMES AND GUIDE CECECEOECEHOECECECECEOECECECEOROACACHOAcmonc omeeorcemneeereeneencommcrheochcehch en What is a "tonic‘? _A medicine that increases the strength or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsap%illa,entirely free from alcohol. Ask your own doctorâ€"allâ€"about it. Never take a medicine doctors cannot endorse. J CE Aver Co. Logel. Mag: Not a Drop of Alcohol His Prices are as Low as the Lowest High Class and Artistic Monumental Work. Don‘t Forget the Place Has a large stock of IRON BED SPRINGS and MATTRESSES. Just the kind you need for Exhibition visitors. +s *s 3+ #» $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE 46 Dendas St. WEST TORONTO. SHEPPAR D WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty ‘ All work promptly ‘repaired and guaranteed.. Charges moderate Sheppard, D. $ A N DE R S M. G. WARDELL, Jeweller andâ€" Optician. Marriage Licenses issued. s THE WATCHMAKER isonous products must be absorbed. Then you have Ask your doctor about Ayer‘s Pills for constipation. The . .. Watchmaker, Phone Junction 89

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